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well how's it going guys welcome back to another exciting camping video I have parked my truck right here because I am not going any further down this Trail in fact 100% I just took the sketchiest trail I ever have in my life definitely shouldn't have brought this truck feels like every time I go out now I'm finding a trail that's worse than the last but I mean check this out I know GoPros can't really get a perspective but I just took my truck up the steepest incline I have ever seen in my life super irresponsible definitely going to have something broken on my truck but it's okay because we are heading to a lake hopefully that has giant brook trout and yeah like I said I'm walking the last little bit in because I'm not taking my truck through that right there I mean there's literally no possible way so I'm going to get all my fish and stuff all my rods hike in hopefully catch some big fish and then a little bit later this this evening we're going to go find a camping spot cook some food and have some fun let's get started all right got my rods my reels GoPro batteries we are all set we're just going to leave my truck here and continue down this Trail oh man that is a big tree hate to be here when that falls holy cow thing is giant oh I can see water I can see water right through those trees oh my goodness here we are folks we made it finally holy cow this is a gorgeous Lake Crystal Clear Water let see if we can see anything a lot of times you'll be able to see giant fish just right on Shore not seeing any yet but this isn't a very big lake so if they're in here we should be able to spot some H okay so it looks like it gets really deep right out here it just drops off real quick all right so I think I'm going to start right here it looks pretty good and since I don't have a lot of time to fish this evening like a couple hours I'm going to use a g minnow because if there's anything down there they're going to want the Gul minnow but I do want a fly fish I just want to kind of confirm that there even fish in here so let's give it a try it is a little bit Breezy today so yeah it drops off pretty quick just right out here in front of me so I'm going to toss that g minnow out and just let it slowly sink to the bottom and we'll see I hope the wind calms down so I can actually see into the water all right guys so I just saw a big fish jump right over there first sign of fish I've seen so that feels good there's actually fish in here confirmed I didn't get any bites over there so I just rigged up my fly rod with a ice cream cone chromid and an olive green balance leech and I'm going to see if this gets them all right there we go all right hopefully this gets them hopefully they're hungry for some leeches and chromids oh oh I just got hit I just got hit first hit of the day and I set the hook right into that tree son of a all right so thankfully I just saved my flies from that tree thank goodness cuz I didn't already want to be down a leech and a chronomite because the the wind is blowing the water so I can't really see but I just felt my line go and then my indicator was totally gone set the hook and I missed him but that was right where I've seen a couple fish hit oh my gosh right next to my indicator another one I'm right in between those two that just jumped right there come on I'm getting bit right here let's go a scud might be a good idea I think I've got a couple of those fish on Fish on Fish on feels like a good one there we go yes dude this is a good fish this is a good fish woohoo fish on baby we got them please stay hooked let's see he's fighting I mean it feels like a good fish but I'm getting a lot of head shakes usually that's a smaller fish oh yeah that's a good fish it ain't no giant it ain't no giant but this is a good start there we go it's like a fat female get in here girl get in here there we go all right first one chunky little female definitely not one of those big ones I seen jumping but it'll do it's a good start we'll just get this fish back quick oh settle down settle down that is a healthy fish it's not very big she's not very big but I mean she's thick she's fat and healthy good start to the day this would be a good one to keep but I think I'm just going to let them all go today and then tomorrow we'll do a catch and cook but if a fish that small fights that hard I cannot wait to see what those big ones fight like all right let her go see you later girl and there are more down there I've seen a bunch jump there we go reached into my back pocket to grab something and that's when the indicator goes down of course it's always how it goes he's a bulldog he's taking me down there we go feels about the same size as that last one did I snag did I snag this fish wait don't tell me I snagged him dang it I mean he definitely ate it he might have just spit it right when I set the hook man there's not really a good spot to land these fish come on come on in the net there we go got her looks like the same fish another chunky female let's see did I snag him can't yeah dude I got her right in the tail how the heck did that happen I mean she went for it 100% but she spit it and then I probably just swiped her right in the tail right in the tail with the chronomedicine cool another fat female these are not the size I'm after but they're fun I'm so tempted to just keep one of these cook them up tonight but I have a steak so it's your lucky day there she go oh no she swam right back in my net there she goes all right guys well we are calling it for the evening we only caught two fish and had one other bite but they've been jumping all all afternoon it's just been slow they don't want what I'm throwing so tomorrow I'm going to try some different stuff but for now we are going to head back and set up camp build a fire and make some dinner this is a beautiful little spot look at that with all the trees changing colors man so beautiful out here all right folks to check it out I made my truck down that rough trail and I found a nice little camping spot right next to the lake the lake is just right through those trees um the road actually wasn't as bad as I was thinking I did make it although I think I dented my truck because I banged it up against a tree because the road is so narrow but that's besides the point we've got like an hour hour and a half left of daylight and we are going to cook some steak and potatoes and asparagus and we're going to make a nice little fire it's getting dark a lot earlier now so we don't have much time to waste we're going to do a little bit of cheating here and light this paper towel up I don't have time to try to get it going with two sticks there we go let's go on a mission for some firewood there we go holy crap folks check that out that is so freaking random we got a giant brook trout just sitting here in the woods w what in the world that is a big old fish look at that looks like somebody tried to fet it and they did a horrible job and then decided they didn't want it want it anymore and just chucked it over here in these trees that's a shame dude that is a giant brook trout someone must have changed their mind that is odd come on there we go it's it's going it's it's going all right so I'm debating whether or not to cook on the fire or on my stove cuz cooking over a fire is fun but it can be really difficult and I just don't have that much time so I don't know I don't know you know what we'll we'll we'll cook over a fire why not why not see yeah we got a giant steak right here that I've been Dewing the past few hours it's still a little bit Frozen but it'll work so we've got this little metal grate here we're just going to place over over the fire perfect definitely going to let that fire burn down a little bit but in the meantime go ahead and take a little bit of butter I only have one stick of butter so hopefully that's enough for the next day should be throw that in there a little bit more why not oh no we can't be wasting butter like that all right there we go and then I've got some vegetable oil and that's going to help uh keep the butter from Bur burning and give the steak kind of a crust hopefully just put a little bit of oil in there and then we'll go ahead and Slide the pan right over the fire there then I've also got some asparagus and some potatoes I don't know whether to cook both of them or just one let's cook some let's cook some of both why not take one of these little red potatoes my favorite we'll just slice them up pretty small so they cook faster careful not to cut myself again yeah in one of the last videos I cut myself off camera it's pretty stupid uh we'll just do should we just do one yeah let's just do the one potato for now cuz we're going to have asparagus we don't want to cook too much food and then not eat it stupid cooked food and not eat it probably a good idea to rinse this asparagus off oh goodness there we go there we go oh yeah look at that perfectly clean awesome we just go ahead and throw like four or five six in there that'll be good I don't want a ton we're doing this pretty simple too just throw them in the skillet with some butter salt pepper or some seasoning and that'll be good make sure to have plenty of butter in there there we go and then we'll save the rest for tomorrow when we hopefully are cooking a fish all right so we'll set this on and then our fire is already kind of going out add some more sticks see this is what I'm talking about it's fun cooking over of fire but when you're doing something else and the fire is going down it's just it's a lot more time consuming you know I'm just sitting here looking at this steak and um it's massive I don't think I'm going to be able to eat all that so I'm going to cut it I'm going to cut like a third of it off and save it for either tomorrow or some other time that'll be enough for us hopefully the Skillet's hot enough we'll just go ahead and drop it in nope oh it's starting to sizzle there we go oh all right we need to get that fire built up and get this steak cooking so usually when you cook steak you want to throw it on when the pan is nice and hot cuz it kind of gives it a crust on the outside but that's not happening hey you know what as long as it gets cooked I'm fine when you're cooking out here over a fire as long as it's cooked I don't really care what it looks like all right there we go now they're cooking now we got here some Santa Maria style seasoning there we go we go ahead and flip the steak oh yeah I think I'm just going to dump everything into the one pan cuz it's kind of hard getting heat on both the pans evenly so I'm going to dump the potatoes and asparagus in there and just let it all cook together [Music] all right so I'm going to pull the asparagus and the potatoes off cuz they're definitely done and then um and we'll take the steak off I think I should have diced up another potato that's not very much and I love potatoes and now the steak there we go oh yeah potatoes are good usually not a fan of asparagus but it's pretty good if you got enough seasoning on there I probably could have cooked the steak a little bit better if I was using my uh little uh Camp Chef but like I said cooking over a fire I'm not very good at it if we can eat this fast we might have enough time to take a couple more casts since the lake is just right there it's so perfect that was a $13 ribeye oh no it's not a ribeye I forgot what it is but more expensive steak than what I usually get maybe I should have cooked the whole steak I'm hungry well folks that was absolutely delicious we still have a little bit of daylight uh my sleeping situation is super simple back of the truck like always I was debating bringing a tent out here but to be honest dude I like sleeping to the back of my truck it's nice and cozy I feel like it's warmer and who wants to set up a tent it's a lot easier so yeah we're just going to be bunking in the back of the truck yeah for the next like 15 20 minutes uh I'm going to actually head over and try to catch a fish I'm going to throw a spinner SP or something cuz I can see him still jumping over there so I've got this Blue Fox uh Fire Tiger spoon I don't know we'll give it a try for the next 20 minutes or so bombs away cast like clear on the other side of the lake oh my gosh dude I can just bomb this spoon out there oh my God dude I casted clear on the other Shore holy cow that's how far I'm casting out no way I hooked a log on the other side and now I'm bringing it in this spoon just casts insanely far look at that I'm bringing in a log that I snagged clear on the other bank that's hilarious dude I've got like a freaking tree hauling in a gosh dang tree it's a big it's a pretty big one look at that not bad not bad it's a pretty good one literally cast it on the other side of the lake on the other bank and just snagged this thing there it goes that's funny all right so I went and got my fly rod cuz I don't know I don't know I almost feel more confident now with the fly rod than a spinning rod how lame is that I don't know dude it's just too much fun [Music] all right folks we didn't get anything else that last like 20 minutes uh saw a lot jump and we might have had another bite but probably not so yeah all in all we fish like 3 hours today and caught two fish and had one other bite so not great little disappointed in myself but yeah who knows tomorrow we have all day to fish hopefully we can figure out what these fish want cuz they're in here but we need a good Big Fish day before winter and I think we can do it here but for now got the fire going and I got enough firewood to hopefully keep us warm for tonight so now I'm just going to sit out here chill enjoy being out here get up early which is whenever I wake up and hopefully catch some big fish tomorrow so I guess I'll see you guys in the morning it is absolutely beautiful out here I love it well good morning folks welcome back to another day uh it's kind of chilly this morning so we got a fire going right there cooking up some oatmeal before we get the day started absolutely beautiful morning out here much less windy than it was yesterday at least well now that I said that it's probably going to get pretty windy but the lake is looking beautiful what a beautiful morning oh fish are jumping fish are jumping over there holy cow we are going to catch some big fish today I can feel it that's how you start your day right there all right so we're going to eat this real quick and warm up by the fire cuz I'm actually kind of cold I prefer to sit by the fire while it's cold and then go fish when it warms up a little bit all right folks so we're starting at the same spot we were catching those fish yesterday just right along this bank and I've got a green scut and a green leech I've seen a few jump and they sound pretty big so hopefully they're biting all right guys so I've just spotted a bunch of fish right here on the edge of this Moss line I can count 1 2 3 4 5 15 16 17 fish but I can see there's probably a lot more under this moss and there's some pretty big ones too now that the sun's out yesterday we couldn't see them but now that the sun's out I can see them all right there it's going to be kind of tricky to cast to them but we're going to try without spooking them hooked up folks finally finally we're hooked up dude it's taking forever oh get them out of those trees or the weeds come on get out of there there we go nice dude Okay so I haven't turned the camera on in like an hour and a half because we have not been able to get a freaking fish but finally we got him and I switched to a woolly bugger and that seemed to be what he wanted I've been fishing for the past 2 hours with leeches chronometer Frenchie scud not a single fish has really showed any interest at all and then I tied this woolly bugger on and that was about 5 minutes using it we might have finally found something that they want I mean this is not a very big fish there are some giant fish down there there's a spring that pours in right here so there's literally like 50 fish just stacked up right there and uh this is actually one of the smaller ones I can see down there first one of the day feels good I was feeling really defeated to be honest awesome awesome on that green woolly bugger solid brook trout and this is literally like the smallest one down there how crazy is that I'm almost tempted to keep this fish because it's perfect size and I mean this is the first fish we've had all day so I'm a little bit worried if I let this guy go we won't catch another one but I'm going to take a chance and let him go hopefully because I don't have any other food for lunch or dinner I'm relying on catching a fish thanks for biting buddy all right all right well at least I know that I can get them to bite they're just being incredibly picky and there's still a bunch down there oh God hooked up again and this one's a lot bigger well not a lot bigger but it is biger oh did I snag him please don't tell me I snagged this fish wait no I got him I got him heck yeah dude he like swallowed it heck yeah nice it's another good fish bigger than the first one not a giant by any means I mean compared to the ones that are down there oh get in here she's got a ton of moss on her now got her got her that is a nice ni fish that is a plump brook trout nice I mean that is more like what we're after nice nice on The Woolly bugger again the bites are still very few and far between but at least we're getting them look at that chunk oh my gosh this is a fat fish look at that she ate it I thought I snagged her for a second but no we got her she slurped it right up there we go beautiful brook trout big biggest one so far probably a pound pound and a half way bigger ones down there though that's a nice fish finally we're starting to catch him after four hours crazy one last look at her that is a toad brook trout man that is a heavy fish she's probably pushing I don't even know I don't know I don't want to overestimate but she is fat probably full of eggs oh There She Goes can you guys see her see you later girl thanks for biting yes that feels so good cuz I mean let's do a CH time check for you 11:37 so we started fishing at probably 8:30 this morning so we've been fishing for 3 hours and that's only the second fish we've caught and we've seen I mean just from like right here down this bank I'm not kidding there's hundreds of fish because there's a spring that comes in right here and they're all getting grouped up so they're not Super Active it's not great but we can get them to bite today it is fly or die so much more fun getting them on the fly rod and these are some smart freaking fish man like they're being so picky and I can't get any of the bigger ones to bite cuz those ones are the smartest the bigger ones don't even Flinch I'll drag it right in front of their face and they're a statue the smaller ones are the ones that come up to it and kind of check it out maybe you know just circle around it a little bit but man honestly I just want one of those giants if if we can get my my goal is a three pounder and then that's a that's a big fish that's a tough goal but I'd much rather catch one of those than you know a bunch of little pan fryers hooked up hooked up this is the biggest one got them on that white streamer oh my goodness why ah I need to just leave my camera on but the bites are just so few that I don't want to waste battery but this is a good fish I just let it sink all the way to the bottom and I noticed he was interested so I just started stripping it like it was trying to swim away and he just came up and crushed it and this is a hog dude holy cow biggest one and prettiest one I think it's a big male yep big old male on the white streamer got him in the net yes dude that's a heavy fish woohoo holy cow that is a freaking giant look at that fish oh my goodness dude pop that hook out for him hold on hold on hold on I'll get you off I'll get you off settle down look at that fish my goodness dude that is a freaking giant brook trout right there it's not our three or four pounder but we are getting closer oh my gosh biggest one of the day well that last one was pretty big too I think this one's just a tad bigger but this one's not quite as fat either so look at that fish absolute Beauty this is so much fun we're not getting many but the quality is there and that's what I'm after we're going to get him back he's ready to go that is just that's a big fish all right thanks for biting buddy there he goes all right let's was was no time let's get right back in there kind of figuring these fish out every time I think I figure them out they change but what's been seeming to get the most attention whether it's the woolly bugger or the streamer let it sit all the way to the bottom let it sink to the bottom and then just slowly pop it like that and then once you see one kind of turn to it then just start stripping it like it's trying to swim away and that guy that was the most aggressive eat I've seen he I wish I would have got that on camera he just came up crushed it like six feet in front of me oh my gosh dang it one of the biggest fish I saw down there just had it he had it and I didn't set the hook oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh that's going to hurt for a while got him got him that's a giant that's a giant giant that's a freaking giant keep him out of there keep him out of there oh oh oh oh that's a big fish that's bigger than the LA well I don't know pretty close either way it's a giant and I actually got the hooks set on camera how about that yes dude wooo all right get in here get in here that is a stud oh my goodness oh my gosh this might be my biggest brook trout of my life right here well I don't know actually a couple videos ago I caught one that's pretty similar either way that's top three for sure oh my gosh you guys and that wasn't the biggest one there was in that little group this is one of them for sure oh my gosh look at that fish look at that fish are you Kidd kidding me absolute Pig of a fish unfreaking real unreal on that white streamer again oh he's getting me soaked I guess I deserve it let's get a good look at him here look at that fish that is unreal what is this the fourth one of the day crazy crazy biggest one of the day beautiful male brook trout beautiful colors fought really good that is so cool all right let's get them back yeah for sure this is one of my biggest brook trout I mean I can't even get my hand around him like I literally cannot I have to hold him from under like that I look at that thing crazy those colors are unreal almost looks like a Dolly Varden instead of a brook trout all right we'll send him back beautiful fish there he goes kicks away let me just say the day started off incredibly slow didn't get a fish for the first 3 hours didn't even get a bite for the first 3 hours and now finally it seems like they're starting to get a little bit more active they're not all just sitting on the bottom they're starting to cruise around a little bit and we figured out what they want which is just a giant white streamer or a woolly bugger sitting on the bottom and then once they seem interested you start stripping it in and then they'll crush it there's some big fish down there there's a lot of smaller ones right here I know you guys can't see them on the GoPro but right out here in front of me there's tons of fish fish a lot more small ones but there's also some Giants mixed in oh oh oh he just looked at it I twitched it and he came up to it oh dude they're looking at it there's some big fish down there that were looking at it come on got him that's a giant that's a giant that's a giant oh he's getting in the weeds oh he's getting in the weeds oh oh shoot oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is a freaking giant oh my gosh holy cow holy cow we're going to bring in about five pounds of seaweed with him dude that was an insane run I thought he was going to break me off there I don't know how he didn't come on oh my goodness do I still have him I pray I still have him come on please tell me he didn't get off from the Moss I think I got him I'm just going to have to net that whole clump of seaweed pray he's in there oh I don't know I don't know I think he might have come off I'm not feeling nope he's in there he's in there he's in there he's in there got him got him got him got him dude another giant another freaking giant male that was insane they were swimming around down there I had like four fish look at it first Dro down and then this guy came out from like right underneath me right underneath the bank and crushed it look at all that Moss okay hold on Buddy I can barely get my hand around this guy either look at that are you kidding me this is so much fun I'm so glad we finally figured these fish out this is another like two and a half pounder three pounder probably closer to three if not maybe a little heavier all right there we go very happy with that look at that I mean that is a long this is a big net some of you guys if you have one you know how big these nets are nose to tail he takes up just about the whole thing that is crazy all right thanks for biting that was an insane fight he put up too oh and he's ready there he goes all right let's get back down there we're hooked up but I think I snagged him yeah I definitely snagged him shoot yeah I thought he hit it with his mouth but then I just set the hook and got him right in the tail yeah dude it feels like a nice one get in here bud I'll let you go I am sorry about that I mean it's a good fish we just didn't catch him come here oh that's a giant that sucks though when you think you have a good one and then turns out you just got them right in the tail got him yeah it's a decent fish I mean doesn't really count but still yeah big fat female got her right there in the tail on this little white and green woolly bugger that is a fatty look how look how fat she is my goodness the females have definitely been way fatter than the males probably because they're just full of eggs right now all right well we'll let this girl go sorry about [Music] that [Music] all righty folks well I am calling it I am heading out of here uh it's going on 5:00 and I have to get back home if I didn't have to get back home I would probably spend another night out here and catch some more of those giant brook trout tomorrow but I do have to get home unfortunately so I got Camp all cleaned up and we are ready to go it was a pretty good day I don't I don't know it it was it was pretty slow we caught like five but they were really really good fish in fact the more I think about it I think that that one was my biggest brook trout ever because that was the first time I could not fully get my hand around uh brook trout so I am like 90% confident in saying that that was my biggest brook trout I have ever caught in my life I didn't even know they could get that big so that was pretty cool but yeah 8 hours of fishing and we caught all of them pretty much in a 1H hour bite window I don't know these fish are just super smart finicky you got to hit them at the right time but yeah video's not over we're going to make this two-parter tomorrow the next day we're going to head to a different spot and go for some other kind of fish I don't know we'll just have to see but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed part one it was a fun time out here so I'll see you guys in a couple days cutting it a little bit close there oh all right guys it is day number two and we are at a completely different Lake right here and it is full of brook trout and rainbow trout they don't get nearly as big in here but we might be able to catch a lot of them and I already did spot a nice rainbow in all those weeds right there in fact he's right there we're going to see if we can catch some fish here hopefully they're biting if not we might go to another spot and we're going to do a little catch and cook this evening so let's get started all right so I've got a red leech up to a green copper John this should get them usually these fish aren't too picky but you never know all right so I can see that fish right there and it's going to kind of be tricky to cast to them cuz there's all these weeds right here oh there's another one right there there's two and we can't walk out super far cuz we'll sink oh did I spook him I did dang it There He Go well never mind Hardy spooked him I can still see him oh he's going over to it oh oh missed him dude he ate it he went for it he went for it first cast we got bit he's still right there oh got him got him that's a good rainbow that's a good rainbow he's getting all in the weeds got him this was the other one I saw this was the other one I saw and he showed a lot more interest bring him out over the Moss oh my goodness got him that is a stud of a oh oh oh got him dude that is a stud rainbow that is one of the biggest rainbows I've ever caught out of here look at that well we're already on the board with one fish and we missed another one so far it looks like they're biting pretty well today there we go first fish of the day beautiful rainbow I'm honestly kind of here to catch the brook trout but I am not going to say no to catching these healthy rainbows and we might cook one of these later on we'll just have to see first one we'll let him go though we'll let him go over here there we go oh you're free buddy there he goes he'll find his way out I'm just going to walk down this Shoreline and honestly since the water's so clear and the sun's high in the sky I'll be able to spot the fish and I'll just cast right over to them it's my favorite thing to do sight fishing for trout now if I had to guess there's probably a lot of fish hiding in all these weeds just poking their heads out waiting for food oh one just tried eating my indicator dude did you guys see that on GoPro I cast it out there and one just comes out of nowhere and starts hitting my indicator out of nowhere there's one there's a Brookie got him Brookie I knew it dude if you want to catch brook trout oh shoot he's get out of there get out of there got him around logs around seaweed they're going to be up Shallow just hiding and you just drop your fly right in a little open spot there's usually going to be a fish there that's a solid brick trout just dipped it right there and I saw his face poke out and he ate it they're probably getting ready to spawn oh yeah this is a fat chunky fish is without a doubt a female full of eggs look at that on the leech thanks for biting girl all right all all right all right so we've got the rainbow we've got the brook trout now we just need to go for bigger fish and there are a few chunky ones in here there's not a lot but and like I said they're probably up Shallow getting ready to spawn and I think they're all just going to be hiding in these weeds oh one just came up and attacked my indicator again there he is tiny little guy look at that there's a bunch of these little tiny rainbows swimming around down there oh my goodness what is going on with him time out time out time out what in the world that I just catch are you guys seeing that I am not touching this fish look at that he's got a bunch of sores on him like a big tumor oh my goodness I do not want to touch this fish but can you guys see that he's got like a big red tumor on his side that is a dying fish right there we're just going to toss him back oh he's not even swimming away he's just chilling there he might be dead ew yeah you okay buddy um yeah I don't know if that fish is going to survive it's kind of gross I mean I've caught fish with diseases before but I have not seen one with like a bunch of red tumors on the side I don't even know what that is hooked up folks hooked up on a good brook trout I turned my camera off like two seconds ago CU I just wasn't getting anything and then I dip my leech right in that little pocket right there and this stud comes up and crushes it this is a giant hold on hold on grab my net look at that fish are you serious and we got him dude that is a giant brook trout for this Lake why was I not recording I was fishing off this log casting over there got a few bites but then I turned my camera off turned around dipped my leech right there and this guy comes up and just crushes it check this fish out in full spawning colors too this is what I came here for chunky brookies it's nothing compared to the ones we were catching earlier in the video but that's still not a bad fish there we go look at that brook trout stud all colored up ready to spawn we're going to let this guy go that is a big one for this Lake it really is all right see you later buddy back down to the depths actually it's like 2 feet deep right here that's a shame I didn't get any of that on camera I literally turned around dipped my leech in and then that hog just came out came out of nowhere I was expecting there to be more in these logs but so far that was the second brook trout that I've seen there we go there we go little guy little Rainbow yep not what we're after we're after the big brook trout but these are fun look at that cute little fish just send him straight back all right folks so the last clip you just saw was probably me releasing that brook trout and after that I kept getting bites but my camera died and my batteries were back in my truck and I didn't feel like going over there to get my batteries so I just fished caught two nice rainbow trout and we got them all cleaned and skinned right there we're going to cook up a little dinner right here on our tailgate all right so we're going to use our Coleman burner today our stove there we go all right so I was just looking through my box and I've got some reron or these Asian tinan noodles or hash browns who know should we try this let's try these noodles cuz I've done hash browns and rice quite a bit and never tried this I don't even know where I got this it's worth a try might be good we take some water I don't know how much that looks good and then we'll just cook the fish in the noodles in case you haven't already figured that out okay so this is definitely not like Ramen the noodles are way more thin that is interesting toss that in there and then we'll save the sauce packet for the very end hopefully it goes well with trout all right so we're going to get these noodles cook hooked down about I don't know halfway and then we'll throw the trout in there look at that that is I've never seen uh noodles or ramen noodles that are that thin I know this isn't Ramen but I don't know this might be kind of good I'm going to go ahead and toss my trout in right now look at that two beautiful rainbows they got orange meat on them too so it's going to be tasty and I'm debating on whether or not to season them up cuz we do have this sauce packet and it's probably going to give it a lot of flavor but just for the heck of it to give it a little extra flavor we're going to throw some Santa Maria style seasoning on there hopefully that goes good with the noodles too let that boil in with the water all right then we'll go ahead and just cover them up let them cook it's crazy how fast fall comes like a week and a half ago everything was green there was like a few few yellow trees here and there seems like overnight it really does happen overnight tons of yellow leaves and this isn't even all of them I mean it's just gorgeous out here I love it but it also means winter is just around the corner too let's go aad and check on it oh yeah that's cooking fast fast we'll check on it again in a minute or two fish is looking good I mean the noodles are definitely done the fish it's getting there let's see if we can peel the bones out oh yeah yep just Falls right off look at that [Music] perfect all right I think this is pretty much done so I'm going to turn the heat off real quick I'm going to season up those trout again now we're going to go ahead and add this sauce packet wonder how spicy it is it smells really good actually oh it's just like soy sauce what is this oh I should have taken the fish out and then mixed it up and then put the fish back on I'm going to do that real quick oo that actually smells super good but I'm going to take the fish off and then I'm going to mix these noodles up mix in that sauce dude this actually smells super good it's just teriyaki sauce that's all it is M and then we'll just add the fish back in there we go doesn't look super appetizing but man it smells very good so let's grab some noodles and some fish ooh those noodles are good man that's what stands out the fish is good too but I'm glad I decided to cook those I love hash browns I love rice but I've only had fish and noodles like one other time I think it's like angel hair pasta with teriyaki sauce that's all it is teriyaki trout not bad ate all the fish I've still got a little bit of noodles honestly I'm kind of full so squirrel or something can eat them that was good I'm glad I tried that I'm going to do that again maybe next time I'll go buy some uh actual Ramen like some chicken noodle soup and cook trout in there see if it absorbs the chicken flavor well hope you guys enjoyed this video video as much as I did making it it was a fun time did some camping caught the biggest brook trout of my life I don't know exactly how heavy they were but they were they were pushing four lbs I could be totally wrong but they were some fat fish regardless biggest brook trout of my life and we caught some chunky rainbows and a couple nice brook trout today too and ending it off with some trout noodles which is pretty good I'm going to do it again I I recommend it yeah have you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already I would really appreciate it lots more videos to come and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Bass'N'Trout
Views: 105,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SB7iPHg78PA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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