BALDI vs MARIO (Who will win?!) | Baldi's Basics Gmod Gameplay

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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that bell to turn on notifications oh my gosh who's gonna win oh my gosh they're dropping like flies just holdin noises [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to Garry's Mod it's been a long time since I played Garry's Mod and as you can see we're in Baldy schoolhouse and it's kind of a creepy place this is a really cool map because this recreates the entire baldies basics level in Garry's Mod but there's also like other stuff I did like a little bit of exploring in this in this level and there's like other areas that you can go to that you can't go to in the normal map I don't know exactly where they are but I will find them along the way I just thought it would be fun to play around in this and I thought ultimately today what I want to do is pit two classic game characters against each other even though Baldy is not really a classic game character he looks like a classic and one day maybe in like 50 years he will be a classic but now he's only like three months old but why not pit Baldy versus Super Mario I figured you know it's Clash of the Titans so I think that we're gonna have ourselves like a little food fight here in the cafeteria with crowbars food fight with crowbars yeah that makes sense we'll get to that but first I kind of want to play around with some of the different NPCs that I've downloaded it's been a long time since I've played Garry's Mod so you have to bear with me as I kind of remember how to do stuff again but like I've got all these Super Mario characters and I'm pretty sure that we've seen all these guys yeah I remember you I remember you Bowser why you so mean to me why are you swinging it why you gotta be swinging at me like that I just want to be your friend I mean you look cool other than the fact that your arms are like inside of your body it looks really uncomfortable you look like you're wearing a Bowser suit you're actually just a person like wearing a Bowser costume that doesn't quite fit all the way it's nothing personal it's just the way you look so go away cuz you're freaking me out what about Luigi Luigi looks great you're gonna be my friend right you're why are you running away from me Luigi where are you going why I just I just want to talk to Luigi Luigi let's talk about this I'm sorry I'm sorry that was your I I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I promise I just wanted to talk okay I can't look at Luigi's eye anymore it's it's freaking me out okay what about Princess Peach there she is she looks great but she was on top of the she's on top of the vending machine so I didn't like that are you are you my friend you're my friend okay good I'm glad that we can get along okay you go away Rosalina there she is in all of her glory Super Mario Galaxy and all that you guys played super mario galaxy man's been a long time since I played Super Mario Galaxy it has such a good game it's so good and then of course we got Superman the King of Kings yes the one the only super mario is running away from me can we go outside oh that's pretty cool okay so we have like an outside battle arena as well even though it's part of the cafeteria and this is technically a school okay so those are all like the Super Mario guys that I have Oh what Super Smash Bros what's under that why Luigi why Luigi why are you under Super Smash Brothers everybody knows that you're not in Super Smash Brothers ultimate and it's nothing personal against you it's just that apparently Nintendo hates you so you're never getting super special others as a playable character Ridley's gonna be in Super Smash Brothers and stinkin Castlevania characters but while Luigi nah never it's unacceptable so why are you listed is that just a meme is that for the sake of the meme I'm pretty sure I downloaded this before while Luigi not being in Super Smash Brothers was a meme but I don't know it's pretty funny actually okay so I think that's all the Super Mario characters that I have but we have Baldy we definitely have Baldy stuff now these are all NPCs so these guys the the F means that they're friendly the H means that they're hostile so I'm pretty sure if what does he look so terrible the cut out it's so bad come on I'm terrible at Photoshop but I could have gotten those edges a little bit better he looks like he's made out of paper that is so bizarre you are freaking me out my friend I need to shoot you with a bazooka okay okay there you go you get a bazooka to the face what was that oh my gosh this is too good okay hostile playtime let's see there she is whoa Oh playtime what is what is happening to you that is so weird to see her animated in that way like she just blinked playtime just blinked look look watch watch your eyes oh oh I don't like it I don't I don't know nope I know just just go away please go away oh gosh playtime has been killed she just turned into a wad she's just like a spit wad now what is going on in this game it's so weird I love it okay what about principle principle of the thing what he's why are you like crouching like he's ready for battle it's great it's so weird to see these characters animated like this you're gonna kill me you're straight-up gonna kill me no I will not allow this I'm gonna shoot you with some soup oh this is fun I miss this game oh wait watch it watch it buddy I see the way you're looking at me okay let's see let's let's put these two guys against each other yeah yeah just beat up your arts and crafts errs versus bolt oh they're talking what that is so cool these guys actually talk got a sweep sweep sweep you guys speed sweep sweep are you guys you're always gonna sweep sweep he's chasing me that is creepy the way he walked no you got a I want him to walk they're not chasing me I don't understand why they're not chasing me okay let's see friendly sweep in time versus hostile sweeping come on guys you guys need to you need to work this look at him go [Music] weird it's just it's so weird please go away go away I have no idea I'm just I'm confused and delighted at the same time so can we have one of these guys follow us around I really want playtime to just follow me around forever can you be my friend come let's go why isn't she following me NPCs join players squat follow me you joined my squad are you joining my squat you're not joining my squad you're running away join player squad come on spawner again let's let's see if she follows us yes yes now playtime is following us you know what we need an entire army of baldies basics guys so we're just gonna do one of each there you go we got the whole the whole team there they are they're stuck they're all stuck together oh this is this is too tempting I have to shoot a grenade at them I'm so sorry for this but they're all just wanted together like that it's it's I can't not do it so where's the gun that shoots the rocket isn't there a gun that shoots a grenade maybe not all right I'll just throw a grenade at them nope that goes too far here let's try this again MALDI knows better he knows that if you're all wadded together like that that means trouble nope that's not gonna work either okay you know what just cook it for a little bit and then throw nope that didn't work I'm so bad at this here just throw it at the ground yes yes no no that makes me sad oh my gosh why have I not played this game in so long why has it been so long since I played this this game is so dumb and magical at the same time it's glorious all right we need the whole crew so let's get bully there he is okay I'm gonna move over a little bit and then crafters and then playtime and then prints a bowl and then sweeping time sweep in time when you come here okay got a sweep there we go we got our whole crew we're gonna go exploring the school gosh this is so stupid I love it oh this makes me so happy alright let's see what's going on over here what do you guys think can we interact with this is there something on the other side no there's nothing over here okay that's fine hey you guys need to learn how to get through doors they're having a hard time getting through the door are you guys really having a hard time getting through the door is is this a issue is this gonna be a problem principal you got to lead the crew you're the smartest one here please come through the door come on guys come on okay you know what you guys cover the cafeteria I'm gonna do some more exploring of the school here let's see what's going on of course this is the WoW room there are secrets in this school and like I said I don't know exactly where they are we can't exit okay that's good to know let's see there anything over here okay there's nothing over there okay I'm just wondering if there's like a like a hidden doorway somewhere or something like that you know you know I'm saying it's got to be something around here also I can't help but notice that first price he's not here that bums me out where's my pal first price anyways he's not gonna get a hug then wait what who just said that who just said that principal you're on my team you can't come at me what is this this looks totally different you think there's like what's going on over here about this this this seems suspicious can we can I can I physics gun this stuff this is different well a what yeah okay that's yeah there you go there's a secret room right there what the heck this is some kind of creepy spying room this is this has got to be one-way glass right this is the Doug dab again room let's find the Doug dab again room and see if there's a window in here you think there's anything over here can we move these lockers no we can't leave the lockers okay that is pretty cool I knew there was secrets around here I just didn't know exactly where they were so we found one I'm pretty sure that there's more where is the Doug dab again room this is the detention room okay good to know awesome there's gotta be is this the Doug dab again room I think this might be the Doug dabbe again no that's the G healthy room dug dab again where are you what what just it just said something again what do you when I went past the soda machine the principal talked to me again this map is so cool it's very well made okay maybe here no that's not Doug dab again are you Doug dab again no you're not you're homestar runner what now I'm just incredibly confused sorry I ran out of time I mean of course these are the starting rooms Oh what I picked this up please yeah I'm stuck it trapped me please let me out let me out these desks all move this is dope kay I just destroyed all the desks in this classroom this is great this is all fully modeled and everything it's our think tool what's it called it's you can think Pat it's our you can think Pat maybe we should take it with us you know what I'm gonna take my you can think pad with me okay I can't take it with me because I can't open doors and use it at the same time you stay here I will protect you with my life now on to finding more secrets anything in here and if you see something that is out of the ordinary from what we typically see in a classroom that's when we start getting suspicious today's lesson this is the cheese room this is not Doug dab again room why am I having such a hard time finding the Doug dab again room oh wait is this no this is G healthy G healthy I'm so lost I mean I could always turn on no clip and just fly around today's lesson how to eat cheese okay Doug dab again it's out in the long hallway why am I having such a hard time finding this stupid classroom what is this oh this is the closet of course it's where it got a sweep sweep in time he's gotta hang out here let's put a hostile one right there there you go okay he's gonna hang out there forever or at least until he figures out how to get through doorways which is clearly very hard place law here of course where's the globe where's the globe at though disappointed that's fine move along this is Doug dab again room this is Doug dab again room and there is a one way window right over there right there that's freaky what are these teachers doing spying on the students oh you mean just causing all kinds of disaster love it just destruction and mayhem it's beautiful okay you stay you guys stayed there I'm gonna I'm gonna go this way all right there's a crowbar I think I killed an NPC over there let's not talk about it bad memory the world is big class dismissed okay cool great lesson glad that I could learn that okay are there any other rooms hello comrades I see that you guys are still having trouble getting through the door I'm sorry this is your life now and I love that this is just a lot of playtime just spitballing someone just spit ball play time and now she's here forever I love it okay we got to find more stuff let's go in here see anything oh we've already been in here I should leave the doors open so that I know where I've been and where I haven't been oh they close automatically though okay then never mind have we been in here yes we have been in here okay have we been in here pretty sure that we've been in here let's see wait oh yeah yeah okay how to eat cheese of course so we've seen all this stuff I think we've seen most of the the school we can go into noclip mode and just like see if we find anything else if we really want to but actually this is there normally a vending machine here are you normally here what it's a it's an actual door okay I was not expecting that what is this where the baldies office he just said you should know better okay we found baldies office that's actually kind of cool so let's go into noclip mode so that's C right no V yes okay so now we can fly around and pretty much see if there's any other secret rooms we've been in here right wait no we have not been in here so so there was something here can we open this look at that that is so cool I love it all right let's see if there's any more okay so this is the room that we were in this is the one with the one-sided window okay good to know anything else any other secret rooms it doesn't look like it unless there's something here well no we've been here losing my mind okay so to be found baldies office over there back in the cafeteria the WoW room okay yeah it looks like that's it for secrets is there a secret room here no there's just nothingness there that's pretty stinking cool I like this map a lot but now let's get to the main course which is mayhem and destruction let's get some of this stuff out of the way we need to make room all right guys we're having a giant food fight in the cafeteria so you guys of course are all my friends so I don't actually I don't think this is gonna work because you need to be hostile against Mario and his companions so what we need to do is get rid of all these guys so I'm sorry you're all wonderful and you're all magical night I love you dearly but you all need to go we're gonna make some room here in the cafeteria okay this is looking pretty good so what we need to do if I recall correctly again it's been a long time since I've done this we need to disable their thinking so that they don't react to anything and then we need to spawn basically the entire army so I'm thinking you know we'll just start with this let's do a Baldy versus Mario so these are all hostile baldies and these are this is the Baldy army I don't know how many we're gonna spawn we can we can spawn a lot of them this pre-big cafeteria I like the idea of having some of them like on top of tables and stuff or trapped inside of a table that's fine too there you go you got on top of the table good for you Baldy what a talented guy not only does he teach math but he can stand on top of tables remarkable ok I think that's pretty good so let's get Mario into the action and we'll just I guess fill the other side with Mario not why Luigi we're gonna do Mario for now and he's just gonna have a crowbar just like oh you know what actually I kinda want to change this up so we can go to weapon override and then we can give Mario isn't there a briefcase a suitcase yes yes please Mario with the suitcase that's not Mario with the suitcase you lied to me game please try again nope that's still a crowbar you're still lying to me ok how about a package what's a package it's still a crowbar ok you know what fine you want to use a crowbar you can use a crowbar it's a very plumber ish tool right I'm sure plumbers need crowbars from time to time it'd be better if you had a wrench like a big old plumber's wrench what are those things called you know what I'm talking about it's typical plumber tool it's the big old like you can anyways let's keep spawning Mario's get this Mario Party going now this this is just ridiculous and awesome I love it I should probably turn off join squad right yeah turn off join squad that way they'll kind of do their own thing and hopefully they'll all just start fighting once we turn on the thinking I'm a little bit worried though that the baldies gonna come after me so you know I'm gonna stand on this side where the Mario's can protect me all right let's begin the chaos enable thinking here they go yes yes they're going in getting straight to it is he talking is Baldy talking it's hard to tell it just it's just chaos it's absolute chaos I think all what oh I accidentally went through the wall and then everybody disappeared I was like what what happened that went that went way too fast no Mario Mario why yes okay okay get dull you guys got a team up team Mario are you guys stuck they might actually be stuck there they're very angry at me they don't like the fact that I can fly everybody's just kind of confused I have to give it to Baldy though I'm a little disappointed I honestly wanted Mario to win I'm sorry Mario you didn't you didn't take this one but you're still amazing alright so he's going in and just he's just going in to get hit that's probably not the best strategy Mario you might want to rethink that one you know you're gonna go for the same thing yeah here let me help you out let me help you out Mario let me just put you right there okay hey there you go yeah all right so Baldy 1 I don't know if I actually put more baldies than I put Mario's I didn't really care it was just more for the sake of just seeing Baldy and Mario beat up each other which is kind of hilarious so I think what you need to get the other characters in the into the action here should we go outside should we have an outside battle I think we should all right get rid of these benches just just go like over there okay this is not quite as big of an arena not quite as big that's okay it's outside this time so why don't we just keep it simple for this battle disable thinking and we'll just do one of each now we can't do Bowser though because he's hostile so he'll actually be on baldies team you know what let's let's create a little bit of a narrative here Baldy and Bowser team up against team Mario that's what happened okay so we're gonna add Bowser to baldies team with his weird stuck arms because why not all right where are my Baldy friends there you are okay so we need hostile baldie there he is what what do you you're holding a package so now you guys decide to actually switch to a package okay what happened team package all right good for you guys get arts-and-crafts errs in there get playtime the most fearsome of warriors and of course the principle of the matter principle of the thing whatever his name is and got a sweep there's the whole crew okay looking good now the Baldy side obviously has a few more team members so that worries me so what we should do is give team Mario maybe stun sticks I don't know if stun sticks are better than a package never really compared the two to be honest with you it's kind of a weird thing hey I wonder if this stun stick is stronger than a package from UPS yeah I'm gonna go with the stun stick so we're gonna give Mario and his friends hopefully a little bit of an advantage skin Luigi there he is with a stun stick peach uh-huh there she is Rosalina looking good and Mario so the four of them versus one two three four five six seven of them who will win Bowser you've done it again you United the evil forces of baldies basics to fight the hero Mario the one the only true hero of video game history that's not true but I love Mario what can I say so let's Ellis see what happens let's go ahead and enable thinking and here they go okay they got packages oh okay oh my gosh the team Mario is absolutely decimating team Baldy it's so good okay so I feel like timbale fuss at a slight disadvantage they couldn't do anything the package is literally they're just holding it they're just delivery people that's not fair that is so unfair I'm so sorry two team Baldy okay so you guys you guys are fine where you're at I'm gonna disable your thinking and we're gonna try this again but we're gonna give Baldy and his team slightly better weapons let's give them a crowbar let's go back to the tried-and-true crowbar all right so I've disabled thinking we need Bowser back of course and then the whole Baldy crew Baldy bully crafter playtime principal and of course the leader of them all got a sweep he's a brute now that's a leader I can get behind all right let's begin the battle this time let's try again come on you guys can do much better this time okay they're split up a little bit Oh careful playtime versus Mario Mario is just taking it in the face no Mario no they're done they're dead it's over peach she couldn't do it she could not survive okay so who who survived playtime baldies dead but playtime of course she won got a sweep he's gone and bully he didn't make it but otherwise it's some pretty good battle oh man I missed this game I hope you guys are enjoying this episode as much as I am I love doing this stuff it's so dumb and just so much fun okay so I think we need a grand finale to end off the episode so let's just get crazy with it let's go ahead and disable thinking for everybody and I'm gonna switch back to just crowbars so everybody's gonna have a crowbar and we're gonna just go crazy maybe like a hundred on each side so how many are there there's one two three four five six so we're gonna need about 15 of each character let's do that this is gonna bog down my system so much but I don't care it's gonna be beautiful okay I think it's getting a little too cramped so I think I'm gonna have to this down to like five playtime there's five playtime so that's all the play times you need honestly she's she's a force to be reckoned with same thing with principal he's gonna be five of those guys so it's not gonna be quite 100 versus 100 but it's still gonna be good it's still gonna be a good old-fashioned food fight with crowbars okay so there's team Baldy they're glorious so now of course we need to do team Mario let's start with Luigi then peach Rosalina I wish there was more I wish we could get toad in here that would be sweet toad and Yoshi I bet you there is I just haven't downloaded the NPC's that's probably the main thing I just haven't found them and then of course the Mario and here he comes this is gonna get a little chaotic I I gotta say but it looks real cool and so fun alright let's watch the battle ensue as the finale let's do it enable thinking to battle there they go they're going straight to it everybody's getting crazy the noises there's so many noises just oh my gosh who's gonna win oh my gosh they're dropping like flies holdin noises they make noises when they die oh wait I think Mario team Mario team Mario that's right playtime her last battle cry just done are you dead yeah you're dead there's only one bully left I guess they saved him for me thanks guys I'm gonna vaporize him you're welcome for that generous donation you're very welcome all right let's see what happens here yeah that's messed up that's super messed up I'm sorry for vaporizing my friends I'll just vaporize Mario - my bad wrong button I meant to do the be my friend button and I press the vaporize your friends button those two buttons should not be next to each other it's weird so there you have it guys the return of Garry's Mod Mario vs. Baldy it's a weird episode but I hope that you guys enjoyed it because I like doing this stuff and it's weird and it's fun and it's goofy and it's silly and it's perfect let me know if you guys have more ideas for things we can do in Garry's Mod cuz like I said I love doing it but that's gonna do it for this episode I hope that you guys enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 6,353,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garrys mod, baldis basics in education, super mario, super mario 64, baldis basics game, no swearing, baldis basics funny moments, baldi basics horror game, kindly keyin, baldi basics mod, family friendly, baldis basics animation, baldis basics in education and learning in gmod, baldi vs, baldis basics meme, baldis basics in education and learning, baldi vs mario, play as baldi, baldis basics
Id: d3OEpe6AeIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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