Baldur's Gate 3 - How Does Magic Work?

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I am mistra I am the lady of Might and the Mistress of magic I am power incarnate wherever magic is worked there am I from the cold poles of toril to its hottest jungles whatever the hand or claw or will that works the sorcery behold me and fear me yet behold me and love me as all who deal with me and honesty do this world is my domain I am magic mightiest among all those men worship I am the one true spell at the heart of all spells there is no other have you ever wondered how a cleric is able to call forth Spirit guardians or a wizard is able to cast a gigantic Fireball that takes out a druid screw I mean Goblin Fortress or why a sorcerer May cast a spell to find out that they turned their adventuring party into a group of cows well in today's video we're going to talk about magic the lore behind it and why it's become such a governing force of the Realms so sit back relax enjoy the fire and follow me on a journey into the weave so what is Magic and where does it come from in the Forgotten Realms magic is a force of nature it is a natural part of the world and the ones who learn to harness its powers can achieve extraordinary things magic in the Realms manifests from the natural energies of the universe flowing water tidal energy kinetic convection volcanism magneticism all of these types of natural phenomenons are able to be harnessed and controlled to produce what we call Magic a Spell's damage type will tell you what type of natural energy or force that a spell Taps into to create its intended effect in bg3 you'll see spell damage types such as fire cold acid lightning Force Thunder and necrotic raw magic is the basic essence of magic and it's described as the mute and Mindless will of being a planet of torl is made up of all kinds of energy and matter in every stone river creature and even the air itself are suffused or infused with raw magic and its potential most Mortals however are not able to directly use or shape this raw magic it's an extremely dangerous almost suicidal task to attempt to harness it and this is where the weave of magic comes into play you'll most certainly hear of the weave referenced quite a lot in Baldur's Gate 3. The Weave serves as a barrier or gate if you will between raw magic in the world it essentially acts as an interface between a spellcaster's will and raw magic allowing a spellcaster to tap into the refined energy of raw magic while shielding them from its extremely dangerous facts The Weave makes magic relatively safe and controllable is the way in which magic presents itself to beans for their use and it flows throughout the world some look at the weave as a fabric on which magic is drawn from lines of intertwined Force running in all directions and if you can study this Fabric and learn to grab hold of it you can control and shape magic with hopefully predictable results although that's not always the case elves of the Realms are born with a natural and special bond to The Weave hence why you see sub-races in Baldur's Gate 3 such as the high elf starting players off for their choice of a can trip wizards of the Realms learn to harness and control The Weave through deep study while Sorcerers have a natural gift to harness its power but must learn to control it and quickly or risk unexpected and many times unwanted bursts of magic these two classes use what we call Arcane magic bards and warlocks also use Arcane magic but warlocks get their powers from their Patron you'll also likely have heard of divine magic used by classes such as the cleric Paladin Druid and Ranger and while Divine magic is an indirect way to access the powers of magic as these types of casters pray to the gods and the gods grant them their power there's also a much darker and more mysterious form of magic known as Shadow Magic we'll get more into that later in the video we can't talk about the weave without talking about Mistral though a greater deity who was the first incarnation of the goddess of magic Mistral embodied The Weave she was the weave and she controlled much of the Magic in the realms if you watched my most recent lore video on the nether East Empire you would recall hearing about mistral's death Mistral sacrificed herself to save the weave when a powerful netheries Mage by the name of karsus attempted to steal her divine power through an incredibly powerful level 12 spell known as karsus's Avatar after her sacrifice magic in the realm ceased to work for a short period of time a Mistral was soon reborn and used the vessel of a beautiful peasant girl and was able to once again take control of the weave and Magic return to Toral her new Forum would go by the name of mistra mistra took a much more lawful view on the use of magic and she even banned the use of all magic greater than the ninth level during the time of troubles when gods were forced to walk the world as Mortals mystra attempted to seek an audience with the over God AO to regain her rightful place as Keeper of the weave the god in charge of Guardian the celestial stairway Helm refused to let mistra pass and this resulted in a deadly battle where mystra was ultimately killed by helm Lord AO would end up selecting a powerful mortal Woman by the name of midnight to replace mystra and once again the magic of Toro was restored the portfolio of the goddess of magic doesn't seem to last long though and midnight was killed in 1385 Dr by siric the god of lies and trickery and her death would cause a catastrophic event known as the spell plague the spell plague was a long period of time where Arcane magic ceased to function and the planet of Toro was transformed more on that in a future video the murder of midnight by siric was aided by Shar the goddess of darkness and Shar is the creator of what she calls the shadow weave Char found a way to exploit the spaces in between the weave to create this dark corrupting force of Shadow Magic and her ultimate goal was to have the shadow weave overtake the weave giving her the ultimate power over Magic in order to manipulate the shadow weave one had to either worship Char or make some sort of arrangement with her the shadow weave is best suited for dark magic that drains life or muddles the mind and senses unless suited for magic that manipulates energy or matter Midnight's death was supposed to allow Shar to replace the weave with the shadow weave but Char had miscalculated and when the weave collapsed with the death of midnight so too did the shadow weave Shar would go on to learn that midnight may have actually somehow sacrificed herself even with cyric being the one that supposedly killed her and this sacrifice saved everyone from the shadow weave taking over as all magic in the Realms went wild and uncontrollable it wasn't until 1479 Dr 13 years before the events in Baldur's Gate 3 were a powerful wizard by the name of elminster felt the slight presence of mystra once again she was possessing the body of a diminished bear alminster was able to help restore much of her power and Divinity and this event became known as mistra's return now I should also note here that Mistral was ordered by the over God AO to vest some of her powers in Divine Essence into Mortals either witting or unwitty these mortals are called anchors of the weave these anchors not only keep the goddess's power in check as she no longer has all of her power concentrated in herself but they also helped stabilize the weave should anything happen to the goddess it's much harder for the weave to collapse when the anchors are still around there's also the chosen of mystra and these chosen gain access to unprecedented magical power and mystery uses them to help aid in the defense of any evil and imbalances that may be found in the weave alminster was one of these chosen as well as an anchor and this is how he became such an incredibly powerful wizard at Greenwood the creator of the Realms even said in one of his more recent videos that Volo who is a character in Baldur's Gate 3 is also a Chosen and an anchor of the weave but he doesn't know it himself nor does mystra want him to know the reasoning for that is that if Volo does not know that he's a Chosen and an anchor if Mistral were to die it would be much harder for someone like Char to figure out that Volo is one of the anchors and Volo doesn't know it himself Volo is also an eccentric character and not many would suspect him of being worthy of being chosen by mistra or to be an anchor of the weave Volo in many ways has guardian angels that help keep him alive and this also explains how he's been able to survive so long past the lifespan of a human I'll leave a link to Ed Greenwood's Channel Below in the video description we also had him as a special guest on the channel and I'll leave a link to that video down there as well I can't end this video without mentioning azoof and azuth is the god of Arcane magic the Lord of spells azuth is a servant of mistra and also a lover of hers which is how he came into his power when azuth was Immortal he became a chosen of mistra and eventually also her lover Mr help the zuth Ascend to divinity when azuth imprisoned savras the deity of wizards divination fate and Truth and azuth was able to take some of savras Divine Essence and also take his portfolio in modern times Forgotten Realms though some priests still worship Severus
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 34,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3 lore, lore series, baldurs gate 3 story, lore, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, bg3 early access, baldurs gate 3 magic, spellcasters, wizard class, dungeons and dragons, forgotten realms, baldurs gate 3 rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Id: VDU35-zaw2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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