Running a 200 HP outboard on small 14 ft Jon Boat

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[Music] we just got saved all right next project we're thinking of taking very large motor and put on a very small boat we have a 200 horse Mercury and I have this for sale and no one seems to want to buy the whole Boat and Motor everyone shuts the motor and I might as well put it on there now you're probably thinking well you know the steering wheel uh how are you gonna do that well I'm just going to foul up a nice tiller like I probably have five four foot tiller so I have plenty of Leverage to handle it um just a trigger throttle the transom on that's built up to be basic 20 inches transom Heights about the same uh that motor is 400 pounds I think that'll be okay 100 pounds up there it may float right here but that's fine it doesn't need to float well it just needs to run it runs 63 64 miles per hour on this boat yeah so I imagine if you were ballsy enough and it functioned maybe break 70s and put into perspective this motor the specs roughly around 400 pounds a little over 400 US lifting this up we're estimating 200 250 pounds maybe so it's so more more motorweight than but wait but we're gonna go ahead and uh just get everything unbolted set it on here go plop it in the boat ramp and just see how it floats to see how insane this idea is yeah I mean I can't see anything that could go wrong no not one thing everything's disconnected I got a counterweight just to the just so they can balance I think it looks pretty good I like the look of that the pro water too far it's gonna be yeah I love it I love it so much people and people said this is a dumb idea oh it is better than well you're not sitting in there yeah looking real nice all right here is the finished product after the float test we saw a lot of potential a lot of a lot of room for improvement so we figured how we would go ahead and finish her out so this is one of the rare builds that I've pretty much taken it to the Limit from the start for the first test we've got the shifter all finalized that works good kill lanyard tried to put one on here from bass boat but broke it so I you know put a switch there and that's that's safe uh trim right there the throttle here is I think this is a stale boat Mass stay cable and this actually it all worked out perfectly have a big return spring this is actually not Full Throttle this is about half throttle so hopefully we don't whiskey throttle it once we get comfortable we can readjust this or just sling her over but that's wide open yeah that's a lot of power just added a few more gussets here [Music] to really I mean if if this boat folds in half it's not going to happen in this portion at least somewhere over there if the motor rips off it's going to pull the system off with it but I mean she is she's super sturdy yeah these are these are great eight these aren't cheap stuff these are great eight if you look down here you can see we've got it cavitation plate about an inch above the bottom of the hall so it should shoot roosties yeah I got the the key switch here mounted up nicely OEM fitting it it's definitely one of a kind don't think we've ever seen this done before oh after the first trial run I realized you might need a little more weight up front it's very unstable when you start getting up to speed should help balance out the weight of the motor to boat ratio [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign hahaha [Music] he won throw me in give me Showers we're taking a little bit of water on right here did he get like a field clock or something I hit a field clog and cut out well when you get off I know I'm not gonna get off I need more I need someone it's it's very close to going under right now and where do I push it up take her out crooked we just got saved things Almost got away from us get her pumped out go for round two just come to the end went well I'd say all things considered had a lot of haters I feel like it probably ran didn't get a GPS and when we ran when we ran together a GPS did at 33 and that wasn't that was literally idle like it wasn't even yeah so I feel good about that to make it better you can put pods I think the real issue is the fact that this boat the bottom of the hall is just not I think the rear kind of has a little bit of bubble in it from all the torque and it's just not it just take me to go that fast but the next thing I want to do is lower the motor because when I had it trimmed all the way out and I really get on it and it would kind of cavitate and then the front would drop and it would drag so to get to really scream and fly we need to drop the motor I think a bolt hole or hopefully it'll kind of keep the hall out of the water
Channel: Clapped Out Customs
Views: 1,865,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mercury, 200hp, v6, fast, heavy, tiller, outboard, boat, john, jon, insane, lake, fishing, custom, welding, rooster, prop, torque, jump, 407crew, 407, clapped out customs
Id: iBaDOBqxhxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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