BALDURS GATE 3 - 20+ BEGINNER TIPS AND TRICKS \\ Things I Wish I Knew Sooner

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boulder's gate 3 early access is out now on steam at gog store and on stadium now that we've all got tadpoles in the brain let's go through some initial tips and tricks to get you started on your journey also as a really quick side note i've tried to avoid as many spoilers as possible so that i don't ruin anything for you guys so let's get into it [Music] now before we get started today's video is sponsored by you bet you didn't see that coming if you go on to enjoy this video please be sure to hit that subscribe button it means a lot to me it really helps out this channel and we also have plenty of boulders gate 3 content planned to come out in the next couple of weeks so keep an eye out for that as well now let's get into it firstly boulder's gate 3 is based off larian's version of the 5th edition dungeons and dragons so you will see a lot of daunting things initially like dice rolls can trips efficiencies skills abilities all sorts of shenanigans initially this may go way over your head but don't panic even if you've never heard of dnd before rest assured this will eventually make sense and just make sure you read some of the tooltips as you continue to go you can still enjoy the game thoroughly with having absolutely no idea what any of these things mean exploration tips you can press the left alt key at any time to see everything that you can interact with like corpses that are dead and various things that you can open this won't highlight everything that you can see so it's still a good idea to just have a bit of a look around see what else you can find but it's a good idea to just hold the left old key down as you wander around the world as you do find things just make sure you pick everything up like i think that goes without saying with any game like this just pick absolutely everything up as a quick side note each of your party members will have their own curry weight so you can spread the right across your four party members and you can also send things to your camp so that you're not actually carrying them out on your journey if you want to keep them for later it's also worth mentioning to experiment with the environment around you throw things stack things jump over things and always have a look at the map and make sure that you have explored every area that you can there is a lot of verticality in the map layout in boulder's gate 3 so you can jump across ledges or jump down or jump up to various areas and go and explore different directions which is very valuable to do the best way to tell if there is an area you can do this is by checking the map in the ui itself you will see both actions and spells for each character all the actions are the same per character but the spells will obviously be different depending on your class races that you go for this actions bar here is where you trigger things like jumping and hiding to initiate stealth so it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the actions that you can do here in dnd and in boulder's gate 3 there is a concept of long resting and short resting up in the map section there will be an icon for long rest which is a campsite and the short rest icon underneath it a short rest can be done once per day per day meaning in between each long rest and it will replenish all of your character's health as well as some other effects that are class specific a long rest is basically calling it a night and heading to camp camping will replenish all of your spell slots it will also allow you to change out your spells in the spells menu if you want to put on different spells for your characters but it will also allow you to chat to your party members even the party members that aren't actually active with your party at that time while you're talking to your party about what kind of day you had you can also dismiss them if you're sick of them and change out the party members that you have this won't actually make them leave your party totally they will still be available next time you do a long rest they'll still be there and you can actually get them back into your party if you choose but this is how you can switch out your party members for dialog checks you can hover over the check itself and see if you've got any bonuses for what that is so for example my character has bonuses to wisdom if i hover over that i can see that there are bonuses to a wisdom role you may have also noticed in the cutscenes that it pulls you down into the action into a cinematic view you can actually get out of this view and play around with the world around you like you would in a divinity original sin two with the options down in the left hand corner just go to character select and select another character that isn't locked into that conversation and they can actually move around the game space you can actually put them right in the middle of the cutscene too and kind of get some weird camera angles with that but that's just a little bit of a pointer for you there character creation tips as a quick side note i will have a separate video coming out about character creation covering everything you need to know about actually creating a character but just some general tips to get you started because this is a very deep character creator especially if you haven't had any experience with dungeons and dragons so there is a lot to take in here but ultimately when you are creating a character i think the first thing you need to start with is the class the class will really impact the race that you choose because there are bonuses that you will get for the race that you choose on your abilities so you want to make sure that you pick a class in a race as a new player it may be a good idea to start with a cleric a cleric will be able to heal you and your allies so if you are worried about healing that is a good idea to have as well as a warlock you could go a warlock that is a fiend and you will get the dark ones a blessing where every time you kill a creature you will actually get a little bit of health back so that's another good valuable thing to have if you're struggling with what to choose in the early days now once you've picked your class a good thing to pay attention to in the abilities section is this little star that will show next to a particular ability what this means is that this character or this class rather this is its primary stat so this will change based on the class that you choose this is why once you pick let's say for example let's go with fighter we've got a little star here now when we go to race you want to choose a race that has the benefits for this ability right we're on a high elf at the moment their benefit is decks that's not what we're looking for we could go to get yankee they have a strength plus two this fits nicely with what our primary stat is this is a good idea to check to marry up what class you choose with what race once you have chosen your class and race the next thing i would look at is your background even though it's on the first tab this is the last thing i would look at this will give you particular proficiency bonuses so you want to make sure that these aren't overlapping with ones that you've already chosen if you're looking to be some kind of stealth build you want to go with the criminal for the stealth proficiency something like that it's really based on what you're looking to do with your character once you have picked your class there are various things that you can choose from including cantrips and spells what can trips are is they are spells that don't consume a spell slot so you can use these freely throughout your combat and each class and subclasses in some cases will have different spells that you can choose from out of the cantrips section when you choose spells as well you will have a limited amount of spell slots that you can choose from as well as the amount of spells that you can prepare for each combat encounter as well once you have all of this picked you will need to choose what skills you want to go with so based on the character that we have picked here you can see that we already have a bunch of proficiencies that are already ticked like our background allowing us to have that stealth proficiency we can choose one proficiency outside of this and this is really based on the play style you want to go with and the character you're trying to make you know if we're trying to make some kind of stealth fighter here we could go with sleight of hand it's really up to how you want to make that character and it will give you bonuses on checks that occur throughout the game in dialogue and as you explore when you're looking at your abilities these are your major stats for your character you can also see that little star next to your major stat so you want to obviously make sure that this one is as high as possible and you're getting the bonuses for this as much as you can it's not a bad idea if you're not sure what to do here to just choose the recommended stats it's not going to send you in the wrong direction as a baseline it doesn't hurt to choose the recommended and also if you want to muck around with them yourself i would recommend to have at least everything across the board at 10 because if you go below 10 you will start to get some negative effects to your abilities there you want to make sure that you're at least even or positive in most of your stats but the main ones you want to focus on is your primary stat and then your other stats another thing that's always good to dump points into is constitution so you get that little bit of extra health then depending on your build you can choose the other abilities there after the initial tutorial area you will run into the origin characters as you explore and you can have them all join your party and you can really make up your party however you choose the only thing that i would 100 suggest regardless of what build you have chosen is to have either shadow heart or a custom cleric in your party so either yourself as a cleric or shadow heart these are the main healers that you can have and it's very valuable to have a healer so you're not relying on potions all the time which you will find as you explore but it's much better to have healers in your party just to keep everyone topped up as you go now let's move on to combat tips boulder's gate 3 is a real time game except you can manually initiate a turn-based mode even in exploration and it's really valuable to do this if you're trying to do some stealthy maneuvers but outside of that combat is your typical turn-based crpg with a slight twist if two of your allies or more have their turn one after the other you will take those turns together allowing you to speed up combat a little bit and make multiple actions and kind of plan what you're doing as a group rather than an individual now in a standard combat turn there are three things you can do movement which is the yellow bar on your ui this is your available movement and it refills every turn as a side note if you want to be able to move a little bit further you can consume your action with dash and this will double your movement distance so you can travel much further during that turn you'll still have a bonus action but it will consume your action speaking of actions an action is your main task every single turn so an action could be attacking using a spell or one of the various little other abilities that you can do this is the one thing that you should make sure you are doing every turn this is your main way of attacking and using spells you want to make sure you consume your action which is the little green circle in the ui every single turn by doing something at least every turn you will also have a bonus action which is basically like a smaller action you can drink a potion or use some of the other abilities like jumping or hiding or shoving if i haven't been able to do something with this bonus action i've often just been shoving the enemies away from me to create some distance especially when they are up against my arranged characters is a good way to create distance but there is also some spells which can be used as a bonus action as well i wouldn't necessarily worry if you're not consuming your bonus action every turn it's really the action you want to make sure you're triggering every single turn if you have multiple characters that are performing their turns when you hover over the end turn option a little ui pop-up will show how far they have moved whether they still have an action and their bonus action which is the yellow triangle left so you can see to make sure that you have actually used and done everything that you can do for that turn now there is one other thing that may occur outside of your turn which is a reaction so something like an attack of opportunity if a character moves past you you may take a free swing at them and there are other reactions that will occur depending on the class that you chose other tips for combat you can dip your weapon in elements especially fire to get that extra bit of damage from your weapons when you do dip your weapon in fire or other elements you will get an extra dice roll for that weapon with that element type when you're looking at your weapons you will see a dice value for their damage output you can translate this based on what it is so a 1d6 means it's one six-sided dice that will be rolled on a successful attack and with armor it is a higher armor class the better the armor is the higher the armor class the more chance that the attack will miss as there is an attack roll based on what that armor class is so if the armor class is 13 and the enemy has an attack roll and their roll is 12 the attack won't hit it's either a miss or a hit in d and d there isn't a resistance in the same way that you would expect in like a divinity original sin for example with the armor values when you're making your actions in combat it's perfectly acceptable just to attack and not consume a spell slot each character that uses spells will have a limited amount of spell slots that can be used in between each long rest so each day make sure that you're only really using up these spell slots on fights that you actually need to use them and don't waste them on piddly little enemies that don't mean anything because you do get a limited amount of these per day instead just swing at the enemy or use a can trip which are unlimited use spells that you can use multiple times a day if someone in your party does go down in combat don't panic they're not actually dead they're just down now you can help them up by going over to them and using an action to help them stand back up this will skip the death saving roles that will occur but it is a good idea to do this just in case that they do fail their death saving roles and they do die if your main character dies you will actually have to reload a save so where possible it's completely fine to use up your action to help up an ally and they will actually get a bonus action out of it and you can use that action to you know drink a potion or something like that thank you for watching this video if you have any other tips tricks or anything else please put them down in the comments down below so that we can all help each other out and learn things together please follow me on instagram twitter and on twitter i stream three days a week tuesday thursday and sunday australian night times i'm going to be streaming a lot of boulder's gate 3 over the next couple of weeks so be sure to check that out if you are interested but thank you for watching this video my name is norza and i hope you have a great day [Music] you
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 49,056
Rating: 4.7427387 out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 combat tips, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 things i wish i knew, baldurs gate 3 beginners tips, baldurs gate 3 tips for beginners, baldurs gate 3 things to know, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 character creation tips, baldurs gate 3 character creation guide, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, BG3 tips, bg3 guide, bg3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 starter guide
Id: xT5AL4xy8s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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