Baldur's Gate 3: Umberlee And The City Of Baldur's Gate

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before proceeding with the video you should know that I didn't make up the rather unappealing name of queen as one of the monikers of Amberley as she is in fact referred to frequently as the Queen a title well earned as we will learn shortly among others the wave mother and the mother of the deep and recently we had the opportunity to see the water Queen's house as well as umbrella's priestesses in the Baldur's Gate City reveal in great detail in fact the water Queen's house is the oldest Temple in all balder's gate and by the looks of it larion has done an excellent job in creating it if we look at the scene we see the clergy of umerly gathered round another Priestess likely dead LED apparently by a high priestess what is likely Happening Here is a sermon given to the other clergy members after this initiate failed the ritual called the drowning the drowning ritual is performed by a supplicant or novice cleric in order to fully Ascend in the service of the Queen and those who survive are accepted into the clergy and those who die are simply forgotten whereas is possible here use for the purposes of religious instruction or to set an example for those who fail to live up to umbrella's demanding standards but you know how much I like talking about the gods and given that the water Queen's house is likely an important structure in Baldur's Gate and it wouldn't surprise me at all if we got involved in number of these intrigues I thought it was about time to talk about the wave mother humberly's personality is very easily described as Petty vindictive malicious and thoroughly evil to Precious in the extreme humberly feels no obligation to honor any agreement or promise made to anyone except herself in addition she is greedy and cruel in the extreme demanding constant tribute from her followers and those who enter her realm the sea she particularly enjoys sadistically sinking ships and Conjuring up sea storms and feeding the victims of these maelstroms to her shark servators as well as watching Mortals rather than Agony as their lungs are filled with water and the waves claim them she doesn't even have a loyal relationship to her clergy with whom she is just as fickle and untrustworthy and her worshipers are constantly on their toes in an effort to propitiate her if it is isn't clear by now then I'll State out loud that virtually no one worships umberly out of respect love or admiration but rather out of fear the sole exception to this is her rare shark worshipers and she created where sharks to counter soluna's involvement in the more positive aspects of lycanthropy the fundamental problem with Amberley is that everyone who needs to Traverse the sea will inevitably have to appease her and even when they do so she can and will ignore such appeasement and offerings just despite such Mortals and for her own Amusement her personality is in many ways similar to that of lulls sharing her capriciousness and Malice and for her worshipers and propitiators alike favored one day and forgotten the next umberly belongs to the so-called gods of Fury evil and destructive gods that symbolize the most destructive aspects of nature these gods are nominally led by Talos the god of Storms and destruction and include oral the goddess of cold and winter as well as malar the Beast Lord God of hunting and bloodlust as could be expected relations between these gods are unstable at best and umberly would all too happily kill Talos and steal his portfolio if she could but has a somewhat respectable alliance with oral if only to offer some resistance to Talos who tends to overwhelm the other gods of Fury and drain them of power most recently umberly has been considered part of a group of gods called the first Circle revered by Druids although not all Druids Revere her in this manner humberly's Dogma is fairly simple the sea is vicious and cruel as is her mistress ethics morals promises none of these things matter when you're out in the open sea at the mercy of the Goddess those who dare sail the Savage sea must be ready to pay homage the Queen for The Audacity Of braving her domain fear is the main principle of umberly's faith Mortals are meant to tremble before her power which stretches across all the Seas and oceans of toril and only their supplication might Grant the mercy of umberly if she is so inclined humberly's clergy is commanded to instill this fear in others by demanding High ties from all those who request their services above all when they are taken on board ships to Traverse the Seas as many sailors see the priesthood of umberly as the only Safeguard against umbrelli's wrath in addition amerly's clergy is almost entirely female 9 out of 10 clerics of umberly are female it is likely that the goddess herself favors this Arrangement which is why it has remained so since the founding of the church despite all of this Sailors are not only at the mercy of humberly despite what she might claim Sailors will also look to saluna and are light in the sky to guide them when lost at sea and valkyr a lesser deity of sailors and sailing who Mortals pray to for safe passage across umbrella's domain valkyr and umberly are sworn enemies and those who venture out to sea are often left in a cointile situation of whether or not to pay an unreliable tribute to umberly in the hopes they survive the trip or prey to the less powerful valkyr in similar such hopes and there's something interesting I'd like to point out about umberly concerning the city of Baldur's Gate and this is the fact that Baldur's Gate is an incredibly tolerant City compared to many cities in the Realms that would simply not outright tolerate a temple to a deity as obviously evil and untrustworthy's umbrelly is part of this is simply due to the fact that Baldur's Gate is essentially a port city on the chiantha river with very close access to the ocean and thus its inhabitants must unfortunately pay their dues to the Queen if trade in the economy wish to continue because umberly would not be about punishing a lack of such tribute and this really points to the fundamental Mercantile nature of Baldur's Gate something I'll talk about in a future video indeed the other two deities that are most venerated by the citizens have very little to do with umberly and these deities are tymura and God both of which contribute in their own way to financial prosperity timura is the goddess of luck and luck and Fortune are required for any business venture to succeed and gond is the god of invention whose technological Marvels have benefited the citizens of Baldur's Gate over the ages and also bolster the economy now as I've said I think it would be very cool to have some quests involving the water Queen's house and the game and honestly I think there will be considering the temples there in the first place after all it couldn't be there in all its Glory just to be stared at by the PC now could it however before going I'd like to let you know I have a Discord server for my Subs to join to discuss bothers Gate 3 and all matters RPG related and as always thank you for tuning in if you could leave a like comment share and subscribe it would really help with the channel and it'll be much appreciated and I'll check you out next time take care
Channel: Spell&Shield
Views: 5,388
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Id: thNHNpW_92E
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Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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