Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 30)

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unfortunately so that's not gonna do me a lot of good I might cycle point-blank shot with him which means straight-up damage is probably fine and going first would make a big difference so yeah let's go ahead and do that seems good and swap them around and then play doctor blasphemous vile love it no incision this time I'm gonna go with ancestors map just to help out the antiquarian I suppose and then the Masters essence for the antiquarian I guess is probably good enough to take by itself I don't know like what else would we give her I could just go purely defensive with her with the ancestors code and then couple that with a feather crystal or something like that I think I'm okay with that yeah that'd be fine fifty dodging her is pretty nuts that seems reliable enough and she can do protect me as well just to almost guarantee she doesn't get hit and we have to unlock the point-blank shop that's okay level six crystal boys yeah they're the ones that can exclusively go into the farmstead mission you know that endless run otherwise they're just sitting there looking pretty they'll get at it point blank Bam Bam Bam Bam and anything else we need for you I think I'm gonna swap that for that and then that's all probably good Crusaders gonna have his heal and the holy Lance just in case we get swapped around we'll use these for for sure antiquarians gonna have the festering vapors this time and not invigorating I think having her heal is gonna be basically necessary we have three heals in this team so this is the kind of team where we keep people off of death's door and then desperately attempt to recover should we need it also of course a campfire is gonna be a big boon there as well which means I want to make sure I've got all the right camping skills for these guys to and indeed we do good all right then I have been following along with mother gunship yeah I know that released today I'm definitely gonna have to check that out later it is looking good and the only issue I had with it is when I got my preview build I couldn't get it to run very smoothly on my PC so I'm hoping that that was just an issue with that or with you know my computer actually no but I did switch computers then too so I bet I could have a little bit more luck now so I'll probably check it out in fact I'm almost certainly gonna check it out oh let me get those I guess I need a full stack of blood I won't bring the age you said knee Arno Laden um I guess cuz we now have the gesture this time so you use the Crusader for quite a few missions there's something that makes them better the over other front liners I like his inspiring cry a lot I like having this and like I mentioned for a team like this in particular having that as an emergency heal to keep off deaths tourism is a lifesaver literally that's probably good that'll do I was tempted to go in the darkness but I don't think I want to run that risk right now yeah the Crusader I mean with the holy lance in particular - he's just got he's got some versatility comparing to say something like the leper which is just a damaged tank up front he doesn't really offer any versatility beyond that there was power in symbols collect the scattered scraps of faith and to give comfort to the masses it's not it's not where that go is supposed to be over there that's a [ __ ] why are these hovering over here that's very strange semtex Oh God it's for future crits longtime YouTube watcher first time stream catcher Kay tree welcome thank you glad to have you I mentioned this yesterday it's always nice to see people making the transition it's a lot of fun over here on Twitch you're watching on YouTube primarily I encourage you to come over here and check out the twitch channel it's a good time everyone's very welcoming and kind the bear hugs are aplenty money grows and you get to hear me yell at people with echo effects early bits for early crits thank you so much for the thousand Betty's buddy I kinda yeah very much appreciated hope for the best here I've got a point-blank shot that I'm looking to line up for some goodness early on this has never happened before this is very strange even the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage what do you mean by it doesn't offer of any versatility he's a tank and a DPS oh I mean yeah I guess if you want to be pedantic about it finding the stuff is only the first test how it must be carried home no oh my god yeah thank you you got about that yeah about that little buddy alrighty let's see 70 up against 130 I just take the damage their point Blake might actually be enough I didn't use the ends query in there did I yeah [ __ ] what's the matter with you boy if I can't kill next I'd love to yeah I think that's got to be up soon I mostly wanted to get some more money for us if I can get a pretty profitable run here with the bank now being constructed I feel like we'll be in a good position for pretty much the rest of the run like I got to get like I said it all depends on getting like 30 or 40 thousand on this run so hoping for the best and I'm not getting a good start by forgetting to use dance query and a my but all the same I'm hopeful that this will turn our financial ship around so tasty tasty madrenas you know I've got a shot he's gonna say a shop full but I've got a yeah okay building you don't want to do that anyway I got a fridge full these delicious madrenas flavors all staring me in the face but I've also got a big row of the dark roast I can't bring myself to make this switch I just can't can't stay away it's too tasty but enough shilling bed taffy it's time to stay also time to select the antiquarian so you don't make any further future stupid mistakes thrill madrenas over chat bay vicinity yes bathe and the glorious although of madrenas bear why you would something to make the Nintendo switch again it's already made you don't need to make it from scratch listen I have good ideas which are not which Nintendo well you know what they're the same hi I mean no but okay sure oh yeah that's cold you know it's creepy like a slug on my face now was I talking about tal onic welcome to the bear pile thank you so much for the bits and Kellog Jay I'm sorry I gotta wipe my face off this is gross yeah I feel like alien was licking me Kellen Jay thank you for seven with twitch crime appreciate it buddy - Lana thank you for the two thousand bits sold an old Magic the Gathering card for over a hundred dollars so I'm sharing oh my god what one good for you buddy that's dope as health oh cool I guess I should have let the head square into going well so far I think once you have a hundred thousand you should be said interests you should pay for supplies and dungeon closure but yeah yeah that's what I'm thinking too like at the mall mate with the Viking coming up it's obviously gonna be a little bit more expensive for a mission but if I can do like like I said like it like 30 or 40 K here if I can and the dumb please garbage charm speaking of which and I don't know I guess just provision light one or two weeks that ought to do it law at Blackwell now a black vote is he deep I think you'd be a little more generous with the love you'd be doing pretty well remember torchlight what about it Black Lotus right now it's an it's it's getting up there every day isn't it is there anything that's gonna stop that card from increasing in value I will taste you and nothing can stop me oh he's good Wow we should heal him oh that's bad try to fix that nice yeah oh that was that's from the update oh this is my Bell you know what I bet they just did this from the update they just centered these things and they had a new sound in there for the buff cool alright then neato gang there's a gem mint Black Lotus right now in perfect condition for sale for forty thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars yikes chuckles thanks for gifting the sub to dirt mu no longer the only non sub mod as victories mount so too will resistance he was my lone balancing factor and now well [ __ ] now and just surrounded by a bunch of yes man who will never say no to me now I can do whatever I want oh god I can already feel the power swelling within me I have complete control assuming control I'll tell you know Barret you're a sub to any Mouse you little [ __ ] as the light gains purchase spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear ban the plebs any non subs in here able to tell me what to do anyone feel mighty enough anyone think now let me quote more our good boy in town friend of mine are at marcha Moreno Eminem does anyone think their arms are long enough to slapbox slapbox I am complete Jay you've ruined this run on multiple occasions not you but your event or maybe maybe it was you but god damn you it's been a [ __ ] nightmare every time we've seen wolf here thank you for two months in a row baby do you do oh sure oh well yeah well okay thank you Nonnie equipped yo non-euclidean hilt just this moment right here made that purchase alone worth it the fact that it saves me from a bear optimal with that late application of blight I am thrilled overjoyed at that purchase hey rogue welcome now this is just the dark ruins no wolf here no need to be a furred afeared that's what they would say in the olden days right I ain't afeared to that the purchase of the non-euclidean health is the one I'm referring to most mods I've seen on a bear stream they so it's a little overwhelming isn't it although truth be told some of those are like honorary mods it's like you know when you get an honorary Doctorate it's not it's not real like Indy Mouse he's a fake mod it's really not a joke like name one moderation activity you've partaken it in this channel besides ironically banning someone right now for the memes tion the fake could change that any Mouse wants go ahead and try something oh wait a minute uh-oh uh-oh what happened to make them to the Bearpaw chuckles what would the Bearpaw buddy thanks for the sub appreciate it oh now poor poor end he lost his sword oh no buddy these swords guys swords gone what happened Oh No one of us now you're still will I literally gave you back your sword the instant you posted that message ah math machine are you referring to the marker what are you referring to sorry I'm lost [Applause] top 10 swords and twitch ad don't give them any ideas can I give subs to people I don't know if I can give people substance in my own channel does anyone know it doesn't seem like something I should be able to do hey Adam in how you doing you can oh cool yeah apparently I can do it Oh YouTube timestamps uh no no works something good thank you for posting those though yeah no now my brain is bringing it back to me yeah thank you for the comments I've been doing my best to UM actually highlight the runs so that they starts my god he is a crit machine today I'm trying to highlight the run so they more or less start right before the first dungeon so flee that's been decent at least bear is your avatar a sock puppet version of the bear logo I can like that visualization these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten so yes you know baru getting those plushies I think I even mentioned this on stream already but I really now want to pursue plushies of my own using that bear hypee mode as the as the reference something that would be so adorable semtex argon [Music] bits for enemy crits you've joined the dark side you monster they got cookies I can't help it they are tasty cookies ancient traps lie in wait unsprung what about a bear w plushie I don't think anybody wants that I think if they do it's for the wrong reasons trap maker you cannot escape me forever witness my efficacy you cannot handle my strongest traps thank you for the thousand bits trap maker appreciated why Conde you gonna keep healing eyed by a bear w plushie all right there's one guaranteed sale I'm gonna bear brown plush you there we go really opening up the possibilities oh [ __ ] me I just read the updated post and the croc villian has been added as a mini boss in the endless harvest and you don't even have to only be LC to fight it oh my god [ __ ] rip rip to everyone seven sexagon more enemy crits [ __ ] you [ __ ] you very much sir just completed my first run on the ps4 thanks for introducing me to this amazing game can't wait for dead cells to release next month yes talk opcom talk dad I think of it the 3,000 bits that is extremely kind of preciate it enjoy your renewed gold badge my friend and tarkov thank you for the bits as well thank you for the support y'all oh let's see here you're already at five so I guess I can just finish you off speaking of dead cells apparently it's out of our the excess now no no it's in like it's like first week of August or something I thought isn't it I thought it was still a little ways out I'm pretty sure it is I'm gonna make that space there yeah there we go discord line now I think it's a little ways out we've got um well let me think about it you know I really want to get locked to path traveller but I don't think I'm ever gonna stream that or anything so I'm just thinking out loud in that regard but I catch them chasm I am a hundred percent gonna play and that comes out on the 31st and then yet dead cells comes out of early access August 7th eeeh that sounds right so August 7 has that hey Derek let's say hi to the vaad boy st. doing uh and then yeah I I swear I'm forgetting even a couple of things between then and now we've got overcooked too which is also coming out which is very exciting that's gonna be in August as well I believe and then I'm gonna do a key for that nice can't think of anything else I'm forgetting that's coming out soon off the top of your head yeah feel like there was something big before waiting mama didn't make him making a Marmaduke game all the guns yeah the guns an update right and mother gunship today yes those are the two things I was actually forgetting okay what's up hi yeah it looks so good still you should tweet another picture so check and see you don't want to exclude them now that you've included them right right whoa I think that's like exclusively not what I want them to do I want them to give me their eyes Chad give me your eyes give me your eyes let's get rid of this yes yeah I was debating it already grant us your eyes that we may see blood I really don't need to go all the way to the end of this but [ __ ] it [ __ ] it look EPC UPS or FedEx now chair thanks for the hundred bits though [Music] welcome to the bear pile as well thank you for your subscription bear hugs please in the chat of the newest member of the pile thank you for your support yeah the gungeon update I am thinking I might actually check out could be fun to get back into that for a little bit I and then I swear there he's even another game I'm forgetting about that I'd like to play you know what I can tell you for a fact actually is that all my gathered sense is that we will be playing more of the crew to maybe even with Nick hopefully with Nick but I know his he's having a lot of issues with the weather over there it's been unbearably hot hahahahahaha over there in New York so maybe he's not gonna be able to join us but yeah another road trip or two right that'll be fun I want to go to Mount Rushmore in the game be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall I doesn't he get a window Union I'm sure there's sure there's reasons I'm sure he's given it some thought uh you know I don't think I'm gonna take the crest this time either I think the the cash has got to be priority numero uno can you cycle around the whole map that cycling stream was nice I don't think you can bicycle in that game can you I don't even know if you can ride a motorcycle in that game I think it's like sports cars boats off-road cars and planes splash by planes I don't know if motorcycles are available I'd like to do that but I think that wouldn't involve rendering a character you know I have to do Avenue it's unnecessary I guess secrets and wonders can be found in the most tenebrous corners of this place okie dokie I think there were dirt bikes oh it's tempting then oh boy you know what let's go ahead and camp out risk the hunger tile hitting but together I think I'd rather be this rats in a maze go ahead and prevent the ambush here and let's see if I can heal can heal with leeches if I want also got wound care which does the job I think I'll do that just give him a little healing bonus and then stress is still okay so I could even heal a little more or I could trinket scrounge oh hey that's not bad I can sell that okay and then let's do let's do this I guess that's fine blazing star is born' but any darkest dungeon on switch bare now I didn't end up picking up the game on the switch but what I did get on the switch is hollow Knight which yeah I knew it was gonna be something cheeky we got a surprise though I've been reminded how excellent hollow night is having the opportunity to play that with a fresh start and even having forgotten a good deal of the game so that's been wonderful all right well highly doubtful that we get the one cycle here that's very nice I suppose this is probably my best play and that lowers his resistance ideally for the non-euclidean hill to land will do this and I think I've got it at least a tenth of stunning blow nice nice nice holy [ __ ] that was good okay he's only got stun resistance keep lowering that resistance down to zero now he quitting inhale we'll hit again holy [ __ ] yeah just keep going no big deal I mean you toss that sure found out they busted might eat some more health jeez I like yeah I like that they buffed his um they buffed his companions but it doesn't really matter when I hit the Companions out does it I'm gonna prevent the stress house bear still good at this game cuz I played it for 570 hours and I still leave enemies with one hit point but that's why you get the 90 pity and he'll that's why you get it oh I [ __ ] love it I love it so much worth every shard I don't even care about that I'll give a damn we're good just fix it fix what you [ __ ] up that's too many hours that's like the third most hours in a game I've got I got spelunky and rocket League above that although I haven't played rocket League in like weeks I think I've lost interest in that game which surprises me given how obsessed with it I was goddamn you'd do it again thought you'd have more I obviously thought I would too but yeah it's only I'd like 570 you played this even more than mean I played it for 511 nice yeah and our check our check chat how many hours you got in darkest dungeon let's keep the key for now just in case this is a secret and it's not but quest location so that means I'm not going to need it so let's just toss them out the bus are still sort of not the best thing to keep the best part of being married is eating each other's faces love you yeah 61 50 to 150 64 21 a thousand and 3/4 Sir Francis my goodness dude get a room bear I'm in my room get out of my room pretty decent sounds well this highwayman I have missed you you are cute eat wife a modest 25 that's fine that's fine it's healthy 2,000 hours rumors goodness get another room how many do we need how many rooms is enough for you oh you just can't stop pretty a jumping spider just wanna say I love your didi streams they got me into the game thank you very much buddy glad to hear it thanks for introducing me to madrina yeah man you know somebody tweeted me this photo the other day of shroud the twitch streamer shroud standing in front of some souped-up supercar with deadmau5 and they were both holding cans of madrenas for the picture and it just was like it was like super serendipitous to me like Oh kind of got in on the ground floor of that operation didn't I my goodness as I am the og madrenas boy which is kind of cool makes me feel neat it's blown up so much I guess we can get rid of the blood now right yeah if only treasure could staunch the flow well I mean it is a pretty good result here I guess I'm not rolling in dough like I wanted to be but I did get a single traipse of he'd ruin which is quite good hooray we'll be grateful the droppings of his face have been restored and I think this will give me like 50% off costs of stress relief which unfortunately isn't gonna make a big difference this week okay what's about 30 grand still so that's in line with my expectations I suppose deadmau5 also plays rocket leaguer has at least a few times I feel like deadmau5 is only like one degree removed from twitch streamer just as far as like what I know about the guy he just seems like he's just another nerd that blew up in his particular field well I got torn rotator that sucks but it does that deadly now so there we go Bluto mania doesn't really make a difference spiritual is cool you're right I played it on Twitch neat to the Bearpaw average our tour welcome to the pile thank you for the subscribe on Twitch prime bear hugs please thank you for the support get him comfy Halen enjoy it it's free hooray and anybody else wow we are looking really good here surprisingly alright I don't even have any disease or anything do we you know what we should do cuz I'm certain that right now is the time to go fight the vikon's and acquire the lioness war paint apparently which will be fun but since we're doing that what I think I ought to deal with my little bit of excess gold right now is have a look at my mercenaries and see what or which of these negative quirks I should get rid of so first of all none of those are really gonna make that big of a difference so I don't need to worry about that her having minus 5% virtue chance i supposes may be worth getting rid of Otto has dark temptation which won't make a big difference a blue tomainia bloodthirsty misses the spot i should get rid of for sure so let's go ahead and toss him in right now Bam Bam and then this dude who I've not yet even renamed sickly scattering claustrophobia I'll get rid of sickly we can be diseased in there for sure so there we go I wish I could get rid of shard mercenary yeah that'd be cool but no dice alrighty yeah we got a lot of people curse with the blood too that's why I'm hoping to get the bike out and clear that out right now quick peek of these guys too I guess this is not all that necessary okay cell let's go ahead and set this up obviously people with the curse are gonna be preferable here looking at my Vestals who's the best who's the best ol probably her precise striker doesn't really make a difference if we're not doing battle Vestal though musical is nice since we'll probably bring out a gesture with it or do we even have a gesture with this we don't know okay that's not gonna make a difference then but evasive is always good I think I'll bring out salt Tech simply because she doesn't have any negative quirks that can impact her risk-taker does sort of suck yeah I think soul tech is better all right so there's that probably an arborist again shield breaker I would love to do is or love to bring out again too although the blight is not the best option unfortunately Crusader as well probably you've got to go with that flagellants actually is tempting here yeah let's see you know I think I got to do shield breaker Crusader herbalists and Vestal I think this is my best squad here call it the cursed company I mean look at this it's coated in blood down here alright well I guess that'll work I keep moving this post-it note I don't know how to put post-it notes on my screen that's good that's fine take them in here and what are you gonna use I think I got to keep impale there's no way that's not a good enough skill to keep even if it doesn't blight and then I think I will use puncture as well because I think I might have to do a guard break here he's fine with those four ayahs are you I've got a rank those up though of course let's take her in and go Bam Bam Bam Bam and then the herbalist doesn't need any other love either although the suppressing fire I didn't get a lot of value out of so I'm gonna go back to the bowl and rank that up as well if your entire roster gets the curse you get the achievement blood cult ooh I think I'm gonna shoot for that though I think I'm just gonna go ahead and go with the logical process here good morning ready for Ali's time for me to even doles in the blood of our enemies I don't know if you're bringing being brought out today oh you are yeah look at you yep it is indeed time congratulations now let's see what shall we bring first of all vestal got a heal up so ancestor scroll genius head with the Crusader I don't think it's gonna be non-euclidean hilts still a leaning heavily toward in fact the combo of dismisses head and the ancestors candle and then the shield breaker up front I would like to make a little bit more defensive let's give her the foot wraps to keep her locked down up there and maybe even heavy boots as well since she doesn't need that much speed look at that she ain't being moved and she's got 20 percent protection right out of them right out of the gate we could also give her just further protection if I wanted to I don't have the signet ring anymore that stinks womp womp oh well yeah that's probably good quite the investment in that but I think it'll be worthwhile and then the herbalist bullseye bandana and focus range easy easy all right that'll do I think yep let's go oh let's go full stacks full stacks of that [ __ ] holy waters as well why not give me some laudanum two backs three two months in row thank you very much welcome on back in appreciated only for blood somehow yeah all of a sudden that's all gone [ __ ] what happened I had the same wooden vintners oh that's a bummer dude alright I think we're ready to go I'm gonna bring two of those for fun yeah okay ready give me a bear yay if we're good to go here I'm a little concerned I want to make sure I did have like 16 cursed arrows in the hamlet that's true yes I guess it's a quick way to get through all the blood there isn't it yet another reason for us to go do this right now how many wasting heroes in town I guess we should find out huh we have to leave enough blood for them or they may die Oh God well that sucks Oh shovels do we need them I don't think we do but I'll bring two just in case I'm ring one late near to the end so yeah so hopefully this is all we need come to the dockmaster assblaster great name welcome to the pile thank you very much appreciate it all right yeah there are blockages so guess what bring - okay all right the vine count does set the table there treat oh yeah the campfire interaction - for the shovels I forgot about that as well well there's our - Blood Maximus welcome to the bear bile Maximus thank you for subscribing with twitch prime as well I appreciate it very much enjoy about me most bear hugs please there it is immediately on cue oh god two of them would trinkets and baubles well thank you I do have enough food here - that makes me feel good die damn it die damn it stud yay and these trinkets and baubles looking off a lot like wood that's so strange what the hell how are you doing this stop it miss it oh oh I really like that sound for the crit bonus do-do-do-do-do ouch no need for that now I might stress he'll yeah I'm gonna go ahead and do it this music is pretty hype yes just miss Wow I probably shouldn't let that happen oh it's pretty stupid that's my bad whoopsie-daisy she doesn't want it fine they did buff tentacle Lord didn't they yeah so I got to be a little bit more concerned about him and scaly he's not adorable anymore like these guys are all so damn cute that's a fine start just don't pass turn as long as you don't pass turn I'm fine give it a try all right I'm happy with that got to heal off it anyway miss it full health too much stress on you already a bull is not gonna do it way too much stress on you already goddamnit oh and that's gonna heal her Oh God very unfortunate okay try that out alright hey there we go good smiting all mighty smiter I probably should have given him some accuracy I think I'm gonna regret not giving him a focus ring or something out don't bleed thank you all right let's kill her need a stress he'll probably just a bit too much right now and that's probably what I would have done anyway so that's okay and just I can't dodge with her of course wine fire dark iron valor welcome to the pile thank you for supplying us with a critical strike with your twits Prime subscription let's appreciate it oh it's not two of them though you got it know when to stop man thank you for the bear hugs they'll appreciate a jet heal heal heal bandage as well yeah that's okay don't hit her thank you just miss beautiful star cop car except the gift and the crits they'll cleanse those lofty heroes from the court yes extra food and a ruby let's go ahead and camp out right here and we'll shake that Ruby ooh a locked room give me a key for it please I need it badly a moment of respite a chance to steal I shall prevent the ambush yes yeah then I will restring my crossbow marching plan and encourage good [ __ ] good [ __ ] all right stop moving map thank you oh yeah we should have fought a snake oh there huh I forgot I also have no more blood that's a problem EEP can I have a key it's not gonna be in there is it I'm just gonna not use that no I had the trap detected [ __ ] oops whoopsie whoopsie dude alright fine and pail start though how about a stun or just a kill yeah nice oh yeah they might give me blood that's not the mister point of view hey and give me a one shot come on now there it is very nice stop it okay judgement I guess the judgement he'll do and we got some good damage damn it's stress heal greedy is [ __ ] please sniper oh no that's not what I meant I didn't mean to say that it's not what I meant son of a [ __ ] need to heal need to heal please need to heal oh no oh no come on I'll heal time heal time from the vessel there don't you skip your goddamn turn there we go there we go alright no problem continually onslaught well no blood hey that's nice though uh here you go it wasn't really necessary but I'll take it can I have a key oh that might be a key I feel so good to start off with that's not what I wanted but okay I was just trying to click through the bark damn it oh oh she's hurting already again damn all right y'all just healed right up didn't they really like that they don't leave corpses quickly the really hate her zillions thanks for buying the coffee hope you enjoy it apparently she can bandage herself now I just figured I'd try it and that worked that must be new Hannibal Lecter Oh baby Betty's for gritties is a scientific fact goodness thank you very much that got us the heal we needed just miss thanks she just couldn't bandage your rank for oh so that got upgraded okay so she could bandage herself in rank three right yeah yeah I remember that now no sook I need some blood I need these guys to give me some blood please line five damn it no don't hit this miss just miss just miss oh that's actually fine yeah I can probably choose this just don't waste just don't waste away yay hey there we go Victory's mount so too will the resistance I'm just gonna use these what does that do more damage for a battle and I got an achievement or a more speed and more damage for the battle cool that's neat yes yes [ __ ] Chris yep there we go oh we can go forever oh um okay why is bear the only channel I get that don't get notified for is there like a little Bell or something maybe or like a get notifications option underneath the video player cuz I know YouTube has that now you might have to enable it which is a little silly that was a pretty convenient dodge wasn't it Octus of brambles welcome back for four months in a row appreciated pal I got a remember I can just right click those curios suddenly told me that a while ago and I forgot it's still not gonna use the shovel here I'm hesitant hello surprise lovely still gotta start with the impale I'd say and judgement looks good here try to kill the back liner damn it oh now he's craving grade 68% this is much likelier to hit sadly not enough damage so let's bowl uh maybe for the crit chance okay that wasn't all that great of a start you know it looks like we're just gonna get some loot from this - yeah that's stress low all right so bear if you could just do me a favor and email to me directly whenever you're gonna go live out of reach yeah sure y'all just want to give me your info I'll just go ahead and write up personalized emails to everyone everyone yeah I'll be easy hey boo how you doing this whole extra hall is certainly extra yeah I don't disagree with that how about you target her the one with the blocks up so all certainly welcome to the bear bile Thorson thank you for subscribing with twitch Brian please raise the bear hugs in the chat okay then berries I might not always check my email often enough can you just call each and every one of us and tell us it's on yeah you know I don't want you miss the phone call those to tell you what I'll just go to your house I'll just show up at your front door every time I want a stream just to let just to make sure you can catch it yeah that works all right cool do that I'll be easy judgment you can even use my rig it's so much easier there you go that's the one you're supposed to hit in yours could you give us like five pounds for us to come and watch you yeah you know I think it's about time I started paying it forward I'm gonna start paying y'all for watching my show it's only fair bear can you pick up my door - also yeah what else you need you need the massage of the day did I got you covered Gobert toffee here for all your needs I think I'm gonna have to make room for this loot anyway so I guess let's camp here oh my god this hallway goes forever all right so another zealous vigil here I might go ahead and pop a zealous speech as well reduce the stress accrued I like marching plan though quite a bit I guess doing those two is pretty good so yeah let's just do that you played video games and talked over them for me I don't think so it sounds lamb berserk mask I already have one of those don't I I don't even think it's worth keeping but probably more worthwhile than the crest so let's do that all right I've got to keep going I cannot I've got to commit I have to thank you they'll fight in here luckily another fight yeah how boy what fun Oh crits oh well I do need some blood I guess so hopefully we can get that here I do need the blood I know it I know it buddy we're gonna try to fix it nice dodge that's very helpful keep her below 50 thanks that is exactly what I was gonna do very convenient miss it I must have the blood we leave them with one go for a bola here I'll go for Ebola here dammit nice okie-dokie miss miss miss yes doesn't pay lower her dodge I guess it does it must something is you get a debuff from the space dust I must have missed that too I should have healed her actually I'll hear healer with the best look I get a chance yeah let's do that nice okay all right the ground quakes and [ __ ] very good success so clearly and beyou or is it merely a trick of the light it's always [ __ ] absurd okay now blood from that either come on man give me some blood give me some blood also I guess you're kind of scary now aren't you you might be the first to go Wow god damn it why hey it's higher chance that's gonna be it of course he's wasting now craving that's an inconvenient one too okay well how about this cannot believe that can crit 417 that's absurd nice thank you all right much better much better and you are not quite gone so goodbye how did they buff wormboy I think they just straight-up made him deal more damage maybe give him a little more dodge - apparently the we can pray that looks like it does a little bit more obviously then within mark and then he's dealing like 30 damage per hit off that so if I let him strike it's gonna be it is not gonna be pretty for me yeah I guess he's got some protection now too which makes a difference I'm sure all right for damage from the blind fire come on now no [ __ ] see that's why that's why that's why he's scary all of a sudden really really buddy okay all right then we got a Serpent's way he's just gonna get hit again here come on at least one [Music] yeah he's not [ __ ] around anymore come on Crusader please thank you no really hey there we go okay [ __ ] oh I have that good all right up we go then yeah that greed didn't pay off that it oh you know what is this it that's inconvenient that might be more convenient food yes yes they're letting me do it oh my god I love this crew and yeah this is definitely gonna be it right cuz they're giving me oh why don't I do that for why no stupid fine okay whatever okay yeah that looks like it's definitely the door into itself let's go camp optimal play yeah well done very good job so will sanctuary here given that he's on death's door I'm gonna be able to recover his health that way and that's an unnecessary zealous vigil if I wanted to do that I might still use his stress he'll though for the group cuz that's gonna make a big difference it'll likely be the play here let's do this and then zealous speech well no I think I'd rather at buffs let's do restring crossbow marching plan and it would be nice to remove mortality D bus with Sally he can't do it to himself so let's just encourage them that works for me cool okay off we go I think we're ready not too much stress here I'll get rid of this debuff of course will apply some holy waters craving is unfortunate nothing I can do though tell of ik consider this a good luck wish for the Vikon and me maybe starting a bit work oh goodness well thank you very much for that appreciated thousand biddies very kind let's get these holy waters going and let's [ __ ] do it for all intensive purposes I gotta assume this is the by Council let's do it there you are jumping spider the bits for the crits does it start off strong not really I'm not really at all that's that's not all that great now me shot thank you for the biddies as well appreciate it ok how about a blind fire to get some speed chill switch bit war thank you for the 100 biddies buddy appreciate it out didn't even know I had that equipped okay so I'm wondering I think I want to try to kill the bodies first I really don't remember how this fight works but I think I'm gonna try to kill these how's hmm we'll probably bandits early and often do a five of them after all serpents way seems good here too the bodies are still alive yeah writhing around in there it's so creepy all right I should heal I should stay ahead of the healing for sure see what he does orcas of brambles biddies for critters yeah you got to kill the bodies he's just gonna heal himself up for sure but the bodies hit the floor another Betty's more critic crits a lot y'all are fueling his crits you stopped that need some of my own please help this table bits for the feast why do you hate me there's another one down I provided voices for one of these body bags by the weights here so one of those is me yeah blocking judgment sure Oh baby nice who the riposte though okay hurts a bit no need to impale work on the big boy flippy nips thank you for the biddies as well appreciate it uh you know I don't want to activate the riposte here so you I am going to heal for the crit heals yeah yes sir does that deal damage to it now it just heals that sucks can I kill it not quite so I'd still my best play though go ahead bear chill the [ __ ] out your evil alter ego I would like to yeah and I want to get back to my good self not this horrifying monstrosity that I've turned into oh good yeah past the turn that'll help miss it yeah that's a lot of stress isn't it 23 welcome Heretic thank you for subscribing with twitch prime nice dodge bear hugs please welcome on and appreciate that support thank you thank you stress isn't too bad here keep this up where my crit said oh he does not have that much stun resist does he I don't know if that's really worth it though considering he does have three actions oh there we go it begins just miss again and that's getting up there it's getting up there quick no crate okay yeah I gotta expect the bleed but that's more stress - that's so close okay oh it's a check come on painter no eyes let's go that'll do there's another block for me hell yes no more reposed it's over anger is power unleash it yes yes unleash the power of the bear yeah sure mighty so strong mm-hmm oh it's kind of easy a little easier than I expected before waiting to be spent just go ahead and eat that up yum yum yum uh get rid of that use that yo blood there's no blood lady relax finding the stuff is only the first test now it must be carried home hooray all right um well you know this might not open for me I think I have to go all the way back don't I Ptolemaic another 2,000 bits consider this good luck wishes for I guess whatever the hell is next PS [ __ ] books thank you buddy thank you so much for another 2,000 bits Oh No that's sex and everybody's starting to be craving here so what I want to do is walk all the way back through this and get to this doorway let's see if I can make it happen in hobo what the hell I thought I was gonna get that but thank you for dodging it that's convenient all right I don't have a shovel either so [ __ ] that no need it's a tarp is it useful if it's useful I'll take it I like tarps yeah good for camp outs chunda loaf it's for victory it is done thank you very much why didn't you just leave I want to get more goodies I'm trying to get to this room here because I think there's treasure in it although we are wasting so it's a bit of a risk but I'm hopeful that we can get all the way to here without losing her that would be pretty shitty though for me to lose a character like that here's hoping now let's go I think she'll be okay for this hallway I have a strong suspicion that she'll be okay for this hallway games listening there I know yeah oh come on all right you got me hook line and sinker let's do it give me some blood give me some [ __ ] blood probably should run I don't disagree hey glorious how you doing just a little further bear just a little further bear no two people wasting see the thing is though as soon as we leave they don't have the curse anymore so that's all we need to do just get out of here but I can't pass up the chance to let her get a stress check let's go yeah oh she's in great shape now perfect oh that sucks hey nice now baby size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade there yes she's saved at least two promises success and now the herbalist is gonna die as is the shield breaker [ __ ] but we got one yeah alright and now I don't have any holy water so cool awesome alright worth stop this all stop it I can't go anymore I have to leave I wanted to die I'm at the other thank you very much for the bits I'm a coward I know but I got the cup I got the second-place trophy all right poor healing skills when camping what fun and a plus 25 percent protection buff with her set that is weird more crit with a curse more healing from eating and more food consumed oh boy eagle eye on my árboles though that is pretty freaking great yay from the courtyard have abated the heirs of the estate field not only agreeable once again and he's [ __ ] fantastic hoorah all right cell having done that I'm gonna go ahead and commit soul Tek here get rid of this painter skies I guess could use the love to and then same kidney there you go all fixed no more curse baby for now that's right that's right okay y'all so as I mentioned we're gonna take our first break here but what we're gonna do and in a bit of a different fashion here is all watching over watch ad together because part of the twitch bounty board this week is five minutes of overwatch ad and then we get paid for that so I decided to [ __ ] it let's do it we'll do it right between the darkest dungeon segments today so feel free to just leave the tab open I'll be back in like eight minutes approximately four more darkest dungeon and if you'd like to hang out here with me and watch and enjoy this Blizzard overwatch content feel free to do so but Yasim it I'll be back in about eight minutes for more darkest dungeon so stick around for that too but real quick I'm gonna change this to bear
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 28,249
Rating: 4.9390478 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 10sec (4510 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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