Bad Babysitter Wants to Rob Our Family! Dad vs Stepdad!

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help please don't hurt us we're done here a perfect Heist yay Theo are you for real the house got robbed we have our next project ahead of us oh yeah thanks mommy my daughter is the cutest in the whole entire world aw Picture Perfect hey what is it do you see our prey what um yeah I'll take a look oh yeah the stones are a treasure they're Priceless fabulous got to hide them what's my passcode uh sure it hit me there the safe protects my fortune I might as well loosen up sweetheart we're going to the movies yay I love movies just a sec hello go ahead I'll catch up yes soft touchdown dummy [Music] should we go to the movies sure [Music] [Applause] idiot baby let's go inside Leo stop eating here are tickets hey hey you sh shorty mommy let's let's go oh check this out it's going to work right great plan act on it come in thanks what's going on you be sick hey wake up is there a doctor here me no doctors here okay I can save him great nice shot this is outrageous how could you you kissed a random guy I mean I was trying to save him hush that's a lame excuse pack your stuff you're no longer my wife leave mommy where are you going oh yeah it worked [Music] oh hey puppy no don't growl these are new [Music] sneakers what so [Music] pretty what is that paully listen up look that's your role model really nah I'll never be able to do it it's going to work makeup will save the [Music] day nope I'm not doing [Music] [Applause] that hlly you look terrific okay let's set our plan in motion yeah I'm ready I'll be at the meeting in [Music] five dang it yeah right I'm on my [Music] way do my hair okay it's a matter of seconds don't move I can do this [Applause] who's that I don't know her hi are you looking for a nanny what you're wrong I'm not on second thought that might be a good idea are you still there I am here leave it to me here's our baby this is for you sugar what are you doing I did her hair I'll take it on from here I give the best hairstyles W wonderful Daddy I like that thanks you're hired I should be heading to the office yeah I'm in the elevator you nasty little thing oh I left my taste behind here are you doing okay we're doing amazing don't worry bye girls I'm late at this point okay you little bug I'll deal with you look I drew this huh waste of time kids drawings are the worst and kids who's banging on the door closed I can actually pick the lock [Music] Theo come in did you see that I picked the lock you did so where's our treasure hey oh hey looks familiar to me you guys comment down below where I could see these two please that's a sick drawing that's crazy I have a similar one I drew it myself really get it together Theo killers are everywhere want to see my drawing I drew it myself enough sweetie take the drawing and head to your room you cover up the surveillance cameras uh-huh got it m watermelon gum hi guys it's okay mate come [Music] here is the [Music] safe who would have thought it was locked up luckily I have something Chop Chop I'll cut the [Music] door Theo put a mask on you dummy good point thanks what why isn't it working out of gasoline catch the balls it's a lot of [Music] fun nice idea you idiot catch the girl yay tag stop stop stop what oh yeah totally the house is off limits I don't care we are criminals why would you do that my house get it together you whip catch the leach got to hide under the couch well well well little no oh she rolled under the couch I know that's it flea we got you Theo take her in um who's that come take a look hey why won't it open it's Mom mom what are we do H right I have the [Music] keys hey you I'm your new mom [Music] what this must be a joke mommy don't fall for that have a snack you love marshmallows have as many as you want unlimited marshmallows see the kid is happy and full what I'm really confused speak up apparently this is my new family Max how could you you should go psycho ouch be strong I can never forgive you for this oh yeah forget it would you Tire up already what Max it's not adding up it seems fishy to me yeah okay I'll talk to him in 10 minutes uh-oh quicker hi where do I hide I'll pretend I'm a [Music] hanger hey girls did you have a good day we read fairy tales daddy there's a robber on the hanger behind the jacket nope you're just seeing things my phone won't stop ringing sorry I mean how did you call a cab are you ready for a ride take a seat monkey make sure you're buckled up 3 2 1 [Music] go what uh yes I'm here you didn't get me right so do you like it the final route that way Straight [Music] Ahead oh no no no monkeys don't get to talk Laur it Theo yeah good pH I had a really long long [Applause] day sir you need to unwind trust me a gentle [Music] mask sounds of the rain and a nice massage Theo take care of the safe what's the passcode one 2 3 4 not good [Music] I'll try [Music] again huh Drop It Stop [Music] Dancing come on do the massage I'll handle the safe what's the pass code what are these numbers 0 8 1 another Figure 1 2 3 4 5 six six [Music] okay that's the pass code nailed itad here it is my treasure I'll be crazy red W wa oh you dirty little [Music] thieves excuse me ma'am the trash can is mine get off my property uh-oh who do you think you are I demand you let go of me what's the noise don't know I didn't hear anything the neighbors must be fighting again what hey relax back to the massage pH C Stones do I look [Music] good locked again luckily I have experience with Burgers nailed it once again hey hi my beauty sweeps you off your feet the necklace is not yours man got to take it off Theo kiss her would you look at the love birds June you're kissing another guy again in our living room shame on you we're done for good that's it we're breaking up somebody come off the door I have to do everything myself Daddy I don't know him daddy listen these two are frauds they broke into the house to Rob us here's surveillance footage you were supposed to tap the camera you're under arrest for breaking an entry we'll talk at the station bye pretty honey I'm so sorry we should take a new family pick smile say cheese dad mom and me are a happy family oh who's that guy no Dad Mom dad's gone your family just got bigger I'm your stepfather you can call me dad what a beautiful day worst day ever I got to do something no no no kids are not allowed to use sharp objects here grab a toy knife but it's tiny perfect for carving a pumpkin oh yeah no mercy for you pumpkin looking good my legendary shot is coming along nope loser you missed my next one will be legendary that's my pumpkin wrong guess it's my ball [Applause] [Music] pH um the ball is broken here's my Halloween outfit baby here's your pumpkin what happened who's responsible she is he is did you guys see who cracked the pumpkin comment your answers down below let's get to the bottom of it fine why aren't you dressed yet it's almost Halloween oh be a witch you I'll be a basketball player okay here's money for you honey and for you baby thanks Mom go buy yourself some Halloween costumes move it I love shopping a Ghostbusters costume right up my alley thing is it's 200 bucks I only have 100 thanks kid [Music] thanks for shopping with us come again hey what about my outfit I have an [Music] idea trick or treat oh how deep he goes here's candy more there ohoh yeah ni nice a bit more wonderful bye-bye oh my [Music] candy what hey that's not fair that was my candy not anymore mom he ate all my Candy I have zero regrets about it who is that wo trick or treat here you go that's all I have no okay whatever hold on it's me mil's dad today is my day really today October 31st yeah Mila hey Dad Dad it's me baby what happened I didn't get to have a costume or any candy hold on I have a suit for you I'm mad about Wednesday cool on top of that I have more tickets I'm ruining it for them candy day I love this movie hurry up this ticket isn't four Ed come on in May I have your tickets sneaking in candy nah good for you go in yippee the movie will start any second [Music] now hey Dad why does everyone have food but [Music] us you're right want some popcorn I'm craving candy okay I'll get you [Music] some where's the [Music] cafeteria selling any candy ah just a minute is this [Music] good I thought of something [Music] there's a monster oh I hope this is enough hey hey no candy inside fine hey Batman isn't allowed inside either bad luck I'll have to take it off I guess here I'm aunti [Music] Batman I gave up the last piece of Batman in me am I good to go slow down your face why not because it's me who are you do you recognize me now oh yeah no I don't does your brain work or what I'm the stepdad get out is he the guard stepdad man's weird your guard is so strict he didn't let me get away with anything what a you don't need tickets welcome [Applause] enjoy hey Batman costumes are not allowed Dad where is my candy oh is it for me hands off it's mine how do I sneak in candy good luck man oh Mr Superman come [Music] in M my super Pizza hey that's allow I know what to do Spider-Man I'm a huge fan yeah it's me oh yeah I see besides I can smell candy you have it on you out ah my Spidey Sense is telling me the guard is up to no [Music] good now that's a legit blow kids don't copy this at home these are professionals whate [Music] Batman a slice of pizza enjoy what happened to my dad he's basically a different person how do I smuggling candy for ma good [Music] idea hi Barbie hi hi Ken my ticket it even smells nice that's just me and my amazing aura oh don't bother don't regard me as a guard call me Mason call me we'll talk stop is this your [Music] candy dad dad come on dad what's up I'm not your dad where's Dad then Dad where are you oh let's settle this like men baby amig what I Love Popcorn looking for a real fight take that what it's a [Music] duel no stepdad you beat me you know what there's still candy candy is against the rules we should set the records [Applause] straight great movie yeah I enjoyed it vaa where are you oh mil [Music] man I'm not MAA excuse me where is my daughter MAA where are you all worked up I doubt she's hiding in a popcorn cup they say he's the best dad of the [Music] [Applause] Year mil look where are you sweetie I finally found you look dad he's my [Music] stepdad I say he should have some fun what are these buttons let's see Shake him up W nice massage again oh [Music] [Applause] e oh no what do I pick [Music] fire nice job baby hit this and B and this too let's hit them all at once woohoo it's [Music] fun we took that stepdad down time for a victory dance i f baby we should head [Music] home she's not going anywhere with you I'll take her home she's my daughter baby let's go drop it She's Mine huh you lost loser we're going home wooo we're back we had a blast I almost forgot it's for you my RV thanks Dad bye baby well well should we bye you got to [Music] go RV is my favorite toy my dolls love living in it MAA do you know where my other roller blade is I've been looking everywhere huh who is it [Music] hello may I come in bye nope hey hold on today is the 25th daddy daughter day that's right it's the 25th fine come in Mila your dad is here hello I miss you so much my treasure let's go to the kitchen [Music] where can I find the other roller blade oh the RV it has wheels too perfect this like a glove let's hit a [Music] road OU oh no what a nightmare my favorite RV baby don't cry want this new RV wo yes Daddy I'll buy you whatever you want or not 20 bucks is all I've got oh an old RV on sale fine by me I'll get it well here it is exactly like the picture oh tons of trash fine I can clean it up the car's a hot mess fine this door is fixable what wow it'll take a lot more work than I expected okay I can fix it all get to work Max you got this for starters I'll pick up all this trash [Music] like so all the trash is gone well well well Max is on a mission to pull off a trailer glow up the door in the wall you're fired I'll ruin is hard work bring all the garbage in here [Music] okie dokie what why is it so messy again who did this excuse me I'm leaving who know one last bag what spider web so many well I know a nice cleaning Haack bye-bye web nice I got it [Music] all M cotton candy is the best what it's not cotton candy let's make a new front [Music] oh yeah this will make things go much [Music] faster nice time to pick a place for Windows [Music] now funny but now I need a saw to cut out out the windows seems like Superman could help one [Music] window and another one so neat a mini phot shoot for my fans anytime that's it got to go guys what was that hey you guys did you see who did that comment your answers down below thanks now I got to attach the beans to the front another hand wouldn't hurt okay [Music] wow time to paint the RV [Music] blue and white but something is missing right mil likes pink how do you make pink by mixing Red with white I'm an [Music] artist like so pink strip [Music] pH Mila will love her new RV a brush nope Mila's favorite doll oh yeah okay let's keep on [Music] painting oh no Mila's doll what have I done my daughter will be sad because I ruined her favorite doll no I got to think of something else little in Miss doll welcome to Max's fancy hair salon wo great job M will love her doll's new style the outside of the RV looks great but the inside is a hot mess how do I paint it all fast oh this idea I have is the bomb a bucket of paint and dynamite set by here insert and hide right away how's the trailer [Music] doing oh no that was a bad time to come over wooho the dynamite did a great job the paint is Lawless guys don't try this at home I still have a lot to do a pink fluffy rug and soft cushions is anything missing of course A Pink Door I'll secure it real [Music] [Music] fast the door is ready ah my foot curtain rods brains flowers and light curtains what a cozy window a white vence around the RV almost done hey the exit is on the other side I'll make a cute half out of stones like [Music] that P of chair perfect and a cute little picnic table to [Music] match what is it missing I know a rooftop pool how do you get into it though white a ladder on one side MH and a slide on the other [Music] side ooh mil will love it what else let there be light oh light bulbs let me go there you go perfect five Ma's favorite toys will live in the RV hey Barbie will you open the door [Music] thanks oh complete I can call my daughter MAA sweetie this RV is yours what do you think wo daddy there's a slide what's inside wow it's so fun to play in there's a swimming pool upstairs want to check it out careful on the ladder wo daddy this our VI is out of this world I'm happy you like it baby you can play here all day long my pink dream is around on the corner I'm almost done saving hold on pickup truck we'll meet very [Music] soon wo wo wo I hear something oh here it is I finally found a treasure I'll become a millionaire my dream has come true hurry up what's in there where is my treasure empty unbelievable this bed definitely has a double bottom and I'll get to the bottom of [Music] it what a piggy bank so that's it sorry baby I was fighting termites and they ate your [Music] bed yay the doorbell perfect timing who is it he's back hi I my da I here to see my daughter oh headphones did you say something [Music] here you are thanks
Channel: WooHoo
Views: 253,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mom vs stepmom, family, mom, dad, dad vs stepdad, family struggles, stepmom, stepdad, parenting hacks, adopted, I was adopted, babysitter, babysitting, we were robbed, bad babysitter, nanny, my daughter is missing, woohoo
Id: oBip2cFJ3fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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