Back To School! How To Draw A Stack Of Books An Apple And Pencils

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hey our friends school is starting back up so we thought it would be fun to do a back to school art lesson what are we gonna draw today a stack of books yeah with an apple on top and pencils and pencils we hope you're gonna follow along with us we're gonna use markers some paper and something to color with all right let's draw books yeah we're first going to draw the book on the bottom of the stack we're going to draw a horizontal line across our paper and i'm also drawing it over here on the left side of the paper so that we have room for the cup with the pencils in it yeah then we're going to leave some space we're going to come up here and we're going to draw a line that's the same that's parallel same length there we go then we're going to draw the end of our book we're going to draw a little bump that comes out curve around and then a little bump going back in cool now let's draw the inside of the book cover we're going to draw another horizontal line right below the top one so we're going to come all the way across then we're going to draw we're going to follow around the binding or the back of the book and then we're going to draw another horizontal line that comes across all the way out to the end got a little skinny there that's okay we're practicing okay now we're gonna draw the the end of our book cover so we draw a little curve that connects the top down to the or the outside to the inside then we can draw the pages and we're going to draw a curve going this way cool all right now we can also add little texture lines inside for the pages so i'm going to draw another horizontal line but i'm not gonna go all the way across you can leave little dashed lines like this and then connect it i'm gonna come down we'll add a few more is that cool it's kind of a cool way to add you don't have to draw every single page in your book that would take a long time so this is just a fun way to draw pages on the side of our book all right we've finished our first book now we're going to repeat a lot of the same steps but we're going to draw a little smaller and we're going to draw on top of this one so first we don't need to draw the bottom line we're just going to draw the top line and come across with another horizontal line and i'm going to stop shorter yeah and then we're going to draw that little bump up here we're going to curve down and we'll connect to the bottom line where the top of our bottom book yeah now we can just we'll do the same thing we're going to start here we're going to draw another line that comes right under the top of the book then we're going to curve around and instead of connecting we'll come down leave some space and then we're going to draw a horizontal line back out and we're going to stop just below the top of the second book yeah now we can curve down and connect the inside to the outside and the same up at the top what's the next step uh the pages yeah the pages let's draw the curve for the inside of the pages and then let's create that texture for all of the pages inside of the book so we can draw dashed lines going across and if you need extra time you can always pause the video yeah pause the video alright now we're ready to draw the next book now this part we're going to fast forward but we're using all of the same steps that we use for the second book we're going to make it even a little smaller okay you ready to fast forward we did it we drew three books our stack of books now we're ready to draw the apple on top of our books let's come up here we're going to draw the inside or the top let's see the top inside bump of our apple it'll make more sense in a second a bump then we're going to come down we're going to draw a smaller bump right below it but going the other way it looks like a smile line this can come down and touch the book since it's sitting on it now we're going to draw the outside of our apple we'll start here on this top bump we'll come out with a big curve then we're going to come down to the bottom of our apple in the top of the book and then we're going to curve back in now let's repeat that same step over here for the other side of our apple curve around come down touch the book and then back up into the bump what's our apple missing a stem a stem let's draw a curve coming out i'm going to draw two curves and see how they get further apart towards the top and then we can connect those two together now let's also draw a leaf draw a curve coming out to the left and then we're going to curve back down and connect to where we started all right now let's draw the cup that's holding our pencils we're going to draw a diagonal line coming down we'll just draw it on the outside of our books we're going to use overlapping so it looks more 3d so part of the cup is behind the books the stack of books then we're going to connect it down here into our books all right now we can draw up here we're going to draw the top i'm gonna come over and touch the book if you're higher than the books you can go over the top yeah and keep going yeah keep going and then you can decide where to stop on how wide you want your cup now let's draw a short line up this is for the lip on our cup and then we're going to draw another line that comes over i'm going to stop right there and then draw a line down and you could connect to the top of your there you go i love that our drawings are different your cup is showing a little bit more it's not as far behind the books so you could start right here and then draw a diagonal line coming down and connecting there okay all right now we need to add the pencils inside of our cup let's draw two diagonal lines coming up further like this we're going to draw them right next to each other yeah then we can draw a line that connects the top and let's come down further we'll draw another line this is for the metal part that holds the eraser on and then let's draw the eraser we're going to draw an upside down u let's add a few more pencils and they can be different lengths so i'm going to draw shorter two shorter diagonal lines yeah because they could be sharpened yeah maybe one's been used more than the other and then we can draw a line at the top you draw mine a little bit bigger there you go that's okay now i'm going to draw another line for the bottom of the metal part and then we'll draw the eraser maybe this eraser is not as big as the other one because it's been used also let's draw another pencil and this time let's use overlapping this is going to make it a little more challenging we're going to draw a diagonal line up we're going to go past this one see how i drew it closer then we're going to use our eyes to measure the width of our pencils and we're going to draw another line right here that's the same distance so we have the same width and then we can draw a line at the top come down draw the bottom of the metal part and then let's draw the eraser on top hadley we did it we finished drawing our stack of books our apple and also our cup of pencils we still need to do one more thing this part we're going to fast forward one more time but at the end you can pause the video to match the same color [Music] how they give me five i love your drawing all colored in i especially love the extra funny faces you added to the erasers what else could our friends do to their drawings add a background yeah you could draw your school in the background or your home you could also color your drawings differently yeah we use markers but you can use crayons instead we hope you had a lot of fun following along with us and drawing your books we also hope you have a happy school year we do we hope you have an awesome school year and we'll see you later our friends goodbye hey parents and teachers take a photo of your child's finished artwork and post it on facebook or instagram also be sure to tag us in it at art for kids hub did you know that we also have a website you can find it at it has more lessons and information about art supplies we love to use you can also visit to learn more about our awesome art hub membership the membership includes exclusive lessons and our own apps so your child can learn art in a focused distraction-free environment
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 1,098,049
Rating: 4.7136407 out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, back to school, books, apple, pencils
Id: kdS8CoXXVAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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