Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon II: The Binding Blade (Ep. 11)

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glad to have you for another go of reain of blight welcome into the W to the show y'all welcome back you VOD viewer to darkest dungeon 2 going with rain of blight again just sounded like fun I just like this team and uh saving the loadouts for the first time something that I just now remembered I could do also looking at some really nice quirks for this team early on tough and Cosmic Slayer the lad of which is something I've uh come to appreciate quite a bit more lately when you are ready this rutted roadway will finally take you home we got two first timers on the team yeah th Jesus in The Miser Crusader I think is good Comforts are exhausted ahead only trial and tri I think dualist is better the more that I play dualist the more I think she's secretly pretty dope just takes a lot of building familiarity learning of new systems recognizing where her advantages are but I have been really impressed with her and then the Crusader as we were just talking about a little a while ago is you know pretty familiar or at least the way I've been building and playing and more reflects on me I suppose than the character itself but uh yeah he's been pretty reliable pretty solid uh contributor most of the time I wouldn't say he's really much better than any other Frontline character any other typical tank class like he's got some additional utility that's fortune in memories long forgotten but usually I'm probably going to be more partial to something like the man of arms that's just bear you can you can do whatever the heck you want I bet you've already optimized the Crusader build to maximum value I applaud you the place is a little worse for wear ooh but familiar nonetheless early Bounty Hunter pick me still open if you'd like to be selected consider your position and plan accordingly Jackson get another gifty from Jackson thank you n or uh welcome nkd into the pile few Bear Hugs a few bear gifts for him please appreciate that very much you haven't even used reap on Crusader once unless I missed in one of the last streams I don't think I have either yeah and I I initially thought I would each a new variable in the equation of your fate like I use Hue way more than you would think even on a tempest leper I'll Hue a bunch but yeah not a lot of re going on on the road to damnation H I don't think I really need to worry about any of these Bobble offerings Bob Bob Bobble offerings uh thinking about doing a shambler spawn run there's nothing that's really going to benefit our blight application here right yeah let's give this a go I bet we can do some fun stuff with the uh with the ulst or what are they called I I always forget the unforgettable or something like that the name of the trinkets that you get that are paired with the dark impulse I forget the descriptive word they use for him it cannot fight but perhaps it can calm Rob Steels I think that might even be another first time name mbots really breaking their chains today dude normally they share or show a lot of favoritism cranky ninetail is also a fantastic name for our stage coach today might have gotten one ages ago yeah it's uh been a while at least can be taught that you may stand just a little little taller at the end we got a lot of help that we could get from Mastery early on in this run so I'm really really debating between a few of these choices I did want to go with cause of death early mostly for the combo application and then this will hopefully incentivize me to use that a little bit more often and then I think I should probably go ahead and go with indiscriminate science early too that's a safe bet and who's going to be on the bench early I'm thinking it's probably going to be grave robber although if I want to keep all the blade I should substitute the occultist so that we can maintain combo application man behind the Hunter's mask yeah I think so only a terrible thought Mac that's a good name got the utility belt again and the void site which is pretty nice and he is fittingly also I felt it coming the Meer hop on into the pile as well if you're going to be in the squad you got to be in the pile so saith our loyal moderator Jackson thank you yet again we'll have the second coming of thick Jesus thick Jesus will be reborn certainly um yeah that looks good to me no need to worry about the utility belill too much who's coming along [Music] our Bounty Hunter for the day going to be Mar Carta nearly had it already there we go let's get them fed get a little whiskey in us what you can for wealth no longer has meaning we going save it for later if indeed it ever did I buy a couple of glimmers today too I feel like I should be a little bit more diligent about the torch light let's do it a nominal P hey how's it going also adding on to the team thank you can get a few more bear hugs for him please War rewards only resignation love when they feel the love from the pile thank you very much for the support P low thick Jesus was benched oh man I uh so we were doing the bracket yesterday best cartoon theme song and near the end of it we were just going through some of the uh songs SL cartoons that didn't make the cut a breakthrough and someone brought up the the the King Arthur shows like King Arthur and the the the Knights of Justice or something like that which is a show about a football team that was transported back in time to the artherion era and like they fight in in wars and like it's it's wild and I almost just want to watch that like well once I inevitably stop playing video games which maybe never happens but we'll see I think I'll just shift my content to watching 80s cartoons just the most ridiculous stuff we can find that of course being a perfect example because I very much want to watch that show now until the next test is put before you and I think some of that stuff is actually like public domain too or at least not like something I need to be uh petrified by the copyright repercussions of an impressive Hall put it to good use I say all that to say I also think that a show called thick Jesus would have dominated the airwaves back in those days would have been a little bold but God I wish they'd done it love the aay gear early on of course thank you very much game yeah solid cash early this is a weird tangle is this like a region condition no it's just fre narrow it's odd I'm going to avoid the hospital if I want candles which obviously we're not really concerned about mind it this layer feel like we got a pretty good squad for it got a lot of backline targeting I don't know how high the General's blight resistance is though among the things I can never recall the 80s was a wild time for cartoons like so many old Odd Ideas got published it was a [ __ ] free-for-all and it was beautiful yeah man that was a a heck of a time to be creative quote unquote there's there's got to be just like an endless well of options there too yeah Jackie Chan Adventures back in the day have you heard of Cadillac and dinosaurs this is immediately going on the list that's the thing it's like on named alone you can tell already oh this is going to be phenomenal Samurai Pizza cats like come on there's there's something broken in your mind if you don't want to immediately see that Cadillacs and dinosaurs had an SNES game that's outstanding oh that makes me real happy yeah there were there was a lot of crossover there too I remember playing the um asteris and Obelisk game on the Sega Genesis which was another 80s cartoon I believe that might have even been a little earlier than that I remember that game also being impossibly difficult yeah sure grim yeah that's what they were just talking about PK the King Arthur and the Knights of Justice I think it was actually called that and methodical Appliance of harm yeah uh pretty wild stuff BL King game yeah oh yeah speaking of minable content let's try to beat the second level in that goddamn thing Pro Stars was a superhero cartoon show with Wayne Gretzky Michael Jordan and Bo is it Bo Jackson a simple solution Carl I don't know who Bo Dallas is that's getting a little low there was an asteris nois game yeah it was like back in the early '90s I want to say when that came out Mighty Max as well wasn't that a show about a mouse I don't think I ever saw that one either uh probably needs more healing done right let's see yeah let's let's play it safe here I made it all the way to the Oasis after Simba has to leave the pride lands and the SS Lion King came steady your we are not worthy ladies and gentlemen we found the Ultimate Gamer if you didn't watch Fraga Rock we can't be friends I almost had to include the Fraga Rock theme song in the best cartoon theme song bracket despite it not being a cartoon because it's that good I don't recall a lot of the show effective itself to be honest maybe it's just because the theme song occupied such a large chunk of my Fraggle Rock section in my mind a kid named Max with a hat that allowed him to travel through portals oh yeah no that's not at all what I thought it was that sounds cool kind of Danny phantomesque straight forward and effective ish es is somehow I think we missed the Smurfs yeah that was that was a classic for sure although I have seen quite a bit of the Smurfs which come to think of it cut down these nightmares and Blaze the trail to your Redemption what would that have been playing on I guess that could have been on like PBS or something I don't know I was a cable kid so I was watching a lot of Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network back in the day Elise didn't have cable so her childhood cartoon experience was wildly different SL not really all that present you can tell that there's a road fight coming up ahead that's interesting didn't really used to be the case but that as a result of this uh addition to possible road fight encounters I guess that's a wonder if that's really I mean they clearly must have known that could happen I like it that does inform us oh we already lost our armor here too yes I guess that's not really going to matter I think I will go for the general here I think we can handle it even with a road fight ahead of it we got some stimulants too I think we're doing doing pretty well I'm I'm 100% an agreement Ace I was so upset by uh Magic School bus's first round exit yesterday a calculated generosity what a welcome one none he got a tough draw though yeah BYO hair all I can think of with Bucky O'Hare is uh J Smith o speeduns that game that's just a game in my brain nothing more all right let's see here sort of been playing a little mindlessly through the early game end let's actually use some blight for once Second Chance bracket little loser's bracket action yeah the return of Arthur which also got the the Short Straw one of my co-workers has never seen Lord of the Ring Star Wars Star Trek or any of the conversational PR requisites what do we do you ask them what they've been up to because clearly they found an alternative that we should be a little more interested in you ask them how they're spending their time cuz I got to know we go for you oh I didn't even realize actually yeah they swap position here this is ideal we have to deal with the gate anymore so let's kill him oh jeez that sucks might as well heal again I guess this road cannot be walked alone does need it come on up no bummer oh boy yeah that is a that's a little low there obviously his stress healing is not really a thing at this point either I don't really want to do this but so be it maybe I'll be able to heal him one more time too probably give him one more indiscriminate science before we get out of here ah never mind I think I need to give him a self heal for the first couple of General encounter fights nightmares and Blaze the trail to your Redemption actually let's swap over to endure and oh we already have endure equipped right yeah we're going to swap necrosis for deathless no he can't heal himself with that can let's see sepsis yeah let's do that instead oh or lashes gift yeah I was I was thinking I might end up coming back to this anyway all right fair enough we'll do that right and then we're going to more than likely use endure to trigger a possible toxic here once it's General time let's also make sure we've got some nice combat items equipped just in case it is good to have stuff like the linseed oil flask in this encounter able to Target the tap rout with that as well nice all right we should check the skills too just to make sure yeah we're good we're [Music] good lashes is only from the second rank within every keep a general and his loyal lumbering guard doesn't look like it um you can move come on up here or not it doesn't really matter the enemy weakens and wains I'm going to blight the hell out of you no matter what that's one down although this is maybe a situation I should have considered starting with a heal on but little late for that I guess she's going to be able to take care of her own stress let's go ahead and let that happen now this dude's dead already finish him could get through the block let's go for that and yeah let's try to take care of the guy a rough go lashes early on oh that's uh requires minus or below 20% HP geez so that's just above the threshold there going to be rare opportunities to utilize that it turns out this will be an effective alternative at least uh might as well I got the chance and let's go ahead and finish him off with the blight Mala measured and steady stun looking good here or not and I actually need to heal on him too oh yeah absolutely there it is surprise death fight in the air I'd be down with that that sounds like fun catch me sleeping a slow dissect the snooze in general an unavoidable end all right yeah happy to take a couple more licks there to get him healed up again a deliberate and methodical Appliance of har it was really fun for me too pyramid yeah I had a good time uh I think this exclamation point themes command works yeah if you want to take a look at all the theme song songs that pond gathered together for us to utilize a lot of those YouTube links yeah it's a nice little trip down memory lane there for sure all right buddy Grace small acts that drive back the darkness get a little bit better prep for the possible toxic trigger here moving on stun time much more concerning enemy lineup this time around apparently they are uh not can't to be blighted here either I love the the freeze that occurred immediately uh after posting that link in chat of what I can only asse assume to be everybody collectively going on that trip down memory lane together hold on for a minute bear I'll be back for the general fight but first I have to listen to this Ducktails theme song on repeat for the next 5 minutes I get it that's fair I did the same thing Goof Troop yeah there you go lots of good stuff all right well blight's already sufficient for the drummer shockingly so [ __ ] man I guess I'll just heal again a small Foundation of trust that was not a toxic trigger I was counting on this early obviously but uh not a big deal on to the next probably want to go ahead and try to all right yeah our stuns on cool down too get through the shield there this is uh this is potentially risky it just keeps staying low I think it will end door on the uh Bounty Hunter SLG grave robber again and then let's just keep trying to get him back into a better position here oh why did I think she had the PR heal on that I'm silly he's not greated that yet kind of wasteful turns oh well I guess I could get a crit self heal from the uh lash's gift he ends up getting swung at again here that's probably worth it weakens and wins o nice this could be an indiscriminate science bonus as well see if I can just stun him for a little while and fix this up in the meantime yeah she doesn't really need to do that so I guess we'll just go for a little more blight whatever oh yeah that' probably be more effective wouldn't it no I don't think it would actually I think I'd rather do this a little help impeccably time oh but then he's not going to be on the threshold for Lashes ah that was stupid well he doesn't want to hurt himself anymore I guess so just get closer to the Endor here it's just a stun on him anyway okay all right now now I can do an indiscriminate science as well that works did it right all right she is topped off and ready to go we get this now do another endure before the end of it let's go there okay all right yeah this is pretty damn good situation to be in for the general flight footman's Grog hail draft unwavering standard General's dream not terrible for this team either let's do it he has retreated undying into a dream go uh stay pretty well for us here that strength start either let's save that in case of emergency we're going to go ahead and apply some vulnerable here if we can that works too gets the extra light chance here uh stimulants early on yeah why not oh although no that's that's wasted also man light not working out so far let's see I need to do more more early on I'm going to get the stress no matter what so let's just take I suppose the most possible blight we can apply early on here man that's unfortunate that was easy all right there we go so obviously the relationships are taking a huge hit here but uh first of all we have bounty hunter in so that's not going to be too big of an issue and uh second of all totally worth it totally totally worth it a slow dissection an unavoidable end we're pretty likely to get several uh triggers of this toxic going here so a breakthrough happy to make the trade a master stroke nice bit of blight and damage there off the grenade get the acid rain going here although we are going to have to start thinking about his HP in a second and another blight resist is really unfortunate I think it's the opposite Josh I'll double check though looks like it's going to be more more time so let's go ahead and uh actually let's use the lind seed oil to get the second hit on the tap route this time around I think it's best to continue to use that and then save the crit I suppose for an acid rain coming up I definitely want to go the uh self heal on this one and this is going to be a boom boom what's the advantage of making FL and toxic anytime the general interacts with him we get a chance to deal to additional blight and that's going to add up real fast so yeah it's 6 to 10 vers oh yeah you're right it is more base damage my bad I think I was just mostly oh yeah it's more crit chance for the Finish him that's why not to mention the execution that's why I've been leaning that way lately good [Applause] call that's not too bad I'm certainly hoping to see a few more flagellant targets there that's okay though uh let's go with more blade genius and I think I can do it that stuff acid rain's a little risky here but I think is still probably the play not to mention the self damage is going to be recuperated by the more more so works well enough I guess Roots cleared right here no fear Bears here I'm not sure whether or not that will be an opportunity for the toxic to hit I think it is I think a couple of those have also landed already yeah going pretty well so far round five staying alive uh acid rain is a little risky this time around so I think I'll go for the oil play again oil is honestly a fantastic thing to have in this fight Malay measured and steady really doesn't get used all that much otherwise probably time to try this a slow dissection fortunate an unavoidable end take another quick nine damage there uh uh more more could be effective here do also stop him from being targeted by additional attacks the bleeds sketchy but it is also just another pain trigger I guess oh right yeah no of course those aren't going to be something that's a toxic chance cuz that's not actually him doing the targeting so that makes sense uh D I think is yeah it's going to bring bring them down to death's doors here here so I'm thinking maybe we want to try to deal enough damage uh prior to the Bounty Hunter's action so we could get an execute so I think if I do this it's obviously going to make that a lot more likely for him and then let's see if I can maybe get lucky with a crit here as well nice that's fantastic all right yeah he's going to take the dot tick already strength was unnecessary just got to hope he doesn't die to the bleed out here I guess thank you there remains a foothold out of this fire cool now climb byebye General signing off an inkling of potency still lingers in some of these well-worn relics not too bad solid trinkets out of that a usable trophy nothing really exciting about it but it's the job done The loing Whispers that was pretty quick yeah that went pretty well six or seven rounds there no sweat let's do he's getting weakened from something not sure what it is or he was getting weakened from something huh maybe not was there somebody dealing with weak in here huh guess not oh is it the first trinket no that's uh vulnerable although that'd be complimentary wouldn't that yeah in case he does Miss he can convert it to a block at the end of it you can have this you can have that for now we give you unwavering standard too cool looking good thanks empresario I was pretty pleased with that the lothing fers do have a likely meltdown coming up on the Bounty Hunter hoping to avoid it on the grave robber I might have to use the Endor again resigned to the end of things H they waited for death and still they wait bleaches of a subspecies I don't recognize this has been a an eventful first region all right I'm going to go ahead and pop our glimmers while we're at it here see about oh yeah their blight resist up front's really really high not likely to land that a breakthrough she is kind of an issue here isn't it toxic is a pretty good option in this fight as well although yeah a little late there but we can still save her hopefully maybe resolute and not a big deal didn't even get a negative Quirk out of it nice we're certainly going to be looking to use the taunt on the flagin here avoid further complications there and then hopefully get the quick Battlefield medicine we're going to have to find some straight up damage these boys up front though I think a piret will do just that not to mention also lowering their blight resist in the future and we got a stress here Lear too nice light is nearly enough there I think we'll probably just do this since we already have the taunt up yeah Bounty Hunter doesn't affect relationships thankfully uh let's get the finish here make things a lot easier for us not too worried about the stress there honestly probably to our advantage she's down let's go with this pretty good position now still got to get the heal on the Bounty Hunter but we'll take care of that in a minute closing in or closing in on that toxic trigger we'll save that for next round hopefully actually got the BL off that too nice a calculated generosity what a welcome one nonetheless okay looking good I'm going to go ahead and save the kill for next round as well here so we can get our B bonus action ideally coming up against the next set of enemies uh taunt into a bounty hunter kill he's got the blind so I'm taking the chance on that but we can always stall for an extra round as well if we need to in fact I might just do that I think I will yeah let's go for the let's go for the Upp up first I guess a miscalculation perhaps and he's likely to be oh no never mind I was going to say likely to be Target but we got the taunt there instead so that leaves us with the indiscriminate sence which we could do there or we can just give that to him or'll do this but I probably want to save that for when we're going up against the uh actual chyen fight suppose a lunge is good as good as anything here isn't it although again kind of want to save this for first action kill so we can get the bonus round there we go straightforward and effective sadly added stress from that for some reason you first buddy and I think it's endure time that boy is toxic let's see nice little self heal out of that too BL chance really oh wow all right God I I forget every time do not do the chiruran he's just going to regen off of it that ain't going to work all right we can get the other two but have to find a new way there as well yeah honestly this team might without the Bounty Hunter we would be struggling a lot thank goodness we got him for this that bleeds probably worth our Battlefield medicine oh never mind we found a new one oh I didn't get the bleed though okay Flash's gift is nice okay the stun this time uh let's just keep going here really want to try to get a numbers Advantage early on this one all right not too bad s so brows ah the rabies steady stances has had unfortunate impact here gets the crit on his boy too that sucks anxiety for men's oh hey than fears I was just complaining about that appreciate it there we go Bounty Hunter fixed up pretty nicely tempting to go with an acid rain in this situation but I think it is more and more going to slow this down a little bit after this crit hold fast for who knows what lurs in the Beyond bleeds yet again unfortunately I think I'll try for the combo play here an opportunity uh boy those blinds have been brutal cultist is going to rejoin the party and be like what the [ __ ] happened he's going to have a lot of questions and this giant might end up being the first Target here huh it's getting weaker I guess m o boy and steady that's another crit of the tressing band thank goodness I think it might just have to go ahead and self heal though yeah this is sketchy dude get more blight I [Music] guess stun again not that time and got the knock back though boy oh boy don't luck with the blade on the toxic either ew man that sucks he is playing this to Perfection here um I gotta do something I got this is not working man crit there is not going to make a huge difference do I just keep blighting this guy I think so oh no God damn it I'm going to like this Darkness encroaches inex and then of course toxics are just going to be taken away I don't I don't know maybe shouldn't have taken this encounter man I underestimated their potential good old flagin on death's door huh might be tooting [Music] time keep selfhealing I suppose jeez so Reliance is a rare and wonderful thing thank goodness for the Dodge okay at least we got that do team versus dot healer yeah and it is going about how you'd expect with that explanation that would not clear guarded huh [ __ ] h he's already down to death store relief comes rarely in these times savor it that feels right to me I could still execute that's big that's a game changer right there okay let's see chance to crit still pretty solid damage another five up front potentially not quite no blight okay hey Daniel run was going pretty well up to this point we're having a bit of a sketchy encounter here but I do think we're going to be able to get through it warhorn helping us out quite a bit as well get the combo off this that's a spike skull cat bleed sadly we got a lot of dot going on now oh I should have cleared that corpse first oh wait no we killed the giant first didn't we that's right I don't I don't think he can resurrect he might be able to let's make sure he doesn't I guess that's a pretty good option here anyway Malay oh goodness measured and steady just Relentless keep healing a calculated generosity what a welcome one nonetheless big combo hit for the collect Bounty yet another bleed off of that though good Dodge okay no blight here go for the pure wet get yet another bleed off of that can't or unlikely to stun so just keep going for he just keeps Landing those Spike skull caps [ __ ] is that like oh it's guaranteed that's why well I guess we have our bleed resist but it's going to happen otherwise all righty cool down on that one I think it might be worth it for the four blight maybe probably not I mean math wise no so really that's all that matters isn't it you look at the numbers strictly it doesn't make any sense a little help impeccably time who would do that when you could go off your emotions how it feels to do [Music] it all right we do have an execution opportunity here so I think we just do that maybe just let her pass turn I guess um yeah cuz then he just dies holy cow it's very slightly worth it true I guess if you consider the raw damage way awaits eager to apply his trade fun little combat item there along with the appalling apron not bad the loathing of baits I Haven been getting a lot of value out of this essing band give it to her instead oh this is why we've been dealing with the weaken the unwavering standard get a weaken on Miss if you're first in the combat order so I guess we could just give this to her instead yeah that' probably be better consider consider all variables but do it quickly kind of want to go to the hospital how many relics we got yeah I need some stress healing travel without proper reconnaissance a hasty and Reckless thing indeed what do you know dude need some stress healing bear I got you covered oh hell yeah the ultimate outcome four spring waters five stress healed excellent A Simple Choice oh baby at least it should be the path selection healing three additional stress the Lo Whispers the hospital stress heal on top of that Bounty Hunter's not even going to have a meltdown let's go although it wouldn't really matter that much to be honest but I'll take it do I want to get rid of Mobic kind of I don't think it's worth the cost though yeah I don't think so all right much better shape now and we got some laum cool pacifist is pretty bad too yeah especially with the stress being as high as it is a renewal welcome back Captain London welcome back thank you for the prime sub appreciate it be H please for him at the end of this dang region dude hell yeah don't feel the love from the pile please thank for the prime wel come on back in it's finally blight time oh boy uh he's going to have a meltdown if I don't do this so yeah we better do it a master stroke ra robber does have Cosmic Slayers yet as well very true so we should try to take advantage of that R welcome back mopy thank you for the prime got drag them back down they're not they they're just sitting on topid that's what you allow to happen in the absence of bear hugs is they're just they're just sitting on your face not in a good way don't make it [Applause] weird just going to let that happen now I I I can't I can't escape from the parel of Horrors the the hole I've put myself in with that phrasing thank you for the reubs welcome [Music] back why Mark the shields away when you can just smack them in the face goodness we don't even really like need to use this spring water here pretty dope dude I'll use that yeah this is a heck of a recovery fight for us already basically calling this done M measured and steady flame strength nice unlikely to be able to get the Finish him execution but the enemy weakens and wins that's a little greedy anyway oh look I can use the burn celf that I just unequipped didn't I God damn it I put that on instead cuz I thought to myself certainly there's not really going to be a lot of burn healing opportunities oopsie uh well I guess you can do that might as well top her off and speak of the wi sure maybe we'll do a little IND door here too EOD Welcome Back Drag on back down in the be pile Appliance of harm get another re subscription welcome in or welcome back rather thank you very much there's the cosmic Slayer the work continues Ari a simple variable easily resolved all right that was a big confidence boost right there sadly no Unforgettable trinkets just the dark impulse there we get another hail draft but I guess I better look for more Oblivion encounters so I get more chances to take advantage of this baby shambler we're rocking here and some blight resist to her I guess and then maybe give this to who wants this actually I'm pretty happy with what she's got going on I guess you can have it well the loss of crit chance is sad we're really not going to need a dark impulse anyway so I guess we could probably just dump this but don't necessarily need the space just yet boom boom save those several Mastery points for our first region already got our trophy looking pretty good going to be able to get the aay gear attached now as well the familiar Hearth crackles inviting thee once again boisterous he he he boisterous upon his return is our Lord and savior th Jesus that's fantastic I have come to save you sinners look at that a little experimental remedy just a little something I've been working on each Improvement a new variable in the equation of your fate that of an upgrade to the stage Cod cranky Ninetails looking nice explosive magazine and Medicine Chest consider your position and plan accordingly that's an insta pick especially given there's no rewards to really entice us go of those other regions the whiskey barrels is nice do still have the Resolute to deal with but it's probably still worth it oh we can wild te that away actually hold on that might be worth it too that's on the occultist right where's that on oh nobody has Resolute nice not a problem then conventional fair but fairly priced um pipe weed that's a lot of pipe weed dude found the plug I already have a lot of food actually I don't necessarily need to buy more of that little whiskey a bit of comfort on the road to damnation little bit of whiskey to go along with the little bit of whiskey don't need for the utility belt anymore let's see what the strink is going to look like here I wouldn't mind giving him the great greater Hil draft and you can go and add those in the mix too get them fed real fast double bread just for the slle here is probably going to be sufficient yeah saw one of those get down to one that's no good zero even better good Lord I guess they don't like to drink as much as the typical party what the hell all right well got to work on the need to can't get any lower there we go something positive I'm I'm going to make you drink till you like it I mean I guess you can't the only reason you're not disagreeing on this one is cuz you can't boy they are going to be this is like getting medically concerning at this point G them a little too much whiskey yeah that went poorly dude that was not a good result there experience however painful the greatest teach Hil Fiend The only new member of The 100 Monon Club ale fiend with the 96 please give him some more Bear Hugs how dark was it need to start upgrading this blight application here too let's see now addiction for the additional lowered blight resistance tempting no I think I go with the uh with the clearcut options to begin with I'm going to go and upgrade flashing daggers too actually yeah I'm going to be using that a little bit more often I think into the slle we go feel like our tricks are already pretty well set but you know what I'm going to buy a God dang greater cleansing sensor he crazy it might be the first time that's ever happened let's do it hey no negative relationship nice that's a relief tread carefully and quickly this is swine country in we go got to hit those piles man big time of sear value especially with the slle out of there now it's going to help a lot now hopefully we can fix these dang relationships the Whiskey's good but you're terrible yeah apparently our first look at the uh the proper composition here start flashing obviously this slle is going to be a somewhere where our blight application struggles a little bit more but should still able to get quite a bit out I mean she's certainly not going to struggle thinking anamnesis is a good look early [Music] on this dude's already dead oh my God as well acid R nah that's just a normal big pig Wilbur uh has a pretty Unique Look to Him let's get the blight resist in the back that time hold fast yikes for who knows what lurs in the Beyond big damage on the pig sticker there stress free though hey how about that that feels pretty good that's go ahead and and just a wee bit more I was thinking yeah we might have to go for a battlefield medicine there too although he does have quite a bit more HP than your typical occultist so shouldn't be a problem weakened here as well oh sweat bye-bye might even heal himself actually yeah that'll do the job on it perfect a calculated generosity but a welcome one nonetheless and we'll just go ahead and let him get the job done himself persistence will overcome even the greatest of threats you're making bacon that's an ideal time maybe just don't Source your meat from here greater threats await those who dare will welcome back crossy Rhino The lothing Whispers welcome back keep the Bear Hugs coming for him please thank you for yet another crime appreciate you suppose this would be pretty beneficial to her wouldn't it yeah let me get that crit chance back I don't think we really need to worry about her HP all that much she good oh right yeah the whole slle thing tread carefully and quickly Etc not mind seeing a shambler oh did I just queue it up come on come on all right fine ah jeez another minus to hard shaped padlock on Resolute at two positive tokens eh that's a fun content trinket I guess yeah screw it sure just in case she's not really going to be having a lot of stress checks I don't think though especially with her own self stress healing being thing first reported by Dennis of the small Hamlet nestled on the eastern coast doesn't somebody have a positive Quirk that adds to their chance for it as well the no I think that was the uh man of arms that we were looking at or somebody in the roster for the content always for the content speaking of which take them on take them on why we got to be so disagreeable all damn day oh that is scary normally I think I wouldn't be so worried about a few little pigs but when you get four of them together like this there no bueno yeah I'll probably put it on the flatulent instead be a little better they really are the toxic party yeah no kidding huh likely to be able to apply some blight at least I mean they are not ordained thankfully so it'll be pretty easy to kill him but I'm just going to deal a lot of damage before that this is no time to falter time to taunt Three Little Pigs not that big a deal but four yeah that's why that's why the story stopped there because that's when the pigs called in their Pig cousin and his little friend to go sort out that big bad wolf man I missed that dude that move is fun that dude is dead dead fourth pig makes his house out of violence the joke I wish I'd come up with well done plus two all right then what was I so worried about come on bear oh I was wondering why that dealt so much damage and then I remember we'd get the general trophy that's fun at least then actually use out of the chalk dust for once oh wow and a stress heal Too Well Done scavenge what you can and be off once more does flages toxic count as Resolute oh yeah I didn't even consider that probably not blindly forth at the mercy of the road and it's Myriad danger it's almost certainly never to trigger is the thing I don't think we're ever going to allow anybody besides the flagellant to hit a melt down here barring like ridiculous circumstances in before this is instantly a trigger Jesus no one wants to do the same thing here besides flee which we're not allowing maybe you can unequip pette oh that's a good point yeah cuz we got the immobilization I didn't even think about that indeed it's neither Resolute nor meltdown right it's toxic yeah so that checks out all righty big blade time's strength dwindles big blade time little BL for everybody and might need a TA they're likely to clear these unless I can get through to him first which we can nice we'll just do a grenade up front man that is good may want to conserve his unchecked power here I think I do save the anamnesis potentially for the next round definitely should taunt now there we go yeah but it's literally impossible for her to get into a position to be able to use a p a pure wet now AR's just fully immobilized um let's see yeah it works I still want to save the anesis right yeah absolutely so I guess we should just go for we're going to have a next time or next turn anyway um n good enough scooters scooters which thankfully for us is actually pretty damn good just go more more again and soak up all the blight up front come on right through the Dodge buddy o actually here we go another fantastic use of the chalk dust no more Dodge for the spoter hell yeah they do have pretty high blight resist but prob not going to matter too much all right yeah her stealth oh my God that blight is pretty ridiculous they're dead already oh my God this was perfect ideal outcome don't worries I'm blind up front dead dead dead dead to bleed that's done deal oh my God round five creature then that's quick that is really goddamn [Music] good yeah might as well make sure she's fully out of Harm's Way no need to do anything else here might as well endure here I guess kindness heal back to full both dead to dot wonderful might be able to Battlefield medicine that nice man couldn't ask for much better than that dude well done team crit weakening Cur just to R it in a steady subtraction an invariable result let's go three mastery pretty good be able to find a better trinket here our trinkets are pretty good at this point but Lo F they can always get better that's a couple of Mastery points coming out of the slle right well one at least but that's still nice oh boy don't miss the damn pile buddy the big money's at oh yeah the par I'll do it when we get to the end here well what will we use though the fire is lit the table is set oo the Inn awaits its favorite guest bloodthirsty for thick Jesus is fun even stronger anamnesis now I think we'll go pick to the face here also ignore his block absent is an option here too glint would also be pretty good I think I'll go glint actually yeah that sounds better provinces and Canes of our land crumbling and undone oh no she can't use cause of death anymore I didn't even think about it man that sucks and maybe we'll go mag rain then probably blinding gas actually n let's do mag greine I'll do blind I guess either way uh definitely not going feeder I'm going to be able to Blade too much in there so looks like we're heading the sprawl this time our great Cities Burn all that beauty and knowledge Ash on the Wind couple of song books everybody loves Flapjacks anything that lets us travel further is worth the cost cool see if we can improve things a little bit here for God's sake a we got another melophobia after that too that sucks your coach must be maintained if it is to carry you where you must go um let's keep working on these two I think God damn it man misses the mark come on jeez not getting a lot of help in the ends spend what you can or wealth no longer has meaning if indeed it ever did all right let's see yeah I think trinkets are looking pretty solid now Mastery time listen practice improve we'll go let's see that's just gift doesn't get that much better does it yeah really just adds strength and changes it to the Dodge plus annesis can be fun the bloodthirsty especially think it's a pretty good idea the poison dart there yeah it's pretty good best blight trinkets are in the feeder that's a valid point it is's a Mastery Point too no oases avoid the hoarder we can do that H um we can't Shadow fade I don't think Tech I'm pretty sure you have to be front toer ranks for that the farms and Fields of our kingdom overrun with pesent and rot it seems counterintuitive obviously to's go to the blight area with the blight team but you we might be able to find some some some help for the blight build here I don't know man I think I'd rather just go this way oh but now it feels wrong damn it I don't know what to do let's just do this good enough baby's easiest with the general trophy Oh wrong resentment the slowest and deadliest poison of them all that's not too bad I guess forced equip of vce is kind of crappy all right here we go the rancid crop grows unchecked and abhorent looks like it unequipped the right thing already so we're good to go let's do it when deliberation is exhausted trust your in intin going to the right to avoid the hoarder still got a lair accessible after that feel like we might be able to even blight the Harvest child well enough man got a pretty nice token situation going on here huh big time crit blight takes out the burner in the second rank holy holy cow this is going to be a fun combat for these guys already is we got a mod check for the prediction as well measured and steady mod check mod check like the weaken tokens aren't going to matter too much on the plague doctor either thankfully a slow dissection she's done he's done unavoidable end not even be able to utilize anamnesis we're going to have to we're going to kill everything before we even get a chance Bravo Big Time crit blight hell yeah I got the uh pip from that too thank you thank you hey um yeah I'm pretty sure it's going to be done feel before he proing development gets his opportunity here make sure no further issues arise uh finish you off no sweat y They're All Dead cool and might as well more corpses for clean up tweetle no heals available sadly so just pop that I guess and then we could do an Endor here actually that's not a bad idea hopefully one little corpse clear nice let's go a deliberate and methodical Appliance of harm if not to B Tech exactly bet them all true Daily Double all day [Music] long although with those odds yeah it is pretty tempting to be a doubter isn't it could go south in the child fight you never know we've turned better runs into worse outcomes and be humbled by it yeah I can scout here the PIP in particular pretty easy Road really easy road if I want it and I might I will head to the uh Lair which will thankfully allow us to maintain our armor too not too bad this is going smooth just those dang relationships it's It's upsetting to me giving into madness is easier than holding out against it but they have so much they Synergy mechanically but the opposite is true of their engagement with each other you'd think they'd find common ground in their Collective desire to watch an enemy's face melt off but no I'm pretty sure I want to put demons pole back on and that I may never use malediction cuz I'm missing having it as much as we don't necessarily need it it's just a fun skill to use Mala measured and steady yeah they certainly have shown at least the collective desire to be little whiny babies we could find some common ground there the slow suffering begins go ahead taunt again but let's see here uh looks like a poison dark that'll be just enough in the back nice go ahead and chaotic may actually end up going for the malediction for the first time here it looks like actually Bravo given his freaking HP bar endure on this I think Grace small AR that dries back the he already below half for God's sake so maybe a master stroke maybe not so necessary holy cow yeah we really don't need it at all but we'll do it for fun I guess try to get a couple more stress points removed here think it'll endure one more time but n slow we don't necessarily want him going toxic either Avid end we'll stress he off that one more there we go feeling a little better bye-bye weakening curse may be worth upgrading too I think that gets it's cool down removed on upgrade which would be pretty big for him in crisis no gain is insignificant let's take a peek N I still got the cool down unfortunately all right bummer removes crit tokens uh you must be strong enough to shoulder more than your share of the burden oh I should have got food there actually oh that's pretty good though yeah I love death cap spores that might even help us a lot in the uh Harvest child fight actually cool good fine worth it I wouldn't mind getting a uh better trophy here too like we s like the immobilization nice and all but it is also unfortunately as we just realized kind of limiting our options Flapjacks let's go they Revel in debauchery give basing themselves in the face of the end turns out I didn't actually need those uh or the food from those people all right let's do it another pip seeing some improvement dude it's an elite Carl with his Lord wiener back oh gracious Lord weer back might I have just a morel this eve oh boy stress is starting to become a bit of a problem here looking like a nice anesis opportunity although I also could be a malediction man resisting a lot of blight unsurprisingly I guess these are the folks that we were worried about yeah they could bleed okie dokie could set up a toxic for the harest child as well I guess just now occurring to me one HP away huh that stinks well this will do it I guess huh death's door at least and then get him on his merry way almost there little more more more little more more more love it this went really well actually so long as we can avoid too much more stress which shouldn't be a problem has resisted a ton of blight but getting there all the same excellent that'll work wow yeah nice that's why we buffed that I guess and the plus 30% damage of course from bloodthirsty too holy cow love it he is out of here yeah persistence will overcome even the greatest of threats that'll be a quick stress heal for the grave robber as well what an outcome fantastic there you go Bud have a combo while you're at it and I think I willon Endure actually yet going to get us in a uh toxical situation the past is gone let it die I'm going to go ahead and claim that in my mind at least is the first time anybody's ever chosen to use the word toxical so go bear breaking new ground baby cleansing sensor and the flagellant would be good cuz he needs to resist the hunger debuff the most it's a fair point and no one else really cares about the hunger debuff yeah that's the kind of advice I can't ignore your collection can wait press onward there you go very true make sure we got the right combat items equipped here as well I think we're good to go more Flapjacks nice yeah we got the goods I think we are ready ounce in the baby fight well we do have ounce locked in so we don't really have the choice on that one I want my pole back especially for this I feel like we might be able to have the opportunity to pull one of the chunks forward to stop him from doing the Moos the landowner's manner how fun you hear the child's cries stealth start for the flagin do want to try to avoid allowing him to be targeted prior to the Harvest child fight cuz I think it's pretty likely he ends up getting the stress very quickly in that encounter uh we could just start pulling now I [Music] guess cinnamon roll Flapjacks sound really good right now I can't really ever stop myself these days I don't go to IHOP all that much but if I do it's hard not to get those Cinnabon flap Jets cuz I know they're about 8700 calories a piece but God damn is it delicious I actually made flap TR you know what I'm going to make today the full afternoon breakfast hash browns eggs and some good oldfashioned bisqui pancakes sounds lovely about 8,700 give or take a couple hundred oh it's probably closer to like 6 or 700 a piece that's still pretty awful though a slow dissection an unavoidable end could [ __ ] up some hash browns right now how do you how do you make hash browns man I keep trying to do it they're not ending up right they they're too soggy I didn't realize potatoes were so wet got a lot of moisture up in that little thing dude I've tried like the lower heat to try to let it Sizzle out a little or an air fryer yeah that'd be a good way to go for sure I didn't even think about that that would do it grade and grade a potato and onion together strain them and then add salt and then fry and butter butter oh you put them in some butter a little salt in there too yeah that sounds pretty good I didn't even think about putting an onion in there with it you got to squeeze the liquid out of them shave them down put them in a towel and squeeze the liquid into a bowl that sounds effective straight up squeeze them I'll give a shot he right yeah what's that going to do to us here steady a lot of weaken coming up for her damn that's rough probably going to need a battlefield medicine there too that point just buy them from the supermarket they taste better if you make them yourself plus I got all these damn potatoes I got to use the onions make the potatoes cry thus remove REM moving a lot of the water inside yeah that's that's sad but also does sound effective poor potato another lies I tell myself come on not all things variable can make all the difference I fully agree that some things are not worth the time spent cooking them you could just as well pick him up for probably even cheaper in a lot of circumstances all right hoping we can at least get one little corpse heal here but the unrelenting application banking on it yields morid gains got it to work out though nice all right decent situation to start the baby fight in see what the trophy is bumper crop huh uh uh Gastly GRL is really good though oh it's corrupting Cleaver nice yeah that's probably worth it that alone's really good for us let's do it born to a corpulent half eaten mother the child is a ravenous Avatar of degeneracy it's like noodles several chefs say it's not worth it to make your own noodles yeah I've seen enough binging with babish to know that's the case now for the death cap spores less death armor less blight resistance going have 27 at the moment which really isn't all that bad temp to to start off with a more more here though I think that'll probably be the play unfortunate blight to begin with let's just take a chance I guess nice death blow resist isn't real anyway so bumper crop is top TI I mean it's a valid point sadly to get the hunger up here so glad we got the taunts early at least I have adrenaline Tonic If I needed to I think I might want to start with a weaken here especially since we can benefit from the combo application I don't know about too much anamnesis this time around he might be might be a pole curs focused a cultist this time around especially here I think I'll probably try to yank the food forward did get the weapon Smith crit though I want to try to use that Mala measured and steady quite a bit of blight going early that's nice to see not quite there on the threshold for toxic just yet but he might get it from this now he's stress healed actually all right fair enough uh let's do this n that's a fair point too seagull all right got the mo off we're probably going to need to go for Battlefield medicine on him we're in pretty damn good shape here though this is going pretty well get the burn there too unfortunately Landing a whole mess of BLS double hunger again but again it's really just the flagline we have to worry about there having the General's dream trophy in this fight is outstanding like super good um yeah whatever Bravo not bad not bad oh yeah cool that helps God damn man he is in bad shape already need a pip though unfortunately I think this is death St ah not quite pretty damn close though thought that said 1,33 damage that'd be a nice anamnesis yeah well bye cool didn't even use the second death cap Spore there dude could have been even faster the loathing of bait no problem there's that for you and I'm just going to get rid of this now we're going to use that we have the corrupting Cleaver now too cool moving on oh yeah I got got to focus on the road get myay gear going collector just got a Snapchat notification an interesting choice of social media for The Collector I'm going to say he's he's a big Instagram guy always taking selfies with this squad just me and the boys hanging out you can see it in your head right I totally can there's that fan art collector only fans will go crazy oh [ __ ] not wrong which okay the the moment the conversational Peak is about to unfold before our eyes here which darkest dungeon two characters only fans would be the most popular I know I know I'm sorry but once I thought of it I had to ask the question grave robber for sure there's a lot of grave robber love I expected the Vestal love too flent without question I think Crusader would get quite a bit of traffic duelist is French just as Food For Thought yeah the language of love we need a pull oh boy take that for data I think man and arms has a pretty strong showing too yeah a small Foundation of trust we can throw the uh the enemies in there too if you want yeah I'm not opposed to it i' I'd certainly be clicking on the librarian's profile out of a sense of curiosity at the least this road cannot be walked alone shambler too oh yeah is there an enemy that's all Fe oh God the the body of work a brilliant conclusion check out this body of work winky face winky face fire Emoji Appliance of harm General be big that's true ravenous reach but feet there we go yeah I think we've landed on the ultimate answer the focused feet oh God certainly where I'm be focused oh [ __ ] uh I guess we don't really need to eat any of the other food anymore do we get rid of this guy I don't think they going need the dark impulse want hang out of that for now there we go back to the more important stuff oh creature Den what the hell I thought this was an assistance encounter well let's argue more I guess hey barar I'm currently four out of five on a Grand Slam run doing Act five now any tips for the ACT five boss I haven't thought it before and haven't really looked at the boss of Act five either hold fast do you want me to spoil it for you I don't know if I should I feel like this is honly this is a crazy time for you to be having your first chapter 5 experiences strength D four out of five on the Grand Slam which I'm assuming you probably got a squad that's doing pretty pretty well at this point then that being my number one tip for sure is don't die avoid death uh but I mean there is there's something I can tell you that is going to help you a lot if you know it prior to getting into the fight I just don't know if I want if you want to know just general tips okay yeah uh save your skills you'll think you need them sooner than you will well that that's that's vague enough in my mind good luck report back if we're still here all right we're going to need to do some healing up front let's do it a little waste of a crit actually he can take care of himself he'll be fine oh boy we actually have the pole going winter moves on to the next pole have to do a bracket at this point Jesus Christ what have I done all right well gra robber stress Situation's getting a lot better here at least take a chance on this just going to try to set us up for the bonus actions again here which this will do no problem there might as well try to speed it up a little bit and this is probably chaotic offering time so we can get into an anend whenis situation here beautiful I can't decide how much more I want to lean into the conversation I'm pretty sure we're all for it actually I think the only I think the only opposition that exists is my suppressed Mormon upbringing screaming at me no you're not allowed to talk about boobs no that's a sin excellent work oh free ban the smallest variable can make all the difference a bizarre choice for a first time chat to instantly scream out please ban me the by all means I'll take the free dude steady yourself uh got to heal up now yeah that was pretty good uh yep a calcul generosity what a welcome one nonetheless this might end up becoming a toxic situation kind of unintentionally um not going to get the execute there let's just go ahead and keep stress healing [Music] grave robers has moved on Mala measured and steady I was the one that got the most love immediately so that's not too surprising through the creature then we go invariable result yet again greater threats await those who dare I could use that stress healing probably here too we get a little ways to go before we get there an elementary problem is it not I think I'm all about the assistance here let's take an easy road to the end I could hit that familiar desk too I guess see what we get out of that okay H yeah I guess the food none of that's all that valuable but we mostly want to try to work on that relationship wealth is worthless without purpose it's actually just garbage and yeah let's go study oh wait no ow damn it there's a barricade ahead damn it didn't think that through it's going to be a toxic oh and it's the collector well that's actually great I planned this I knew this was happening the Twisted faces of the Damned piled high and cloaked in Malice have you guys seen my only fans you should check it out analysis is the natural Prelude to action pretty odd stuff on there all right let's do it found the taunt yeah I can do death cap sport here too I absolutely should have done that I'll do that next turn doesn't oh no the Vestal cures the BL oh that's so terrible they've got the hard counter dude oh boy we're going to have to take her out I'm also a little worried about the damage potential on this highway man let's get rid of that bleed real quick got to keep trying to find some ways to get the Bight in on her yeah there's uh several benefits to the relationships big they will uh Grant you additional bonuses to skills and relationships like respectful for example uh offer a small chance to Grant the character a bonus uh combo attack randomly in combat so really really nice and he be moved he can we could yank him to the front that could be pretty effective go give that a shot now collector can show up for any party Yu so you just have to have a trophy equipped I think he's going to be healing enough here we could probably hit him with a punish we do have lash's gift and that might be a better play this is no time to Balter ow let's just go ahead and do that again going to need some taunt here clearly holy [ __ ] great anim needes this opportunity too I don't know why I'm waiting on the chaotic offering here she's going to be dead to the blade already so Bravo hopefully time to start actually applying some to him don't necessarily need to heal in this spot a deliberate and methodical Appliance of harm now we absolutely need need to get our taunt going again all right it's Baran time Focus up a little bit here I even have to endure this actually literally an measure out your violence and apply it judiciously have you done the no gravestone left unturned achievement which one is that space have to look it up he anamnesis is outstanding here I don't know why I was waiting on that let's heal him up a calculated generosity what a welcome one nonetheless more blade please very nice do it again getting much better for us now now that I've leaned forward I'm I going to be able to get another anamnesis off it's just the stress on him I'm a little worried about now let's keep the BL going let's keep the blade going very close no death armor to worry about on him either so I might just want to go ahead and focus on that for the remainder here kind of digging that pull forward too I feel like it's pretty effective yeah we had the uh death cap spes for this fight F that's why normally he's got a single death armor token but the dot is going to do it here come on Resolute that's all right that's all right already pretty low there anyway just got to worry about the damage now o that Taun that's no good oh don't attack the cultist thank you Taun saved us that time don't have the Salve there though I can't heal with oh yeah no plague doctor's going to be able to do it we're fine we're good um endure I suppose would be pretty nice there too a small reprieve from this Carousel of Horrors Battlefield medicine here I think I could salvin also Battlefield medicine that but that'd be kind of a waste I guess extinguished at last hit Acquired and amuses finish let's go good stuff collector down make sure to subscribe sweet the Wayne Right awaits eager to apply his trade nice adds execution to range skills and vulnerable tokens on H that is pretty terrific for either the plague doctor or the grave robber here and the poison ring additional BL piercing too that was really good okay the loathing of bits let's add the I think I'll add dism Miss's head to the flashing daggers SL poison dart lint in the dark also ranged here that seems best although actually this plus corrupting Cleaver is nutty her blade piercing is through the roof at this point so then we can do something like that and that'd be pretty effective all right don't really need that anymore so I feel like we could be a little better off this way could even do this for him which seems fun let's do it let's get rid of these things now cool equip some combat items might as well use that no need for the apples and cheese moving on oh right uh yeah we were just talking about that I forgot we can't be Resolute there so yeah whatever still pretty good for him anyway resist some debuffs SL disease how doing on relics really good wow I didn't even notice what do we here FEA scer hey book burner as well nice a fortune in memories long forgotten big find I don't think I'm going to keep that thing I don't think I really need this either but just in case hell yeah 40 relics out of the academic study we take that every time another eight to booth we going to be Wealthy by the time we get to this end man this the most relics I've had in a while book of body tals makes a flag a book burner yeah he's clearly not super invested in the of conversation act four Cloud Cosmic Slayer very very true try to take advantage also have our dism Miss's head on the plague doctor now so be able to utilize that as well the enemy weakens and wains going to take out this unordained alter as early as we can here I don't think I need to worry about taunt but I guess with the blind yeah I might as well now can yank him forward too that's right not a bad idea does get the attention that time that works for me and this dude's done goodbye yank him again I going to say that creating a rush judgment opportunity here is not a bad idea a little bit of blight started on her yeah a master stroke go all in dp's head with a double vulnerable godamn I love it I love it she's already oh my God she is basically gone I'm going to get a little lunge in on her this is going really well oh we're not even going to need the lunge ow she got the worship though I didn't realize it was already worship time damn oh that's no she got extra action there that's why that happened I didn't realize crap okay well let's heal up a little bit that's not a big deal get some more BL going worries about the dot there she can stress heal a little bit might need to go for the indiscriminate science in the back rank let's do it okay could be a stress hit nope all right a steady subtraction an invariable result still going really good even with the warship pretty damn good position here hopefully no way of the worlds this time a God that stress hit sucks we do thankfully have the creature Den stress heal coming up but yeah obviously didn't want to have to deal with that and a nice big blight hit coming out of her as well let's go and heal him up one more time more blade a brilliant conclusion more blade that's death's door crit's not going to be there sadly weaken as well what is it then but one more toxic why not the ab oh Lord he is down in the doldrums not ideal BL for fun all problems have their Solutions even the big ones another Mastery point at least finally got ourselves an unforgettable trinket here which is really nice we're going to be able to equip this without the uh dark impulse as a result of our baby shambler so let's do that now and I kind of want to give this to him actually yeah I'm going to do it give our equipment's Grog back to the flagin here renewal welcome back Hellboy Troy welcome back Joy thank you for the 30 months some bear hugs please for him if you got them thank you very much for the re subscription we of a game called a biotic factor abiotic factor it's a halflife one Survival game where you're stuck in an underground facility and trying to survive while escaping kind of like an inverse L your guard what is that game called soften your gaze it is safe here 90 seconds or something like that the game where you're in the bunker with your family you have to like go out and find resources and stuff 210 relics and no stress 60 seconds that's the one and seven Mastery points and good quirks wow Slugger for the anamnesis is nuts dude this guy is cracked right now okay rain fire and rot is there no Sanctuary from this madness we go shroud sure 116 bobles yeah that's pretty wild too Improvement a new variable in the equation of your fate Let's see we don't really need more Flapjacks we can go ahead and unequip that now we got more than we are going to be able to eat reconfigure meet each Challenge on its own terms we getting all these goodies dude whiskey barrels whiskey flasks a bit of comfort on the road to damnation um I don't really need that stuff we get a couple of thunderclaps some glimmers the linum pick up some clarifying P to ease the rigors of the road and then this book of creative insults is pretty good stockpile just about everything at this point having that's spacious upgrade is going to end up being pretty damn good for us now okay plus six right away love to see it great result from that one it's hippler now too hell yeah that's much better okay still got to work on the Zero Affinity between flagin and the cultist so I guess we just do that with these cool not bad okay cuz it's going to get I guess right now precious relics remind us of a time before the end obviously move resist isn't really something we need to worry about uh Mastery time listen practice improve all right let's finally upgrade end door let's get his blight improved as well let's go with I got to swap ounce back off am I going blinding gas maybe I should upgrade that if that's the case want to go weakening curse here too remove strength and crit that's pretty nice all right we'll go blinding guas the additional combo chance down of days more and more upgrad is pretty good pretty sure I already upgraded flashing yeah execution on the glint in the dark is tempting weird is probably a good idea demon Pole's not bad either n let's just do weird that's a safe safe play all right let's see oh that's true isn't it yeah the immobilization from the General's dream doesn't actually impact the leviathan's drag down thing so yeah maybe I should get a few of those for the Leviathan fight just in case it's a valid point so we can do this I have a truly immobilized flagin here kind of want to give some to the occultist too actually all right cool that's nice that'll do use sepsis now that caus is out of commission maybe we have been using lash's gift pretty regularly though I think I'm pretty pleased with the kid as it is right now off to the Shroud a man cruelty and callousness have claimed Dominion here endure and weakening curse going to be affected there not ideal but not terrible I guess yeah you've made that pretty clear up to this point thick propriety floats listless on the tide brind in noxious degradation would not mind a quick trip to a hospital here although I feel like we could probably do it after to the lair as well let's just go straight ahead and we'll hit that Leviathan after we get the cash thank you how's it going for running the Gamba can we get a what's the pet the mods emo do we have that one in there still there's a better Twitch TV thank you mods slod appreciate it Watchtower is not bad either dude looking pretty good safe Passage through the cach there it looks like we're going to lose the block think carefully today's oversight oh never mind tomorrow's regret just the wheels that's good keep the armor for the lir there supplies this way if you can make it there a lot of doub in here in the Shroud yeah there's quite a bit of Doubt here in the Shroud interesting I'm not so certain of that that Leviathan fight as I am let's go give it a go then for you perhaps you left it for yourself Perhaps it is not here at all shimmering powder pretty nice for us as is the Wet Stone don't need much of those other things though yeah you can get rid of that get rid of the hold on we want to add this to our grave robber get rid of I need the glimmers too actually let's use these the apples and cheese can go think we going to get rid of the book and then I guess I don't need to keep the griddle anymore either yeah there we go oh [ __ ] that stinks I don't think I need the fisherman's Nets either although I do regret getting rid of those gling torch you bear that's only ever really when I've got the trinket to go along with it though and I feel like our trinkets at this point are pretty well set Linens do not need got a lot of inventory management going on today I think we can get rid of the content trinket as well we're not going to use that either and the alican retort sure why I kept that all right lir time got to get the right combat items re-equipped actually real fast so it's going to be don't need shred of decency here stimulants would be really nice go with those pyate Technic I suppose could work here let's go Greek Fire Grenade and we'll keep the powder there too nice actually I think I'd rather have this use this here why keep two stacks of Flapjacks yeah it's a Point too actually really need search of the change an Inglorious those rotting Timbers time for the offering and another wonderful an anesis opportunity here a the stun though that's brutal can't get rid of that with this get the double vulnerable again from disis oh my God that is that is a heck of a trinket dude that makes me very happy oh he's just dead isn't he yeah he's not gonna be able to transform cool good oldfashioned light damage baby getting the job done got a couple of taunts up for those boys don't worry's there the stun on the occultist this dude's dead in two I want to speed that up real quick here though n never mind a slow dissection oh that did do it nice an unavoidable end and then this dude's basically gone pretty sick 9 to 18 damage up the punish holy [ __ ] and then a 33 HP heal wow we got a little stronger this seems pretty good incremental but deadly all the same whack them ni hece going to be in outstanding shape by the end of this one too might even be able to get a couple of grave robber stress heals off of this or just kill him that works too measured and steady yeah yeah we're both why not this track is outstanding yeah I love this love this part of the OST moving on we're doing a triple boss fight this fight or this run aren't we oh it's the special Admiral cool Admiral Marsh I like this guy I think he'd win an arm wrestling contest upon closer inspection not to be to do with stones for biceps got some serious stones that guy thankfully don't have to worry too much about the uh Shuffling from this squad either another stun on the occultist that sucks I really been too tempted to blinding gas so far unsurprisingly anyone notice the grave robber's tall as hell yeah I think it is just her hat I think her head ends a little bit I think the occultist and the grave robber are about the same height she might be wearing heels too is she I can't really tell it kind of looks like it maybe ah boy I don't even know if I'm going to be able to use that crit the strength DND this blade gets stacked up real quickly dude boots with the heels boots with the heels with the heels might get the crit off after all lethality with large that be dead too wow get a crit weakening curse there we go oh not a going to be able to do that damn it messy but effective never mind we got a stress heal though welcome Rock beard thanks for the prime welcome on back in rock beard be hug for please appreciate the re subscription we can clear another corpse nice man this is near optimal condition to be entering the Leviathan fight in might even be able to sneak in another heal on him absolutely can a small Foundation of trust cool all right see you later friend let's see what kind of loot we got can make all the difference I was really hoping for the lashing Tides double bleed obviously now there's the goddamn fisherman line dude did I get rid of all of them I think I did God damn it God [ __ ] stupid freaking thing they must be made to see that their monstrous God is Mortal all right whatever I'll try this out to start cool [Music] cool that's probably a lot of those blocks gone and a blind up front sadly let's get the BL going Mala measured and steady get plenty of vulnerable off dism Miss's head here as well and we're really hoping he targets the flagin with a call of the deep as often as we can get it that'll probably help a slow there an unavoidable end yeah sadly General's dream doesn't affect the drag down on the Leviathan fight ooh this will be nice good animis coming up up here let's strengthen the grave robber as well seems worthwhile nice blight s heal looking good let's go with the dart I guess I didn't really need the strength and that didn't I yeah it's kind of a waste B path for who knows what looks in the beyond all right but we do have immense move resistance on this flagellant as a result of giving him all those puses or sorry the ceremonial drums in the previous ends so you should be able to resist pretty easily he's currently at 31 blight which is as you might know a lot not to mention little bleed on top of that let's add some more yeah that feels better 41 that's pretty good no lock there but another combo hit the bloodthirsty boy 45 which is as it turns out a bigger [Music] number he might die we'll see a move resist there beautiful why not by all means oh the glint execute oh we don't have the upgraded version but she might just get it anyway I might as well do [Music] this I just trying to drag this out I guess I might want to heal here but it will die if we do this dis misses head execution baby an inkling of potency still lingers in some of these well-worn relics and there's our Fisherman's Lineback The loing Whispers right let's get the lottin them on there now Ravens reach nice and all but we've got much better options here so no need for that and this wounding words has been outstanding on him already too still have the Fisherman's Net let's do that can still save these as well and oh my God we're getting rid of Greater hail draft this is ridiculous what an absurd run oh yeah I guess we can get rid of those two I forgot I want another oblivion's Ingress so we have a chance to get the um an unforgettable trinket again so let's do it this has gone remarkably well got another Kyon fight coming up too the lothing fers I've got the baby shambler this time around Dragon that's why let us equip those cultist trinkets without the dark impulse paring which sadly that's the only one we've come across so far but it's a damn good one to get that is something we ought to go ahead and just use right away too let's do it they're oh my God they're agreeing on stuff they're finally starting to like each other I can't believe it time to be toxic again the slow suffering begins can have that dude that is far too beneficial it's worth repeating prario yeah we do indeed need to try to take advantage of cosmic Slayer here ooh fisherman line instant stun very nice let's go ahead and pop our glimmer here too we do have this light sensitive but not really a big deal crit's not going to be enough there so we will get it thankfully that's pretty nice uh lotum time and that the double vulnerable again my goodness our token or not our token our uh our Quirk situation here and trinket situation is phenomenal there more more here Mora MOA and another play Grenade do a lot of them there too crit blight Big Time plays now does she have the chance on this one H not very likely unless we do that damn it good enough though guess execution is not really going to matter on that thing either convert that to more regen he might uh I don't think he's going to need to self heal actually he's going to have the pain trigger off of this so it'll be good to go alter down blight's going to be enough there let's get another big time shot there healing up very nice just one more Rush judgement out of her shouldn't be a problem ah the regen God damn you okay going I have to have an answer for it let's see I'm going to heal myself up real fast been very consistent with the heal so far today that's been great try it ah another minimum hit [ __ ] that would have been pretty big okay we may finally have a chance to utilize it though she is not feeling too sharp either don't jinx the ult to steal so far so good been helping out that'll be a pretty easy lunge kill turns out steady subtraction an invariable result oh [ __ ] let's go execution off the Blake grenade an unexpected outcome and we'll go ahead and finish this off right after the last glimmer gets popped here God damn the minimum damage all right well let's just endure then I guess although that ah the vulnerable is not going to matter so no that's not actually I think we fine just kill her an unavoidable end just end it and give me another Unforgettable trinket cut down these nightmares nope and Blaze the trail to your Redemption oh that wasn't worth it at all jeez didn't even get a mass Mastery point out of that the Lo whis like actually no value didn't even get the flame cuz we maxed it out with the glimmer that's a bummer dude oh well I guess we really don't need that much more help at this point might even be able to remove the hemic rot in this churan fight without even having to go to the hospital that'd be pretty sick or maybe we just leave yeah I think we just I think we just go we did have a pretty rough go of that last time huren is the hard counter to our build and primeval water up from the ocean floor great idea by some unaccountable tectonic AC all right Hospital coming up a couple of assistants canc CS between then and there Porter is definitely a good idea but hospital is effectively the same no need for food hateful yet again never change pretty sure grave robber has 100% BL piercing with a though decid inconvenient at least we know what's coming I think you're right cuz she's rocking the plus 30 no Plus 58% and then an additional 30 you get to 98 yeah that's pretty wild all right loathing should be fine too yeah we got nothing to worry about there stage coach is in fine shape it's all working out the treatment is harsh but undeniably effective okay rid of of melophobix let's lock in some stuff possibly here bloodthirsty and Slugger oh Slugger may actually be better oh look we got the triage achievement oh my God I unlocked an achievement today it's highly unusual in dd2 these days treat a disease remove a negative Quirk and lock in a positive Quirk at a single field Hospital neat of course we can only lock in the one so might lose bloodthirsty that's still pretty good uh get rid of boisterous as well even the worst habits can overcome that's pretty good tonics tinctures and remedies okay the science of Hope got a couple of night Shake concoctions too that's outstanding that might even convince me to equip bumper crop actually going to negate the loss of this door resist there we spent all the relics the vestages of an invading Army scattered and lost in this dying land pretty well off as a result no more hemic rod on the grave robber either all right let's go for the chaotic here should be pretty effective Target our back rank as well you got to go pretty quick really want to try to avoid the talk still here a ring T welcome back bear hugs for please longterm resub 74 months welcome back thank you hell yeah God that's satisfying nearly dead back there already let him feel the love and drag him back down into the pile don't make him be hug himself y'all come on now let them feel the love please uh flashing again yeah it's not bad big time BL there again that's bare optimal though this yikes that's a heal that's going to need to be a taunt there what the hell when did that happen relax oh a pip too okay there we go that works out all right so he's going to die to the blade no matter what got the boy exposed in the third rank here as well so that works out I'm going to punish that oh it's a big punish that's a big punish self heal too we're looking good let's go how does she keep doing just not enough there it is extra blight will get the job done and heal himself almost to 16 halfway there and yeah we'll just let the flight do the job I said we'll let the blight do the job there we go no more Mastery points huh you all done giving those out guess we got our fair share last region there's some more shimmering powders for the grave robber that's pretty nice I should equi these ltin them actually yeah yeah Still rocking the original crew here nasur they have been crushing it today think they got a pretty good shot against this chapter 4 boss too I'm going to come across a few more relics before the end of the region here maybe these guys can help us out they'll save us some bobles at least well let's see what this is worth a look abandoned or forgotten nice it is ours now even more reason to utilize the bumper crop here um I doubt I'm going to use this but maybe get rid of a couple of bobbles I think yeah it's probably fine need more Relic space all right Loa is right on the cusp one more assistance encounter got enough wheels for this looking good heing into madness is easier than holding out against it they are heroes yeah sure can save some bobles I suppose kind of wish shred of decency was more usable it's certainly pretty Niche and even when I've had situations where I think I should use it it doesn't really even even end up being all that great in fact you saying that makes me want to dump it CU I think yeah it doesn't really especially when you got other options available be prudent like it's better than nothing but that's about it I may actually yeah no I'm pretty sure I want to get what I've or I want to keep what I've got equipped here so let's do it loading made manifest yeah if it increased torch light that'd be nice just any other tiny little Advantage be good let going go for the alter again pretty convinced at this point that the play is to attempt to remove His companion if at all possible so we'll do exactly that measured and steady and looking pretty goddamn likely this time actually that is yeah that's the job done hell yeah easy got a pip out of that too crit light immediately nice I I got you essar I know I'm I'm on it I'm on it we animis here maybe we just keep applying combo this is a chance to stun as well might as well try that great combo blight yet again let's go for the taunt there alter down good time blight to pop that lotm again there next turn depending on the amount of times he's able to get in on some damage here I might have to go with a lash's gift but I probably just need to reset that taunt actually and he's going ham pretty mad about the blight [Music] here I don't know if I have a taunt available but oh boy yeah really plowed through that blight didn't he combo there again uh let's see here yeah no taunt this time around so I guess just take that b comes back a little bit we have one more shimmering powder I might as well use an additional speed buff and then glance crit is not or sorry lunge crit is not quite going to be there so I suppose we just go ahead and do this again Bravo yeah so no chance on the execution either but enes ining on turn order here oh boy yeah man that sucks not too big of a hit though at least well bye that was fun another pip there too good hey Nexus an inkling of potency still lingers in some of these well-worn relics I don't think so fun to get another option but I'm pretty sure I'm leaving that guy behind yeah Speedy little Exemplar fight there no sweat okay one last stop one final rest the chapter four boss awaits feeling pretty good not a lot of relics at this point having just spent all of them at the hospital little bit oh wow yeah I still at 52 actually that's not bad at all see what we can get there are yet places such as this where a little light still gathers sadly uh thick Jesus just decided to replace their bloodthirsty Quirk that's unfortunate all roads lead to the mountain but only one leads Beyond it what's your opinion on the different infernal Flames I like that there's the variety there it's fun if you're looking for an additional challenge for a time at least although I haven't really used them all that much yeah let too bumper crop dude experimentation your academic instincts serve you well actually no no no it's chapter four worth remembering immobilize is op in chapter 4 he's not going to be able to knock us back and he keeps targeting the flag which is perfect for us precious relics remind us of a time before the end I'll be greater guil than mind if I really wanted to try to go for the death door resistance but no I mean we'll add it anyway I mean obviously it's still going to be good even if it's not making up for the bumper crop yeah he's going to have a ridiculous amount of death St resist good to everybody why not everybody gets a little nightshade cool do and then speed would be best on the plague doctor let's do that you get the taunts you get the stun resist massive stun resist experimental remedy is going to be full heal and removes and negative Quirk possibly so who do we want to use that on I don't really care actually yeah none of this is all that bad I guess zoobic but that's not really even going to matter oh it's everybody wow cool okay yeah that was pretty good all right then a cultist I guess can get little stun resist you two no not you two it's going to be you two not tug rope playing card time and some whiskey a bit of comfort on the road to damnation nice well could be worse I guess come on a plus two for me man don't have a single other thing that can help him huh oh poetry good yeah that'll do it perfect still got the chance but not as big now I got a good shot of getting some uh positive ones going actually hooray learn what can be taught that you may stand just a little taller at the end let's finally do glint the chance at the execution and then probably Battlefield medicine you know it's for the best right now light stone for you combat items we're going to save triage kit Trin bur however you say that stimulants and the pyate techic dazzler meaning we can use this latinum the spring water and we'll keep the Fisherman's Net so I suppose the three actually that we're going to end up using are the dazzler the triage kid and the treen bur so we're free to use the stimulants as well and we'll save these I suppose for the second encounter since they'll be more useful there one last check for the bobles here don't need the next stop is leagues away a SE gear plan accordingly we don't need any of the gear we've got equipped to the stage coach right now so let's buy medical equipment and operating table I guess just in case and I suppose Kyan is mixing kid cool use the bobles any advantage is a good thing and then medical equipment nice oh that's cool I didn't realize these guys had a Synergy this increases the amount of produced items from this which I suppose would mean it's worth equipping just in case all right metal do now we got to get some barar rolls y'all cuz we have reached the mountain once more with some positive relationships tried and tested a bond to be countered ooh crush and flashing dagger is going to add some strength nice dead of night and weird reconstruction will do the same very respectful cause of death ah I can't use it that's right or mal addiction I got a little excited about that and then I remembered we're not even using those anymore oh well actually at last the great zigarette Temple of failure and regret I think I'll change out anamnesis for mal addiction at the end which makes me wish I had upgraded it obviously but I think that'll be best for the ambition fight yeah we'll probably go that route the very least for the ability to have the Dodge plus there although he does like to steal those tokens I just remembered so maybe that's not the best idea but it is almost certainly going to be better than anamnesis in that situation anyway it's like a stealth start time to put them in the ground a rmus for the 34 months Prime sub welome on back in bear hugs please bear hugs and the bear rolls thank you thank you thank you starting a little bleed up front not too bad block there no bleed either this guy's already bad shape anxiety fors Insidious fears I have to do a little bit of endure that's ideal get a massive rain in the back now as well this dude's basically dead weakening CSE yeah I like that might as well do this as well fully resisted get a big blight right there actually flashing again yeah huge blade nice two turn timers I think up both of the back rank not to mention H we'll save it just in case I guess a master stroke dead there dead there God damn very good all in on bar leave love it I'm feeling pretty damn good about this team dude a breakthrough odds are good that's fun another acid R she is dead as hell this dude is really hurting that is a lot of stress they just managed to add though okay let's try blinding gas he's getting down to death's door anyway there's no need for us to really assist in that any further suppose it could be endure time now let's go ahead and go for that since we certainly don't mind getting some toxic triggers in on the end for this one either here cool uh we'll get her a little corpse clear possibly a second one as well that adds a strength token too and then we might need to try to get a battlefield medicine at the end of this blinded and weakened here nice yeah let's try to heal her up or heal him up a little bit more oh that was not a threshold damn I didn't realize it's fine just in case he somehow still be still is able to get an action off big time and door plays there going a pip just for funsies and then one last stress point removed he's going to get one more attack off here I just realized so glad we weakened but that's just a little closer to toxic for us so that works for me and sure surprise Tommy boom oh God that's terrible somehow made him even worse also you're not in the right spot you need to be over here there that's better and sure the unrelenting application of violence yields morbid gains it was a legit jump scare wasn't it yeah let's see get the ltin them the spring water in here now and I think I'll use the scrap grenade instead of the shred there we go behold the infinite emptiness of the Void my surgeon's hand is steady they're missing the glimmers this time sadly slightly lower torch light coming out of this ni bleed there good stuff the fiends strength D whole bunch of marel too tell me I'm going to be able to take out the tutor before he even gets an action here let's see if we can get a super good Demon pull maybe a stun off of this as well I haven't got a lot of those lately oh that's right the demon pole is not a melee skill is it so yeah that's not going to happen go ahead and reduce her stress a little bit we could endure here as well actually that' be pretty damn likely to get us to the uh toxic situation although I feel like it's pretty likely already anyway bye-bye yeah let's get an even bigger blight hopefully no extra action not look like it's happening here all right yeah no alter of course he's definitely going to need a heal let's get her let's just keep lighing [ __ ] it think we can get away with it this is no time to falter yank him forward here unless I want to heal myself yeah let's do that very consistent well done buddy another lotum there got to pop that spring water when we can too I bring her down to death story I might be able to Lunge execute this actually which would be good cuz otherwise I think we're probably going to have to ah there's the early toxic damn that sucks that's fine though he's going to be able to ignore immedately after that and we'll be able to get back to the threshold soon not a problem um medicine there yes relief comes rarely in these times oh she's going to be able to worship prior to the uh man that sucks yeah I don't think there's anything I can do about it oh well oh wait no the punish might be enough yeah let's go for that nice that's pretty good no worship for you my friend and now oh the lunge execute oh baby that's fun that's a bare belly slap the one Pleasant in the extreme and a barar roll to Victory this work is Noble not necessary on top of it all here we go then get that in there get that in there I might actually I'll take the spring water instead yeah that's a slightly safer play and dump the rest keep the trophy just as bragging rights the rest is Garbo and off we go to the mountain once more chapter 5 boss we don't need the dead of Knight anymore we can go ahead and swap that for the absin let's go malediction over anamnesis and that'll do it yep well hold on a second actually let's maybe go with the uh outs of revention here he's crazy he's out of his mind the nightmare gate is revealed Beyond only infernal nil and non-existence and victory don't forget that Wayne ABS reach forever exceeds its terrible grasp instantly near melt or yeah near meltdown territory here we got very low blight resist on this guy that work out pretty well for us he's going to be staying right there my friend sorry to say I'll be an endure right away yeah exactly dris that's why we don't have cause of death equipped at the moment cuz we can't use it in the back rank um I guess I can use n let's save that for when we need it keep the BL going baby let's make fairly quick work of this early going I think I want to chaotic no I don't think I need that actually I got to try to look out for healing opportunities where I can get them cuz this guy can do quite a bit of damage very quickly like that perhaps they have given their last oh boy oh jeez I might want to spring water just to keep her off of death's door here or not the death's door the Meltdown she is going to be able to Battlefield medicine this and I can get a weird reconstruction afterward too so maybe just go ahead and keep going in on the blight there oh she did get the Meltdown D maybe a Resolute here hey nice iron stance is not going to matter at all but that's obviously pretty great okay go go play doctor y to be expected okay going go and heal him again all right he's he's lost his clutch Gene apparently we will be able to turn that into a regen real quickly there we go that bl's still pretty substantial couple more block pluses to get through we go ahead and hit this Mala measured and steady two turn timer another setback we got another heal all right got enough at least and I'll get the transformation going and I suppose it's probably time to oh yeah we probably use something like lashes that's good his blade resist might be a little higher now yeah it's quite a bit higher actually still good with this though or not oh that's a yoink of the tokens too isn't it no okay I think the next move he's going to do is one though let's see I don't need to heal still her BL piercing is decent too get through those Dodge tokens as well this is no time to falter all that's not too bad this would be decent way to do it this is a nice poison dart from her as well there's the blight okay got a little bit in there God those Dodges are wild I don't think the taunt matters either I think he's just going to do what he wants let's just make her stronger I guess oh yeah he's got the crit now God damn it the fiend's strength dwindles this is going to hurt big bleed there again yikes holy [ __ ] well I'm glad we have this thing to deal with that oh we could absent actually yeah that's better there remains a foothold out of this mire now climb we could use the uh plague doctor's combat item there as well I guess Fisherman's Net isn't really doing anything for me now is it oh it's not on melee it's on any hit okay so it does still have the chance to apply the stun it's just that he has immense stun resist relief comes rarely in these times that's nice at least okay she's absolutely going to need to heal herself maybe if I taunt now it might actually make a difference get him to do a precise intent up here now we can spring water get some more blight going God damn it he's getting really lucky with those dude huh oh I did not realize that does damage I thought that added their damage right yeah I forgot that's not what that does at all oh man I am really screwing up now that was not a good idea oh Battlefield medicine upgrade I should have targeted the grave Rober so they could get rid of both bleeds crap I forgot I'd upgraded [Music] that it's worth it to use one of these to clear Dodge and possibly lower his speed I think could try a heal again here I [Music] guess oh boy old B for who knows what lurks in the Beyond that's better I guess oh man got a little damage in at least okay that's good too at least he's targeting the front ranks now instead we do have to deal with this meltdown okay no quirk could be worse sweat soaked brows unsteady stances exhaustion takes hold this is going to be all of my Battlefield medicine used up perhaps oh boy see you later ultius God damn he is Wrecking me dude yeah turns out when he can resist the blight kind of counters my build that has been really brutal so far another absent here not to mention we've been just having to heal just about every round I Haven really been having any opportunities to do anything that terrible precipice when we do he's just dodging it sheesh all right we get an opportunity here I really need her land this poison dart a breakthrough got the blight okay toxic too which is going to heal weirdly okay that's pretty good I think I taunt here so that we can heal off of the attack as well blight is going to do it she's going to be able to heal herself as well but deadly all the same okay phase three somehow made it measure out your violence and apply it judiciously holy hell all right no more dot at least but obviously that's not great he's got a lot of Blade already he's going to repost too Jesus Christ the mind's grasp grows tenuous I'm so [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] I'm so boned an opportunity squ good God nightmare hey big self crit heal at least okay couple of dodges there too the toxic blight's just going to have to carry US ah Jesus Christ I'm in the bleed too what the hell man oh boy a waste of a Dodge as well and then the bleed off of that come on son of a [ __ ] solo flag sh survives holy [ __ ] oh my God man I don't know why I'm even keeping this thing anymore it's not even any good solidarity May yet arrest this collapse still alive by some miracle no bleeds anymore what the hell toxic blight getting rid of that and then God damn I don't know Flash's gift I guess that doesn't feel right either I think I got to keep trying this Des spite of obviously putting me on death's door but then we do get to heal off of that obviously and then okay let's just try it I guess [ __ ] it he's going to kill us anyway let's get some more blight maybe bye-bye you served us well understood death you served us well you've played Your Role it's now time for the solo hero [ __ ] he's got it dude he's got it still technically a win right it's all we needed still a victory an interminable conflict there we go ambition drove you to abandon everything you had for everything you wanted I'll take it not awful the flame grows stronger never worried right doubter is a little disappointed I'm sure but we'll take that W Fun Run had some unfortunate uh what I call these uh uh mismatches with the blight Squad and the Kyan in that final fight obviously but overall they did pretty damn good so that was a good time if you're watching over on YouTube please leave a like on the video it does help out quite a bit appreciate all the support over there I'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 16,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 2lj6iiZ9-yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 30sec (10230 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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