Baldur's Gate 3 - The Corrupted Gith (Psychic Build)

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all right I am back with another video and today I am going to be doing a slightly different build something a bit different than my usual content um basically what this build is going to be is kind of an alternate take on my psionic warrior build that uses some different classes different elements and kind of focuses more on the uh mind flare abilities rather than just being a person who casts a lot of psychic spells because the big issue with that build is that yes it can work as a marshall fighter uh that uses a lot of psychic spells however it does um suffer from the fact that it does not get extra attack but then if you wanted to get extra attack you'd lose out on the um on the Spells so you wouldn't be able to get the higher level stuff including the really powerful fmatic and fun telekinesis so I decided to kind of look at the build from a different angle now don't get me wrong this video is not a version 2.0 or a replacement for for my original psionic Warrior build that build I think stands really well as a heavy armor uh single attack strike like psychic Mage I think that still works really really well as its own build and is still fun but however I did want to try and see if I could make a more effective Marshall fighter that still hacks has access to most if not all of that kit the only thing we're really going to be missing that I personally quite like but was also another criticism of the build was um the port ability from The devation Wizard because while I think it was really really cool thematic and put a unique Twist on the build a lot of people lamented the fact that that bu that the important mechanic in this game is really annoying because it constantly flashes up every single time a skill check or roll or whatever is rolled and I can totally understand that frustration so I wanted to kind of take another pass at it because I feel like the idea of a psychic Warrior is really really interesting and I wanted to give it another go so we're going to be playing as a GI Yankee and this is important it's going to give us medium armor proficiency which we want it's going to give us proficiency with rapers not rapers sorry uh short swords great swords and uh long swords which we want mainly great swords as you can clearly see and it's also going to give us a bunch of stuff that's related to equipment we're going to be getting later on I mean if you've seen my Sonic Warrior video you may have a general idea of where this is going however there are some key changes so do stick around um so we are going to be kicking things off as a warlock here and immediately just to get this out of the way we're going to be going with the great old one subclass the great old one subclass basically gives you a most if not all of the important psychic spells now the reason I did not initially go warlock when I made my original psionic Warrior video is the lower amount of spell slots really feels like a detriment to someone who wants to be casting these psychic abilities all the time however I feel like if you wanted to make a kind of a psychic you know spell sword psychic Gish whatever you want to call it this probably is the better way to go because of the pack to the chain a pack to the blade my apologies um and the reason we want to play as a gif Yanke here is to get that Medium armor proficiency and also kind of get some more of these psychic abilities as well uh so I've brought back good old canelia Cod swallet for this build because like he's a GI yank profile that I already had but let's actually get back into the subass a little bit uh first off we're going to be getting dissonant Whispers this is one of the spells that I wanted to go into got that I grabbed V magic and aate B feet for before which I made a lot of mist I made a lot of mistakes in that video but one of them was lamenting the fact that you can only cast it once per long rest and not realizing that was a limitation of defeat and not part of the actual spell I was very new to build making especially in boulderscape 3 back then and so I'm learning a so I've learned a lot which is again why I wanted to take another pass at this but anyway so enough about my own rambling so we're getting distant Whispers here here this is going to be our main level one spell that we're going to want to be casting quite a lot and it's definitely important to the build uh we're also going to be getting Tes hi's laughter a pretty good early game concentration spell to immediately just take a powerful enemy out of combat definitely worth picking up and also we get Mortal reminder when you land a critical hit against a creature that creature and any nearby enemies must Su seeed a wisdom saving for it will become frightened uh this doesn't really do anything for this build it was one of the one of the main features of my slasher build my Halloween build but it's not as critical here we're mainly here for the spell selection speaking of let's get into the canant trips alridge blast we are absolutely going to be taking here because it is the um interesting little uh glitch in the Spells description anyways it is one of the most important things a warlock can get because this is going to be your main range damage dealer and for the case of this build it works as being a psychic blast of force that we can cast really easily and it's only going to get stronger as we level up so it's definitely something we want to pick up here I'm also going to suggest we grab the friends uh cantrip because again kind of using psychic manipulation in conversation works and this is just one of the most important uh can trips in the game for dialogue as for our spells we're definitely going to be taking both of the ones that are some class gr us no reason to switch that up and as for our ability scores now again another criticism of a lot of my builds which makes sense is that I've been kind of getting ability scores wrong I usually go for a 1715 split on the main stat and Constitution which people have pointed out to me rightly so that this is kind of a waste of a um kind of a waste of like I guess potential points and potential growth uh by the way kind of everything's calculated because um odd numbers uh don't really work very well when build making because you don't actually get the ability the ability Improvement uh but usually if you want to go with a 17 in an ability score you can get effel Boon to bust boost that up to an 18 and be stronger in the long run but I understand that that's not a decision everyone will want to make so I'm going to be building a round not using effel spoon probably from now on just to make the ability scores a bit more clear so we're going to be going for a 16 in Charisma no surprises there we want it's our main stat especially as we're going to be a blade warlock so we definitely going to want to have this High uh next up we definitely want our uh dexterity to be a decent score probably 14 is good enough I can't see us needing to go higher than that so we'll definitely put that there let's just lower this down a bit and put that up uh with definitely going to want our constitution to be 16 as well just so we have that decent amount for our concentration uh but yeah definitely overall this is kind of a good stat spread I mean as but then obviously now that we're kind of going for these lower stats we do actually get a bit more room to play around if you want to put your dexterity to 15 to bump that up later you can or you could put your C down to 15 put your deck up to 16 and then grab resilient Constitution later on if you wanted to get um uh Constitution saving for proficiency which could be pretty important however I do want to mainly focus on full ability score improvements with this build because we want to pump our Charisma up as high as we can as early as we can so I definitely think just taking the 16 in Constitution here makes more sense uh so I think a 14 and dexterity is fine since we're mainly going to be using our Charisma for our attacks and we're going to be using medium armor uh which the medium armor that I've chosen will use our full dexterity so feel free to put this higher if you want but it's not a huge deal so then that leaves us with four points to do whatever we like if we want to go for a little bit of strength we can I personally like pumping up wisd here a bit just because I feel like these this 12 points and wisdom is going to give us um good saving well not good but decent saving for us against a lot of the more Dam uh damning status effects in this game uh and so I definitely feel like having a little bit of wisdom is a good idea so at level two we're going to be getting our warlock invocations these are super super important for the build and of course we're going to be taking agonizing and repelling blast this is going to buff up our Elish blast to be as powerful as it possibly can as we level up definitely worth grabbing this as again it makes that s that psychic blast a lot more powerful as for our spells you can take whatever you want here it entirely depends on what you think is within the theme obviously charm person works but again with friends I don't really see this being necessary uh armor of agus is a really really good spell that will um give you more tankiness giving you temporary hit points and a cold damage retaliation however I do find with warlocks limited spell slots this becomes a little bit less useful as you're going to be want to be casting more spells so it's really a pick whatever you like situation it really doesn't matter I will probably take armor of agaist just because even with the limited spell SS it's still useful in the early game but you could swap this out later if you wish next up a warlock level three we're going to be getting what we are here for the packed Boon and this is obviously super important we're going to be getting packed to the blade as I said this is going to allow us to use our Charisma modifier for our um uh damage and attack rolls on our weapon so there's no reason to level things like strength even though we're using a great sword so we definitely want to pick this up uh you do also get the pack to the blade feature to summon magical weapons but it's not or sorry the bind yeah the pack of the blade feature yeah to summon random weapons but it's not really necessary here we're mainly here for bind pack weapon uh next up we get level two Spells at this level and I would definitely recommend being on theme and grabbing fantasmal Force it's a concentration spell that allows you to do 1d6 psychic damage uh per turn if you don't deal another damage type but if you do deal another damage type to the enemy uh they will continue to take that damage typ for every turn for as long as you uh keep your concentration up so you can do a big slash of our great sword and the enemy is going to take slashing damage every turn for example but it's again it's another skill to trick the Mind into thinking that it's taking damage when it isn't quite fun uh yeah moving on next up up at warlock level four we're going to be getting our first feet and like I said we're going to want to be grabbing that ability score Improvement and bumping ourselves up to 18 absolutely probably one of the most important things we're going to be able to do with this build because this is not only going to boost our spell casting but also our weapon damage uh we also get another can trip at this point I would grab Mage hand even though we do get Mage hand once per long rest as a uh racial feature as a gif Yankee this is going to allow allow us to cast it much more often uh you get another level two spell here uh I think crown of Madness in hold person and even Misty step can work here shatter as well if you want a psychic kind of a psychic blast but this one will deal Thunder damage so it's entirely up to you what you want to pick I always like hold person here I think it's a really good spell that allow that is going to even make your Marshall stuff stronger because you can whale on them with critical hits definitely want to pick this up next up at warlock level five we're getting the big one we're getting our class feature which is our deepened packed and for blade warlocks this means we are now going to be able to do an extra attack with our packed weapon so we are now a full Marshall fighter as well as a spellcaster meaning that we have reached Marshal status this is now a proper psychic Warrior uh we're also going to get level three Spells at this point and again there's lots of things that are on theme Here slow can work really well if you wanted to create like a psychic anti-gravity field or something where they feel like they're being levitated and such they slower hypnotic gaze if you want to hypnotize your enemies messing with their mind uh you can get crown of madness here which makes enemies mad uh you could get fear if you want them to be afraid of you trick them into fearing you lots of stuff that is on theme Here personally take whatever you I would say take whatever you like here it's not a big deal I'm going to go with hypnotic pattern just because I want it uh and you also get another eldrich invocation this at this level and we're also going to be taking my the mind we can get slow as an extra spell this way and slow is a powerful spell for dealing with groups so it's nice to pick up but if you want to you can also go with the sign of ill Omen to be able to like inflict a curse and but I feel like my the mine is definitely more on theme here now next up at warlock level six we're going to be getting another one of our subass features and this is entropic Ward as a reaction you can impose disadvantage on an attack roll against you if the attack misses you gain advantage on your next attack roll against your attacker for one turn this is a super powerful ability and I feel like um it's it's quite on theme maybe using something a bit similar to like I guess like a psychic force field to kind of to like reflect an enemy's attack away from you and then being able to attack them while they're open feels pretty good and it's a fun little ability to have we're going to also get another spell at this point again take whatever you like I'm personally going to be grabbing fear here as it's something I would quite like to have I might also at this point replace uh armor of agus since I think at this point you're probably not going to be using it as much because you want to save your spell SCE for other things and I would change it to Crown of Madness but that's just a personal choice you don't have to do that next up at warlock level 7 we're going to be getting another elrich invocation which means we get and we also going to get another one that's perfect for the build we're going to be able to get Dreadful word which allows us to cast confusion confusion basically allowing us to select a group of enemies and cause them to attack at random wander around aimlessly or occasionally skip their turns basically completely mind them and this so this is absolutely on theme and a great ability to have as far as our spells go uh you've got a few options here now with this build I feel like I'm going to be going for the more of the law thing here is is this is a gianky who after being um kind of taken over by R tadpole it started giving them even greater psychic abilities than they had before which and I think maybe as a fun little head Cannon thing maybe something deep within the GIF Yan's genetic code starts to awaken a bit and kind of leans them into using the Mind flare Powers a bit more because if for those of you that don't know uh the gifan race was either originally subjugated by or created by the mind flayers to be slaves and of course that's how they got their psychic abilities and why they're so against the M flares in Boulders Gate 3 uh but so maybe again having a mind flare tample inside a gif Yankee would kind of maybe start to awaken that old desire to lean into and serve the mind flers or use their abilities so I feel like in this case taking evard's black tentacles might actually be on theme cuz if we go into this with the whole thing that this the Mind flare tple is what's giving us all of these psychic powers not an actual warlock Patron but maybe even having something a bit more alrich like the ability to summon eldrich tentacles using our mind Powers could actually be really interesting but if you feel like that's not on theme you can obviously take some of the earlier level options or maybe even counter spell detect thoughts is also really on theme obviously the ability to read minds is really good uh or even Mirror Image create an illusion of yourself that makes your enemy think there's more than one of you there's a whole bunch of options here but I actually kind of want to take advant black tentacles just because it's a little bit different but things like thech fors or mirror image or even Misty step or any of these could work just pick whatever you think is your favorite but I kind of want to use this here cuz I've not used it before next up at warlock level eight we're going to be getting our second beat now you've got a few options here if you want to go for that ability is Improvement and bump yourself right up to 20 that is always quite good and is probably what I would personally recommend however there are a few other things you could do since we're using a great sword great weapon Master becomes a viable option since we're quite concentration heavy we could go for warcaster to gain advantage on concentration saving throws and also the ability to attack enemies uh with shocking grasp if they if as an opportunity attack you've got a lot of options here I'm personally going to go for this ability score Improvement to keep things simple but it's your life do what you want to do uh we're also going to get another spell at this level and I think I am probably going to take the whole detch fors thing here just because I for kind of forgot it existed until I started talking about it so I think it's actually really on theming you should probably pick it up cuz it's really fun in dialogue uh next up at warlock level 9 our final level of warlock we're going to be getting another alrich inv vacation and you get a few options here uh you could go for minions of chaos which is going to give you condra Elemental which is always nice to have otherworldly leap which is probably the closest thing that's on theme to being a psychic thing here which is going to let you cast enhanced sleep as much as you like completely for free but as a level 9 warlock feature this seems kind of underpowered but that might just be me uh Whispers of the Grave is speak with dead yeah again a little bit underpowered for this level but hey ho you can go for the book of ancient Secrets giving you a few extra spells including the silent spell which could be um like thematically kind of Twisted for this build as like you Sil like infiltrate a mage's mind and psychic influence them to be unable to speak so that they can't cast their spells that could always work but you've got a ton of options here I probably will take the book of ancient Secrets just so you have a little bit more spell options but it's honestly completely up to you uh as for your spells we're going to be getting telekinesis at this level which is awesome uh yep and there's definitely something we're going to want to be grabbing for sure now I said that the last that the level 9 of warl was the last warl level we had we were going to be taking that is true but if you wanted to take this build all the way to warlock level 12 you're not really going to be losing anything and I actually think you'll still get a strong build because at level 10 you would be able to get something like dominate person or and grab another can trip and then later on get more Alish invocations and even a mysticum at level 11 plus an extra feat at level 12 there's nothing wrong with going full walmor here and getting the best out of it however I want to to kind of do some multiclassing here and I will remind everyone that when I do these builds I just showcase one class after the other I usually don't show like an actual progression order i' leave that up to the viewer to decide how they want to do their build but I would personally with this build say that any multiclass you want to do do it post level five cuz then at least you pretty much have your full warlock blade pack to the blade kit before you start multiclassing but what multiclass am I going to recommend here well you've got a couple of options but you want to stick with something Charisma based if you want to go for something a bit more Marshall get some heavy armor proficiency and do and a bunch of other stuff oh no you wouldn't get heavy armor proficiency I'm sorry but you could get some uh extra stuff here you could you could go for Paladin that would get you like Divine smites Channel o ability blah blah blah blah blah you can get good few good things here sorcerer we get you metam magic of a limited amount of it and a few extra spells and spells uh cleric you could dip into maybe if you wanted to dip into know knowledge cleric and get the ability of a deity maybe if you wanted to play this as a servant of V if you could go for a v if cleric but honestly I think the best option is is say it with me we all know it it's B because it's going to get us a few things that we want for this build espe including vicious mockery and easy to use psychic cantrip which you may feel is kind of redundant when we have extra attack but I'll show you why this could be important later on uh next up you can well I mean for your next can trip you can take whatever you like blade Ward is a good like little quick psychic barrier to give you resistance against physical attacks pretty good uh as for the Spells we already get dis Whispers And tashes hideous laughter from our warlock subass so this is where we get to just take some of our utility kit I would definitely grab long Strider and feather fall here and um probably sleep as well since this one of the psychic abilities that we don't actually have uh you could also grab animal friendship if you wanted to kind of like uh have psychic influence over animals that's definitely on theme speak with animals if you want to psychically communicate with animals disguise self if you want to kind of create a psychic illusion that you're not who you actually appear to be there's a whole bunch of options here Thunder Wave if you wanted to go for like a close range psychic blast which is probably what I'm going to go for here cuz I want another offensive magic option uh so yeah we can go with that you also get to pick a instrument here take whatever you like I'm going to take a violin because I don't know I don't think I have yet unless I forget you also get a skill proficiency here take whatever you like next up at B level two we're going to be getting our main B features we're going to be getting Jackal trades which is going to make us more effective at um you know passing skill checks which is always good especially when we have lower soft stats and also we're going to be getting song of rest here which means we have a third short rest this is extremely important as we're playing a warlock because this means that we're going to be able to rec recover our very limited spell slots three times per long rest instead of just two which is super super important more spells over the course of a session and we're also going to get another spell here again this is kind of a pick your favorite situation I'm personally going to go with maybe fairy fire but it's not really on theme but you can take whatever you like here it really doesn't matter and finally we're about level three and we get to pick our subclass like I said you could have taken this multiclass way earlier and then come back to warlock it's entirely up to you uh but as for our subass I don't really have a specific recommendation here all of these are going to do something that feels pretty on theme uh College of Swords obviously if you want to be of a more of a marshall fighter this is definitely the way to go you're going to get the blade flourishes and you're going to get a fighting style even though none of neither of the fighting styles showcased in this class are going to be the ones that we using dueling a two weapon fighting don't really work for us as we're using a two weapon however obviously V are nothing to sneeze at but because we're not taking as many levels in Bard here you're not going to be getting as many uses out of this because we'll have less inspiration so it may not seem like the most like the most perfect option but it's definitely probably one of the stronger ones if you want to lean more into the Marshall aspect College of Val is an interesting one because you get your combat inspiration which is going to let you do a bunch of different things and it gives your allies different Buffs during combat and various other parts of the game depending on which kind of variation of combat inspiration you pick there is actually kind of like different versions this little tool tip here doesn't really do a very good job of explaining the full capacity I would definitely check out the Weeki to see exactly what this lets you do but I'm actually think I'm going to go a college of law here this is going to give us a few more skill proficiencies which is always nice but it's always it's also going to give us a subass feature cutting words which let use your reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack rooll I believe so you're going to have a lot of ways to like interrupt your enem kind of flow so I would definitely but it's entirely up to you I just want to kind of use colge of FL because I haven't used it before and it's not swords SP but I mean and I feel like I can justify this thematically but like again more cyclic influence through cutting words but honestly you could take College of swords and probably feel pretty powerful but like I say with this we're going to get a few feat like a few more proficiencies so take whichever you like it really doesn't matter you're also going to get to expertise at this level in which case the ones that have been chosen are pretty good but I'm probably going to do this yeah there we go uh and then we get two more uh we have high enough wisdom for perception and insight to probably be good picks here and we're also going to get a level two spell at this point uh take whatever you like it really doesn't matter we already have a lot of the spells that we would kind of be looking to get with this uh SE invisibility will allow you to cyclically uh sense an enemy you can get silence here since we only have one use of it um with the uh warlock feature so you could if you want to use it more often you could grab it here uh inv visibility could also be good and on theme if you want to like confuse your enemies into thinking you're not actually standing there when you are uh but really take whatever you like here it doesn't matter I think I'm going to go with shatter actually because again you could kind of feed it as a psychic blast and I just want a few more offensive options for for us and that is the build now um obviously I want to kind of get a few things out the way right off the bat uh like I said before with with comparison to my Sonic Warrior video uh this build is going to be much more limited in your ability to actually cast spells yes we have two level five spell sorts to recover on a short rest which is pretty good and because of our B levels we're also going to be getting four level one slots and two level two slots but obviously my pionic warrior build is going to be able to cast more often and more frequently uh but like I say we obviously get to use BCT wman here so and we're not multi- ability score dependent we're more single ability score dependent and we're also a full Marshall fighter so let's get into the equipment now if you saw my cionic Warrior video you're going to recognize a few of these but I have changed up quite a few things here because again another problem with my psic Warrior video is it was back when I first started the channel and I was just looking at endgame equipment where in this video it's going to look I'm looking more into actually having um more kind of like progression so a lot of this equipment can be obtained in act one or act two with some options that you can pivot into in act three but let's get into it so let's get into our main thing here which is our weapon the sword silver sord of the Asal plane this can be obtained um in act one look up how to do it uh and as we're going to and this is basically the psychic weapon uh while a gif is wielding this you do an extra D6 of psychic damage on every attack it's a legendary plus three weapon and a gif wielding this weapon has advantage on uh all the mental saving throws and is resistant to psychic damage and cannot be Charmed this is the weapon to use if you are a gif easily if you are a gif yes GIF not GIF like the image and it's not pronounced GIF you heathens um next up I'll go over the bow as well we're going to be using the dark fire short bow here cuz it's going to give us a free use of haste extra resistances and it's a decent rage weapon on in its own right even though we're not focusing on it it's a slot we're not using and it's a free buff that we just would like to have giving us three resistances total which is nice so let's get into the actual armor now same as my pionic Warrior build by using the cir of pionic Revenge when you succeed a saving for a which we have advantage on quite a few of them uh that you get to deal one4 of psychic damage to the person who tried to who inflicted that saving throw and a gif Yan wearing this is also going to gain a plus one bonus to their intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws basically making those mental saving throws extremely hard to fail uh next up is the cloak of Elemental abion this is not necessary I just really want me to show it off it's going to give you the absorb element spell from 5e uh and basically you take half damage from Elemental spell and then on on your next weapon attack you deal a 1d6 of that damage uh it's pretty good um but I recommend when you get and you can get this in act two quite easily but I recommend when you get to act three you swap over to the nyph cloak which is going to give you a cast of dominate person another psychic spell that's on theme uh once per long rest so definitely useful I mean OB obviously you can pick up this spell if you decide to go further and warlock as well but this is just another way of getting it without needing to go out of our way I hate that it doesn't exit the tool tip that easily right uh next up is the ont scale mail this is just again this is probably one of the better armor sets you can get in that too uh it's basically it's a decent piece of median armor which uses your full dexterity modifier and doesn't diso and doesn't dis impose disadvantage on stealth ability checks my apologies and you also get a plus one bonus to initiative roles and it just looks really good uh again this is kind of this is optional if you have another armor set that you get in act two that you want to go with that's fine but you can definit but I definitely recommend this one as it is just one of stronger pieces of armor you can get and looks pretty good uh when you get to an three however you got a couple of options and I would personally pivot into the armor of agility this is basically the same as the ont scale male uh in terms of ability but it is a direct upgrade it still uses your full dexterity stat and it will um additionally not impose a disadvantage on stealth and it will also give you a plus two to all of your saving throws making them even stronger I mean obviously maybe it doesn't matter as much cuz we haven't pumped up our dexterity to the point where it really goes above like the limit on medium armor but if you decided you wanted to go for something maybe like the gloves of dexterity uh to kind of you know bump that up you can get a lot more AC out of this but let's get into my actual glove option that I went with for this build which is the heracar braces these can be obtained in act two uh it lets you cast Mage hand as a bonus action you get a plus one to your strength saving throws and you also get to cast telekinesis once per long rest for free yes we already have the telekinesis spell but again we have limited spell slots so an extra use of it uh every short rest actually I didn't realize it I thought it was a long rest it's a short rest is really good cuz it's basically an extra use of one of our um most important spells for free next up we have the boots of striding a lot of psychic spells use your concentration so this works pretty well when you cast a spell that requires concentration you gain momentum from one turn and if you don't know momentum gives you an extra little bit of movement speed um for each kind of stacking turn that you have it uh basically you're going to be getting uh one an extra 1.5 M yeah so it's pretty good uh you it's removed when you are restrained incapacitated or prone however the boots of striding gives you a little bit of resistance against that while you are concentrating you cannot be knocked prone or moved against your will and you also get a little buff bump to your Athletics pretty cool however when you get to a three I would recommend pting into the boots of psionic movement when a GI Yankee casts fly their next melee weapon attack deals more psychic damage on theme above to dexterity saving throws and you also get the ability to cast fly once pong rest triggering the ability so yeah it's just a nice little bit of extra movement and a little bit of extra damage once per long rest not the greatest thing ever you might even want to stick with the boots of striding but I felt like it was so on Fame that I had to bring it up uh let's get into the accessories now we have the spell Crux amulet this can be obtained in act two and it gives you the ability to restore an expended spell slot of any level as a bonus action once per long rest giving us essentially another warlock spell slot so we have in effect three which is really good normally you have to go to a level 11 of warlock for this and if you did go all the way warlock for this build you would technically have four warlock spell slots which is really powerful uh next up is a strange Conant ring while concentrating on a spell the whereas weapon attacks deal additional wonderful psychic damage this is just an extra little buff that we get for free because we're going to be concentrating pretty much all of the time and last up the band of the Mystic scoundrel this was the centerpiece of my uh original Sak Warrior build uh you contain this you can obtain this the second you star NE 3 if you know what to do without really having to find anything and after to hitting a creature with a weapon attack you can cast an illusionment or enchant enchantment spells as a bonus action so what this allows us to do with this build is attack extra attack and then bonus action go for any of our spells so it lets us do a full turn of Marshall and we can cast something like telekinesis shatter oh not shatter sorry that's like the one spell why do I say that that's the one spell you can't do with this uh you could go for like hypnotic pattern uh you could go for crown of Madness you could go for fear tashes uh disant Whispers but of course if we basically just want a uh third attack per turn for free we use vicious mockery this is going to do 34 psychic damage and disappoint and if it hits uh it the T the target has disadvantage on its next attack R so your main kind of damage rotation if you don't want to spend spell SL is going to be attack extra attack vicious mockery and then your opponent will have disadvantage on their next attack roll which is awesome this is a super super strong effect that I would definitely recommend uh having around this is going to be our basic rotation and three attacks per turn is not bad uh and it's all on theme so yeah pretty darn good in my opinion uh this is this was kind of how I Justified not getting extra attack of my original cic Warrior build but here it's just way more powerful hello it's me from the future but technically the past it's the future from the recording I just did where I talked about the build and now I'm doing a little bit of a weird edit here because I completely forgot to talk about the olid powers which are actually what in my opinion a center point of this build is super super important because we're kind of playing this GIF character who is kind of Le tempted in turning to the dark side because of the original origins of the GIF to use these psychic powers granted by the temple uh I wanted to actually talk about the the um elid abilities and the kind of ones I would try and prioritize getting but I kind of just wanted to talk about them in general because I never really include them in my builds cuz again I think they're a character choice not something you should build toward WS so I really wanted to look into this so here we go uh here we have a list this top like table here is all the elid powers you can get without spoilers for Act 2 here uh taking the partial elid kind of Gambit uh or sacrifice basically so this these have some really really useful abilities that are going to be on theme for this build so let's get into it the first one you're going to want to grab is psychic overload mainly because it's going to allow us to unlock our next stage stuff that we want to get quite quickly uh but this is also a really good ability on its own all your attacks will deal an extra 1 D4 psychic damage but you take one de four psychic damage every turn could be a bit risky in the early game but you definitely want to be grabbing it for um the fact that it unlock some stuff later and having that little bit of extra psychic damage is always good uh favorable Beginnings is also a good one for uh social stuff but I'm mainly going to be focusing on the combat stuff here concentrated blast we do a lot of concentrated concentration spells here uh because most of the psychic spells are concentration based so this is a really powerful attack that you get to do um using your um kind of concentration to deal 3d6 psychic damage because you have to be concentrating on another spell to cast this and um if the target was concentrating you heal as much damage that was dealt to it but the problem is the spell you were concentrating on will end so it is a really powerful psychic blast but it ends your concentration however if you're just using an enemy using your concentration to kind of lock down an enemy or two using this ability to finish them off is always a good idea so yeah definitely worth using uh also stage fright is really good enemies will have disadvantage on attack rolls against you with the amount of different ways we impose disadvantage with this build it really makes you harder to hit and when they do they take two d6n psychic damage every time they miss so really really cool uh you ALS you could also grab something like displace if you want to kind of use your psychic abilities or maybe like Thunder Wave or something to put or telekinesis to push and throw people around they'll take an extra 1d8 of psychic damage each time you do but you'd have to grab Force tunnel for that uh also repuls is a really good one that you can kind of do like a psychic blast to push everyone away from you cionic backlash is also one of the more important ones you can get you can get it after getting concentrated blast uh which is kind it's kind of like counter spell it won't stop every spell but it does a little bit of psychic damage and if it's a concentration spell because you're doing damage you obviously have a chance to break the concentration and make the spell useless um yeah yeah those are kind of the ones I would mainly go for I think I would definitely recommend going overload concentrated blast stage fright uh Sonic backlash to start and then definitely pick up something like favorable Beginnings um repulsa and by extension uh Force tunnel as well just to have a ton of cool uh psychic options there but if you also wanted to go the partial elid route you get a ton more interesting options uh you could go for elid expertise to get proficiency and persuasion deception and intimidation always fun uh you could go for psychic dominance use your reaction to count to basically use a full um use basically a full counter spell that works off for your proficiency bonus can be really really good black hole is hugely powerful uh fly is obviously very on theme and if you're using those gify yanky boots that give you extra psychic damage it will trigger every time you use this uh mind blast basically is going to do a massive amount of damage cuz we're a High um charisma Blaster so this is a really really powerful psychic Blaster you can get this straight away also the Mind sanctuary and free cast combo just allowing you basically just saying I don't care about action economy let me do whatever I want when I want basically into making actions and bonus actions interchangeable is really really good and also if you go through this special Quest here you could also get survival Instinct allowing you basically to say I don't die lots and lots of really interesting stuff here that I absolutely recommend picking up with this build since our warlock spell s is limited having more things that you can do outside of your spell SLS it's really good and all of these are on theme uh so yeah just wanted to talk about this quickly back to me from the past past so the the very past uh so yeah that is the build um now I kind of wanted to make this build because again it felt a bit strange that for a video that is my most viewed video like for some reason my Sonic Warrior build is like the first thing that comes up on YouTube if you search balers Gate 3 psychic build so I wanted to kind of like re like not redo it but again provide maybe a more sustainable alternative a more viable alternative than that build for people who wanted to lean more into the Marshal the Marshall fighter aspect uh I still think overall I prefer my original Sonic Warrior build just just because I think it's more fun as and I just kind of like the idea of being more of a Caster than a marshall fighter cuz a lot of the builds I make in this on Marshall Fighters but I do feel like overall this is a pretty decent build again you're going to have access to a lot of different stuff a powerful armor and weapon combination uh you can also and also a ton of spells and basically the ability to do three attacks per turn is really good um the three bath levels aren't set in stone though I recommend taking one just to get vicious mockery at least but the other two could kind of be whatever you like like I say you could go for um you could go for Paladin levels if you want Divine Smite you could go for um like maybe fighter levels if you want the great weapon fighting fighting style and like maybe like um a level of like maybe you want some alrd Knight in there or some Battle Master or something basically kind of play around with those last last three levels and kind of decide what you like you may be tempted to go for thief Rogue for that extra bonus action to cast vicious mockery um twice to get kind of four attacks per round unfortunately that does not work uh The Ring Of The Mystic scoundrel only works for one bonus action after that it turns off so it doesn't really work with um fif Rogue in that aspect but it still could be a decent option if you wanted to like get like the like the bonus action dash for example um to be able to close in uh I mean there's other combinations down like again I said sorcerer for metam magic you could do that play around with it heck you might not even want to go this high in warlock you might find that you're not really caring about the higher level spells I would prefer to go for something else maybe you want to do like a sorcer in maybe going for like you know warlock Paladin or warlock sorcerer for a s loock uh there's a lot of different things you could do with this but I mainly like to go to the higher levels of our main Caster here to get those highle um psychic spells like telekinesis because again if you've not used telekinesis in this game it is so fun if you think shoving enemies in this game is fun you're going to love this uh but yeah that is going to do it for me for this video uh thank you all so much for watching and I will see you all next time
Channel: HoboZone
Views: 12,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EDjucfvgErY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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