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hi everyone and welcome to battlefield one it's been a long time it has been a very long time since I've played this 18 months to be exact but for some reason today I just really fancied giving it a go I don't know what it was but I downloaded it and we're gonna be playing it today but hello I hope you're doing well welcome to the live stream if you're watching this as a vaad thank you very much this is gonna be a bit weird for me honestly this will be really weird because this game is so different to be a 5 look at it why is going on I see if I could get this bike the user interface is completely different the gunplay is completely different everything's different you understand what I'm saying guys but hopefully we should have some fun I do like this power feel game a lot I played it a lot and it's still quite popular so hopefully we can have some fun today I'm looking forward to it we'll be playing for a couple of hours I reckon but this map I think is called is it rupture this one I think this is Roger isn't it we're doing a very good job at losing right now I can tell you that for a fact there's a lot of things that I forgot to like are you are you on the mini-map on your shoot in this game honestly I don't remember so many things that I just don't remember about it I kind of recall that the gunplay is like very old Mouse one like you get more accurate the longer you file with some of the weapons like the LMGs I think there's a horse oh my god horses horses are in the game guys horses I just completely forgot about him we get this tank we've also got behemoths as well right I think the one on this map was like a giant is it the it's the French tank isn't it it's a giant French tank what's it called it's got like two turrets on it it's insane I don't remember the name of it is it the char to see something like that so the thing with this tank oh yeah you can only turn it a certain amount like it doesn't turn cause it doesn't have a turret on it I run that guy over I'm here horse that guy's got anti-tank grenades oh right this dude could probably kill me if he wanted to his planes falling out of the sky and everything this is awesome i broham thank you for the five card repair yeah I have self repair as well don't I just hold X is that like an infinite self repair that's a quick repair right there that horse is deadly hey we got him and we're dead on the atmosphere on this game is is intense also we've got a behemoth enroute because we've been absolutely smashed it's a great first game isn't it it's a really great first game doesn't it spawn oh here it is I'm actually get this I'm on the I think I'm on the turret yeah I didn't get the I didn't get the driver's seat unfortunately I mean I don't think this will do much good seeing as we losing so badly Eric thank you so much for the - hello lad thanks for playing vf1 again yeah it's so weird you know going back to this I don't know if you guys remember I did a video called goodbye battlefield one and that was October 2018 that was literally the last time that I played this game it's been it's been so long like I don't even remember if this has like exit and enter vehicle animations I think it does right I'm pretty sure it does this thing's being hammered writer they're all on the right behind that wall not much wall penetration in this game from what I recall this guy needs to move turned around every year we've actually taken a flag back but so many guys behind us just hammering this thing I ruined me what's up fingertip fill how you doing loving the war zone vids and streams loving the nostalgia at the f1 ain't Nathan wolf the tire what's up hey lick see only enter right I could get the horse now we know oh yeah I've got the cavalry Lance haven't I and you can do a charge with this thing if I can get this guy a charge roadkill yeah whoa oh yeah it jumps automatically doesn't it yeah Oh grenade the horse what did I get there did I just get something I progress for an assignment else okay it off me hey oh it's not a bike what is going on okay we're fine we're fine everything's fine guys this is absolutely crazy I think I forgot how insane this gamers couple of tanks there let's hang there hey we got someone not sure what we got then but it was something I missed but trying to take out that LAN creeper ah the tank from behind unbelievable yeah so this game did actually come out in 2016 4 years old crazy oh yeah it counts up as well doesn't it how could I how could I forget that it actually the score cancer although I seem to remember they did introduce ticket bleed right eventually I don't have to fire that into the air either right I can just like fire on the ground and it will do maximum effect oh is that you send area what's the real Joel James how you doing hello Wicca man you were playing SWAT song on conquest I was losing my marbles of how mentally it was Robo hobo how you doing just stopping by to drop a life that's very kind ero bow thank you so you can skip always he's he actually revived me as Gaston got a suppressed 1911 here guys what the hell yes why is this in the game I think they introduced the suppressed 1911 in the apocalypse DLC hey Nathan you're absolute mud lad you actually did it yeah yeah we're actually playing bf1 again this is like a an attack on my senses right now like it's like what is good look at this UI it's so different I've got a meat cleaver I've got cable it's they do more damage to vehicles I remember that Lebel that was quite a good sniper was now unfortunately in this first game we've just been absolutely crushed by the enemy team so I don't know if this it's not a very balanced served by the looks of it okay here we go sniping in bf one is incredibly satisfying cuz it's got like a really fast bullet velocity the weather's changed as well if you noticed like the entire level is how much brighter than it was I put a cable in take out that tank I mean probably not but repair interrupted it takes so long to load the animations as well so good on this game I'll put a normal bullets in see if we can snipe some people here before the round ends Oh Oh that music tho so good well that's the first game Quentin scorer all gone forest I've got to go Quentin scar I think Quentin scar was the best beer for map for sure all gone forests if you like infantry play and you like using shotguns and SMGs like it's really good for that kind of thing uh I think Quentin scars are better battlefield map let's say let's not Philip hey fubar are the server's populated on all the DLC maps I don't know I just picked a random server from the server list and there was loads and loads of full service I could didn't have difficulty finding a server I think a lot 25 battlepacks well I've got 25 battlepacks what's this about apparently I needed that one is that is there a way to like open all all of them at once like do I have to you have to go through this animation you can't skip it actually you need some of these skins I don't really care for skins to be honest in in video games but I know some people do but for me personally now I'm not that first right so this map was actually the first map that I ever played on bf1 what's a decent sniper oh man what should we go for the Gewehr I remember being pretty good go with that look at this point in the plane I said a C one day against garrison thank you so much for the ten that's very kind and black shot out thank you for the five really liked your video has been a fan since bf3 that's very kind of you thanks get away from me play look at this look at this a cinematic right there I'm bailing oh I'm out in the middle of a field now no wonder my guys complaining so can you I don't think people can counter these flares can they're go watch out for these tanks I'm in trouble I was right behind enemy lines then right at the back stupid mango prince had 236 on open battle facts wow that's crazy thank you for the fire mango martini-henry dark tea martini-henry yeah the martini-henry was always a great sniper but it was more like medium-range wasn't it from what I recall like medium to close range because it had that sweet spot didn't it where whoa you could one hit someone look at this mad absolute mad yes right so digger there it's one of those guns that you don't need to unscored I recall so you can just shoot what the hell was up so you don't have to come out of ATS this year again chuckles in danger yeah that's me oh man I'm lost I'm lost in the woods here oh damn 1911 silence of the feels good chill here for a second on the wall oh oh it's a tank hunter I was like why didn't you die I shot you like three times now that guy's got more health one of those flares up it's on that wall there you know one thing that I really do miss from battlefield 5 in this game is being able to ping like I love being able to ping locations and be like hey there's a guy there or you know watch out to my teammates kind of thing going to say I'm going to attack this objective you know that kind of thing I like being able to do that you go I've got you you're heading back to be f1 to night oh thanks for the rez Oh instantly knifed pills bad man what's Adria how you doing a calleb thank you so much for the 20 this is my first donation calleb that's very kind of you thank you karna doesn't make sense that you fire these on the ground and they spot people you know I mean damn he's up on that machine gun don't get angle on me because I think it's armored at the front she's throwing grenades no watch out for those bombers that guy's high up ow well I'm not going that way well what was that artillery or something from a tank hey Nathan dude bf1 is so thick it's a fun game this is a fun game I'm gonna switch to what have we done we started off with the salt but then we switched sniper straight away didn't we one of my favorites was the rib a no one knows how to pronounce this even French people don't know how to pronounce this I've asked French people how do you pronounce this and nobody knows we bay roll maybe a roll Ruby rolls no one knows I'm just gonna go with Ruby rolls that's that seems like the most logical pronunciation of the word probably wrong there oh my god I know screaming I was a guy on the right where I was he a Scotty B Thank You B the five there's a lot of atmosphere in this game you know I think that's one thing that this really had going for it level design and the atmosphere was spot-on visibily in here is a bit tricky isn't it I get on this gun that's a bad idea stationary weapons generally in battlefield games they just get you killed if you're new to battlefield my advice would be don't use the stationary weapons it's not gonna go well are we gonna be bombed army we're losing it now yeah that tank is hammering us I think I've been killed by that guy just once maybe was a different tank before at pyrex rib a roll rib a roll like that did I do that right I don't know forget ani I feel like I might be better suited there seeing this is a bit more close range better for assault there's a lot of houses here though where people can hide Oh tank under kits there and I get it I'm gonna try and get it yes okay I've got it okay now this thing is sick but you need to get a good location for it because you can't you can't fire this unless you're by pot it or prone if I'm not those windows out and these like I could probably buy pot here that's in the way though try prone I've seen any targets out I'm out here cheers mate better watch your back though because you can easily be killed by someone coming to melee well I'm gonna move get to a different location cuz I don't think that building was very good to be honest didn't have good lines of sight there now watch out for the Bombers there we go that's what we wanted isn't it boys but yes that's incendiary in that building hello came through the wall wonder if I'm suppressed there wasn't they have grenades yeah I do have a couple of aids some we did the tank got me again it's always the tanks if I'm revived do I keep the tank on ticket I don't remember not sure Kyle thank you so much for the twenty this made my day I found your content back in 2015 when bf1 came out positive vibes from the Home Office Kyle thank you so much and Starks thank you for the five big fan trust your opinion on games of balanced more than any thank you thank you I try my best not fair and balanced ammo apparently that's a great sport isn't it I don't feel like I should be given a death for that dice that doesn't feel that doesn't feel fair come on that's not now no I'm not I'm not cool with that I feel like I was robbed these planes just falling out of the sky recapturing F I think so you know one thing that's great about this game is it runs flawlessly I mean I'm getting like 200 FPS it feels smooth one of the big problems I think with bf5 I don't know what it's like on console cuz I don't play it that often but on PC ba5 it still stutters every now and again it doesn't run you know as smooth as this that's a dude back here wonder if there's any more I think we're good we're clear yeah we're good look to be able to get on the back of that you know two people on a horse at once that's one feature that I think would have been really cool for this game try and getting to do here without being sniped actually a sniper in that tower there - a wd-40 you've never seen this game before if one's a call game man its iconic I'm sure you guys will remember the trailer as well wasn't it like the most liked video game trailer of all time or something one with seven nation army you guys remember that yeah the rebate rolls really nice yeah black shot what dpi I use 400 dpi and my sensitivity is 15 in-game pink I swear I heard like yeah enemy footsteps so we can get this tank boom yes look at those explosions boys come on I was epic I need some ammo there any ammo stations in this game hello ammo I could go and get his kit maybe he's a support player he might have ammo if I don't get shot before I get there what you got oh oh this is sick LMG with a telescopic sly on it let's go right okay so we've got some cover here I think from a those guys got a crossbow hmm no take this boy lads let's go it earns a point if I heard of Raven field yes I have I have heard of Raven field it's like what the hell was that it's like a knock off of power field isn't it but it's only single-player a Peter thank you to five battlefield one is how I found your channel so it's really nice to be back also play operations love that mode yeah I feel like dice got a lot of things right with the operations then maybe they went a bit backwards with it for bf5 with grand operations we promoted level 120 to would you believe it somewhat sniping me Aniyah where is he is it Billy Bridger yeah you see the LMGs get more accurate well longer you shoot them actually dodged in real life then that's how invested I am right now ow they're not very accurate at all and you start sharing you whack some ammo down if I know Aneesa I'm kind of trapped here right now want to push you the subjective if I can no wall penetration that's something that I really like about bf5 you can shoot the real are walls I'm gonna get clocked in the back here someone here here couldn't find him no put that gas mask on okay so this is tank round there can't really do much against that tank but with this guys class anyway if you had anti-tank mines maybe I think you get those on support in this game right yeah thank you do let's see if I can get up to the windmill could kill that tank you know it's low HP I get lucky I'm not sure about damages the tank actually I can't remember for the plane gonna bomb me ed there's someone firing over here sniping look at that guy's KITT aah oh he's gone he didn't even have time to shoot definitely behind a couple people here don't see them they're just looking at me that's probably the guy that I killed before with the sniper I can hear a tank I'm scared guys I don't want to die yeah see how inaccurate that is when you start shooting that's crazy man my kid was cool though I picked that guy's kid up what like five minutes ago or something should we change it up again should we so I was support then let it get these semi-autos don't they like the SLRs I remember one of my favorites was the autoloading because it does so much damage after Matt is also very good think with this one is you only get five shots in it and then you gotta reload but it's just so much damage Oh watch out big explosions going down right now [Music] quite like that marksmen scope as well look at the mini-map there's so many people over there I'll be a dumb idea this but whatever okay shine the back from someone else are you friendly okay we're gonna be pushed yeah mp18 I think I do just want to kind of smoke these guys here headshot not enough damage though oh this is tank I'm gone medics could not touch tanks how good's that sound though guys that sound is so good sniped I mean let me in let me in let me in yeah oh no the tank unbelievable I nearly made it lads I nearly made it Casey use the RSC your logo looks clean on that gun Jack thank you it's been there a while across the battlefield yeah yeah across the battlefield was a great series for bf one we did we did a live commentary every map in the game unedited with just you know impressions and play-by-play and all that stuff ciao horse as someone else a bit closer to me I think they're gonna hop over this wall how much bullet drop I'll go again for that shot I was out not a headshot it's Ryan his head come on come back come back music no I don't got the colibri no no no no why is the colibri my secondary that was I was not expecting the colibri why did I must have been taking like a thumbnail or sub did the world's smallest gun Oh Manny okay it's tiny I hate it Oh Perez was nice one here it's pistol not deadly Hey well guys right now [Applause] they killed yeah they've been killed can't believe I have the colibri boy what am i doing oh no that's the tank on sir right got to get behind him knifing aah headshot peeled his scalp back I was insane are there any medics there are a couple medics come on something fishy oh you're a legend thank you so much man the whole level is just destroyed oh yes it gonna be pretty close to shoot that gasps oh nice please let me out there's a guy running around with the shotgun watch out I'm scared of him again that building on airship what oh you just bombed the hell out of people with that it's great not on the right I'll take it Oh it was you I can't pick up his kid ah I don't know that's mild if you revive me there I gotta get cover get a reload in all the time tons of kids there I think they got it I've got to try and get around the back of this guy now and get a melee kill but they're still here they got that double-barrel shotgun which is deadly maybe he was killed nice yeah I wasn't sure if I could pick that tank home to kick back up was it is it just like once they're dead you can't get it again I think that's how it is ah oh that one that one stone can't be revived from that nor thank you for the five I was how hard is it to find service now it's really easy I didn't have any difficulty finding a server man of mayhem thank you be the to get Charlie and as he backed the bar field well that's up to them isn't it that's up to them can I get on top of this yeah boy you're friendly ow and we snipe someone there's someone down here I'm on top of an airship right now this is mad I don't want to fall off pom pom guns what does that mean I am the ac-130 from it it's really difficult today because it it moves you but as the airship moves and you're a muse Hey all right I can't deal with accuracy anymore Jack thank you so much for this money oh I'm dead he's miss God this woman right there unbelievable Burton yeah that was one of the last weapons added the Burton was quite good he bet imagine holding a rifle like this and shooting yeah crazy it's going to moss around here let's go get him there's the lad again whole nine damage unbelievable oh it exploded at David thank you for the ten I'm not leaving do any damage in spicy crazy had flame Browns yeah how do you send Airy rounds what was that a plane I don't want to be run over oh that was a great round well no one wants to play pre dead to her quite like that map it's a night map though and they're just not as popular that's not a bad round really I was a lot of fun what's up Tom Harrison how you doing insane mind thank you very much for the five have you ever had problems with render distance I see trees and grass popping up like one meter in front of me cheers for the videos not really might be something to do with your graphics drivers or your settings was a book Johnson how you doing it Dan I missed the across the bow field one series well it's done unless they released a new map for this game which isn't gonna happen that's done noob starred Amos thank you for becoming a new member that's very kind I appreciate that thank you load designer my waist all the way from Texas what's up how you doing waiting this for almost two years yeah it's been 18 months since I posted a video on this soundtrack so good I just got some bolts on this one were planes I wanted a plane that would have been good fun what should we do this time but like a sniper would be good but I was just playing sniper for a lot of that so what if we go back to assault MPA that's the classic World War 1 gun right there isn't it oh man so many options not the rocket gun - that's the Muromets isn't it but these animations were wicked I think I just gave up the good slot they accidentally I've got the book done now they've taken objective George I'm gonna bail those boats out of there how far can you go in the chute not very far I do see a couple of infantry up here I'm sure they spotted me though - ooh maybe that was the only one okay so I think the person stopping this cap is the boat at the back have a look sure there was a boat here maybe it's gone are we good the artillery is just shelling us like crazy are you gonna take her back please take it out please take it out yeah yes I actually got the plane no way I think it was going down what's that guy was just hammering it with the anti-air but I'll tell you that one that wasn't a bad throw oh my god dude I'm so sorry I keep my head down now couple snipers looking at me some smoke up all right time to go let's move someone right here sniper army you're not gonna beat me with a pistol there oh you will come on team you can do it you can do it no medics around we've got killed by a sniper one way or another didn't we they always get you they always get you oh don't do that guy half I do some rocket gun sniping before I get sniped in the head usually people in these windows here I don't see anyone there we go someone down there at destruction that's gorgeous a SWAT and a panzer and in pansy oh come on two hits we need more I don't see the guy now I jumped out a saint thank you so much for the full scene that's very kind alright that guy's been killed here's our little truck what was that lice someone else got it and it changed the lice Oh bf community never change never change please be the best oh my goodness rocket gun only challenge god I'll be painful I think yeah oh yeah you can slide Caillou yeah our planes just doing circles over and over again we iced rag doll yeah that's an ambitious throw right there I wanted it but I didn't want it enough my tiny t-rex arms just simply weren't long enough nickel thick pickle Ric for these thick what just happened everything is exploded yeah there's a lot of munitions down here isn't there I remember grenade yes right we are on a roll here guys a crusty roll and I'm loving it and we got a new member as well a Daniel Mesa Vic thank you for becoming a new member that's very kind here are you doing I hope you enjoy the little icon and also the subscriber emotes as I always say use them carefully because they do willed much power blow Nico is it just me or does this look better than bf5 I think in terms of realism it doesn't look better but I say there's an argument for environment and just the feeling of it I think it a lot of the maps in this game certainly feel much more like a war environment I guess like the ambience of it let's say come on come on I mean I'll be so lucky to hit that shot with a rocket gun of all things maybe yeah me you never know you never know you got to go for him Oh Christopher Scott thank you so much for the tear never thought I'd tune in to watch someone play video games loving the streams these days can't get enough war zone thanks for the entertainment Christopher no problem at all man thank you for coming along and if you're in the UK right now or anywhere over the world we're doing a clap of the NHS though I'm gonna stand here I don't think anyone can hear me apart from you guys but this is a thank you to the NHS that's our National Health Service who are dealing with a massive undertaking at the moment but a lot of people in the UK will actually be stood outside their front doors right now doing that thanks every Thursday I'm guys still there are you still there no all right we dominated this map so far but I guess you guys could clap as well I mean maybe you could put some clap emotes in the chat I'm sure there are some clap emotes it's gotta be it's gotta be yeah all we see it's the ship the cannons where is it the destroyer no I barely use that thing there's a lot of smoke when your shoe isn't it alright we've just we just dominated this game I guys eighty seven and one is that real is it cheating what's going on there oh yeah I think maybe he's cheating that's not very good is it we have lost objective apples that's why we're winning I didn't even realize that's a shame why is that I need some I need some ammo again I can have ammo thank you I appreciate that someone actually gave me ammo guys it's unbelievable what's up from Nepal yes how you doing blow poker lols what's up just some bull how you doing the sniper rifles have like a rainbow effect in this game in bf5 they're just like a shining lights out uh Tyler Andrews Andrews thank you for the 25 you're a madman please I'll get it you know what I'm trying to follow the rules and stay indoors as much as possible the only time that we're really going out is is for food and that's like once a week so yeah I'm trying to follow the rules I mean you have to right like you just got it right now the guy here somewhere the back maybe don't know [ __ ] out damage this guy hey you got him our support guys as well there's still more enemies here though somewhere nowhere come on come on ah that one was really ambitious ah a Lindo thank you for the ten what are the chances of a jack and neebs gaming warzone collab UNEP's gaming actually playing warzone al Crocs thank you for becoming a new member old mouse one use the anti-aircraft gun yeah I could have picked it up then couldn't I wanted the knife Oh hiding in here maybe Oh dad not around here either I'll tell you what see mr. Tsuchiya on the server I'm gonna leave and join another one because that doesn't really feel very fair to me daymo Brown Simon of all people is addicted is that is that real Simon actually enjoys war zone I feel like he's there he's one of the last people that would like war zone but fair enough I mean you like it you like it an operation memorizing operations quality man that could be a bit higher resolution higher bitrate skip skip to the end I put me in a queue it said 63 Mon dice look at all these full servers there's a load of full service here there's a lot of people playing this game still in Europe at least I don't know what it's like in na hey pills all right there we go red no queue for that and it's over some more ball packs I have long realized o of my life has been to Gornick story in multiplayer no one cares don't do that soldiers today we cease the beating heart of the author hey what's going on here it's just then it's literally just ended okay a Slayers life I really like your [ __ ] Jack thank you Slayers hey one need a rap battle between warzone and firestorm oh man that makes me sad war zone just it did everything right you know free-to-play standalone have regularly updated it already there's updates it's only been out for like four or five weeks I still never had a chance you know it's it's a it's a great battle royale game firestorm but the fact that it wasn't free to playing it wasn't standalone it never had a chance because they but whatever reason it was tied into the main game so you got a $60 a wall on a bow rail game when or the battle royale games are free or they're cheap you know it was never it was never gonna do well like that it's such a gorgeous map it's some really interesting things as well firestorm did and I think a lot of other be all games have borrowed from it too but it just it just didn't have a chance it was it was dead before it released because of how it was released it's a shame anyway that's a different that's a different story for a different day martini-henry oh no no maybe should we just do it for them me lo contagious gamer how you doing al crocks thanks for becoming a new member it's very kind of you [Music] yeah the looting was a big problem in firestorm as well I just in Sherman thank you for becoming a new member are we going to fend this you're going the wrong way guys all that sound man such a good sound I'm not sure about this site there got a lot dip on it doesn't it build martini-henry hit that out there and try and Cait out but I'm going over there okay bullets I actually hear an enemy there why am I getting repeated hit markers there what's going on the sound is amazing on this the landship like anyone in it kind of fall out of the sky don't they I think the plain animations in be a fiber maybe better than this cover the boat yeah I'm not sure this is the best sniper rifle choice there for this particular map not really seen anyone to properly shoot yet though all right boys the dead guy there on the boats they're dead okay where are the enemies what's going on like where is everyone okay so that guys followed me again onto this server so he's obviously doing this on purpose but what's up how you doing hello cucumber hello choy sup life alone let's try a different server then they're all full like they're actually all full I need that one let's go the sunsets here the clock okay Simon cares no one cares okay right nobody leave the server so that guy can't join this Maps got a very different color palette doesn't it am i aiming too low there maybe when I know it's got like a lot a lot of bullet drop on it but that doesn't seem right yeah the menu musics brilliant brother I actually got a tag day with that need there we go there it is I thought for a second I didn't have any hemorrhage but summerlee's Hey headshot see that's a hundred damage there I felt like I was out of the squeeze spot range there that's a head shot so that counts oh this gun is good man this gun is so good a poison Jovi rocker thank you for the five finally back on bf1 been waiting forever yeah it's been a been a while what are you doing that we're gonna be able to take this point I don't know yeah missed that your dad yeah your dad this is insane it's actually insane I'm gonna get a grenade on top of my head on I have more so here what's the sniper it's the martini-henry and martini-henry versus it's all you believe the most fun sniper in the game yeah but you only get one shot before you got to reach amber it what do you use my grenade oh I mean this is crazy what is going on that this was something that I didn't really enjoy about bf1 to be honest this was one of the biggest problems for me it was just the the amount of explosive spunk as there is a lot of it there's a lot of things that can blow you up in this game oh what's up gaming to the max how you doing you can't throw a grenade back either and you can't shoot them to blow them up from what I recall look at this that's a lot that's a lot of explosives right there that's horrible yeah so it was nice to play ba5 after this because I just get a bit crazy at times what's up will tanner how you doing thank you for coming along we lost oh well the Allies withdrew from the Gallipoli Peninsula in January 1916 as we lost after six unbelievable what's up Sam Loma how you doing hello Matt Freund how are you thank you for the five yeah unknown I mean in in operation 64 players there's a lot of explosions obviously when the game came out it actually had 40 player operations and for me personally I really enjoyed that I thought it was a nice balance because it was still a bit chaotic but at the same time you could employ a lot of strategy [Music] but with 64 players it does get a bit intense LTP thank you for this to varrock I need to say what's up J Lozinski how you how you going man thank you for coming along so well we we're attacking again now it's still loading them the next map I think a lot of downtime between rounds as well you're like in BFI they sped that up a lot hello victor thank you as a bionic hello severed on MC September how you doing cha cops are 40 players did they bring 40 play operations back in this I don't I don't ever remember them doing that hello assassin I didn't I thought the 40 player operations had ended like ages ago like they just killed it pretty pretty quick out the gate didn't they it was only like what three months do your four months before they disabled it use the BR Wicca man oh yeah the beer Isles in this game isn't it only forgot about that hey Joshua thank you for the five I don't know how to answer that I'm sorry I Ryan thank you for the five as well greens from Fargo North Dakota vulgar is a brilliant movie great series as well I've never been there myself we're defending again here s Emily was always good wasn't it that guy wanted me to use the VAR it gets on support isn't it yeah beer storm storm barriers had better ABS right or the Peacekeeper though oh hello Regina how you doing what's the pen Rick it's got a slight on it that kicks like crazy yeah the gunplay is so different it's so different okay thank that guy joined the server again so there's not much point he's obviously following and watching this train I'm trying to get into a game where that guy can't join like if it's full but he's just gonna keep happening isn't it because people leave I tried one more try one more game quite nice car ballroom blitz how about that what's up Kurtis how you doing still most fair aiming down the sights yeah yeah that's it train shoes for hipfire I'll sort of set them up hey Tom welcome to the stream thank you for coming mohamad thank you very much for the two and a thumbs up oh well we've been pushed back a lot here this this ransom about to end as well whoa double rainbow all across the sky double rainbow no medics are on there unfortunately and we got behemoth okay so we're definitely it is a double rainbow look Oh know how rare that is on this map probably not very I've seen that a few times oh that's oppression horrible oh dude he just got his head off so sorry that revolver the animations on this so good actually gets more accurate the longer you shoot so weird wonder why they went that way I killed maybe see if we can get a few more kills before this round ends not get sniped yeah I'm about to get sniped ow I'll myself dad you can't kind of draw people there like that that's kind of fun mmm Robin thank you so much for the 20 Wow been watching ever since your first ruin episode all we see an incognito because I can't stand the gaming video spam in YouTube I felt like I had to give something back that's very kind you man thank you I appreciate you support dude yeah run episode 1 long long time ago that is 20 2011 November 2011 I think what was it during the summer man hey boy boy boy even 67 now Maddox about back on D here that tank looks so tiny doesn't it get in tank get him are on thank you for the 39 that's very kind oh okay surrounding dude there go down there they're about to do a charger something then get the points for this not rushing in over there Oh he's crazy grenades man so many grenades I'm gasps oh man mad ah too many down there how do you find so many full servers William but no though just uh we're just there it was loads of loads of full service to be honest I miss this game so much I'll WN you can still play it still people playing the game Just Cause 3 that's that's an old game isn't it I think I did play a bit Just Cause 3 maybe like a couple hours of it hectic but fun yeah that's a good way to describe Barfield 1 a very accessible battlefield game arguably the most accessible thank you guys for tuning in there I really appreciate it all these skins that I just don't care about where we going imean hmm is the hell real you know Paul I've actually forgotten that the hell regal was in the game but because you said that I'm gonna play with it now I love this theme as well very good all right it's on the salt isn't it I think it's the salt al regal Factory it's the only version isn't it can't like customize Aaron again you magnification visuals look at that golden brown takes your life son I like the iron sights on it I mean that's mad why have I got that skin what's the deal with that I'm on a server on my own that's matchmaking that's what great guys the matchmaking is what's really really good there isn't it hmm maybe he just couldn't find me a empty server like with one spot in Arizona Karine you would just killed by the hell vehicle yeah all the automatic oh is well blue 7 yeah yeah yeah people playing shock operations over whatever but me and again dice let's go or some Raphael games how you doing hey that skin is crazy it's got the aftermath it I do remember that Nicholas yeah after Matt's are cool guns for the medic isn't it the after Matt was soapy when it came up that's cause locked this is the meme did they ever changed is this tea and run how do I [Music] right I do have I I mean I just don't remember how to so you've got the bomb site remember how this was set up is this the one that was just like really Opie and you could drop like sixty eight bombs at once like is that what this is the Maura Metz yes I remember now this thing is mad you can drop like 32 bombs at once or something ridiculous like that oh they're so slow though the planes in this it's so slow that's gonna miss oh no we've got a 98 and Marwin thank you very much for the five so much memories with bf1 big fan from Iraq keep it up that's very kind here okay was I actually reading the chat for too long they're not no we're gonna survive we're okay we're okay all right big reload it's like a big birther in the sky right it's so weird ah come on come on right that guy specifically is dead no well how did they survive I dropped so many bombs this it's so heavy it just doesn't turn right we will have to just crush it into the ground here guys yeah Oh No did we get we didn't get a single kill then that's unfortunate right okay he'll Regal let's do this this used to be really really overpowered eschar Jack Big Bertha or chunga's I think the more immense is definitely a Bertha hmm no no no aah honky boy yeah Riggs definitely chunky lad isn't it under percent chunk okay so that guys found the server again unfortunately I think I'm gonna have to stop guys because it looks like that will just keep happening and you know I don't want to give everyone else a bad experience playing the game just because I'm streaming so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna end it there unfortunately you know this just happens from time to time look nothing really I can do about it to be honest but there you go I'm very sorry but I'm gonna have to cut the stream short we have been live for about an hour now and a half more or less so you know not bad nice little return to battlefield one that we had it's good fun I might post a couple more videos on this and play a few different rounds see how it goes but for the most part that was really enjoyable I enjoyed that a lot a typical day thank you very much for the five Barfield one has a lot of ambience it's got a lot going for it you know I'd forgotten I think how artistic and crazy it is but I definitely had a lot of fun here without said thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed it leave a like if you didn't a dislike subscribe if you want to see more and I'll see you in the next one take care of yourselves you
Channel: jackfrags
Views: 412,889
Rating: 4.911181 out of 5
Keywords: battlefield 1, battlefield, bf1, jackfrags battlefield
Id: fKT1C8dDmzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 32sec (5012 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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