Backpack Hero, An Inventory Management Roguelike

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howdy ho and hello today we are checking out backpack hero this is a an inventory Builder Rog likee I like to think of it is kind of a cousin of the Rog likee deck builder we're going to get started right here in a run uh there is a whole town to this game but I want to get you know moving right away I'm a bit late to the party on backpack hero though uh I've been looking at this game for quite a while and I tried the demo uh I would say it was 2022 it's been in development for a while uh it was on ichio or if I'm not mistaken uh fantastic but was kind of waiting on the full release and now it's on Steam was released I want to say in November so kind of making my way back through the back C uh catalog we're going through the dungeon here and the way that this game works if you've been living under a rock and haven't seen it as basically you're building up an inventory and you are yeah that's fine I'll opt to take a little bit of damage here kind of like slay the Spire system we got going on here uh I honestly found this game slightly too easy I do find it easy uh and I will just pause it that but I've been playing for about 6 hours and I really wanted to just kind of give an an overview of the game because I was I don't want to be playing it for 20 hours before I make a video I kind of want to get started with you you know what I mean so anyway wanted to give it a shot here with you guys give it a good look full uh like kind of overview of what's in the game to be had uh we are completing pretty standard run right here but we have leveled up and we can add more spaces to our backpack so I think we will add three here sometimes it's beneficial to add one for a help whoops I did not know I could do that I accidentally just had one space left over I guess I just don't get it if I don't pick the space I've already messed up oh well um maybe we'll get it back at our next level up anyway let's go add in a few items H I'm probably not going to have room for the gold just now we can rotate items in the kind of Resident Evil Inventory management game that we have here actually won't take this ring and let's do this we'll throw this in here and I'm completing a side quest right now finished choosing uh oh and I can add this space okay good my mistake has been taken back although I guess I didn't have room for another item anyway I'm guessing that this run will be pretty easy so I'm not really too particularly worried about that right now I can take out this enemy this turn so I'm just not even going to worry about blocking like I said uh this is I do find this game to be very good uh kept finding myself coming back to play Just One More Level for the last couple of games and I do believe that's the marker of a great great game uh or a great Rog likee in particular which I don't know I I think if you guys have similar taste which I think you do I think we all have similar tastes in this in this area of the internet I I I trust my instincts you know man anyway let's go ahead and I want to keep it a rather Square inventory growth and I'm more more of a fan of the free attacks type of deal in these games so I'm not going to go for anything like whoa that's such a crazy build a uh sometimes the position of the items in your inventory determines whether or not uh they actually get used okay so this frying pan is it's just it takes up more space than the shoe had and it doesn't add as much block or it adds about the same amount of block so I'm just going to opt to do this for this turn there are certain other items I could take here but I think I'm just going to do that for now um you can kind of build a lot of similar things like I could use a lot of shivs which are basically free attacks they use up no energy you have your energy your block uh very much like slay the Spire in that way pretty obviously I suppose um let add weak to our enemies here cuz I don't really want to take this much damage I'll block once and then we'll see if we can take out the be yes the whoops I did way too much there I'm not doing too much math in these attacks because I'm finding like I said that the game is very very easy right now um and that being said I I do believe that this is the only real big kind of flaw I assume I'll get up to the difficulty that I'm supposed to be at as I play oh we got some armor that's great that upgrades our um adjacent weapons get plus one damage and diagonal and adjacent Armor gets plus two blocks so that's fantastic uh it's just basically like spatial management going on here uh very very kind of rewarding and fun like I feel like uh I don't know it it kind of feels like sort of a sudoku for um but in a Rog likee kind of uh I mean you know slay the Spire makes math somehow fun like oh boy three times or multiplication will add up to you know what I mean on take damage adds seven spikes to self oh that's not that bad Cactus is pretty good just like kind of an ongoing effect right there there's also tons of other builds you could pick you could take armor builds or you could take structure builds where you actually build out like a wall at the bottom of your inventory to get defense each turn very very fun and there's so many options um like I said I I don't think that this game is perfect by any means but I do think that this is a revolutionary game design and definitely uh definitely worth a look hand glows with power incredible and curs I can take your items to the next level he says but the price is great add four damage to weapon if it is adjacent or diagonal to armor Shield or uh three block and Float to a shield add one Mana each turn I'm not really using Mana in this build three block to a shield that cannot be touching the backpack's edge I think I'll take the three block and Float to the shield because I generally tend to not use Shields that much so there's all kinds of inventory effects like the fact that he gave me float means that this item will float up to the top of my inventory whether or not that's obvious I don't know but there's some item items that are heavy and they fall to the bottom of your inventory very kind of like I don't know it's in the weeds of managing your space and I like that there's just something like in my mind that makes me very happy about that I I think we are pretty much strong enough to continue encountering enemies so let's just go in this guy is uh we add luck if we beat him and he's going to try to escape so I'm willing to take some damage here we'll take a little bit of damage and then we'll figure out some kind of blocking strategy uh this is actually a rather difficult fight though um 21 am I willing to take nine and 15 damage uh you know I'll add 11 block if I block a bit I think I will deal eight damage him now I'm 18 all right I'll take a little bit of damage and do a little bit of damage to him just cuz I feel as though the Boon of the great luck at this moment will be worth the loss of the health you know what I'm saying okay he's going to steal my money and he's going to take parts of my life uh this guy's got only 19 HP are we able to take that out this turn eight damage so 16 and three so that gives us exactly 19 that's enough to take out Mr Crab just singular Mr Crab uh and then yeah I'll take six damage that's not so so bad all right so our Shield or our uh what is this the 's breastplate breastplate is uh you know improving the rest of our inventory right now I'll take a you know what I'll take um no I'm just going to block all the damage now it's one enemy I'm pretty sure that I could take him out from here all right I guess we block well not at all because we've already got the seven block from the items in our inventory I just like the idea of building up a a rewarding inventory and then going from there o yeah and when we took damage we got all those spikes on us that was helpful so I I like to keep my inventory relatively Square unless if we get any items that are super op for like left and right orientation this is not bad chain mail each turn adds five block when an adjacent item is destroyed plus two block this combat we're not really relying upon Destruction for our um stuff right now but it wouldn't be bad if we just did this like double chain mail you know what I'm saying double chain mail cuz then we get the extra block from that that's pretty good right and if we bring these down oros now we have to reorganize much of the inventory here uh we bring this over here bring this over here and then this thing is giving us uh well energy is carrying between turns which is quite a nice thing to have that is our uh I do believe that's the item we have to keep for this run uh every run is a little bit different we have to keep certain items but not others through each run you know what I'm saying um we will just go ahead and rotate this one over here and I guess I don't really have enough space I I don't feel super strong yet so I I don't really want to get rid of the cornicopia I'm carrying around a lot of items that I like maybe don't really need right now but they're for quests so I'm just going to take two items and go from there um maybe I'm a dingus but I am who I am I think we're going to get a curse here did we get a uh no adjacent H was get plus one adjacent footb bar uh oh not bad uh the Archangel armor is actually a legendary piece of armor but is it really that much better and the way I've got my inventory laid out right here I just don't think it's going to be that much better for us uh this is a free item to use which isn't bad definitely not bad by any means but just the way that our inventory is right now [Music] uh I'm not in love with the way that this is coming out right here I could get rid of The Shield honestly I might just because that seems kind of useless right here uh and then we get rid of the sword because this is going to use up energy and then we take the free hit from the machete okay I'm happy with this inventory um adjacent weapons get plus one damage would be better if we could do something like this maybe so then that gives more adjacency to weapons okay I'm happy with this look let's continue from here here uh I will take a little bit of Health we're going to get 5 HP here and we'll go back to the um we have one cursed item following us right I didn't see which one that was uh adds seven block could we just take another bronze breastplate I kind of like these better yeah I'm not really destroying items here I think this might actually be better for us because then that gives more damage to our uh to our machine Chetty that's better I think we could slightly rearrange this but this is quite good now I feel Diagon yeah if we get a little bit more Armory armor this is going to be a crazy build uh other than that I'm willing to live with this I would prefer to put these things up a little bit higher but I think that's a I'm satisfied with that for now I don't think we're going to die all right I craft for ages uh add one poison to a weapon add three okay cool so we have an event where we can like add I think poison would probably be best here for only 12 gold that's pretty good uh I will take poison on the machete because that's going to hit every single enemy and we'll poison all the enemies for free every turn that's pretty good uh can we do it again oh we can although I don't really have enough gold for it so never mind she nods and Carries on her work continue rotating the club and switching it with the green oh yeah actually I should have done that thank you ah if I had okay I will do that after the end of this combat ah I'm feel like very I feel like I'm cheating by playing with this this with you guys here on Twitch like you'll be able to help me get all of the answers to the game I think I'm going to use the club on this guy to just weaken him slightly or actually I might be able to take you out can I take you out I can take you out that is surprising and good um yes I will do that after the end of this combat ooh didn't think of that big brain very very fun very very fun I'm going to try to prevent that guy from escaping here we go man this machete is benefiting from all these different effects this thing is great I'm happy with what we've done with this machete man uh I do believe he'll die of poison good yeah poison gets applied more or less in the same order as uh SL this SP okay so this is our curse creates a potion in this row uh when your turn ends creates noxious fumes so this thing is following us around and taking up more item space we will put this here you know the cactus I kind of want to get rid of because it's just do I really need a cactus on me all the time combat ends heals 3 HP I don't really want to be taking damage though to begin with uh I do believe I need to carry this thing around right I think that's for our current Quest so I'm just going to leave that here all right I would like to take the machete but uh alas I think actually you know what I could do is this uh nah I do actually want to keep the club just cuz the weakness effect is pretty good all right I'll do that it's not my favorite I do love a multiple machete run take the unknown event uh I don't really have any item for you I don't have any food for a Cleaver some of these events are a little little like repetitive here but and honestly just a bit useless to be totally honest uh okay what is going to happen I think I can just take this guy out this is a cat burglar everyone is like an animal in this game you know sell all my possessions and buy now there are some like very over-the-top spammy builds that you could go for as you can see I basically still don't have to think too much about attacks uh just the we still haven't ramped up the difficulty so much so some of these I'm just going to go at it man you know we're really not going this we're not going to struggle too much although it is like that kind of satisfying blank mind serotonin experience you know what I mean that is a that is a great feeling to get out of a game I'd like to keep this machete on me but I don't want to get rid of my boot hat either I mean you know I think that the best offense is the best defense is a good offense let's get rid of this T this Cactus I'm going to get rid of the shoe hat as well I don't feel like that's going to come in handy as much you know I've been an idiot now I just I got to live with my decisions I'll do it just live like that leave the curse in there we won't there are ways to get rid of some of these things oh God another set of armor what am I gonna do with this I feel like this might actually make life more difficult although it will stack we have a crazy amount of armor but they we have no offense nah I'm not going to take it nothing in here I could like get dynamite and explosives to throw at enemies but I I don't know I've just gone with sort of a balanc strategy here never yeah indeed never leave home without your trusty Cactus uh who is going to deal the most damage to me you're going to deal two separate hits so I think you deserve to be hit with the club now it's only nine and six see if we can take down the nine attack there we go at ambiguous amphibian am I a full-time content creator I guess so I I don't really do anything else right now I'm just around I'm around okay I can take out that guy H uh that is the fear actually to be fair in these games that is that is a valid and legitimate point you know like these games could potentially be too big brain that you just go mind blank anytime that you play it I am afraid of that happening you know I think if we expand the inventory out to the sides then we could line up more things along the armor you know what I I mean uh and it's also it pays to get the very top and the very bottom of the inventory filled just so that you have space for helmets and things like that uh actually maybe we'll do something like this that way we have a bit more room above the breast plates and then a little bit more room in the top for helmets and such actually if we do that I'm better that'll might be better okay let's give this a shot again we keep getting bronze breast plates move that over there we haven't really used it much but whatever we could move these things up we could do something like like what do we want to prioritize every turn you know the uh the damage I think I want to keep the focus on the damage you know Focus damage where's the focus team where's the focus I feel as though this Cactus isn't a very useful item though why do I need those spikes the goal is to not get hit in the first place you know what I mean um yeah there is that let's keep the cactus uh over there so that it benefits only from the one damage although we are using it multiple times each turn I've kind of screwed myself over in anticipation of this machete though I suppose um like there's no way to put this here and then still have room for the machete we could maybe somehow reorganize N I don't see it happening cuz we want to keep things on top and bottom oh well we might level up again later okay keep going it's funny you can have on like six hats at once in this game I will just take the cursed thing which one is it magical clothing armor uh what is that this is the curs access recur can be moved in combat moves forward once space deals we aren't really using projectiles so we've kind of screwed ourselves over again here with this next curse too this is just taking up more and more items okay care for a trade H actually I do I'm going to trade out my shoe hat for something more rare of the same type okay glove is not bad so for each column to the right 0 five block extra uh which is not too bad so we want to put this on the far left side so now we have uh five block one [Music] two why is this happening oh because we're also diagonal to the armor ooh I wonder if we did this like if we put the glove here then we'd be diagonal to both of these and we'd get both their Buffs uh six block yeah that is kind of odd but right here we do get more block which is funny but it's it's benefiting from these bonuses as well no take backies so you know get what you pay for which I I didn't pay anything so it is what it is uh I believe we've not found the event I was looking for I guess I could go back to the merchant here though oh oh the Wet Stone is fantastic that cost only 20 now if we were to buy the Wet Stone I might even just get rid of all my armor that would be crazy uh we can Bas okay this is a super op item I'm just going to get rid of this thing we'll sell this to him uh can I sell this to you thank you uh now the healing is helpful but it's not as crazy op as this thing okay the Wet Stone is is an amazing item I'm willing to take less block for the sake of this thing [Music] um how am I going to do this puzzle no I I want to make sure that both machetes get this benefit can't really do it that way okay I'm going to have to okay I'll just take less block each turn actually that's fine uh the club doesn't really benefit from it either but the main thing is we want to be stacking wet Stones onto free it uh free attack cost items because it's super op to do that okay we've basically just won the run like there are some strategies like this as mentioned that these items aren't that rare and they're just really good um you will see okay we're going against I think this is one of the level's bosses right here okay so now instead of using our uh regular Club attack I mean we could because he's at 20 attack I might use it a little bit let's go ahead and use the Wet Stone twice so now we're doing four damage but if we use the Wet Stone once it goes up to seven damage because it's given everything in the row and column plus three damage which is stupid op uh and then we'll use it again then now we're dealing 15 damage cuz the Wet Stone has given us six more damage we brought him down to 17 okay so I take five damage maybe I could have been a little bit more careful with it but whatever um pretty strong pretty good uh let's see I think we could probably just kill him this turn so what does that get us to yeah 16 damage and more so okay yeah and there were other familiars I forgot that that would happen um but yeah basically just like mine goes blank and just near 19 damage okay so that'll be enough to take out you yeah we could just take out all of these guys this turn I'm pretty sure okay yeah so like I said like it it does feel kind of big brain but it's just it's pretty easy to start anyway so I'm still like kind of progressing my way anyway let's just kind of like suspend our disbelief in that and just enjoy what amazing game design there is to be had here for every 40 gold we get one energy uh each turn on take damage you lose gold though I don't really like that all weapons get uh on use plus one damage this combat that's pretty good but each turn lose 2 Hp p uh minus three energy so you can reorganize for free un reorganized disabled so basically you can reorganize more frequently um I feel okay without that actually don't really want any of these items I feel happier with what I have me I feel as though I stack damage fast enough already I'm actually not going to get any of these uh sadly because these are supposed to be like the boss rewards I just think I'm better off with what I've got who are you I have something for you oh yeah cool so we finished off our Quest there's so much dialogue in this oh I have to kill you now that I've brought you your flute that is too bad I have delivered your flute now you must die okay I guess I guess such his life in uh in what is the name of this game backpack hero the the game about the backpack who didn't believe in himself enough but then he became a hero uh I seem to be taking a lot of damage this turn let's make sure that we use actually can I just take you out 13 damage but that's going to be oh I might just be able to take him out cuz these guys are cowardly so that's going to be 19 damage time 2 oh wait a minute no uh 22 damage so that's 44 Plus plus uh 21 yeah I'll be able to take him out this turn if I just triple Wet Stone and then do this yep cowardly got to admit you are seriously tough go ahead okay I'm just going to skip all of the dialogue because I I feel like that I feel like this game was not made for dialogue personally but maybe that's just me I just ignore story whenever I play games um I do like the the sound though here that being said uh feel like we don't really need more boots that much might be able to move this to the side then could we do something H that makes the Wet Stone a little bit trickier to use can we do something like this nah I kind of liked what I had um actually I want that one in contact with the armor I might not need quite as much armor anymore after this feels kind of useless H I'm just going to take these two kind of reluctantly what is this unwe use weapons in this column get plus 200% bonus damage this cond that is insanely powerful but we're not really going for a Mana build and I don't want to transition into one so I'm just going to avoid that okay this messenger lets you bring stuff back to the Homeland so I'm just going to put those in there yeah cool yes this is backpack 2 the game uh sequel to uh long awaited Sequel and successor highly anticipated after backpack one JanSport five gold buy some food I'll take some food yeah cool I haven't done this there's just waiters down in this dungeon it's like uh the rainforest jungle I suppose who doesn't like a good Jan Sport Jack jackpack it's a jackpack all right I think I'm just going to mindlessly let my mind go blank again and like hit them I'm not going to take any damage here I mean other than that it feels like kind of a shame cuz it's just like you know there's all these cool status effects and stuff that I want it to be harder but it is what it is um okay we will take four damage here if we don't do anything I will use up my plate of energy I suppose yeah all right maybe I could have navigated that one I just don't think I'm going to really struggle the boss fight will be a little more interesting slime sword H it will duplicate but I feel like since it uses up energy it's just not really worth it and I'll just leave those curses there okay I'm finished choosing uh something to collect is here no pathway is blocked from enemy I will fight another enemy then for maybe something else uh you definitely need weakness this turn so I'm going to go ahead and double Wet Stone then I will take down your strength cool so now we won't take damage uh I got to take you out and I want to take out the thief as well probably should have Gunn for the thief earlier let's just add back in a little bit more energy and all right I'll take you down just cuz I don't want to lose 10 gold have I played backpack battles I've not played backpack battles although I suppose there may maybe there has been enough time for this game to spawn like a whole generation of other games around it the funny part is that now to my inbox on YouTube which always seems to get like like oh like how mired in games you are no like it just once your channel hits a I don't know couple hundred thousand subscribers you're just people are sending you a game for everything like shopping cart simulator and uh some of them are actually really funny but um like there's there's a lot of chaff out there now man or like for example when vampire survivors was a big hit a couple years ago uh I guess that is a couple years ago now um every game that was sent to my inbox just was like either vampire Wars or like Survivor Heroes or something like that I was just like ah man I wonder what this game is about uh it just got kind of funny like that it was like all right um I kind of would guess that there's going to be more backpack stuff going on I'm not knocking it I think there have been some really good games that are like vampire survivors but just kind of funny when something comes out like that you know anyway one reason I think this is a great or a cool game worth checking out is I do think that this is going to be like the like I said you know the father of many generations of new games uh that we'll probably see soon enough uh what am I going to do here I will deal three weak to you I feel like I just kind of want to take out these these slugs fast man cuz look this guy's going to deal two slime to me let see if I can take one out completely nope not at all you're not going to do anything all right uh looks like I'm not taking out the Slugs yeah dealing only 12 damage all right well I will still stab you anyway I'll take out the robot lucky wraith next turn oh conveniently one of them died that was lucky what effect was that that might have been some spikes I had on myself I didn't actually notice yep okay cool get items okay we got some lickes here when a weapon kills an enemy adds three haste to self I don't really I haven't really used haste at all yet magician's blade is useful for Mana Builds on use steals 16 damage I feel like since we're stacking these up a lot more this isn't going to be as useful for us if we could get the price down for it I think I'm just going to take the pretty [Music] anklet okay so that's for every weapon kill on an enemy and we'll just take more stuff yep now you can kind of go in and make your intent to like collect stuff so that you can trade it back in the town later on you know get more items and eventually we'll hopefully get to that a bit cool um add two burn to a weapon three damage to a weapon uh two block to armor I feel like this could stack on top of something else burn is pretty cool though yeah I'll take some burn maybe on the one that doesn't inflict poison so it has something else to do and that also inflicts it on all enemies that's quite good oh I think it was poison that had done that right music is nice and energetic yeah fanny pack like fny pack hero yeah you're going to see every other kind of autant or like equipment uh as the theme of game because now we're get a 15 15 Dam so let's see what this haste does once we get it we'll do a little bit of poison on everyone these guys are going to add Dodge to themselves we want to get rid of that we have an armadillo here oh I really dislike armadillos they really tear up your foundation God I really had some horrible flashbacks when I started playing this game I'm actually dealing with an IRL rat infestation uh in the crawl space of my house so I like wanted all of the animals in the game to die uh and I don't feel like that was the point of the game I I feel like that's was generally frowned upon to desire the death of all of the animals in the game we're doing a little bit maybe too much AOE right here I'm kind of slightly okay with that but excuse me oh is burn applied after oh and what is our haste doing haste will add five additional block when blocking I guess that does that get applied at the beginning of the turn burn will take two damage at the start of the turn can be blocked okay interesting uh we will just again triple Wet Stone just this wet stone is stupid op once we find it the run is over man flaming bangles on scratch adds two burn to the enemy so there is a scratch attack I think I'm just going to take this because it's a cool thing to have but uh Cleaver is not really a great Cleaver I'm just going to continue going without those weapon rewards cool lots of crafting uh Regen to a ring to I think we'll just take more and more burn oh no we don't have enough gold never mind I'll be back no want do want just no money it's true I don't have a shield burn from the fire star yeah I think it's the Town Theme just each area has very good like there this game just kind of has some of that genes quat you know like everything feels very much like like an original creation for this game it it does feel like kind of one of those l labors of love you know what I mean this is not a particularly great fight for us because this Shadow enemy has tons of HP uh and all of our or many of our items are very like cheap low cost good for area of effect but not good for much else I'll just keep sticking with this it's going to be good enough to get through the whole game though so we're fine okay nice leather cap slightly better than our shoe [Music] um would I be better off without the lucky ring you know we haven't really used the club as much anymore I feel like let's just give it another machete and call it a day you know I'll also take this out just so that we can add tons of energy because that gives us another Wet Stone that's stupid op now we aren't dealing with any enemies who just deal like a crap ton of damage at the end of their turn so there's that too to think about uh are we at nearly oh rage what does rage do 30 gold we don't even have enough for it okay I'll take the burn more burn not bad not bad random encounter an Explorer here uh okay oh wait no I shouldn't have done that I didn't need a book actually never mind I wasted my money oh I opened up another okay lucky though we got a curse for that spiky Crown had spikes but deals damage to you kind of pointless um unique items played on or refresh and can be used again this turn um oh could we create like an infinite combo with that that would be pretty crazy I'm not sure if we can you might be able to create an infinite combo on with with something with with this uh I could just keep it around for the ride Jing weapons get plus three damage this combat destroyed okay and what is this one each turn adds two energy if there's an item along a diagonal line item is disabled okay so basically just this thing needs to be off on a tone o yeah I feel like if we level up with this thing this could be stupid op so let's just go ahead and build one more space over here so that this thing can add two energy to us I won't benefit from it yet but and leaf guar I'm just going to leave there it's cool but I feel like I won't be able to get to use it this run maybe if it were a more extensive run I'd use it okay you are going to try to kill me yeah sack hero yeah everyone welcome to sack hero a completely original title that no one has thought of before ever don't question it all right you are just going to call in familiar so I think I'm just going to give you some time I'll eat my meal next turn what it looks like I have like some sort of fish and chips a piece of lettuce some cherry tomatoes and just a bunch of pixels for dinner uh what else do we have what is that a tiny and a cocoa liking the enemy design in this though a little bit I felt like it might have and you know like kind of a furry uh experience I wasn't ready for quite this many animals but uh you know it is what it is I'm just going to eat the entire meal just so I could make these things super uh super op okay then we'll just do this use our machetes and okay bam that's great okay we'll take her out by next turn hand bag heroin yet another yet another of my and I bet you that I'll like them all I don't mean to be like maybe I am kind of a snoot when I say that you know what I mean like I feel like that's kind of obligatory if you're going to be playing Rogue likes all the time like you need to have some sort of like jerk opinion on them I don't know I just feel like that's the Fate that's going to befall me like the thesis of backpack hero you know maybe I've got some problems that I've got to work out maybe I'm going to need some therapy for it but that being said I will keep my controversial dumb opinions on games that I I don't know what was I was looking into like naturally as a gamer I I've been looking more into game Game Dev is so hard man it's so difficult it is it's extremely it's extremely painful for these devs who spend so much time on it I should never I should just always withhold my opinion considering how difficult it is to create a game but that being said uh you know I maintain all my dumb opinions so and here I am I continue to do what I do although I now considering all the devs that send stuff I I feel like it's quite cool if you can make some videos on it or sometimes like you know if people haven't discovered a game like Ness n what a great game now I'm just R naming random games okay we have a vampirism enemy here uh could lead to some like debauchery and Mayhem but hopefully we won't allow it also this enemy Is A Healer the porcupine he porcupines are just naturally like uh into health care I guess it's going to deal 14 where we're going to heal a bit here uh adds oh also adds an energy I wish I had seen that before instead of being such a dingus uh did I not do that right adds 25 block we're already going to block everything hey crit draw thank you very very much for the kind words you've been enjoying more of whatever was you found the videos for in the first place oh so you can actually see what your curses are blocking I'm all right with that I'm okay willing to live with that I don't think I'm going to get much use out of this uh can we just carry any of these things around with us though just for Jason items add Spike to ourselves okay so basically we want to keep this not adjacent to anything that's used does that include things that are used passively I don't know I think I'll just leave it there there's not too much more I need this is a pretty good build just take this out if it cannot move okay so these items are really a pain I think I'm just going to have to live with these curses blocking up all of my item choices for a while I'll do it again I guess you get like a good item maybe some of the time if you man if you play your cards right anyway got a big structure here though this is not that useful okay now we have another curse uh matad doll okay I'll take the top hat not bad I mean this is a pretty full build right what do you have okay a lucky ring ooh this is a fantastic one soldiers buckler although the Wet Stone just kind of makes the whole run I'll like a lucky ring yep that's about it might be nice to bring a key back with me um yeah I'll take a key who am I kidding I'm not really in any relative danger right fanny pack fighter spawn in all of the all of the games like it okay so now we're up to to uh the badger boss you get 40 experience for defeating this we won't level up we'll still do pretty well he's going to summon other people but it doesn't really make a big difference here I could have I probably should have saved that for the next turn and he summons in uh just regular Badgers uh I could add a little block here let's see if we manage to take this guy out 40 down to 18 do we have enough to okay so we could take that guy out so we don't have to waste our block potion cool so we have enough save it in case we get into like a danger zone you know don't want to stay there naturally cool okay I think we'll just take this guy out and the other enemies will become cowards when they see that he has been slain man it's letting all these Vermin is making me thirsty so we didn't actually level up or anything there we just beat the boss but but that's about it okay so then we get the reward for the Run Crimson energy if there's an item two spaces away item is disabled each turn adds one energy uh oh wait no that was just unlocked we don't actually get anything for that run so uh that being said uh I kind of couched this entire overview of the game which that was the main part of it now we come to like the kind of town portion and this isn't really my favorite part of the game but it's kind of like ah it's a little bit Animal Crossing it's a little bit Pokémon Mystery Dungeon it's a little bit uh Satchel is the son of a oh cool we unlocked a new hero I've actually not unlocked any of the new Heroes yet I would kind of like to see what this is like um nice Town consists of a few things so basically similarly to the way that you build your backpack you're building up a town as you go you know because a town a town is like a backpack my son um cannot be moved so we will go ahead and just destroy everything do we have 45 population yet no everyone is a mouse I thought everyone was a Roden and I started to get PTSD but no it's mostly mice there's a mayor Mouse yes if you can believe it a politician believe this one is a teacher M burrow got any mention of like burrowing verman rodents really upsets me I don't find them cute I'm just although the song Here is very sweet and nice there is that uh which upsets me more because it makes me feel like I shouldn't have slain all of the I slayed the Rat King I had to slay him it was just causing destruction he was tearing up the electricity is really becoming very problematic uh you know so I I did more or less what I had to but um I don't know I felt bad I was like oh god what have I done what what have I done so this is the way that you unlock items it does feel like it's a lot of kind of manual clicking in order to just unlock all the items in the game but it is kind of a unique system and I think it's kind of cool right Gauntlet this heavier Gauntlet oh kind of cool just such a like a plethora of items to unlock in this game it is cool ooh an iron helmet IJ armor get plus one box so I guess like kind of just enhanced versions of more or less what we've already unlocked instead of like a leather cap we get something just with slightly more block we have to unlock more as we go it is satisfying I'll say that it is it gives me that just kind of like Plus or you know just one more level kind of Vibes uh although I I will say that I I find like I said I think that the most fun in a Rog like is to play it and find it difficult and then to come to a point where you feel super overpowered and something that was super difficult for you before and especially in a Rog like that is the best feeling that I think a Rog like can summon in me so we unlock a couple new runs we get some of them with certain characters ice cream is actually kind of a cool one um we might do that run next uh and there are some buildings that can kind of passively generate more income as you go but that being said I just find that it's it's very accessible this game almost to the point where I sometimes feel like it's maybe even too access accessible you know and I would I actually wouldn't mind it being more difficult I guess I should look a little bit more into the items rather than just kind of randomly unlocking everything but uh and some of the items are like consumables that it's worth keeping back to later and you can see some of the ones that I've unlocked that might appear on future runs so there's that what is this thing a grapple some of these though I feel like might crowd my backpack of choices you know what I mean okay other things that you can do uh I haven't really shown any of the building system we'll go in for I don't know maybe like a couple more runs after this but as you go uh you can either destroy old buildings in the town which there's all ruins when you first start this there is like a I have lost my mother story in the background but I just like I said I kind of ignore the story it's like you're searching for your mom or something I don't know I I try not to overthink the inner lives of of vermin um but that's just me you know that's just me I'm going to go ahead and sell everything I know that there's some of these items I could use more some of them are like story items but we are currently at 170% efficiency here on our store which is nice cuz we get more for our items um and then we can use that money in order to go ahead and buy more pots and crates which I don't actually have enough sledgehammers which I guess is one type of material or cheese or like treasure I believe this one is it kind of looks like a blue Mana Shield or something and then on the right side is population which the town grows as you come back and then you have a couple of other buildings that generate more Town members or um sorry uh five building materials while you're in the dungeon for every floor you crawl or something like that you can also uh look into your backpack or go talk to the politician Mouse and he wants you to get taverns and stuff like that this guy keeps wanting fish but I think I'm just going to ignore all of that for now I'll save uh only thing I've seen is I thought I I don't know if these reviews were updated with people saying that their towns were like reset or something like that but I feel like that's you know it'll come and go or something okay so we're playing as a bird before we were playing as purse and now we're playing as Satchel oh it oh my God that's so funny is a son of a noble bird on the run from the evil Crow King corvis that is actually kind of funny uh with his bag ripped and town captured oh God how could they Satchel seeks the help of this is actually kind of funny some bit um okay so if we go on a standard run we get a a Golden Feather why not we'll go in as him uh the ice cream is kind of the opposite of what you really want in this game because you don't start off with as much energy which is not really the point of this but I might as well play as another hero right now right make it harder by taking cursed items I suppose so and there is quite a lot more stuff I've seen some crazy builds in this game I'm really just like kind of glancing the outside of this I guess we'll go to the Crypt cuz we didn't we just do the Bramble I want to say I believe will I play kenhi too yeah if they send me a copy that is to say I don't I don't know when it comes out I I will play it even if if I don't uh I am abstaining because I feel entitled uh no uh um no yeah I'll play I would play kenhi to in a second if they come out with it uh I have just wasted all of my energy but I wanted to block myself yeah right it's like you're waiting for Tom Nook to move in it feels like okay so you are a coward so you will leave if he leaves but you also have lower HP and I just kind of want to get you out of the way uh so let's do that I could probably take him out the next turn maybe a bit wasteful of me um oh no what have I done ready to take 10 damage okay I'll just do this actually that was a waste I shouldn't have done that um energy does not carry over between turns though we really did not make much use of our like ordained item the last time I think that's about it all right h two three four yeah we just get crazy amounts of energy I really don't think okay so Satchel's backpack is torn when he levels up he can add new spaces into his bag the spaces do not need to be adjacent to each other oh that's kind of cool pocket the blocks are adjon they are part of the same pocket if they are not touching ooh just think of all the possibilities Man O this is kind of interesting ooh think of all the new possibilities that this could add to the gaming man uh I do kind of want to make it into a squarish shape so I will do that I think o we double leveled ooh double level excuse me um I am willing to do that I like this it's like a whole new world of possibilities uh all the spaces to the left okay so this is a great great glove climbing glove right we could try to build a structure this time if we wanted to um we have Mana projectiles not really any definitive build here uh we did start with a melee weapon arrows can be kind of oh what the heck I'll take an arrow if in case if I manage to find a bow otherwise I'll just get rid of it if if I managed to show you a arranged build sooner than later that would be kind of cool I guess uh I think I'm just going to block for this turn are you going to try to escape get two experience for yeah all right not much else we could do here anyway though we already used up our whole meal in the last combat okay so he's going to try to take 10 gold and then Escape not really much we could have done to this guy anyway all we would have been able to deal would have been 21 damage so we just lost 10 gold and that's that's that so I'll just deal two damage to this guy oh well just he got away and kind of the slay the [Music] spiry sad end to that turn I'm a really good yapper oh thank you very much actually that is one of my one of my natural gifts that I talk nonstop and I am a terrible listener um this this does actually come up IRL very problematic very problematic uh never never make friends with a a YouTube person because they just won't stop talking man although I guess that was like my father always used to say that was a problem let's get rid of this thing H yeah I have a lot of issues man we're going to talk about it today we're going to talk about it let's go ahead and put in the boots over there this is conductive we aren't really doing a Mana I'm trying to do too many things at once uh okay I mean maybe we'll go for a bow build just because it would be kind of interesting interesting you know that's the stuff although I'm trying to think back to I always used to watch there was this guy named Krebs coo on YouTube back when I was a boy back before the incident uh fires oop uh I totally messed up my inventory management The Last Bow that I had used fired arrows above it I did not actually realize this was the thing uh I am sad now all right we will reorganize our backpack after this fight this is just going to be a bad and sad fight but you know it is what it is again okay so you're going to explode next turn 27 damage that's a lot uh although we could just block most of it could we kill you this turn no we can't so I'm just going to try to block most of that hopefully you'll just be gone when you explode yeah all right naturally the C circle of life ends H me thinks we need space Over [Music] Yonder although is that really going to help us in any way we just made it really high ah oh no I have an idea we could add tons of wait a minute okay that's really bizarre I'm just going to add tons of block from this glove because that seems to be the most overpowered thing I can do right now let's go ahead and reorganize this fast I do want to see if I can give you a a good bow attack arrows to the right get minus 40% [Music] bonus uh this would be kind of interesting actually H there's so many options this time around I kind of like the wooden sword more for this build with the ice cream H we actually use zero Z energy from this that's fantastic [Music] H gu we can't really fire a thunderbolt wait can we I don't know if we can actually fire this first Arrow so it's technically not an arrow but it is deemed a projectile it's uh but it's magic okay so I guess we probably can't do that um you know if we get more space above we could probably fire multiple arrows from like the cross bow and the composite bow that would be really cool uh I kind of want to put this here just so that we could line these up and maybe increase the height of our inventory that would be pretty sweet I'll also take a hammer just cuz I don't know what else I'm doing with my life I don't even know who I am anymore yeah I'm willing to take that good good stuff binged all the FTL videos got me back into the game neck deep I don't know if that sounds safe being neck deep in FTL but it is a good game don't you think that is a good game good taste you have hey guys it's Neil just in case if anyone thought it wasn't Neil hey Neil thanks for that I do love that game man that actually kind of means FTL is just some it has that J qua you know can be used one time each turn deals 10 damage item in this column is used this item is refreshing can be used again this turn I don't think it's that good though 10 damage it's a little bit more what am I going to be using in that column though I guess I could do something like that but then that would kind of compromise the boots nothing here is really shouting at me all right I'll just take a dice I don't really I mean I've already kind of committed to Bow so let's not try to go magic and confuse ourselves H I will take damage let's just try to block it uh remove status effects uh nah uh we will use the bow though I mean it's free at first right H Rog likee inventory yeah what am I really calling this game by its right name Rog likee inventory manager it's like I want to call it a deck manage inventorial uh thing but I don't really know how to say it you know what I mean I want to call it something but I don't really know what it is you know what I mean like what is it hey AA I was cleaning up some cat urine and used bleach cuz it had a really strong ammonia smell now my throat and nose hurt any idea why ah cat you're in I remember it like it was yesterday I was in high school and my cat wouldn't stop peeing on my back backpack it was finals and I was very busy taking tests and thinking hard about those big problems in life and the cat eventually died and then I no longer had to think about the cat urine anymore and that's the story of the cat urine and everyone cried at the end I don't know I'm sorry maybe you should call a like a like maybe one of those earn noos throat doctors help you you know what I mean I feel like they'd have something to say about that oh actually come to think of it I have a friend who was able to give me some guidance in my strange ear problem that occasionally comes up oh wait composite bow maybe we could ooh this one fires to the right we could do this and then if we had ooh look we have two separate bows that are firing two separate arrows very very exciting everyone very very exciting we could even go for a melee and ranged build here if we are very smart maybe I'll do this look at this we're like some sort of Rogue I'm like a rogue man I'll just leave that stuff there now there are pouches in which you can store extra items very exciting very very exciting but we won't be using any of them today because I and boring and I don't take creative risks and that's the way it's going to be you're dealing three and four so if I whack you with the club you'll deal much less than that ah whoops I messed that up all right I guess I'm just taking some damage here felt like I could have done better with that maybe the real deck of cards was the back inventory we looted all along the way poetry your cat peed on your PS1 that is an intentional targeting of urine I feel I'm really sorry about that bar so that would really that would really kind of suck um I'm trying to think of similar things one time my cat it's always cats cats just like just like you know what I'm just going to ruin your day man yeah they're like problematic individuals who should be put they belong in an institution you know cats they got issues man they got like some unresolved kitten trauma to go through he knocked something onto a laptop and to this day that laptop has a dent in it ooh ooh this is the stuff uh for each pocket that has a space to the right for each pocket that has a space to the left so are we am I doing this right climbing glove [Music] right each turn adds two block each turn adds three block like if I take out space does [Music] that I don't really know what that means each pocket that has a space to the left oh oh if I did it as a completely [Music] separate pocket I really haven't done that pocket system right then I guess you know I I guess I could have separated these level ups but I'm so used to the system as it is that I'm just being kind of a dingus I I could have been a little I could have been somebody you know uh this is a Mana weapon I won't take that I think I want a little bit more uh stuff we have to keep our ice cream for this run would be nice to get another machete you know what I think I'm going to give off on the bow build uh I just feel like we're not finding the arrows if I had found more arrows I would have done it but again we're just kind of keep finding machetes man you know I'll keep the crossbow around in case if something happens but I just feel like that the game keeps handing me all this free Rogue damage uh like always machetes not going for magic so I'm not even going to do anything here Mana stones and whatnot it's backpack hero man your cat peed on your VCR player man there's something about old technology you know animals don't like they they try to destroy technology to get it out out of their owner's hands you know what I mean o nothing gets nothing gets him angrier you're paying more attention to your technology than me use one time each turn also free for each feather sh in another pocket uh o cool like you could have tons of pockets with them I think let's just take all the free damage right man he moves up one space when this moves adjon want get plus six damage this turn that could be pretty op if we just put it on the top then right do we have enough money for that cost we have exactly enough money we could definitely make this work so if we do this [Music] this two and three dude look at that I feel like I could make this even better yep that's what I'm doing um I'll keep the club separate from it that might not be the best move but I think we just won this run that's pretty pretty good that's a great item uh Talon boots for each pocket that has a space above this uh three block and these ones are one block uh each turn adds two block okay I will take that so that is three block instead of what is that three block feel like I'm not reading that right okay adds five block okay much better we don't need to use it right no it just adds it for basically for free amazing okay H yeah some of these I'm not some of these I'm kind of still used to using the same way that purse would have used her items o he's calling the characters by their names uh onuse moves up one space when this oh so it needs to be able to move up one space in order to give the damage okay I get it so I'm going to have to just rearrange that the next turn little things like that I guess that we're still kind of getting used to oh no I probably could have taken you out couldn't I I think I could have done that oh well uh too bad nine damage uh I will apply the nine damage to you so that I don't take any damage this turn cat tries to steal my territory by peeing why do they always pee like mine got a UTI and they man I was only a boy when it happened too yeah that made me feel pretty bad in high school because you know like the cat I had my own whole life set up I had my whole life ahead of me and then that cat had to go pee on my backpack I was very upset uh I felt like personally kind of attacked you know at the same time on the one hand I was like glad that the cat felt comfortable enough with me in order to use my room to pee I was also insulted like of all the rooms in the house why would you pick mine you know pee I'm just going to pee on you man yeah that was when I I learned you know like maybe I have to toughen up upset and uh you know like like repulse the cat I thought you should you know make people like you but naturally this was SS this is an amazing topic I'm loving it adjacent so I guess we get two of these opportunities per turn ah I'm between This and like best op offense is a good best defense is a good offense all right um whatever I'm willing to live with that the buckler takes up very little space which is kind of nice finish choosing good enough for me oo look at how much more dungeon there is left to explore friends okay cool let's make a deal I'm not really using this Shield right now very much how is a machete of the same type as a shield man all right whatever I'll just throw that in there give me another machete per turn I'll take all the free damage I can get uh okay we have another sketchy that does appear to be a rat trade back to machete see what we get oh a dirt Clump I don't want that what a waste knew I shouldn't have done anything uh I am a crafter okay I play Minecraft man add two block to a shield add one rage to a melee weapon uh add one haste ah we can't really do much of this uh slow to enemy to a weapon I'm not sure that's really worth it I feel like I would rather just wait for the next Floor N I'm not a big fan of slow I feel like just something that deals damage oh this guy's going to deal a lot of damage that's a lot of damage oh we can just use that for free multiple times per turn that's quite good so I guess we just want to put that between all of our weapons man okay this changes the Outlook then longer weapons do better with this then that's pretty sweet uh I want to weaken you well I'll do that and then we'll just do this sweet man we're getting pretty strong now it's intentional yeah they poop yeah they poop you're right they do poop in shoes that was also I mean it wasn't fortunately my shoes but I've you know I've seen them to poop in shoes you're right you're right you are right oh I guess we could do that that's kind of sweet although now we kind of want to make space for this thing to move up and down so it kind of makes the whole glove situation pointless yeah let's do that oh and I guess that's our whole outline for our backpack also Kraken priest hey how you doing thanks very much for the 25 months appreciate you Kraken priest thank you very much ooh we have like kind of a Bard build going on here what is this cleansing wand deals eight damage when it's out of use is destroyed uh okay so I think what we should really do here is to build like sort of a column I'm actually okay with just leaving that there let's do that and then we put these items down on the bottom and then we kind of create like a line for this thing to go up like it moves up throughout it and then all the weapons benefit from that bonus that's crazy so it just Rises up in the middle of combat that's kind of cool man we'll just take some free stuff as well uh I'll throw this in here can I do this yeah okay that might lead to something uh cool finish choosing gain a little bit more experience get a little bit more Health uh I don't believe we can pay that guy for much of anything I want the cat okay now the one that I can't understand is the pooping next to the litter box that's true see this is problematic because when I was in high school there was a day keep in mind this is high school there somebody pooped next to the toilet to this day I still don't know who did it but I remember my physics teacher just like looked at us all for spiritan and he was like who are you people like we were all collectively responsible for whoever had made that heinous decision I don't know if if I would I don't I mean for me I don't know if I would have been able to tell anyone either withstand the shame that would have you know naturally I would have incurred for being known for that everybody dodged that one okay uh what else have we got I'm not really doing enough damage here man is going to be kind of a pointless weekend but I again I won't take any damage I don't want to use this thing up that bad but I guess I'm just going to have to that was like a community dump you know I still can't believe that that happened when I was in ah like like that should be something that's you know discussed at reunions or something again mind kind of goes blank here oh we aren't necessarily going to take any damage so this is okay this guy's kind of like the head hono and we got have this guy as a Defender so we do have that kind of good old you know slay the Spire like I guess we didn't really get any of that weapon so the last row of weapons it didn't benefit this one didn't get benefited okay so we really want a two length weapon in here cuz it doesn't get applied to the first row or the top row I'll keep that in mind all right I kind of messed that up and we'll just let him get enraged he's not going to do much to us yeah like what does adjacent mean to the one that it was adjacent to before at the end uh cannot be rotated all items cannot be rotated kind of an interesting item actually you would take five uh or less reduce damage to one not bad I feel like the energy is going to be pretty good for us here the items not being able to be rotated we don't really have too many items not rotated though I think I'm just going to move these anyway I'm going to put this here these are going to go here and then this will remain here now I think we keep one of these at the [Music] bottom or maybe uh there's not really any way to perfectly do this I guess I'm just like we're going to have to do something like that so all right I'll just throw it on the machete one of these shibs is going to be kind of useless cool pretty good floor uh healing I think the max health is always a good thing to look into uh putting items away back home am I going to do anything this is a strangely good place to get that rotational uh fix H okay I will take another hat just cuz we could use a little bit more armor adds three Block H happy with that kind of an interesting run formation anyway deep cave or the enchanted swamp I don't believe that we have the key to this yet yeah pathway blocked so you keep unlocking more territories meta progression ooh just make sure to run away before anyone sees it oh god well the worst is if you're trapped in like a natural disaster here like this happened when I was uh when I was 18 we got trapped in Hurricane Sandy which like destroyed New York uh and just you know it was like it was nature just all throughout all throughout the city for weeks actually there were there was actually looting in my town which is kind of exciting you know like oh looting What's Happening Here uh you know people like trying to defend themselves and stuff like that it wild yeah man if you're looking for uh interesting stuff take part of I mean I I pray that you don't have to deal with a natural disaster but you know if you should it take some notes you learn about human nature man uh I don't really like this gu we'll open up another pocket see if we can do anything to understand this system yeah I'm kind of curious what this is going to do does it need to be entirely to the left so what is this doing with our gloves now uh for each pocket that has a space to the left what does that even mean like is this pocket technically to the left shouldn't it be more I guess not whatever it is what it is just going to live with it uh take three items I will do that and that and I'll just take another thing cuz cuz I have room all right we are fighting another Badger some guy dressed up like a badger six damage nothing to worry about [Music] um I'm just going to take these guys out fast man we really do a lot that's a lot of damage all right let's destroy my sword ah just the flex of killing them in one turn oh and we get another one he just gets such a deluge of items in this game that there's hardly even any point to like not am I going to get more for that no I'm not still feel like I could open something up here though you know what will I just do this okay fine I'll do that cuz this thing isn't very useful to me wonder how this works in Pockets I guess that's not really activated there is it all right never mind uh we will put this back on the bottom and we'll just give ourselves more Health yes I'm wearing two hats right now uh something to collect so gold or I'll take the health cuz just you know again I think our build is pretty good right here also Agent J thanks very much for the three months love to watch the bods go to sleep not a bad thing say you're relaxing I get that a lot I feel like people keep on like some kind of background noise so I've been just speaking in lullab had conductive oo energy to clothing haste to a structure damage to an instrument uh I guess energy to yeah we don't have enough oh I should have taken the gold a sad day that's actually pretty good I wish I had waited out for that one I don't have a key so I can't open that one it's charm to an enemy maybe I should take up this flute there is this whole set of like well that's not bad removes poison from self uh I'll just take more free damage more free damage uh let me get rid of the spike because I just don't really need it and might as well remove poison from myself whenever I can happy with that uh yeah not really enough to buy more upgrades as you can see uh these are all the buildings in our town that are kind of generating Revenue as we go so it has that kind of like clicker game element to it I don't know there's just something about that man you know like ooh passively our like uh our our town is growing like uh something about like you know I really feel like it's the the feeling of getting rich that these games kind of sell I was trying to read up on this like Cookie Clicker like why is it that I got addicted to cookie I did this year uh a couple weeks ago I got addicted to Cookie Clicker and I was like ah you know I realize it's funny cuz I play games more or less for a living now you know like if if that's what you would call it um but I still am like kind of susceptible to a lot of the same things that I used to be I think I'll just destroy that sword o just taking them all out in one turn just huge clarinet oh my gosh that's that's horrifying uh all right we'll leave it uh not going to do much with that but yeah as I was saying it's funny like I was trying to figure out why is it that there's certain games I play like I had weeks I probably have a thousand hours in Magic the Gathering Arena oh darn I just totally messed this up uh I got caught up in what I was saying um hm three energy okay I'm just going to do it it's going to be a total waste but I messed up I am sad I'm probably not going to take any damage anyway oh I should have done that the other way okay anyway uh as I was saying uh gaming is a serious addiction everyone and you should not game you should definitely not game oh I just realized now that I'm doing this I could totally just reorganize every turn and get a lot more damage from these things oh that would be so much better why did I just do that yeah let's do that totally okay this is awesome yeah cuz that uses up only three energy okay check this out so I'm just going to keep doing that how did I not see this before okay that's kind of cool you got to admit um okay I will just take away your Dodge now look at how much damage we're doing to these guys just mind is blank man oo that's the stuff just say say no to gaming yep don't game guys don't do it excuse me this thing is great so do we keep 15 damage 15 damage up to 21 damage that's crazy man holy cow look at that that was yeah that was super five head oh man that was crazy that was super cool oo n when an adjacent item kills a non- summon enemy uh I will take that over the poison just because I I think regeneration is kind of preferable to that uh and I will do this what does this one do H I'll do that for the Jason weapon being used uh take that out and throw that into the bottom finish choosing cool yeah it was weird though I realized I'm still like very susceptible to a lot of the things what was it magic the Gathering a lot of like online multiplayer competitive stuff tends to like cue my addiction thing uh and that is not so particularly great because just it was weird for me but I realized you can get into anything then the week after that I was like all right you know what and this is something that I kind of do for myself because this was like years ago when I first created the channel I was just having trouble enjoying gam oh my gosh this is stupid op now that I just realized that exploit um okay we just won the run in like an amazing way uh what do I do next each column to the left ah I feel like I could let me take off the cap and Bam that's way better uh good enough weapon in this pocket for each minus three block for each armor in this pocket plus three block I feel like I I need the opposite item of that never mind continue but yeah I realized that I then I tried to get back into Indie gaming it was funny oop I totally forgot to do it I bet you all just take no damage though this uh combat anyway what I realized in the end was basically anything can like addict you to it you could be addicted to I think that the most bizarre one was there was someone that I had heard of who was addicted to separate Staples like you know that satisfying thing when you separate a bunch of Staples that are together um what am I trying to say I'm I am not an addict anymore guys no I I just realized that every time that I play one indie game I need to switch to the next one uh because otherwise I do become like quite addicted to them oops I should not have used that I but I'm still going to block it all anyway so I'll be fine guy that was addicted to eating plastic B there are people out there with just the dumbest problems but yeah I mean I'm pretty sure that any Behavior like there are certain ones that are worse than others but man look at all that damage we're doing just a Phil Swift amount of damage o Dude okay just keep reor keep putting this what is this item a letter this thing is crazy okay it does give them only six more damage this turn but now we've gotten it twice so now we can reorganize twice so what is this going to be at at the end of the turn that's going to deal 27 damage it would be even better if it did that for the combat but you know whatever right that's just going to take him out uh it's too bad we can't make that column any longer I don't really feel like we've uh utilize the kind of pockets mechanic so I'm just going to kind of combine everything yeah actually this will be even better if we put it down here cuz then we can move the boots to the bottom thereby giving us a little bit more armor cool uh anyway for me I have to like switch back and forth from game to game and that keeps me uh I don't know just keeps like stuff moving it's funny you know take still two more items man I've got a lot so I don't know anyway that is to say uh I feel like that for me I've just kind of it solidifies my commitment to just like I'm going to make more coverage on more games and more vods and I feel like it kind of keeps the sense of adventure up you know but it's funny cuz I I find myself not really stopping on anyone Rog likee in particular you know but I've made that kind of the quest to to like become a Pokemon master all right we've got a card matching game nope none of this to try them all top hat some sort of horrible mask uh we don't want the matrika doll I believe that's a curse top hat is not bad I'll take a top hat I do not know if this is a bad thing honestly uh what is this this looks kind of cursed but I guess it's not for each item below plus two block on take damage items below are disabled for okay so I don't really like that though it kind of makes it risky I don't think that top one even benefits from this I'll just take a top hat why not cool I don't really want another curse so I'm just going to keep going to the Deep cave not too deep though heard about a guy on Guinness record book who ate a plane wow that is actually rather impressive like if I weren't concerned for his like he ate all of the metal bit by bit I guess you do kind of need iron in your diet right there is that I mean that's sort of legit and making more weird Sims videos it funny to me though cuz I I was kind of trying to process it cuz the one thing that's funny to me is that over the years of just like creating goofy gaming scenarios uh it's sort of when it turns into like a transaction as work it starts to become less fun and I've I don't want you to think like oh no a is running out of energy he's he's running out of steam he's running out of steam um nah like I've kind of gone through that cycle a lot of times but what I started to I realize to myself was this uh just like the some of it just has to do with habit you know it's odd it's it's hard to explain anyway that is to say if you kind of keep moving from day to day and try to keep pushing yourself to experience new things and I don't feel like this is just like what applies to gaming but I feel like everything kind of in general uh yeah I I don't know I just feel like it'll lead you to do a better job at whatever it is you're doing so that's me that's my incredible original opinion wow so moving make another speech please AA no I'm I'm not that vain but I am also teal seal thank you very much for the prime appreciate you speaking of good Rogue likes did I play Noida why yes I did do you even Noida though the one thing that's tricky about this letter though is that you have to keep using it multiple times every turn because it you know it does a thing so that is kind of tricky uh did we get any it oh no I guess we're about to go to the item that we unlocked okay so we got ah nice our loot we did get quite good loot for that run uh I believe we can sell most of these extra cheese in haversack Hill hav sack get it he had a specific genetic thing that allowed him to a so not everyone they told me that I could complete any dream my you'll never believe where I just was that's right totally made it to the center of the dungeon I know my way uh be there you see what like I do feel like there is quite a lot of dialogue here like for a game about mice that yeah all right I mean I guess it is kind of pleasant I'm not like against it like a I hate animals so much I wish they would all die no sorry I just did an entire Spore video about like Conquering the universe so my mind is like attuned to like destroy all species and then there's this bizarre reversal at the end that that has probably been the most rewarding thing of YouTube is just getting to write ridiculous scripts every day when I wake up it's like ah right what was the story of the mouth and butt like the species with a with a mouth for a butt I can't remember what it was some it it was very bizarre that is to say can we use these I guess these are just kind of useful for like sales all right we'll do that and then we use that money to get better deals okay here we go we reinvest all of that stuff into getting better deals at this so this is the radius of the store so we'll put down another crate there just kind of tried to keep these like not in any particular order okay so we can't place there but we could place there can't afford right I guess we got to sell more stuff we need more chees in order to afford that but now we're selling at 175% efficiency which I do feel is pretty good you know all right cool uh and you know what let's get more of the item requirements and other places we'll go back to the blacksmith it does get a little bit repetitive here but again like I feel like that's just me kind of looking for something to talk about because I did play quite a lot of this game on my own and I I found it very fun and enjoyable um yeah rare Shield can we unlock any new items though I don't have any of those uh some of these are pretty easy to pay for but then there are also it does kind of encourage you to pick multiple builds as there are some items that's just like oh I never really picked one of those up when I go down there let me try this kind of more Uncommon build uh the next time I go down and then I just sort of find myself offloading everything else when I go over uh okay so sell and that gives us a decent amount of loot again we've kind of improved the efficiency but then again everything kind of gets more expensive so that's more or less the gameplay Loop here I feel as though now that we've done some basic runs with a couple of different characters a couple of different mechanics you have kind of a good feel for what's going on let's try something really weird and different like a build that we wouldn't do let's like a magic build or we'll just go straight bow and there are some runs on the bulletin board uh well we could unlock certain ones too that's quite nice uh o one just for cheese let's research it with cheese start with just uh what is that red cotton uh I do believe that's unlocking something in the library which then unlocks something else yeah Ginger adds to energy so more and more like cool weapon on unlocks as we go I kind of want to show off some more of the different types of builds that you can do in the game I'm not a huge fan of the Mana builds so I've decided to let's just go through and do some archery because I felt as though there was more to be done there I'm going to do one run that has been completed already uh we'll still get some of the loot from it though so good stuff will be had but basically a bow fires the first arrow in each column above so the other one had done it below I guess they kind of differ where they could go top down left or right but basically um oh I guess we could put these right above it we can leave some space for other things so I will do that there and then put the shield above them and then we have space for three more things very very cool build though because you can start to fire multiple projectiles and that is quite cool I think uh I do Crypt again because I think that is quite fun um maybe like kind of sadly generic of me like he he why would you always pick you know the most generic thing now we know that we have to kill the thief first though uh I think we can basically just go at this guy I don't really fear being bombed um the only thing I have to fear is the rodents living beneath my home uh they are down there and bothering me I'm going to take seven damage here cuz I would hope to try to get this guy h no I am definitely going to take a lot of damage here uh okay I'll use this for free 18 how much damage can I do I wasted that bad three damage and then another three damage that's going to deal six total uh no we'll get him down to six and then okay I wasted that never mind I messed up horribly bomb enemy but still I do feel as though the arrows are quite cool um and it was maybe it was worth getting bombed for so so there is that but yeah I don't know I I just think it's quite neat that there's like so many different builds in this game and just options of completely different ways of playing maybe we'll go for like a structure Run next too o structure would actually be quite cool although this character is kind of wasting a lot of energy here the way things are but that's the way things are H so the bow what does that benefit from you know what I'm going to go ahead and just put down three here and one up top CU if we get boots ooh we got an extra two that gives us more space nice um unfortunately we didn't get anything that's too bad that's just too bad all right we will put the armor here because that's going to affect the arrows regen potion wow we're getting like new spawns of things that have never been had before by anyone we can use this run to collect some more stuff that we weren't able to get in last runs like like kind of more Uncommon items you know oh yeah you're right I don't know why I was so worried about killing the thief I just realized had no money to begin with stop thief stop criminal scum I am sad all right but now we we can take out the bomb man all right so now they're dealing four damage each but oo it's getting to stack oh we definitely want to take that okay six is going to take him out I'll just use up all the items I think I just like to press buttons and you know I'm okay with that that's fine with me so be it I like to press buttons then this game is great if you enjoy doing that I just like a little self-awareness here adjacent melee weapons get plus three damage this is a fantastic item although I did say I would play with bow stuff so um that's see does this get it for oh it still does get it if it's only partially underneath the rose basically boots like to be on the bottom helmets like to be on the top and and so on and so forth uh this I don't really need what does this give me regen regen is not bad I I think I'll keep that if we really find cool melee weapons maybe I'll consider using that one uh cuz it's quite a good thing excuse me uh actually no just skip out on it for now it's it's a really really good item the crystal gauntlets but I'm just going to skip out on it for this run we'll take those other things back uh all right give me a volatile potion cool what else is in here uh I guess this is like a preview of the boss that you're going to be seeing I can't really figure out what else it is I had three damage and had heavy to open has it's like a good thing and a bad thing three damage to the weapon must be touching the backpack's edge willing to take that uh that' be pretty good on the Arrow it is indeed touching the backpack's edge if what if hat then where would the helmet go honestly true but I do believe now that you mention that the hats and the helmets are pretty much the same things so there's no need to worry um don't worry about that nothing to see here nothing to see here ooh I'm going have to take a little bit of damage there man all right I'm going to take the regen potion six regen that'll just give me a little bit of the health that I'm losing uh make up some of that this combat do I benefit from that right now might just let him take his turn that way I go back up to 37 that's a about where I was at cool right oh I don't even get the regen for the uh other thing H uh not really going to be a very convenient way of getting the armor to bolster more of our supplies yeah that is kind of unfortunate here oh well there's not really anything we can do to help it I would say the best next thing we could do would be to make some room for some melee weapons maybe in case if they come into our build maybe so we'll just do that um ooh more shoes sure and then we'll just take ooh these potions are quite good and then I will take this o we haven't had the helmet yet cool okay nice now we have a lot of armor we're like an armored Bowman with three pairs of shoes on some of these builds are just like so goofy and ridiculous that they like they need to be they they must be exploited you know like we have to do something with them otherwise what's the point of playing like just the goofiest game um this is going to kind of mess up my inventory I I'll avoid the 12 damage though let's see if we can take this guy out cool and 17 we have great block this time all shoes but no socks and yes the shoes do stack I feel like there's like this game is Just begging to be exploited though with all the stacking types of things you can get also Agent J thank you very much for gifting the sub hey gifting the sub to ballistic meat man what an amazing day ballistic me getting the sub from Agent J thank you Agent J appreciate you we uh left Gauntlet okay it's heavy we need it on the bottom I think these boots need to kind of go up we can do do this all right adding four now that's not bad not bad at all um throwing star you know I don't think I need this much block I think I'm just going to start to uh collect some items that I could use at havac Hill yeah good enough good enough uh I will add experience experience some sort of mask uh oh yeah this is also getting the armor benefit you know we really aren't using the slat Shield anymore so let's go ahead and just get rid of that uh we're benefiting from more armor and onake damage adds one Dodge to self uh we aren't really taking much damage either but I'll just throw that in their metallic mask not a oh I need more coins really it's that expensive okay whatever willing to live with that uh 37 out of 40 yeah I'll just take a heart probably not even going to be able to do anything with the items anyway random event I'll take welcome to my game show okay this is kind of cool they've made all these sweet like uh mini games in this thing I don't really want to get a curse so I'll just do that not much else I can do with this thing I guess I'm just going to put this on this row I have two left gloves on oh but it's also heavy I've now forgotten I may not have a right Gauntlet but I have two left ones I'll just wear one on the other hand backwards I love just the logic of this uh okay I think I want to take out the Healer first 25 block we've already put up though man that's good cool we didn't even give them any healing sweet I think we'll end the T N I'm just going to maybe I will save some of these consumables on me because I rarely get to bring these back to havac hill haversack hill is kind of although I feel like I have some sort of accent when I say it like I'm tempted to say havac you know but that sounds kind of like a New Yorker a Boston accent like hey he's going to have it yeah you know for some reason I don't understand why this is I mean I spent most of my adult life in the state of New York I'm sick of it people are like oh New York I want to no don't don't go there go somewhere else you'll have a better time all that being said though uh everyone thinks that we're saying like I'm walking nobody says that in New York nobody says that anymore people are just rude and they cut you off when a diagonal Shield is used adds one block well we haven't really been using Shields but maybe I'll pick this up cuz I I'm just tempted to use items that I never use you know what I mean I'm more kiding I mean it does sound funny it sounds like something that potentially someone could say but no one says it so everyone just has this bizarre vague idea although I don't know maybe I'm just maybe everyone is just giving me a hard time I'll take the burn ooh burn on an arrow would be pretty cool wouldn't it yeah like multiple Burns applied that would be pretty sweet yes bag is large bag is [Music] large people supposed to say that in B I don't know what it is I I think maybe it's it's possible that just my group of friends that they think that the entire Northeast is just one state it is it is like a whole region of different dialectics I'm trying to think no people say stuff like coffee like they kind of say that or I don't know people just sound like everywhere that you go anytime that people have like a very thick accent there's just the the thought that we must be among like Hillbillies who are attempting to destroy us or something I don't know what I'm saying but one thing I do know for a fact is this all right like it idy aside accents are disappearing man education also gets rid of uh accents Regional it's true I asked my college professor it's been a minute man that was a really good class actually do miss that H hang on a second I I think I just want to take this guy out entirely right now can we are we able to all right I will just deal 30 damage to him and then six and six getting these ones to go away I don't want to take damage okay cool I win uh did I oh I did actually end after this one area since this was kind of an earlier Quest but we bring back treasure with us so that's good anyway so that's an examp Le of a totally different kind of weapon run that you could do I I do feel how long I guess we've done like three runs already I feel as though they they do last longer as you go further into the game though I'm just kind of comparing with other Rog likes and Rogue lights I guess we'll continue now as we normally were um we'll do a little bit of [Music] sell pretty sure you can like highlight which NPCs actually want to see okay so now we we should probably have enough for we have like a a Fletcher over here so we can go in this place and we'll have a bow oh no did I actually bring back any of the loot I brought back the treasure but did I bring back anything no I actually didn't bring back anything in my inventory because it was a completed Quest already that is a bummer oh well I guess I did for nothing um oh well too bad so sad very sad bad life uh let's go for something kind of hard start with coral oh this is a very cool type of run ooh and we start with a shiv as well this will be an interesting one because we can start to duplicate common items so we'll probably duplicate the shiv either that or the cap to just get a lot more uh stuff this is a very cool run uh I'll put down a sword doesn't really matter where this is and that can go there all right we will go to let's go to the Bramble for a change oh thank you Frankie appreciate you if few mapped out optimal Roots oo there was one I wanted to I think it was just like basically maxing out one of my levels um I can't remember which one it was I kind of have to go back cuz it's been a while since I touched kenshi but thank you I do appreciate it that's very nice of you you're a very nice person I honestly don't deserve it um we don't really have any way of Defending ourselves right now uh and I don't want to waste all my energy taking out that crab's very strong shell so I think I'm just going to do this although now next turn I've kind of screwed myself man much can I deal I could deal 21 here all right I'll take that we just got kind of screwed for damage at the start of this run we just have no way of Defending defending ourselves man I lost 17 HP in this fight already with very little way of defending myself I guess since we just took so much damage I'll just duplicate the cap first but my plan here is to level up the shiv to just crazy amounts while this is happening let's just go ahead and uh increase the height of our inventory so that we can oh cool we get to choose even more spaces I think I will just continue to increase the height of the inventory we get another too okay I'll do that all right what do we get um okay machete is pretty good cuz that's another free attack I'll take a an acidic potion and maybe give me more Health why not and then we'll put these two caps on the top just for armor as far as that goes I believe that's it we'll just end there just cuz we had practically no way of Defending ourselves there I'll take some treasure next oh it was secretly a crab but that was a treasure chest of course it was um not a bad fight okay uh select a common item okay another great opportunity to duplicate items let's get up our block first with three leather caps oh my gosh this is so ridiculous for each row below so if I put that up here does that no that doesn't actually happen but you know what I'm just going to do it anyway cuz why not how ridiculous it is to have this many caps and uh give me another plate of dinner it's pretty good crab people I think oh I I still have yet to unlock some of the characters but I I do feel like that you could totally change up the game like I've Seen Crazy strategies too in some of the uh promotional mat materials for this like a whole conduits in the backpack just like this whole electric circuit there's some crazy stuff you could do in this game uh I think I'll just wait I want to save my items a bit although I bet you that we can find a better um setad of weapons here okay now I think we start duplicating our shivs just cuz shibs are very small and give a lot of damage easily I think we can put this here this is not a bad run at all this is starting off really nicely uh one energy and Deals eight damage but it does take up a lot of room there is that I think we get rid of these meals cuz we're not going to rely on energy too much in the end uh we get rid of the HP item I think we get rid of this cap as well you know what we get rid of that as well cuz now that we have this toll Blade the toll blade is huge though and I'll probably end up replacing it as time goes on but H it's fine it is what it is I guess we could put the other cap here or something like that might be better for Block yeah why not I'm wearing four leather caps all right uh this is heavy but the fact that there's no other item underneath it is fine okay I'll take a lucky ring as well favorite build with some pot with an item that allowed me to use an item nearby to basically infinitely craft yeah this game didn't have the town all always right I feel like wasn't that a I mean it's been a while since I played but I think I had played the demo I believe it was back before there or maybe there was I don't know what I'm talking about so I'm just going to shut up I unfortunately just got rid of all my food but I don't really want a Cleaver anyway not really in too much danger right here a we couldn't take him out in just one turn I don't think we really get any major bonus for that though right all right now we just undertake the uh the insane shiv uh IND doubl menting if we can get some item that powers up our shiv like crazy like another wet stone for example like we had that one earlier run I do like the acidic potion but I just feel like start building up shibs now o a brick would be kind of interesting cuz that adds block but we already are wearing four leather caps I'll do that don't need anything else I'll just do that I feel kind of spammy for but maybe I shouldn't the town is super new yeah the town to me is the one part of the game that doesn't feel as polished as the rest like um and that being said like the the main gameplay loop I just thought that it was a Dungeon Crawler at first but the whole town thing is just like this whole Animal Crossing world that I didn't even know existed ooh Pearl this is a great thing uh weapons two spaces away get plus4 damage so you can do this on o masonry tools is also kind of cool ah I'm between doing this and the cap strategy I done this before and it's kind of cool do we have enough money to afford it n it's 35 how much is this worth three okay I kind of want to do this just because it's kind of cool to show off just think if it's going to interfere with everything nah you know what let's just go for the offensive strategy I could build up a big brick wall because Mason R tools lets you like build bricks and then you can duplicate the bricks turn after turn and it is kind of cool um but I would prefer to just do the insane Rogue damage here so let's go ahead and just sail our lucky ring just so we have some space and then I will put this in here and now all the items two spaces away are benefiting from this bonus so if we just do this and then you know what I'll take one less block per turn and that's fine um from the hat and cool we're stealing in same amount of damage I do think that the my favorite way to play this game is to just basically yeat everyone as soon as we walk into a room uh debating though this might have been better on the machete but this gets used multiple times per turn so okay we can just get rid of you I probably could have done that with a machete actually uh you are coward so I will just take out this guy instead okay and we has like a little bit of Health left all right so this is kind of the the unfolding of my masterful Str stry uh okay yeah you are cowardly but I could still take you out this turn anyway and I did uh what item will we duplicate I'm thinking if we do maybe another shiv maybe and we just start to get rid of our caps and we just go totally on the offensive that might be fun if we do another two spaces here we can also put the shiv there um or maybe we could put in [Music] our actually I'm kind of curious about this [Music] uh yeah let's find if this works we'll do an experiment o cool tilted sword deals seven damage each turn plus seven Dam plus one damage this combat not bad although I now can't really fit it anywhere [Music] uh I don't really want to poison myself I'll take this thing funny they can rotate those one space items too I will take the Tilted sword actually let me put it up here I think I'm just going to gradually get rid of all these leather caps just feels kind of silly to be carrying these around anymore I'm just going to create a super stabby character okay so this does still count as being two spaces away does this see it's funny to me that this doesn't count as being two spaces away I guess it's like in across formation like isn't this one two spaces but I don't know I guess that's not the logic we're going with here uh this gets used multiple times each turn this is also pretty good deals 11 damage deals 12 damage I feel like this is just going to outscale this so quickly that wouldn't we just be better off getting rid of this thing now and then putting this here and then just starting to duplicate these like crazy until we have tons of shivs in our inventory yeah let's go with that that's kind of cool uh I will put the boot hat up there and then do this good enough for me sweet yeah top Ah that's the word we're looking for orthogonally ah I love the word orthogonally it brings me back to like board game directions yes y 770 probably like one of the comments of all time um ooh poison Shi uh unfortunately it is rare so we can't just duplicate at every single turn but hey it's still a good thing all right uh behold the incredible shiv uh or the incredible whatever we're doing right here uh who has more HP actually you have a little bit more HP but you're going to try to damage me but I'm not going to take any damage anyway so let's just Yeet these guys to Infinity uh God I feel like such an old man whenever I say the word yeat yeah that's what I am though uh you know what no I'm I'm just going to drink an entire drought and then do that actually I just realized I do not know how to pronounce the word drought is it drought or drought like a like a pint you know what I mean I don't actually know how it's said how is it said that is depressing not a dra isn't it no well I mean draft is a different word but I do believe it's Dr why is every is it g isn't Dr r a u g HT a word I do believe that's a word right oh it's still pronounced draft really I did not know that man this is like back wow I love it when that happens um H man I feel like an idiot thank God I have the internet to help me me say words right I appreciate you guys thank you thank you for keeping it real I did not know that I was whenever I would read anything like old timey like from Lord of the Rings you know like tolken kind of stuff he would be like a drought of but I guess it's a draft man here I was saying words and think I was saying thinking I was saying them right all these shiv are kind of useless though they just heal two damage uh no one's really going to hurt me this turn so let's just kind of go at it yeah these are all very weak a I should have used that on the other enemy whatever I feel like I I want to be punished more for like not playing the game right you know what I mean like I've made so many mistakes in here I want them please penalize me like no I don't want to you know what I mean uh whatever I'm not doing well I'm not doing very well let's just make more space for our glove we have like the Michael Jackson glove here we just have one left glove or whatever it was what was his thing huge back of bag of coins I'm actually okay with keeping this um oh what am I going to do with that there's an item two spaces away item is disabled each turn adds one energy a that counts as two spaces away okay this is not a bad space for Crimson energy plus that gives us more energy consumes like two kind of spaces worth uh I think I'll do that cuz what is two damage really going to do for me this is actually turning kind of useless I thought this would be a cooler strategy oh no and now I've undone that never mind I have to re undo it let's just get rid of that too I'll take the luck ring yeah cool I'm about to go sicko mode I feel like I'm always in sicko mode just from you know like being a slob just generally feeling like a slob all the time I think I woke up at a I woke up at some ungodly hour today it was awful and then I remembered that I I'm who I am another damn day I'll take another hat this shiv strategy is starting to break down very like rather quickly um should we just go all damage just for Just For Fun N I feel like that would end in Peril I just feel as though I maybe that is to say and one thing that I didn't really think of until I started playing this game a lot now is I I do tend to pick the same strategies over and over again I am now realizing now that I have to articulate it a bit you know um oh this adds three damage uh actually I'll do it to the one that adds it this good for taking out one boss though maybe I'll do it to that one a lot of great deals here can you do o you can do multiple things all right I'm just going to add it all to this one I know I could do it for more for like greater area of effect but come on man 20 damage to start plus one per turn is pretty op okay I will do this we're going to be useless for that o whoops I didn't mean to do that all right whatever take away some of my armor I'll take the item that's useful for habersack Hill uh healing could be good oh yeah you know what actually I'll do that cuz that way then every time I use any of these which I'm using them all the time I get to heal that's great cool uh cool uh I will just take the curse and live with it stronger to keep uh getting beat up until I uh ohen kenchi my bad undervalued luck in this I haven't I think yeah it is kind of hard to tell what luck is actually doing there's all these items that Grant luck like just go for a full ring build just all luck Rings dude check out my mood rings what does this thing this thing is already dealing 21 damage that's sick okay I will use this because now everything here will heal my HP by one and I can use that once each turn too I mean kind of unnecessary for for this battle but I just wanted to demonstrate that cuz I don't think I'm in too much relative danger and I what do you know I actually just took him out in one shot anyway um I will hit you luck makes your post battle rewards have much rarer items I feel like I haven't unlocked enough of them yet though you know what I mean and I just feel like that the common weapons are very good but I haven't really had to go seek them out you know what I mean which is like kind of too bad uh because I would like to search out more of the strategies maybe to be fair then maybe I I've went like a little bit easy that I feel like I do kind of pick the same strategy every single time there is that maybe that's fair I'm not really going to do this but uh energy carries between turns I don't really need that right now I item is destroyed adds one energy I'm not really destroying items either adjacent weapons uh I don't really want to lose HP either but I mean you know I have the Regeneration so uh does this take any energy yeah let's just try it you know what we haven't tried any new builds each turn lose 2 Hp that's fine because we have all this regenerative stuff now uh actually I could put that there that way no let's just leave that there cool that way then we still get it cool um finished choosing that's not bad we got the egg timer this is a pretty good build this is a little bit different from what we've been doing before I will take the five Max a I don't really even care for her healing me just because I I already have such a good regeneration build now uh H supplies you know I never like to like compromise the run just to carry around more supplies but I just wish that I had more in like if I could put something into one of these pockets and there are items that are basically sacks I guess the way of telling that you were lucky would be that it actually says lucky on the item when you get it there is that so that's pretty Prett good but a Rog like yes that is the meaning of life after all isn't it just to get a bigger backpack also Agent J thank you very much for gifting the sub to m b bof thank you very much appreciate you Agent J thank you very much thank you every day I I toss a coin to tell how lucky I am and then I decide whether it's like uh it's like Punk Satani Phil you know like Groundhog Day like that that decides whether I should stay indoors for the rest of the day or whether it's time to venture Outdoors once again uh for another day of what could be um what could be the end yeah am I really going to be able to take out one of these to do some quick math uh you know what I'll just let these guys mess up my inventory actually I want to take this guy out right now and I'll just focus everything on you all right I don't think I would have been able to take him out anyway okay this is slime this is one of the cooler things in the game so he going to start to cover up my inventory I can spend just one energy to pop it all kind of like the slime block uh block boss boss and slay the Spire so that is quite cool I'm just going to kind of be wasteful here and use up a lot of shibs so that I can get more regen uh good enough you know what I'm at 33 HP I still think that's pretty good what did I get rid of there definitely can't duplicate that that's not common give me a little bit more block I could use it a bit o a sweatshirt and now we're lucky adds three Max uh on take damage it has three max HP wow well that's kind of weird I don't really feel like I need it right now feels like such a copout like what a cool item but uh I just feel like I'd just be better off with a simple leather cap right there I wish I could just make the backpack longer you know maybe I could unlock like a larger backpack for all my future runs yeah I mean it's boring but uh yeah that's what I'm doing sadly it would be nice if I took more risks all right one thing I will say that I I think is quite good about this game is it's it's retained all of the like silly mini games from stuff like slay the Spire you know um or like similar stuff to that not really like I don't want to just keep comparing stuff to slay the Spire although I do I do feel like slay the Spire is a good a good Rog like worth comparing games to and I I feel like there's a lot there is quite a lot here because it has so much in common with deck builders um a lot of people don't really like deck builders too on that note you know or like just something doesn't click with them about that game's aesthetic I don't know what it's like I didn't think I would like it when I first saw it there's actually nothing I can do here uh we are cursed so that's fine you know what let's try for this luck ring rather than one of [Music] these you know what actually i' take it yeah you know what let's throw it in there actually you know what no I'm I I'm not going to do it unless if I go for the full luck build otherwise I totally would uh that has to be one of the goofiest things around cuz we're going to be fighting what appears to be a large Badger at the end okay uh getting a different item of the same Rarity should we try it with the egg timer no I feel like that would be a waste oh you know I I thought this was a poison Shi for some reason I totally misread that yeah lucky Shi nope I actually don't really want to to do anything with this guy nope the offer still stands um it wouldn't be about rats if there wasn't like a shady Vermin like running a shop in the game let's just apply it to everyone is that poison [Music] y I just think that everything is poison in the game reu also just want to say love the videos how good time making the blast watch hey thank you very much appreciate you appreciate the kind words yeah I hope you I hope you've enjoyed them right I hope you enjoy more of whatever it is that you found them for in the first place I don't feel I'm going to change too much on this build so I don't really want to take another cursed item even if good things could be had out of that there just something so like Financial about this aspect it's like M like we are rich in the town like money is coming in money man and money money something about it you know gets me going in the morning only mate money can motivate me now anymore I guess we'll try to be careful to kill more of them with the lucky shiv now if that is possible well I've messed up already so I am sad right but I will take that into account now because the lucky shiv is something we could I mean great luck think about that that's even good than gooder than good uh three damage so we need to get him down to like three what would do that okay seven and then two ooh very lucky very very lucky we will never mind that oh darn I actually got more space for my level up I shouldn't have done that oh well um I'm going to kind of keep this thing isolated over here on its own uh I think we could kind of build out this row below so we could move that cap up there let's do that move that there this item doesn't really need to be anywhere in particular o what is this vampiric o I haven't found an vampiric weapon yet let's take it very cool I guess we could put this down here cuz that seems slightly more interesting poison Wet Stone uh add one poison self weapons in this row get plus three poison this combat that is quite strong I think I will just take it and put it there look at how many weapons that is man very weapons very weapons vampiric did I say vampiric caker pie what will it be does this take H this does take energy what is the vampire V vampire whatever it is heals I guess it's not really a vampire oh no a vampire everyone yeah I guess vampiric uh heals for all damage dealt to nonsense not bad okay I mean hence vampire I mean a vampir a completely different fictional creature although I'm already kind of Reen regening there some repeated effects here let's do that wow I actually dealt poison to them from that that was surprising 21 damage damn all right uh let's just deal a ton of these small damage to them no I don't think I'm going to get to that all right that was a total waste of my weapons I was trying to get the luck down uh I guess I won't be able to kill them this turn so I'll just do that just use the lucky shiv uselessly can I swap the Pearl for another shiv uh the oh yeah the Pearl is adding damage to everything so I I do like the Pearl okay you've got a Dodge so I'm just going to waste a shiv on you and then use the lucky one um don't really want to take that much damage so I I guess I'll take this guy out this turn and he's got the poison so he's going to die what does that effect power reative uh not taking okay that's fine but ah I wasted the machetes one thing that I'll say too is that I feel as though stuff like slay the Spire I need to be so optimal with my my hands I feel like this is just uh it's it's a lot easier not that that's bad I'm just I wish I mean I would say that I'm about eight hours into the game now and I still find that it's very manageable and I I kind of want it to get Harder Faster you know what I mean like one of the things that kind of killed slay the Spire to me was when I learned to respawn at the start of a combat from twitch chat I didn't know that you could do that when I played the game when I first started playing it um and when unfortunately like a long time ago when I was playing on Twitch there people were like oh you could just reset the area cuz I was so close in one combat it was just like by the skin of my teeth and once I knew that I couldn't let myself fail or run again which kind of killed the game for me and I mean like shame on me for doing it but it was also like uh it feels like every run always ends for something stupid so I was like whatever anyway it it made me kind of sad because I was like darn I messed up I didn't get it with the sh but yeah again like I don't have to play so optimally I guess I will come to a point in the game that work it's really tough I I another one that I was thinking of like this was uh was peglin peglin I really love I really like the game um although uh a lot of people have said like you know it's either super easy to win a run or super hard based on your build so like stupidly easy like yeah just that um which you know kind of too bad I still have hope for peglin though I I really like that game um I'll be like the first one I'm the biggest peglin fan uh you will die of poison I messed up my lucky shiv again really need the vampire I should have used that earlier you know what I'll just do vampirism against uh actually I don't get any vampire stuff from the shields cool yeah a lot of people don't know that you can actually kind of respawn and slay the SP by just like like if you're about to uh do you want me okay cover yours if you don't want to know but if you do want to know I'll tell you uh if you're about to lose a combat in an area that game you can just like uh you can basically just X out of the game and then the fight starts again like if you really kind of screwed yourself and you were playing a bad strategy before it's not going to help you that much but if you were so close to winning a fight then yeah uh I don't think I need to say anymore but yeah oh we can make this thing like really super powerful if we did this two block adds two adjacent weapons I don't want to overthink this too much I I think we're fine as we are kind of like deck bloat you know oo take more items just cuz I could no I don't want to take a curse what do you have in here what is this moves around to a random space above uh when combat ends turns around nah it makes me wish I had more space in my backpack man oh yeah I'm getting issues from that whole thing uh you know I'm feeling like this vampire blade ironically isn't getting that much use here oops I forgot to use the poison Wet Stone earlier alas so we can take this guy out five uh two two and two cool so our luck Rises yeah again I'm still making tons of mistakes I'm sure I'll watch this VOD over and I'm just literally clicking buttons but I'm like uh whatever what's the point when I know I'm going to win the combat oh whoops you dodged that darn you thinking like that ah darn it I accidentally upgraded the damage of that one all right hang on a second let's go nine down to one okay there we go now lucky ship gets used cool all right Andy's gone lucky okay Whisperers etching not bad you know we've we don't really have so much use for all of these shibs let's just take an item for the town I'll keep my vampire blade I might as well okay I'll take the free Hearts oh whoops I didn't even need him I'll take a little bit of experience there too another enemy we're part of the peglin community the peglin community has spoken I think I played peglin once about a year ago I like I didn't play a ton of it but what I did play I really thoroughly enjoyed and I'm sure there's a very similar audience here to the to what there is there let's see two uh could I take you out excuse me probably take this one out then I'm trying to finish him off with the shiv you know 15 2 4 6 8 this is barely not going to be enough damage all right I'm just going to take him out with a normal sword then like who cares if my luck Rises by that much hey ianus you have a cool sister I do think they did a good job with the plush this year uh they're really nice company to work they do if you did uh or that is to say I don't know like I was always kind of wary of merch companies cuz I was like uh I don't know how it'll come out if people will just get like weird t-shirts like there was Schmutz on the T-shirt oh no um no I actually think they came out pretty good like when I first got one hey thank you very much I hope I hope you enjoy it thanks for the uh thanks for the support I do appreciate it 24 I think we could actually take out this guy this turn they're also just like very I don't know that like makeship as a company they're just like lovely people to work with and yeah I don't know I like the people behind it so comite again I don't really think I need [Music] anything I guess we can build more space underneath our hats we'll just expand this cluster over here for no particular reason I should have duplicated another item but I didn't mace deal 16 damage uh adds slow and weak to enemies we just need more passive items that don't really do anything like that would be better H you know I probably could have taken that poison block into consideration when I was doing that all right what is this wet stone used uh types weapon on Alternate use selected weapon permanently gets gets destroyed let's just 25% bonus damage is pretty good that's pretty sweet it's destroyed but whatever like a little bit more HP too really scandals lately with some of the merge companies I didn't hear about that drama two block armor add two spikes you know what let's see if we can add energy to clothing oh unfortunately we running around here naked I will add it to my left Gauntlet two block to armor you know what I do like about them is the fact that it happens like once once in a while oh whoops here we go I don't I I like it to be like a little bit more I don't know once in a blue moon kind of thing you know like that we do a little campaign on some something not all the time I feel like that would get kind of like boring you know like it's a little more special or something like special for you you know yeah oh but that being said I do feel like that the designer did a really good job they've got designers in that company that work really hard and um yeah I don't know they're just like super creative somebody like the designer came up with the tiny amibian I can't remember I think I had suggested that I said like there should be an even smaller amphibian in the backpack and then they came up with a very like cute looking amphibian I was like oo that actually that's kind it did a really good job yeah it made me glad I admit it which one came first the mouse or the backpack the backpack this one are backpack battles oh actually do the one that I always get to my email though is every game like I said with vampire survivors everything is like Sur survivors vampire has been released today I'm like okay have fun uh nothing wrong with that I mean there are a couple like I thought um or one that kind of and bullet Hells exist you know what maybe like maybe I'm going kind of hard too because bullet hell as a genre did exist well before vampire survivors so like I don't I don't want to go much like that although I've noticed that so many of the company's like titling conventions and games are just now like everything is vampire like vampire man vampire boy whatever it is oh I messed up because it wasn't the shields all right let's see if that vampire yes the vampirism does work if it's against Health okay confirmed vampire accountants vampire attorneys vampire uh used car salesman all kinds of things yeah you don't know what they're going to think of next I've stacked over 50 poison here it's pretty [Music] op 30 damage uh a we won't kill him like that let's see uh unfortunately the badger was able to take a turn oh I forgot to use the uh other shiv there whoops my bad I did that wrong all right I think that's the end of our Quest what do we get in here it's kind of like a like the music here is just oddly sweet I don't know what it is I'm trying to think of what it is in terms of the harmonies that are being used it's kind of like an undertale Vibe about it you know like just I point out undertale cuz that game had great music who is it uh what was the guy who made undertale Toby Toby what's his name I believe he wasn't he like a a Pianist chat Don't make me say it [Music] pianist pianist like a person who plays the piano of course nothing to see here but yeah he he was rather talented like it it makes me upset that the instrument I had played in the past was the guitar and I re I do like the guitar but it doesn't digitize very well as compared with you know Keys you know like digital audio workstations and whatnot I just thought that he did a really beautiful job although I think it kept me with the instrument longer piano is a little bit bit harder to like improv or go on sorry I I got a little caught up in my thoughts there although I did hear I think there was a variation on this theme I couldn't tell how I got it or if I like bugged the I don't know why this song played but yeah that is to say this game has very nice music pianist I was thought that was funny I used to listen to this like classical music uh radio station my parents used to play this uh back when I was a kid they would like um they would like uh put it on on Sunday morning and they started pronouncing that that uh the person who plays that instrument differently I guess because they didn't want to make the mistake of uh of saying something sexual ual you know I thought that was funny we've got crates here now crates are available I feel like I've been kind of hard on just getting this s like this one this is basically the Tom Nook of this town man a town hall the center of the city connect researches to perform all research here each research connected by a path gets plus 5% efficiency uh Temple each holy we got to decorate everything with holy stuff there's so much going on uh research accessories here house increases population I think we have kind of stagnated in population demographically this town is collapsing man yes of course let's get more houses cram more people into this town stupid [Music] Town yes 43 residents have been attracted to havac Hill you know what let's go for another one I think when we get 45 we get some other type of reward do we have the destroy option yet as well yes we do okay this gives us a great Boon of materials there are some more structures that need to be or ruins that need to be taken out now attracting more rodents oh get rid of the rodents this is what's been becoming of all the rodents underneath my house I had thought that they were mice like you know cute little mice but I had rats man loud noisy and uh it is disturbing oh new structures I do believe that the structure is a very cool build for the game I I will buy one of these yeah let's get [Music] that what else have we got Jeweler okay I'll take a jeweler why not I mean these buildings are not really particularly organized the one thing that's good is you can very very quickly move them back and forth let's put these somewhere that we can see them uh it might not look good but I just kind of want my town organized okay I'm going to put all the houses on the other side of the river like right now this is basically Houston there's no zoning and you have like uh you have like an adult club right next to a preschool man they need to put in some city ordinances or uh or you know all all hell Breaks Loose uh no unacceptable we need like separation of the different kinds of goods and services in the town whether you like it or not does this ooh the commercial structures don't actually move with this building that's going to be the bane of my existence let's go ahead and put all the research types of buildings next to each other just [Music] cuz Okay we do research weapons at the Barrack every everyone is seemingly disturbed by the thing that looks like a a mushroom why are you in the way this one I'm going to move north in the town just haven't had space for Farmland yeah they basically turned it into Sim City now he's over taxing the residents oh God Is it true I have an amazing singing voice I unfortunately don't uh you know who does have a very good singing voice though splatter cat trying to think yeah I I don't know why I know that fact but he does have a lovely singing voice maybe it's because this game is about [Music] animals hang on a [Music] sec I don't think that he starts every video like that like hey everyone it's splatter cat meow I mean it would be fun if he did uh you know maybe like maybe not all the time but maybe every now and then for a change um yeah sorry I'm I'm going to be serious again in a minute man there's so much there's like a bank this I will say okay all the things I've said about it being too easy uh despite all that there is an insane amount of meta progression that could keep you busy for a long long long time uh although it does feel kind of like light in that way it feels like it feels like getting a through a lot of easy content um I think this game would be really I I think I I don't really want to like downgrade its significance but I think this game would be really good for an airplane ride or so I don't like to say that about this though but it would it would if you had a lot of time to kill too I'm just going to posit that out there don't come after me don't boo me off stage but I'll say it I stand by it man okay I want to unlock some new quests cuz we just don't have enough of them right here what do you say let's do one more for Old Time sake for old a uh red cotton red flame okay this could be interesting is this like some sort of Legend of Zelda reference h placed in the same place twice remove from the bracket adjacent items are destroyed this one will be very tricky o this will be very tricky what is this one cannot find rare legendary items in combat rewards I feel like red flame is just so different from everything else we've done we should do this because I just feel like this is such a bizarre play through so we can't put it in ajason items are destroyed so we don't really want to put anything next to ooh this is tricky this is going to be very tricky um we're just going to have to have like rotating items throughout this run we'll just let the shield get destroyed this time or h no actually CU if I put this here still can't really do it uh yeah I don't think there's going to be another way cuz I can't put this cuz this thing is destroyed yep uh we're kind of screwed here okay we'll just have to let the shield get destroyed um this is going to be a very challenging run maybe the most challenging one because we picked easier runs before but that is beside the point um let's give it a shot play in Early Access avoiding the full Rel because I didn't realize they added yeah it does seem they've added a lot although I don't really have the full uh get a different item the same Rarity uh okay maybe something other than the shield would be less awkward to place okay you know what I'll take that this is going to be tricky man cuz I'm going to need to find a shorter weapon I guess I could do this though actually and then that way I could just use that in combat okay great thank you mysterious scammy rat trator I love you uh let's go ahead and just so we get seven energy here this guy's going to try to run away I do want to kill the be cuz I don't want to take damage and then I will go after this strange wraith he's not strange he's just shy hey thanks for coming out private door knob what happened to public dornob oh what is that hang on a second kill adds five slow to all enemies that is quite good uh okay I'm willing to yeah I'm going to reorganize to claim this item oh I messed up ah okay I forgot that this sometimes happens I've probably totally messed this up in several of my combats uh I guess we can just kind of keep moving this thing along let's move it over here because we don't want our adjacent items to get destroyed right or we could make spaces for it but I also want to have space for like boots and maybe a helmet if I get them yeah um rog's mask might not be bad just for a little bit of Dodge yeah cool what the hell I'll take it uh for each adjacent accessory plus two damage deals seven that is pretty much objectively better than our wooden sword I might want to save the wooden sword for later so I'll keep it in my inventory but I will get that and I will get the damaged knife and I will take that oops that's too much already okay and then we can't move it there that is kind of sweet all right I like this this is an interesting run a little more challenging than the last ones going to fight a giant [Music] bee we will should be fine if we keep this th well what if we did whoops what if we did this we put that down there actually what if we did this and then that and then we just took some treasure I don't know if we'll get to use that okay fine played the dot age demo cute and fun it looks neat too ooh dotage is a great game uh I thought it was dotage but you're right it is dot age uh which was both jarring and confusing for me but um what was I going to say yeah dot age is a fantastic game it's a lot like a gria if anyone hasn't played it but um actually played it on my own because it was like I was doing a lot of that over the last couple of weeks actually sadly sadly uh I didn't share that experience because I'm selfish and bad uh but that's just the way I am that's just oh whoops I forgot that that would float um that is unfortunate but I'm going to just have to live with that bad decision all right I I think I'll just put consumables next to this thing should I put them in its old spaces yeah that's fine I mean I'll just use them in the combat anyway so those things will get destroyed anyway uh yeah dot age is fantastic that one actually I think I will release that video sometime in the next couple of weeks hopefully sooner than later I do really like that one though oh the reason I didn't stream it it just takes a really long time to get through a run so I just said to myself I'll just do this over the next couple of days uh and yeah that I that I did I will add a Dodge and I will kill the Healer first 11 damage um this cost zero so I'll take [Music] that 13 and I guess I'll take you out as well all right I'm going to have to just take six damage yeah that one was one of the on like there were all these Rog likes that came out at the end of last year the very end I know he's got cowardly but I just don't want to take Dam damage cuz I have no way of defending myself um but yeah there's a lot of things that I'm trying to revisit now at the beginning of the year CU there was quite a lot of good gaming to be had last year uh but it does kind of all swarm up at the very end of the year and I'm just like ah you know tiny Rogues also got this crazy good update uh that I definitely think is worth checking out all right we could move this thing over there and then we could just keep I just want to keep making room at the bottom of the backpack to keep moving the red candle too maybe I'm overreacting a bit but uh you know I don't I don't want to have to deal with this thing I just want to keep kind of putting it off all right so this thing is just going to keep kind of moving around our inventory I'm okay with that let's just see what it does you know what it might actually benefit me to put this thing like in the middle of our inventory right now just so that later on I have these spaces I wish I had thought of that before yeah like use up these spaces which we going to fill like if I did this right now and then this cuz this is going to be an inconvenient space later on yeah I'm going to stick with that all right big brain 500 IQ and then we can start moving items into those spaces great we do that I don't even see the point of having this anymore cool what is this game like uh it's kind of like a Rog likee deck builder very much like that I guess that's the it's kind of a new sub genre of of Rogue likes what else was there ooh basically peglin uh cap we haven't really had any of that vacant Mana Stone connected to a Mana Stone item is disabled conducted okay whatever uh I'll go for that one let's see if we can get it looks like maybe maybe uh no okay another teddy bear sword teddy bear sword is not bad by any means all right I'll just take another one throw it in there maybe I'll get to sell it or something cool uh okay you are moving to a random space above I guess because it couldn't really move it just didn't give us energy it's too bad um cool cool take a Dodge do I get to dodge o I didn't actually Dodge the burn I shouldn't have done that oh well see now I'm actually running like slightly more low on health uh this is bad if I could get another one of these things I would just get a ton of Dodge and that would be great but I think we need some way of like regenerating HP now okay so great we've used up this space and now you're going to move South I guess we don't really want you moving next to that thing though I will keep this here should probably have some I'm just going to put the treasure there I I'll get get rid of the treasure entirely uh what else I think it's time probably to just get rid of the wooden sword and then we probably you know considering the fact that we're using this thing it might be better to get like smaller items just that can move around more yeah I'll take a cap benefit from a lot of caps this run I'll do that or we could just put useless items next to [Music] it uh I don't want to get too attached to any item in particular but add one energy to clothing Regen to a ring uh two block to armor what is the cheapest here I think I'll take the three damage to a weapon and we'll do that to yeah that's not bad I help H cannot be forward further oh that's kind of odd I thought it was just two did I already give it one maybe Merchant can't really do anything did we already visit this no we did not uh Sapphire I wonder if I put a sapphire into Okay cool so then this gets two of those o that's a great benefit amazing amazing um fine cool look neat I'm uh Rog lights are up your Oh I thought you meant like in the insanely difficult world of Rog lights I could see that ooh no I think we're going to lose potentially the Frog this turn oh well it was nice knowing you sad boy uh I will use my vampirism because I need I require Health five ooh that did actually really benefit the vampire sword cool so we just made it back all the way to full health and we've added some Dodge we'll just take four damage okay I'll allow it like reluctantly you know okay uh oh I forgot that it destroyed both items I don't think we're going to need this teddy bear sword let's go ahead and just this going be really bizarre what's going to have to happen as we have to keep reorganizing this inventory so I want to keep making this thing take up like Central inventory slots just so that we use them up right now but I'm just going to do this yeah I think just get rid of things from our inventory to just complicate this less I'll put that there I know that this looks really strange but I just don't want to lose items just realized that these Graphics kind of remind me of Terraria in a way in a very pleasant way room for one more thing okay uh I will take a I'm not really using Shields okay I'll take a throwing star more damage is never bad I believe this uh no he wants a Mana Stone there's a capibara just hangs out very large rodent everybody comes in says they' really like I like the music [Music] too all right uh see we're using up these kind of central spaces right now for the candle or I mean you know we could just keep kind of moving around the inventory forever and ever unfortunately we've given these things a good amount of damage actually I'll I wonder if Dodge carries over from turn to turn Let's test it out and see I just kind of want to find out all right okay unfortunately my Dodge does not carry from turn to turn so that was a total waste uh and failure I am sad all right I will do that and then we'll just keep kind of chipping away at this guy uh there's no point to using so much vampirism anymore H I haven't taken any damage though maybe it would benefit me to just soak up some damage six damage uh this does nine though so I guess I'll live with that yep cool slowly whittling away his health and this is getting it like a little bit more tricky because we uh we did kind of accept more Challenge on this run than we would have on the last one though this guy isn't really scaling up in power so so much I've noticed bosses don't really like wind up some kind of ultimate attack like there's some bosses for example in slay the Spire uh which like if you don't kill them within maybe four rounds of their kind of cycle of combat they will destroy you in one hit like I'm dealing 400 damage to you next turn and it is kind of crazy um let's make some room for this helmet to get put over here so we can move that up and then we'll make a little bit of room for that hat to move up yeah yeah uh all weapons get that effect and then each turn lose 2 Hp this is okay uh we can do that move that over there and we'll put this maybe like over here where can we not move this this buckler is kind of useless let's just keep this thing around here and we'll move this into this space that way we've used up all these second row spaces I don't want to have to get this thing into like here though in the final combats maybe I'll just like take an L this combat you know like move it up here that way we use it up and we make our life easier later on this is not going to be a great item for this run I feel all right I'm happy enough with that finish choosing okay this is getting like a little bit more engaging I feel like like then um I don't know I've just been doing so many of the same challenge before or similar types of things H I will just put the happy buckler away because I think it's terrible item like I don't really want to take damage in the first place you know what I mean I didn't really even use the rose of thorns either I don't even think I need it Enchanted swamp no I still don't have a key never mind think I need to pay like one special treasure loot still listen to old school game music unironically lots of really nice Vibes and happy brain yeah there's something about it you know like uh I think it was the soundtrack to Super Meat Boy by I believe it was Danny baronowski uh and that soundtrack is just full of bangers it's an amazing soundtrack just really really cool uh stuff he did for that you know I might want to get to the end of the dungeon a bit faster this time just because of how this item keeps [Music] moving see what we can do are we in danger of okay we are actually in danger of taking some damage this turn so I will use Rogues Mark all right fine no need for happiness or roses oh like in reference to all the items I got rid of yeah like unfortunately life philosophies uh coming through here pretty hard in this unfortunate AA stream H how didn't I do damage to him oh I was only doing seven that time I just took a lot of damage sadly all right I think I'm going to have to use my vampire sword now kind of like these regen builds though they're pretty cool let's take down his Shields vampire a little bit of that out of him and ah that was a very unfortunate time to run so low on that all right whatever vampirism for the win vampirism is not that bad uh paridot adjacent am I say that right or is it parido parid whatever uh I've never who says that in a sense this morning I was looking at my paradot when all of a sudden the meaning of life made sense to me cool we'll put that there okay so you can kind of just sort of keep shifting around your enemy adjacent weapons get I don't really like the lack of damage think that could work in certain builds maybe I will keep that over here just to kind of have it with me for the run but I don't really want it to affect anything not too much anyway pal World video I don't think I know what pal world is what is that I could keep my dinner in here yeah you know let's just do that cuz it's totally fine to put dinner next to that let me put that there and I'll put the boots down below I've already used up those spaces anyway that's fine do I need that I'll eat that as well just give me tons of energy for the next combat at the expense of a little bit of Health I still think I have enough room in this inventory that I could just get more stuff okay let me eat everything and then begin okay give me nine energy to start this combat and uh let's see where this goes from here this should be interesting 19 12 so we're doing seven each uh I'll do six to won't take any damage there so I don't even need to use up my Dodge o I should have been using my vampirism uh okay cool we can just keep using our teddy bear sword Arc oh wait a minute is that the is that the one that everybody's talking about now nah I don't know I don't really like to get to Trends too much I just like to stick with the irrelevant games that I continuously play on this channel and somehow that keeps me going I haven't played it I always feel like although maybe that's like um one thing that I'll say is I I don't really follow many of the trends because I feel like that the audience I really like the kind of new indie game audience because it's a very like dedicated group that's just kind of like into the games and I I know folks who like back when I started on YouTube who like got onto these big trends of huge games um stuff like you know like fortnite for example ooh this is a great item fantastic um and now that the game is dead it's like no one watches their Channel and it's kind of it's too bad because it's like I mean there is a certain audience for stuff like fortnite but I I do feel like it's kind of you know it's kind of aged out and so on and so forth so it's like yeah I don't know that's one reason why I try except for if it's a game that's like in our kind of Niche and is somewhat relevant or sensible not that I don't like to cover new things ever but at the same time it's like I don't know I'm just old and in the way maybe I don't like new things there I said it I like old things I like old people and you know yeah that's the way it is that's the way it is man all right I don't really need this oh no I can just put it there never mind there we go that that is to say I am usually wary of any kind of new stuff unless if it's a game that's already kind of in the niche that I work in I suppose stuff that I do uh this is very not optimal placement but at least I'm getting the red flame out of these pretty essential spaces it's the float that's really causing all this pressure here although now that we have the Wet Stone that's really going to do more okay this is a way more interesting run yes I am a boomer unfortunately I am uh let's see 19 I think I'm just going to dodge this attack we will raise our damage with the wet stone just a little bit more sorry I I didn't I didn't pronounce it right Wet Stone see Wet Stone this is kind of feeling like a waste though uh okay I'll use the vampire sword okay I'll use the teddy bear sword okay I'll just take a hit o you know maybe I should have just left him more so that I had more to vampire out of him but whatever I'll get it in the next combat o spiked helmet um spikes to self and H adds one block but it doesn't really add as much block as the cap I'll replace my shiv with a lucky shiv that's not bad just get more consumables uh we could always position consumables next to this thing let's get it into more of these kind of essential positions that we're trying to use up uh I will put this down here this is kind of just a crazy amount of inventory management though man uh although I guess that's what this game is about to be fair um cool yeah so just put all the consumables next to it wherever it is I do like this challenge though I feel like this very much gets to the point of what this game is supposed to be about you know what I mean I think I'm just going to kind of have to pass up on this one yeah I I can't really take anymore anyway okay I'm finished okay can we build on stuff let's see add two burn to a weapon yeah I'll take that I will add that to the whoops uh nope that can't also be forged again never mind well it's it's kind of a terrible item I shouldn't have done it on that one should have done on the regular one oh well I I do feel like you have a a good ample learning is that a broom chat look at my amazing memory here wow I remembered can you believe it I don't want one of those o we saw that a second ago okay that is a curse we don't want that finish your get I did finish oh whatever okay we have a broom spear what the hell is this uh destroys all Jason has to with this item destroys it I will go for the broom meman maybe next year Jason and diagonal ah man you could probably go like full Cleaver and that would be crazy liking the game so far I do wish that it it uh got Harder Faster and I think now that we spent another what almost 4 hours on it here on stream like uh I don't know what do you guys think I ask for unpopular opinion although you were you were kind of quiet speak up you guys haven't even touched your uh you haven't even touched your backpack what's wrong I have no way of defending myself uh whoops I did forgot that I had that ability um not really doing that much damage though I guess we could just this is a more challenging run I'm liking it man I'm liking it ah now the challenge is happening cool Cleaver fever and just having chains of Cleavers doing insane damage that now that does sound quite cool I would like to take part in that Cleaver fever I will let you use a your Dodge I think I'm going to do 13 damage Choice I'm going to use up two energy here because that's going to regen most of my HP uh then we got to dodge this big attack definitely got to do that and then we'll take another eight so I would like to ah actually we won't take the eight because I'm going to take you out and then oh whoops I could have done it the other way whatever dude like we're already pretty strong in this if I were to totally optimize all these attacks like we would be way way stronger this is crazy okay now I'm in relatively no danger whatsoever practically no way of Defending ourselves but tons of regen uh I probably should do it's going to be tricky to get these things in the top row thinking if we do something like this and then we just put this here and then maybe we put I truly don't care about this ring so let's just get rid of that we put more consum yeah the consumables are basically free spaces every turn feel like I have too many weapons on me that this is Mana um it's kind of in a pointless spot but there not much else I can do what am I going to get rid of here uh let's just get rid of a shiv I want to keep this thing because it's just a rare item I never get to bring back to the town and then just give me a little bit of free health this turn or I don't know I'll throw the we'll lose several of these items but fine whatever I'm living with it no reason to get any more Health uh I'll take you know I don't really even want anything I I'm good man what is this take a rare item for a curse no thanks oh actually uh you know what I changed my mind a roof or what the hell uh deals 10 damage I don't want either of these I completely regret my decision whoops that's why I don't really like the curses are just kind of bad they I mean they're not that bad to have around oh the bomb guy we definitely have to get rid of him um don't need to use up my Dodge though this turn good to know good to know already used that up uh I will [Music] do this and then I will take him out with the lucky thing uh and then we can take you out okay and you're going to try to deal 12 to me so maybe I will use my Dodge here isn't like one of those randomizing no it's not H yeah the broom maybe I could have like swept them away or something there's so much you could do with this game though think of all the possibilities even just in this game there's so much content man a wondrous array of it I'm going to need to be ready to do some serious vampirism next turn so I'm just going to use this up I know we're going to lose some of these items I'm aware yeah 20 damage whoops totally just messed up why did I do that it was just so much fun to press the buttons that I did it I'm an idiot okay let's just vampirism him for the win uh leveling up choose three spaces okay we can make some space out here all right you know we didn't even have to do the thing I thought we would have to do I'm sticking away from maybe I shouldn't be such a dingus though and for each adjacent structure is this a structure this is a magical structure for each connected structure you know what just since we have so much magic stuff right here like magical structure stuff just put it there and see what it does I have nothing else to do with my life debuff potion oh we could do something crazy too like we could do like this I don't think I'll do that um not much else to do I'll just take some random potion okay now we could start to put this in kind of a useless spot here like we could move this over to ah here now and get everything else out of the way like everyone get clear of the red candle yeah now that is going to get kind of tricky with all the structures in there as well am I sure about this yeah cuz I want to have one two three four more comments and then we could just kind of awkwardly dance around it for the rest of the time although I do want to do this and maybe like this uh I don't really benefit from that anymore I'll do that that's a little bit better uh oh and then I want to do that too yep good enough okay I will take the health pickup now liking this character this is a little bit more risky it feels like I'm just making stupid decisions all over the place also tubs 1919 thank you very much for the sub appreciate you oops I have not had alert box on at all for the entire stream I apologize for that H I feel bad I'm sorry just there goes AA again pretending to stream and just making up people in his head his YouTube his youtubing career has driven him completely insane and now he just speaks to voices I swear to God it's not happening not like this oh oh that'll probably be the end of it ah all right they're back on now sorry about that I mean that was the that was the earlier half of my youtubing well it wasn't really a career then it was just a thing I did I guess I'll give them slow and see what that does what does slow do we'll reduce block by five when BL that doesn't really happen that much okay weak is pretty straightforward though so that's helpful two and then we will do that and then I'll get a little bit of vampirism in there nice raise my luck o jacked blade is not bad uh needs a lot of momentum H him all right some special item I'll take it uh you know I haven't really been using these things for each adjacent structure plus one block each turn adds one block conduit uh do we even have I guess three out of three technically this is a Mana Stone each turn adds one okay so this basically drains Mana but gives block let's just do more damage no we're not going to do any of that we're just going to use this huge blade for no reason yeah that's what we're doing cool uh okay I will forgo this space for this turn let's just put one of these down here I have to find places for everything else uh and then I will move this over here this is so annoying and awkward this challenge although it is kind of rewarding to get through through it because I feel like I'm genuinely getting better at the game okay and then I will just take a consumables for here and you know what uh no that's it oh whoops I don't have a space for that all right you know what it's just annoying me so I'm going to leave it oh well watch me not play optimally uh two spikes to each other I had three slow to an end eny to a weapon okay I'll take that and I'll take that as well all right cool probably would be better on the machete but whatever um five all right I'll take a Dodge dodoo does this take oh my gosh there's so many effects let's just use it and find out what happens that was underwhelming all right what whatever uh we are not really dealing that much damage I am upset day is ruined man now you're making me like second guess myself maybe I should have gone back and gotten that goddamn broom and like this would have all been so much better you know that was stupid of me why did I do that okay now I may need to start thinking through some turns of bit more 20 damage incoming ooh this would be a really good item although I feel like it's going to be so awkward with the candle this candle run has been a nailbiter uh how much damage do we deal with that 18 that's pretty good right I'm going to use the Wet Stone once then I'm going to take that and then I'll use this and then this yeah that's better then we're going to have to basically use the vampire sword once per turn so we go Wet Stone this and then this and then that okay cool all right now I'm having to think out the turns just a little bit more uh I still want to keep this in like inconvenient places until we get to a boss fight you know what I mean like let's just get done with the annoying spots to have this thing before we get to anything important you know cuz we're just going through like kind of normal scrub fights right here uh yeah I'll do that heals this is great I'll take that too oh oh no wait a minute I just put my cap next to it it's okay I'm going to consume that consume I'll take a key uh and this it is what it is this run man this run this run is your run this run is my run you know this land is your land is actually supposedly like a communist song or something like that don't quote me on that not there's probably some nerd who will know the answer in the comments listen to them instead not me but uh I don't know I just thought that was a fun fact I feel like that the This is distracting me from just more good wet stone attacks though oh no what have I done I have allowed them to hit me with SL lie I will use my Dodge nothing wrong with a pure damage build thank you thank you gy gry oh gosh get rid of that uh well we haven't lost too much health okay you're going to deal 21 damage to me that is a number man 25 well oh a darn it I forgot that you dodged that oh well I'm about to take huge wait am I going to die I may actually die oh go oh no my lack of thinking has nearly killed me I think I'll be at 1 HP wow literally one HP oh no I am dead well uh overconfidence is an Insidious killer as they say uh I am sad and I should have thought that through more although that is kind of odd like how quickly we went from the game basically be no challenge just like click click click through to like this is stupid so I'm glad that we did hit like a uh like a like a difficulty curve where my my overconfidence and huus killed me that makes me happy um although I am sad because that was a I felt like we were doing a very good job up until that one particular moment and I just noticed I missed the Dodge but anyway that's it I'm glad we did start to hit a little bit of a difficulty curve cuz that was uh and I think that brings up a couple of the legit things that people have said like it's very easy to start and I I think we do kind of hit our stride now I'd say I'm now like 10 hours into the game so it takes a minute but overall I think this is really brilliant game design and definitely worth a look I'm a bit late to the party but I think that's about all I got to say I'll defer to these folks or the comments for what you guys think of this game but yeah let me know what you think um I'm guessing there will be a lot of stuff stuff like this coming out in the future very cool game backpack hero and they've added in a lot of stuff it seems although I did not do too much coverage before uh but yeah anyway that's it and uh I did not receive a key to this I went after this one myself so just uh disclosure um although I do believe I had an offer for it but I just went out and bought a key myself cuz I was just like looks like a good game support and also like I didn't want to have to do a bunch of emailing uh it's pretty good price too anyway um I think that's about it and uh yeah love you lots and until next time guys yep I think we'll just about wrap it up for there
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 67,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguous amphibian vods, backpack hero, backpack hero game, backpack hero lets play, lets play backpack hero, let's play backpack hero, backpack hero let's play, back pack hero, backpack hero 1.0, backpack hero pc, backpack hero gameplay, backpack hero review, backpack hero beginner, backpack hero 2023, backpack hero 2024
Id: PgPd73I7sxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 20sec (11960 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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