RV Under Attack, Psycho RVers, RV Slide Problems | RV Living

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it gets Frosty it's hard to get up on the roof I know we left you on a cliffhanger to figure out why it goes out of the line maybe we'll need new tracks I don't know are you kidding me he kep me in suspense y'all I didn't even know that but I am a little nervous I feel fire my there's a deire in my soul good morning y'all it is 7:26 in the morning um on November the 4th we're at the top of the mountain we wanted to leave by 7:30 but it's still kind of dark Matthew's finishing up stuff outside see now it is 7:41 it's a little lighter outside uhhuh yeah we're hoping to be rolled out by 7:50 hopefully we still have a couple more things to put in the truck and get all of our our what GPS location set and stuff but we are heading to Williams Arizona which what is a gateway of the Grand Canyon yeah I am going to miss this place but we move on to the next adventure there we are are you ready to go I'm ready let's get it and this is how you leave a campsite everybody doesn't even look like we've been here just a little bit of tire tracks [Music] all right y'all we're crossing Lake pow in the RV wow that's way down there holy moly that is way down there wow oh my goodness if you're afraid of heights this is not going to be your Bridge wow but at least they have fencing so you can't fall off oh yeah man that's amazing I know and it's busy it's Saturday and people are already lined up walking across this a Saturday in November no less yeah y'all I didn't get it on video but it seems like have you ever just had this thought that some people just don't care an ounce about anybody else there was a person who had regular sedan four-door sedan and they parked in this is a Maverick they have the diesel side which is clearly labeled and it's clearly for big trucks and RVs and stuff like that and then there's the car side where do you think this San parked this gasoline powered sedan parked on the diesel only fuel Island this particular Maverick did not have gas and everything on the same side it was just Diesel and DEA and that's where they parked and then they went in to get their drink came back out and then they left so they parked and took up something a diesel could get some people are just so entitled to do whatever the heck they want to do and they don't care about anybody else so that's my rant when we first got there there were still two pumps left but when we got ready to leave they were all full uh-huh all right y'all we actually get signal out here in the middle of nowhere so um absolutely nowhere our Facebook message went off and we got um a question that said do we ever wake up and wonder what state we're in or maybe what city we're in absolutely speaking for myself yes I wake up sometimes and I'm like all right I got to sit there and figure it out where are we and then what else did you say or I'm like what am I going to see out the window cuz your mind's thinking of the last place you're at you look out your bedroom window you're or which way is the RV oriented you know I'm always cuz I can hear the road sometimes and I'm like is it right by my window is it this way so yeah you do get disoriented you do and it's kind of funny when you're like all right I'm in Arizona I'm in this place I'm in that place and then like Sean said you don't even know what you're going to see out the window it's just really strange and I think like Matthew said it seems to be happening more often lately I don't know why but no but it's part of the fund mhm how many of y'all like if you travel full-time or y'all move a lot do you get disoriented or do you forget what state you're in or what city you're in for a moment you [Music] know all right y'all we're at the Grand Canyon Railway RV Park and I am going to give you a tour of our site and as you can see our stairs are really high right now so watch that last step it's a doozy we put our stairs out like six notches anyways the sights are paved and you have gravel in between each site they're fairly long I don't know how long they are but we have plenty of room for our truck and our RV here's the hookup side you get full hookups we have have water sewer and power and matthie said the water pressure is at like 32 so let me look at it right now and see so I don't think the water pressure is great here oh now looks like it's 50 I have to tell them that's good and we get 50 amp and we're right across from the um the station where you wait for the train and stuff and then that's the laundry room over there and the reason yall see water under under the ground is because well let's go ask Matthew while there's water on the ground the peeps want to know why there's water under the ground because I set our Nautilus P1 system to fill the fresh tank instead of going to the um what is it called the faucets so instead of going to the tap on the inside so we can do the laundry which I'm trying to fix right now it went to the tank and so I'm la la la la la doing other stuff and all of a sudden there's a puddle outside cuz it went through the Overflow to the fresh tank no harm done except I watered the lawn and they don't have any grass so I'm supposing they don't appreciate that good morning y'all morning so it was a peaceful night sleep except for the train oh that's loud but they don't run overnight and I think most of the trains we heard were the freight trains you said yeah it's really loud but other than that I really like this park it's within walking distance of Williams itself Route 66 and we really enjoy that and you can tell it's a pedestrian Town cuz you can see other people out walking you're not the only ones walking cuz you know how that feels weird you're just walking you feel like is this safe cuz no one else is walking we're going to go scout out boondocking now we're going to focus mainly between Flagstaff and Williams area cuz we want to be on this side of Flagstaff cuz we really enjoy this area so that's where we're going to go [Music] Scout all right this is called Welsh Road dispersed area and you can see it looks like some people have been here a while but then I read comments that said they're strict about the area so I don't know I don't know but one person seemed to have a washing machine outside so I don't know yeah maybe that's just me this is nice though for boondocking outside of the gigantic potholes it's not bad so far oh and if you don't want to go down this road you can turn right here that's what I was thinking all right y'all we're traveling through Forest Road 140 I think it's south of the Williams this is a bump area so far it's very foresty I haven't seen it open up yet yeah they've obviously done some I don't know what the term is y'all selective logging or cutting in here to thin it out some over time but no Wide Open Spaces but when I like that satellite it did look like they had some I'm hoping it opens up we'll see when we get to the campendium coordinates there's a fir ring right there yeah I think all of this people camp up in the trees and stuff I'll turn around in here and we need solar and Starling but you can see all the fire rings in here y'all if you don't mind some trees there are lots of opportunities in here but we don't like being under trees I see a Class A way back in the thicket of the trees yep there's like a whole network of Roads back in here wow all right y'all this is the Belmont um disperse camping area they have cows but they're fenced in yep and this is a wide open space you can even see someone had a fire ring here tons of people can fit here show them that down there there's more fire rings and spaces down there yeah we could even go on that side oh there's a van way they're tucked in the trees oh my yeah this is a cocon Nino National Forest you can see a schoolie over there so I'm thinking this might be Choice a cuz it's closer to Flagstaff all right y'all we're walking on Route 66 in Williams windy [Music] today in Arizona this is really cool and this Cafe smells really good oh it does I have huge smell for SE all right y'all we walked from the RV park to the Safeway grocery store after we took our little trip down Route 66 it's just a glamorous life from wall to wall he's got his um supper for tonight that is the sub that we got at Safeway they make their subs there and they had them on sale for $5.99 they told me that they even baked the sub bread there at the deli also a tip if you have an Albertson's card you can use that at uh Safeway or if you have a Safeway card vice versa you can use it at Albertson so we saved two bucks cuz we had a Safeway card and yeah so if you're traveling and you have a lot of different cards one thing Matthew does is he has a folder on his phone where he has the different stores apps and you can just scan it from your phone you don't have to have all these little cards in your wallet good morning morning we are heading to our boondocking spot this RV park overall we liked it we liked that the sights were paved there was gravel in between however the sights are not level there were even some people a lot of people that their tires were completely off right the ground and another little nitpicky thing is that the sewer hookup is about 12 in away from the fresh water and that leads to poor sanitation so I don't like that either I don't know why they did that and then the other thing was the first time it's ever happened it was like about 8:30 at night you know you're relaxing or whatever Matthew got a text I got a text and an email now my biggest one of my biggest pet peeves in life is lack of communication so they pass on that because they have great communication honestly they do but then they started nagging us about oh what time are you leaving what exact time are you leaving down to the 15minute interval and I'm thinking we've never been asked that before you told us on the rules that it's 11:00 checkout so just back off I'm not going to tell you what time we're leaving so um yeah and it made when Matthew told me that it made me feel like oh are they wanting us out for some reason but the park y'all is not even 25% full I it's just very strange it might just be automatic sure it's a big Corporation I think that owns this place cuz when you have to make reservations you don't get to just talk to the RV Park it's a but we paid until 11:00 so we take to 11 then guess when we're leaving 11 11 all right y'all so we're going to finish up doing what we need to do so we can get to our boondocking spot are you ready to go all ready let's get it it's going to be such a long [Music] drive all right y'all we are at our boond doing spot it didn't take long to get here a lot of the weekenders had already left so it's kind of cleared out there's a few RV just a couple around us that we can see and I know the last time you saw us talking about these sites we were going to pick the one near Belmont mhm but we just figured this had a bit of an edge it was easier to get into and the the sight lines the visuals are a little bit better we don't have a her of cattle next door to us that would have been a great spot but this one is better and it's right by Williams which we love the town of Williams and flag sa's just 30 minutes down the road so we like it yep let's get set up all right hit it stop all right so we ran into a snafu with a bedroom slide So lately we've noticed when it was really cold up on the mountain remember the last place that we were boondocking it made horrible noises when it would come in and out but the last time we moved it which was to leave that RV park we just left it was perfect it didn't make any noise at all it was great great now I was outside filming it and I noticed one side went out more than the other so if you know anything about swin Tech slides it's off track there is a solution and ironically enough I just researched this I wasn't planning on this happening so we're going to move it in all the way the swin Tech slide it's only gone out a few inches so we're going to bump it in all the way until you no longer hear any noise from the [Music] motors okay now we're going to let it out a few inches and then back in until you don't hear any more noise and we'll do that at least three or four times and then if that clears it then that's great if it doesn't then you'll hear from us all right out one more [Music] [Music] time maybe this time if it goes out straight just keep letting it go out that's just the thought that I just started to have I know the official line is in and out several times to lineing up but the first time it was perfect the second time I think it was perfect and the third time it went caddy wus again so Sean said what I was also thinking which is if it starts to be perfect on the way out just keep on trucking man So eventually we'll probably need to figure out why it goes out of a line maybe we'll need new tracks I don't know if you need anything major done on them they're horribly expensive so we're just going to use it as best we can so original instructions are not what we're doing here let going now all right here is our bedroom slide and all of its unglory um that side looks okay all right and here is the other side now obviously it looks good good to me does it look good to you it looks pretty straight I got to get online and figure out what causes them to get off track to begin with is this a part that we're going to have to replace is it anything we could possibly do ourselves or is it something that just happens once in a while and we can ignore it I'm hoping for that option but you know us it ain't going to be that option so we'll let you know keep you updated all right y whenever we can we try to use T-Mobile this is our T-Mobile thing why because it's a lot easier than getting on the roof and even though our roof is fine it has no problem problems at least right now I'd rather just stay on the ground if I can all help it so we tried T-Mobile and our download speed is 599 down are you kidding me he kept me in suspense y'all I didn't even know that and 32 up I don't know if you can read that there's the proof so needless to say we don't need starlink so starlink can just take a nap yay another reason we don't like putting out starlink if it's really cold because like we show showed you at the last place when we were on the mountain toop it gets Frosty it's hard to get up on the roof when it's really Frosty and we take it down the night before so now we don't have to worry about that cuz it we're going to get cold here again y'all all right y'all I'm going to give you a tour of our site here our boondocking site north of Williams this is off of um Garland Prairie Road and if I got that wrong we'll type it on the screen for you look how nice this is it's a little windy so I hope y'all can hear us the truck's still parked in front we haven't left since we got here yet they have tons of space here you can see where people have where some of the grass is more smooshed down where people have driven and they kind of just have rocks everywhere so if you come out here you just have to watch for rocks and here's the back side all right y'all here is our aerial view from the roof this is a massive area north of Williams Garden Prairie Road off of I think it's Highway 64 which goes to the Grand Canyon so we're south of the Grand Canyon right now tons of space out here you can see all the spiderwebs of Forest roads in here as [Music] well all right y'all here's our truck and I'm filming out the window so I can get this normally I try to scare these stupid little things away but these are pretty little birds aren't they pretty they got a blue tail and a gray body I don't know what they are other than the fact that I hate them and the reason is if you give me a second I'll explain you see this crazy one I mean it's just nuts right it keeps flying around the streamer that's a shiny streamer they don't do any good whatsoever it's below freezing right now would you believe that look at the roof it's frosted over hard Frost last night it was well below freezing these little birds don't care they haven't heard of flying south for the winter the only thing they want to do is go back and forth and leave little bird turds all over the truck and the RV oh there's another one how lovely this is just bothering me to no end because yeah our truck has some dirt on it but dirt washes off I don't want one big rolling expensive bird turd going down the road that's embarrassing Crazy Larry still at it we found out these are mountain bluebirds actually a friend of ours told us that cuz I was complaining to him and he said they're Mountain bluebirds and according to the experts shiny things should scare them away what is that that it just keeps flying past it's a shiny streamer nope that doesn't work loud noises all right I go out there and act like a crazy person slam the door tell it to leave you psychological warfare and as soon as I'm not joking as soon as I go inside there it is again just like you see and about every second or two it seems to go back and forth back and forth back and forth it wants inside the truck dearly I think we just got the crazy bunch I love bluebirds bluebirds and Cardinals and I think they're so beautiful but I'm beginning to hate them the bluebirds at least because they're just so freaking annoying I want it to go away morning peeps morning so as y'all saw Matthew's having a little what fit I'm having a bird problem with these Mountain blue birds and it's kind of like um a scene out of AF H cuz I opened the door and they were just like all flying in front of me oh like a swarm of them and then we were thinking well what kind of sound could we play and then I'm thinking you know well how about afred Hitchcock the um the psycho scene with the shower it goes I'm not sure if that's how it is maybe that would scare them off but I don't want to be those campers who are playing loud noises outside when we're not even outside so maybe that doesn't work well we are going shopping so maybe a Bluetooth speaker with psycho and then no one's going to want to park by like what is up with those people yeah but then I'll want to leave cuz I don't want to hear it that's a problem they work too well anyways y'all we're going on a hike I know we went way off the rails on that but we're going on a hike there's tons of hiking here in the Flag Staff t Williams area so we picked a hike we're going to hike all right y'all we're at the beginning of the trail like Matthew said it's a Sandy seep Trail oh my goodness they have a Christmas tree Trail okay that sounds exciting huh nope not today do you think that means it's just got tons of Christmas trees I'm guessing they're not palm trees when y'all do the Christmas tree Trail drop a comment below all right y' I'm going to show you the view bam there it is the back side of Matthew now really look it's mountains and you can see all these trees they barely have any leaves left I was just telling Matthew this is probably would be a very nice hike to take when the leaves are in their Peak their Prime and y'all have y'all ever seen a sky so blue it's gorgeous look at this Sky not a cloud in the sky perfect for solar which we've been getting pretty good solar at our boondocking spot yeah we have really good as a matter of fact all right y'all this is not a challenging Trail at least not by our standards it's not a brag I'm just saying it's just a very modest Trail not bad at all but this is our kind of Trail in terms of view goes look at this this is beautiful this is what we like drop off on one side and the hill on the other all right y'all The View got better here are what we believe are the outskirts of Flagstaff look at that Skyline I mean Arizona has so many different types of terrain you think of Arizona like we do like down in Courtside or Kofa or Yuma you don't get to see this kind of landscape but up here you might as well be up north right I've really enjoyed my time here in the Williams Flagstaff area and I can't wait to come back in fact there was another Trail we were going to take that was called the sunset trail I forgot how long it was but the elevation you got to walk on the rim of one of these mountain peaks but because of the fires and stuff they had the trail head parking cloth and I heard it was a difficult to get to so some something to do in the future yeah they have an unlimited number of trails around here so many trails here mhm all right y'all we came to this obviously used to be what do you think Matthew a round building at some time some kind of building I don't know what for and there's a buried burn barrel right there we would like to know what is your imagination thinking what did this used to be I don't know but right now guess what time it is is peanut butter and jelly time that's what time it is wow time for a nutritious lunch you're Fancy smancy with that lunch making you need to get better Trail making food skills you're not kidding and here's one more view this view is rather spectacular look at that now part of me says I like to climb up that because that's probably where the best view is around just not today we got stuff to do and sometimes you just feel like taking it easy so that's what we did but you still get to see it from down here and that is well worth it all right y we got done with our Trail yeah it was a good little Trail I'd say what do you think about it yeah I liked it it it wasn't a difficult Trail but it had views it was a little rocky um that's probably the only thing I didn't like I don't like a lot of rocks and loose rocks yeah it did have some rocky but not too much elevation very modest very easy Trail I'd say yeah so overall it was 856 ft of elevation gain so not too bad and let's see how long 8.34 mil and that's what all Trails kind of said it was going to be so they were kind of right on this one yeah surprise surprise MH and uh let's see calories burned do we earn Cracker Barrel or something like that 188 48 calories a piece so in a 2,000 calorie diet which I'm not saying we're on that's most of them yeah and Sean gets a treat I get to go to Hobby Lobby cuz we're in flag saap and flag saap has Hobby Lobby and Matthew's like what do Flagstaff have to have a Hobby Lobby I said cuz it's Flagstaff it probably has everything and then I can't see that we'll be near a Hobby Lobby very much in the future so at least you can get it out of your system for now it's like we hit the jackpot or something but I don't get anything it's not if your RV lock is making a weird noise like that let me show you what you got to do first you need the physical key now we can open it now where this gets a little tricky for me is this is upside down so we'll see how well this goes I don't want batteries Falling On My Head is that the Matthew method this is a Matthew method I can both see it and keep my hands free let's see if I can do this without popping batteries all over the place there they are you see four AA batteries it'll be a cinch to replace these and hopefully that fixes our weird problem let me put this on [Music] all right now let me try it again hit unlock all right so if your RV lock makes you sound like you just hit the jackpot but nothing good comes out and you can't open this all you got to do is change the batteries it is so simple it doesn't take but a minute except takes longer to find the batteries and once you find them it's easy to put put in so there you go hey all welcome to the windy National Forest Kebab or is it Kebab kab you're going to make me forget how to say it as many times as I've told her it's kab Kaibab spelled k a i b a b so it's not Bob it's bab we have enjoyed our stay here for the most part this time of year it's north of Williams by the way and about 30 miles from Flagstaff yeah this Boondock spot has been pretty quiet as far as how busy it's been because we were here like the week before Thanksgiving very quiet i' say the only negative as y'all have seen in the video is these little pesty Birds these little comicazi birds and we figured something out number one our friends told us I think we already told you this that they are mountain blue birds they're pretty things they really are they're pretty little birds M and what did you figure out about why they appear they appear when the frost comes apparent apparently there's not a water supply so they drink water as the frost melts off your vehicles and your RVs and we've seen them on other people's RVs so I'm thinking that's what it is because they're here in the morning mhm and even though there's no Frost in the afternoon they come back in the afternoon but they're gone all day long so that's that makes more sense to me than anything yeah um and also y'all which might be surprising to y'all we hardly ever do this uh move during the week today is a Wednesday and we are moving tomor which is a Thursday we only like to move on Saturday Sunday maybe a Monday morning to get to the boondocking spot but the reason we're leaving this place early which I'm kind of sad I wanted to stay till Saturday is because the weather is going to get kind of dicey here so you know we have a deep love and affection for these weather people not so much so it's either going to be a torrential downpour or it's barely going to be a Sprinkle and they can't decide from minute to minute which it's going to be so whatever um there's a lot of grass around here you may can see there's a lot of grass and a lot of uh short stubble where we are but there's a lot of ruts too yeah so we're just playing it safe can we get out of here sure we got four-wheel drive but who wants to coat everything in a layer of mud so I mean honestly if it would have rained you know um a few days before we were going to leave or the first week were here that's fine the fact that it's going to rain they said Thursday Friday into Saturday morning the day we roll out it's going to be really wet and mushy and and then the road the road is pretty good but they do have a huge dip we have to go through which the fifth wheel if you go really slow has been fine to go through to get here and I don't know if that's going to fill up with water y'all I'm really going to miss places like this I'm not going to miss the number one the amenities that Sean's talking about Williams is not a very big town but it has what you need it really does MH and then places like this minine is the uh Crazy Birds yeah Crazy Larry the bluebird coming to visit us every morning and afternoon other than that this is a beautiful place you can see behind us it's a beautiful place it's wide open in this time of year it's not busy at all and y'all it's amazing uh Williams is an actual town that likes it's got a huge part of Route 66 with we got to walk some of it that's actually what the Safeway is on and they have street parking um so if you have a big truck you know like we do a long truck or whatever you can park on the side of the road and then go into the Safeway or or if you have a smaller RV or yeah or if you need to get the water we parked there on the side of the road but it was fun walking um down Route 66 and they love Christmas decorations so if you come here after Halloween they I mean even hotels there was a hotel I don't remember the name it was um on one of the roads and they had all the little Windows decorated and stuff like that it's really fun to see all the town decorated and the hotel that's attached to the it's part of the RV park it's across the street they have big lit up arches to go under and everything and the train depot walk down by the train depot too that's free to walk around and it's great at night lots of lights right and I think they do like a Polar Express for Christmas but then I think they have a regular Grand Canyon train that goes all the way to the Grand Canyon and back so yeah we're right off of 64 which goes straight to the Grand Canyon there was one attraction here that we did not get to do called Barona now that sounds fun but Matthew said I'm not driving our truck through there and having Bears walk up to it I don't want somebody putting their bear claws all over our truck I'm not saying that happens but if it's your vehicle and we're a passenger hey that's great or if it's a rental car fine but our truck no I don't even like the birds being on it y'all I don't want some 500 lb bear being on our [Music] truck come on
Channel: Broken Dreams Reborn
Views: 19,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full time RV, RV life, RV living, downsizing, travel, full time travel, rv lifestyle, full time rver, full time rving, rv travel, rv life vlog, Broken Dreams Reborn, BDR, small home, Grand Design, Grand Design RV, Grand Design Reflection, Grand Design Reflection 337RLS, Reflection 337RLS, Grand Design Fifth Wheel, fifth wheel RV, Christian RV, Christian RV living, rv travel vlog, camper life, travel couple vlog, RV camper, travel life, travel vlog, RV slide problems, RVer
Id: 9Vaa7lW0Eac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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