Touring the Outer Banks as we overcome a couple challenges

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it's my first Real mess up welcome to switch it up I'm Todd oh my gosh this is Sheila I'm Sheila for all the new subscribers that have followed this crazy Journey we are still out and at it in our three and 1/2 years and today we're out in is it K what is this hatus we're in the Outer Banks you'll find that I never know where we are we're in the Outer Banks and there's a lot to see kind of stationed oursel in the middle we're going to head south going to head north going to go see all the things all the things all the things and prior to getting here it's a little bit of Adventure cuz your boy Todd took the wrong turn so when you come back from the intro you're going to find out our first little uh hiccup having a big truck and big RV well you just turned wrong you missed a turn I wasn't I was talking to her on the phone and not paying attention to the GPS so sometimes when there's only one road that goes for miles to get turned around it's not a pleasant experience so had to learn that one the hard way yeah let's roll the intro and woman home switch things up and go on the road they didn't know where they would go but it's got to be better than staying home they switched it [Music] we are headed out to the Outer Banks of North Carolina so I'm super excited about that see if we can find some wild horses ' been wanting to swing by Nag's Head and Kittyhawk just things that you places that we've always heard about but we've never been out here so I am looking forward to this for sure looks like it's going to be great weather right now we are venturing we're driving we are driving across a really long bridge and all of a sudden we're stopping I don't know why we're stopping but we're going to stop on this bridge obviously oh it's it is it a draw bridge what are we stopping for draw bridge well this is fun means we're headed out to somewhere fun right it's a not a draw bridge it's a rotating Bridge it's rotating completely sideways oh for these two books look at there the Fun's already begun see how the bridge is rotating to the side there instead of coming up look at this bridge oh gang update Todd is kind of got himself in a jam so I'm waiting to hear back from him but look at this this is obviously the area of kite surfing look at all of these kite Surfers out there I hope you can see them anyway look at all them out there that's cool look at all these cute little these cute houses all through here like spectacular can't enjoy the scenery too much I got to wait and hear what the heck's going on with Todd if I need asked him if I need to turn around and head back his way so I'm waiting for that reply so I think I'm going to pull in right here and wait before I get farther away from him might have messed up don't have my camera just my phone um I'm in a park a lot stranded I went the wrong way I zigged instead of zagged and I missed the turn so Sheila is heading south and I couldn't get turned around so I saw this open parking lot the problem is is now I can't get out I'm going to try I saw a Food Lion truck I squeaked through this I mean missed that by like probably a foot and now I'm here plenty of room I'm going to try to go out and go through this whole shopping center to go out that way and try to turn left to get back to the light so I can go south it's my first Real mess up and when you're this long and you need to turn around on an island in hatus so I'm going to try to get out of here the problem comes into play that this car and tail swing and if I have enough room to make the corner so I found the camera we're going to go that direction past the possible grocery store and see if I can make a leftand turn man I don't think I this is stressful stressful I saw like a Food Lion truck go this way so my hope is I can make it through this parking lot back to and out to the stoplight man everybody get out of the way if I can't make this left hand turn up here oh shoot I think I'm physically sick right yeah wave what is it it's big RV look they put yellow poles up here cuz they didn't want tail swing I guess into their stop signs come on baby give me some room uh just a little more whatever you do don't miss this [Laughter] turn look at that Cape hatus National Seashore I'm turned around Sheil Liv 30 minutes now she was going to turn around and try to help me and I told her not to so I'm going to put you down but take a deep breath I think I've heard about a fery that goes there well we might have hit our first interesting site to get on to this is going to be good let me show you what we're dealing with so dang it's windy and cold we're going to go right there we're going to to move remove that we're going to not hit that pole that's the goal the sand let's do this okay goal is to not end up in the sand I'm kind of that's not my concern well yeah I know you can't see me can you see me now yeah all right my concern is um this pole yeah yeah that's my I see this pole I won't let you hit the pole sure how am I looking keep cutting so we don't hit the sand on the other side if you can hold on I got to pull forward I need the little room [Music] at it for a while nothing ever gives thinking you miss the turn back feels like I'm M just to move in Edge and you wonder what it's G take and you wonder if [Music] it's if you could only see we have a LoveHate relationship with some of our cameras that one only works when it wants to so the next time you go to turn it on it won't work I have my backpack or going out on Adventures not a big adventure cuz you don't have your adventure hat so it's over the course of the this next 3 or 4 days where it's been cold and rainy and the OBX which is very frustrating when you are in an RV travel situation we don't nobody really talks about like the crappy times you get there and I was so excited to be at the beach and go to the beach well who wants to go to the beach when it's 50 and raining and windy like super windy so we've just been very disappointed for 2 days just sitting here now we've been working on other things not just sitting here twiddling our thumbs you well you may have been working truth comes out people here it comes so we're going to go drive down to see if there's a ship break Museum that is supposed to open we might be one of the very first people to go see it since the renovations or opening for the year I'm not quite sure it's opening that's all I know yes but we were going to do all these water sports you were going to try white water or kite surfing I was I was going to try hang gliding y but in the window gusts of 30 mph now's not the TR time to try something like that okay I have the backpack we have a GoPro that's working currently do you have any snacks I don't have yeah I have some Fireballs okay that's only he's good to go I'm good to go let's go then I need another shoe you should start there I'll start there did you know fun fact oh boy was already started you know when you're old when you wear ankle socks because gen Z just said that ankle socks are out we're going back to the 70s people you're supposed to need knee high get your knee high out some of the people on our Channel probably never left the knee high face that's on you that's on you I don't know what you're thinking okay it's chilly terrible so much sand we put these our pads [Music] out so we have our own little walkway look it's just hazy it's been like this for days now it's actually the warmest day at 62 get all the salt on your windshield go to the beach they said it'll be fun still give it a shot I guess yeah I don't I don't see kite surfing right now in my I got I guess I have to save some things on my bucket list feels like it I'm definitely that's cool so they come here and live look at all the kite Surfers and hydro foilers and wow they are cooking too you me to pull over this is yeah let's go over there and check it out fun fact back in the day I I liked kite surfing and actually wanted to figure out how to do it most of the setups well we're talking 7 8 9 10 years ago most of the setups were $1,500 to $2,000 I don't know what they are now yeah look at them all so then I ended up getting a land kite which could pull you um which was really pretty cool to [Music] see looks like you guys are all Van lifers and Truck camper people wet suits out kite surfing all the time they're rentals he's getting ready to take off though yeah from right here oh that would be so fun so when the kites go straight up and down that's like neutral because the wind is going underneath and then you have to pull down into the they call it the power Zone and that's why it's at this angle where the wind's hitting to get your strength up so it's pretty cool it go straight up sit down see how it goes straight up in the air kick your feet out of the board oh you control the kite so he's in that's neutral on we go I have to put this on my list to do maybe when my knee's a little bit better well I think what's cool is there are so many different types of hobbies and activities like that kite surfing wind surfing hang gliding paragliding like it's just there's a lot scuba diving like snba there's so many grand reopening look at that congratulations you're getting to go to the grand [Music] reopening goodon hell are you just so you know where they right right there there's still a bunch of islands all way down an Atlantic Ocean Highway but the cold Waters from the North and the warm Waters of the Gulf Stream clap causing turbul Forever on the couch siing bbing please and in the morning we will start up The French Press I'll be thinking to myself how did I get so [Music] lucky no they're cuz they all ligh houses look the same no we saw this one it was when we got on the ferry to go over to the oh yes that was ship in Wilmington and we had to turn our head left and that's what it looked like that's beautiful they don't all look the same does that look like that well just is now kind of they pretty much they're all the same You' seen one Lighthouse you've seen them all uh that's not a some are fatter some are skinnier they're tall and they have a light at the top oh yeah has a lighthouse in [Laughter] [Music] it here look at this one just look at it they all look different they're all [Music] different cap hatas light station historic district going to go see that they all look the same here going you're just bound and determin to see a lighthouse aren't you we're here it is weird because where we were at the end I can see why there's lots of shipwrecks because it's nice and clear but then they said that the way that this is all set up uh strong fogs come across so where R RV park is up further it looks like it's super foggy there oh oh oh it's under reconstruction they're scaffolding all around it that's a lot of scaffolding it is a lot of scaffolding scaffolding really covers up the look of the lighthouse that's cool well darn we could have climbed up all the stairs cuz you can go to the top I am so disappointed what's next on your list Bo Lighthouse oh no another one well that's going to have to be another day cuz but it's further north we're running out of time everything closes in 30 minutes [Music] yeah underneath there is a hole with a big ugly crab in it oh let's check it out no I mean he's right he's there I've watched him come out see him I don't know if he's a crab or a spider but he is ugly ugly oh look at him I know I've watched him what are you doing he just went all the way down you scared him back in there he's huge we need to catch him see what he is all right are you ready I am okay so this time we have both doors off the sun came out the sun came out it's been we've been trapped inside for like 3 days oh we never shut the we never ever shut our doors oopsies can you can you get that while you're out there we're off on adventure and we're going to go find see if we go find some horses explore some of the things around the Outer Banks and just thought it would be fun to take you along on a nice day for once we heard that there are some horses that are in this area that are wild it's one of the very few places that I guess they're from the Spanish left over when they came there's like dates in here like 1500s and stuff we've heard all kinds of crazy history that is in the Outer Banks actually there's a shipwreck museum as well oh we already did that in this video which we learned there was over 2,000 shipwrecks here which was pretty pretty cool to find all those different history things of I guess from the Revolutionary War on up to World War II well you know what else is history out here before we get to the horses yeah there is have you ever notice what North Carolina's license tag says no what's it say you haven't noticed it says First in Flight is that what it says yeah sorry North Carolina no disrespect I just never paid attention I just doesn't pay attention to the details don't take it personally why um so that's where that's we're going to there to we're going to go there first before we look for the horses oh the right Brothers like the the dudes that just like launched a paper airplane and hung on to it yep those guys we're going to go there why would they do that in North Carolina I don't know I know kite surfing is the thing I mean I saw that I think hangliding is a thing too so maybe that's huh all of that well today it's only 5 mph wind perfect day to have go exploring it's a hot day compared to rest of this week because I got to say so I'm in love with you what are we going to do all right how many of you remember the Ben Franklin's back in the day it's probably the only one left in the country it's a national Memorial good for you that means our national park pel work nah look this thing pays for itself a lot is this a tip it is a tip make sure you get one of these when you're going to go exploring America the Beautiful that one might be expired this one no it's still good okay perfect hey December 17th 1903 1903 we've come a long ways back then they were flying kites so they probably were inspired by how kites were that's what that says how'd you know um because it's logical Ben Franklin flew a kite for electricity purposes with a key on it I think you watch too much TV yeah I bet that's in [Music] there I think I'm just amazed on how never really paid attention to how every single person approached flight differently but then all these people they tried and died like he died a couple days later from his hand gliding from what from just crashing oh that's not good they they did research not on Google so they wanted sand wind and no trees these people were trying to figure out how to use engines with steam power and stuff the problem is they couldn't get their wings right so when they figured out how to get the wings and the lift right then the people over in other countries figured out immediately how to stick engines on them so the progression went really fast it's just like they were the like the Lynch pin yeah cuz they figured out the wing dimensions and the and the curvature right yep in two days we made over 250 Glides [Music] here's a fun fact Sheila doesn't know this where does flight go from here do you know where that is what they're working on in the theory like in today's world I mean we're trying to get people to go into outer space no just flight in General on the air like flying machines yep new flying machine components no I don't know so and where do you know this information because I was researching this about probably a month ago okay there are now studies being done that our gravity on the earth is set to a specific frequency and so according to this frequency if they can find the opposite of the frequency that the gra gravity of the earth is it will then cause a frequency to bipolar that and cause floating so now you're not in the gravity pole of the earth and now you can simply harness that to move it around so they're trying to figure out how to harness that kind of idea to have propulsion on the earth this is a fact this isn't like a Todd made a funny haha this is just a fun Theory or no hypothesis I would say that they're now toying around with like the Jetson type of thing correct yeah so that's that's where flight is going well I I thought it would have been here by now when I was a kid watching the Jetson someday we could just levitate we were like 2020 or 20 2,000 we were going to have flying cars you know what we can't really change is eating cuz I'm hungry all right let me see what I can find it's lunch time we picked up hitchhikers where we going we're heading to go find horses apparently the pavement ends so all these people out here they have to get out here I guess on the sand which is going to be very odd there's no way to go right here we go again back on these Adventures could one wheel this you could did you bring it look at all the you say that every time that you should bring it you should bring it seashell lots of seashells we're not here for seashells we're here for wores right focus focus that's for me but we needed to move into Offroad here we get look at all the sea shell there's so many we could get her just like a a scoop use that shovel and just Qui pick them up along the way horse prints [Music] you think so oh no I don't know I don't know oh boy I think the horses are in here that's they can eat something or they're eating yeah now where a place could had a bathroom Bronco what oh we found look we F we found the hum V people see now we're on to it they probably talk to each other too oh yeah it's like Whale hunters whale watchers follow them dear hurry going to get away be too close to here no keep going come on it's a star down crackie we found ourselves a Mustang oh this is a big one this was why you have this camera oh gosh oh my goodness holy cow oh Jesus you're good great job oh wow did great that was fun he's going for it he's going get it come on going too slow oh he's he dug down on the road I've been away for fire too long but now I'm on my way back home I hear the West Winds calling I'm a name they telling me to head your way down your road and pass your gaze keep your eyes on the horizon so if you stay on the sound side you get these amazing sunsets like we get the sunrises and we see them every day we don't see a sun sunrise we could but these people down there they've got solar slow stove going this is that would be a great little setup they just need a fire fork they do need a fire fork what do you see Sheil look at him look at him look at him it almost got head that's what was in the trees I'm telling you look how ugly that is God I had a heart attack I did I almost had a heart attack I'm not putting my feet over there again we're at low tide oh God oh God what the freak are those things they're like they're like I don't want falling on me oh gosh we need to get out of here like this isn't even funny I almost touched that thing cuz I was trying what is it I don't know they're like crabs like they're crabs crawling in the trees well feet over there it almost got me here he comes I am not putting my feet over there can you get him yeah Ed you grab him you think he you have iess quit it I would be so mad at you you yeah you put your feet over there Sheila what's it going to do oh you're nuts you're so daring if I put my foot here would it crawl on the leg don't do that that's horrible he's just an ugly nuisance we're here to see the beautiful sunset calm [Music] down I was looking to belone and I'd already know that you will be there when the rains are gone like a light in the night you will always be my home [Music]
Channel: Switch It Up
Views: 8,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv lifestyle, rv travel, rv newbie, rv youtube channels, rv life, rv living full time, switch it up, travel the united states, rv living, rv tips and tricks, rv hacks, rv youtube channel, travel usa, usa vacation destinations, travel life, kyd, spacecraft rv, custom rv, outer banks, things to do in the outer banks nc, horses in the outer banks, things to do in obx, things to do in outer banks nc, full time rv living, 5th wheel camping
Id: iLeKZqz9xQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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