Back To The Basics: Effective Prayer

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[Music] hello once again i'm jerry savelle welcome to back to the basics those of you that have been watching thank you so much for communicating with our ministry letting us know how much you're enjoying these lessons and our purpose once again is there are so many new people coming into the kingdom of god coming in and hearing the word of god for the very first time hearing messages on the subject of faith for the very first time and the spirit of god spoke to me some time back and said i want you to go back and teach on the basic principles of living a victorious christian life so that's the reason for these broadcasts and once again thank you for those of you that have been writing to us or calling us and letting us know that you're enjoying them and it's certainly a delight and a pleasure to bring you these lessons each and every time last time we were with you we were talking about developing an accurate prayer life developing an accurate prayer life and on the last program uh one of the last verses that i shared with you was from first peter chapter 3 talking about how effective our prayers are to god now when we left off on that last broadcast we were talking about how that jesus has made us the righteousness of god second corinthians 5 21 says he who knew no sin was made to be sin that we might be made the righteousness of god now you need to accept that truth don't don't let religious tradition rob that from you you know religious tradition says there's none righteous no not one somebody said well isn't that in the bible yes but that's talking about old testament people there was none righteous no not one why because jesus had not gone to calvary yet so there were none righteous no not one and and you know religious tradition says our righteousness is as filthy rags somebody said well isn't that in the bible yes it is but once again he was talking about people in the old testament no one had been made righteous yet until jesus went to the cross but after jesus went to the cross the apostle paul says once again ii corinthians 5 21 he who knew no sin jesus knew no sin never committed sin but we had and he said he went to the cross for those who had sent so that they could be made the righteousness of god so you need to accept that don't let religious tradition rob you of it so i want you to say with me right now because of what jesus did at calvary say it because of what jesus did at calvary i am now the righteousness of god i'll put a smile on your face when you do it say it again right now i am the righteousness of god now once again righteousness is an old english word and you see it in the king james version of the bible but it literally means right standing with god when the bible says we are the righteousness of god it's simply stating we have right standing with god that means god's not mad at you that means god's not holding anything against you i'm telling you that's exciting when that becomes a revelation to you because i didn't know those things prior to february 1969 when i made jesus lord of my life i didn't know those things i thought god was mad at me i thought god was out to get me i i thought god was holding my sin against me you know i was just like you i'd committed sins there were things i'd done i was not proud of i i wish i had never done them after after you know i'd already done them and and i thought well maybe maybe god's going to hold that against me but after reading ii corinthians 5 21 praise god he said he was made to be sin for me that i might be made the righteousness of god that i might have right standing with god then i realized praise god that's a lie of the devil to try to keep you from enjoying god's best in your life so accept the truth accept this revelation from the word of god that you are right now not when you get to heaven you are right now the righteousness of god you have right standing with him now with that in mind listen to what first peter chapter 3 verse 12 says for the eyes of the lord are over the righteous would you stop right there and just say out loud that's me he's talking about say it again that's me he's talking about the eyes of the lord are over the righteous and his ears are open under their prayers man what an exciting revelation if you believe that you have right standing with god then you can get up right now and shout god's eyes are over me and god's ears are open to my prayers so what does that mean i i i can expect to get results when i pray that's what it means i can expect to get results when i pray you know i quit praying a long time ago i mean 52 years ago i quit praying just because i thought it might be the religious thing to do no i pray today and i have been praying this way for over 50 years now to get results why because i need results in my life and so do you i come up against things in the natural that i don't have a clue how to handle i don't have any way in my natural ability to change them but i know god can and i know god will and i know his eyes are open to my prayers and i know that he will hear me and if he hears me then i know that he will answer my prayers and that's another verse i want to share with you first john chapter 5 and verse 4 or verse 14 rather it says well let me get you to turn to your bible there i don't want you to just hear me quote it i want you to see it in your own bible first john chapter 5 and verse 14. amen listen to this and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us notice if i ask anything according to the will of god then i know that he hears me now we're going to get into in our next lesson and you don't want to miss it and i don't want to get into it just now but i just want to make this statement about it you need to understand that the word of god is the will of god and you need to make god's word his part of your prayer life now i'll expound upon that on our next program okay but here's the point when you know that you have right standing with god then you can go to god with confidence you can go to god knowing that he hears you and knowing that he will answer you isn't that exciting praise god now john chapter 16 and verse 23 jesus said and in that day ye shall ask me nothing verily verily i say unto you whatsoever you ask the father in my name he will give it you isn't that exciting whatever you ask the father in the name of jesus he will give it you so make it a habit and make it make it a practice that when you pray pray like this father in the name of jesus and then make your petition once again father see we're talking about developing an accurate prayer life father in the name of jesus i go before god my father but i go before him in the name of jesus why because jesus said that's how i should pray father in the name of jesus and then i make my petition and after i make my petition i close it with amen and amen doesn't mean the end amen means so be it hallelujah now when you make god's word is part of your prayer life then you know you're praying the perfect will of god and that's the reason why you could say so be it hallelujah amen means so be it so we'll get into this in our next lesson talking about developing an accurate prayer life and i and i want to talk about on that next program the importance of making god's word his part of your prayer life in other words what i'm saying is i don't just pray haphazardly i don't just pray right off the top of my mind i want to know what god's word says about my situation so that means i need to study the word wouldn't you agree i need to know what the word says and so once i find what the word says then that becomes his part of my prayer life amen so we'll talk about that a little further on our next broadcast now before i close today mark 11 24 says this what things so ever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them now when do you believe you receive them when you pray not after you can see it not after you can feel it not after there's physical evidence no the prayer of faith is i believe i receive when i pray the moment i say amen from that moment forward i start talking about what i believe god has done amen i believe i receive it let me let me give you an example just for close years ago god had told me that i wouldn't be able to fulfill what i was called to do without airplanes in my ministry so i'm believing god for my first airplane and the lord told me said i don't want you flying airplanes with dead on them i want you to believe me for debt-free airplanes well in the natural that was impossible but i'm trusting god i don't know how he's going to do it but i'm trusting god and so there came a time i didn't need that airplane right away i didn't need it the first few years of my ministry but there came a time when i couldn't get to all the places i needed to go uh driving an automobile and and the commercial airlines didn't didn't go to some of the rural areas that that i needed to go to many times i had to just fly commercial airlines as close as i could get rent a car or have somebody pick me up and drive the rest of the way but but now i need my first airplane so i went before the lord and i prayed just like i'm i'm telling you i went before the lord and i said father in the name of jesus you said that i would not be able to fulfill what i'm called to do without airplanes in my ministry and right now i need that airplane and you said you didn't want me flying airplanes were dead on them so i'm not borrowing the money i'm believing you to supply that need according to your riches and glory by christ jesus see i just made god's word his part of my prayer life that's philippians 4 19 my god shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by christ jesus then i said amen so be it amen now time went on you know a month went by two months went by six months went by there's no airplane in the natural but i believe i received because that's what mark 11 24 says believe you receive when you pray so time went on time went on and one day the lord said to me do you really believe you receive an airplane i said yes sir i do he said then why aren't you acting like it i said well lord how do you act like you have an airplane i mean do i get out on the runway i mean how do i act like i have an airplane he said well son where are you going to keep it i said at the airport he said do you have a hanger i said no he said why don't you have a hanger i said well i'm waiting for the airplane he said but i thought you said you believed you received the airplane i said i do he said then why don't you get a hangar i said well lord i was just waiting for the airplane to manifest and then i'll get the hanger he said then you don't really believe you receive i said yes i do he said then get a hanger now i'm not suggesting you do what i did i'm just telling you what the lord told me to do in other words i'm having to put some action corresponding action to my faith so i went out to the airport i didn't have a clue who to talk to and i finally found the manager and found out uh you know i had to fill out an application for a hangar he told me uh in the natural uh i'd he'd i'd have to go on a waiting list they didn't have any hangers i said sir you don't understand i gotta have a hanger he said why do you have to have a hangar right now i said because i can't have my airplane if i don't have a hanger first and i said i told him the story he said he was a christian so i thought he'd understand i said i've got to have a hanger and he said well i wish i could help you but there are no hangers available and i can't help you i said and i thought what am i going to do lord you told me i had to have a hanger and so finally i said okay sir i understand but let me just leave you with this question if god was to appear to you today you said you were a christian and if he was appear to you today and say why didn't you give jerry savelle a hangar you prevented him from having his first airplane can you live with that sir he said no i can't i'll give you my hangar and he took me down to his hangar he said i'll move my airplane out tomorrow and you can have this hanger and he gave me his hanger and in less than two weeks my first debt-free airplane manifested so what am i saying mark 11 24 what things whoever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them so that's part of developing an accurate prayer life if you believe you receive then if there's nothing else you can do with adding corresponding actions then just begin talking about it you just talk about it and if you have to just talk to yourself if you can't find anybody else that'll join in agreement with you then you just say to yourself uh walk around and talk out loud to yourself i believe i receive i believe i receive my healing i believe i receive those finances i need i believe i receive that automobile i need you believe you receive and talk about it amen we're talking about developing an accurate prayer life join with me again next time and we're going to continue this subject and i believe praise god is going to get more and more exciting to you so i'll see you again next time amen
Channel: Jerry Savelle
Views: 8,034
Rating: 4.9623528 out of 5
Id: Ma31axnkU8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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