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well how's it going guys welcome back to another exciting video out here first camping video of the year but we are not truck camping no no no no we are doing some backpacking for the first time I can't remember the last time I've been backpacking it's probably been since I was in Scouts quite a long time ago we've got everything packed up right here sleeping bag tent food camera batteries fishing supplies my rod just my spinning rod and my waiters hopefully I didn't forget anything but knowing me I definitely forgot something we'll cross that bridge when we come to it we're going to be hiking into this little creek and we're going to be chasing some cutthroat trout I am very excited we're going to say goodbye to the truck for now hop on the trail and get hiking let's go and we're on the trail so we're starting from up here and we're heading clear down there let's get to it [Music] [Music] it's kind of easy to lose the trail out here you kind of just have to make your own at some points gosh wow it's a loose Rock that's what you got to be careful for holy cow all right here we are we made it folks we made it Crystal Clear stream running through this Canyon so the first thing we're going to do before we start fishing is find a spot to camp that's our first priority and once we get all that set up we'll cast the line I've got a couple spots in mind that might be good preferably a nice Sandy Beach would be good to pitch our tent I guarantee there's a fish down there in that little crevice kind of cuts down super deep right there too I just can't dude bigle oh my gosh did you guys see that well I just saw our first fish of the trip I literally was about to step on them that was a nice fish I don't know if you guys can see it down there but right at the base of this little waterfall there's a good number of fish just sitting right there some nice ones too big old Cutthroat we're going to try to make make it down here without falling okay oh man right there I know you guys probably can't see big Cutthroat there he is he just came in ate something off the top wow beautiful fish I wish I could catch them right now but we'll have to come back look there's two of them right there that is the most beautiful colored up fish I've ever seen wow his fins are bright pink can you see him man how cool would it be to just set up like a hammock or something in between these two logs sleep over the creek oh yeah there's defin yep there's a fish right there guarantee there's oh there goes another one yeah we got fish in this little pool right here look how pretty that trout is oh my goodness just bright red look at those other ones all right folks I think we found a camping spot it's this little Sandy Beach right here next to the creek and we're kind of shielded it's like in a little cave so before I came out here I went and picked up a little oneman backpacking tent never set it up before but should be pretty easy eventually all right there we go got the tent set up uh that took me embarrassingly longer to figure out than it should have not even going to lie it took me like 30 minutes normally it would take like 5 minutes but yeah I'm dumb but we got it set up I think for the most part we did pretty good at keeping the sand out I'll get my bed all set up later tonight but dude I just can't wait any longer we got to catch some fish I debated on whether or not to bring my fly rod out here cuz I did want to fly fish but I don't particularly like walking through small Creeks like this with a 9ft 5e rod if I had a shorter Rod I probably would have bring it but I don't have one yet so we're just opting to use the 5ft ultral light spinning rod I did bring flies with me though so I've just got some 6 lb fluorocarbon line spooled up with my carbon X spinning reel this is my favorite real PC fun makes if you want to check it out I'll leave it linked in the description below and you can use my promo code bn15 at checkout for 15% off and then we're just going to start out by throwing these little power bait Atomic tubes last time I was here I used these and the cutro absolutely loved them all right so I just spooked one just spooked one First cast of the trip oh I just got chased by a little guy tiny little guy see if we can cast under this log oh little guy just tried to get it there's some like little fingerlings trying to look oh shoot shoot I think I underestimated how bad the mosquitoes were going to be like they're kind of swarming I thought it was just a little too early in the year for that there's got to be one right here got him yep there we go there we go first fish of the day wow there we go first fish of the trip beautiful cutthroat trout look at the Orange on the fins he munched that tube oh oh there he goes there he goes so all along the creek it's it's most of it's pretty shallow and in the shallows you just see like some 3-in fingerlings swimming around but every so often there's a deep hole like like this like a kind of a cut in the Rock and usually that's where the bigger fish hang out I think it's just a bunch of little fish nibbling at it cuz I don't know oh oh yo got them yep I was right just a whole bunch of these down there and they're nibbling at it but they just can't quite get it in their mouth except for this guy I don't know how I hope him that is a pretty pretty fish all right thanks for biting oh I had one dang it I thought I was hung up on a rock but a fish had it in its mouth got him oh jeez sorry about that buddy there we go another one I'm noticing more of the bigger fish are hanging out in the rockier areas not so much the sand bottom look at that another pretty one number three this is why we came see you later got him got him crushed it not biggest one so far heck yeah check that out so I casted my jig over uh overhanging Branch so my jig was just kind of hanging there and this guy comes up and smacks it gets it un snagged for me yeah I think it's the biggest one of the day so far I've only caught a few going to pop this guy back quick there he goes got him got him again just saw him sitting right there in the current just tossed it down to them if you can get it right in front of their face without spooking them too much chances are they're going to eat it look at that little guy we send him back oh oh oh there's one got him no right there I don't think he's going to go for it again after being launched out of the water I'm basically hunting these fish just walking down and just kind of seeing if I can see any trying not to Spook most of them oh oh oh oh oh there's fish right there there's a couple nice fish right there hope I didn't spook them too bad it's right in front of their nose my jig there's like three decent Siz fish 12 plus inches got them got them there we go oh that's a pretty one there we go nice there's like three of these down there they're they're right in front of me that is what I'm here for and since it is spawning season I mean they're probably going to get a lot prettier than this but I that is just gorgeous wow there he goes right back down to where we got him got him oh no I snagged him darn it he swiped at it but he spit it out right when I set the hook and I just got him right there on the belly there we go oh oh dang it I wanted to show you that fish it's actually really pretty wow look at the view man look at the view it does not get better sometimes it's not about the fish you're catching like it's just the location you know I'd be fine to catch just little I mean obviously you want to catch big ones but honestly it's just more cool to be out here fishing a unique stream like this I can see two two fish hanging out right there right up against the sand oh one looked at it oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ah darn it did you guys see that I got to keep moving it for him to stay interested like right there dude how did I miss him how did I miss him they're still sitting there though they're right up against the wall oh here comes one here comes a nice one oh my gosh I don't understand it I can see my jig disappear in their mouth but I just totally miss them there we go finally dude I've been trying to get this fish for like 5 minutes he bit it 10 times but I just haven't been able to hook him nice ooh look how fat she is she is definitely a spawner just full of eggs I bet so we're going to very gently pop this hook out just like that and we will send her back thank you can you see that guy he does not have any interest I think he's just more annoyed than anything yeah he he does not care there we go there we oh no darn it I saw at least three down there there he is oh my goodness smoked [Applause] it oh there we go he smoked it wow this is pretty aggressive about it actually another little guy pretty nice ones got them there we go nice I saw a couple nice ones down there I will take it yeah and this is another female full of eggs I can feel them so we'll just let her go let her go do her thing got him got him that's a nice one it's one of the nicer ones I saw down there sweet there's probably half a dozen fish this size sitting right there behind this rock it's another gorgeous fish I think it's so cool how near the head they don't have as many spots and then near the Tail there's a whole bunch so cool see you later there we go nice I think the further down I'm going the more fish there are and they seem like they're way more willing to bite this is the best catching native beautiful trout in a beautiful area oh oh my gosh big one big fish big fish biggest one I've seen biggest one I've seen there we go that is not the one I saw I saw a big fish down there oh there he goes yeah there's a couple nice ones bigger than anything else I've seen there he is oh there's one that's a smaller one got him oh my gosh they're getting they're getting hungry or something all of a sudden they're just biting really good this is so much fun got him did you guys see that I'm surprised I didn't scare this fish fish he just sat right there in the current dragged The Jig right in front of his nose and he he munched it but notice how the trout in here kind of have that yellow pale look to them cuz they kind of blend in with their surroundings and you got the orange on the fins I just think that's so beautiful native trout nothing better there she goes all right guys I think we got to start heading back cuz we have walked quite a ways Downstream it's going to take us at least 30 minutes to get back um cuz I've been fishing for like 2 hours just walking down and I can see the sun starting to go down we probably got an hour of sunlight left and I do want to cook dinner so we're going to hustle back to camp and if we see any more fish along the way maybe just maybe we'll toss a cast at him so let's go well we made it back to Camp I am extremely exhausted but as you can see I ended up moving my tent I did have it just right over there in the sand and I don't know what I was talking about I would much rather just deal with a little bit rougher ground than have a bunch of sand get everywhere so and somehow somehow water got into my waiters I don't think there's any holes in them I think when I was bending over to release the fish water must have just got in there somehow so we're letting my jeans dry out good thing I brought extra socks so we're all good there but before we do anything else we are going to break out our little stove cook some food cuz I am starving utensils and and our bag of food okay perfect so this morning the steak was frozen solid and it's thought out just enough and to go along with our steak we've got some Idaho and four cheese mashed potatoes these are just the instant mashed potatoes that just pour some boiling water in there and you got potatoes like instantly it was pretty cool so we'll start off with a little bit of butter of course we're going to be really simple we just got some salt and pepper in this bag pinch of salt and pepper I like how I can just sit in my tent while we cook it's kind of nice almost lost it there season that side so our steak is done uh I just cut into it to see how it's looking it's still a little bit raw in the middle but I mean you know a little medium rare that's kind of how I like it so I'll just set that off to the side then in the meantime we're going to boil up some water I did bring a couple water bottles out here even though I also brought a water filter but just in case got a couple water bottles we need two cups of boiling water uh it's just about this entire water bottle so pour most of it in that's going to be a lot of potatoes so we'll turn that up get that water to boil it's always good to bring plenty of food out here here especially a snack of some kind we got some Maverick brand gummy worms which is the best in my opinion if you haven't tried them give them a try they will change your world got some bubbles starting to form down there think we can go ahead and add our potatoes oh golly that is quick it took less than a minute we got potatoes and there you go steak and potatoes on the river this is what I've been looking forward to all day look at that just just a little rare in the middle it's pretty well done but you got a little rareness right there well this is delicious I'll let you know if I finish all this or all the potatoes I probably will this four cheese mashed potatoes are good and they're so easy too it's the easiest thing in the world all right I'll get back to you guys when I finish all right folks I did end up eating all those potato es and now we're going to go to bed hopefully there's no mountain lies or nothing nothing sketchy going on out here we're going to get a good night's sleep fish all day tomorrow and hopefully we stay warm so I'll let you guys know if I survived in the morning good morning folks we survived and it's like 9:30 and it's just now starting to warm up a little bit I've just been sitting in the tent for the past hour uh cuz it was freezing but yeah wasn't the best night of sleep I won't lie mainly because we're kind of on like a slant right here um so I was kind of like rolling over this way all night but yeah the plan get up make breakfast catch fish stay tuned so we've just got some oatmeal some strawberries and cream right water's boiling and we'll just fill it up to the line all right there that'll be perfect o that smells good that strawberry I got to say having the creek running right by the tent it is super relaxing just to hear it all night long all right guys so today we're going to try some flies I got some leeches in here some egg patterns and some chromids and I I think I'm going to tie on a little chromid to start just that little guy right there oh one came out for it oh got him got him there we go first one of the day on the Chron mid that didn't take long flies might be the ticket today folks there we go beautiful beautiful fish to start the day look at that these are some of the prettiest fish especially in the spring yeah that did not take too long there were multiple coming out for it this is just the one that got it all right oh there we go here oh there he goes we're just going to dip it right right back down there in this little hole there we go got got him I watched him come out from underneath the white water and grab it that was cool second fish of the morning look at that see you later buddy oh I can see a couple nice ones like really nice ones what come on there we go there we go ooh ooh biggest one I think this is bigger than anything we caught yesterday it's a nice mail all right that is what I'm talking about my goodness look at that folks beautiful spawning colors Colorado River cutthroat H well that fish definitely wasn't the only one down there in this hole but the other ones just don't want to bite sometimes you only get one fish per spot that's just the way it is there we go got him got him it's a nice one this one's got a lot more spots than most of the other ones I've caught so pretty I know I say that about every single one but I mean just look at them these are just beautiful trout see you later buddy come on buddy there he is got him that time got him that time this guy tried to eat my indicator went for my fly a few times finally got him get out of here buddy Oh wrong way wrong way there he goes got him got him watched him it's so fun to watch these fish come out for your fly oh no no no no buddy oh no there he is hey oh no he's trapped under the log I got him got him that was a close one look at that fish that one's got just a few tiny spots not super colorful we'll get him back quick sorry for dropping you buddy I did not mean oh dropped him again there he goes and somehow that fish left me with a tangle but I guess I deserve it try that again and I can see one fish spotted yep oh darn it he went right over to it let's see if he'll try it again got him oh that's a chunk holy cow he did not look that big under there there's three of them just sitting right up against that little cut in the sand this is probably the biggest one I'll take that jeez there he goes right back to where he came [Music] from [Music] all right guys so here's what I'm thinking um I know from experience that the further up you go past this little waterfall there's really no fish at all I mean there might be one here and there but I don't think they can really make it up that waterfall so there's like nothing so I'm going to head back to Camp I think we're going to pack it up and start hiking back cuz there's one more little creek that we could fish for some brown trout and maybe we'll catch and cook one let's get back to Camp all right folks made it back to Camp we're going to clean all this up hike out of here and head to another Creek so let's uh get this cleaned up there we go all packed up oh man let's get back on the trail remember when I said going down down was the easy [Music] part now comes the hard part well we been hiking for probably 5 minutes and I'm already tired look at that that's where we were fishing about an hour ago wow literally my [Music] nightmare [Music] crazy we made it all right folks we made it out of that last Creek that hike absolutely just wore me out but we're at a new spot this Creek right here and it is full of brown trout and we're going to try to get one that we can cook for lunch because the only food I have left is a bag of rice so we can get a fish to go along with it that'll be great oh yeah there's fish down there there's one right there and then there's one I can I can see them I'm still just going with the little red copper John under an indicator this saw to get him so I saw one right there in fact yeah there he is oh I might have spooked him I might have spooked him we'll see if he goes for it still just watch that indicator there's some nice ones down there well I saw some fish but didn't get a single bite they're still down there too they didn't want the copper John oh my gosh it just drifted over a group of about five fish not a single one of them even cared maybe I need to try something else there we go oh no that was the first bite first bite of the oh first bite for this Creek it has been slow dude I have walked like I don't know we're pretty far away from my truck and I haven't got a single bite these fish are just being weird that was the first one this is probably the best looking spot I've come to oh got one got one got one there we go oh nice one too nice one this is dinner this is dinner for lunch I'm going to bring them up on the bank yes finally oh my gosh well I've had my camera for the past 30 minutes because these fish were not biting I saw so many and I drifted my flies right over them not a single one even looked in its direction like they are just not super active in feeding right now this is the best spot I've come to we finally get one and I am going to keep this guy because I don't know how many more I'm going to catch this might be it to be honest we're going to cook this guy up along with some rice and he's going to be tasty on that red copper John there we go that's lunch I'm going to kill him real quick so he doesn't get away and throw him on a Stringer just like that there you go hooked up again folks look at that had to turn my camera off to conserve some battery and I'm not getting many bites but look at that second Brown of the day we got him probably wouldn't be able to keep this guy just a little bit too small imagine trying to filet and cook a trout that small you have to cook them whole for sure thanks for biting buddy there he [Applause] goes oh there was a hit just a quick little nibble there we no ah missed another one missed two fish right here I just can't get a good hook set into them like right there like right there just got smoked they're just hitting it quick they're not really holding on there we go oh dang it all right so I'm done fishing and now we're going to go ahead and clean our brown trout get them ready to cook we're cooking him in rice so I'm just going to gut him whole skin him you guys know the drill now a lot of you guys have probably seen me do this a bunch of times but to anyone who's new and doesn't know how to skin a trout I just take my thumb behind this back fin and kind of pinch it until you feel the skin and the meat separate you'll be able to feel it and then you just take your thumb and go along like that just like that pull those fins out pretty easy make sure to get all that black stuff out and there you have it the fruits of our labor fish in this Creek for like an hour and a half and only caught two little fish I lost a couple others but it hasn't been great but at least we got lunch all right guys finally it's time to cook some lunch I am very hungry got to really turn that heat up to counteract the wind blowing my flame out throw a little butter in there too let's see what kind of rice we got oo roasted chicken can't remember if I've tried this one yet and then all we're going to do with the fish just sprinkle some salt and pepper in there and set them in and then we'll cover it up let her cook right oh yeah it's cooking I have to leave that the flame on like high cuz the wind just comes through and blows it out out that fish is cooking along nicely still definitely needs a little more time but it's getting there I'm glad we caught this fish because that last Creek was just not great tons of fish swimming everywhere but I would drift a fly right over a group of fish and they just wanted nothing to do with it I'm really glad I managed to catch this guy cuz that other one we caught was just about 3 in I don't think we could have kept him [Music] make sure we get all the little pin bones out more salt and pepper on there it's not a bad little lunch right there it's not a big fish but it'll be [Music] [Music] okay fish is good rice is good this big old juicy piece of [Music] fish all right guys I'm going to wrap this video up hope you guys enjoyed as much as I did making it that was a tasty fish I do think some sand got in there somehow because it was a little crunchy when I was chewing yeah fun time out here backpacking into that little creek catching some cutthroat trout definitely want to do more backpacking and camping videos this summer hopefully it warms up quick so we can get up to the mountains catch a lot of brook trout tiger trout I can't wait this year this season is just getting started if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already I would really appreciate it but other than that thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Bass'N'Trout
Views: 49,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trout, troutfishing, utahfishing, tigertrout, brooktrout, cutthroattrout, browntrout, rainbowtrout, flyfishing
Id: a9zFVhC4LqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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