Canada RV Border Crossing: 5 Mistakes To Avoid

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today is the day we are leaving cordelane Idaho and traveling up Highway 95 to cross the Canadian border at the Kingsgate border crossing and then heading to an RV park in Canada we're hoping for a smooth border crossing of course but along the way we are going to be sharing several mistakes that you want to be sure and avoid if you're planning on Crossing into Canada with your [Music] RV it's my cold dance so we got to leave first thing the morning and we're going to be lucky to get out of here on time cuz some of us don't like to do that so I'm out here getting all my stuff ready getting ready to go and she's just over here taking forever cold dance you know what you can't take them seriously when he's dancing like that I don't know what he's talking about I have already gotten a lot of my stuff ready last night that I would be prepared this morning so how about that huh how about that I wouldn't listening to your lies anyways one of the first mistakes that you want to be sure and not make is showing up to a border crossing when it's closed not all of the border crossings are open 24 hours Craig didn't know this maybe you already know this but some are you just got to check make sure you look up the hours the one we're going to happens to be open 247 but sometimes they don't open till like 7: a.m. or close a little early usually it's most of the daytime hours so unless you're headed there in the middle of the night you won't have a problem but just in case make sure you check what's taking so long these tanks they take forever to dream Oh I thought you were flushing them h i was okay you were cuz it was making that noise in there and I was like uhoh something's wrong if it was making that noise we had to replace our chick valve it's under the bathroom sink and it's been broken for a little while now so we ain't been able to really flush our tanks cuz it would leak if we did and we replaced that yesterday so now I'm giving them a good old flush even though I flushed it really good yesterday I'm doing it again this morning notice these little magnet glove holder things that Harbor frayed a while back when we were rving I just never yeah I don't know what do we do now cold dance oh I don't know I saw some other people online buy them and you don't even have to drill screws it just sticks to the I guess cuz we got some raining back there but get your gloves up out the way now we got more space to collect more [Music] dirt some a late what's going on hard [Applause] [Applause] [Music] golly now if you want information on what you can and can't bring into Canada I actually did a bunch of research before and put together a whole list with links to the relevant Canadian government websites so if you put your email in at the link in the description I will email it to you you probably already know the obvious like no guns no pepper spray um but some of the rules on plants and food might surprise you because you can actually bring more than you might have previously been told I am very excited to be exploring more of Canada we did a little trip through Ontario before but this is our first time ever in British Columbia or Alberta and obviously seeing pictures it looks so beautiful and I'm just hoping that all the lengths aren't still frozen because it's miday so we're there a little early in the season [Music] [Music] SC [Music] all locked up all locked up his brat it is sun's coming out I know the wind would St be great it' be a beautiful day it is a beautiful day still look at these blue skies all right let's go calan and Idaho is only a couple of hours from the border so it's kind of a good spot to post up as you prepare to cross into Canada but one of the things you want to make sure to do is to have all of your paperwork ready and easily handy it's a mistake to not because you know when you pull up to this border crossing station they want to be fast you want to be efficient and you want to be prepared or else it might annoy them if you're having to Fumble for all your documents so having like your passports ready to hand them uh your registrations knowing your license plate number that was a mistake that we made last time and sunglasses make sure you take your sunglasses off I'm saying that now because I'm probably still going to forgive I'm going toind but I know the rule guys I know I just forget yes I'm going to remind them it's so the border patrol officers can see your eyes make sure you're not lying um they're doing a serious job so you just want to pull up in a like serious and efficient way we've got the dog paperworks ready to hand over we've never been asked for it but that's another thing you want to make sure you have ready to just hand over in case they do ask well and saying all that with the dog stuff we've never been asked but it does seem like there's been or or is being are being um some new rules implemented with pets um like specifically for crossing back into the United States like right now I don't know if it's all like finalized but it's all like happening kind of now so we could very easily get asked for them now yeah I'm actually feeling pretty good about crossing the border this time this will be the third time we've crossed a border with the RV and the first two times first in my Mexico then in Canada now in Canada again went smooth they were fine of course now that I've let my guard down this will be the time that we get some massive search I'm sure or something like that but I think it's going to be fine we've got all our ducks in a row I think hopefully and I don't think we have anything no I we don't we don't have anything So So the plan is to fill up right before we get to the Border cuz I think it's more expensive in Canada which we're still going to end up filling up while we're in Canada at some point and Alaska is probably expensive as well well but I don't know save us a little bit before we get there we are going to track all our fuel calls so you can get a good idea of what it would cost to travel from the US to Alaska um driving so make sure you click the Subscribe button uh if you want to see all that and while you're down there at that subscribe button go ahead and click that thumbs up too now don't be [Music] shy now this next mistake is one that is personally pretty tough for me and the mistake is letting the passenger talk yeah she's a talker you got a Squawk Box on her is that a say I don't know like I've heard that never heard of it if not I just came up with a new term a Squawk Box Squawk Box anyways when you pull up they don't want the passenger talking they definitely don't want you talking over each other um so the driver just make sure you know everything to say which is a lot I don't even remember now I went through the list but I already forgot this is this is a hard part for Craig too it's a tough one for us maybe I should just start driving yeah yeah maybe you should I don't know about that but anyways cuz I'm the one who knows all the information so he's like do we were doing like pop quizzes beforehand like okay where are we going I do not even know that Radium Hot Springs Alaska going to Alaska how long are we going to be in Canada till we get to Alaska okay I'm not so I'm not convinced this is going to be a smooth border crossing after all oh and to be clear it's not like they they like have anything against passengers it's just it can be hard to hear the passenger it makes a little more confusing so that's why the driver just needs to do all the talking and then the last mistake to avoid is giving too much information or trying to make small talk or trying to make jokes I told him we just came from Mexico last time and that seemed to have worked out it worked out surprisingly is what he meant to say surprisingly maybe that's a life hack for across borders I know the general rule and what we're going to try this time is to only ask answer the questions asked with like just direct answers and not provide a bunch of extra information cuz last time on the like third time of him asking if we had Firearms Craig finally decided Ed to explain why we did not have firearms which was because you know they're all in storage cuz we just had a whole trip through Mexico and yada yada yada yada so he didn't even know all that the answer was just simply [Music] no if you come up through this way make sure you got Google Maps downloaded for offline use cuz there is no service not at all our GPS is working we've got our RV Garmin with our well that's s yeah it's also nice to have the back up did we take starlink down no we just been riding with it dangling the court out yes I took Starling down I take it down getting close all commercial vehicles must stop at Customs that's not us I think that all the canopies we can fit under but I'm not entirely sure so we just got to follow the signs this border crossing seems much less busier than the last one oh it looks like the lane merges what's this old building new be quiet is that what it used to be I don't know I said trucks yeah I know so I think we should be good oh there's oh there's a car okay here we are is there only one there's like two lanes it looks like I don't know pretty chill just two lanes the canopy's high all the way across 4.9 M which is and they have it in feet 16t 4 in so we're good to go should be good is is it a or is that French I guess that would be French and not spanish yeah probably French so used to the alternative being Spanish so if you come to this border crossing it would appear that the cars and like RVS and everything go in the left lane and the right lane is for the trucks there's signs and it's really not there's just not that many lanes so it's not too difficult yeah and there's not been a whole lot of traffic for us so it's been very easy when we crossed from on Ontario over into New York there was like 10 lanes it was a lot more stressful so do we have a green light yet we don't have a green light yet already okay now we have a green light here we go all right we got our passports Le hey how are you hell good you Happ to know your license plate on the truck there I do yeah uh it should be Z8 where's that out of uh Florida right so be both in Florida uh originally we traveled fulltime for about 3 years now though how's that work like you're camping around yeah yeah yeah when we have like star link so we're able to get internet and work so what do you guys do for you don't mind me asking we have a YouTube channel that's what I do full-time in the she's a marketing director for health tech company okay and how long you come up to Canada for uh we'll be here for a month going to Alaska so you're transiting right through um for the most part yeah on the way mhm like bamp is uh kind of our first real destination have you done the drive before no it's first time what's up in Alaska for you uh everybody that RV says you got to go up there and see it okay so you're going to go up there and sort of put around yeah yeah yeah are you bring anything into Canada that you're going to leave behind no do you know anyone in Canada that you're meeting up with or uh no any Alcohol Tobacco on board no firearms weapons ammunition nope do either of you own firearms I do they're in storage in Florida though okay when was the last time they would have been in the truck or the trailer over a year now over a year now yeah so there' be no like magazines Parks like uh there we go perfect enjoy appr a good one oh got to go and drive first see what a friendly border patrol officer so stinky nice holy smes what a great guy yeah so we come up here and stop let's get back on the road and then we can start look sign to Canada to Canada that could not have been a more pleasant and easier border crossing I don't think the guy is super nice everybody's like no small talk just answer the question the guy initiated small talk like he he wanted to and I don't know maybe it was all just the way he does it but super friendly holy smokes I wanted to be his friend yeah so uh three out of three smooth border crossings I guess if we were going to you rank them that was the easiest nicest he was friendly yeah simple setup no confusing Lanes anything like that Mexico was probably the most second it was confusing but they were like nobody could understand each other like they didn't understand English and we didn't understand Spanish and but they were still trying to make small talk and kind of like talk also Mexico is the only one that's actually ever uh made us get out and like wanted to look inside the RV but that went smoothly too yeah and then our other Canadian border crossing experience was fine he was just very very very serious and kind of took us off guard a little bit but overall that was great we're in Canada now yeah Y super great um I don't know what we do how fast I'm going I'm trying to figure out how fast I'm going cuz everything yeah the kilometers are you got look and for some reason so it's like 90 kilometers right now um which I assume is 55 to 60 somewhere in there my thing tells me like 20 40 60 80 and that's like the kilometers that L after 80 it just it skips all the way until 120 then it picks it back up so I'm like guessing from 80 to 120 what 90 is you probably change like I could change it it's just not worth it cuz it does tell me I mean it's on the dial yeah yeah right now the scenery obviously looks a lot like northern Idaho which is quite beautiful I want to do some more exploring in Idaho one day don't you yeah I like Idaho yeah check these the trees there's an RV park right there River yeah that's so pretty we are we've got some really really pretty scenery coming over up over the next few episodes because we're going to be in the Canadian Rockies and it's just going to be gorgeous I cannot wait but I can't even wait for a destination tonight so much good stuff I'm I'm pretty excited we've officially started our our trick we're officially Canadian I don't think it's that easy but Canadian probably are going to you're Canadian we're all Canadian Maverick's Canadian it's Canadian dog for the next month anyways no forever forever okay I claim it all right then look at this a little Campground or something in a hot Motel Yak motel and Campground interesting looks like we might be setting up in the rain today 44° weather rain rain too um not our favorite way to set up but it's it's just drizzling now so let's keep our fingers crossed that in the next 12 minutes the sky doesn't just start falling on us probably shouldn't have said anything yeah Drive was smooth though yeah drive has been good roads have been good uh it's just been raining a lot Hydro planed a couple times so that went fun but H and it's getting pretty cold out it's 44 out now we started out this morning in the 50s yeah if we could see these mountains I thought they would be very pretty but they're nearly all covered in clouds snow clouds I think there it is there a sign anyways so there we go yeah they said you cannot see it from the road and that's true security gate head why does our videos always look so like just all the same from a distance well they do I'm going to go check in while Craig stays here it always takes me so much longer than he thinks it should but it's not my fault there's just a lot of questions they ask and I don't know then they want to talk I'll be back all right we'll come up here go to the right go around left and then 110 is our back in sight back in yeah she said they didn't have any pull throughs left for EAS turn turn here it is a bit of a tight turn huh oh I don't even know if we're going to make it steal should be okay does it look good yeah not sure about these branches though I think they're okay I don't think we'll be using Starling here all these trees like I hope our slides can come out I think we'll be good though okay all right you're passed it oh yeah you can basically if you can just come straight back almost or start straightening up when you can and you'll be good a little bit more and stop think we're good yeah I think so well that was unhook [Music] well what a smooth yeah that was crossing day that was a good one it was easy honestly the diff most difficult part I think staying awake staying awake I going to say backing into this site it's kind of skinny and the road was narrow but it wasn't too bad we got ourselves our own little Cabana here we're at the Ridge View Resort here in Radium Hot Springs mhm if you want to see why we're here you're going have to cck that subscribe button yep yep also if you want to see all the upgrades we did and everything we were buying or bought to prepare for the Alaska trip click this video wherever it's going to be and we will see you thank you again for watching for joining us for joining us this week we'll see you we'll see you on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Wild RV Life
Views: 40,366
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Keywords: rv living full time, rv road trip, rv living, rv life, rv couple, full time rv life, rv life full time, rv lifestyle, Brinkley RV, rv travel vlog, full time travel couple, brinkley rv, rv living cheap, van life, rv life vlog, rv lifestyle full time, rv camping vlog, boondocking, rv travel day, full time rv, Brinkley RV Model Z, fulltime travel, RV tips, rv living in canada, canada border crossing from usa, canada border crossing, canada border security, canada rv life
Id: umPSA72ptA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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