Bad RV Advice So Horrible It Might Make You Angry | RV Living

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so over the years of us rving we've heard some truly bad RV advice I mean you could even say horrible RV advice and if you really want to hear the worst one you got to stay at the end and that might even make some of you angry but for now we're going to get started so strap in here we go the first bad RV advice is well you don't need a water pressure regulator I mean everybody's got to have our uh water that goes into your RV right we have been at parks where the PSI has been as low as 30 and as high as 120 and if you have 120 PSI I guarantee you it is going to blow some of the Junctions apart in your pipes some of the intersections where this PEX goes into this thing and you got an intersection part that's where they're going to blow they're just usually plastic y'all and you don't want to suffer that because that is a lot lot of fixing to do you got to go in there and find the leak and you'll be chasing that forever we know people who have done that heck we even have a relative who's had to do that so the wife said you're not coming home until you fix the pipe she was mad she was mad I mean you got a new RV or new the urv and you can't even use it so water pressure regulators are usually going to run you typically $ 20 to $30 these days we're in the year 2024 prices change we have an all metal one you can dial it up dial it down if you don't like that they have some where you just plug and play you put it in line and it decides for you it's got a pre-programmed I think Camco has one like that I don't know what the number is but it's pre-programmed in there if you don't want to fuss with it just get one of them but save yourself please always have a water pressure regulator always and um one thing we learned from experience is you also need a water pressure regulator if you're just filling up like a water can or something because it will blow your filter the first time we had a filter bust blow up um we're like it was just a flute we didn't know why it had happened so then we went to another place just to fill up our water cans again cuz we like to have filtered water and then it blew up again and then that's when we knew that the water pressure was too high so if it can blow up a water filter I mean and we use a two-stage water filter so it should kind of reduce some of that pressure but it didn't it just literally cracked I mean use a water pressure regulator once you have it and don't let it freeze this is a little tip don't let it freeze in the winter time even if you have a heated hose either wrap the stuff in out of that water pressure regulator or bring it inside other than that you should be able to get by with just having one every few years because ours has lasted quite a while now because we learned don't leave it out in the winter time yeah even that um RV park we went to and some RV parks are really good they know right off the bat what their um water pressure is going to be and the one we went to I think it was close to Moab they're like it's 120 you're going to need you have to buy one of these they were selling them at their store but we already had one and then there's some RV parks they don't know and they'll even give you bad advice and say just take the water pressure regulator off that's your problem that's why you're not getting you know enough water pressure because water pressure is also variable even in that Park that one Park I remember in Arizona where they said just take it off it Rose by like 20 psi yeah on its own and here's another tip what I always do now is before I turn on our water at the new place I always dial it down it not maybe not all the way but I always dial it down so we know that the water is not going to blow anything up and then I slowly increase it until it works so we have a fifth wheel and that are the advice that we have heard over and over again based on our content that we have shown is you don't need to do a tug test or some people refer to it as a pull test so let's start out with saying what a tug test is or the pull test is it's when you go through your normal setup you connect your Breakaway cable your electrical cable everything the Kingpin is in the Jaws it's in the fifth wheel the Jaws appear to be locked and then you raise up your landing gear your front landing gear like 2 in and I'll go over that later and then you te your tail gate is obviously down and then you're going to do the tug test so here's what it is you hop in your truck and you engage there should be a little squeezer and I know all of you Gearheads out there all of you wrenches out there it's not called a squeezer fine it's your trailer brake it's either integrated with your truck like ours is or it's an aftermarket but you squeeze it you engage your trailer brakes you put it in drive and you ever so slightly hit the accelerator to make sure that the trailer doesn't go disengage and Kaboom so that's why we've raised your landing gear up just a couple of inches because if it does drop it's dropping vertically and here's a word about your landing gear I don't know what you have but ours they're hollow metal tubes they can take the weight of your RV vertically all day every day twice on Sunday all the time there's no problems but if you leave it on the ground as you're doing your tug test then you're putting sideways pressure or lateral forces on something that's a hollow tube and what do you think's going to happen it's going to damage them so here's what you do for ultimate safety do your tug test raise your landing gear up a couple of inches if it drops then you know and it saves you if you don't do the tug test then what could possibly happen is go on YouTube you'll see see a plethora of other RV YouTubers whose RVs have dropped on their King they've dropped on their truck damaging the truck damaging the RV it's horrible it is horrible and you do wouldn't want that to happen as you're like maybe let's say it doesn't happen immediately let's say you're strolling through the campground you're only going 10 mil an hour but that's when it drops let's say you make it out to a local Road and that's when it separates you don't want it to hurt anybody else or anything else you want to have your property intact and you don't want anybody else to be affected by it doing a tug test we've also heard this people say to us but you can tell which you can you can tell you can see the Jaws are locked on our particular model you can see that the handle goes in it only goes in when it's locked but should I rely on that what do you think I mean it only takes like a couple more seconds to do a tug test so why not just do a tug test and one more thing about the tug test too we leave the um tires chopped yes we do that's another just to make sure that the trailer is not going to roll yeah because if the trailer is standing still then it's a better tell if you're coupled together or not and you need to do the tug test properly so you don't know if mechanics are going to fail your fifth wheel hitch could fail you could look at it and go bye golly that looks like it's secure I've been a truck driver for 30 years well guess what I I used to be a truck driver too it doesn't hurt to be a do a tug test I have seen countless other Truckers when I used to be a truck driver and when I used to work at a warehouse or a loading dock both truckers would do a tug test you should always do one no matter what it looks like to you because it's just safe and it doesn't take long I'm thinking I don't know a lot of people might not want to do the tug test because of time like you're one of those people that wait till the last minute to check out of the RV site and you're like I you know who you are yeah I got to go but just get up like 5 minutes earlier or something like that no it doesn't take 5 minutes to do it but Safety First you want to take your time to do it even though as Sean said it doesn't take very long we've heard a saying and we try to live by this slow is smooth and smooth is fast again we did not come up with this it's been well known a lot of groups use it a lot of people use it just repeat it after me slow is smooth and smooth is fast because if you're not going slow and you're not taking your time to do it right then you're going to have to do it twice or three times or something bad happens and it is not fast so slow as smooth and smooth as fast all right y'all this is a topic that we try to stay away from as much as possible we don't want to touch it with a 10-ft pole but we're going to talk about it here and that is what type of vehicle you need to tow an RV with and the back bad advice comes in like this it's actually not a piece of bad advice as in which specific vehicle that you should not get not from us the bad advice comes from your RV dealer and you all know it's true we've even heard RV dealers admit to this don't let your RV dealer whether you're buying new used or anything else or even anybody let's say you know monpa Kettle down the road or selling you an RV oh it can tow it it's fine that Beast can tow anything you're going to get in trouble if not legally you're going to get in trouble down the road because your equipment is not going to be able to handle it properly you might not have the right brakes the right suspension um your axles your tires might not be able to handle it you might not have the right payload I know I'm talking kind of fast but there's a whole laundry list I mean put in the comments below if you know a thing or two about not having the right tow vehicle because your RV dealer I'm sorry to say I know they're human beings and we love them and we care about them but they don't care for the most part they just don't care they just want the sale they just want the sale I'm not saying they're all like that some of them are honest some of them have integrity some of them know hey I don't know what you can tow you got to do your own research there are some like that but for the most part they just aren't going to care that's your job so look in the sticker there should be a sticker on every truck and suv every car that's ever been sold in this country I think that tells you what your payload capacity is all of this stuff and you should be able to figure it out if not you should be able to call your manufacturer call your dealer you can look it up on the internet you should know ahead of time what your limits are and don't let the big glorious fifth wheel that you look at that's 45 ft long and weighs 22,000 lb and you show up with a Ford Ranger don't do that that's just wrong and we um just to give a little bit of perspective like a little story we met somebody I forgot what type of truck they had but they had a powerful enough truck to where it could tow the fifth wheel that they had but then the husband decided he didn't want the truck anymore he sold it and he got a lesser truck and the woman was the one that did the driving and she said before the truck was in control now I feel like the RV is pushing the truck kind of give you an example of to make sure you have enough truck for whatever type of Art you're going to get and this has absolutely nothing to do with gas versus diesel it has nothing to do with long bed versus short bed and it has nothing to do with Toyota Chevy Dodge GM Ford I don't know if Fiat makes trucks but whatever it doesn't have anything to do with any of those S I don't care if you have a little tiny you know battery powered truck whatever it is it has a payload capacity it has a towing capacity it has weight limits it has all that stuff and if you don't know what those are I guarantee toe you if you find a Facebook group for your make and model of your truck which they all exist get on there and ask them because there are a lots of people trust me lots of people out there who live to answer these questions and then the other thing if you already have your vehicle then just get the rig that your vehicle is allowed I mean like you just want to get out there and that's all you have then just get the rig that your tow vehicle will tow the next bad RV advice is well you don't need a water filter all the water that you get from the spet should be good to drink and cook with and everything so we've seen some things y'all we've seen some things and all you have to do is turn on the news for example let's say you live in a particular town or city let's say you have a Sticks and Bricks and every single month at least when we lived in Mississippi they came out with a water report and they told you did they pass did they fail ours always pass but if you're in a place like I don't know Flint Michigan they've had water trouble Jackson Mississippi they've had water trouble different locals have water trouble and you won't know about it till afterwards cuz the reports don't come out till after it happened you know nobody's fortun tell in here so you've got to be prepared and two things um with that is each RV park or Campground is different your water filter will will last as long as um the water that's what contaminating it that it's filtering out like we've had a filter that we've had to replace within a month and we've had a filter that might could last 3 months I think the prime is 3 months but you'll know that you had really I mean we've taken the filter out and it's looked like one place it was like dirt was like sand or something was going through the filter or something you just never know and then the other thing is is your fellow rvers they wash all kinds of stuff right there at the spigot we've seen them stick their sewer hose up on the faucet and stuff and then that residue's left there so if anything at least clean it with a clorax wipe but at least filter that w i mean you don't know what you know what I mean not getting graphic that's just gross but we've seen a lot of they take their sewer hose and here's the water faucet they just right over there and it's like I'm sorry but even if you can't see anything even if oh we've heard oh we turn it on for a few seconds we do that trick sometimes too that doesn't mean it's clean get a water filter save your T the extra trouble that it might have otherwise even if you don't drink the water right from your tab it doesn't hurt y'all just save yourself get a water filter cuz you don't know what the person did before you got to that water spet right if you're going to get your water at a dump station sometimes dump stations have the water further away but still fill filter it and stuff like that do we have like a three filter thing we have a two-stage system it has a big dirt guard which is 20 microns it's a big huge honking thing and then we have the clear 20 and we're not sponsored by the way we're not sponsored for anything in this video but we have the clear 2011 Micron that comes after that so the first one acts as like a big sediment dirt guard and the second one is your big purification there are Big Mac Daddy several hundred systems but you don't need that at least get you a little blue one which is 20 microns at least start with something anything is better than nothing that's what we started with and then we do have a third filter mainly for our drinking and I think our ice maker and maybe cooking we have a Brea so a filter so the water and a lot of people have those Berkeley is it bur bery berky berky why don't that Berkeley that's a college right per anyway so we have the Brea so um our drinking water cooking water and um I maker and stuff goes through a I guess three stage cuz you got the dirt filter the other and that and we have the instream picture so you fill it with regular uh faucet water and then as you're pouring it it filters y'all another truly bad piece of our V advice that we consistently get shamefully enough is that you just don't need to lock things up you just don't who's going to steal it yeah some of the advice we've been given is what type of RV parks are you staying at to where you need a lock stuff up we lock our surge protector up we take an extra step and put locks on our X chalks we have a king pin lock for our fifth wheel we changed out our RV door locks and baggage locks yeah even when we just step outside the RV to walk around we lock the door because we've heard of a story of someone leaving their door unlocked and they literally just walked around their RV to do something they came back in and someone was already in their RV uhhuh it really does happen I tell you what it's so funny because as soon as we post a video or a post or a blog or anything about locking things up all of a sudden everybody's an expert thief it's like everybody's a criminal now because they all tell you well that won't do any good that'll take me 5 Seconds to break into that you're bragging about this really I mean come on people brag about something worth bragging about not that so and I mean I mean just look at the ebikes that's the Hot Topic right they get stolen left and right we have friends personal friends that have gotten bikes stolen we know of another content creator where I think they've had three or four ebikes stolen and they weren't always locked up I have to admit so lock things up so I mean I think if you lock your stuff up then the thief will be like oh that's too much of a hassle I mean if they really want it they're going to take it but the thing is if there's another one next door that has wide open bay doors and a lot of people leave their Bay I've seen people leave for the day their bay doors are wide open and there's all their stuff for for grabs right now in a perfect world you don't want anybody's stuff to get stolen we personally do not we're Bible believing Christians we don't want anybody to get their stuff ripped off however it happens so at least slow them down I mean my goodness if your lock is not going to stop a dedicated Thief at least it might slow him down or at least it might make him say like Sean said you know what there's easy pickings down the road not that you want them to get their stuff stolen but if you got to watch out for at least one person watch out for your stuff you paid for it or somebody gave it to you the point is it's yours and it's so easy to lock things up there's more that we could do that we're considering taking other measures on just lock it up it is worth it even if all the thieves come out and all of a sudden say oh that's so easy to break that lock well yeah especially the high ticket items like if it does get stolen it's not as easy to replace but we have even heard of stuff like sewer hoose getting still and like why would you want to Ste someone's use sewer H maybe because you got there and you weren't prepared and you're going to go take someone else's you can easily get probably one of those at Walmart but the things that you can lock up that are very valuable like your doors your bay doors your what is that the service protector thing are they're expensive so and I'm going to throw this out there too um this is not what this video is about but it's another free piece of advice bonus content for free and that is on the most expensive items there are a lot of good options these days for tracking Technologies I do know there are some ebikes where maybe the batteries have built-in trackers or the ebike itself does or you could um there are devices that you could put on your RV that you could track it it's a service you pay for and I'm not just talking about air tags either there are other GPS enabled services so there's the oldfashioned lowjack there are other more uh Advanced things that have come out since then start looking into that for your most precious devices even on our phones I mean heck Everybody Knows by now at least if you don't you do now that you can locate most smartphones these days anywhere in the world if it's online if you do that with your expensive phone you should be doing it with other expensive things so start looking into that and put in the comments below if you have any good ideas for people about that because we would like you to share your experience so we can all learn yeah it's very important and it's good advice actually to be security minded yes it is you paid for it you might as well keep it all right y'all the next one I'm going to throw Matthew for a loop I don't even know what she's about to say we have heard this and um we have seen this a lot of people think if you have a shortbed truck bad advice is you don't need a sliding hitch oh my goodness oh that is so true so listen that is I think that's bad advice not to consider that you have a fifth wheel trailer and not to consider getting an automatic sliding hitch or even a manual sliding hitch so here's how it goes people say well I'll just learn to turn as much as I can but you know what we have multiple friends who have smashed windows and either they did not have a sliding hitch or they had a manual one which I don't for the life of me know why they make manual sliding hitches I just don't get the purpose of it they have a manual sliding hitch that they didn't Engage The Hitch they didn't engage the sliding mechanism in the hitch listen we're not sponsored so we're just going to tell you that we do have a sliding hitch it's an automatic sliding hitch and it works really well we have even gone into a parking lot and we've jacknifed it on purpose and I know it's not good for the tires not good for blah blah blah I get it but you have to know what your limits are right you just did it to see you know cuz you could be in that situ ation so and we have a video about it too but you're getting to a campground and let's say it's one like we've been to where everybody lines up and I'm not joking they all line up and they're going like this looking down the road at you backing in and everybody's got their popcorn and that's pretty much how it happens you know it does even if you don't see them and so you're nervous and your partner is out there trying to back you in you're like oh this stinks I hate this hurry up hurry up just H turn the wheel crash oh there goes the window you want to be able to not have to think about it sliding hitches are bigger they're heavier so you have to have the right truck for you have to have enough payload for it but they're so worth it even if you get a manual one I know I don't really understand the purpose of a part-time sliding hitch but if that's what you have or if that's what you can afford get it and use it because you'll be grateful that you don't have to worry about it don't damage your truck don't damage your RV get a sliding hitch if you don't have your equipment yet and you want a short bed truck we're not going to go into the argument of long bed versus short bed that's up to you to decide there are good arguments either way but know what your equipment needs another bad RV advice that we seem to get a lot in comments on our content and we've seen it elsewhere is you do not need gloves for handling the sewer hose AKA stinky Slinky it is called stinky Slinky for a reason y'all we get so many people who are so passionate about this but we're calling it bad RV advice listen everybody gets their own opinion I do she does you do that's fine everybody does it their own way but I'm calling it bad advice because have you ever heard of cross contamination when you're rinsing out your sewer hose some people take a hose and they water hose and they spray it out or let's say you're storing it in that tube AR goes in a tube underneath the RV right and it CR sprinkles up it shakes around when you leave it on the ground you're putting it on the ground where other people have had their sewer hose do you know how many horrific practices we've seen people who just their stuff dumps everywhere cuz they don't know what they're doing we've also seen people spray out their sewer hose right there at the campsite like just everywhere on the ground I mean we've seen people stick their sewer hose as we've already mentioned in the faucet so all of that is touching your sewer hose it's cross-contamination like she said it's called stinky Slinky cuz there's stinky stuff in there it's not unicorns and fairy tales going through that it's waste product so just waste is that politically correct that's the PC version yo waste product that's what we're calling it here we're not getting any more graphing than that I promise you you don't need to hide the kids um well one thing I was going to mention also y'all when you go down the road I mean we have a Vala valve but still you have to take off he does it I don't do it but you have to take off that cap and you I see it liquid comes a little bit out because you bounce down the road right and then yep so all of that contaminates everything gets a little contaminated so is it going to kill you probably not but is it going to ruin your day maybe upset a few tummies is it just gross absolutely so you can use uh uh the same pair of like gloves that you'd use to wash dishes I've seen people people do that you can use your good oldfashioned leather gloves for working outside I use Nitro gloves 9 mm Nitro gloves they go up to about here you can get them at Harbor Freight we're not sponsored although we should be they're beautiful they're really really thick and they don't break like food prep gloves nursing gloves those really thin ones tend to not be worth very much for a sewer host but use what works for you you can get them anywhere it looks like Matthew's going in for um surgery when he puts them on cuz he's like you know cuz they fit they're thick so they take some effort to so yeah and then after you're done with the sewer hose then either dispose of them or whatever gloves you use before you go and touch your electric and your water or whatever order it is because I have seen people they're using the gloves but then they're done with the sewer and then they're handling their T I'm like use a glove it doesn't take much money and it doesn't take much effort to just put on a glove and it's just going to save you a little bit of trouble down the road and it's worthwhile it's just a good practice to get into so we're saying that's bad RV advice not wearing a glove when you're dealing with a sewer hose and Sean has mentioned before to me make sure you use a Clorox wipe and I have adopted that practice cuz that's my job take a Clorox wipe or even the generic ones I think we've switched to them now and just wipe down the surfaces that you've touched with your glove and that way everything is clean for the next time so keep your hands safe glove up that how you do it glove up all right y'all you ready for the last one it's the last one it is by far the worst piece of advice that we've ever heard for RV and it might make some of you angry but we'll just get through this together all right you ready the worst piece of advice we've ever heard is that you do not need an RV inspection and I'm going to take that further anytime you buy from a dealer new used you buy from a private seller and Ethel gives you her RV I don't care it is foolish and I'm going to say that again it's foolish not to get an RV inspection done by a qualified RV inspector or somebody with that kind of experience what do you I agree because based on our experience before we ever started rvn we went two routes the first route we were going to get used it turned out to be a lemon if we would not have gotten the inspection he said we probably would have hated our V life and just given up on it cuz we were starting off wanting to that was going to be our home and there are certain things that all of us listen we all have eyes right we're not dumb people neither are you everybody watching this this episode I'm sure is very smart very capable if you see the wall cracking apart if you see the laminate falling off on the outside you see the tires are you know smooshed up like a pretzel obviously those are signs that it's not good but what about the things you can't see you're like all right I've been rving for a few years I know everything well do you if you want to get an RV and you want to buy it either you need to be an RV inspector certified or you need to have a be an RV technician or you need to be one of these people who not only can they fix everything but that actually have experience with RV maintenance and RV repairs you are the kind of people who can do it yourself but for everybody else all the people who think they know everything but they don't here are three reasons why you need to hire an RV inspector number one if you're buying from a dealer either new or used they ought to be fixing this stuff and if you can't get them to fix it that brings up to point number two number one let me go back to that you want it fixed before you pick up the RV before you sign your name on that line guess what's going to happen once you sign your name then you go into the general maintenance pool with everybody else I don't care what kind of lifetime warranty they give you I've even heard of some dealerships give you a warranty for the rest of your ownership of that vehicle fine that's great but you have to go in the same pool and how long have we heard people spend their RV spend in maintenance it's been months yeah it could be months in an RV shop in an RV dealership so number number two let's say the RV dealer doesn't want to fix anything before you sign it all right negotiating man you can start negotiating down the price hey buddy it needs new axles it needs new leaf springs it needs new this the Hydraulics are leaking the front cap is falling off cut me a deal man I mean come on SO negotiating the price and the third reason is let's say they're not going to fix it they're not going to negotiate on the price and Ethel is giving you her old RV and it was built in the 70s and she never changed the tires let alone took care of anything that's exactly why you need an RV inspection you're not going to say andl you owe me some money come on no it's not for that it's for you it's so you don't get it out in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden really bad stuff happens it could be that you can't afford to fix everything right away we can't always afford to take care of stuff immediately when it happens but if you know about it then you know what to expect you know what not to do until you get this fixed well the other thing is um we have heard I mean look uh this didn't happen to us cuz we um our dealer allowed it but we have heard of RV dealers not allowing then you need to find another dealer if they won't allow you to get a private independent inspection cuz some RV dealers are like oh we inspect it for you we don't allow you to pick the inspector no walk away and I'm not kidding I don't care how much you like that RV no matter how much you love it other people are going to have it somewhere else they're going to sell it walk away if they won't let you get a private inspection the dealers do what's called a PDI so does the manufacturers what is that worth a used tissue that's what it's worth sometimes honestly some companies are better than others you should have to get your own inspection if you're going to spend $100,000 on a town home you're going to get it inspected right I mean come on of course you are the mortgage company won't give you a choice they will not give you the money unless you do and a lot of RVs are over $100,000 oh especially these days our the one we bought in 2021 has really gone up in price so why if you're going to buy a house even if you're going to buy you know uh in some states you buy Apartments if you're buying an apartment buying a condo something like that why in the world would you get that inspected but not you know a rolling earthquake where everything goes all the time as you're going down the road why wouldn't you inspect that ahead of time to see how good it is before you ever start it's going to wear out but you want it to be good before it wears out you want to know what you need to fix if it's not perfect if it's not brand new and as much as you think you know you're not an RV inspector you're not an RV technician or you haven't been working on them you're not the right person for it you want that RV so you're not looking right you need to hire somebody but a Funny Story I mean it wasn't funny at the time that we went through it but our inspector does he spend about the one that we pick spend about four to five hours on each time he inspects it because they're they're a team of two people they have two people working on it and so they go top to bottom and do everything so he inspected this first one and he gave us this report it was horrible so we told the dealer not taking it or whatever so then I think a month or two later we're like okay let's go a different route we went picked a totally different manufacturer we're like let's try new this time but we're still getting it inspected so the INSP ectors came out and inspected it and stuff and then our dealer called Matthew and like have you heard from the inspector yet I'm like getting nervous cuz they were really thorough y'all and that gave us confidence was it a chunk of change yeah but that that what's the word I'm looking forace of mind that peace of mind yeah so what do y'all think of all the bad advice that we've listed do did we miss anything tell us in your opinion what bad advice have you heard or I mean you know do you disagree with us on anything that we've listed put that in the comments below I know he open in the can y'all we're all adults here we can talk about it we can have a civilized discussion and by the way if you want a qualified inspector again we're not sponsored but it's the best organization I know of to tell you about the nrvia we'll put that link down below to not sponsored but we'll put their link they have a website where you can see where all of their qualified inspectors are around the country and that'll give you a good place to start and that's where we picked ours right that is actually yeah they're listed on there but if you disagree with us we just say keep it familyfriendly in the comments oh yeah use as many facts and experiences as you can help people out with your experience help all of us learn from you that is really one of the points of this channel is Community Helping Community what's amazing is we learn a lot not just on YouTube but Facebook and stuff like that people um put stuff in the comments I've never heard of that before or that's a great tip and stuff like that and other people read that we know that they read the comments because they let us know that we saw this on one of your comments and stuff so so let's keep it positive but keep it honest and let's just help each other out put all your comments down below and we really appreciate you [Music] come on
Channel: Broken Dreams Reborn
Views: 11,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full time RV, RV life, RV living, downsizing, travel, full time travel, rv lifestyle, full time rver, full time rving, rv travel, rv life vlog, Broken Dreams Reborn, BDR, small home, Grand Design, Grand Design RV, Grand Design Reflection, Grand Design Reflection 337RLS, Reflection 337RLS, Grand Design Fifth Wheel, fifth wheel RV, Christian RV, Christian RV living, rv travel vlog, camper life, travel couple vlog, RV camper, travel life, travel vlog, Bad RV Advice, RVers
Id: q0vF8tAdd7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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