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well Patty yes sir we're like Britney Spears oops did it again I did it again and I thought we better take this episode to explain to everyone why we did what we did in this episode of travels with Delaney the podcast hey everyone welcome back my name is Patrick I'm Patty and today we are joined on the podcast couch by none other than Mr Truman with his licky lips today and looky looking me he is and Bess is over on a side uh theater seat right taking a little nap her little spot isn't it so this is a new podcast couch once again for those of you watching us on YouTube and know and this podcast couch will probably be in quite a few podcasts over the next few months yeah because we did a thing on Monday correct and we're going to talk about that but before we do first we have to do another exciting round of this or that oh my gosh you want me to think after field day I'm going to make you think after Field Day School is field day today okay all right so all right come on brain don't let me down all right Patty MH so if you had to choose between one of the two beverages all right which one would you choose a glass of red wine okay or are a Jin and tonic I'm going to go a neither that's not an option it's this or that I would go with I don't know what I I guess you're really thirsty the only two things we have are red wine and Jen and Tom I guess it have to be a gen and tonic cuz wine gives me a headache so I'm going to have to suffer through a j and tonic all right everybody heard that she's going to suffer through a genti I don't find that suffering and in fact staring at a brand new bottle of my favorite Jin Aviation honey well our wonderful neighbors right over here Batman and Robin Batman and Robin AKA Bill and Robin Bill and Robin brought it to me today as a thank you uh I I mow their yard last fall after they left for Florida and then I moted a few times this spring till they got back cuz I didn't want I want Bill to come back to you know like a field and I didn't expect anything but they surprised me with some Aviation gin so we can have that Jin and tonic plus you're supporting the team that's right because Aviation Jin is owned by Ryan Reynolds who owns Rex that's right with Rob melany meleny like a penny there we go Penny and now our podcast audience is like what are they talking about what are we talking about we lovex all right so let's get into it so if you watched our video on Sunday yeah the I believe that's the 26th of May right you would have seen that we travel traveled up to Wisconsin oh beautiful Wisconsin yes gorgeous and the reason we went to Wisconsin was to purchase a brand new RV that we are setting in right now yes and I knew the minute the video came out the trolls would be out in full force you know haters are going to hate hate hone Tor and the typical comments I'm sure are going to be and the reason I say are going to be because obviously the video hasn't come out yet we're recording this podcast early so that it comes out on Monday sure but I'm expecting comments like that's ridiculous how can you afford to do it you're losing your rear end you're out of your mind you're out of your mind you two are Bon heads we are but we ask in the video I did I said be curious not judgmental that Ted that great line from Ted lasso and wait till the podcast comes out so we can at least explain why we decided to make a switch after just one year right in our alliance Avenue 22 ml oo listen to you listen to me so when we bought that RV exactly one year ago right okay we bought it Memorial Day Weekend 2023 in Kentucky we did not have any real plan other than we were looking for something larger than our Lance because we wanted like there I think we said there were three things we wanted a dedicate ated seating space more cargo capacity and you didn't want and a quieter air conditioning you didn't yeah definitely quieter air condition right and then I also had said I didn't really want to go over 30 feet in length cuz we've had one that big before we had a 35 fifth wheel years ago yeah and so that was really our criteria and we bought it and let me just say we loved it loved it it was wonderful for the past year loved it but last fall I hatch a plan hatch that's a good word is that a word that is um that Patty and I have talked for quite some time about leaving our jobs in education to pursue new interests yeah because this isn't something new we've been talking about this for like the last two three years but we didn't really know how to make it happen right we were trying to get all the pieces together and last fall it hit me that if we would sell our house MH we have good Equity we do and we could pay off the truck and the car right and in essence we would be debt-free but we would not have a home which means we would need to live in the RV for about two and a half maybe years maybe three until I can start drawing my retirement because I can officially retire from the college but I can't touch my retirement funds till I'm 59 and a half and I'm not quite there yet right cuz you could have retired in December I could have actually retired this past December and we one of the real perks is I get to keep insurance for us just like I'm an employee that's a good perk but we didn't know how we would make that happen with a truck payment a car payment a mortgage yeah and and so I came up with this idea I pitched it to Patty and we've been trying to figure this out for a couple years how to make it work cuz you know we've been as you get older you learn life's short right and we've had a lot of family members unfortunately pass at a young age age and we knew we we wanted to do something it's like at a point especially in teaching you're kind of burned out and you just want to change but it's not like we're not going to do anything you just want something different right and so we you know we we kind of set on that course over the winter but quickly as we got back into the RV I think over spring break yep it was kind of like okay can we live in this yes we could could we be more comfortable in something a little bit larger yes and honestly I you know it was one of those where I said I don't know we've only had this for a year I don't want to lose our tals on the deal and so initially I had found a Keystone Cougar at the local RV dealership I reached out to them and and I had a number in mind that I believed was fair sure okay because I'm I teach business for a living I understand how business works and finance works I understand profit margins very well and so I knew roughly what our trade should be worth right through research and I know what RV dealers can take off of RVs okay I've been in this industry long enough and they unfortunately were probably about 7,000 off of where I wanted to be they weren't close and then I reached out to another dealership um in Indianapolis on a used Grand Design Solitude right beautiful yeah it was beautiful and we thought well maybe we go the used route we can you know get closer to where we want to be and they they offered us significantly Less in trade not no buo and and uh he was the one that suggested that um Alliance had a new floor plan that might be more CU I was explaining what we're trying to accompl and he was concerned about the weight of the Solitude with our truck so anyway but that wasn't anywhere close to being an option no no no and so one night I said well I'm going to try to find a dealer uh like a familyowned dealership I did not want I will not deal with we want think mammoth big not from a well but I mean from a dealership standpoint we don't deal with the two of the two or three of the largest ones right it's I refuseed to do it anymore um and so on RV Trader I found this RV that we're setting in yeah at a dealership in Wisconsin and so I looked it up on their website and they had this was like last Thursday night I think it was fast two Thursday nights ago two two ago MH it said value my trade and it was like a form you fill out they asked you question like what RV are you looking to buy so I put in exactly the one we wanted Y and I gave them all the information and the very next morning Friday morning I get a phone call from Wisconsin I'm like well that I don't get too many calls from Wisconsin and I'll be honest initially I kind of toned out the person um You probably thinking this is going to well I'm thinking that that they're going to tell me our RV is not worth anything you know that type of thing and so it was a very nice voice on the phone her name is Shelby Shelby and Shelby is just as nice in person as she is on the phone yes she is so Shelby says hey we I got your re request last night for a trade evaluation and I have numbers for you yeah and and she started going through it and when she got done I was like in my head I'm thinking that's exactly the number I said if we could get we would do and they gave us a very fair trade value they uh you know could they knocked off a little bit more on the sale price maybe but I think they probably gave us a little bit better trade value and but it was but it got us into that number that magic number I was looking at and um and so I began to ask questions like so what about hidden fees yeah and she said well we just charge $499 and that that's all the fees that's it it's everything and um and I said okay well can I said I need to talk to my wife because this was on Friday last week and she goes oh I'll hold it till I'll hold it today for you and I said but the problem is I won't see my wife till like 9:00 tonight cuz that was the night of graduation yeah and she goes you know what we're only open till noon tomorrow I'm going to put a hold on it till noon tomorrow and I said okay I promise said we'll call you Saturday morning either way and we talked about it on the way home from graduation and agreed hey this is an opportunity you don't get these opportunities very often and we're like sometimes you just think okay it just kind of works out right and this felt good it felt right yeah so I ended up calling her on Saturday morning and said okay we want to do this what do I need to do and she said well I'll send you a credit app um because I had told her it's a small amount that we're financing because we owned our other trailer but I'm going to we we're going to finance it short term and we'll probably have it paid off by next spring and she said no problem and she said if I could get a deposit and she said somebody will call you to get your deposit and I I think it was like $500 um not 5,000 no no no not 5,000 just 500 and uh I remember like on Monday I nobody had called me so I messaged her and I'm like hey I I didn't get you know like I still want to buy this and and she messaged back she said I'm so sorry we have been so swamped at the dealership up um so she ended up taking a credit card and then for some reason Apple card doesn't like to be entered manually sometimes it's very quirky it's quirky so it got declined not because we don't have money but because they said the wrong information was entered right so I said hey I can you know like I can just uh give you another car and she said you know we talked here we're good and I'm like well that's odd yeah they're not used to that no and and she said we we already have the sold sign on it and they're going to start prepping it and and uh we set a date and a time right and I'll tell you it was kind of hairy getting up there CU between my new work schedule here at Happy Acres Campground in Angola Indiana and you still being in school school schedule so it was a very quick trip to Wisconsin I don't think were we gone we were we weren't even gone a full 36 hours no I felt like we were like what is that show Cannonball Run or something like or or smoking the band down rolling up and truing yeah I mean it was so it was quick yeah and it had to be quick and if you saw our video I I don't want to spend lots of time talking about how great this dealership is they're awesome a w s o m e awesome they are um Shelby amazing salesperson because she was straightforward honest it I just no games no games just and no high pressure no pressure at all like you know if it works great if it doesn't yeah no big deal um and then Brent in finance cuz that's usually where these deals fall apart that's kind of where you get kind of poked by the bear yeah and we go in there and he's just the nicest gentleman very nice and he's like hey I got you this interest rate but just so you know I checked with your credit union and I was able to use that as leverage to get a lower rate at the bank and so it's a little higher than your credit unit I'm like are you kidding yeah this isn't crazy and then I started asking him about oh the other thing is I had asked Shelby like I suppose I have to finance with you because a lot of dealerships like if you don't they charge you extra yep and she's like um no if you want to finance it says cost want to do it yeah like you want to pay cash we don't care we're not going to charge you for that so there was that and then I said to Brent I'm like okay how many payments do I have to make before I pay it off so you don't get penalized he like well we don't talk about that because I I got the sense maybe in Wisconsin they're not allow to do like blue Compass did to us where they're like we really need you to make 12 payments so we don't lose our Kickback and Brent's like if you want to pay it off tomorrow that's your option and because the dealership was so great I actually said just tell me how many like it yeah and he said well technically if you make six payments then we would get to keep our incentive we're like done and yeah because I'm going to do that for them and um and then you know the whole warranty thing came up and I joked with him about it and he says you know here's here's what we have he didn't even go through it he just kind of laid in front of me he said you can just sign on the side to decline I love that and uh no pressure whatsoever he was awesome very and then then and I should mention even the lady and I did not get her name at the receptionist desk she was very sweet she was awesome like helping us she kept checking on CU I had the pups trying to keep them and she's like are they okay do they need water I'm like no they got water I'm going to the truck or everything all right or you know she just every time CU I was in and out with these dudes right keeping them occupied and if if Shelby and Brent W enough yeah Cory was like the cherry on top of the Sunday amazing guys so Corey is out in the service department and he wanted to so bad give us the complete orientation and I ruined it for him because I'm like Cory it's basically the same trailer except six feet longer and it has another slide and you wanted to know about basically the two things the fireplace and the tankless water heater and he did a great job of demonstrating both of those but here's where it got really good number one he was showing me they go through this massive inspection it's you we could watch them do it on the other rigs while we were yeah they were like they do water tests like they just run a hose for a long time on your slide outs and stuff they um you know just he he found a water a small water leak in our shower where the shower curtain butts up against the wall so because there was a little bit coming through they just went ahead and reced you just little things and then he moved our big mattress over that was amazing cuz I figured when we were ready to move our stuff in because we crated up stuff we had emptied out the trailer pretty good I'm like okay that's the I got to keep my energy up because we got to move that thing over and they moved it right that was awesome and I had told him like you know um if you can just bring the three batteries over if you just hook up one to get me home he's like nope we'll hook them up and so what he did did was because they lithium he removed the battery box it's like a plastic thing that insert put in a new piece of like sheet metal to cover it up put in reinforcements underneath to support the weight of the batteries and then used angle iron to build like a little box to hold them in it looks amazing it looks like it should have came that way you it was awesome and he you know he's like well I had to relocate this one switch a little higher but I think it looks good I think we're both in awe like I mean he saved myON some real time some lot of time and I said to Shelby what do I owe for everything Cory has done today and she goes nothing like it's included he loves it and he did that guy was just so so helpful and before we got to leave he helped us with the truck and the hitch yeah he readjusted our hitch and somebody came out from the office like hey don't leave don't leave we got a recall on your RV you can't leave and he said we're going to try to fix this for you so you going have to deal with you when you get to Indiana and and they were able to cuz they had the part in stock it was it was a bad circuit or something he's like I don't like the way this hitch is coming in we got to fix that and that was easy I mean I'm telling you what it was unbelievable almost like concierge service honestly you know what yeah it was that perfect date that I want to marry that dealership like seriously I other than princess craft right and PJ and Lindsay and Clint and the whole team they do an amazing job they don't sell fifth wheels okay and they know how we feel about them and we you guys who have known us for any L of time no we've always said it's a great dealership that PJ runs sure but if you don't want to go to Texas or you want something bigger I'm telling you King's camper in WW Wisconsin just so meticulous about every little detail um straightforward honest games no games just very easygoing there's you don't there's no tension when you walk in there and it's not a fancy dealership no doesn't need to be doesn't need to be and they carry everything from um you know like they they're an alliance dealer they're a Winnebago dealer a Forest River they had some Tiffin Tiffin I'm like oh honey a tiff yeah so so I guess we should get back though to why we did this and maybe we've answered that that buying this RV is part of a bigger plan right and it's just one more piece to that puzzle for us going into semi-retirement from teaching so so we figured if we could live in this we'll be comfortable and that way then you know we'll be in this for a while and then right not have to worry about anything else yeah and and for people who are still saying you know what you probably lost your butt I I'll just be honest we spent $116,000 with sales tax okay if you you want to say we lost our butt fine but first of all it's our money and we're going to live our life the way we want to live it right and you should live your life the way you want to live yours and everybody's different and and you know you do what works for you over the years things have changed and this is just a new kind of I was think of like a new branch in our adventure it's time to Branch off and try something a little different exactly and and as Patty said earlier life is short I lost my sister when she was 46 years old and I lost my mom at 64 it makes you think and then when you have friends like today at field day tell you that they were told they have five years left to live you're like what exactly and it's just it makes you really think clearly what's important to you and we're willing to do that sacrifice if we have to do a sacrifice right but I don't think we're going to have to I'm working you know I'm going to work hard here at the campground this summer to pay for this RV and um we got the eBay business going we're still doing YouTube we're gonna we're hustling we are hustling so that we can have a change yeah and like with me too I figured out all of my stuff for my retirement cuz I had meetings this past fall and same thing goes for me I can keep my I'll get my full benefits benefits if I wait till I'm 59 y to um tap into it so and insurance with him is going to be great it's better than mine I can slide over onto his it it's things are coming into place I feel yeah so this is just a piece of the pule and we wanted to explain that because you know I know a lot of people are just like oh you've only had it for one year I know that hindsight is always 2020 if last April or May I if we had been in this position last year if we would have known that we would have bought the bigger wi probably abely I hadn't come up with that and sometimes that happens in life you you start down one road and then you have to take a detour and so we're very happy already with this RV it's just beautiful we love it yeah and you know we chose Alliance I I I have to tell you I'm not sure this could be a whole separate podcast I'm not sure 3 four months ago we would have said I think we were saying like oh we'd look at an alliance but after we started looking at other brands I just like the look I don't know what it is we we were like okay maybe we really do like Alliance and I will tell you after what what is today today we're recording on Thursday so we've had it like really three days three days um I can tell you already I am super in love with this one this one is so much better constructed than our first one all the quality inside the craftsmanship um it just it is a lot better if you look at what we had not that it was bad it just had a lot of fit finish the fit and finish is just I haven't found anything weird on fit and finish like we found before and um they were easy like adjustments in the other one but we haven't had to do really any adjustments not gunwood and it's just right now it's just it's just awesome so Alliance you did good you redeemed yourself we're glad to be part of the uh the Aly Ally family whatever they call I just think the setup is great I think it's going to be great and yes we paid full price we did not get any discounts we're not sponsored by Alliance or by King's Campers well we got lucky we got to keep the lithium batteries we got to keep our mattress yeah um yeah so anyway didn't mean to get a little ranty there but you know when you get beat up in comments on YouTube and I feel like I've been beat up the last three videos um it kind of you get enough yeah and the thing is there's some of you who you're always supportive and we want to share the information with you unfortunately we also attract the people who are very negative life and you know never again I don't understand taking energy to go write nasty comments like I've got better things to do in my life and again we always use the analogy like if I'm watching a TV program and I don't like it I change the channel yeah I don't like go on there and make a comment to NBC or ABC or CBS or whoever and tell them how I didn't like the show or whatever that was just ridiculous that you went and got new furniture for that show those people were just fine friends were just fine in their apartment with their current Furniture yeah so anyway well I think we probably should I think we've answered the question hopefully and if you want to see the new rig we will have a tour video coming out um on I believe the following Sun this coming Sunday at least that's the plan we'll get you a complete tour you can see the whole RV if you want to um and we'd love to have show you around sure and um yeah it's just pretty and thank you to all of you for taking time today to listen if you came over from travels with Delan to hear our response thank you we appreciate that we'd love to have you join us every Monday for our weekly podcast and honey I'm going to do it this time don't forget we got to thank our friend and producer Jim kozman Mr Jim that's right Jim is the one who every week goes in and does his magic on the audio to make our audio podcast sound I think I think it is one of the best audio podcasts in the business and that's not because of anything we do it's because of Jim he's just very he's a professional and he's very meticulous and Jim thank you we could be yeah we do so all right everyone until next time we'll see you on down the road bys with L we'll see you on down the road
Channel: Travels with Delaney The Podcast
Views: 6,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nL4wbpOIQjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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