YARD DRAIN, How to Make a $2 Dollar Catch Basin

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hey good morning chuck here with apple drains today we're going to do some experiments i love to do these type of experiments and find out if they actually work we're going to see if we can't build a catch basin that will rival the nds 12 inch basin okay if you've priced this basin then you know it's about 60 well i think that we can build a basin for less than two dollars and i'll bet you that it's super strong and what we're gonna use is a bucket and we're gonna you gotta have the lid but we're gonna give this a try and basically we're gonna drill some holes in here put it in the ground put it in a system and drive over it with several vehicles to see how well it holds up let's take a look hey good morning chuck here with apple drains today i'm going to show you how we can make a catch basin that will rival this nds 12-inch basin costs 60 we're gonna make a cash basis for under two dollars or possibly free and we're going to show you how to build this this could be used as a distribution box this but it definitely is a great catch basin let me show you how you can do this so many times you've driven down the road and you've seen those contractors buckets laying on the side of the road if you stopped and picked them up went over into lowe's or walmart or wherever ace picked up a lid cost maybe 99 cents for the lid you could make a great catch basin and we start by taking off the handle you know they all got the handle take that handle off it really just pulls right out they're simple to do next you go ahead and put your lid on make sure it's nice and tight you need a half inch drill half inch drill because of how this has these rings around the side we don't want water to sit in here so it's going to take a minute but we're going to drill a hole in each one of these and then we'll make a cross pattern up here with half inch holes real simple let's take a look okay if you look carefully you can see i drilled holes all the way around on those little ridges because we don't want water to sit there we don't want mosquitoes to gather in our in our catch basin right so now we're going to do some catch some holes here across the top and you're wondering is it strong enough i'm going to show you hang in there [Music] so so i was drilling pretty fast so i'm going to use my utility knife and just cut off these little pieces that were here but the big but the big question is is it strong enough i'm going to show you okay so we've got a lot of holes there that's the same as you know putting it in the cat space and they've got a great so the lid is now are great now we're going to go ahead and install this on a system and we'll hook it up i know that it will take water so do you because of this but is it strong enough to actually put in a system and drive that yard tractor over it or even a truck let's find out okay you can see where we're going to install it but first i need to drill a few holes here in the bottom because we want this water to drain both you know out of the system and out of the catch basin as well we don't want mosquitoes [Music] so just a few a few holes and now i can actually set this down in to the water and i'm going to cut a four inch opening and we're going to attach the french drain to this pipe so the really great thing about making your own basin is that you can set the level anywhere you want because when you buy a store-bought one it's already preset we can set the level anywhere we want we're going to go right here this is a four inch hole saw four inch hole saw we're just going to drill right through it it's a sharp sole so hang in there piece of cake so now we have a good outlet for our catch basin we're going to go ahead and set this in i'm going to use a piece of corrugated pipe and connect to our french drain right here go ahead and set your basin where you're going to install it i'm letting a little bit of water come in there just to hold it in place perfect now we just need to make a measurement from the french drain there's a coupling right here and then we'll have it come into the catch basin i'm going to cut it a little bit long maybe right here and i'll show you how we insert that this is ads corrugated and it is super strong material it is i mean you can run trucks over it you'll be surprised how strong this is what we're going to do is slice it right here along this line and we're going to stick it inside we'll fold it together we're going to fold that tight let me take the lid off here for a second pull this tight and stick it down inside of a hole that we just cut it will expand inside and i'll show you that snap it in place and you can see it it expands inside of the hole that you made very nice tight and secure perfect this is a perfect catch basin at this point let's go ahead and put the lid on and we're going to go ahead and back fill it and we're going to run some machinery over it see what happens okay a quick review what we did was we used a two dollar bucket and lid that we picked up at lowe's remember you could find this on the side of the road and have this done for free we drilled holes all through it including around the edges because we don't want water to set here and have mosquitoes we're hooking up to a french drain you can see that it actually rained and here's the level of groundwater right here it's quite high we used a piece of ads corrugated real good material we used that we tied it into our catch basin now we're going to backfill and we're going to run starting with the tractor which i don't know how much that weighs probably a thousand plus we're going to run that over and then we'll run our van over and see what happens i'm going to lay a piece of plastic over top of that grate so that we don't get any dirt down in it and then we'll pull that off here in just a second it's just a lot easier to cover backfill around your basin make sure you get it good and secure in there okay let's okay let's pull off this plastic then we'll do a little bit of final backfilling perfect so we need to just fill around this area then i'll put some salt around it and we'll test it out okay we have a two dollar catch basin installed just like any other catch space and make sure that you're a little bit below grade so that water can drop into your system let me move some of these items out of here shovel and things let's fire up the tractor and let's drive over and see what happens so [Music] okay could you see how well that held up granted it's not as strong as the nds but you know what this would work great especially on a budget if you're not going to run anything heavy over it looks like it's going to work great but you know what we're going to run the van over it next so after several different runs over that i mean you can see catch basin is in good shape did it squish well you know i think it pushed it down into the sand because remember we're in florida i mean look what it did just to the soil you know it's not compacted so it sunk that soil as well is it a great catch basin you know i think if you have this in your garden um you know landscape bed gravel around it this would probably work great less than two bucks would i put this in on the job of course not but it does illustrate that there's other options for catch basins you know there's so many on the market and you can actually make your own you know if you just had this out in your yard remember the tractor didn't do anything to it and that's what you would run over it you wouldn't run your truck over it if you had it in a gravel landscape bed it would be perfect you could have it in sorted colors it could be white green gray all kinds of colors on the lid make that basin for less than two dollars so that was a pretty cool little experiment the two dollar bucket remember you can find them on the side of the road go get a lid for it you can make a cash basis it doesn't stand up to as strong as the nds 12 inch this is 12 by 12. this is actually 14 by 12 and you know what it's actually like i said i i can see the di wire that wants to save a whole bunch of money remember this thing costs 60 so if you've got five of them to put in that's 300 worth of catch basins where you could pick up a bucket on the side of the road or you know go to lowe's or home depot or whatever and buy a bucket for two dollars and save a whole bunch of money again you're not going to drive a truck over it you might drive your tractor over it um but i doubt it i doubt and i think it would work extremely well it sets up the same way you can drill a hole for your your outlet you can have a double outlet but you know what i was thinking is that you probably could put two of them together put another bucket on and just do it this way and i'll bet you it's twice as strong and probably would handle that truck running over as well hey this is chuck with apple drains reminding you that if you believe you can do something i guarantee you have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 4,562
Rating: 4.9085712 out of 5
Keywords: Catch Basin, Bucket, NDS Catch Basin, Yard Drain, French Drain, Apple Drains
Id: Im6LHYLBsmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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