Skibidi Toilet Was Adopted by Mommy Long Legs and Daddy Long Legs! Roblox Skibidi Toilet is Missing!

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[Music] a singing toilet who invited you [Applause] I don't get it what's so funny don't worry kiddo Dad's here oh I need a skippity toilet just like this Bullseye we don't need this Dad toilet flush out of here oh there we go out of order Hey kid get in the Box I'm a genius yet another box to go in my collection of successful thefts mommy is going to love this surprise oh Mommy perfect timing I need a massage oh Mommy what's wrong why are you messing around are you running experiments again how am I meant to listen to my favorite mom music now calm down sweetie I have a surprise for you and your surprises what relax and enjoy get ready to turn your chair around this is the voice kids and here's our first contestant [Music] sing what do you mean no fine but only one song [Music] my ears fell asleep stop hey Pokemon you're going home peace and quiet [Music] move Daddy get out of here bye-bye Jigglypuff [Music] play Pokemon Jigglypuff where are you oh jiggly you're back I missed you sing your song as much as you want don't be mad mommy I'm done with Pokemon think before you steal something next time I'm opening the second box no I don't like that one I want a different one hmm so what's in this box hey guys do you want to know what's in that box give us 50 000 likes and we'll find out what it is get a move on fine here's our next contender [Music] Go sing into the mic toilet [Music] [Music] This Is My Jam you're moving on here's your new home kiddo it's cute and fun this is cool but I miss my dad your toilet dad forget about that old Outhouse Your Dream Life Starts Today you're going to be a superstar you and your mommy and daddy billions and the Grammy goes to skippity toilet oh yeah this is my time to shine aha thank you we'll be rich and famous but first we have to clean you up excuse me hi honey Gunk coffee [Music] what about me here you go [Music] we'll freshen you up right now bye-bye time to work it's time to [Music] [Applause] keep her health and hygiene in line [Applause] [Music] and it's sounding mighty fine [Music] you're radiant You're Gonna Shine improved forget about the past you're going to have an amazing career huge stadiums that sounds great though but can I go back to my dad your dad but your daddy long like this right here hold on let's play basketball oh yeah I love basketball this is going to be a legendary championship so what do I do the most important thing you're a skippity hoop now stay right here let's go toilet bowl I'm the Champion ah watch and learn learn how to miss this is how it's done what have we done short arms gotcha here's my iconic three-pointer oh ball Straight Ahead pass to me now just try and get it who is short arms now huh I have the longest arms on the West Coast ah I have long arms too catch oops missed mommy's here yeah now that's how you block darn it she beat me again come on just try and get around me time out what a loser hey get out of here [Music] yeah Mommy wins In The Toilet Bowl champion let's call it a night it's getting late bedtime go to sleep sweetie what about a bedtime story fine I'll read you something once upon a time there was a toilet it got old and died the end good night [Music] yes that's it sleep hush [Music] comment I'm sick of this kid it's bedtime [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't taste this anymore [Music] what a bundle of joy I know right [Music] daddy do something cut it out that's it we're done get out of here go back to your dad or go to the dump don't come back I think it worked [Music] there [Music] yes yes no no kitchen gum coffee [Music] blah blah blah we're losing our minds grab that toilet Daddy you're going home [Music] here's your kid we stole her I mean we found her dad oh no no no what because this is your kids I said no but for ten thousand I'll take her back [Music] it's because of that kid that's it TV watch them out wow uh the audacity I can't do this anymore get all the cash from our stash on it [Music] I'm about to snap how much do we have [Music] smash it is that it we need 9975 Jamie 10K fine I'll help you you did listen to my song after all is that for us it's a miracle we're saved you are the best toilet in the world thank you we brought you skimity no and the money this is all yours hey sweetie you're home let's go sing together finally peace and quiet who's this a kid who knows how to sleep that's what we need daddy let's get to work thank you [Music] guys now darling having a daughter has always been my dream let's go home [Music] our girl is all grown up do you love us sweetheart [Music] um I sure do it's time to clean the floors nice parking daddy's home oh fresh mail let's see what this Paul parque guy beat me again is he the employee of the month well I'll teach him a lesson home sweet home [Music] feels so nice to stretch my legs out after a long day [Music] oh that is that okay these slippers were anniversary gift for me I'm hungry I'm starving you can eat huggy Roar food come on Wednesday shoot faster breakfast won't last forever okay [Music] that was my food [Music] finish sweetie well done now do the dishes foreign [Music] we've been looking for our daughter for 15 years now where could she be oh my favorite show how to adopt children is on good boy wow episode 224th already you think so bad daddy no Wednesday what what's here you know what to do [Music] okay [Music] happy birthday to me oh I'll throw a party for myself [Music] happy birthday dear Wednesday happy birthday to me [Music] smells delicious food sorry Wednesday kids can't have too much sugar the candles for you you know make a wish you ruined my party happy birthday sweetie this is for you wow a real gift a hundred two three it was a good idea to invest in a violin keep going Wednesday [Music] what is she staring at more cracks in the ceiling hey wake up baby you'll be a straight musician get ready tomorrow is the first workout what's wrong with me my arms are not as long as mommies come on stretch out no I might have your superpower oh who's this hush no screaming and don't call your fake parents I'll write everything down for you in a second hmm that's something oh this will do oh everything you treacherous limb what you're my friend for real or baby cutie patootie what was that take care of it [Music] oh my gosh are these my real parents I'll crack this cave mommy daddy what does this mean what let me see Huggy do you want a toy play my friend [Laughter] what have you done it was my friend Wednesday go to your room try to figure out a way to not upset your parents [Music] the audacity go honey [Music] operation free Wednesday Starts Now I see the key obstacles don't scare me [Music] Nice Shot great [Applause] Hush Hush sleep tight Mr mustache here is the key got it let me stay thing uh-oh [Music] everyone's asleep I'll find my real parents and you are a bunch of bankers quiet [Music] [Applause] you know I like it hmm gotta run [Music] [Applause] oh no no no no I wish Mommy wouldn't wake up [Music] who's there huh it was a dream [Music] knock down huggy hmm what is he doing that's a code what is it though my dearest dream is to meet my real parents hey you guys help me what passcode did Huggy use comment the answer down below please please help me get out of here where's the key Mommy huh what in the key is gone let's check Wednesday she's not here look in the hall look a rubber chicken it's a lead Mommy why are you bending over you do have long arms forgot you're not walking far away stop [Music] oh [Music] that's nasty oops let's go handle the atoms green blue [Music] um oh yes where is our daughter oh Mom Dad is this the real you it's me Wednesday what Wednesday looks a lot like her Wednesday Wednesday our little Raven you did turn up you are so missed move go get her where are you trying to squeeze in let me go we're in the way ladies first what there's a bunch of trash daddy figure it out fine write on it [Music] long legs get stuck on my own oh no Mommy hey sorry Daddy I did it me too yeah right what's taking so long it's like he's gone with the win it's getting annoying no more kids I'm over it no you may have a change of heart long legs hey fresh mail [Music] an adoption brochure see oh this one is a yes very sweet girl from the core The Wheel of Fortune will decide your punishments Vicky uh your punishment is being adopted take her away what about what about this here's yourselves sweetie [Music] you what what no [Music] I'm not wearing them what is your uniform then this is your uniform that's not my style maybe you could wear this fine I can do that foreign [Music] let's see what Huggy is doing oatmeal is he gonna eat that oh he's coming here's your lunch is that for me I don't think so that's not very poppy playtime of you you'll be sorry [Music] what is that oh no [Music] [Music] you don't want to eat this you regret it for now you can have some skills [Music] why didn't she like the oatmeal [Music] sweetie eat this pastry no way how about a banana [Music] um or a cupcake I don't want it how's my sister doing what's that noise I'm bored Mary Mary it's time to get up it's not funny I'm gonna hug you away I didn't get anything you're gonna pay for this um so you are not gonna get any sleep because of me what who's there right here's first Sweet Revenge [Music] I'm so bored oh a pirate hat no oh I have an idea hmm [Music] hey honey what you got there it's you oh that for me I've never gotten a present before [Music] ruin it hold on I have something better what is it a Huggy pinata close your eyes pinata playtime thick [Music] yeah new toys this is gonna be so fun oh let's go [Music] this is for you a little Huggy yikes [Music] clean all this up you win this is your prison how about now oh fine I'll clean it just just touch the photo see I'll clean it oh Vicky I miss you so much [Music] Mary I miss you more than anything we should clean the nursery [Music] what's he doing in our universe Vicky sweetie is this yours I really miss my sister Mary no we can't adopt her but if this video gets 50 000 likes we'll adopt her for sure guys let's get this video to 50 000 likes what um what's that daddy long legs what are you doing here I'm Gonna Get You Out just be careful so Huggy doesn't hear us I'm not alone is here to help too now let's get out of here [Music] all clear let's go what where where's my prisoner a monster no bars no girls we're getting fired for sure we adopted her she's not your problem Oh No let me know worst day ever Daddy Daddy's back hi hi babies this is your room make yourself at home that's an old photo forget about it what's this you found me Sal look who's in there huh just slippers okay when do I get to see my sister oh some rest and don't go anywhere all in due time sweetie what are they hiding guys did you see what code mommy and daddy put in please help me find my sister [Music] oh what's this a secret entrance where does it go [Music] what are they doing to my sister stuffing her with Emojis no oh we gotta get out of here Mary where are you sweetie oh there she is come on out stop hiding [Music] not here oh Look Under the Bed foreign [Music] where could she be huh there you are don't be scared come with us have a seat Mary you have to catch up on school we'll start with Matt whoa I said math hey honey oh that's right I think he's mixing them up your homework Mary math is power I'll be back soon with physics are making me sleepy hey hey kiddo let's do something more fun put that on now knock down the boxes Mary oh right wow now hit harder go foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll try it I'll mix a drink for myself hmm it tastes weird what no not this Daddy what are you laughing about we have to help her drink this medicine it's happening to me potion word now you are our special daughter I'm married stop where are you taking me and what have you done with my sister we just used her to make a cool tick tock see that okay where is she oh right there hi hi Vicky we're gonna be back together oh that's so cute
Channel: WooHoo
Views: 5,830,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skibidi toilet was adopted, mommy long legs, daddy long legs, roblox skibidi toilet, missing, skibidi, skibiditoilet, trend, music, meme, rec, skibidi toilet, woohoo, 123 go, 123 go trends, troom troom
Id: A_izDK8LU_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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