Bacon Wrapped Chicken Grilled On The Weber Kettle

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I've got chicken and I've got bacon and that means today I'm making bacon wrapped chicken out on the weber kettle using the vortex [Music] how can you not rap chicken with bacon when you've got a whole bunch of bacon to use so that's what I'm gonna be doing today with some boneless skinless chicken thighs but first I have to get a barbecue glaze mixed up the ingredients for this glaze very simple we're just gonna use a regular old craft barbecue sauce want to put maybe a cup in here maybe a little more I'm gonna add maybe a quarter cup of some blue agave syrup and to give it a little bit more flavor what else some South African seasoning blend from Trader Joe's I love this stuff I've used it I don't even know how many times in previous videos it's gonna grind some up here into this mixture we're just gonna mix this up it's gonna be sweet and tangy maybe on the sweet side that's okay let's give it a taste oh that's good got that smokiness and the sweetness there together that's gonna work really well so here I've got a couple of these boneless skinless thighs that I'm going to show you how I'm gonna make these with the bacon wrapping around them first thing we want to do is turn them over get that inside facing up this is where the bone was in here we're gonna take some of this glazed mixture and brush the inside then we're gonna roll these back up to a little package like that kind of tuck any loose pieces in there's a little bit of fat on there don't worry about it fat is flavor now we're gonna take some bacon pieces we're gonna lay them out here we're gonna brush a little bit of the glaze on this side we're gonna take these pieces of chicken we're gonna put the top side down this is that seam where they sort of came together when we rolled them up then we're just going to take our bacon wrap it around that glaze is going to help it stick to the inside you're going to turn it over we're gonna give the bacon a little glaze on top - this is what we're looking for I'm going to set this aside and do another one so we have our bacon pieces here we're gonna glaze them we're gonna take a little chicken package turn it with the seam side up bring the bacon around wrap it up gonna turn it over remember if the bacon flips out you can always tuck it back in gonna put a little glaze on the top here I'm gonna finish up the rest of these and then I'll meet you out at the Weber Kettle okay that kettle is approaching 450 degrees it'll heat up a little bit more once we open this up and gets a burst of oxygen in there but it's time to get these bacon-wrapped chicken thighs on give this a quick brush down the vortex is nice and hot start arranging our chicken if the bacon slips a little I'll survive these are gonna be good all right time to get the lid on let these cook temperatures coming up quickly we're almost 500 degrees after that burst of oxygen and taking the lid off will check these in about 20 minutes it's probably not gonna take any more than 20 or 30 minutes total all right we're about 20 minutes in I want to check this and see how we're looking and maybe take a temperature reading I think it's going to take a little more time for it to get crisp but I want to take a temperature reading of the chicken right now yeah chicken still has a little bit to go I'm gonna give it 10 more minutes and then give it another check all right the extra 10 minutes is up let's have a look full disclosure here you see that guy over there I wanted to see if I could turn these around and well I dropped that guy and his bacon came off I don't want you to feel sad though I gave it a Viking funeral in the center of the vortex it went out with a glorious puff of flame and smoke so we have one naked chicken thigh there and seven bacon wrapped chicken thighs let's give this a final temperature check because I think we're gonna be good oh yeah we're good 162 163 yeah we're good alright I am going to attempt to take these off without the bacon just flying everywhere I didn't want to use toothpicks to hold it I just wanted to wrap it so I'm gonna be very careful here all right let's see get under alright I'm gonna get the rest of these off and I'll see you inside here are our bacon wrapped chicken thighs - one the one that we lost in the process save the thigh lost the bacon these took approximately 30 minutes total that glaze just came out beautiful on it gave this bacon such nice color the smell coming off of this grate is absolutely 100% time tastes alright I am going to cut into this little guy right here I'm worried that the bacons gonna come off but you know what it's all gonna go in the same bite anyway oh look at that very nicely cooked got that nice dark thigh meat in there oh this looks good alright now it's really time to taste there we go nice piece semi crispy bacon but how do I like my bacon floppy it is at AF s acceptable floppy state so here we go Oh mam mam that glaze underneath the bacon and on top of it killer and you just can't beat thigh meat the amount of flavor in this with the fat it holds flavor really well it takes that glaze hmmm let's be honest it has bacon on it it's gonna be better because it has bacon on it but everything works here the thighs the glaze the bacon now if you wanted your bacon crispier you could par-cook it a little bit first before you wrap it around the chicken you know how I like mine floppy so this is perfect to me the trick with doing this out on the kettle is not making the mistake I did I wanted to try and turn the pieces so I tried with that one piece the bacon hadn't set yet it was too floppy I know bacon can be too floppy sometimes and it just slid off into the abyss moment of silence but we saved the thigh and that will be enjoyed tonight but don't make that mistake that I made let that bacon set around the thighs it takes about half an hour if you're cooking at that temperature which was about 400 degrees but once that bacon sets and was wrapped tightly around those thighs perfect and as far as the glaze goes you can use anything you want in that barbecue sauce is a good base you could use honey if you don't want to use agave syrup you could use maple syrup if you didn't want to use agave syrup it's really just about getting some extra sweetness into that barbecue sauce so that you get that nice nice shiny glaze and on these bacon-wrapped chicken thighs I really think it's the glaze that elevated these I hope you enjoyed this video feel free to check out some of the other videos on my channel and consider subscribing and if you do click that bell for notifications thank you all for watching hope you have a great evening I'll see you again soon
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 12,519
Rating: 4.9656653 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, bbq, barbecue, grilling, charcoal grill, bacon
Id: 9M4pA8Zg0ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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