HOPE & HIGH WATER (Full Movie) | Searching for Cutthroat in Americas Most Remote Wilderness

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e at this point what do we even do the the weather system that was moving through was pretty much hitting the entire mountain range and all the rivers that we had planned to fish drain off of this mountain range obviously we've been trying that day after day moving across drainages hoping for a little light at the end of the tunnel but I think we'd all sort of maybe just accepted the fact that nothing was going to go the way we thought it was going to go oh man like what are we doing this is not how we wanted to do this oh my gosh dude yikes part of being in Wild places is that the conditions are wild and unpredictable I was already in the reality of we're going to have to come back and do this in another couple weeks there's just no shot of us fishing [Music] [Music] well so this is all of our gear that we're trying to consolidate loading the car and head north to Wyoming um we're meeting up with Amy the ti Loops crew and uh man we've been playing this for so long months and months we've been talking about doing a trip together for years and it's finally happening today's the day we're getting ready to meet up with Scotty I think we're all really excited we've kind of been looking forward to this trip all summer more than anything else really we're going to start off getting to show Scotty some of the places that we love the most in the world and then after that we're going to be exploring some new stuff that not none of us have seen this is really our one window to make this happen if not now it could be another couple years before our schedules line up [Music] again coming into this trip I'm probably most excited just to be outside since we did our new truck build it's been a long time since we've been out in in a place like this with time to just sit and and think and explore unfortunately the Honda pilot is out of commission currently right over there so we had to rent a car because we're going to be going on some pretty gnarly roads that are uh pretty wash uh what are they call them washboard washboard going some wash yeah this is the Whip and now we head to Wyoming Let The Midnight Special shine a light on me Let The Midnight Special shine a light on me Let The Midnight Special shine a light on me Let The Midnight Special shine love a light on me y'all come Miss Rosie how in the world did you know by the way she wear apron and the clothes she wore I'm on her shoulder piece of paper in her hand she come and see the Govern she want to free her man Let The Midnight Special sh a l on me wow that's a cool rig that's home for the week dude what's up man good to see you yeah you too yeah Amy what happening there's a lot of logistics behind planning a trip like this and aligning everyone's schedul is so when we finally got together and linked up it was a really exciting moment and the reason we're here is because the greater Yellowstone ecosystem is arguably the most intact and remote series of connected wildernesses left in the lower 48 when you catch a native fish in a place that its four Bears have evolved in for 10,000 years that experience feels right and true to me and we're here cuz this is sort of one of the last places where you can get a truly wild EXP [Music] experience where I go hope I go so easily no whs or ends no paper man stopping my journey the winds yes so winds they carry me all these places warm Embraces interl so easily when we started making fishing films in 2013 was around the same time that Scotty and his cousins and friends were starting making films under wildfly and this was early days for YouTube but a guy at who works for Orvis a guy named Phil Monahan who was curating all sorts of fishing films videos across the web and posting them on oris's blog it was called the Friday fly fishing film festival every I'd start surfing the Friday fly fishing film festival partly to see like are we on there again are they going to put some of our stuff but also just to see like what are other people doing I remember seeing these two tatted up folks this lady she's like riding on a motorcycle like standing up and so I remember being aware of tight Loops early on and and seeing this experience of of going out west and going on this road trip fish eating dry flies just incredible Landscapes and that was always something I was yearning for in tracking that Friday Film Festival you started to see this like familiar cast of characters um every couple of weeks or something there'd be another video from a certain group of people and one of those groups was Scotty and wildfly you know I was in North Carolina at the time so we were fishing small little trout streams there in the mountains and Cutthroat it seemed like this just mystical creature and this mystical fish because it was so foreign to me at that age we were in our you know early 20s Scotty was like a young teenager and his friends they seemed like to us at that age when you're in your 20s like a 14 or 15-year-old seems like a little they might as well be eight but their early videos really stuck out to me and I you know I don't know exactly what it was maybe it was just like the childlike exuberance and then years go by and like keeping in touch online and and seeing each other's channels grow and then to finally meet Scotty in North Carolina and it's like you're meeting someone for the first time but it feels like you've known them for years you hear that [Music] flap yeah the rest is history now we're in the middle of the Wyoming Back Country making a film together for the first time [Music] I'm a little concerned that I didn't bring enough layers it's been like 95 to 100 plus in Salt Lake last night was cold um fortunately it was pretty warm in in the rig there but I had all my layers on and I was still being a little chilly but that's okay because we got the Sun up right now and we're going to go find some fish today yeah first day when we got there things were looking good we're about to get on the water and it is ideal conditions water's clear the sun's out incredible Western Wyoming Landscapes by all indications it was going to be a banner day big time the the clouds have kind of moved in right as we're about to go fishing that is what's coming for us nah that's not how this story goes [Music] this one right here yeah yeah know right off the bat we started seeing action things things were happening my good it looks [Music] good oh that and things were slowly building fishing was decent to start with we were catching a couple small fish and we're kind of enjoying each other's company and enjoying the scenery first fish of the trip not what we're after but something that need a d fly I'd be happy catching these guys on the East Coast but not quite what we're after I have a firm belief that nature knows what's best for itself a thousand times more than people my interest in in Native fish is just my interest in the natural world and so it's impossible if you spend a bunch of time around rivers to not ask yourself well what's in the rivers what's under the water and then you get answers like oh there's fish under there oh what are those fish called oh they're called trout cool like where where did the trout come from oh actually these were planted in here by people in 1800s oh interesting like what was in there before that oh there was a different species of trout that's actually native to this area you know you you find yourself going down these rabbit holes and asking these questions if you just have a curiosity about the things around you yeah the Orange is really interesting there oh yeah that's what we're looking for all right maybe five times bigger native fish really started to decline with the settlement of Europeans um in the US which you know out here in the west is 200 250 years ago so it's been so long that a lot of those changes are kind of hidden by the landscape at this point species that exist here at a detriment to Native species which evolved over tens of thousands hundreds of thousands sometimes millions of years um in perfect harmony with their environment people have carelessly dumped a bunch of other things in there that wreak havoc on those ecosystems purely for in many cases Sport and certainly in the early 1800s often for food when I first got into fly fishing I was fishing for stocked fish in ponds in Rhode Island and fishing rivers with stocked fish and I didn't really think anything of it it was just fun to catch a fish and to see these fish in river systems and to understand and learn how to read water and and all that stuff and as things progress as you start to fish in more and more places you start to become a little bit more aware of your impact we have a compulsion to want to alter the landscape under the impression that we can better it in some way it's some innate human drive but I don't think that we're capable of doing it in fact I think that everything we mess with we only make worse largely because we can't even conceive of the complexity in the natural world you know these relationships between the fish and the rivers and the bugs and the insects and the wildlife and everything has been built over hundreds of thousands of [Music] years classic look oh was a good one the Yellowstone Cutthroat at one point had the highest numbers of any Cutthroat species in the country that was largely because of this giant reservoir of fish in the center of Yellowstone National Park in Yellowstone Lake this fish numbered in the millions and the only places where they've persisted for the most part unadulterated are these really remote areas we were kind of taking our time fishing our way up through some kind of marginal water knowing knowing that the best water would be ahead but there didn't really feel like there was any need to rush well this is why we're really here boys rocks not just any rocks rocks it didn't used to be rocks this rock used to be a tree oh my God now it's a rock I mean day one felt like it was supposed to feel like I was like all right we're here the weather's doing what I expected it to do like everything seemed to be going as planned until it wasn't there's a huge wall of rain coming right towards us that solid this is getting this is getting really ha oh boy well oh [ __ ] that was a good oneit it's getting like visibility is is turning [ __ ] out there it's coming straight for oh my God that is Si the wall oh boy I put the streamer on dude perfect time the streamer I'm going to if I'm going to die I'm going to go down with streamer eats not right now you don't think I should fish right now amateur [Music] during the session that afternoon the water went turbid started to rise and the fishing turned off like in a second well we made it we did it what haven't quite made it yet yeah almost made it we're almost to Food 2 miles and about an hour later almost there salt and pepper so everyone's got like a little portion of meats yeah and I guess everyone just use your hands it's all going to get cooked after off with some oil yeah cuz it'll stick otherwise so you want to get good amount of oil on it this is the part that I get nervous about cuz if you don't like close it well it'll leak out it'll leak out all right see what happens we started Living on the road in 2019 the idea was we're going to get this great vehicle we can live out of it for 2 or 3 months at a time we'll drive it out to to Montana and just fish out of it good mhm we cooked all the way through I didn't really get it at the time like we should just get a pick up truck and like put a bed in the back and I was like but these vans look at how cool they are like it's Volkswagen it's adorable let's get [Music] one we really wanted to travel more I was working in construction I was very unhappy because as we started to get sparked on doing more creative stuff all of a sudden this like fun like salt of the earth 9 to-5 job I'd been working was like getting in the way of doing the creative stuff we wanted to do there's a little bit of necessity in that my parents were selling the apartment that we were living in so it was like either find a new place to live in Massachusetts or or move into the van no love we no obviously with a old vehicle like Bullwinkle it's a 1985 Volkswagen van again there's a lot of things that you're trying to keep up with an old vehicle and the scales really started to tip for us where we were working on the van more than we were traveling after 3 years it just felt like maybe it was time to to make a change you excited doesn't even like feel like it's actually ours the new rig is such a game Cher for [Music] us it has air conditioning uh which is not a new invention it's 2023 but it's still pretty exciting for [Music] us hello guys Scotty from present day here and I wanted to let you guys know about our brand new collaborative merch line with Ty Loops that is available now these are brand new designs that chase and Amy designed themselves featuring some brand new Sun hoodies with thumb holes we've got brand new hats t-shirt designs and hoodies we spent a lot of time last year working on this project and we also wanted to have this awesome merch line put together those of you who came out to our live film premieres back in December to see this in person for the first time you already know about all this this is this is old news to you because this collection was available at all the events so if you guys want to support this project this film and more collaborative projects in the future with tight Loops go over to wildly. comom slop and check out the new collection and if you're not into that that's cool too but just know you guys repping the gear out there we like you better anyways let's get back to the movie so far it looks like we're I'm leading us directly into a main storm so we're moving to a different spot uh a different drainage just a couple Canyons over we're Wheeling now boys D we did this in the van and this hill almost killed the van we like pedal to the floor we were going like 7 mes hour oh my God what should we be expecting on this on this drive in this River where we're headed yeah maybe mud oh my gosh dude we're going to stop here for a second [Music] might want to just grab a stick and try and like knock some of it off if you're getting towards the bottom and like hitting the brakes is making you slide like you might just have to momentum through within reason you're going to take this whole thing slow but the grip like relatively clear like you can see some of the rubber some but I mean look this is just walking around the truck like you're going to pick it up right away again but oh feel a little sick in my stomach getting down those Hills and sliding in the mud and having whole house be in this truck definitely complicates things oh my God we're put really putting this rental car to the test so it's like how much friction does your hand have against a stick of butter how much friction does two sticks of butter have against each other yeah oh that's what it that's exactly what it felt like just arrived at a new location and almost had our asses handed to us getting here and it looks really good looks can be deceiving but we're certainly hopeful that this is finally going to be what the doctor ordered but I'm learning not to get my hopes up things are starting to happen we swapped out hats we figure we're in Wyoming we got to get with the program we we pulled out the three-eight the lightsaber and then now we got a little amp pattern on this is about a slay dude I don't know you talking about we did make it to the bottom and we got to the place where we were going to camp and the skies opened up and the water there looked good it wasn't discolored two casts in Scotty hooks a fish [Music] [Music] three casts later another fish and we're like this is it you know like we're we're in it now you know the yesterday's problems are immediately forgotten and it's going to be clean sailing from here on [Music] out never underestimate the ant [Music] I don't like the locals save some fish for the rest of us you said you needed some distance now you get me dist too long nice when you were making your mind was making up mind and moving on hey hey hey don't keep me jumping for something that's not it only me hey hey hey I'm not going to [Music] over hell yeah the the pay starts picking up and everyone's getting excited and finally getting into some fishing just one after another one time knocking my door 4 a.m. [Music] go SM [Music] arm but I be gone by hey hey hey don't give me jumping for something that's not don't leave me I'm a little guy I'm not jumping for you and we were one step settling [Music] down nice but I got some new now [Music] now hey hey hey don't keep me jumping for something that's not there don't leave me at the go hey hey I'm not going to lay over this time I'm not jumping for I'm not jumping for I'm not jumping for you do we talk about how Scotty broke a rod oh yeah Scotty Scotty Scotty's our hurricane Manchild no not the beetle complete unpredictable liability no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding but he did break a rck not the beetle the beetle back oh no oh no [ __ ] yeah sometimes you just get a little too excited and then you break a fly rod no and then again like 2 hours later here come the thunderstorms they're coming over the mountain they're looking nasty it starts raining uh it gets cold it drops like 20° the fishing turns off again we have to kind of like turn tail and sad rainy walk back to the truck clouds are coming in it's cold um we're tired fishing was okay it's going to get better I I mean it has to get better it can get better it will get better we need a saw a day of like sunlight and sun to come out we we'll get him start getting after him tomorrow there's always tomorrow [Applause] not quite the crystal clear water we were looking for this is a result of 8 hours straight of rain Rivers blow out everyone is sort of just Milling about kind of unsure what the plan is you know we know we got to leave weather's going to just get worse and the first thought I have is how are we going to get out of here oh oh yeah that tastes like black coffee now it's just a waiting game for this water to come down after a few hours he cleared up just enough for us to to go out and fish it couple of guys out here fishing some terrible water nothing to see here oo she C [Music] is he really out here fishing a streamer right now that guy's a hero a wow and look at him cast After cast no action and he just keeps at it that's marriage material now you guys all know why Amy chose me it's time for the worm never give up even if it's the wrong choice look at that even the even the attractor ate it the wrong thing ate the fly dude look at this the Zen of fly fishing where are the fish what are they doing what are they thinking what is a fish did Scotty break another Rod just a glimmer of hope so want to know that I'm not alone in the [Music] universe I'm out here in in the middle of nowhere in a trout stream looking for connection I didn't choose to be this Brave it chose me maybe we are all alone in the universe if the water was clear and dry flies were hitting and you could pop some sort of a chubby right in there on the edge of those rocks forget about it this trout are lazy Millennials Millennial trout would you prefer a streamer tied to imitate avocado toast are you trying to just keep hanging here for another hour or two to see if it clears or should we just call it on this section and say yesterday was as good as it is going to get yeah that's kind of what I'm leaning towards yeah I have to look at look at some weather charts and figure out how far we got to go to find fishable water after that I have no idea you know Chase and Amy had been to this region before and had done really well had caught Big Fish had just seen really productive fishing it was a little discouraging to to not have that when you know what could be what what is the plan now cuz now we officially have like now now we're off schedule so we pull up the internet we do a little research and we talk about pivoting where could we go that wouldn't be affected by all these storms if we wanted to fish the canyon this might be the closest access point that's if we were to climb that like we could you know by all means we could camp in this spot right here but I'm just curious to see if it's like a death drop to get in there or if there's like a little game Trail you could side Hill down on right you got it sounds kind of down mhm so okay it's like around 200 yards for some reason I was thinking we had to climb that I did too I thought we had to get on the other side someone said something about still going to check out the original river that we were supposed to go to fish and it was a pretty like pretty much unanimous decision at that point as soon as that was brought up like yeah like we at least if we can't fish it we still just want to see it cuz we don't have anywhere else to go like we don't know what we're doing we're all just sort of chasing our Tails like screw it let's just go see it pull up Google Maps it's 4 hours away it's 4:00 in the afternoon so we just [Music] go scattered thunderstorms for the next week essentially but is not ideal it's like we keep we keep running into dead ends on this trip we're really really hoping though that this next drainage that we're headed to is not going to be blown out [Music] cow this morning we had a bunch of storms moving through and we've got some decent weather up on the horizon so we're going to head to the river this is the true test to see what it's going to look like if it's not blown this is kind of our last option I feel like at this point I like where our heads are at um how beat down we've been that we're considering this better weather but it's not windy and it's not raining yeah well not as it no it's bad not ideal for dry fly fishing no I don't see any risers so we're in a bit of a predicament it's like do we just wait here and waste a couple days waiting for this muddy water to pass and still potentially get worse with thunderstorms or do we come back in a couple weeks when the weather's better the water's down I don't know it's kind of where we're at I was already in the reality of we're going to have to come back and do this in another couple weeks because there's just no shot of us fishing luckily right where we're camped there's a small feeder stream that comes into the main stem that has somehow managed to avoid the regional weather and is clear it's a tiny stream I mean you could practically jump across it in a lot of places it looks really hard to fish super Brushy but there's literally nothing else for us to do at this point other than sit around camp and play cards and eat food and chitchat and whatever you know last Stitch effort everyone throws on their gear and and loads up cameras and we go out we're here in the west to fish these beautiful rivers and we're in this tiny stream that's super Brushy just like clawing our way through Willows it's not looking too promising it was very difficult to even get a cast in some of these holes 20 minutes in and Scotty goes up ahead out of sight of us I managed to sneak up ahead of everybody tossed in a cast in like the first promising looking hole and sure enough fish came up and ate it and I hooked up Nobody's around me and I'm like oh my God this is a good fish I start yelling cuz I don't know where everyone is keep in mind this is like heavy bare country so we're all yelling and screaming constantly anyway we're trying to make a lot of noise and we're just in this tight quarter so I'm like wrapped around logs and trees and everything working it Downstream and we all start sort of rushing up to find Scotty holding this pretty decent sized Cutthroat look at this man we're joking around that if he lost that fish none of us would believe him um if he had even caught it that was surprising biggest fish in the trip so far on this this little tiny tributary you never know right yeah it's like seeing that in here is like what's in the main stem you know and it kind of felt like maybe things were going to change like maybe we're going to salvage this trip if nothing else maybe this tiny little creek was going to be the fishing that we've been hoping for all along I caught a couple fish we were seeing fish in in holes and they were taking dry flies um it was tricky fishing but it was really really fun I feel like the group's morale was really boosted slow and then boom at this point what do we even do the the weather system that was moving through was pretty much hitting the entire mountain range and all the rivers that we had planned to fish drain off of this mountain range obviously we've been trying that day after day moving across drainages hoping for a little light at the end of the tunnel but I think we'd all sort of maybe just accepted the fact that nothing was going to go the way we thought it was going to go and that maybe we weren't going to get into good fishing look like it was all going to [ __ ] burn off to the sou oh that was a juicy one I don't know where the body went but I'm covering blood oh no oh wow you really are against our best interests we just keep coming back hoping for a different result day after day even though we know it's just going to be rainy and miserable we're like but what about 20 miles this way let's go check that what's the radar oh it doesn't look good but it might be good let's but it might [Music] in a lot of ways I think fly fishing and film making are sort of Kindred Spirits for me one of the reasons I'm so attracted to fly fishing is for the way it forces you to be an observer to be a good anger you need to be observant of things in nature you need to be paying attention you need to be present how is the water moving moving around these rocks how does it create structure what bugs are in the air is there a fish rising over [Music] there and I find that film making is really the art of seeing as [Music] well you know I think a lot of people might think that the two are in conflict with each other we often get comments from people saying you're the type of people who probably couldn't even enjoy this experience without a camera in your hands like you guys have to be filming everything and you're never actually living in the moment Etc and I can understand why people might think that but I actually think that film making and seeing the world in that way enhances my experience of the outdoors because I'm compelled to observe things carefully that maybe I wouldn't [Music] otherwise needs some love and [Music] some thought i' let you know still scar don't burn your [Music] hands [Music] ultimate meeting Chase is when he introduced me to fly fishing and I was like I don't get it like explain to me how this works like show me how this works I don't I don't understand any of it and it was so different than I thought in my mind of what fly fishing was and after that I just sort of got I feel like it's like so cheesy be like I got hooked uh it's like what comes to mind but I fell in love with it and it was less about the act of fishing and more about being in those places and enjoying nature and like having time to reflect and be quiet it was quiet time for my brain that I I needed but didn't necessarily know I [Music] needed and it's also you know it's become like an essential part of the way I navigate the world for some people that might be sitting back and staring at the clouds for some people that might be journaling for some people that might be whatever but a huge part of the way I interact with the world and navigate through the world is through the lens of a camera [Music] I think there is little something in all of us that just kept nagging us to stay we had the time slotted away and I think we're all really stubborn and we continued to hang around waiting talking eating checking on the river river still blown out go back hang out some more check on the river again still blown out okay maybe tomorrow will be better check it again nope it still looks like [ __ ] no one's here what a surprise that nobody's here we're the only ones here I wonder why it came to the last day where we were getting ready to pack up I think the night before we'd all kind of discussed it and the plan was well this is definitely not going to get any better so we'll roll out tomorrow and maybe we'll just have to come back in a couple of weeks it's all over it's all over my face you got some D everything that had happened so far was going to be a wash but of course you got to check the water when you wake up [Music] [Music] the water level looks like it came down just a touch so we're going to give it a shot still have no idea if it's going to be fishable you're telling me there's a chance [Music] yes and it's like maybe it's a little bit better at this point we you don't even really know if your mind's playing tricks on you you're like does it look any better maybe there's like one more inch of visibility oh man like what are we doing so we got out there and you know in rain jackets jackets you know at this point I have waiters on it's like not exactly what I had in [Music] mind you know we found a hole that looked really promising and there was a fish Rising oh he just eight again up top I feel like for all of us at that point like you see a rising fish you can't help but get excited not getting that not even I that was pretty quick I think that was just enough for my brain to say let's tie on a driveby nice and Foy yeah then it just everything started to change my little get up in the morning with a brand new mind the big star telling me go outside [Music] I it's in the corner of the room where the light is low so in the midday sweat there's a midnight flow the Bermuda wood floors only the inches beneath no room between the bed and the wall for my dreams to fall and [Music] die sometimes close your eyes is all saves you when a day taking all you had together when the weight of the world is on your back you feel like breing so often you you fish a place that looks awesome and you you make good casts and you don't get rewarded but with this day it was like every time you had a good cast fish was there to eat it [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a ram Shack motor in the backyard shed where I keep my hands busy to keep my head coming back to the city after working a away when I love it the most and I know I stay until I'm [Music] older hey and the voices of love coming up from the ground the green grass telling me to L down and the C flow clouds over the German Town take on the shave of the animals life sometimes you close your eyes is all saves [Applause] you when a days taking all you had to get when the weight of the world despite the fact that it's dumping rain on us like our our sun window has closed and there's hoot and hollering and you know cameraman's running around trying to capture everything and it felt like yeah I don't know at that point the rain didn't really Mattern [Music] no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sometimes to call your eyes and that whole day even though the fishing turned on was still pretty miserable it was cold it was wet it was raining but I think our Spirits were so lifted by the fact that the fishing had gotten so good that we barely even noticed it you feel like breaking light down side me after a [Applause] while open your eyes damn good reason to [Music] live woo [Music] [Applause] [Music] just got to take what nature gives you right sometimes it doesn't give you much sometimes it gives you a lot this time it barely gave us anything but we were receptive we kept waiting and the moment [Music] struck we could have turned around so many times but we kept with it for some some reason maybe that's different for all of us what that reason is but there was something that wouldn't let it go so and we were rewarded it was like a little bit of false hope that we just kept it's not a big window you know we got like 4 hours in 5 days that was going to hit it right but we were here to see it despite not catching that that fish that we all thought we all we all thought we were looking for the whole trip I think we found something that maybe was even more special it's a reminder that everything's better with company you know I think probably if any of us were there individually we probably would have left too but the group morale pushing each other forward to stick it out um led us to some really incredible experiences ni and money most successful fishing trips in my mind are the ones where you do have to work through hard conditions and you have to grind through it and really pay attention to all those elements to then when it finally comes together you're ready for it to [Music] happen to know that we had such a short window that we were so lucky to even even have those few hours out there and get to see those fish made that experience even more special to me cutthroat trout and Native trout species are as much a symbol of the country as any of the more easily seen and appreciated charismatic Wildlife I don't think that the cutthroat trout is any less American than the bald eagle or the bison or the wolf you know I'm biased cuz I'm a fish nut but they're often maligned and forgotten um except for by people like us it's a shortlived experience but just enough to like how was itching to come back hopefully next time it's not muddy you know I think a lot of people are attracted to manicured environments like a lot of the tail Waters we have in the west levels are consistent and they're cold and clear all year round because we get to control them we get to decide uh how the environmental factors are at play and it makes for great fishing but that really wasn't the experience we were looking for on this trip we were looking for something a little more wild and part of being in Wild places is that the conditions are wild and unpredictable I think initially we were looking at the trip like things were going wrong and that it was at risk of being a failure but maybe in the end it kind of ended up being exactly what it was supposed to be the pressure the pressure [Music] there's more trips in the future more fish to be caught and uh yeah bigger Adventures to plan looking forward to it teaser SC boom bigger chps going we got to tease the baby and cut [Music] been walking with these broken shoes just trying to get away from the news soaking up the lemon shade any here it comes I can make it look like it's really wind that is that good Scotty it's just tornado it's a tornado sorry some of my [ __ ] gets like really rambly I'm like trying to like find the right words and I'm like going off into this weird thing where I'm like I'm losing it I'm [ __ ] losing it like getting lost in my own [ __ ] brain I don't know exactly when um you good sorry I want you to be able to cop I don't want you to have to hold it you're not guys dying sorry wrong VI I've never had an issue with not ejecting sa all La we're get right we should probably get to someone else's computer we're going to be here for a while dude this is fishy water I don't know what's going [Music] on no will it claim another how badly do I want to keep this parachute atams oh my god oh look at that I got it all all I had to do is follow rule number one this is what happens when you decide to start walking back to Camp everyone just decides to start fishing again classic we need to get away from the river come on now what batter is low I just got this camera I literally bought this before I got here and the battery died what kind of battery is uh special it like a specialy what double I'm Sangle and ready to dangle I mean the whole point of this is I need new Hing I don't even know what that is it's got it's got to be some way that kids are having sexy days I don't [ __ ] know tler or something what's it called hinge yeah unhinged what species are you looking to attract with that hat and glasses combo pretty rare species walk walk us through there's some [ __ ] crazy flies yeah they just they're biting me through my socks again [ __ ] interviews man some storms are good some storms are bad actually not many storms are good not many storms are good out here here we prepping on this for
Channel: Wild Fly Productions
Views: 147,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fly fishing trout, north carolina, fishing, mountains, on the fly, brown trout, rainbow trout, brook trout, outdoors, outside, appalachia, blue ridge, boone, nc, trout fishing, wild fly, wild fly productions, huge fly fisherman, camping, backcountry fishing, spin fishing, jon b, googan squad, dry fly fishing, wildfly, fly fishing photography, fly fishing, salmona truta, jensen fly fishing, bass fishing, smallmouth bass
Id: jxR_ljUwW20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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