Battlefield 3 Single Player Walkthrough - Full Game 4K 60FPS

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The man has ran out of content and uploads his time wasting speculations with click bait titles.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

10 year BF3 re-release is much needed after the fail of the last battlefield.

Bf3 was the best maps for conquest and rush ever.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/SkirmishYT 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't see the logic of BF3 Remastered not existing but NFS Hot Pursuit (2010) Remastered does. Honestly BF3 Remastered just being slightly touched up, 60Hz Servers & Crossplay and there you have something.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Dangerman1337 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm sort of hopeful after the new remaster of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit. I'd love to play the game 32v32 as I didn't get to experience that on PS3. And sadly the PC population is becoming ever smaller as I hear.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jrriojase 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

100% just an upload that he knows will get views and keep up the buzz over his channel.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Killer_industries 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was thinking that too, but he basically uploads the same video of him playing BF3 every other week lol. Could be something, though. Could just be wishful thinking though, I want this game again real bad.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ronputer 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I once pointed out that he is part of the Game Changers program and that he by admission of the program and others has access to inside information, which I know to be true from industry friends that work in Activision and EA, and he hid my comments. :P

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rlDrakesden 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

sp maps were so good I wish some of them were in multi.

theres so much in bf3 that was never put to use; so much potential in the game locked inside.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/heavypickles 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi everyone hope you're all doing well and welcome to battlefield 3. so i started my youtube channel pretty much built it with this game back in 2011. 2011 and believe it or not in all of that time i've never done a full walkthrough of the single player campaign so i thought why not do it now let's just go for it so today we're playing through the whole thing in 4k 60 fps we're gonna get stuck in straight away i hope you guys enjoy this if you do leave a like let's get it done foreign get a nostalgia that one must have hurt starts off with a bit of slow motion here beautiful we have to move through this train there's a few bad guys here get the shotgun close quarters get off my train and there's the big bad he's gonna blow us up i always wonder how you managed to dodge that one i don't get it it was point blank range shoot these guys climbing up watch out for flying debris and people let's keep moving forward the graphics still look incredible it's still very good quick reload should have held on to that shotgun they got bombs in here for you operation sword breaker so this mission is the first thing that we saw of battlefield 3. the first gameplay that we saw i should say that better yeah who are you you see good morning sergeant blackburn what are you gonna tell me what's going on 18 hours ago i get a call from homeland security saying there's a marine in detention i need to talk to some story about a terror plot in new york and the marine claims he has information to stop it now the best part is he says it's going to happen today so here we are you look jet lagged and by that i mean you look like [ __ ] thanks who is this that's him that's solid and you still believe he's planning an attack here in new york don't you why because he said so i read the file he's trying to save his own ass he doesn't know what we want to know just hear me out you want to bury me after go ahead we don't need to bury you you're already dead he doesn't know what we want to know we're on the clock i'm pursuing this lead what you're going to do is help us clarify the attack scenario your cooperation might even get you free of the world of crap you currently inhabit all you have to do sergeant blackburn is fill in the blanks are we clear when did you first hear about solomon and the plr it was nine months ago operation swordbreaker iraqi kurdistan okay i'm listening flashback time right i just have to mute the sound here because it's a copyrighted song and youtube will destroy me it's johnny cash knight rider you know hopefully that does the job for you you get the idea copy that all right there we go what the [ __ ] we're doing here nobody knows what we're doing here i'm just saying bro this is about the plr we shouldn't be in iran not iraq they're crossing borders dawg plr is the right people all right they don't make him any writer misfit one three this is misfit actually we have a situation to benefit here get your team dismounted into the staging area asap this is one three copy out what the [ __ ] are we stopping here for our objectives 20 clicks north of here i don't know montes yeah let's get on the road all right this is the mission boys this is it let's go just taking the graphics appreciate how good this looks where's the lt hanging right up here have you ever asked yourself how this part of the world gets so [ __ ] up all the time and just work here dave good one there he is gentlemen welcome as you know we're dealing with the plr insurgents crossing over from iran a lot of sectarian tension i counsel to remember gentlemen the people of this country are not your enemy the plr is at all 9 30 we lost contact with viper squad they're investigating a possible ied near spins a meat market that's a pretty [ __ ] bad part of town we believe the plr involved sending you in to find our marines provide support call in cassavac if necessary you're the quick reaction for us gentlemen i'm trusting you to handle this let's go find our marines we're on it whoa let's go let's do it catch you later stay behind gentlemen let's go find this patrol we have a sid rip on enemy inside this district assume the worst beautiful neon sign there go nice little stack up there what is this school all right i keep forgetting they don't have schools where you come from stick them together check your quarters someone needs to tell eod to blow those ammo dumps further away wait tremor we're like 90 clicks from a major fault line careful of the earthquakes big cross street here they were loaded let's move okay crossing twos black [ __ ] ready not a single city i don't like this [ __ ] no he's down let's get him out of there oh man this brings back so many memories keep shooting almost died there so many of them we clear i think we're clear they're moving they're moving let's go let's go find me give me a sip rap i'm up i'm up i'm [ __ ] up but i'm up rpg my 12. second floor stay away from moving right there right make sure he's taken out fast we got some grenades as well let's get those out i think we got both those rpg guys love the explosions the sound design is brilliant isn't it they just stream it in there climbing over the walls as well look at this nearly didn't see that one still up he's fire get the hell inside now well that was a bit hectic wasn't it get some ammo here we got him hey buddy can you feel this up we go checking quarters he's gonna be all right i hope chaplin's gonna be okay he'll be fine he's a tough son of a [ __ ] those light rays though maybe let's keep moving eyes open it's all you hit it boys these guys weren't local they weren't speaking arabic al-bashir is exporting all-star and searching talent out of iran to here now i don't know let's just get up on that roof with actual that sniper's still up be careful out there are we going onto the roof clear [ __ ] contact anyone got eyes on i can't see him dude that's a [ __ ] 50. stay low stay low moving going okay moving keep your head down boys get on the [ __ ] deck get down to the edge and stick his head out and then we [ __ ] shoot it roger hug the wall black wait for us to get into position don't bunch up keep moving monte's gonna move on let's go you got eyes on i got it black now it's anxiety-inducing this a is okay across the street 50 meters midway up he's dug into a spider hole give it to black [ __ ] cover's getting ropey you're the best shot you see that weapon clint you wasted make it count brother i'll cover you and you hit him clear your back blast stand by three two one suppressor let's go direct here awesome a little evolution there on we good we're good let's go find this patrol miss fifth one three this is doc holiday we got your man patched up down here we're ready moving back to the staging area for evac can you provide cover from up there sure thing doc holiday which direction over north side we got wounded give him a bit of cover misfit one three in position we do have a sniper keep your eyes peeled for hostiles our guys are pretty exposed down there watch your sectors don't see anyone there's my friends the enemy movement street level all the balconies on the roof straight ahead oh that's sneaky they doing up there okay you got you covered boys gonna move on more guys coming in check the street level and rooftop i we got your six you're clear oh you gotta be kidding me sneaky little surprises back there oh up here too check this out that's gotta be the last of them appreciate that they're moving in on us now i think they're in the building oh can we get the [ __ ] off this rooftop now please roger can't go back down that's a lot of enemies we'll never make it over that's an easy jump bridge do it it's lucky that that was there i'm sure we could jump that though right is that stable i think so it's a long way down semi-epic maneuver coming up i appreciate the roly-poly's you know that level of detail it goes a long way look at this gorgeous animations variation temporary setback break we're oscar mike the target location over we're pushing through let's hope they're okay so what happens if the plr take over a country run by terrorists ain't good bro america was founded by terrorists for terror what do you think the [ __ ] revolutionary war was history is determined by the [ __ ] victory that's a good point how did you even get into the marines you know what campo i often ask myself the same goddamn question hit it contact move up a bit here it's almost out of ammo then okay we're looking good i don't think we can go that way it's two of them just stay focused we're back on straight he looks like he needs a bad state [ __ ] we got wounded nkia in here i got it mr next well this is one three and he can't back asap how comfy and this layout doesn't look right at all yeah i found something this is totally not good secondary is under here secondary copy that oh [ __ ] boys we are attracting a lot of [ __ ] attention what's the problem can you cut the wire i can't cut anything till this wire's traced black when you're nominated follow the wire it's always blackburn isn't it right we've got to follow this red wire here got some secondary explosives under the car there did you get that follow the goddamn wire we're going in the vent it's aliens then i'm sure there's a rat in every dice game in the single player it's a little easter egg nothing to worry about is here to reinforce just get that wire cut oh that doesn't look good teddy bears with explosives in watch out it's pretty brutal isn't it that dude is out that dude is gone sounds like they're in trouble this way oh okay we've got a big fight on our hands here we gotta get up on the bridge get the m249 oh ah got me in the side such an iconic moment when you walk out that door isn't it you see all the soldiers on the street i died really quick then didn't it still up on the bridge here i'm gonna stay here i do have this sniper rifle i think this is the mk11 it's called right get as many headshots here as we can he's got an rpg and these guys have g383s oh love those animations man brilliant rpgs does loads of damage get the helicopters in quick we need him they got trucks oh here we go here's the support them boys toast them back that's it again oh that sounds amazing get some earthquakes come on well that guy's dead all right you claim you're knocked out after the earthquake yes sir don't bother calling me sir it's not gonna matter because you're gonna torture me anyway you don't work that way anymore now you just go to the darkest corner of the room great how long were you unconscious sounded sad when i came too there was a broadcast were you out for six hours eight it's important is that a trend try to focus on the question please i was still shaky as hell when i pulled myself out so i don't know it was dark hold yourself up we're buried i did see something you just said it was dark and you were groggy are you trying to get a rise out of me we're just along for the ride sergeant blackburn you're driving for now if you say so so it was dark and you were groggy you saw something after the quake what was it and blackburn survived yeah the loading screens don't quite work in 4k on the other hand i have a better idea i'll let you choose choose choose what oh come on what is it live or die never die mr that's some pretty legit screaming right there try not to get to spotted american soldiers i don't think i will i'm good oh we're gonna have to go prone into that pipe dude i'm sorry let's get in there that was close that's a vicious rock i'm sorry ronald he would have given me away this is not good there's enemies everywhere need a weapon luckily it's got a suppressor on it it's like a horror game now that's fire effects man this game in terms of graphics design animations it was really ahead of its time wasn't it the fact that it still holds up in 2011. sorry 2020 we're not actually in 2011. don't worry you've not time traveled the game came out in 2011. now it's 20 20. things have kind of gone downhill i'm shooting that veto isn't that my either yeah that cat oh this explosive barrel oh that guy's going he's floating there are some bugs see a red canister there red stuff blows up never forget look at that flare man it's awesome there's a couple guys down here that i saw moving a bit closer here i almost missed you do i have any grenades yes i do he's got a shotgun i think i cried the windshield yeah i don't really want to go near that guy the shotgun what is it a 7z let's get it oh that's gotta hurt dead end more earthquakes this must be a slug shotgun packs are punched isn't it are we going here rpk sweet let's get a move on i mean this place has been annihilated by that earthquake hasn't it oh who was that you can die super quick even on normal difficulty in this game you got to be careful i think we're clear oh i've completely forgotten that that happens so you can see here the the ideas of levolution starting to creep in that was a nice spray hello aek oh there's only 14 bullets though we picked up a few extra mags there so this is the first mission again but obviously everything's been destroyed and we're going back the other way freeze [ __ ] hands it's me holy [ __ ] blackbird am i glad to see you in about half an hour this place is gonna be every [ __ ] man for himself come on let's get the [ __ ] out of here let's go montes get a strobe lighting there misfit this is misfit one three i think i'm almost back at the staging area i don't know this place looks real different without any freaking buildings what come on montez crawl on through so we're nearly back at the staging area here milnet was saying there's riots all over the [ __ ] city and get this aku in iran sponsored by your friendly neighborhood plr hashtag put some nades out let's get on that gun on the hummer hold these dudes up for a bit i can't see that guy over there there we go there was smoke in the way get those vessels in it that's badass nothing why was that never in multiplayer i mean they just got ruined by rpgs they're coming from different directions now all over the shop damn it let's get in there fast move out go go go hit it beautiful okay now this mission this is the one this is still brilliant stop me if this is incorrect through cabbage year in the plr seize power in iran almost the same day as the earthquake they become a threat a few weeks later we send in 50 000 marines to take them out we go to war in iran is this a history lesson what part did you play in going after al bashir that's a broad question well then i will narrow it down your first mission initially our role was to do bda after airstrikes in the northern quarter of tehran battle damage assessment why were you doing that it was procedure we were looking for a high value target fast air was supposed to hit so far as i can tell you don't have a great history of following procedure tell me about your interaction with lieutenant colby hawkins she was an f-18 pilot she don't know her as you went in she took part in an air strike on al bashir we are going hunting let's do this hawkins we just got raised to alert one plans have changed we're launching now kag says we're special today we're not on station for some whiskey delta ground support desk is going to fill us in airborne but we are flying a strike mission over tehran into mirabad airport eland has sat images they think they know where al bashir is the main man so get your fangs out hawkins we're hunting big game today love how he has a shark on his helmet that's pretty much it there's iranian bogeys in the air already pucker factor 9.7 looking good sounding good is about to have a really bad day okay let's rock and roll i'm ready boss no megalodons in this game unfortunately we've got big sharks though that's the kind of hit roger okay sir i need you to go ahead and tap the brakes and check flaps and stamps you check system check weapons initiate hmd visor heads up displays on got a green light looks good hit it do this here we go we are airborne good copy looking good in that i just got a massive smile on my face get in altitude careful of the g's don't want to pass out it's a shame they never put two-seater jets in the multiplayer you have those in the old battlefield enemy bogeys engaging in angel right behind us oh let's get some heat-seeking missiles here splash one splash too is that what they say fox 3 something like that whoa this dude is burning yes where's the second one gone i'm so went right past us let's go there's more damn it i'll get a shot that gun sounds amazing that's the splash that's definitely a splash whoa i'm getting dizzy no flares on that one fox 2 fox 2 there it is i need to watch top gear again now thank you flash w flash no it didn't work multiplayer quick recharge on this glass he's got behind him here we go yes that's a hit we've got one more behind us here we go get him yes still standing gotta be our flares yes this is an absolute maniac flying this thing mad lad imagine playing this in vr i think i'd get dizzy all right it's time for some air to ground here let's drop some ordnance roger get some of these ground targets rolling on the target area with potential high value target over roger ground element reaper one in the area constructed two one two two coming in for cheating at us that's a good track right there to direct it stay on target get there miss i'll get there nice there's one more here switch to infrared here comes the bombs away and it goes boom good night two one boom so good those jay dumbs up 4-6 there are aircraft coming out of the heart they're trying to take off i mean this looks real doesn't it not today this dude's going for it stay on target they don't learn this is reaper one he's got another fighter turning onto the runway now there it is i don't see any more targets there this is i have three vehicles moving along the runway this might be our hbt wait out six stand by to engage if the target is verified roger yeah okay get ready to laser for bulldog holding be advised you have a single aircraft approaching from the south at low speed altitude five zero two and you have eyes on over roger helicopter looks like it's headed for the vehicles roger you have four six on station four six this is reaper one we need them to get out of the car so we can verify it's our target stand by two engage three three we will lazy hit the target boys get the thunderball in ruined nice little strafing run there oh no they're all dead uh one of them escapes be advised now the lone survivor switch that dude's gonna track me down and kill me in ten years it'll be in a movie be great roger such a good mission that is it's brilliant love that of course correcting mission i'm going back home at nighttime looking good if you hear the a-10 you want the target i love that bringing her down 800 750 600 power power we are back let's get it operation guillotine that's a nice story i don't see how it connects what i gotta draw you a map al fisher was never there that's why you went in we knew he was in tehran somewhere he'd gone into hiding i see and until this point you didn't believe al bashir was affiliated with solomon there was no link just what i saw in iraqi kurdistan when i saw i've got a question al bashir was our jfk we should have left them where it was you remember saying that no who did i don't know i'm sure you don't i bet you don't know who shot your c.o either [ __ ] you let's not forget the nature of a little interaction here this is not a trial you are guilty i know how your [ __ ] story is we're not here to manhandle him let him go actually had decent writing in this campaign treatment of him goes our directives are very clear i just want to get to the bottom of this and i want to do it cleanly fine tell us how you found the nuke in tehran off the terrain we go that is a big city it is no gun trucks yet wheels of fate turn slowly my brother however as about 300 hours forward elements of colonel garrison's regiment took to fia bridge this puts misfit and haymaker in to capture enemy structures housing strategic intelligence break your first objective is your apartment complex beyond the canal we will commence the assault in one mic get ready to step off out copy that there's hammaker we're going all call signs misfit we on mission launch repeat we are mission launch sir roger blackburn water up and we get to use the monster go go let's get in there let's go duran highway remember this multiplayer level it's a bit more blue in the multiplayer though this looks kind of more realistic that one was close all right we got some cover here time to get some rounds in come on oh the skull check it out hit him with a boost as well we've got to get to that wall i think the scar was one of my favorite guns in multiplayer so good that's the punch not lens flare though rtx on rtx off in this game unfortunately before it's time you know it'd be great if i had a grenade launcher there was one on the ground back there just keeps pressing give him that battlefield three vaseline come on i think we got him all some frags out let's move and they will hold up here i think we got all those guys i'll be with you momentarily lads i've got a bit of a problem here i'm gonna stick with the scar though it is i feel like the guns in the single player have more recoil on them than they did in multiplayer i kind of like it though feels a bit more realistic wow dangerous well that guy's playing it like multiplayer just prone in a bush 24 7 recall got some cover at the sandbags just keep pushing up switch to the shotgun buzz pull us hey slob donated oh no that is brutal are you ready to go moving in nothing oh this is a bit sauce guys i think the imposter's through there reminds me when the slugs were open in the multiplayer captain brady outstanding job securing the apartments one three field attack from misfit for this mission you're with us get on the humvee nice transition there sir i'm wondering about this route one tree is the fastest course we can plot to the bank it's going to take us right up i mean that's all badlands after the tunnel sir recognize those posters from multiplayer you know it's going to go badly maybe i'm the imposter like affirmative that which is exactly what the amateurs expect us to do we're not going to surprise the enemy by waiting to see the initiative i think i just agreed to be ambushed why don't we just shoot ourselves and save them in the trouble yeah we're going to get jacked frankly gentlemen i'm not hearing the aggression i'd like keep scanning nothing yet [ __ ] where's he going to turn back that bridge looks like a really good ambush point doesn't it and there's a gas truck come on guys rpg overpass no that was always a bad idea over here bought i like to keep this for close encounters so he's teaching you how to flank for multiplayer this is all this is it's a bit of a tutorial and the lighting still looks really good man i think it is fake dynamic lighting it's baked in as far as i know but i mean it stood the test of time hasn't it for sure roger roger project all right hit him they knew we were coming try and get a bit closer grenade out we clear nope i see you clear now good job boys nice blank okay it's 2002 why not i just got an iron sight on it not sure about that pkp okay fashion egg was a good gun for multiplayer operation metro get the 200 round mag put a suppressor on it cobra site oh the flanks man the flanks do you remember when the flashlights on the guns look like that in multiplayer i do that wasn't a good idea baby the passion egg just feels meaty we've got the g3 here also one of my favorite guns in multiplayer this thing had like more damage than most of the other assault rifles in the game it's a monster hey [ __ ] oh good [ __ ] out of here i forgot about this it's got its horrible beady lights on it looks like a evil dragon or something oh it's disappeared now it's back it's one of those teleporting tanks now it's jurassic park good [ __ ] that was a t90 and i'm still breathing i'm better than good i'm [ __ ] awesome black man you okay i'm good mate don't worry there's got to be a way out of here red flares let's go even the animation when they're going down the stairs is super cool it's got a lot of style doesn't it that thing's going to cut them apart man there's fast air and cobras on station if they can get here in time i'm gonna have to take that tank out aren't we i think that's the bank we got some friendly javelins if there's another tank out there all right say this thank god that's a fast job they're not that quick in multiplayer there it is i think one more i'll do it boom it's still standing it took four javelins are you kidding five this thing is tough like the final boss or something maybe there's an engineer behind it just like killing it all the time there we go how many was that seven javelins i don't know if i've got any more javelin shots what is there any down here it's chaos maybe it was dropped up there i'm not sure let's have a look i don't see it anywhere it's a stonk tank yeah oh i'm sorry there's got to be a javelin somewhere that i could pick up oh i didn't drop it there you go i thought that it dropped it that one only took one building's not secured yet i have to push up there it's really nice that they've got their flashlights on so i can shoot another one another one hopefully this one doesn't take like seven shots one so what was up with that first tank then it was just really okay you shoot these lights out now get this is kind of like the russian basin operation metro isn't it although i think that's the paris mission that's coming up look at all these boys here a little flanky on the go yeah there's definitely more recall on these guns than anymore as i said earlier i do enjoy that i like it i think we'll have to take a few hours before we move you kill one and there's just more straight away let's go throw grenade in there that's it oh my god no dude i'm sorry oh it's fine dudes terminator absolute chunker legend didn't even see him suppressing fire hit it yeah the single player doesn't have the blue filter that multiplayer had and i know that they tone that down but for some reason this just looks the art style just looks a bit more gritty and realistic doesn't it and how the multiplayer was he's taking a running jump how can i have done that i'm just as agile as you honor maybe not one too many big macs boost me up ready now he needs an assist for this one okay down thank you this is a bit of a trope isn't it with video games in the early 2000s they all had ladders that you could kick down although that still happens to be fair there's a mirror's edge going on here is it so i think he's gonna go in there and open is he gonna open the door no i gotta jump it it's quite precarious where did you come from oh it's brutal keep the shotgun out definitely close quarters there oh give me your tags close quarters oh my god that blood what does that m98b here check this out let's get some cover i wasn't in a really good spot there what kind of scope is on this then it's bolt action isn't it yeah push forward throw some nades out maybe kobe i'm sorry bro what happened oh you nearly caught me out there it's clear well funneling in here give you that little king of the hill moment good timing oh sorry just murdered one of my own teammates there my bad nice rendezvous right in the bank what's inside let's find out gentlemen we're looking for any sign of al bashir find it bag it you guys clear the basement we'll sweep the rest of the building roger blackpink come on montez door game is catching up with itself then nobody home we're gonna have to repel and that shotgun propel down okay shaft looks about 60 feet down yikes low and quiet pay out your rope careful mission impossible it is they never had repels in on the line multiplayer i hear something out there talking maybe ready to breach blackbird prep a flashbang yes and it goes let's hit him beautiful clearing up are there any protecting something nice micro destruction i'd like to get a grenade out there but i'm empty quick reload i'll move this is very matrix isn't it in the lobby that was sick love that heading in how's the big vault maybe apple shears in there i don't know let's find out makovich open the gate pop it the music can you hear it clear what the [ __ ] is this my case smell that smoke cordite let's get this door open god damn it timmy yeah i'm going in nobody home holy [ __ ] it's gold mine it's an operations room looks like they try to destroy it no look shit's still here i want everything bagged and tagged uh-huh oh [ __ ] we got maps of paris new york i got a train timetable here says 602. oh [ __ ] come over here what's in the box what's in the box radioactive is that a good idea we don't got a choice holy [ __ ] you know what that is russian portable nukes there's only one there wait there's room for two more where the hell are the other two hey you need to see this there oh [ __ ] that's al bashir who's the other guy i don't know they're coming down we need to secure the nuke and get the hell out of here what about the intel no no there's no time let's get the nuke and move now this whole building's going to come down this is misfit 1-3 misfit we've secured what appears to be a wmd break there may be more than one three you're breaking up are you reporting wmd say again you're breaking up oh that can't be good damn solomon's theme oh here we go oh my game crashed i think that's a shame don't worry we'll load back up no big deal hopefully it's saved like sorry it's too epic you can't you can't possibly play it anymore right back in there let's go let's see what kind of checkpoint are we gonna get have to pay respects boys okay so we just get to watch that bit again that's fine just appreciate the music even more i told you it was live maybe i'll be sure isn't there i don't know let's find out max open the gate the music was just 20. remember that clear here right the [ __ ] is this i've seen this before i can predict the future they're gonna open this you smell that smoke quartet let's get this door open and i reckon in here we'll find some kind of plans i'm going in yeah maybe a box with something inside it oh i could have wrote this oh game holy [ __ ] gold mine i hope it doesn't crash again looks like they tried to destroy it no look shit's still here i want everything bagged attacked oh [ __ ] we got maps of paris new york i got a train timetable here says 602. holy [ __ ] come over here we weren't allowed to see the russians that's what it is is that a good idea redacted sorry choice i told you there was a nuke in there you know what that is russian portable nukes there's only one there wait there's room for two more where the hell are the other two hey you need to see this there oh [ __ ] that's al bashir who's the other guy i don't know they're coming down we need to secure the nuke and get the hell out of here what about the intel no no there's no time let's get the nuke and move now this whole building's going to come down this is misfit 1-3 misfit we have secured what appears to be a wmd break there may be more than one this one you're breaking up are you reporting wmd say again you're breaking up oh that can't be good please don't crash come on dice this is a cool mission let me play it yes how many portable nuclear devices did you see in the bank vault one you sold one just one but space is for three just because i see a couple of lights at night doesn't mean it's a goddamn ufo look we believed there were three i believe elvis is still alive too but i'm not buying any tickets for [ __ ] shows about the other nukes well one's already here so you don't know about paris what you heard me didn't stop who didn't stop what you mean him he used to be russian spetsnaz vimpelu dimitri dima mayakovsky the kind of operator who doesn't show up someplace by accident we know you know that we've met if you want to make a point make it we think you know why he was in paris tell me what happened in paris then i'll tell you we don't know any more than you do the only person who knows what happened in paris is dima operation metro single player hopefully you guys can read the subtitles foreign this is the new need for speed by the way my no messing about and we got the as well get in there pretty sure you could unlock that as a melee weapon in the game too this guy was in co-op this game did have a co-op campaign it wasn't great it was okay you ready to drop him instantly we were busted straight away throwing grenades at me flank a little bit here so this dude here with a shotgun love that as well they just put this in cod warzone it's kind of broken in that game was this guy right here didn't even see now this is very mirror's edge here isn't it these colored walls i think mirror's edge came out just before this game the original one looks great rtx on again whoa that is quite smoky right there they set the sprinklers off why'd you gotta go do that i could do the bigger sight on this mp7 yes it's a shame you can't inspect the guns on this game you pop the fire extinguishers hey let's go boys i wish i could speak russian stacking up let's go we popped it accidentally i think what's so good about this campaign is that there's so much variation in the game playing the aesthetics i'm gonna rip that mask off your face bye oh that's a long way down it's a half-life joke closed captioning not available where are they f2000 don't mind if i do someone back here i did see someone right at the top there need some of these little bad boys second explosion i was waiting for sniper will be good right now couldn't quite reload fast enough there hey the whole aesthetic of this place is gorgeous isn't it i should have gone left at the start i just opted for the flank straight away let's get that ak oh look at this this little bad boy the reloads in this game actually take a bit of time difficult to see there keep your head down ak is the way man it's all about the ak that's a grenade right at my feet this is rainbow six siege before it was cool i don't know if i could actually walk through this though i don't think the hole is big enough you can make little lines of sight here it's interesting suck on that i saw you up there you wouldn't want to kill me before that's revenge that dude was about to shoot me in the back hard man one of me dead aek was 950 rpm is that correct i mean this is so mira's edge isn't it look at this it's just turned to green just put every single shot down there i don't even know if i hit anyone then imagine like a rtx remaster of this game this level would look incredible with all the reflections and the destruction oh brilliant nice shot only 900 i can't remember i used to know the gun starts a bf3 like the back of my hand but not anymore too long ago bridge hit it that was a hot bridge they never did this in a multiplayer map did they it's kind of weird because this is sort of like tv station broadcast which is that call of duty map oh you got crush my dude ruined so many bodies so many bodies such a detailed room and you only spend like a minute in it if it goes a long way gotta get this dude oh my goodness that scared me you're done goofed i just weren't pulling any punches with this game they were not pulling any punches here we go this is metro this is the russian spawn this is what i was thinking of well that was close too messy let's go it's kind of a mix between saint crossing and metro obviously in the original metro there's not that many outside bits of the c flag it's not g36 i'm taking that i think this is what the felicia is this sounds really good in bf3 it wasn't a great gummy multiplayer though gotta go this way oh they're bringing out the big guns now this is like heat if you haven't seen the movie heat you need to watch it after him no ruined oh it's right through the heart not surviving that one kind of sad rest in peace ah run him down he's got so many friends he's going up to the metro whoa he escaped i was right there i'm literally doing the quick time event i think that may have broken the game put me back right there careful of the train oh nice right hook yeah oh that's messy that's a mess oh just launched the friggin wmd in paris what is going on what is going on underrun dinosaurs this is where the dinosaur meme started when was this 10 hours ago 80 000 dead ground zero was the euronext exchange how does it feel you think i wanted this you oga guys were even more [ __ ] up than i'd heard you were i'm trying to stop this from happening in new york who do you think did it sergeant the plr and solomon well the blast yield matches russian suitcase nuke specs we put dema in country at the same time do you know how that looks demon was trying to stop it the paris must have been one of the missing ones [ __ ] then what didn't you still let it happen sergeant go back in time to the bank you said the paris nuke links to the bank can't beat demon can't be i am waiting i sent out a distress call anvil three part of charlie company first tax they came to get us miller came to get us here we go thunder run thank you boys let's go down hog out oh [ __ ] we've got everything we're good nothing yet okay just drops you straight in doesn't it right onto the tank i believe they showed this mission off at gamescom 20 and it went down really well this did just because of the scale set pieces obviously it looks great too right ow thank you got him target destroyed good job i'm right next to him didn't expect that did you boys what i love about this is that it's so free for me it's not on rails you can pretty much go wherever you want here here we go this bit looks super real as well that rocket battery is your primary target cass is on station roger anvil actual standing by for gun run what's that [ __ ] beyond okay where's the target goodbye break anvil actual might have to pick up the ball on this and adjust to attack the bdm position out oh this animation wow oh that was no i was about to say that one was close but it ended up hitting me beautiful cover there from the thunderbolt i can't do a thunderbolt impression i couldn't do the sound justice oh you are dead good night i think that's the bmp yeah check out these sun sites giant explosion we clear i think we're clear guys rogers in over the horizon there enemy tanks they're over the ridge i'm gonna stay here direct hit keep it up oh that's a mess head shave right there the fire's in the distance oil stacks or whatever they are i don't like the fact that they're just waiting there for me that's horrible i do have smoke oh they've come out of the cover now we got a flank on them yes my abrams let's go miller's a crack shot it's all about the dinosaur it just gives him energy why are you running chunky lads why didn't you help with the enemy tanks oh now you help now you help i almost died dude oh i dodged it put some lead down ewing that one it's fast down how was that miss miller jack take it's not like a hit scan tank if you know what i mean that's an ml rust isn't it artillery just hammering our convoy here i don't see any more vehicles though is this based off anything that happened in real life or is it called completely fictional highway of death that rings a bell beautiful delayed audio on that love that realistic ah engineers i'm not sure i should have got out of the tank doesn't feel safe get out there and find out why the hell hatching is standing up [ __ ] plr ambushed us he shot us the [ __ ] before we were ready i just need someone to get to the trigger and detonate it okay where is it somebody's got to get out there but it ain't going to be me chicken why does that have to be me can you give you some cover all right cover me tank please rpgs everywhere i think i can make it let's go serious i'm trying to help you out man don't call me that right cover me go oh shoot me in the pull the face all right let's do it now that's the end of that position i'll remember that i want my bonus all right we're gonna put some lead down now where are you over there hey go go move it i see how it is oh my god is that like a an explosive car or something i've only got that one that i've turned around and just driven into me i don't see them over there they're too far away keep your head down lads no okay i was about to say that civilian it's a good job that it wasn't vehicles that'll do the job there it is that's one of the buildings from cog island i recognize that all the red things nice right though guys love that left hand side is completely clear and this kind of looks like gold for a map i don't know if i could have saved that tank i felt like i hit their car enough here we go i like how you can shoot this side that's cool another car oh that one's closed that's too close way too fast why is it always the same model of car they must be able to get them cheap rpg okay we can move up now let's go what kind of jet was that was that frog foot the profile of that jet was a bit different wasn't it just because it's dark don't assume that enemies can't hear you that's good advice right there you were trapped at the bank yeah and running out of time like we are now so they came into the city where was that there was a plaza outside we were with the nuke inside the back waiting for miller and havel 3 to get there i radio them i need to know when the relief force is coming they say three minutes we'll be there in three minutes it's got some ptsd about that one i think yeah that tank did have a lot of ammunition didn't it structures you get through that no no problem at all hoon on your way through my friend get it done dude this is not good man miller get your ass down here we're gonna please don't explode isn't it that bridge it's weird you go back and you play this and you see how much stuff from the dlc was taken from the single player not operational anymore okay we are out on our own right you gotta go through put those rpgs down you naughty boys left i don't have control no not like this now you can see the [ __ ] mess all right switching back channel on your location here he comes send the black hole again yeah on that minigun lads i know you got one earlier go they'll be there we've been surrounded too many hello mr miller is it americans and their souvenirs is this your child no i can see the name johnny miller hope he doesn't miss it too much well children they get attached to these little things they can cry for days when they lose one you know why because these small objects remind them they're loved but loss is part of growing up isn't it part of growing up is accepting the inevitability of death the inevitability mr miller of death my father told me that you would be a hero to your children too i hope that gives you comfort shame you come to our country to murder us yet we are the terrorists when we try to protect our nation and our people this is the price you pay it's pretty shocking it's pretty damn shocking like rest in peace miller i wonder if we'll see the son of miller in a future battlefield game as a soldier or something pretty picture isn't it it's nasty but it doesn't connect solomon to the nuke what else do you have sergeant what else do i have what else do i need you just saw him murder miller look in the mirror sergeant you and your buddy demas fingerprints are all over the store are you [ __ ] cop i mean whose side are you on look you're in the same room where this video was taken you're at the bank where they found the nuke isn't that right yes that's right we found the three new cracks the torn up map solomon was on the security monitor with al bashir the building's gone your evidence is gone you got nothing yes all right when was this you're sure okay thanks well it appears one of solomon's aliases just hit the grid here in new york there you go so i guess your story checks out al bashir was real clear about solomon being his right-hand man was he when when we went after him campo me the mystery unfolds this is a cool mission one three coal why the [ __ ] he leaving me assaulty something's not right okay take out the lights you gotta black out the lz the m40 with the infrared two left keep it coming can't land until it's blacked out though dice got to work on the hitboxes of these lights when i was telling you please dice lz secured and eyes on over roger please put that in multiplayer dice at some point some battlefield game in the future you've got to put a veto in we had them in 2142 but not in a modern military battlefield game come on get down there boys boots on the ground the irs i mean this is rtx on look at this that looks like it could be a game that's released today nine years old one four we're in position over roger what do you see black friend i don't see anything i see a drugstore [ __ ] plr one four hold enemy to your front engaging over reference team's position go right a couple of floors above the street behind the balcony take him out good shot sleep tight 1-4 you're good to go relocating to op bravo now over roger come on let's go moving up see you on the ground okay clear let's go hold up guys by the barrel do not engage having a smoke break hold up i saw something [ __ ] what did you say there's a guy watching the street reference neon sign on the left second floor guy standing open drop him hold up three before they four back i've gone i love the rain sound effect it's making the hairs on my arm stand up this is misfit 1-3 we're at rv bravo [ __ ] drop them fast hello here we go good shot one four two for one good to go cover them while they cross don't see any targets no one behind us this way stay in cover when you get down there i wasn't sure if i was just going to eat myself off the edge there mission failed we'll get him next time have we not been spotted here this is insane roger quiet now use your blade i'll take him out i've got this [ __ ] i don't know if that was necessary dice let's go get out of there all right now when there is i've been dodged edge all day i don't even care i'm a speedy boy stay close let's go some c4 on the wall like a boss nice job on the ground to the right you going up there campo i guess we are that man can climb that as fast i spiders straight away effective shooting there campo that is a big suppressor oh he's he's got the uh mk11 the suppressor quick scope dude was prone there stairs let's get over the other side of the block i got a nice mp7 here regroup with the marines i'll come back and i'll give you some pedigree chum later send them yeah all right it's on the other side of these buildings we'll cut through here get in there campo let's go oh lucky it was open [ __ ] get ready jesus christ this is it oh this is the room this is where they did it shame they took miller's body they filmed it put it on live lake misfit this is misfit one three i mean rv delta where's the dinosaur toy there's something here nila i'm sorry i'm seeing evidence that this is the location where corporal miller was executed matches the description camera set up everything sergeant are you sure are you sure yeah all right i'll send the team asap many thanks round three the first marine division has just now captured the eastern quarter the battle for this city is nearly over take it home to his son take it home roger that oh wait for him ready hopefully none of these mannequins come alive right now i don't want anything to do with that i don't think dice have ever made a horror game and i hope they never do how good does this suppressed mp7 sound and that mod 11 that he's got it's nice press after dinosaur grenade [ __ ] who threw that is it you where'd you even come from okay clear let's go just stacked up here pop the grenade in don't trust them it's all making sense now nicole's trying to personally guys been stuck in the cabin for years he's trying to show the brass hitting the [ __ ] up he's bucking for promotion any moment they could come alive and murder you just never know [ __ ] glory hound blacker campo over here the coal we're 200 meters from the target building it's just through the mall you ready yes sir let's do this let's go say aftermath dlc again it is isn't it it took so much from the campaign you don't realize just go sideways we'll use this area as a fallback position okidoke what's that makovich's head there some kind of medical thing all right blackburn campbell we'll provide overwatch from this rooftops right here we'll all be back at the mall and just after we have now confirmed al-bashir's location absolutely intel on the loops we found at the back i do not want to be large style resolution do you understand let's do it nice reference bro right so we've got to get up to the roof here show me how you climb it really quick campo campo you did it a lot faster than that before you're hiding stuff from me are they glow sticks chem lights players that makes sense buy your players 1-4 1-3 setting roger stepping up now 1-3 set and ready over sniper overwatch in position green light nice shot area clear disregard headlights vehicle coming your way outside get ready flashbangs roger we got you covered right side ground level oh they're flooding in here and this is a brilliant position that we're in though they wouldn't even see us they might hear us sir 12 o'clock upper floors oh they were starting fire they know we're here at least that guy did according to that's a counter sniper caught in a crossfire put that grenade down is that going to explode no maybe he didn't pull the pin i didn't realize there was a sniper there duzo p yeah i think you're clear nope my bad he's got the grenade out as well truck inbound left to build light it up [ __ ] more hostiles [ __ ] they're coming this way across the playground light them up i'm putting well it's downrange campo i guess he's just spotting for me i haven't heard him shoot really try and put them down with the headshots [ __ ] rpg on the roof drop that son of a [ __ ] you're on that wasn't an rpg i got a g3a3 good night luckily that dude's got to stand still when he's shooting that thing oh okay we're getting overrun here is not good i got it on the right bottom floor we gotta stop come on i think we failed now we've okay we've got to chase it yep i didn't realize they'd moved needed more of a prompt there i think i let the big bad guy get away i got it on the right bottom floor vehicle lights you gotta stop come on should be able to get him this time let's get him out of there i got him you cover the rope he's [ __ ] up fat we gotta get him out of here i think i needed to shoot him before i crossed there you died steiner we're on a 30-90 at the moment rogers gotta get him out of here you can teleport as well what's what's that about he's secure surely it's about to say there was no enemies coming open the door this is oh this is a big defend the house hot extract this was quite challenging when i first played it hey hey stay awake i mean look at that blood come on he's messed up don't die on me now hey what's your name what's your name my name my name come on man hang is hang on no no no there is nothing i want to say yeah whatever there's some claymores down here there'll be a lot of angry people showing up cover the entrances when the enemy arrives just blow them up come on hurry up here they come where the claim was status holed up inside the mall west side second floor near the extract point roger try to make it over to you now have eyes on the plr unit moving roger you heard him watch it shoot ground level entrance i think i can get some more all right should we stay in here or should we move i out hear them i don't see them camp i'm scared campbell hold me what kind of a name is campo anyway okay is that wave one combo please is he dead he looks pretty dead you don't know about blackburn's quickscopes are using outside stairs to get to the second floor what's the entry point second floor roger cover off on those doors dead ahead what's the condition of the prisoner severe bleeding shocked setting in doesn't look good do not let him die you read me keep him alive roger honestly cole i think it's too late at this point here they come oh my i just got pounded i mean if they throw a grenade in here we're ruined aren't we there's more mannequins you never know when they're gonna come alive and murder you i'm telling you ground level these guys hit really hard are we clear one four what three what's your status on getting to the mall over under heavy fire enemy units are breaking away from contact and moving toward you second floor exit doors how copy solid copy blackburn you gotta relocate come on campbell i think you need some cpr i don't hear anyone uh-oh hopefully my claymores will do some work now i kind of want to protect them though what the hell they're on the floor above me i can't seem to hit that guy behind the plant i think it's one of those invincible plants you know they sell those in ikea am i my claim was even real like do they even do anything heavy suppression here guys i get you yeah i did you stay back he's face down now come on what is with this plant look at this plant he's talking we're a little busy with al bashir right now he doesn't look good you meet me we'll go blackwing come here campo i think i think he's delirious well i mean his face is literally in the ground i think he's got he's talking without moving his mouth campo please blackbird get ready to pull out ready was that one of my claymores or was that them breaching i swear i swear to god none of my claims have exploded trick fire friendly's coming out of the mall go go go move keep going keep going kenpo for a little bit longer is he good i think he's good you're good you're good you look good can you go now can i go go go go go that was that was like one bullet and i was dead he dressed over here come on we need a hand we're losing him oh he's still moving look he's all right bit of epinephrine get the bombs he used them for leverage and he stole them he used me and he uses everyone he'll talk better at me with his plans trains and for that i will get him for this listen the 14th of this month when the sun is set solemn will strike burn in hell come on hang in there come on f damn it we lost him the hell he was talking about trains maybe there's some good intel in here yo he's going he's got the new nokia 3310 there that's got snake and tennis on dude is living at large does this look familiar because it should perhaps you'd like me to tell you what's on it what's it going to cost me time's running out oh i'll give it to you for free that phone contains information about a russian arms dealer named amir kapharov he was on pretty good terms with your old buddy al bashir did you know the dead horse i'm sorry i didn't realize i was done speaking did you know that kapharov and al-bashir were working together all i know is we were redeployed based on the info we got from this phone and where was that northern iran kavarov was believed to be there with the missing nukes believed to be no one but you heard al bazier's confession no one knows where he got this phone listen to me we have to stop solomon you took the phone call you know he's here that's all well and good sergeant but we still need you to fill in the blanks this next part is where you have a big credibility problem fine kavrov had a villa in the gilad valley we were headed there but it got complicated up in the woods okay pepperonis compounds on the other side of this valley just past the gilad bridge so who is this guy exactly the guy from albashire's phone an arms dealer that's all they know that's all we know he could be connected to those nukes all misfit call signs advance to one six westing on route red brick they make contact with a squad sized force over roger that can you confirm the size one three i have no further information now hey markovich wake up it's enough sleep dream warrior huh 34 minutes asleep for 34 minutes does he say something about milkshake yeah yeah does that mean something oh [ __ ] it means you want a mcdonald's people down taking fire from the left yeah doesn't quite make the dunk in this game daisy it's part of the players part of the play this is like the french mission from yeah five before it was cool pretty sure this is an m416 as well i wouldn't put an acog on it though at least not in multiplayer got him move up boys let's go russians oh god damn it russian paris real russians what does that mean maybe they're working for kavarov look either way steve i'm concerned that we are slightly overmatched here we got a job to do those nukes it's misfit let's go talk about it good camo i'm try leds the jeep it's war oh my god russian transport power troopers holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh we can't go through them no way no how enemy units down there setting up airdrop rules out a straight route so what the hell is going on here they're here for the same reason we are sergeant we at war with russia now is that what's happening are you fired upon yes the doctrine says you can return fire if fired upon that's not war not technically do you understand what i'm saying yes sir i'm saying we need to get there first oh my god i think the russians are here just because they're covering their asses we know they're working with the plr now let's move it out yeah okay yeah we're just going to finish one more by starting another that is our [ __ ] standing montez you heard the orders let's go you can't go through them no way now damn this looks good doesn't it get to these rocks get in there ladies let's go put some fire down keep up the fire right there lads streaming in let's move up we use the nade launcher a bit more now it needs to dump doesn't it it doesn't the little pink mist that flies up in the air when you get him in the head can our jeeps help please that'd be great careful of the tower don't let it fall on you need a plan we have to get to the other side of the valley asap we have solid intel and russian infantry moving in a northerly direction they're tipping their hands to kavrov's location he's who we want he's who we came for we're bounding across to the next checkpoint understood let's move counter attack contact treeline to our front troops in the open 200 rapid raid enemy behind coverage front just came out nowhere short bursts short control bursts don't panic whoa ragdoll oh my god do you have any 80. where's the 80 i already had it i'm an engineer with an m416 well done i like it they just turned the ragdolls to 500 on this level prone i say get him boys column movement eyes open on me let's go [ __ ] the guy move right move out spread out on the right plane covering fire hey come on boys thank you there we go we've got some lavs and tanks out there we need your real ants they're dropping more in as well that's it labs get involved put some fire down for us holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that's not good i'm out of ammo i need ammo that's some right here the game knew that i was gonna run out of ammo at that point be cool if you could drive the amtrak nothing you can it's a lot of russians surely there can't be that many more okay we're good to go nice come on you didn't think i'd look out there suppose you want to play multiplayer this so good it wasn't really ever a level in the game like this was a multiplayer obviously it kind of looks like caspian border right but in terms of this uh like staggered cover that you run between i don't know how well it would work in multiplayer but it would be cool to try it out that dude had a vss or something get in there lad i just have a driver how are you driving that fire this dude's kd ratio is off the charts right now what legend just prone going ham with his assault rifle screaming enemy armor drop two more bmds armor's active at mobile i've got hours of practice in multiplayer shooting helicopters out of the sky and i i can't i can't hit an lav 20 feet away from me is it more damaged on the back i need ammo i'm trapped get in there some ammo here what's the grenade stand i'm trying do it there it is let's roll i got eyes on infantry sniper back there somewhere i'm gonna get to that bridge good to go sergeant campbell cetera sir we are not equipped to take on a russian brigade maybe we ought to rethink this this is maneuver warfare sergeant if you don't like it you can go join the [ __ ] air force wow gentlemen you have never let me down before now i fully expect to accomplish this task absolutely sir no steve look i'm sorry but that is completely unreasonable i have serious reservations about this sergeant campo blackburn push on as required that's faster that's a front foot did he see us he's doubling back holy [ __ ] [ __ ] i gotta go dead thanks for watching everyone that's the end of the battlefield 3 single player campaign i hope you enjoyed this if you did leave a like if you didn't dislike subscribe for more and i'll see you in the next one i'm just kidding we're gonna i'm just kidding i needed to be following this guy quicker god no [ __ ] stingers were in the labs that was the last of them oh god oh god oh god come on man let's go hurry here that i'm going pro i don't trust the game where's the prowler where is it push up god damn it push up oh god keep your [ __ ] head down okay i'm going i'm going get that stinger what's on the other side it's on the other side i think it missed are they chasing it we got it whoa goodbye frog foot no the boys makovitch think about the vanilla milkshake campo's dead as well it's all gone wrong you [ __ ] dick steve all right i know what you think maybe if i'd have done something different they'd both still be here this is a war and things happen in the war now we still have a job to do we have to get the camp problem we have to get him first but the loops are there or not there's no way it's just us are you coming with me steve why why did you make the call steve we just lost two members of our squad unbelievable steve so you lost most of your unit in the valley against the russians who survived montezuma myself coal some others did captain cole get you guys killed what no isn't that how you felt about it deep down you know in bosnia i lost four of my closest friends rocket attack the guy that was on op was sleeping i was [ __ ] up for six months thought about killing him we all talked about it i still think about how he failed us i feel sorry for you but i feel more sorry for your buddies because they never knew who you really were they would have understood would you would you understand turning on your buddy for the enemy the russians weren't our enemies they killed your [ __ ] friends hold on hold on now at the same time you were in the field in iran we intercepted burst transmissions between dima and his handlers in kiev he was in iran as well why was dima in iran with the russians i was here why was the air guys i don't know coming up here this is the original battle rail right here in bf3 single player get it gamer so sick little pp 2000 i think i love how they just went you know what that that bass jump in single player or that halo jump it's really cool that we should just put that in multiplayer shouldn't we and then they just made damage drop him or do you think that dama van peek came first we got our kit look how this is just a sick kitted out ak what else have we got useless was this the saga it's a saga isn't it that sound though that sound though nice in the jeep secured the loadout drop yeah foreign get everyone back here now we're leading so the airspace is problematic i'm aware of the situation just do what i say at least i'm going to be doing okay foreign go go go go what bye i'm gonna close the door behind us use the hands 12. well okay don't stand by vehicles when rpgs are around lesson learned i'm sure there is a 50 cal sniper in this mission that you can't get in multiplayer but i need to remember where you get it i wonder if it's around here somewhere or is it just i think it might be a bit later on in the mission i love it oh he nearly got me again wow i don't even see that guy i'm just gonna throw a grenade up there and hope he kills him you please stop that it was you there oh that was annoying i reckon 99 of people who played this level died there that's what i reckon when that first rpg hits the easter egg here something's going on that cover being tuned up that's cool that dude had an n60 or something yeah right we have got to take these guys out where are they can i go swimming in the pool i don't know maybe i could go swimming in the pool uh okay get in there go go go go hey i'm waiting for you oh okay they're telling me to go over here i'm just being dumb sorry hey is this where you get the 50 cal i don't know yeah it is okay got it nice so we can do some nice sniping here can't we it's a semi-auto 50 car listen to the sound how good is that sound why did they never put this in multiplayer i guess it's in well it kind of is right it's the uh the 50 car the m98b just it looks different fire's different sounds different and it's semi-auto right like the the m98b in multiplayer is uh bolt action right they could have based this one on you know in bf4 you get the battle pickup which is semi-auto 50 cal it could be that i've got some floating vases here i haven't quite kept up with the destruction feels bad man they've reached all units i'm kobe goodbye i love the destruction in this game there's the usus yeah it doesn't have the explosive rounds though unfortunately it's the m82 barrett is that what you would call it top floor let's go to the store here the dow twelve it keeps giving me like six shotguns though i want to try oh ricky's face off and there's some ammo very nice have the high ground anakin that's blood spots man see this looks like the close quarters dlc doesn't it zebra tower sorry let's show him in the head feels bad man get a plank on here oh we can't find that one blind fire he's getting it try that precise surely they're dead you can stop shooting now oh ragdoll though oh dear yeah battlefield always does shotguns really well are you still there that's dangerous man that is dangerous that was rude threw a flash in there or something let's go your legs gone okay moving through report going to go up again oh god it sounds so brutal doesn't it i love it love it so much shoot that all day to the helicopter i've got all the selection here i'm pretty happy with what i've got though to be honest i like this so ak that's got one of my favorite sights on as well the cobra ow need a bit of cover oh this is like a shooting range here never seen this before no grenades no boys my downstairs a training facility it is isn't it i feel like i'm playing cod now unfortunately i think i picked the right weapon here i've got the pig with a red dart sight they got these horrible lasers in my face hello oh that scared me i thought that was a real enemy saw someone at the top what was that animation hi boys don't worry i've done all the hard work everyone's dead it's quite flamey sorry right okay i think you've got to keep moving there this is getting out of hand now there are three of them yeah that was a big gas explosion or something let's keep moving i was about to reload get off the helicopter oh shoot trust me listen this key goes to a safe deposit box in geneva take it take everything in it i don't have them do you understand it's not me you won it's not uh it's solomon listen i have information about solomon i know what he's planning i know where the suitcases are going let's make a deal my freedom for information you let me go i tell you everything i tell you where solomon is going i know what he is doing and where spill the beans mate spill the beans so you drive there you and whoever's left you call montez now if i'm in your shoes i'd be thinking about my friends i'd be wondering what i could have done differently i might even be wishing it had happened to me and not them so you get to kavarov's villa ahead of the main forces of russians ahead of everybody not everybody demon was there wasn't he and you made a decision you made a [ __ ] momentous decision about your life and your allegiance about how much you're willing to do for your country you don't know anything about the decisions i had to make tell us what it was then convince me we split up to search the villa i was alone i mean the helicopter's crashed deemer and the boys have been through they've ruined everything here's the pool do not do anything stupid nice team this piece of [ __ ] right there stole three nuclear devices from russia and sold it to a man called solomon solomon's using the plr he has at least two targets new york and paris he is using public transit to move the weapons he's going to detonate the new york device at times square very soon this cannot happen we can avert war between our nations just two of us no politicians no money changing hands just two soldiers speaking the truth help me help me to do this that's it i have to leave now you don't shoot him millions will die i said get down on the ground had to pull the trigger remember do whatever you have to do to stop solon's plane it's treason then it's treated do it i'm gonna bust out there blackburn let's go just those soldiers speaking the truth no politicians shooting your commanding officer under the direction of a russian agent is that correct so unless you have something else significant to share with us sergeant this investigation is over you have been played it's the russians oh it's solomon have you listened to anything i've been saying you want us to believe that there's a plr threat and solomon's at the head to believe that you acted in the best interests of our nation when you let a russian agent go and shot your own man but we can't nothing can be corroborated this is insane no one can verify the third nuke even exists the bank collapsed alpha's year's dead your unit is dead demons presumed dead kafrov's dead 80 000 french people are actually dead those are all your witnesses sergeant the only thing we can say happen for sure is you fragged your co bring him in hey i didn't prank nobody i did it was me you saw this man shoot his commanding officer right just knock off the [ __ ] sergeant didn't dema set you up didn't he talk you into shooting coal and then escape to paris where he triggered the nuke wasn't that dima solomon has the nuke solomon is one of ours he is an overseas asset and he has been for years we put him next to al bashir for information you are [ __ ] me he's a murderer you saw the video well you get the good with the bad when it comes to assets and sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good isn't that your angle jesus christ the nuke is still out there solomon's still out there you can't just walk away from the threat you might be right sergeant maybe solomon was too close to the fire but i assure you we are on top of this situation the russians are a clear and present threat yes what do you mean you lost a train trains he is an overseas asset and he has been for years you use me and he uses everyone and he said get the bombs 80 000 we can avert war between our nations well the blast shield matches russian suitcase nuke specs we've secured what appears to be a wmd wait there's room for two more portable nuclear devices did you see in the bank where the hell are the other two the 14 of this month you got maps of paris new york using public transit to move the weapons so layman will strike the train map inside the bank vault what was the time written on it um 602. why dave you trust me oh yeah all right follow my lead i'm gonna bust out of there guys you're dead that one was rough well that's brain damage cover me let's go a full heat out of the window i love it come on move it it's time to go the train's coming i'm gonna get on that train get on the [ __ ] train black you got one shot go i'm going i've already done this [ __ ] here we go we made it you know solomon's on here give me that pistol get rekt ump hey remember me i suppose you wouldn't would you it would have been really mean if they changed the quick time prompt there wouldn't it oh john how does he miss how does he miss how did you miss come on push forward get in that black one i remember all these sick guns being here the first time i remember the shotgun excuse me reload ready there's your boot who are you with we didn't do this i'm crazy i'll do it i'll do it you are good what's next i'm not afraid to die how about you ah help i'm gonna have to shoot our way out any rats many rats in the surf wrong way still loading there again let's go flappy hands on the street come on they're getting away police getters are talking about hard men in times square it's got to be the plr let me take the shot let me take the shot he's coming he's coming are you empty blackburn's got some ufc training man finish it and thanks for watching the single player campaign guys that's it blackburn dies everyone dies and it's a really it's just unsatisfying ending you know like it's everyone dies bad guys win lucky bags going home we have to see montez die again no you'll never win it blackman got laid out oh this is the real ending don't you dare smash his head in tipos ladies and gentlemen we got him radiation is like life a uniquely damaging event perhaps i will live another 30 years perhaps i will die tomorrow i am telling my story here the story of how solomon used power-hungry men like al-bashir and kavarov to set fire to the world and the american marine who like me chose the hardest path of all but they have no regrets i have always served russia trying to make a difference sometimes i was forced to make difficult choices many lives have been saved many have been lost i am certain moscow does not view it in the same light as i do but enough is enough as vladimir would say you can only die once make sure it is worth it bomb has been defused see you in bf4 demo spoiler gg the user interface in the hood doesn't work very well for 4k it doesn't scale there we go boys and girls i hope you enjoyed that that was a lot of fun still a great campaign i mean i think towards the end of it maybe a few bugs start popping up because perhaps they ran out of time with development but there's just some iconic moments in there you know i don't know what it is about this game just the the art style the grittiness the writing in the campaign is very good just feels very real in a lot of respects you know it's good man it's good fun but i hope you all enjoyed watching this i appreciate you guys coming along for the live stream and also if you watch the whole video that's wicked thank you i hope you liked it too good doesn't it looks good for a game from 2011. pretty damn pretty damn polished in a lot of respects good sound design as well anyways i'm gonna leave it there if you enjoyed it guys hit that like button right now if you're watching it as a vod hit the like button it's a great way to support me thank you leave a comment down below subscribe if you want to see more i'll see you in the next one bye bye just let the let this song play out thanks to dice for making this as well all these people you're awesome great job bye
Channel: jackfrags
Views: 784,747
Rating: 4.9078875 out of 5
Keywords: battlefield 3, battlefield 3 full game, battlefield 3 walkthrough, bf3 single player, bf3 single player walkthrough, battlefield 3 campaign walkthrough
Id: E-__ipQLu0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 6sec (14106 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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