Resident Evil 4 (2023) by spicee in 1:58:07 - Awesome Games Done Quick 2024

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[Applause] hey everybody my name is spicy um I'm here to Showcase res Evil 4 today this is the newest St game that came out uh it was super super popular on release there was so many people running it so many different strats were were found um on couch with me I have my wonderful girlfriend Miss graciana and my two good friends cat link and Captain Ezekiel if you guys want to introduce yourselves hello hi I'm cat link hi Captain Ezekiel Miss gra Siana just hanging out just having a good time so we're going to go and get straight into this cuz we do have some walk in the beginning I'll do a countdown if you guys want to countdown with me sure three two 1 go okay so a little bit about this run it's uh it's a pretty volatile run being professional um something that Capcom likes to do in their new games is the hardest difficulties they tend to not put checkpoints in um so really the only saves we have if things go wrong is that any saves I can make a typewriter ERS along the way and um we will be doing a lot of making those safety saves uh Zeke if you want to touch up on the story and kind of like why we're actually here and what we're doing yeah so um similar to the original if you've played it uh we are playing as Leon Kennedy um we are here to essentially uh rescue the president's daughter Ashley Graham um we skipped a few of the cuts at the start but essentially we're transported here um and into I believe it's Spain where we at here I don't remember uh Spain I think s about right somewhere like that that's where we're at here and the whole goal is we need to save Ashley now um how that mixes in with gameplay is we're going to have a lot of different sorts of situations where we have to escort Ashley places um and if you play the original you might have thought wow that could be kind of a pain and rest assured it is also a pain here oh it is arguably more of a pain with the new system that they put in for her it's really hard to get her through some of the areas thankfully we have um some skips and some different methods of getting through those areas so it's not that bad um the first little Tech that you you see me do here is spamming Crouch um originally we just used this for stair skating to go faster upstairs but we figured out it's actually faster anytime you're in combat in this game so there's two different states in this game there's in combat and out of combat and whenever you're in combat you move slower than out of combat uh because out of combat is supposed to be like a a traversal mode but if you spam Crouch you move quite a bit faster um and uh it makes it getting through areas a lot easier sometimes mhm so we're working our way towards the first pretty scary area in this run um GNA make a save of this typewriter unfortunately this typewriter is still a bit away from this area and uh it is one of the scary areas I let Zeke explain when I get up to it here but we have time for one donation probably here sounds good to me we got $100 from Emily saying oh shoot I added an extra zero to my donation for the donation train thank goodness it's going to an amazing cause let's get more of a game my beloved partner Audrey was once 10 minutes off the world record with r E4 hype $117,000 out of the 160 everyone you're doing great keep it going yeah make sure we get the separate ways running that'll be a really fun one too yes so Village village Village you want to take it away is you on yeah so this is the village this is uh the most replayed section of the game and probably the most condensed RNG section of the game so what spicy is going to do is he's going to shoot this first gonado a few times um just to either get him low or to kill him he's also going to time an execution on this guy so he also Dodges uh this lady here with a pitchfork the whole purpose of this is we need to get 15 kills to end this section we need six to start the second part of this area so he's starting a flash here to stun the enemies in this room he's going to throw a grenade and kick um we're looking to get as many kills as possible he has nine that is incredibly good you actually almost triggered the cut scene um so Nine Kills is perfect so now we only need six more so what's going to happen is spicy is going to go up here he's going to grab this shotgun and this grenade there going to be a g usually climbing this uh ladder come through this window um looks like uh he's calling me a liar so it's fine uh spicy is going to come out here and throw a grenade and jump down we need to hit 15 we have 13 currently um so spicy is going to uh hopefully Dodge some enemies oh he gets grabbed that's all random not much you can really do but one more kill should ring the bell and that's the village there we go very clean it really is about as good as we can ask for it for a marathon absolutely the reason why that's so hard and why we say It's So Random I'm going to cover that enemies all have random sets of Health um they come from a different type of pool but they all have different health so a grenade can sometimes kill 10 enemies it can sometimes kill zero enemies um so that's why that's so hard and why you reset there so often but that is so good for a marathon yeah especially in professional mode the NES the normal grenade tend to just not be very good to begin with so yeah it's definitely one of the more reset heavy sections of the run and it's right at the beginning so it's like okay well it's not that bad but it's also not great not amazing we got new struts uh over the months that made it a little bit better used to be really really bad but yeah made another safety save cuz there's another little coin flip up here that could kill me if it decides to see pick up some a few items the Ruby will need later for money the money routing in this game is another thing that's gone through so many changes and uh it's pretty optimized at this point we kind of pick up very minimal items can probably get on donation or two here sounds good we got $50 from Whimsy saying hello from the audience an unmat incentive no thanks bro let's get this bonus run thank you Whimsy we also have $10 from Ashley saying $10 train ticket for away from here Leon thank you thank you guys so some more Crouch walking here up here on the cart is where I was talking about there's going to be a there's a bol enemy that spawns when you pick up the Cog wheel and we're going to hope that we don't have to deal with them here when we push this out of the way you do have eye frames when you're pushing the cart here and this guy might swing into it or he's going to wait it out uh he's he's waiting yeah he's he was waiting that's okay we're going to be picking up some extra heals so we'll be all right yeah that's a that's kind of a perfect example of how random the game can be is uh he sometimes most of the time just swings into the eye frames but he perfectly spawn camped and just waited or sometimes the bull guy will just come in and take a huge swing and it's like okay that's nice the bull guy does what that guy does you're dead yeah that's the one way take it back to Village mhm up here we have our first uh out of bounds of the run there is quite a few in this R actually a surprising amount for a Resident Evil game um if you want to explain this one cut sure uh so basically this is Larry skip so basically what Larry is is there's a guy named Larry that we so called him and we're trying to skip him because he takes a while to get to and this big explanation we're going to go under this trip wire go straight out of bounds using that interaction to basically push us and that allows us to go into the mountains here so we're going to take a little detour and that's going to bring us right to the end of the chapter it's quite something how it got found I'm not I can't remember exactly how it was found and who found it but I believe it was actually found on a random Tik Tok somewhere I think so yeah it was like really random how I got found I was like oh that's cool yeah there a little safety herb here I'm going to grab I to do it really slowly cuz I could fall out of bounds there and just kind of get stuck forever yeah if you fall out of bounds basically you're just infinitely falling but that's chapter the end of the chapter that was a scary chapter Village is not nice vill is good Village is behind us going into chapter 2 here right at the start you uh get all your weapons taken away for a little bit you only have knives we're going to try to avoid killing every enemy here um it's a few little mem things that can happen if you get unlucky but hope we don't see it uh you probably get a donation in here he we got $25 from Toby th Rose saying shout out to the best run coming so far get this spicy show on the road and get separate ways on the road I mean come on don't you want to complete the r4r with the DLC let's get this game in we are well approaching $12,000 out of the 160 to get separate ways on the schedule everyone you're doing incredible keep it going thank you Toby thanks Toby here we're going to turn this wheel the door over there um what I'm going to do is when I go back through here I'm going to hold my camera backwards which is hopefully going to make this guy aggro later so I don't get hit going through this window nice and then this guy's in a good spot so we should get through here nice that is so nice it's so scary if that guy at the window is too early um he will stop spicy and on professional they made it so that those wheels that open doors actually close significantly faster um and so anything that stops you at all even for a millisecond will prevent you from going through that door so that's good that's good RNG that is good RNG so now I'll let you explain the are yeah so we're coming up on um what is uh infamously known as Red Mist Valley um why it's called Red Mist I hope you don't find out but um essentially we're in this Valley here um spicy is going to shoot this red Barrel this is going to pull a lot of the enemies uh to it um there's enemies all over it with different types of Weaponry uh hatchets uh and Pitch Force but the biggest scariest one is uh Dynamite um so spicy going to jump in here um this guy is a little bit of a coin flip but we take care of him we grab the flashbang now you can see these little white arrows around the screen these are dynamites um if an enemy uh so chooses to throw the dynamite in a place where we are not expecting it um if it lands underneath Leon's feet not at full health you turn into Red Mist it is brutal this is uh kind of an RNG packed point you can see there's explosions just going off all around them but Spicy Cool colon collected um we climb up here uh this guy's a little closer than he normally is uh we're going to go around a few Mor gonad we need to turn this wheel up here in order to open the gate back up spicy is going to shoot this red Barrel to kill the enemies there and shoot this guy's uh explosive out of his hand so he doesn't uh drop it underneath his feet which he can do um to kill spicy and himself spicy is going to jump down now he's going to enter in this building and go around a pitchfork lady to grab a yellow herb and a first aid spray um that seems to have gone well and it's just that easy he's out of red M Valley he's too good he's too good something I didn't really touch on before you see me kind of pausing before I'm shooting sometimes um we call that pause buffering um because of the way this game accepts inputs it's really easy to just pause before you shoot to make sure you don't miss so really it's just to make sure that we don't miss shots just makes it a bit easier yeah cuz missing any shots in this game at like any point can be very detrimental in a few parts absolutely any single Miss shot could actually just mean death at any point even where spicy just was if he missed any of those shots it it he just dies especially on new game you're very limited to your resources so if you miss a shot it's like well even uh just handgun ammo hand we actually use hand ammo to sell for money a lot so any extra handun ammo you use is money down the drain mhm mhm can probably get a donation in here oh yeah we got $25 from Ria saying this run balers Gate 3 looks weird who can't AER in a gun I've heard that comparison the same thing uh we do have the was the goal met for the dog we do have that coming up soon oh that dog oh yes do yeah you're saving the dog we are saving the dog hoor hooray H I'm to show up Neighbors we will be saving Huey but we will not be doing it in the way that uh you would normally see where we would uh interact with the Trap uh just to tell you why if you do that um it actually dramatically changes a boss fight that we actually can't afford to change um so we will be saving him but uh it won't it will be just a little bit different than probably what you're used to yeah so saving Huey heals the boss so as much as we Love Huey we can't say we can't heal the boss um but we will be saving the dog regardless and that's the end of chapter 2 that's the end of that chapter we're pass a lot of the really big r parts now time to save the perer paperino he's right out here get him let me take a little detour oh guy so yeah we can't open the truck Norm there we go woo oh here we go every buddy go buddy we love hu we love H unless he ruin fight yeah though it's cool when he's in the fight but unfortunately for speedruns it's uh not ideal yeah Capcom loves their random HP resets on both so um speaking of random HP resets um if you've seen on the bottom left of the screen we haven't really talked about it but we do use a tool in this game called the SRT the speed running tool um it's allowed for runs because running this game without it's very very difficult it lets you see HP enemy bars boss uh boss health bars and the amount of kills you have which is really important for a few sections like the village part in the beginning mhm um so why that was down there that that tool is very important there's also another tool um if you're paying attention you'll probably see that sometimes you'll see a controller input appear here uh when spicy is interacting or doing stuff um so we have what's called a a virtual controller application running uh this is something that was allowed for the Run uh cuz we discovered that if you were to plug in a physical controller and also keep your keyboard and mouse plugged in and hold down a button on the controller and on the keyboard at the same time it will switch between each input on every single frame um which which you're talking thousands of inputs uh very very fast um we did this because when you get grabbed by a gonado um the mashing that is required to get out it will hurt your hands so we did this um to allow that um to be a little bit better as well as it has some other benefits such as allowing sniper clipping which you will see later I will not say anything else on that um and a lot more consistent so that that answers if you've been seeing that wondering that's what that's from honestly the double input being in this game made it uh a lot more enjoyable to run you don't have to mash on all the interactions there's another little piece of tech that I've done twice already but I can explain it here since there's nothing else going on but um with the double inputs also the che first time you pick up an item you usually get a prompt but if you interact with something at the same time like this picture if you see on the top right I got the diamond but you don't actually get the uh pickup ambition saves a few seconds yeah we can get a donation or two in here all right we got $100 from Spike chandelier they say hello stranger this is for the separate ways run would be a shame going the rest of your life wondering what if thank you and we're over $120,000 towards the 160 to get separate ways on the schedule crowd how you feel about separ ways do you want to see it do you want to see it chat you heard them G donate put it towards that incentive exclamation donate in the chat let's get separate ways in it's a very fun run you guys definitely want to see that one um you just saw something a moment ago um and it's important to touch on it because how significantly different it is and professional which is parrying this is a unique mechanic to Resident Evil 4 remake which is a super cool mechanic um essentially what what you can do is you can receive prompts when you're about to get hit by an enemy's weapon um doesn't apply to every single hit but a majority of them where you can Parry it with an active knife that you have equipped um it's a cool little flashy uh trick very lenient on uh casual standard and hardcore however on professional we are limited to what is called perfect paries you have to Parry when the uh attack is about to hit you you cannot Mash you cannot hold you have to do it perfectly um so anytime you see py hit a Parry uh it's it's crazy cool because otherwise very good timing very good timing it's very similar to that of like dark souls parrying or stuff like that and uh now we're going to the fishing Village which in the category that I'm running right now is a bit different if you want to explain that Zeke yeah so um there is another category that recently got split from this one called uh any percent this is any percent but no da Z there's a bug that exists where you can manipulate what's called your difficulty adjustment um this is something that is present in uh a lot of uh common uh in modern AR games ever since Resident Evil 4 OG um where the better you do like the more enemies you kill the less damage you take the uh harder the game comes uh uh becomes rather and then uh in the inverse if you get you know destroyed it becomes a little bit easier we can manipulate that in this game in a very specific and a long drawn out way that I won't explain that essentially makes it so that you had to go through this area perfectly you could not get touched you could not Parry you could not do anything to affect this the reason for this is cuz we set it up in a way that made it so that it was a bug and the game would think you're actually playing on like like casual but like below casual like um and we would go to which is coming up shortly and you'll be able to kill him in seven hits on professional which is not uh oh boy okay we have eggs we got we got it we're good and that's why it was split that what you just saw right there is why we ended up splitting back from the main category because his run would now just be dead so we don't we don't want that getting hit in this section is just it just happens like all the time so yeah very cool when you do get the da zero but when you don't it's like well okay we'll go back home then back to the Village back to the Village all right time for Del Taco Del Taco this is the first sort of boss fight of the Run um I'm going to switch to 60 here because the waves in this fight are much much uh smaller on 60 than on 120 uh which is really important for actually being able to hit him uh we do also have like a technique in this fight for throwing these faster um basically if you see Leon he's like sitting back down after I throw that's cuz I'm not aiming anymore if you release aim after you throw and then re aim again to throw it's uh quite a bit faster than just throwing it how you're supposed to um and Zeke if you want to explain the one SLE here while I try to get it yeah so what happens is um we have a certain amount of time and a certain amount of Spears to hit delago if we do not hit um every or at least a majority of the spears we throw um before he does what's called called the dive um which you'll see an example of what that's going to look like here in a moment where he sets up for it um we need to have him dead before that dive because what happens is when Dives he actually heals himself um so we want to hit a one cycle so is going to time these Spears here for when delago comes out of the water that was a good hit it's another good hit yeah and if Del Delo goes into phase two he is a lot more sporadic random he's healed at that point one more and there it ISO no face to let's go face too scary that fight was a nightmare when we first started routing before we realized we were like is it just RNG like does he never just die uh cuz the fight could last so many minutes but and the way we found out he got healed it was like oh oh okay cap loves doing that yeah here I'm going to send some stuff to my inventory um I sent the knife that we start with because we need it for a fight later in the game and uh I want to make sure it doesn't get damaged before we get to that fight too much so we just sent it to the box it also helps a little with inventory space and I sent the shotgun cuz we're going to be selling n at the merchant and I need some inventory space up here and we can get a donation in there what the all righty right got $10 from the shifty1 scene I haven't heard a hooray from the crowd in a while where have they all gone Bingo hoay thank you you probably get like two more in just want to make yall aware we are less than 32 $1,000 away from getting seever ways on the schedule your love and your generosity and of course your cold heart cash going to the PCF it's going to make that a reality so everyone keep those donations coming in and put towards that incentive let's go yeah everybody's got to get this guy for set boys here we have um section where we kind of just hang out on a boat for a bit got to go pick up some stuff um most of this chapter is pretty chill there's not too many dangers except at the very end but the the danger that is at the very end is a bit scary because I don't really get to make a save uh for pretty much this whole chapter until it so if I do die on that it will be a pretty big set back but it's pretty rare you get a donation here oh yeah we got $10 from demonic robots saying hi spicy I've seen the amazing amount of work you'll put into this game to get here and I'm glad it is paying off you're an awesome streamer and glad you are on the big stage oh thank you demonic we also got $10 from V saying got to that separate ways run got to see more gdq got to help beat cancer yes indeed thank you so much we also have ourselves $100 from move feet their comment reads re4 is one of my favorite games since I was a kid I remember playing in a GameCube when it came out I lost my grandmother to cancer not too long after that and this just feels like the right time to donate thank you move feet we appreciate your generosity thank you guys now R4 is a big big Nostalgia one it was especially for me when this REM was coming out I loved og4 mm on GameCube I was um I did speak to someone recently I think in the lobby about um how bold it was to remake what is already one of their most precious entries in the franchise it was definitely risky it was a super risky move and it paid off yeah they killed it amazing like it is it is you know people say that they feel that this could be better than the original I think both are just amazing and they did such a good job with this game they they stayed very true to a lot of the original re for like I and everything like that the boss fights and all that there was a few instances where like oh why is this not here and you'll understand why later but no trust the process trust the process yeah there was one thing we picked up on that boat ride that we didn't have time to mention but we did pick up uh we stopped the island we got a golden egg which is very important we're actually not using it for money we will show it for later if you do not know oh I can't wait for that we baking a cake we're baking a cake yeah what kind of cake do you guys want one with a golden egg yeah one with a one with a goldenegg so a golden kick all right gotcha gotcha okay okay gotcha uh this is the area spicy was talking about that's a little scary there's a lot of enemies uh on this only this part of this area um for the most part a lot of their behaviors are scripted until we get up here and we pick up the elas PES we need for the area there's going to be a few enemies that throw Molotov um some enemies with a pitchfork uh and shovels uh and and pipe bombs so the big thing here is we're just trying to avoid getting locked into any sort of like animations and getting grabbed so spice is going to jump down here he's going to shoot this treasure uh we got a guy with a shovel here nice Crouch good uh going to around these guys here so is going to open up the store we hope no molotovs drop underneath our feet perfect nice nice very clean so what can happen there is when you stop to open that door there's a few Molotov guys in that cave and if they end up on the path back to where you're trying to get to the door uh if they throw a Molotov on the door as you open it uh Leon will just start flailing around around cuz he's on fire and you can't open the door you're just kind of stuck there in the molotov yeah had that honestly the RNG in this run so far has been pretty insane yeah it's been really good same from the get another donation in here oh yeah we got ourselves jash coming with a $100 donation to PCF they say that separate ways run is going to be JY let's do this chat you are all so smart and so brave thank you JZ for appealing to the intellectual and and uh and courageous vanity of chat who are coming in 12872 out of the 160,000 needed to get separate waves on the schedule Zeke's Zeke's excited Zeke you excited I'm so excited he's so excited he just can't hide it I can't I you guys would want to see that run trust me it's very similar to this run but just kind of condensed cuz it's about half the length it's really fun one no set up for Gigante if you want to explain what I'm doing here Zeke yeah so spicy everything we've done up to this point is to stack our heels um unfortunately and as painful as it was for all of us to find out the most expensive things you can sell are your heels um so we grabbed all of our items red green yellow mixes all our um first aid sprays we're going to sell all of them to buy a sniper a scope and we're going to upgrade this thing uh because we have a boss fight coming up now this sniper is going to be used for a strong majority of the Run uh this thing is very powerful when upgraded um we realized it is actually extremely strong um when we were routing um and it's very important that we have it where we need to so all the routing we do and have done has been so we could get the heals we need to sell to do this now money isn't just for this we're going to have a lot of very explosive items we're going to buy later that we need a lot of money for um so you'll see a few Merchant stops throughout the run it's very that's critical to the whole run and now spicy is going to do uh the higante fight so this fight starts with spicy uh shooting a couple head shot into higante a couple pause buffers cuz his movements can be very sporadic um especially when the plag is revealed which it is now so he's going to reload back up to five do a ammo reload cancel uh hit a couple more shots on this and now what's very crucial about this is he's canceling the reload of the bolt he's going to hit one critical shot here this forces higante to phase again as he stands up which gives spicy time to reload hits another shot on that and he's going to send him back down to the ground and a couple more shots on this here and then all he's have to do is pull out his pistol drop a few more shots in hiate come on there it is that's it that was Queen that was so good I love that yeah that fight is not too bad unless it goes like Off Script as soon as goes off script it uh rough he can charge sometimes so when he charges it's like well I'm I'm going to run now yeah you can't do much of each you can't Parry it you can't really move out of the way it's pretty bad but that was that was good yeah we also got a rifle drop which is very important nice we love that and now we are on our way to get Ashley unfortunately yay we got we got her right here we found her um yeah so spicy is going to run up into this church and do a puzzle um a lot of this is kind of just holding w37 so I think now would be a good time for some donations yeah thank you Zeke all right we got ourselves U $50 from Captain sassy pants I'll do the OG mergent with this one let me try it what your boying I hope it's the sepot race bonus run let's make it happen stranger how was that that was good that was good good that was really good we also have $25 from Ashley Ashley says shout out to the game I can't have on in the background CU people keep saying my name and we also have $10 from zero with two o's they say this has got to be the best pirate I've ever seen we are approaching $130,000 out of the $160,000 to get separate ways into the event let's keep those donations coming in and put towards meeting that bonus game let's do it y'all thank you guys thank you zero thank you and yeah this is the end of this chapter next chapter is uh very very scary yeah yeah the collective yeah no it's fine it'll be it'll be great we do have one Strat here at the beginning of this chapter that makes it significantly more bearable to run this game um so the sniper clipping that we talked about earlier I think this is yeah this is the first time we use it um and it's actually you'll see it up here usually this whole run up to cabin you would have to have Ashley with you and you know protect her from the enemies and that was really really bad when the game first came out we were trying to Route her around that and like fear out how we're going to get her past the enemies and it was really hard but it turns out we can just do this and if we do this uh Ashley actually just get stuck up there and we could just leave her and bye Ashley byebye see you later yeah makes this much [Applause] easier here I shoot a shot just to get this guy to throw his Molly earlier so I can dodge it and then we dropped some rifle ammo on the ground here earlier we're going to pick it up now I'm going to do a bit of extra looting to see if I can get another rifle drop just to make sure we're good on ammo a lot of the time you'll skip this even doing like PB attempts but should be safe with the marathon that was a lot of potatoes you just rolling in it get another another donation in here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got ourselves a way separator coming with the donation in the amount of $6,000 with a very simple command let's separate some waves away separator all right um if you noticed earlier in the village we didn't really mention it but I shot out the window that I just jumped through that's because of those two guys right there on the path if you don't shoot out the window then when you jump through it you'll break the glass which will the enemies it's unfortunate oh yeah there's a little unlucky thing you can get here with this guy does rush you down on the door that's okay we have eggs we got eggs we gotg we got eggs just don't use the golden egg don't eat the golden don't eat the golden egg that'll be very bad how are we going to pick the C how we going the golden cake how are we going to get the golden cake and also your stomach's just going to feel icky don't do it here I was waiting for this guy to turn around because if you go too early then you'll have to shoot him uh we really need to save our rifmo as much as we can so got this guy just hanging out to Circle a bit so we can go here make a safety saer cabin surely we won't have to use it and all will be well Sur we love cabin I mean we are going to remember what you said in the prti I was just thinking about that don't oh oh hello buddy goodbye hopefully Zeke if you want to explain cabin here yeah so cabin um a kill based uh event based situation here so what spicy is going to do he's going to try to hit some collateral shots and break a few Windows ideally um we want to get uh six kills here before another guy shows up which will give us our seventh kill the seventh kill is uh going to spawn a wave of enemies um we need to make sure we hit at least 10 kills so spicy is going to throw a grenade as they run out he's going to wait a second and throw another one to make sure everyone dies what this does is it hits the kill trigger that we need to start having enemies drop boards this guy will always die and drop a board the next enemy that dies that does not turn into a plag us will drop boards so what spicy is going to do is he's going to throw grenade at this lady who jumps in and he's going to shoot her once make sure she dies with the grenade so she cannot oh my goodness throw another one oh she's resilient and that gives us the last boards we cannot kill her by normal means because she will plug us and you can't get the boards now all three boards are in place it sets up uh wave two um spicy is going to go upstairs and loot up a bunch of boxes and he's need to get in position to do some uh precise shooting outside of the cabin cuz there's three guaranteed enemies you can get for free and we need to kill five um so spicy is going to wait here and the cut scene's going to play in a moment and where spicy aiming there's going to be a fellow standing there hey buddy notm now he's going to take out a guy climbing the ladder and one more that's going to come here with a shovel those are the three guaranteed non plagas kills and now there's going to be a few more enemies throughout the cabin that are going to show up we're trying to get to the ones down here um and we want to make sure we get the ones that don't spawn plaga so there's going to be one more enemy we need to kill it can be kind of RNG if he spawns a plagas um we don't want that cuz it makes the room so much harder um he's going to shoot this guy and now that's perfect that's five the now wave three we have a cow spawning and now four shots to kill this guy unless we get some crits um so 1 2 3 4 and now we have to survive and loot this uh we got a fella here just got to Live's getting a little wild that's it there we go oh hey Ashley welcome back little unlucky there we didn't get any R flam drops in the cabin so I did have to craft one but it's okay we should be all right that was really clean yeah but let's go and then another scary chapter uh honestly from cabin up until like the end of chapter 7 is really really scary uh for a lot of different reasons aren't they all just scary at this point Prett allett we used to talk about these three chapters as like like cool you made it out of Village but now you have to play the rest of the game these three chapters were like the worst for it because there's a lot of intense skill checks higante uh cabin you just saw and another fight coming up shortly um so we'll see that in a moment but first we got to sell some stuff spicy is going to get rid of a few items um we're going to try to get a much better weapon and upgrade our case also get a flash grenade recipe this shotgun that spicy's picked up which is the riot gun this thing is significantly good at uh clearing out enemies and making better it's a lot better A lot of the time you can kill people hit with it and if not it knocks everyone back so it's very very important to have yep and uh we have a little bit of a stealth strap for this uh um and the reason that I reloaded the checkpoint there or the save that I made rather um was to reset the enemy positions here so that we can get the two stealth kills on these guys so that we can loot this treasure up here without being bothered yeah sometimes there are tactical resets with the saves just for consistency sake uh when the enemies are just roaming around they're not exactly where you need them to be and it's it just makes it a little bit messy here we shoot the Archer to make sure that we don't get shot in the back here we throw a Flash and we're hoping Ashley does notes up with us here yeah sorry yeah can you just like trying get with it I'm oh right in the butt right that's wait we got eggs I've never ever in my life since that happened oh boy excuse me sir nice Perry cheeky little Perry yeah that was scary yeah I didn't that the reason that we come in here is usually you don't come in here in runs and mess with this guy at all but um I wanted to be able to make another safety save there so cuz the fight coming up here is honestly might be the biggest reset point in the entire game yeah this is chainsaw sisters they got a lot to say I got a lot to say about them well why don't you go in there and tell him so here we do a little skip uh that skips just running around you can shoot this lock through little crack and then we're going to tell Ashley to hide in here and Zeke if you want to explain what's going on here yeah so when spicy picks up this crank two siss are going to spawn the one in the green dress is the one that we want to kill he's going to be two shots uh he got the good RNG she turned around now she's going to drop and die instantly which causes the other one to go berserk now this is where it actually still gets significantly hard there's enemies everywhere we need to go and get this crank in a door and turn it and open it and get us and Ash out we have some awful RNG right now with these fellas so is going to throw a Flash and he's going to put this in it might still be okay because the guy next to him got flashed he might go for a grab once he thought was Flash if he punches me we're going to be in the trouble but if he goes for a grab he can't grab on doing this yeah this so now we're going to try to go through here Ashley now has to make it to us um this is where we're praying everyone hold pause that ashy makes it through you could do it I believe where you going she made it through very nice I was pretty scared there because I already had to craft an extra rifle ammo if I had to craft an extra flash for that too we would have been hurting for resources so I'm very glad that she did not get grabbed from one scary section to another and off to the next one the Mendes Chase is a little sequence here now it's fairly scripted however um you are at the mercy of Ashley's AI uh so what's going to happen here spicy needs to get to the end of the section as cannot be tooo far behind him and she cannot get grabbed um spicy's taking care of these enemies they all die in one hit um playing it safe by making sure we take care of all the enemies because Ashley will get stuck and then she won't make it so perfect there you go nice ni Yeah Ashley can get stuck on that on that wagon right there and if she gets stuck on that wagon and you don't notice Mendes will grab her and then you have to go through it all over again and yeah no you don't want that I'll do my job all right so time to do the merchant skip uh essentially as you saw did it really quick basically interacting with the merchant will allow you to essentially go out of bounds by pressing S at the same time so it's kind of a little wonky how we managed to make it work but as you see spicy just does it in two clicks he's done he's out but hi Mendes hi mes he's hanging out yeah yeah it's he's just you know looking over the water he was he's a little upset that he didn't get his little show yeah but yeah the uh the Mendes skip is actually kind of insane because it skips well it skips the Mendes fight which allows you to save so many resources and especially on professional it is terrifying yeah and that's chapter six yeah that's chapter [Applause] six just want to update yall if that's okay yeah on the incentive we are currently at 131 131,000 855 out of the 160 and if you all notice we're about a quarter of the way through this run so it is now time to get those donations in and put towards that incentive we got $100 from Jam loing the game saying hello Merchant one separate ways bonus Run please anything else I can help you with will that be all then come back anytime thank you thank you thank you thank you espe the merch I know honestly yeah so good here we have another scary section if you can even believe it can you believe it know I I you know I can't it's nice the Catapult section here has a lot of volatility to it just because you have to worry about Ashley on top of the catapults you have arrows coming at you and you have to make sure that you kill specific enemies uh so that way it gets a little bit safer um yeah it gets spooky but you also want to uh shoot some of these barrels here and the reason for that is that it gets rid of some of the catapults is like Ashley's not getting grabbed so far so that's good we do not want that to happen yeah that's good the whole area is very scary because we have to we have to clear the way for Ashley and we have to get rid of the catapults that would otherwise kill Ashley um all those guys dying to one shotgun shot is actually critically important to the remainder of this um so this cut scene kind of stands everyone still nothing's happening and now what spice is going to do is he's going to grab this large resource and he's going to make Ashley stay here he's going to force Ashley to get grabbed do this um this is because we're going to abuse a flashbang and a the way area advancement works with Ashley um so he's going to call her back now she's going to get grabbed on the bridge there is a chance she doesn't and now we're going to throw a flash it's going to drop her and stun all enemies in the area what this does is when we go into the castle because we switched oh no okay so yeah there's one thing that can happen here where she will get reg grabbed there's a way fix do is there a way to sort of fix it if we get Lu yeah cross what we're going to do is we're going to make a save and we're going to load it and it's going to make Ashley not be in grab anymore however she can instantly get reg grabbed we might be okay crossing our fingers here um that is the one way on professional that you can possibly save a scenario like that on standard generally you just reload a checkpoint and hope that the same thing occurs but we're going to hit a cut scene right here and she should be right here seems good yeah she's good nice yeah nice I was real scared for that area in practice not going sniper clip oh what excuse me Leon what that was crazy I have never seen that supposed to happen that's not skills that was guy's just crazy that gu is crazy he just right through the door we're getting revenge now there we go he done all right uh so yeah basically to explain what just happened right there um spicy just went through the door otherwise you wouldn't be able to uh that's using the double bind and turning around very quickly with the sniper scope uh while you're doing that you want to look down and turn around as fast as possible while interacting with the door and when that occurs you just get on to the other side and you can open it it is very interesting you can only do that on very specific doors but it's very satisfying when it happens so water water room water Hall we love water hul wooho um this water hul in the remake is um you know is a varying opinion experience either as bad or equally as bad or worse or easier than the original um this one is a bit more scripted however this first part very random um the whole uh premise of what we have to do here is grab this wheel and uh lower lower two Bridges so that we can get up with Ashley and get over to the second part which is significantly more consistent however this first part is brutal there are enemies everywhere um we're going to be abusing uh flashbangs in certain areas of this to ensure Ashley doesn't just get yed away um so we're going to uh hold this down here if we're lucky these guys will sleep a little bit they won't uh touch Ashley and then we're going to go up to the second floor this is where it gets kind of scary there are archers everywhere um and all the enemies are just going to be line to Ashley and we got people with sces m um so nice Magnum drop very good Magnum drop um oh Ash got beamed but we're not going to worry about yet as got taken that's actually not the worst because we have that's we do got some flashes to being taken close to me which is good I flash close to me so there we go yeah having flashes for this section is uh vital just because she will get grabbed and she's downed again yeah Ashley are we doing okay over there my bad that's um in in a normal run that would be a a significant amount of time loss cuz you have to wait for her to wake up so I mean we're we're waiting W up oh there we go there she is now we're at the second part of water hul um I know so much is going on right now and it never stops that's basically just how this game works you got to roll with the punches um so we're going to get Ashley up here and she has to uh turn a couple of Wheels to increase uh not increase but bring this bridge up so we're going to turn this one and she's going to turn that one four scripted enemies are going to spawn here um and they're going to get a little tired so they're going to start walking uh thankfully that's perfect for us so is going to actually use his handgun for this to preserve uh sniper ammo and we're going to try to kill all four of them using it uh usually depending on crits it takes three to four shots to kill each one uh and what we're going to do then is line up so what's going to happen is more enemies are going to spawn up top while as she tries to run across we need to make sure she doesn't get stopped for any reason um enemies are going to spawn down below so we kind of have to navigate this by avoiding enemies below while killing the enemies up top two script enemies going to spawn here we're going to try to kill with the collateral very nice Ashley is going to run around to that wheel and we're going to get over here to get the other script enemy that's going to sprint out of this door right now there he is uh and now there should be only one more scripted enemy to spawn out of the other door so we're going to come over to this side and we're going to force the enemies down below to come to us try to get another C here oh nice now we're doing a little bit of dance with these guys here um so spicy is going to sit here and stun that guy of his shield and we're going to run around and avoid getting hit until the bridge comes all the way up and the bridge should be coming up here in just a second excuse me pardon me these guys are these guys are going get back so we don't have to worry uh about Ashley at this point she will she will show up MH and uh assuming she makes it across the bridge but it sounds like she did that is uh she chilling she shouldn't get grabbed though once you cross cross the bridge all the way she kind of she that was a great water hle good job and uh that's perfect that's we're finally at a lull of of all the excitement over the last three to four to seven chapters that we've been in now for the next scary chapter I think we actually have a little bit of downtime here so I think it'd be a good time for donations hey thank you Zeke we got uh $15 from What is love baby don't hurt me that's their name what a Bop and their comment reads hello stranger what are you buying ooh so you want some spicy for your golden egg omelette Perfect Choice stranger perfect for the separate ways run thank you what is love we also got $30 from Mike wave say can't think of anyone better to do these runs than my boy Spicer and Zeke both of whom have been on the ground floor along with so many others pushing this game to its absolute limits love you guys you're both going to kill it speaking of Z killing separate ways currently sitting at $132,000 out of the 820 I think we're getting to the close here I think we need one last push of donations to finish that off what y'all think crowd I can't hear you what do you think crowd let's get those donations in put towards that incentive everyone let's do it all right and yep right into another exciting section this is the red zal this area is a little bit more tame but it is another mini boss encounter um we need to kill that guy up there and get his uh his Lantern so we did started this off by shooting a few things to force him to come over here and we hit a crit at some point uh cuz he is down for the count he got us out oh we have eggs okay we do have eggs we got eggs we're running low on eggs guys we're we're need to go to the St you got any more eggs this economy can probably get another donation in here yeah we got ourselves a $50 from long way down say I'm a little behind in my donation total normally but here's $50 to get us closer to that separate ways DLC this re4 run is bringing back good memories yall are making me want to break up my Wii copy of the game yo sounds like a boss the Wii Mo control version of OG is actually really really fun here we have another puzzle we didn't mention yet but all the puzzle solutions in this game are completely set there's no RNG to the puzzles at all thankfully mhm thank God yeah we have enough RNG to De all the puzzles are a set but there's one caveat to that uh casual and standard share the same puzzle solutions and hardcore and professional share the same puzzle solutions but there's no they don't all share it right so it's just those two uh uh difficulty lumps which is actually I've never seen them do that before so um was it interesting when we realized that when we played it casually oh great great oh great great oh great here there is a strat to pass this guy without shooting but um I don't feel super comfortable doing it because we're a little low on heals just going to go and shoot them Christ yeah you know better safe sorry here we have another little bit of a scary part it's not as bad as the previous parts we just did but um there is one part of it that is a bit risky um Zeke if you want to talk about that yeah so we have um a little bit of a skip here it saves actually a lot of time uh by cutting some shortcuts um we're going to take out these enemies and we're going to hope we don't get two sto by these Shield fellas um spicy is going to hit this switch to go up these stairs here now normally you're expected to go up and around and hit a whole bunch of switches and destroy a couple uh weights that are holding these Gates closed but what we're going to do actually is we're run over here and we're going to shoot and we're going to do that it's just going to open it up just a little shot yeah and then we have another one here to open this but this is where it gets tricky we have to throw a grenade through this little hole up here to skip this one and now um we're going to line this up this is a hard toss oh nice wonder that Arch will sometimes lie to you just bold face lie to you and not go anywhere where you told it to and it's just like oh that's nice just kidding just kidding yeah nice DOD grab so the whole idea of this section is there's a there's an armored higante up on the wall to our right throwing a bunch of stuff at us um and we just want to be faster than him so the way we do all that it gets us arounded just fine but now uh to wrap this area up uh and to close out the chapter is we're going to raise this cannon up and we have to shoot two of those weights to bring it up and what we're going to do is go to this cannon up here and we're going to use it to shoot the armor hante so uh these bye have a good sleep we're going to also use it here to kill these three enemies that are blocking the way or we try our best cuz sometimes it doesn't hit them and then blow up the door um that was that whole section that was very clean actually really good actually yeah the nade is really scary cuz if you miss the first nade like you'll just start getting destroyed by the enemies in there yeah and also your just limited Supply on NAD so it's like huh I could try but all sorry I've that is pretty much the end of chapter what is this eight yeah what CH they're all they're melting all blur that's all blur I'm getting confused can get a donation here yeah yeah that donation train is still rolling abouts for getting separate ways under the schedule have an anonymous $50 donation saying 10 tickets to the train please all aboard Chew Chew indeed $133 $420 out of the $160,000 to get separate ways into agdq come on let's make gam stun quick awesome that's a great idea what y'all think thank you Anonymous so much here we're going to grab a little bit of a safety heal this Viper then we have the maze section there's a bunch of dogs in this section um most of them like that one I didn't even shoot them they don't really do anything if you just ignore them there are a few that we have to kill um the ones in the cages we definitely have to kill cuz they do get in our way hopefully I hit both of them there I did yeah they don't play nice these dogs kill this one and there's another one on the right here but we can just ignore this one I'm going to tell ashy to wait and then follow again to make sure that she doesn't get grabbed by that dog and uh the goal of this area is to raise these three or lower these three flags to open the gate in the middle there and uh they're spread out throughout the maze on these towers yeah for the most part this section is very consistent um we have set strats we know where the dogs are going to spawn we know where the enemies are going to spawn this is actually a very little RNG um section however um the dogs are still a problem so there's some in a cage here one of them is a scripted plog us spicy is going to throw the grenade over to skip it and kill this guy before he can actually plog us he died okay good so if that dog plugs us he's going to become a big problem um and they take they become significantly stronger um so spicy told Ashley to hold that lever down and then we're going to run around here uh while she does that and hit this flag and this is the second to last flag what this one will do though is it will spawn a set of enemies that are going to run after Ashley because the game sees that you're now separated from her so they want to send fellas after her um so what we're going to do is uh kind of stand in this opening that you're going to see over here and spicy is going to take shots and kill the enemies that are going to go towards her while also making his way towards the last flag um and which will set us up to get into the castle so it's going to be this guy here and another one R ahead he zooming and yeah that guy zooms frequently but you can kind of just kill him after you do the thing hopefully these three enemies act as like a just straight up death trigger for Ashley even if she's nowhere near them if these three enemies don't die and you try to progress she'll just die M so you have to kill these three enemies they either have to be killed or stunned ored to make something got to happen to them but oh uh-oh it's not great there we goce shot he's still alive sir we just doned you in the head please die there we go there he go Ashley saved what uh never mind Ashley was it a dog oh it might have been the dog yeah oh no it was a person where did this fell come from hello sir you were not don't know who that is I don't know where did you bring can I see your bad please [Applause] now we're in the castle there's a bit of looting before these sections coming up here um I feel like we might have some time for donations oh thank you Zeke got uh $10 from Lion saying hey spicy crew sad I couldn't make it this year but watch it from home with Levi and spirit much love for you and the Gang let's keep this good RNG going and kill this run we knew we were meant for this the moment you were made in the lab happy birthday and happy running brother and let's see that bonus game less than three almost $25,000 in change remaining to meet it and we're in the back half of this run almost everyone y'all so the time to donate is right now thank you L all right little skip here um what's supposed to happen in this room is as soon as you step about halfway on that bridge um the there's a guy that comes out and he lowers the bridge and you have to kind of like go all the way around and put the bridge back up to get out uh to get the head and then get out but if you throw a nade as you hit the trigger for him to start running forward he'll actually died to the nade or get knocked back by it and he won't be able to pull the lever and then we use a flash k out there cuz there's a lot of enemies that start SW me if you don't flash there I think it was one of the first skips that were found for this game it was a little one but I think that was the first one it's a nice one yeah it's nice cuz that room in itself is not fun to deal with in a speedrun sense um so having that little skip makes it a bit easier mhm yeah nighty night nights now we have kns oh good stay these guys are um very scripted in counter but they require very precise and very um an extensive amount of knowledge of how they operate in order to do this successfully so what is going to do he shoot this guy a few times to expose to plagas and kill it um and now what he's going to do is his baa swing from this guy and what's going to happen is when Ashley sees that she's going to throw down fire and this will stun them he's going to do a kick to kill the these first two STS night so it's two out of the I believe it's uh what seven that we have to kill I believe so yeah um so this guy is going to spawn he's going to do a similar thing where he shoots him and he's going to shoot again when he raises his weapon to knock him to the ground he's going to use the eye Fram so the kick oh a little too early uh ashy through the fire uh now we get to do another kick which automatically exposes the plas and now we have the last three that spawning so what is going to do is he's going to kind of round him up like like he's a cowboy he's going to go around here and he's going to get this guy to come closer to him and while the other two are behind him getting closer he's going to run around and Ashley is going to throw the fire now that she saw that this guy tried to swing at spicy and he's going to try to pull him into it if we can get there we go perfect and two kicks and one flashbang and that's nice that guy bugged out he didn't get that was he didn't get nothing he was like you know I feel like keeping my helmet on today she should have a third one to throw I no I used all three uh very I've actually never seen the Knight get kicked but not that was that was very odd good job 9 night nights like our second or third that's never happened before a few moments today crazy yeah come on not too bad though that was good yeah I'm glad I used the Viper before cuz the overhead swing that that guy hit me with here when I did the kick too early that would have killed me if I wasn't full health mhm I'm looking pretty good on ammo this is the part of the game where a ammo is uh pretty random uh you really need like a certain amount of drops to get through the game at this part but I got pretty lucky this time so going to we're doing good yeah and the whole idea of what we're trying to do here if you haven't picked up on it is we need to get three heads um for this uh statue up here we got two of them this third one there is no enemies um that we have to deal with um we just have to make Ashley sit down so I guess she's the enemy if you really want to think about it that way um so we make Ashley sit and then we go sit down and uh we ring our bells and it gives us the head for free a dramatically easier experience than what we just had to go through look like we figured it out yeah and then after this starts the Ashley section I'm going to go down and make a safety save before the ashy section hopefully we don't have to use that cuz it would be a pretty big loss if we did but and you can get a donation in here sounds good to me we got $5 from Silver Inferno saying stranger can I offer you a nice a in this trying time thank you silver info approaching $135,000 out of the $16,000 to get separate ways into gdq chat y'all doing great keep those donations coming in and remember put them towards that incentive on the donation landing page thank you so much let's get it buttoned up uh I should warn here coming up there is an audio warning there's a very loud part coming up here um because of the double blinds that we used a sound gets spammed and it's very loud so yeah it's when we approach the clock as soon as you see a clock you any Gamers with headphones on you might want to cover your ears B not a good clock yeah it is a necessary evil unfortunately um it is coming up uh right now so please turn your volume down is that a clock I hated that pretty bad that's lovely it's a great sound really so I don't I don't really know what's happening here when you do that um that's actually not the right time for the puzzle like at all but for some reason if you turn it that way and spam the double inputs it just it just works it just lets you through no idea why it works we definitely made it to the right location on the clock but we're you know it doesn't look like it but we did yeah there's a little bit of tech in Ashley ashle is really straightforward there's really only one part that you're really in danger of dying in um coming up on the way back out of here other than that there's not much going on in the out section there's a little bit of attack you can do on the stairs where if you tap A and D as you're going down you move a tiny bit faster every slightly faster but Ashley is a one shot kill though so if she does get touched she will die instantly it's not a good time but it's pretty straightforward it's really comfy it's still a little shle but it's as comfy as it gets mhm as you can see we can use this Lantern to sort of freeze them in place you do a few times it's got the anti plagas thing going on there you go should be able to squeeze through the Gap here yeah go and you can get a donation of two in here this pretty long section hey thank you so much we got $25 from lumy saying donation train a bonus game cho [Applause] cho wow we are we're almost at $136,000 these donations are coming in keep it going everyone we also got $50 from inter hermit St chat crowd no one panic but the donations are coming from inside the stream room let's all stay together for now but we can go separate ways after this run and yeah let's let's do separate ways after this run Zeke what do you think yeah I think it sounds like a good idea a great idea let's let's pencil it in keep those donations coming in y'all enough of this yeah going back to this room is completely scripted there's no way you ever really die here you crou through here and then when you run by all the knight's activate but you can just kind of hold up you through here we can get another donation in this part's super long so stay still absolutely doodle we got $50 from big old PhD saying had to donate during my favorite series absolutely loving this run let's get that separate rise run thank you so much big there's also a skid pad with a $50 donation saying watching gdq is a family tradition that's cool even though watching Leon is great and all uh but let's get aah on the screen separate ways way to go gdq and PCF thanks GI thank you guys very excited for the separate ways run yeah we got to see what a has been up too oh she's been commentary R4 for the last like hour um you just saw spicy go to 30 FPS this is the first time we've gone to 30 before we went to 60 um this would not be a Resident Evil re engine game if we did not go to 30 at some point um we dropped a 30 there so spicy could just run right past that night to give you a very short explanation of how that works the lower your FPS is um models can clip into each other way more generously um your model just kind of slips back and forth as the game just wants you to go um the higher FPS the inverse happens so we go to 30 there that's one of the allowed spots that we can do that in the run so that we can just hold W pass at night otherwise you just wait at the bottom and it's very slow yeah that's only the place that the only place in asy section that you're like really in danger of dying if you mess that up and unfortunately if you die there you go really far back but got there that's the chapter n chapter n woo there's a little bit of a goofy Strat here um it's not RTA friendly but I just wanted to show it off I can I'm basically I'm moving right now you can't see but I'm moving in the background um usually in this part you spawn in a cage um but if you move in the background you can end up all the way at this door usually spawn in the other room over there very nice saes a bit of time and now we get introduced to these lovely little bugs we're going to do another door clip here just to squeeze by it cuz normally you'd have to go a completely different direction so using the door clip with these uh sniper allows you to just go right into this room uh now needing to deal with a ton more of f guys they love hanging out um but they're not too too bad uh spicy's going to be using a lot of flashes to get through uh because they can swoop in they can do a lot of damage as well so using flashes are is quite optimal for this section yeah this is kind of the part of the game at the at this point the game really wants you to have body armor so these enemies do so much damage if they hit you but we don't have body armor yet so yeah um basically any hit we take right now will put us to one HP mhm any any enjoyer of res Evil 4 OG or even the Remake will know that these are the nois Thors uh the nois uh we love these guys um not as bad in the remake as they are in the original cuz we know in the original how random they can be they are very random here still um but uh thankfully there's a little bit of foresight as to them so they don't just cheese you all the time um but they still hit you like this yeah see we got eggs don't worry that our last egg that was our last egg we're out of eggs now still have quite a few heals so we should be pretty safe here yeah this area can be very rough um and not like super easy to get through I tried to shoot okay we're not dead we're not dead we're alive we're alive it's fine it's okay that is a brutal R I think the worst part about that and guys you'll never believe this but it ain't over yet oh no we go from one brutal room straight into another this is double guard room this is only one gor on every other difficulty but on Pro it's funny so we have two gors um what spicy is going to do here is he's going to round this corner with the Magnum take out a scythe guy who is otherwise incredibly problematic um and take out a few enemies so they don't uh get in the way he's going to throw a grenade at that he's going to get over here and shoot this one in the back he's going to shoot it twice to expose the plagas he's going to turn to his right and shoot the other one to expose its plagas and now he's going to throw a flashbang this is going to damage this one and kill him and he's going to switch over one more shot to this one both dead but the enemies are still in the room so we're not safe until they're both completely gone and we are out of the room put that one unicorn head in hopefully no enemies thereby are getting cheeky that's pretty much that's pretty much double gares right there you just have to be very weary of the scy the scy can get you but that was that was very clean my heart was pounding for that one yeah the issue with that room is is that like you go from noi to that without a save point so yeah yeah that room is very stressful on any difficult especially professional yeah this this whole chapter incredibly overloaded and it's brutally overloaded you'll see why we have we still have more to go but we still got more we we're a little bit of a whole w section we might have some time for donations here sure sounds good to me we' got $50 for Maxi Sam put it out another 50 for the re4 lads spicy your speedr running Journey has been amazing to witness over the past few years you have the skills and the determination and deserve to sit on that big stage you got this brother thank you so much Maxi thank you we also got ourselves $100 donation from pseudonym I guess pseudonym is their pseudonym saying donating because I really want to see A's awesome boots Dona to prevent cancer is also good and Ezekiel is it fair to say that uh we might be seeing some special drip with a you guys get separate ways in you will see some very special drip that I had custom made custom drip W 13 $7,000 over out of the $160,000 remaining everyone keep those donations coming in it's got separate ways on the schedule y let's do it so there was a little thing that just happened there going yeah there was a little thing that happened there you probably would notice spicy just went out of bounds and into the void um so basically when he was crawling under that space uh he was basically turning his camera over which allowed him to which basically moved Leon going into the different direction and sent him into the into the wall it's very weird but essentially just turning your camera specific way allows you to go out into the void it's like okay he's like I'm not going to go deal with those novistador actually I'm going to leave then we got to levitate out obviously yeah and we got to levitate out as well um so that was also to go get the crown which the crown is something that we sell for the uh rocket launcher which is going to be very important for a few reasons yeah this this RPG that spicy is buying he's going to get some crazy mileage out of it um yeah and uh we're going to explain in a second what is actually going to happen but just rest assured we are going to use this RPG three times um and you can only use it once so you're probably wondering how that works um we're coming up on the uh Verdugo boss fight um tankiest guy on the planet this dude does not die um he takes a long time to kill organically um they almost want you to use an RPG here especially on professional you will o that is good R like those um so yeah you just saw that cut scene that spicy skipped rugo has spawned uh you'll see these little red buttons on the walls um these kind of Spawn little uh uh I guess U hydrogen traps uh that kind of like freeze rugo what we're going to do is we're actually going to abuse a bug here uh this bug is going to play a pretty critical part to the success of the run so uh this is going to be called the infinite rocket launcher glitch or infinite ammo glitch and what we're going to do spicy shot a bullet out of his sniper but he didn't shoot at anything what we're going to do here is we're going to actually summon the boss start the boss fight uh by hitting this trigger and what we're going to do right after is actually start one of the traps I was just talking about we're going to get hit by intentionally we're going to start a Reload we're going to switch to the weapon we wanted infinite ammo and switch to another weapon that has ammo and now the game thinks we have an RPG equipped but we also have the handgun ammo so we could just let it rip yeah it's like New Game Plus but without New Game Plus yeah that's that is such a like amazing glitch it saved this run actually actually uh this whole part used to be very rough and uh if you saw I just got my first heavy of the Run um we used to need like seven of them at this point with the original routing so uh it removed a lot of the item orang when uh we figured out this glitch and how it works yeah uh there's a thing where if you do inter interact with anything after like while you're holding it you go to interact with the wheel or anything like that it will get rid of it uh so you do have to reactivate it anytime you interact with something else uh which is kind of unfortunate but you know it's fair we'll take it fair trade we'll take what we can get speaking of good RNG my man actually just got three Magnum bols and another heavy yeah that like wow we're basically set for the rest of the game now you just need a few Magnum drops the big drops you need is you need like four Magnum five Magnum something like that and um you need two heavy nades before the end of the game or else you have to buy the recipe and I'm really glad we don't have to do that so yeah the end of chapter 10 that's chapter 10 that's presuming we're going now what I would say is probably the best use of the infinite RPG glitch saves so much time and so much heartache um we would normally have to go into this area to get some TNT to blow up this TNT wall but thankfully Capcom said if you have an RPG you can just use that too um but uh we want to save this cuz we also have a boss fight after immediately after um so what we're going to do is we're actually going to walk into this area and so conveniently there's a fella with a Molotov has fire and we can do the infinite glitch on fire as well so spicy is going to run up here he's going to aggro that guy up there now we're hoping RNG is a little bit in our favor and he doesn't get lost and he doesn't throw it at himself um and he's going to throw this down spicy's going to kick a reload on his weapon switch over do the glitch one more time and now he should have his RPG out it's just that easy there you go woo nice yeah that guy can uh sometimes the sign above him he'll just like throw the Molly too high and it'll hit the sign and oh it's the worst one that happens and now the RPG is actually going to get used and it's actually going to get consumed when we start this next fight which is the uh double Hig fight one armored one not we used to have some crazy Blasphemous strategies for this but we eventually got to this point Luis don't get in the way please yeah sometimes there we go nice yeah sometimes Luis likes to get in the way there and he'll body block the entire RPG shot and you're just like Louis you're still alive and they're not like they're they're still here too and I I want to go home yeah uh right after the fight we watched the second uh death cut scene because Lis K will get like stuck on his leg sometimes if you don't but yeah that make sure you don't soft lock with Lis we don't like Louise we too we'll talk about for specific reasons get some donations here we're about to go into the donation block which is the mine cart section where there's really not much going on so sounds good to me we got to have an anonymous $500 donation saying all the donation train we have eclipsed $133,000 out of the $160,000 everyone keep those donations rolling every for separate ways y'all let's do it w wo we also got $50 from Chile conto a saying wait Follow Me Wait Follow Me Wait follow me thank you very much we also got $50 from Dan saying stranger here's a few coins towards the other one on the separate ways but B but good luck on the rest of the Run mate very professional so far thank you thank you D so yeah this uh this part is about 6 minutes long of just hanging out um there's really no risk of like dying in this part at all all you really have to do is lean left and right and shoot some enemies pistol we have a clip somewhere actually actually say no in theory it's not possible die here yeah we get some donations then you got six minutes of donations I feel like I can oblig y'all I got $50 from avuku saying spicy remember the times from Village all those years ago and now look at you proud of how far you become as a speedrunner and as a person best of luck don't let the RNG get to you shout out to the lovely couch as well thank you aamu thank you K we also an anonymous $50 donation saying let's go separate ways together keep up the great work everybody I appreciate that we have a contribution of $15 to the cause from Anonymous saying let's not go our separate ways without seeing this run still at $138,000 but we can get that moving we have less than 45 minutes in this runabouts and uh yeah let's go and get those donations everyone let's go and do it can keep them coming if you have more got $150 we wer kidding yeah I got 150 bucks from the naing horror Runners are some of the coziest streamers I have seen big thanks to spicy and the coucher being awesome let's keep it going with some more AA time all right we got $5 from be brave now excellent advice what is Leon's least favorite bug in his apartment building the resident Weevil oh man untrue though untrue though weevils are everyone's favorite bug come on Chad us for Weevil let's go get that $20 Weevil donation train put door separate ways get everything going to was y let's go and do this here got $50 from Adrien Powers saying I'm just about to finish my first playthrough of re remake on hard this new game plus professional run is blowing my tiny mind let's get separate ways going thank you Adrian we do have a little break in the mine cart section here for a tiny running section um it's a pretty straightforward section Luise can be a little bit troll uh towards the end of it he can just kind of stall see if he does a little fist pump or something he likes to do a little bit of shopping it there's a type right here I guess I'll make a save just in case something about happens but you're saying something could happen on the Minecraft oh of course not yeah something could happen in this section here but it it's very rare for anything to happen here um generally you have very set enemy placements you just hope that Louis just shows up just waiting all right is Lu going to fix his oh he's right here oh my goodness what's he going to do holy up he was like oh we got a show we got to go time that was crazy he never that fast he knew we were on gdq yeah back to the mine cart for another five minutes and donations donations donations we have $20 from R2 there comment reads hey stranger let's get separate Go's ways then eh where where would that all be then hey where you going good luck on the run and greetings from Germany R for HP we are about to Eclipse 140,000 out of the $160,000 need to get separate ways in the schedule we're nearly in countdown territory crowd how you feeling about that when we get to 20 it's very assumed what you think can we can we numbers can we do yeah we got to get that M really excited for that we also got ourselves $25 from R light SC I've been watching gdq for longer than I can remember now I'm always Blown Away by what everyone here is able to do not just from a speedr running standpoint but also the generosity and love on display keep up the amazing work and here's to separate ways oh thank you R light a little trick shot here oh there it is nice he's good yeah that that Barrel could be a little tricky to hit with Bloom and everything so getting that is very important though for the chainsaw man that we encounter uh cuz it does a lot of damage to his cart Yeah so basically you can just shoot the cart and get rid of him uh you can kill him as well but it's just easier to just do that goodbye later he was just hanging out that l so ready yeah he was so excited yeah that's that's pretty much brings the mine cart section to a close it's it's itch it's itching its way there got a few more few few more fellas maybe a few more donations not going to blide you we got $50 from Ritz Blues saying then come sonop Panza let us rescue this separate ways bonus run thank you Don kyote jab by that windmill we got $25 from exceptional potato saying let's separate those ways let's do it everybody and we are less than $22,000 remaining to get searo on the schedule Chad how youall feeling about that c how yall feeling about that how's everybody feeling about that keep those donations rolling in and again kindly please on the donation page put them towards that separate ways incentive let's get Zeke running this game thank you and I believe if I'm not mistaken this might be where they dug up the bugs is this hear this is where they this might be it is is this it thank you thank you just checking thank you good sir and uh the thing I was talking about earlier why we we don't really like Luis is because of this part right here oo he likes to wait around quite a lot if uh yeah so we have a strat here using the infinite ammo thing again but with flashes uh which has made this section A lot better than it used to be but uh let's see there could be an unlucky spawn up here let's see if I get it no I think we're clear so we're going to doite ammo with the flashes which will make this a lot better but basically what happens here is if Luis ends up uh fighting a Novi he will just go to war for like a minute and a half um so we want to try to not have that happen because we can't we basically can't progress until uh Lis catches up here you can just he's just going to wail these flash grenades like it's not tomorrow yeah it's going to sound like you have water in your ear for a little bit but it helps with getting Luis through this section A lot easier cuz he's not kidding he will stay behind and shoot enem like he will shoot these novies all day he'll dilly dally yeah I think the longest I've had was like 2 minutes of him just not showing up I don't even think he showed up at all I was just like you know what I give up I give up I'm going no more oh he's here oh he's here oh let's go good [Applause] L super fast Lou actually nice he's been he's been really good today operating yeah you know he's said that he heard that you hated him so he's like oh okay I'll be better today yeah now we have the most RNG boss fight we have ever seen yes our good old buddy old pal this is krower ker so this is a knife fight with kower um essentially what's going to happen is what ker decides to do is random um he can start like a crazy combo he can do hits you or Force the Parry ideally we want to kind of get him staggered like that um so that we can kick him and we want these K crit uh kicks to crit um so we're going to kind of try to stun lock him if we can but he did a sweep nothing we can really do about that nice there's another one kick him again this is a very hard fight to do without getting completely owned by kower another kick we have not gotten a crit yeah there's not been a single crit he's going to do the Street Fighter combo there you go come keep going keep going so spicy intentionally lets him get hit there so he doesn't get locked into an animation where he has to mash out another kick here there's the oh there's the crit that's the fight [Applause] nice for some reason the the like damage multiplier on Kick crits is like 45x or something so it's the difference between like one crit is the difference between like a a 45 second fight and like a 20 second fight it's insane it does so much damage yeah and now we have a bit of an ele two actually elevator rides so I think we have some time for donations mhm a thank y'all I got a $50 from Goose wife saying growing up I was way too scared of re4 to play myself our brother solution was for him to play while I spectated armed with a Nerf gun it was so silly but cemented re4 as a lifelong favorite let's get that bonus game thank you for that story I also got Snoop J $40 saying $10 for every evil that is resident in this run put it towards more resi I appreciate that we also got $25 from orzen their comment reads it wouldn't be Resident Evil if not for the fancy costumes let's see AA take the run away while kicking butt thank you so much everyone there's the clock tower now we're going into the clock tower section this section there's like one part that's a bit scary but it's not too bad um basically we just have to make our way up to Clock Tower so we can get to the Salazar boss fight now hopefully the Scythe people decide to play nice yeah anywhere there Scythe guys in this game as you guys saw earlier with the death I took you just killed me through the door but the Scythe guys in this game are insane they do so much damage mhm yeah all right did not mean to throw a flashbang it's it's fine we' made a save make a save close save we need flashbang they're very important flashbang count is like a main part of the routing you have to use them in very specific places so yeah that's what I have to do that's better so the clock tower here is um we know where the enemies are and we know generally what's scripted of them so I'm not saying they're perfectly scripted but it's not as RNG as it might appear um however some enemy behaviors if one enemy goes a wall then yeah unfortunately it all goes off the rail very fast but what is going to do is he's going to kind of run around here shoot a couple enemies with the shotgun to kind of get them out of his way and he's going to throw a flash this is going to flash enemies up the and so we can get up to the cut scene trigger of the of the guy who's going to drop the rolling ball which is right here now we're going to also abuse the sniper scope glitch that we use for clipping and we're going to push ourselves out this makes our model go away from the ball and lets the ball roll down and hit all the enemies so we can just go right on past it um that is actually such a good skip because it lets us get right up here to this guy he's like hey wait a minute what are you doing here hold on wait a minute hello now we start the elevator climb which this is um a faithful Recreation of what it was in the OG uh where we are riding this elevator All the Way to the Top If an enemy jumps on the elevator at any point it will stop um this is uh just like in the OG entirely scripted we know exactly where all the enemies are as you can see spicy just running around in circles cuz we know uh what's going to happen here with these enemies you hear a lot of sounds going off right now yes it's is what there's a lot going on it's cuz we have a couple red zels in the room that are chanting uh for plaga summoning they actually don't do anything other than annoy you I'm sorry did you say something yeah they're supposed to like transform the enemies into plagas here but I don't I think they get bugged out if you just ignore them like I don't I don't really know what happen it happens with them they're just doing their own thing they're they're partying yeah so pre- killing a lot of these enemies is is basically what we want to do we don't want this elevator to stop moving whatsoever and if as soon as they do jump on they get shot they got to go you do get like a two secondly way when they land to take them off before it starts to um go get stopped so thankfully they added that in this game it's nice yeah nice hey buddy little peek little peek this guy sometimes can spawn with so much HP they he'll actually tank two sniper shots so oh like that like that tough guy three snip like that my goodness that guy has a very hard head I think he's still alive he's still alive he is alive still alive was he dead he's made of titanium or something oh my he's just he's just joshing that should be the last thing we have to deal with here we really want to try to preserve our shotgun ammo here luckily we have like a good amount this run but as you saw saw earlier spice he got hit by a crossbow but took no damage the vest or the body armor in this game is so incredibly strong it will absorb an entire RPG shot it is it's literally a second life essentially it's very very [Music] good um and now we get to bake a cake yeah oh like we fire I'm so [Laughter] excited yeah so youve all probably been wondering for those who haven't played this game or don't speedrun this game uh you're probably wondering okay you you've been talking about eggs this entire time what is it about this golden egg so turns out salar does not like golden eggs in the face allergies he's got the allergies so it does an incredible amount of damage like an insane amount of damage so spicy's going to be using a bit of that and I believe the sniper as well uh it'll be the Magnum oh the Magnum sorry this this boss fight has changed so many times all right there we go right to the face right to the face easy peasy and then we just blast in if we get one crit he'll die here no no crits so we have to reload one one more bullet okay that should be it there we go that that golden egg thing is not a bug that is intend intentional yeah cuz there is a side quest to throw an egg at a Sal heart painting it kind of alludes to the fact that you can throw an egg at him it has to be a golden egg you can kill him instantly with two gold Innings but there's only two you can get and one's out way I believe it does like 77,000 damage 75% of his health without the ex trat that boss is so tanky like so so tanky on Pro the combination of um early routing we were struggling a lot but the combination of like mindes skip in the beginning of her Village plus that egg thing was found within like the within like two days and uh it changed the run completely made it so much better yeah yeah probably have time for a few donations here crer of course of course of course we got $50 from bananas saying Hey Y'all figured I'd ate a good cause and to meet that separate ways incentive no time to Louise let's keep on sending in those higante donations krower thank you m appreciate that thanks buddy we also got $5 from Green wolf saying $5 train towards separate ways unlock wolf woof I mean choo choo CH Cho we also got $5 from two of them Max saying we have to see separate ways and yo we are nearly $117,000 away everyone you're doing great keep those donations coming on in for separate waves let's do it everybody and that is the end of the castle onto Island huge island is pretty chill for the most part there's a few scary parts um this is actually the shortest part of the game um I think an OG Island was a lot longer but I think a lot got cut in remake it's by far the shortest part of the run this first chapter is I think the longest one in all of Island and one of the scariest parts of island is coming up right here at the start of this chapter if Zeke wants to explain it when I get up here yeah so we have what are called turret skips we actually have a couple of them in Island uh see that big turret right there right next to spicy that thing is brutal uh it is a one shot kill um for us it is a couple shot kill for everything else um but what's going to happen is we have to kind of turn them away as you just saw he hit a button so we can go around it we are not going to do that for a lot of them specifically this one um we would normally have to Loop this whole area but spicy is going to run in here and he's going to shoot this guy um and this is going to start the whole area we need a cut scene to start and the spicy is going to line up a grenade throw this grenade throw is very precise we're going to knock that guy Into the Fire of the turret and this is actually going to make it hit him and not us and we're going to go up here and shoot this guy's arm and that was so clean that was so good [Applause] um we have another one of those later that was the easy one yeah that was the uh okay that's not too bad then the next one the other one's fun other one's uh it's okay not for me it's fun to watch Fair yeah the tur SKS are scary cuz like you said they are one H kills if anything goes wrong and you end up in that turret's laser when there's enemy not getting shot by it you're just dead um it ignores your armor completely it instantly breaks your armor and kills you after so oh [Music] unlucky oh hello we're still on hold going do a little tap tap and out not too big of a deal here again frame trapped okay good yeah yeah we're chill didn't love that a little bit I don't want to be this low keep still having half armor here is okay mhm um we do do a repair later uh we can't like spam repairs for safety because it does cost a lot of money to repair your armor cuz that's so strong yeah and then we're going to go up here uh basically what's going on right now story-wise is Ashley was taken by kower into this uh prison and we're trying to find her in here have to go up here and unlock this door with this button we got another little cheeky uh bomb disarm skip kind of like Larry skip that a cat explained earlier that spicy did we're going to do that again but this one saves just a little bit of time let's just just clip through the wall fall straight through the floor Skips a little bit of walking that's the easier one I like that one cuz it's like it's kind of it's satisfying but it's it's a lot easier than the first one all right oh bull booy is back yeah these guys are all talk though they don't that guy sometimes is a little didn't see that most of this uh area is pretty free um I do need two nades here because I don't have two nades I'm going to have to grab a safety one up here in this trash can we'll use those later Ashley in there quick update we are less than $177,000 away oo getting separate WS on the schedule everyone keep those donations coming in and uh this area here is where we meet the scariest enemy in the game um through generators if you haven't seen them in this game if you've only played OG and you haven't seen them in this game or if you just haven't seen them at all they're terrifying they're they're really really scary the way that they flop around in this game is really freaky they're so jiggly yeah Capcom turned up the jiggle physics on these guys like crazy it's actually wild it is very wild they got goofy little Smiles though they're no they're not that scary they're scary if they touch you though another set solution puzzle there's actually a handful of these types of puzzles throughout the game um but due to a skip we're going to see later we skip all of them um it is a a very cool one that you'll see well this guy's leg off here so he's a little slower chasing me he was just hanging out yeah that's pretty much he was he was just standing there can't believe you do that had to do it to the big [Laughter] fell and hopefully we hit this dodge right here nice first flop these guys are really really fast when they're on the ground flopping around like way faster than when they're standing up mhm yeah they're kind of like a shark on land it's but terrifying yeah it's not it's not great so with the sniper clipping there's a cobat that kind of happened during the clock tower that we were in earlier if you sniper clip the whole the whole premise of what's happening is you're being pushed backwards your model is into places where it's not supposed to be able to go um Capcom did patch this out but as you can see what's what spicy's doing is he's using it to push himself into a wall since spicy is in a wall and not technically in the room anymore the enemy doesn't know what to do it just knows that he's in this general area so he's pushing into him um you can see his little foot right up there in the corner uh foies yeah he's just hanging out he's basically just standing here cuz he's like well I know I just saw him where'd he go this guy um so we're waiting here till this uh key card is done so going to drop the scope and grab it and hopefully we don't get Auto grabbed by him nice quick update less than $166,000 remaining for the bonus game twitch chat I know y out there enjoying this if you love what you're seeing exclamation donate click the link and get those donations put towards that incentive let's go let's go let's go let's go so up here I'm going to throw a flash for these enemies there is um another thing we have to do with there generators up here um so we have to make sure these enemies do not Ager on to us yeah let's flash at all them nice and then we should get us stealth kill on this guy and then we get the thermal scope up here and there's four regenerators in these tanks uh zek if you want to explain this actually so I can focus a little so this is an RNG section on which enemy has the wrench inside so we're going to put on the biosensor scope and we're going to kind of look through and see which one ate the wrench for breakfast not that one not that one it's this fella so we're going to try to line up as many collateral shots on those as we can so we can kill this guys that's awesome that is so rare that's huge um but now we have to open this up and actually get the key card registered through it uh when we do this a bunch of enemies going to come into the room um we can clip into the wall here to kind of break their AI kind of like we were doing earlier however there is a slight little cage to this there is a little bit of RNG and we have enemies in here with explosives now we're clipped into the wall where normal melee enemies can't hit you right but people with explosives they're just going to lob it anyway um we're hoping that the door doesn't just get opened and they throw it through the door and they get a free kill on us so we're hoping that doesn't happen we do have a little bit of the vest left so that shouldn't happen yeah the armor will save you uh from the explosives it will Zero your armor but I mean it's better than just dying like how you just see the Arrow come out of nowhere and it's just like is that in the room fingers crossed it's very it gives you so much anxiety yeah um we know this guy out here that also has an explosive spice is going to oh $15,000 remaining everyone keep those in y' let's go let let's Go's way very excited for that run keep those things coming in we are getting pretty close to the end here so mhm would you say this has become a race between you finishing the game and twitch chat meeting that incentive I want to lose the race twit can't let this guy win y'all know what to do yall know what to do that's the end of chapter 13 woo woohoo and now the greatest sniper clipping of all time by Ashley you'll be missed I'll just hang out here yeah yeah you just you just sit sit tight these these scope clips that get us through these doors uh this one is just a little baby one saes about 10 seconds this one up here saves multiple minutes oh yeah an awful fighting section in multiple puzzles where generators and everything so normally you have to go and do this whole it's see that Big Crane we have to do a whole bunch of stuff with it but there's a funny little door up here uh what we're going to do is we're silly little door silly little door doors are suggest we go and clip right through it and we just skipped like minutes an entire like a lot of the chapter $14,000 up second w we got a $50 donation from Bobby see and I need everyone to experience the awesomeness of back to back R for professional runs tonight I need zuke to get on that stage and strut his stuff let's make the separate ways happen [Applause] CH we uh we do have an elevator ride here so might be a good time to read out some of those donations we've been getting no no problem $50 from clear mind saying stranger stranger no that's a speed run let's see a do mad drip in separate ways hyp you kindly oh that's moving come on everybody get those donations coming in we're about to button this up y'all let's do it flirting you can probably get another donation or two in here right oh yeah we got whoa we got $500 from the Naser saying I've had to work all week and I'm tuning in just for the first time and I am so happy it's re4 is the first game I get to watch this agdq R series is a special place in my heart my best friend and I would rent yes I'm that old each game of the series and find a random walk through on line and play all night to beat each game oh this donation is dedicated to my best friend Dan for always being there it's also donated to those who have fought cancer like my dad and my good friend son who are no longer with us donation goes to separate ways because it's more R E4 thank you so much theas we appreciate you thank you thank you thank you all right might have a small inventory issue here it's fine have another Merchant stop up here to get ready for the kower fight um $113,000 to get separate ways buttoned up this is the final push everybody get his audacious in into sear [Applause] way so yeah we got the killer 7 setup here for this fight this weapon is really strong against Crower and uh we have a few things here that we do before this fight uh if you want to explain Grace yeah so there's a ledge coming up and before he drops down he's actually going to throw a grenade over there um that disarms a few traps it would be pretty annoying later um that triggers the cut scene which we're going to watch for about a minute um until we cut it at the right time uh that actually moves kower from his annoying original position around the bridge um to a ledge which causes him to fall off and actually disarms a trap for you so that's very nice of him to do for us what what a pleasant guy I know he's so what a nice guy yeah we probably have time for donation here we have to watch this actually but first for first for first come on oh oh let me help with $5 from the kman [Applause] S $1,000 left y'all keep pushing keep pushing keep push it that jungle I had a revelation the most to CR out for a little bit pure unadulterated [Music] Parish we're waiting for Leon to raise his fist and scream honor skip they're very dramatic some oh no and we're out basically what this $111,000 ways $111,000 come on Chad let keep it going nice nice nice nice yeah what this does usually is this is like the first phase of the fight it's supposed to be and he usually will not let you just turn this wheel he'll run up here and fight you and you have to you know actually beat him before you can turn the wheel um but yeah he falls down and hits a bear trap and you don't see him so he's just out of there he gets stuck in the bear trap he got lost he got little lost all right so this whole section is uh we're kind of running in cross was going to show up in certain places um but because we threw the grenade earlier 9,000 left everyone close $88,000 left twitch check come on woo come on they really don't want me to win the race they I think you're about to lose they said race huh we're coming up on a little Gauntlet here where spicy is gonna have to run through some traps and and beat krower uh to the end to start the second phase of the krower fight and I guess Gauntlet uh so is going to time a couple crouches here he's going to time one right now to skip that first shot he's going to time another one here in just a second Dodge that one now with done correctly $77,000 remain separate way Zeke oh man you feeling ready I'm ready twitch chat is ready the crowd is ready oh yeah is going to do a couple Magnum shots on kower here there's a weird little bug where if we shoot once here Crower loses 32% of his health from one bullet we don't know why $6,000 left I I think you might leave I think we're getting I think we're I think we're getting that separ ways I'm so sorry spicy no you keep going I want to see the sear ways run M and now we have ker who's mutated by the way big old big old blade on his arm now um we have the actual kower boss fight which is going to rely on some very very very precise timed Magnum shots that cannot miss and and some kicks um so we're going to see the start of the fight SP he is going to Juke backwards he's going to do shot to his head another one and another and then he's going to kick and do another one and another pause buffered shot very critical $5,000 left everyone one more [Applause] nice another one of those fights that uh it's okay until it's not okay uh I don't actually need this Force think I'm good that's the end of I got mag ammo too very good nice more Rich actually got very good drops this one now chapter 14 that's PR clo only two chapers left yeah may I make quick announcement of course awesome gam stun quick 2024 has raised over $1.3 million for the PCF thank you everyone for your elmary contributions hear a number soon uh here I'm going to sell the knife that I got from him and I'm just going to repair my armor just to be a little safe in this area cuz this is another $4,000 left ah ah ah it's the last push let's get those donations in everyone Zeke if you want to explain what's going on yeah so what spicy just did is he reloaded a save to reset this POS the positions of all the enemies he shot early there uh cuz then Mike's going to get the B the signal as you can see he's showing up a little bit early and he's going to start killing people we need a certain amount of enemies to die before this next section starts and then we need to kill another certain amount Mike is going to start blasting and so we just need to get in position while he does that this saves a bit of time um stops us from having to for him now we're going to go up here and wait for $3,000 after quote gaming chat whatever yall doing chat keep on doing it let's freak this home amazing a little bit there all right now this second part of the mic session is going to start spice is going to get on this uh turret here start blasting $2,000 left Chad $2,000 left Chad sorry I think you're going to lose man I'm not winning they're popping off we need to kill a certain amount of enemies for the section to end um it's 18 should be good now yeah now we're just going to wait for Mike to get ready to blow up the door let's go Mike Mike's a real one you he just wants to take us to the bar he's just helping out yeah I for one in excited to go to the bar with Mike Mike sounds great so up here spot's a little scary there's a bunch of stuff shooting at us we're just going to ignore it and hope that we don't get hit pretty much and we should be good and then there's going to be a little cut you again with Mike breaking this Tower we're going to watch this one cuz it puts the enemies on top of the ladder in a little bit of a better spot for us not at all hopefully we don't get pushed okay we go now this is what we needed the other heavy grenade for $1,000 left let's count this down and button up everybody come on come on we're getting close breaking that turret very important or else we can't progress the area left $800 left it's moving $700 left there's that cut scene $600 left $500 left I'm not winning you're [Applause] crazy Captain may I make a brief announcement you may you are running separate ways tonight my friend am I and let me mute myself here let's go thank you everyone for the $160,000 to get that bonus game onto the schedule thank you so much everybody congrats amazing congratulations great job twitch chat there you go so there's been a lot going on in this the fact that he's been able to do this composure entirely while everyone's screaming around him kind of intense he's just built different he's just built different um that was war room a lot of stuff happened a lot of stuff a lot of stuff happened but the kind of a kind of tldr it we got through it and did not die um which is already the hard part now we're standing up for a skip I will not spoil um we're going to fall through the air for a little bit this one you're going to have a great time I'm so excited you guys are going to love this one uh but we're not going to see it pay off till a little bit later but now comes probably one of the uh hardest sections to consistently do and get through without dying and having any issues cuz we're doing the skip setup we can only do this once looks a little goofy right now but it'll it'll make sense later sort of we'll get there eventually it'll look goofy later also it'll also look L hooray so for that thing to work though we do have to make it through the whole next part without dying or having to reload a save so hopefully have a clean next section here so we can show off what that actually does later bye Mike I have 23 sniper bullets that is insane that that is a lot how do you you normally have like half of that yeah all right now that skip also you notice spicy is a little slower um he going to remain that way makes this whole section A little bit harder um and it's because of the skip um that we're going to do it is a very funny Skip it's a very cool flashy time save super funny and you you'll see why few more door Clips with the sniper there yeah make a save just in case we do have to use it hopefully we don't cuz I really want to show off the The Crossing everybody should be crossing their fingers right now because if we die at any time at all then that's little thing that we want to show off will not be happening but we're crossing our fingers right now I believe so we're coming up on the actually hardest turret skip uh that shot is forun it but it's okay um what's going to happen here spicy is going to pull out a flashbang and turn around and he's going to flash the novies that are in the air um and he's going to stop them from buing him now he's going to use the shotgun hopefully we get no crits and we can knock this dude into the turret that's one that's two one more he's in the turret now we can run through nice there we go let's go now uh spicy do you want to explain what's about to happen I'll just let it happen Okay let it happen just let it happen Ashley's going to have a great time I don't know if I'm capable of explaining it can it even be explained no so I will just say what it's called it's called duffel bag glitch this is what we call this go pick me up [Applause] [Music] so the best way we can compare it is have you ever been in a Walmart and a screaming toddler is being carried by their parents basically what we're doing [Laughter] uh this is um we do have a little bit of a walking section so if we have any more donations I think that would be a good time yeah oh thank you Zeke we got $15 from the wicked Goose saying here's every re scientist memo page one I cross sprad a silverback gorilla with a praying mantis they gave it AK-47s her arms Bob been pokeing it with a stick non-stop for 80 hours now hopefully it doesn't escape page two it escaped oh [Applause] no so as you can see the original animation of how Ashley should be held and it just goes uh right back to the other stuff there's a brief moment where he's like yeah I'll carry you normally and that's chapter 15 that's chapter [Applause] 15 into the last chapter here which is pretty short m not long at all does have a bit of Tex still though um with the infinite ammo Swap this was the yeah can get another donation or two in here thanks to him oh thank you Zeke we got ourselves a $5 donation from Anonymous thank you for that generosity appreciate it Spider-Man nice and quick see what else we got we got ourselves uh $50 from musical Joker saying w can I do for you igq hype not problem for you stranger also got to mention Iggy Zig me you are goated for keeping the hype going thank you no thank you thank all of you who contributed to get the bonus game of the schedule y'all are amazing let's give them a hand good job guys yeah awesome yeah thank you to everyone who pushed that mm so reaching the final boss fight yeah I believe we do use the infinite rocket glitch again here which very very useful for this final fight otherwise Saddler is going to be a little bouncy and all over the place we don't want that so uh infinite rocket glitch will happen this is actually a very hard one to pull off yes this one is timing tight very tight timing uh spicy is going to sell a bunch of stuff cuz now all we need now is our RPG um the way this is going to work is the fight's going to start and is going to shoot a fire Barrel he has about 5 seconds after doing that to get in it switch to the rocket get the glitch done and get away from it before Sadler drops if Sadler staggers spicy it will break uh the um if he knocks him down another it'll break the glitch so his is going to run away here it's that fast he's got it and that's nice nice nice That's a Sadler fight now he uses the second for the second time goodbye Sadler goodbye Sadler get out of here very nice and now coming up to the final uh final section here yeah no one's ever died here no one not a single soul has died in this SE I mean it's easy it's free it's yeah they say it's free it's free that's what they say I guess I can go do shout outs now so we can wrap up as soon as we got here um shout outs to all the early Runners of this game that helped rout it uh Captain Ezekiel um cat uh Missing no orch tray um disc Distortion 2 um all the people that are around at the beginning when this game was popping off it was a lot of fun uh thanks to the tool makers um the the demented salad and uh the people that made hunted I think that made the SRT that I'm using uh these tools are so like it it it's crazy how much they help with like routing the game and figuring stuff out and um it's always nice when you have like updated timers and over the game gets patches and stuff so thank you just solad for doing that and uh right that's about it for my shout outs if you guys have anything you you guys should go check out spicy I agree for/ spicy yeah hottest new speedrunner on Twitch he destroys every game he touches pray he never comes over to mine very good at what he does you know shout out to him for um you know being as talented as he is at these games uh he's he's helps a lot with the recent Resident Evil titles in terms of routing them and pushing to what we thought would otherwise be impossible possible so this guy's gifted go to that the games I appreciate it guys yeah I'll probably be streaming this game a bit after big fan spicy was the first person I believe right to get a a sub 2our yeah first person to ever get sub two hours on on on this game I do remember I was there for that moment it was crazy it was a crazy moment thank you guys di get spicy oh shout out to B yeah when things get dicey get spicy it's you always when I wit this stream at the beginning of this game it's so funny gu hilarious and we're going to be coming up on time very soon uh but yeah thanks for thanks for having us on the couch thanks buddy thank you guys all right as soon as we hit that white screen up there that's going to be time and and time there we go what a fantastic it was pretty good honestly good I'm happy with that crazy ni job thank you thank you guys thank you to gdq for having me on really appreciate it we got that sub toour RTA nice what was the RTA it was a 158 OR7 ni yeah I'll take that we take those the estimate was a little tight honestly but what was the what was the ingame time we're looking at that's typically how we time our our boards actually we look at the ingame timer yeah RTA and ingame are so vastly different mhm all right we got 147 147 pretty good so good that's actually really good that's crazy I think my PB when I came was 143 so I mean we're good Marathon run good job all right all right yeah that's it for me I appreciate [Applause] it trans
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 273,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resident Evil 4 agdq, Resident Evil 4 (2023) agdq, Resident Evil, AGDQ, Resident Evil 4 gameplay, Resident Evil 4 speedrun, Resident Evil agdq, resident Evil 4 (2023) gameplay, resident Evil 4 (2023) speedrun, Resident Evil 4 (2023), AGDQ 2024, Awesome Games Done Quick, Awesome Games Done Quick 2024, GDQ, Games Done Quick, SDA, SGDQ Competitive Gaming, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Speedrun Gameplay, Speedrunning, Speedruns, Summer Games Done Quick, Twitch, Recorder
Id: EppAs2dGa9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 57sec (7197 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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