Baldur's Gate 3 - This Empire Literally Changed the World.. (The Netherese)

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ah yes karsus was perhaps the most powerful wizard who ever lived the child who would become a God the elves called him and he tried with a spell of his own devising endeavored to usurp in one Fell Swoop the power of the goddess of magic imagine what it must have felt like to be a God to know yourself to be untouchable to be mistaken the ancient empire of netheral is one of the most important history topics in all the Forgotten Realms lore in fact that quote from the beginning is actually from Gale in Baldur's Gate 3 talking about one of the most powerful netheries wizards of all time and since I just mentioned Gail Gail's origin description reads as another East destruction orb beats in his chest counting down to an explosion that can level a city now there's also several other ties that the nether East Empire and nethery's Magic have to Baldur's Gate 3 but for spoiler Reasons I'm just gonna leave it at that big thank you to all channel members and patrons who make this series a possibility I really do appreciate you guys without further Ado let's dive deep into an ancient magical Empire that shaped the world of toril long long ago many thousands of years before the events in Baldur's Gate 3. a group of humans made their home in the Lush lands of the region of netheral on faerun the region of netheral no longer exists in modern-day Forgotten Realms but its location was within what is now the anorak desert which is northeast of where the city of Baldur's Gate is located these humans which I'll now refer to as the netherrees proved to be prosperous and as their Nation rapidly grew it drew the attention of the nearby irlani elves from the high Forest to the west of their region the elves opened up diplomatic ties with the netheries they formed an alliance and actually many of the netherrees began doing work for the elves the elves were just much more advanced and working for them provided opportunity for these netheries humans the irlani elves were highly skilled in the Arts of magic and they began slowly teaching the netheries about spell casting which in turn made the work that the netherists were doing much more efficient and of a much higher magnitude over time the netherrees became fixated on learning Arcane spells and cantrips and eventually they got to the point of where they felt like they didn't need to work for the elves anymore with their new found magical prowess they could do everything on their own within netheral every citizen even commoners such as Maids were taught the basics of spell casting after around 300 years of studying with the elves the nether East would end up finding the golden skins of the world serpent which are now called the nether Scrolls in the ruins of an old Sun elf Kingdom called Ari vandar another Scrolls contain the fundamentals to magical Theory and this newfound knowledge gave the netheris a huge leap forward in spellcrafting their power continued to grow and they became more obsessed than ever with learning and mastering the Arcane Arts [Music] in -3315 Dr one another's greatest arcanus was born iulum a few hundred years later and do note that some of the netheries humans were able to slow the effects of Aging iolam created one of the most powerful magical devices ever made the first ever mythalar this device allowed one to access vast amounts of raw magic without draining their own life force this would allow one to create quasi-magical items that were powered by these mythalars and that's exactly what iolum did in -2954 Dr iolum created the First floating Enclave of the netherreese empire the netherise had figured out how to live in the sky with the mythalars they even discovered how to create underwater Crystal domed colonies in the sea of fallen stars and these colonies became known as deep netheral over time several more methylars were created and the nether East began lifting one Enclave into the sky each year they were creating a kingdom of moving floating cities while also maintaining land on the surface of faerun was split into High netheral where the higher class Noble citizens lived in the safety of the sky in low netheral which was comprised of the commoners that lived on the surface of faerun it was a golden age of great magical Innovation and overall prosperity for the netheries Empire all good things must come to an end though as the nethery cities flourished in the skies magical residue was left behind and it began to seep into the earth below this residue would become an Affliction for a race of subterranean dwelling creatures called the pherom the Pharaoh were slowly being destroyed and they had no choice but to attempt to put an end to the netherrees in -461 Dr the pherom began draining both life and Magic from the planet of torrel and the floating netheries enclaves and this in turn not only created Barren wastelands that destroyed much of the land that was part of low netheral this draining magic also caused the destruction of two of the flying enclaves these Barren wastelands would go on to become the anorak desert in modern day Forgotten Realms during this time of magical chaos iolam abandoned netheral to escape these life-draining dwemers and panic spread through the netheries Empire this is when a powerful netheries archmage by the name of karsus attempted something that would cause unimaginable destruction this event was known as karsus's folly karsis was born in -696 Dr long before the war with epherum arsus had a special talent for attaining Mastery of spellcraft new Guan to create his own Enclave called islandar he also discovered a powerful form of magic known as heavy magic heavy magic had many alterable properties and it was a physical vicious type of magic that could take the shape of whatever it touched when I Alum disappeared karsus felt it was his duty to save his Empire from the pharam and he would attempt a spell that has never been attempted before this was a 12th level spell that he would call karsus's Avatar its objective was to steal the Divine powers from the mother of magic herself Mistral the mother of magic controls the weave of magic supplying and regulating magical energy to all making possible spells and magical effects if karsus could steal her power mathurel would become the most powerful Empire the planet of toril has ever seen and the pharam certainly wouldn't stand a chance when karsus casts the spell his body swelled with a sudden influx of godly power and his mind filled with unimaginable knowledge however he instantly realized he had made a mistake Mistral knew exactly what she needed to do and she sacrificed herself as she knew it was the only way to save the weave of magic and in doing so this also broke contact with karsus her sacrifice caused all magic to briefly cease functioning killing karsus and turning his body to Stone and also causing the mythalars to stop working which in turn caused the floating magical cities of netheral to come crashing down to the ground moments after her sacrifice Mistral was reincarnated as mistra mistra was actually able to save three of the flying cities and she landed them safely on the ground but the surviving netheries scattered Mistro's first priority was to recreate The Weave of magic but this time with new rules for using Magic no longer could a spell above the tenth level of power be able to function no one could ever again try what karsus had tried one story that we cannot leave out though is that of The Enclave known as Thal tanthar which was ran by an archmage by the name of telemont tantal days before karsus's Valley telemont managed to shift his entire flying Enclave to the plane of shadow in modern times this would be called the shadowfell plane which I did do a lore video on a few Sundays ago while in the plane of Shadow the catastrophe of karsus's folly occurred telemund decided to remain in the plane of Shadow with his Enclave to maintain what will be the last of the netheries Empire one city would not be enough to take on the faram if he were to return to faerun during this time in the shadowfell plane the citizens of thaltanthar would become what we now call the shadowvar as the atmospheric effects of the plane of shadow turned the humans of thaltanthar into darker more Twisted versions of their prior selves telemat also formed a closer relationship with Shar the goddess who created the plane of Shadow and Shadow Magic which was the magic of the shadowfell plane and the Shadow Magic became part of valtanthar's way of life in 1372 Dr so more than 1700 years after karsus's Valley and only 120 years before the events in Baldur's Gate 3. telemat finally decided to return the Enclave of baltanthar back to the material plane on faerun bringing about the re-establishment of the netheral empire this was always his goal he was just waiting for the right time in the late 1400s the nether East would become involved in a war against the nation of Cormier also simultaneously fighting the bedding of anorak the bed iron were the humans who made the anorak desert their home in the Years following the netheries Empire's destruction when Thal tanthar returned 1700 plus years later the badine did not exactly appreciate being oppressed by the netherrees as they felt the desert was their land now when the war with Cormier came to an end telemont turned his Focus to the Elven city of myth Draenor and flew The Enclave over myth-dranner's borders telemat wanted to seize the city's mythal and a mythal is a very powerful persistent magical field that actually changes how reality works the mythal and myth draener greatly protected the city and it even allowed things such as the changing of weather at will and the creation of portals to other planes of existence telemat wanted to seize the power of the mythal and give it to the goddess of Darkness Shar so Shar could displace mystra as the new goddess of magic if Shar could control The Weave of magic Shadow Magic would take over and telemont in the shadowvar would grow in power intellimon's attempt to seize the mythal he was stopped by a fellow netherese a lich named larlock who wanted to absorb the mythal himself I could do an entire video on larlock alone but we already have so much information to absorb today during this conflict the sage of shadowdale one of the most powerful and famous Wizards in all the Realms elminster was helping to protect myth drenner killed telemont this caused the floating city of baltanthar to fall upon myth Draenor and both cities were destroyed the netherrees were once one of the most powerful magical civilizations in all the Realms now their enclaves lie in Ruins many spells many artifacts many magical devices come from this mostly ancient civilization and there's no denying that the Empire of netheral sent Rippling effects throughout the realms this video marks the 10th video in this Sunday lore Series so if you missed any of the previous videos I will leave a link Down Below in the video description to that playlist
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 26,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 lore, baldurs gate 3 story, gameplay, lore, story, netherese empire, netheril, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, world of baldurs gate, lore series, forgotten realms, dungens & dragons lore, Gale, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Id: lNeMp830W_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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