Balan Wonderworld is a Dumpster Fire

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we're going back in can i just can we just do it that was probably the most satisfying thing i was able to do yet oh wait what do we do with these dudes well if you've learned anything from mario 64. okay maybe there is some enjoyment in this game and you know what i'm going to put the goal out there if this video gets 10 000 likes and i may immensely regret this i will hate play this entire game look at this bs they're sending me back to wyoming because i have to get more balance statues so i can access the rest of this crappy game here's my problem some of the comments that i received were telling me that oh this is a kids game and even square enix themselves said that this game is meant to be accessible by everybody but you know what mario is made for kids as well but other people are able to enjoy it because he does more than one goddamn thing i understand that yuji naka made this game square enix didn't necessarily make it but doesn't yuji naka know that he's not making sonic games anymore so we can have more than one button i think the only thing i like about this game is this dude balon he's so weird i mean i still don't even really understand this part but it you know this is nights into dreams like i said 10 000 likes and i will hate play the entire game my timing could be so off here and i can still get an excellent just make this a rhythm game that was the most entertaining thing that i've done aside from killing those little blob dudes hold up i think instead of going to the end of the stage now that i have the uh the kangaroo costume i can probably access this area over here i can reach that right we can yoshi over there maybe not no oh i'm back to the incineroar costume this dude is so creep why are you here and why are you like undulating is is that the right term hang on let me look that up undulate yep undulating was the right word that's the word of the day now let's use it in a sentence hey weird farmer please stop undulating without breaking eye contact the rainbow tier the collective tears of everyone who thought this game was going to be good this might be the best costume yet even though it's kind of useless it really only gives me the ability to do a delayed jump like i can just hold it and then jump late i don't even think i'm really jumping higher could never have made this jump without this flower costume wait hang on at least i can destroy things with a dragon can i torch the crops can i create famine okay we only need one more choo choo train to go and then we can get aboard the dumpster fire express i think the only thing that this game might have going for right now is the soundtrack and i haven't even really heard that many songs you know maybe the uh the remainder of the game will have some bangers but i doubt can i jump on your head no not the fact okay i could i didn't know if i was able to do that look at this platforming challenge they set up they're like all right you're gonna get these three tiers we gotta jump over the and i still gonna do it like give me some kind of tutorial why am i collecting these tiers why are there different colored tiers what the hell are these things why doesn't anyone respect me it feels like they built these grand levels and you can't even do anything with them there's nothing going on maybe there's some blocks you can destroy every now and then but other than that it's just a whole bunch of garbage okay there's a second statue here i don't know where i could possibly miss it or how i'm supposed to get it you really just jump into his nuts you just headbutt his genitals and that's how you destroy him his camera is nauseating though this is worse than super smash flash maybe we have to take no damage can we uppercut his family jewels all right let's switch to the little piggy ground pound wow that gets better the second time skip skip oh fighting styles okay we gotta fight him again oh okay we just spit fire at his knees makes sense this is a bad game i don't think anything could possibly change my mind this is an awful game but i'm willing to play the entire thing so you don't have to so if i kill him with the dragon costume is that technically another fighting style do i get the second trophy oh boy big bad wolf almost sat on me please cough it up please tell me i'm done okay finally all right let's see what the rest of the demo looks like all right here's balan the only thing that i like about this game it's like come on time to get on the polar express i want to know what kind of drugs yuji naka was on when he decided to make this game all right there's another couple state how many stages are in this how much longer do i have to suffer alright whatever this one is it kind of looks like more of the same and i'm sick of being stuck in wisconsin so this one looks somewhat better chapter six the girl in the kitten alright so we jumped from chapter one to chapter six it makes me wonder if i keep collecting these statues like here i need twenty more are there more stages do we just unlock the entire game i don't know what's an enemy like are you going to harm me there's just there's nothing to do it's just like run around collect these tears and you'll fight maybe i don't know three enemies what is this like orianna from league of legends allows the wearer to stick to gear switches and move okay so i have to go over here and i need to gyrate wait i'm pressing the only button that i can oh okay i have to i just have to hold right why would it not be the action button you guys ever see that movie robots just stick with me kid i know this sounds like the back of my hand hey that's new there was a point in my life i think i was like 16 where every night before i went to bed for about a month i watched the movie robots and i don't know why [Music] and it's gone and you will perish i'm getting weird like traverse town vibes from this stage feels kind of kingdom heartsy oh wait hold up how do i get this guy maybe i lied maybe the soundtrack isn't that good never mind that kind of looks like the chick-fil-a logo this stage is infinitely better like at least there's a good series of platforming here it's not much of a challenge but whatever i'm a grown ass man complaining about a child's game maybe because i expected too much but that's what i do that's what they pay me to do i'm here to complain about the kids games that likely were not made for me oh no not an enemy what are we going to do i'm kind of tempted to get 20 because i just want to know if there's anything beyond these couple stages i think i threw in the towel way too early i i still kind of don't know what any of these doors do yet i keep going in them oh this is costume change okay so there's a good amount of costumes here let's take incineroar cog girl no wait wait i can't go back now okay speaking of games in the last video i mentioned that this kind of felt like a hat in time crossing with knights into dreams and i got a good amount of hate for that because everyone was like oh you don't like a hat in time it's such a great game as if opinions don't exist but a hat in time is such a janky game and i'm sorry personally it's kind of boring and you know that's more disappointing for me because i bought the game and i was like i'm going to pumpkin puncher finally something interesting like can someone just explain to me why a hat in time is so good i bought the game expecting to love it and it was just so janky and boring what is happening here okay um so the demo i guess just doesn't work we broke something okay we're back dude even this game doesn't want anyone to play it this game is so horrendous that it's actually rejecting itself it's like listen get out of here while you still can while you still have some of your sanity all right going into mirrorland anyone remember that episode of the rugrats where they thought they had to go into mirror land and fight their mirror selves that single episode had more lore than this entire game why do you look like you're about to barf can i punch you oh you ate my friend i guess at this point it's kind of fun to see what other costumes are going to be in the game i'm grasping at straws here let's do that all right finally that was a significantly longer stage than the others and we collected the swarovski heart go and feed some drops to the timbs in the field by pressing a please feed me that's uh that's gonna hurt on the way out those are crystals it's gonna be worse than passing a kidney stone oh there's only one stage here there's no boss that we can fight there so i guess we have to go to chapter four and then i'm going to uninstall the boy who would be one with the wind i guess we have to be one with the winds here soaring sheep i look like a whimsicott okay i think this might be my new favorite i like this one nobody hurt the sheep don't hurt the sheep you will now feel the wrath of incineroar's darkest lariat or maybe you won't come on if you're gonna put a key to unlock costumes at least hide the key wait what is the arrow acrobat okay i'm pretty sure that's copyrighted and it's gone i just feel like i can't jump on the blades i'm a bat i have wings i should be able to float there oh we can aim toward okay this is uh this is sonic adventure we have the homing attack now was an arrow the acrobat a super nintendo game like some kind of platformer it's a game that i always remember seeing when i went into the video store when i was a kid and i just i would never rent it because i was like uh that's probably not very good i haven't seen any trophies i will admit that they are hidden very well because i haven't gotten a single one all right this dude's back he's got a pretty cool character design but he just shows up and he just snaps like thanos that's his thing who's the real one there we go he's away from the show himself okay so i guess that's the end of the demo and listen i'm a man of my word and i may regret it but i put the goal out there 10 000 likes on this video and i will play this entire game and i will not like it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 344,778
Rating: 4.9284177 out of 5
Keywords: raid boss smash ultimate, raid boss smash bros, raid boss amiibo, choctopus raid boss, super smash bros ultimate amiibo, amiibo smash bros ultimate, choctopus raid boss pumpkin, smash ultimate, super smash bros ultimate, amiibo training smash ultimate, amiibo training guide, amiibo training tips, amiibo smash ultimate, smash ultimate amiibo, balan wonderworld, balan wonderworld demo, balan wonderworld switch, balan wonderworld gameplay
Id: TTCK7bLf0nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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