Baldur's Gate 3 Mod BANNED For Erasing Identity Politics + Feminists Demand Ugly Woke Gaming Future

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what's up everyone and happy New Year today I want to speak on some stories I haven't gotten around to yet that I thought were very interesting from balers Gate 3 as well as a conversation Brewing surrounding PlayStation exclusive Stellar blade and the nonsense spewing from that as well as The Last of Us Part Two proving that pandering doesn't equal success but first I just want to take a moment in this video to say that sadly one of the creators of Warhammer has passed away his name is Brian anel and he was instrumental to the worldwide phenomenon of miniature figurines and the Warhammer brand so I just wanted to say thank you to Brian Edsel and I wanted to take this moment to remember him cuz his work will never be forgotten he's a legend and let's celebrate him okay now let's get on with the video there was this one story from earlier in December that I never got around to covering but I've had it in my browser for weeks now it's from the and it's titled balers gate 3od banned for making Dame alen straight this story flew under quite a few Radars as I haven't seen it being covered that much so there's a website called Nexus mods which I've covered in the past and they obviously host a myriad of different mods for games of course since balers Gate 3 is insanely popular they have literal thousands of mods available to use for that game one of these turns the character Dame aen into a man and that did not go over well at Nexus mods Nexus mods did end up responding to and removing this mod from their by saying we are for inclusivity we are for diversity if we think someone is uploading a mod on our sites with the intent to deliberately be against inclusivity Andor diversity then we will take action against it I should also state that the person who made this mod to term Dame aen into sir aen has also made mods to turn will into a white character as well and that mod has been removed too and while I don't agree with the will being turned white thing we have to also remember that mods are just that they're mods they don't change your game as long as you don't install them after all other games include mods that do stupid stuff like adding Godzilla into Grand Theft Auto and I'm sure someone out there will be offended saying it's cultural appropriation to have Godzilla in GTA the point is that mods are designed to create specific experiences for any players that want to have it that way and removing this mod for Dame aen to be a man is extra goofy since you only need to go on Nexus mods right now and you can find stuff still available for example like turning Gail into a woman which transforms Gail physically into a different character model and everything else included you could say turning Gail into a woman is just as problematic as Dame aen being turned straight but it's interesting how these two mods are treated completely different there's also another mod where will is now Willa a female version whose character model is also completely redesigned to be feminine and of course this mod is also still up on Nexus what's interesting to me anyway is that the Dame alen mod doesn't even change her face or clothes or model it just simply makes her a man and seeing as how she's a side character who you don't even need to help if you don't want to the inclusion of a mod like this shouldn't be that big of a deal in my opinion aen should have been a recruitable party member I mean she's unique looking and would have at least have been far more interesting to recruit instead of say hson or Minsk but that's my opinion but I do find it interesting how Nexus mods has a very clear bias when it comes to what can exist on their website turning alen straight of course erases her connection to the LGBT crowd and Nexus is very obviously Pro that kind of stuff and yet in the same vein you could turn Gail or will into women with new models and everything and that's totally fine how is turning a character straight more problematic than completely erasing and changing the entire identity down to their DNA and Bone St structure it's a very bizarre case of rules for thee but not for me is what this is because I can go on Nexus right now and find mods like these ones where for example in Skyrim I can download a mod that makes all the children within the game able to die by my own actions and this same mod is repeated in other games like Fallout 4 which even uses explicit photos of showing the modder gunning down rooms full of young children to show how it works so I guess ending children via massacres or forcibly changing the genders of characters in balers Gate 3 is totally fine but turning Dame aen into a man or being straight is problematic funny how that works when if you use that logic against itself the forcible change of turning Gale or will into women is quite literally the same thing as turning aen into a man there's really no argument to be had here it's the same thing you're taking a character that is canonically one thing a man in Gail's case and turning him into a woman so it's very bizarre that the alen mod is banned yet it's totally fine to completely change the gender model and Voice via AI for other characters is it simply because Gail or will aren't explicitly LGBT but then again you can pretty much romance anybody in bg3 regardless of what gender you are anyway so this entire situation is just confusing and shows the bias of Nexus mods and again the fact they're willing to host mods on their site for years where you can violently end children and I don't see any articles about this or anyone outraged seems like nobody cares that you can essentially Massacre small innocent children but if you turn a LGBT character into a heterosexual one and suddenly it's a hate crime it's very weird and very telling I'm not exactly defending this modder per se that turned aen into a man either like I said I don't agree with their mod to turn will white but if we're going to apply this censorship label on mods can we at least agree that it needs to be applied equally across the board regardless of gender identity or politics otherwise it just comes across like there's a protected group amidst the populace and it's very weird and eyebrow raising to say the least I understand that bg3 is a huge game I beat myself a few months back and there's still plenty of people playing it I mean Forbes had an article that released the day that I'm making this video asking the question of how can so many people still be playing pg3 months later and as of the making of this video B G3 has around 220,000 concurrent players right now on Steam which is very impressive since it came out in August 2023 in my opinion when it comes to popularity in terms of single player games anyway I think it's safe to say that bg3 has become the next Skyrim in terms of player counts and retainability and it's a sort of game that is very evidently giving players what they want which is a rich world full of possibilities and like I've said before many westernized games these days anyway almost go out of their way to remove things that players want one of those things being attractive female characters you don't have to even be too active in gaming to take one look at a lot of Western games and go what the hell happened to the female character models I've covered extensively in the past how female characters have been getting deliberately made more ugly on purpose by Western game devs take this article from October 2023 which attempts to say that gaming is too male dominated and that it needs to be reformed in order to make way for more women in the industry as well as deliberately making content that adverts the male Gaze on purpose funny how these articles are always made when women are the minority in a certain profession or business yet you never see these people making these same articles about how we need more men in female dominated spaces it's only ever a problem when women aren't in power not enough male nurse scissor men working in the beauty industry total silence not enough women in video games games well now we have a problem fellas One character that has become the center of this male gauge discussion is the main character of the upcoming PlayStation exclusive Stellar blade you play as Eve a badass sexy woman who must reclaim the Earth for Humanity and it's also a problem cuz Eve is way too sexy apparently there was this one clip from Twitter account learning the law where a journalist from Euro gamer complains about Stellar blades character design let's take a quick look at that do you think the character model was actually like very distracting in not a good way because like with the camera angles chosen it just felt like this game seems like a game that came out in like O2 in terms of its you know like character design it's like a bit old and and not flattering I don't think for a modern audience in comparison something like for spoken the entire clip makes my eyes roll especially saying that Stellar blades Eve is 2002 like which insinuates that games back then were very sexual and PR male gays and that was somehow a problem but like I've explained many times whether these industry weirdos want to admit it or not the truth is that the gaming audience is very evidently male dominated the same way the makeup industry is primarily supported by women these aren't things to debunk or get mad about they're simply the truth it makes sense too women love makeup and buy that product at a far greater rate than men do and the same can be said for video games but unlike makeup video games are being deliberately made these days on the Western frontier anyway to not appeal to male audiences it's the Disney Marvel Paradox all over again you're taking a male dominated brand and then forcing it to become female and you're bleeding money because of it and by the way using for spoken in any form as some sort of gotcha is just moronic as hell that game not only did portly critically it sold horribly too it ended up being such a misfire it closed down its studio and if anything the main character of for spoken alienated the audience with her marveles humor so when someone uses for spoken as a positive example for anything other than what not to do when it comes to gaming just know these people are culturally completely out of touch to say the least for spoken was bad dude and its existence proves chasing the modern audience never ends well it doesn't help when people like that Euro gamer journalist says games like Stellar blade are not made for the modern audience these are just the words of someone who is very much engrossed in the woke nonsensical hive mind that is gaming journalism today like I've said before the modern audience doesn't exist there isn't this coveted group of millions of customers all clamoring for woke content that removes and censors anything deemed problematic there is simply just the audience the same people that have existed for years now and no matter how much these people try to say otherwise that won't change unless they somehow open a portal through dimensions and find a woke infested alternate Earth they just got to deal with what they got and the truth is that pandering to the modern audience has never worked anyway Saints row destroyed its studio and that game sales were so bad the epic game store ended up just giving that dog game away for free and removing the male gays or in other games like The Last of Us for example they quite literally just removed any playable men from it entirely like in part two and guess what it turns out the Last of Us Part Two Sold around 44% less than the original game and when you compare the hard of sale numbers apparently Part Two Sold around 10 million copies in total which is impressive sure but when you compare it to the original that game sold around 26 million copies and to add to that fire the remastered version of the original game sold 18 million units so it's not a good look when a re-released version of the original game has almost doubled the sales of your latest entry the answer here is simply that The Last of Us Part One is more popular and beloved it because it isn't infested with the agenda we see so often today it also Stars a strong competent male lead in Joel and the sequel is everything wrong with the way the industry is going currently it stars nothing but women the male gaze is nowhere to be found and it even goes as far as to kill off Joel who many players understandably loved and wanted to see more of but instead the sequel removed him in order to make way for girl Joel and the way part two feels and plays out is nowhere near as compelling is part one in my eyes anyway and the sales reflect that because naughty dog took a risk and they decided to chase the modern audience and again 10 million copies is still great but it's still almost less than half of what the original sold and that is not good no matter how you put it and it's extra bad considering that part two released when everyone was inside due to the pandemic so you had an entire audience bored and locked in their houses and part two should have exploded in sales but it didn't the simple reason is because they surgically removed any trace of masculinity from the game pretty much and the series has suffered from the death of Joel ever since so much so that I think killing off Joel was honestly one of the worst mistakes I think I've ever seen in a franchise when it comes to stories in years Joel should have died maybe in the third game giving way for Ellie to carry the torch but doing it in the way that they did it just ruined any momentum and I genuinely believe that when the HBO show kills off Joel you'll definitely see many casual viewers also abandoning the show too the problem here stems into all facets from part two to Stellar blade and even stuff like balers Gate 3 yes bg3 is very Pro LGBT however unlike The Last of Us it doesn't avert the male gaze look at shadowart or lazel they are strong female characters that are competent and multi-dimensional valaran isn't ran by idiots so they ensured that these characters looked beautiful and they showed some skin too bg3 is an anomaly however as it managed to appease the woke crowd while also incentivizing people tired of those sorts of things too and the reason why is that it comes down to the most important thing in game design which is player choice you only see as much pandering in bg3 as you allow it to show you don't need to be beaten over the head with woke nonsense if you don't want to you can avoid certain quests or characters or romance Shadow hard or lasel for example incompletely doable and hetero relationships it's a big reason why the game is so popular and it's winning all the awards now I doubt Stellar blade will have any level of choice when compared to bg3 but thankfully at least the main character is attractive and it turns out she's based on a real woman too thanks to this Twitter account who posted a video of how the developers digitally scanned in a Korean model's face and body into the game for Eve's game model the model in question's name is shin Jun and as you can see from how she looks in the character model in the game it's proof that when a western Dev Studio tells you that they don't deliberately ruin and uglify their characters I just want you to know that they are lying to you just use all faithful example of Mary Jane and Spider-Man 2 who looks nothing like the model she's based on yet weirdly enough when it comes to asian-made Media this uglification doesn't exist they just scan their attractive models into their games and it's a one-o-one transition then you have Western games like Apex Legends which got a Final Fantasy 7 collaboration and they managed to turn attractive Japanese designs into horrific somehow if this one picture alone doesn't prove that these Western devs are ruining their characters appearances on purpose I don't know what will cuz what the fresh hell is that dude come on already and then one Twitter user sent me this image of darkstalkers and it just perfectly encapsulates what I've been saying here's Morgan in Japanese and here she is in the West come on dude like come on but I think ultimately what I think will become the new meta hopefully anyway is games allowing more player choice and I think it's very evident that the industry is taking notice that the games that win big are the ones that don't force players into a box Elden ring won in 2022 pretty much everywhere cuz it didn't hold your hand and wasn't talking down to you 24/7 and balers Gate 3 sweeped in 2023 because it actually felt worth your money it didn't have ugly women infesting it and it gave players the choice to do things how they want that's two years in a row where games that rejected a lot of what this industry does have one big and the games that do Pander like crazy like Allan Wake 2 or The Last of Us Part Two clearly aren't selling like they could be cuz they're too obsessed with the message Stellar blade will likely be a hit with PlayStation players and I absolutely guarantee 100% that when that game has reviews coming out for it you you will definitely have almost every reviewer complaining about how Eve is Pro male Gaye watch I guarant te it when that game comes out and those reviews happen Circle back to this video then I'm telling you that those journals will be holding their bellies crying that Eve isn't a frumpy they them Goblin monster and actually looks like her model and in terms of balers gate 3's enduring popularity and the obvious bias of Nexus mods I'll keep my ear to that space as well cuz there's a very evident bias across the industry right now you're either with the echo chamber or you're cast it out into the cold for disagreeing with them and I don't know about you but I'd rather let them all burn and stay toasty than lay in bed for even a second with these weirdos but as always thank you for watching like comment and subscribe if you enjoyed the video thanks to my patrons for their undying support and have a wonderful day happy New Year keep your mind clear question the status quo and take care of yourselves I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 270,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, Star Wars, culture war, marvel, Japan, endymiontv, woke tiktok, woke hollywood, disparu, open bar, South Park, woke bad, disney woke, dr who, bob Iger, exposed, gta6 woke, wolverine, xmen mcu, insomniac, avengers, zack snyder, Warhammer 40k, Henry Cavill, Henry Cavill Warhammer, Baldur's gate 3, arcane, worst 2023, why woke characters, Spiderman 2 woke, baldurs gate 3 woke, stellar blade, the last of us
Id: 8fm_ZHFWasI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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