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hi sisters james charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel for today's video as you can obviously see i am not down in the makeup studio i am here in the lovely james charles kitchen and that is because we are doing a cooking video i really don't know why but you guys are obsessed with these every time i do a cooking video whether it be making a cake out of my palette making diy canes making my starbucks drinks you guys eat it up oh literally we are here in the kitchen because i'm going to be trying out a very fun video that we saw the try guys do and that is baking a cake without a recipe um i am really not uh a baker or a chef um i definitely indulge in a good ubereats postmates or doordash non-exclusive of course until one of them pays me to be so however okay trevor behind the camera can confirm every single gay kid at one point in their life goes through a phase where they watch one episode of cake boss and are fully convinced that they're going to be a faker one day did you go through that phase though oh yeah yep i literally i'm gonna wait for i'm gonna go to hoboken new jersey and start baking cupcakes every day i say that because i actually feel like i might be able to kill this challenge so without further ado let's go ahead and bake the cake without a recipe [Music] obviously the most important thing to any food dish is the recipe which we don't have today so i have to pull it out of my memory and i think the things that i'm going to need for this cake are going to be eggs for sure i'm going to need butter flour obviously sugar vanilla extract um a little bit of baking powder or baking soda they're not the same thing it's baking powder baking soda is one that gets out stains in your laundry i think you also cook you cook with baking soda no i don't know what else we're gonna need oil either canola vegetable or olive i don't know the difference between any of them i think just like a little pinch of salt and milk we're gonna need milk too right that sounds pretty good i think i'm just gonna go to the pantry for a quick second and i will come back to you guys once i have my full ingredients gathered here with me today uh we did have to make a few substitutions we don't have milk in this house because none of us drink it it's gross i have oat milk do you think this would work though in a cake i think it would be fine right oh where are our measuring cups um oh i also have my little kitchenaid mixer oh i have to be all the way over here oh gosh do you start this thing works no i definitely think the first thing that i should do is the butter so i'm gonna go ahead and do one half cup of butter which is one of these little mini sticks into the bowl and then i think next would make sense to do my flower i think it's my flower i think flower so gosh my gut says like either three or four cups of flour i feel like you need a lot of flour for baking but that's like a lot two okay that's three cups of flour before i move on i think we should go ahead and pre-heat the oven it's either 350 or 375 or 400. like every recipe is like a good average 350. 350. great she's preheating maybe i'll do sugar next dry ingredients is this sugar um so you need a lot of sugar in a cake i definitely need a full cup oops okay one cup of sugar i mean half a cup that's not okay half a cup all right this is it he wants to move let's go go go i don't know it's a piece of cake to break your fatty cake 12 seconds later okay baking powder i feel like makes things like rise right i really feel like like baking soda's like for getting stains out or like making slime like baking soda is not like for baking i think that i'm gonna use baking powder but i really think that the amount of you're supposed to use this is like very very little maybe like one teaspoon maybe you'll do half a half teaspoon of baking powder there's one quarter and there's one half i don't know what's this yeah that's it so now those are all my dry ingredients i'm gonna put them right here on my little kitchenaid mixer start it on a low setting to really incorporate the butter i think if i did three cups of flour then i definitely need three eggs oh my god okay oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god there's a spatula okay whenever we make brownies i know that you have to add like two eggs and three quarters cup of oil i think that's a very oil measurement that we see a lot in baking this is one fourth so we're gonna do three of these oh vanilla extract we definitely need some vanilla extract that i feel like is a tablespoon like the the baking powder is a teaspoon vanilla extract is a tablespoon all right lots of finally not least we just do like a little splash of milk oh and i need a pinch of salt that's always the last step of any baking thing okay salt where are you at [Music] how much did you put it too much i was able okay it was still sitting on top all in one area so i was able to wipe off a little the excess salt i think okay this is gonna go back down there i put too much flour in it it smells like bread dough like i think that i made dough by accident instead of a cake just looking at it like it's it's too it's too thick let's do some math here if i put in too much flour all i need to do is just add more of everything else to even out the amount of flour in here right oh god if i add in this much more butter this is gonna be like butter cake guys i don't know what i'm doing i know but [Music] then maybe like another splash vanilla extract lord have mercy okay this texture does look a little bit better to be honest there's still lots of lumps in here though all right let's try this now that oh my god that tastes way better oh my god uh-huh wow the consistency looks really good now like this is definitely this is oops this is definitely like cake batter come try no i can't do that i'll come try it there's four eggs in there for five eggs five chances of getting some vanilla just put a finger in that's that that's something we're gonna go ahead and pour this cake batter into the pan oh i'm going to grease the pan first [Applause] yeah i'll spread her good question it's so thick theodore we feed you very well stop licking the floor now we're just going to go ahead and spread our nice bread around the frosting probably will mask a lot of the flavor to be honest cake powder is supposed to be so like liquidy like it's supposed to be runny this is so thick it looks like our oven is not done preheating yet uh however i'm just gonna put it in anyway because it's probably hot you guys we're gonna go ahead hey theo don't even think about it okay oh we literally just finished preheating this is very exciting on the middle rock probably yeah for the most evening just even disbursement oh no on the top i think we should start with at least 15 minutes so we're going to set our loss 15. no you're nowhere close to 15. 15's beginning so we're going to start with like 30 minutes okay you guys so about 30 minutes have gone by on our little cake timer so now we just have to take a first little peek at our cake our bread our loaf come down come down come down give it a good little look oh my god that looks like a cake oh it's good that looks like a cake it's crisping that looks like a literal cake oh it's not done yet not even close still white on the outsides all right so we're gonna bake it for let's say 10 more minutes later golden oh you're all clean yeah [Music] is it done [Music] are we rolling yeah all right you guys so we're back a few hours later in our large cake it's finally cool enough to take out of the pan and decorate oh my god it's it's so dense it's so hot it's vanilla baby okay so we're gonna take it out of the pan and then we're going to frost it and then last but finally not least give it a lovely tasting oh it smells like cake honestly so we're just gonna frost it and see what happens okay [Music] okay i think my cake is done regardless of however it's going to taste in a second you got to give it to me this looks like a cake and that's half the battle right mama if you covered a bike tire frosting you still look like a cake that's true there could be anything under there i think it is officially now time to cut our cake and let the members of the house try out a slice and we can give honest reviews of my creation to end off today's video i have the full team of friends that basically live here at the house so we're going to go ahead and taste my lovely from scratch with no recipe cake enjoy everybody boat up the queen oh it's so thick oh oh it tastes like cornbread oh that is giving me very um oh popeye's biscuit i left do you ever taste the cake part without the frogs yeah that's what i'm trying to do the frosting the frosting makes it better you know what that this is fine for me [Music] kind of bread like isn't cake bread anyway no it's very like slightly sugary i don't think i'm trying to get to the middle of it why i just want to see what's happening in there i would rate this a solid five out of ten okay i give it a seven like trevor sex is good i'm good with the sex i think that that's not that bad we're not following a recipe for just literally guessing on everything i feel like that's kind of gorgeous it's super super dry it's very dense like sugary sweet vanilla bread i would love to know where my recipe went wrong so i got up a really like good reference it was just a really simple white cake it was cool so you did a really good job with um a half a cup of butter yeah you then followed it up with three cups of flour uh one and a half recipe no so you doubled the flour which is why it did look like pizza dough and um the biggest one was vanilla vanilla in which the total recipe the bottle calls for two teaspoons and you put about by the end you put about five tablespoons and that's stuff you're supposed to use okay okay okay raspberries who is this martha the reason it also is a little bit dense is because it's butter or oil and we did butter and a lot of both yeah a lot of them well i feel like thank you to my lovely guests and taste testers thank you for having us love you guys dearly thank you so much for the review well i feel like you guys overall this was a really fun challenge to do today it may not have been the most perfect you know betty crocker martha stewart buddy valastro uh vanilla okay vanilla that's buddy's new kid hello i'm really proud of myself but most importantly i had fun and i really hope that all of you guys watching today's video had fun as well if you did please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up and then leave me a comment down below letting me know what your favorite thing to bake was or actually if you're an lgbtq plus member let me know if you also want to be a cake decorator and if you haven't already make sure you click that bigger subscribe button down below and come join the sisterhood and finally click that bell icon so you get notified every time i upload a brand new video if you like to follow me on my makeup journey all my social media accounts going to be linked right here around the screen and if you want to text me on my personal phone number for updates on videos photos merch and so much more it is 310-905-8746 this video is supposed to shout out goes to sister faith thank you so much love for always following and supporting i love you so so much and if you'd like to be the next video sister shout out don't forget to always retweet moodle links when they go live on twitter alright you guys thank you so much for watching today i love it and i will see you next time with the normally scheduled makeup video because i am out of the kitchen [Music] bye you
Channel: James Charles
Views: 5,117,193
Rating: 4.9550495 out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, sister, sisters apparel, morphe, james charles x morphe, guru, lips, beauty hacks, makeup routines, e girl makeup, e boy makeup, makeup 2020, prom makeup, tik tok makeup, tik tok hacks, tik tok beauty hacks, baking a cake without a recipe, without a recipe, cooking, baking, cake boss, with no recipe, cupcakes, james charles cooking
Id: dEIVRhK61hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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