Battlefield 5 The Good Fight

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welcome to some bf5 live at gameplay commentary I thought I'd kick things off today with some areass conquest the rounds already started here but we can have some fun for a couple hours and see if we can make some plays not sure join the squad so hopefully the squad leader start dishing out some decent orders for us so I hope everyone is okay and you had a great weekend it's been pretty chilled out for me played a bit of battlefield checked out the new fortnight update as well and also the new hajima playing the Snowmass a little bit on the test server and we're gonna be playing for a couple of hours I reckon today and this is 100% lie there were no edits or cuts or anything so if you guys have any questions in the chat if you want to know something about the game or whatever and please ask away and also if you want to become a member there's a link in the description down below I think there should just be a join button - for some people depends what device you're using but we're gonna try and win something rounds of conquest today I've got the simcha there one five years my primary weapon one of my favorites this is very good [Music] you know I haven't actually seen any enemies to shoot that wow he was just thrown in the building day oh no he's gone let's see that medic just got to revive there I'm gonna hold on to this one we'll skip it but thank you for tuning in guys I appreciate you being here let's have a look at the overview he is a nasty flag to fight over can be really messy I feel like it's quite important though because if you control that area and the church you can easily use it to deploy to any of these flags here spawn on this Hawk was it catching crab not very good range weapon this but I do kind of want to push back towards E queston order as well I feel like they've got control of the church Wow warp end me as well unbelievable there's a medic one meter away thank you very much I like that they've added that little Wolper n symbol now though that's cool now I'm gonna try and get around the back of the church sometimes they're not really covering this angle definitely old people here I think at the top it's a Angus hedge with you that one to the face Sydney try and get the resin I know he's you skipped it he's ragdolls gone crazy not much point putting it there those they've got the flag here we go see are you firing up hey he wants to go see all of this court later here always got to go for those ambitious shots difficult to get across there each smoke maybe tank such a weird name is never universal carrier I wondered why the the Brits decided to call it teammates everyone get sniped I'm slowly working my way through the new tides of war overture of yourself and lock the new gun already already done the video on that but there are all sorts of assignments that pop up for them explosive isn't that you can be very close to the dynamite without it hurting you that much so when asked in the chat if I'll be playing Atlas I hope so I don't know if you guys watched the Game Awards the other day but the guys that made Ark survival evolved you know that game with the dinosaurs I actually used to do a few videos on that but those guys have made a new game called Atlas and it's kind of like sea of thieves on acid I'm looking forward to trying it out watch out for that guy there bugs aah Nixie Vecchia tanky control of the church again an enemy someone yeah for the church don't really want to move here and pinned down I think after you though let's get a bit closer yeah it's right book here I think anyone else [Music] a couple more dudes there if I see ammo boxes on the floor as well and help I'm using them because there's an assignment at the moment where you have to drop the health bags and ammo bags and get people to use them not many people use them they tend to go for the big supply stations I just get flung away as well so I'm just trying to be a team player and if ever I see a box on the ground that I can use I try and use it because I know it is difficult to get that assignment at dormant hit man said what settings do I use for battlefield 5 it's mostly on low textures on high motion blur turned off if you want to see the trihard settings that I use when I'm you know being really competitive and just trying my absolute hardest I did a video called ultimate trihard guide for the f5 and you'll find that on my youtube channel but that is like a very thorough a 12-minute video where I go through all of my settings one by one sound settings you I heard all that kind of stuff because a lot of people ask me like what settings to use but my mouse sensitivity is 15 percent and I have a dpi of 400 on my mouse so it's not too slow not too fast there are some people who play with twice's didn't even idea and all very good but I prefer it a little bit slower when it's gone come on jump over did he drop a box he did there we go so he probably got some points there towards his assignment I hope you didn't anyway there are enemies at the back of the church well the church has been completely destroyed here don't often see that someone here with a suomi as well yeah I don't really want to push down there because I'm not being killed I was too slow with the dynamite what I should have done then was just hold the angle instead hello water from Canada never mind I just dubbed said what's my favorite gun I mean in this game I would say em 1907 on the assault class on support' I would say the drilling or the k7 the mg42 is also really fun medic it's between the stain the salami and the tommy gun and then recon m95 Preston yes this is live right now because just growing out of ours can end up killing himself we're missing a finger pad hiding I was a Huna look moving around everywhere and catch a bully in the face here if I'm not careful I think they changed it as well so if you hit planes with one rocket doesn't kill them anymore that wasn't too far off like if they're on full health and you hit them with a rocket I think it's the Panzerfaust it doesn't kill them maybe it does with the P at but I saw some people complain and go out that because it feels like if you hit a plane with a rocket it's quite a difficult thing to do usually you should get a kill for it right but I don't know how true that is I've only seen people complaining about it on Twitter please don't land on me crouching as well really helps you recall in this game so if you are gonna go full till it's someone and you don't have to be that mobile think about crouching does it go really improve you ready for Steve juices running round in circles announce hey mango um I'm not allowed to talk about anthem so I can't answer your question sorry sold on to NBA what me saying that will give you a clue right [Music] c20 day horrible Joseph said do I have any tips for a new support player it depends what gun you're using really I mean the mm geez like the mg42 the mg34 the new v VG oh it was so situational it's really up to you in your play style and I think with something like the mg42 you can be very effective with it and a lot of people just kind of they try it once in the like water I mean I can't I can't aim with this like excuse this right but it's very situational then you can just go ham with that thing I mean if you get a chance watch my watch the video I did last week I think it was just going up there I did a video last week with the mg42 called the mg42 is absolutely savage and I posted that some people in the comments like down I didn't realize you could actually do that with this thing yeah it sounds very strong if you're a new support player though my only advice would be really just stay mobile ak7 which they give you to start with is a very strong gun you can be very mobile with it to need a moment we got a new member as well thank you very much willi stoph said you can spring Crouch yes that's correct you can if you on PC if you hold Crouch and sprint at the same time you do like a little goblin run and you can do on console as well and it means that you have a low profile but you can still be pretty quick in your speed so it's really useful to know that pushing be do I fight over B now I feel like C would be a better option as I pass up about another ranch and trying to get that killed before the other guys I'm dropping bombs on me here's where smokes would be really useful right because the smokes in this game is so strong our two tank there - yeah just stuck in the middle of that flag it's quite difficult sometimes hello LexA thank you for coming to the chat federico lanata said how is the last Tiger what did I think um it was okay I mean I posted a walkthrough of it last night and I think it's easily the best war story I wasn't really a big fan of the other ones but the last side was okay I had the most interesting story and because it was in like this war-torn urban environment it really felt like a a world war two single-player level if you get what I mean but in terms of gameplay you didn't really do anything new it's just you know throwing tank after tank at you and lots of enemies so it wasn't challenging or difficult but it was the most fun I would say and in terms of story it's got some emotional beats in it a devastation excellent hello Alicia what's up William Jennings say Alvin hey max thank you for coming guys what's up lean boys so as I said in a video a couple days ago I will be live-streaming a lot more on YouTube and it's a lot of fun man I mean I'm so blessed that you guys are here watching me play and you know kind of chatting away there it's cool and I do love playing this game I feel like I'm going to be playing it still in two years just the core gameplay is very addictive for me just really looking forward to the Americans and Russians in the game in the Pacific Theater of war I think that's going to be cool I've got squat lead cool capture the objective although si is always a good fight right at the stars now Oh they've massively overwhelmed us here though I get in this corner yeah I was hoping to quickly kill that guy and then switch targets but couldn't quite get hold of might be able to get a res off this dude let's go grenade just in case I stole that definitely more coming in - there's a guy right round here Kelvin cool you got the flag just gonna hold here for a second have we got flags of course I was literally about to move then last enforce you need to revive thank you very much I can still see them behind as well no defenders pleading objective defend is pleading objective gotta watch that flank man they can easily get there lost the e point as well how many teammates here but I want them to take that point no man we should hold on to this really that's unlucky they're coming got to play this carefully now how many bullets C AB dude okay we're I'm kind of screwed now I'm just going to wait for my team to catch up with me a bit you see a medic yes he is water legend thought someone got him nice we push him up the point he knows where I am I swear there's someone else down there isn't that be careful here cool right well I wanted to go and take that point back and that's what we do your friend the objective losing see see the problem on this map is sometimes you can just get so caught up with fighting over the cathedral that you end up losing the out flags and it's a big detriment to you you know I'll go back for this here lots of enemies on the point there's at least another one or two somewhere usually up in the wings they're on who the hell killed him that is a really dirty spot I'll get you patched I'm just gonna go in there a second look at that is he in here I think reverse you're going here like this I've never seen anyone do that before that's such a cheeky little spot there nice so cheeky creeping up on me dude Bobby Oh defend the objective nope good good we're good cool let's go back to see ya Matt Lawrence apparently battle royale mode for this game is called firestorm and it's gonna be out in march they say so I'm really looking forward to that I'm on my own here my teammates to push him with me really guy behind me but he's not moving 99 medic just got killed as on it's a Terrorizer spot do you mean Terrorizer as in the content creator terrorising yeah that's right Ruben you can change the color but I like the default control of the cathedral here as well then they lock down big old entrance here though isn't it someone up there too No destroy wrong hold on not good afternoon to take in in the chat good afternoon Jonathan Jackson thank you oh no he got killed a split second before he rose me then I can't really wait much longer I really wanna be here to be honest yeah this sucks moving talking abou it's getting absolutely squeezed horrible I'm gonna stay away from the cathedral don't like anymore good evening non-tech welcome thank you I'm making you want to play more well just go play then we do control these out the flag sir which is nice losing a I've got an assignment here kill seven enemies with explosives in the round little supply crate they're gonna be expecting me guys come up on the bridge now they've just start shooting kind of want it to be a bit stealthier there yeah that's one thing about this level that I really don't like in the map design because that I mean you can't see it cuz the trains in the way with that area over there you can't go there if you're on this team if you're on the bridge team but that's their deployment and you just get so many people just pumping in those windows and holding and you could argue well maybe they just holding the a point yeah I get that but I I don't think it really leads to a good game plays an enemy they just ran up here friendly that's the only thing I would change about this market on the left here quite like it otherwise you've got a good friendly objective he's got another coming mid core the objective try and get back to a again and show you guys what I mean posters are distracting me all this back wall here not really at this part it's more further down see if there's anyone still there all these little nooks and crannies that you can hide in I'm on my own again you know don't like this area all this fit here do not want just grew an 89 case it was in when I was up there I'm here someone I'm alive County I just want to play the objective here we'll get it capped we may have a machine gun back there too right sky there cool right we got the point I'll put the defend order on it they're gonna come straight for me yeah I think I know where I am now right like three guys that all came round at the same time I outstayed my welcome there I'll admit it Baba said do I know where Hungary is and I myself to PewDiePie yes to both of those questions I really know why I toss that grenade let's get to bed capture the bloody objective capture the bloody objective was that mark strong that voice can never tell this famous Hollywood actor but they're going to do some voice lines for the game and he narrates the first thing that you play when you load up the game the prologue they're gonna be above me are they there's still one person here somewhere I think they're above me can you like jump how do you get there Sean oh he's on my level err wiki said is the rush mode out I don't think so I think that's coming later on isn't it isn't it in lightning strikes nothing gets out yeah I've heard that they're gonna change it a bit though for this game you guys on the other side of the rubble here caught me at a really bad angle there hard hit said how long have I been playing this franchise you know I've played battlefield since bf1942 I loved about Yun figured it out I mean you know it's what my youtube channel kind of revolves around right yeah I've played every single battlefield game my favorite though CBF - I had so many fond memories of battlefield - so I think I put the most hours into bf3 so far although I can see myself playing this game a lot so I'll probably end up with this is my most played game I would imagine not didn't really have that many bullets left in the magazine now I should have reloaded first oh my god it's Psycho Mantis that's horrible see that he's just hanging there what about Psycho Mantis give me a hand Oh what's the enemy oh it was a bouncing betty or something thank you medics wrong point today it's difficult sometimes it's hard to find a game with decent medics in Bert obviously they buff the medic guns recently I don't think it's quite enough of a buff though I think they need a bit more love will see it be interesting if ice make any more changes to the medic weapons it's probably someone behind me but wanting to clear this out first wow dude I could barely see that guy what is he doing there Dennis said have you seen on YouTube the greatest story never told no I've not seen that what's that about having cereal first or milk first come on dude isn't it obvious you put the cereal in the bowl first and then you put the milk holy crap as a first the only time I think that you would ever put the cereal in the milk is if you've already had a bowl of cereal and you've got a lot of milk left over then it would make sense that you would put the cereal in the bowl of milk you know I'm saying are you picking up what I'm putting down I'm not going up there deathtrap it's gonna be people covering this as well I'm going for it load up George's set look lively no explosion sound reload on there fool there was gonna be something throughout the run you know what if you want to put the milk in first that's okay right that's your prerogative it doesn't matter Tron said I think the game came out a little bit incomplete your thoughts well yeah and I made it no secret that I thought the game was very light on content when it was released I think it needed a couple more maps at launch and really the single player only lasted a couple hours and it wasn't very good either you killed you then got your mate obviously they fix a lot of the bugs that are in the game in the launch game but there's still a few bugs and glitches in here rare killer thank you for becoming a new member that's very kind of you he's outgoing why is he doing way too short then I would have loved to see more customization as well I mean I don't know if you guys have seen the customization they added with tides of war with overture but really I mean there's not much there in my opinion and the stuff that is there isn't that good the coolest thing is the last tiger-skin but the rest of it like the the tank customizations then they're just skin it's like and they cost like thirty thousand credits like really I don't think anyone's gonna buy them they don't look that good it's a hail of bullets down there because behind the Bell I don't want him to throw a grenade out shop and throw it back let's go could he see my head then shadow leader thank you for the five books on the 17th and 27th this month the movie about world war 1 is in theaters is that the one that Peter Jackson did they shall not grow old because that's already been released in the UK and it was very good you know Peter Jackson the guy that did the Lord of the Rings trilogy in The Hobbit he got a load of old World War 1 footage and audio recordings and remastered it right and it looks incredible it's absolutely gorgeous and if they've made it into a little a little movie and it was brilliant honestly like if you've got a chance to go and see that film and you're interested in history or world war 1 any of that stuff please go watch it because it's so it's such an important film I think like forget a lot of the time about World War 1 and all you've ever seen of it really is just a few black-and-white photographs or something about they had some incredible footage in that movie honestly and you get to hear some of the stories of the soldiers that fought there and there's a point in it where it starts off black and white and very small in the middle of the screen and then it suddenly changes to the colored remastered footage and it just becomes real it's so you know that's the way that those men experience World War one and really for us all we've ever seen a bit is the black and white photos and the grainy footage there is a terrible framerate but they did such a good job with it so if you get a chance to see that movie it's called they shall not grow old I'd recommend it it's it's brilliant right where am I gonna put this v1 then because this map it's really difficult to get big killstreaks with the v1 up in the knot it will just hit the top of the Cathedral or a building somewhere thank you to the new members as well and thank you for the $10 donation guys it's very funny do love the refill on this thing it's nice they open the bridge can you spot me why should I put it unless you can get them when they're pushing in to see it's difficult to get a good one rare killer said the fact that Jack can talk no problem while slaughtering people still scares me well honestly it's just practice like when I first started making YouTube videos and doing live streams it's it's really difficult to play and talk at the same time because you've got to concentrate so hard right on the game but you just get used to it shadow leader thank you for becoming a new member that's very kind of you I appreciate that this point is gonna get pushed hard I think feels like anyway it's just something that you get used to like I definitely play better if I'm not talking over the song like if I'm just playing the game by myself I'm just focusing 100% on the game thank you for the mm I'm joining the military next week good luck with that dude I'll be Winston moonlight boy yeah I'll do it so I knew Dee was gonna get pushed you know should we do it thing is could be a waste because we've got a lot of people pushing this point Shelby Oh Shawn waste that I leave the team that's fine I think that it's going to do holy crap you almost landed on top of me that mr. Riga yes I'm playing on a 2080 TI what's up MX killer how's it going man no medics around and we are losing this game unfortunately let's have a look hey could just clear out a with the v1 capturing key pretty safe there put it there maybe mmm if I don't launch it soon it's never gonna go anywhere is it I bet there's a trick to getting it in the Cathedral though you know what I'm just gonna I'm gonna put it coordinates we need a JB to air strike let's go behind me let's see I mean there's a lot of teammates there now so I done that's gonna get Wow 150 damaged guys go me a pea mine and put some dynamite in there as well yeah Kobe awesome miss this can easily do Wallbangers mother [Music] RPG on him no I hadn't reloaded my primary Nico said how did I start on YouTube it seems hard to get noticed and stuff how did I do it it is very difficult yeah especially nowadays I started my channel with battlefield 3 and I I spent a lot of time and effort making videos that took a lot longer like machinima style videos short story songs I did a video called run episode one that was shared a lot and and got viral I did dumb ways to die in battlefield 3 all sorts of little videos that took a bit longer to make but because the quality of them was better that's how that's how I kind of got nervous I think if I was starting today it would be very very difficult oh my god okay but I'll fix you the v1 just killed me okay specifically Jack Bauer Phil three is just awesome was another one that I did that was a viral video and when you when you do videos like that they tend to get shared on social media and by the like the official battlefield Channel back in the day shared a lot of my videos but you're right I mean nowadays so many people are trying to let's say make it on YouTube and twitch and it's really if you set out to do it just to make money it it isn't gonna work because there's no there's no formula you can follow to be successful on YouTube on Instagram on Twitch it's just it's about hard work timing look and coming up with creative interesting ideas that haven't really been done before but I think the most important thing is to be genuine be yourself and just do something that you're good at and do it better than everyone else so many people are trying to do it but you know for most successful content creators it just started off as a hobby like for me on YouTube battlefield 3 when I started it was just for me and my friends who were playing all the time to to have a bit of fun put our highlights on YouTube and it would be something that we could look at in 10 years and be like oh do you remember when we did this on battlefield 3 do you remember when we all had the the javelins squad on the side of the mountain on operation firestorm and we were just killing everyone with javelins all the tanks that kind of thing you know but it just happened JD Williams thank you for the 5 books go get some fish and chips dude I haven't had fish and chips for ages it's been a very long time I suppose I could do better tanking maybe although Hamada it's a bit of a sniping map isn't it mace windu thank you for the $2 Severn glamour I'm actually going to be playing some Rainbow six siege later today with some friends that I'm recording with because I believe the new updates out right we need to flank don't go onto a [Music] thank you Andy Garcia that's kind very kind easy to say that can I be a plane please I think all the planes were taken James come on going the gun skate the Bombers cheese nachos that's very kind of you as well thank you Alex no Christmas sweater this year as much as I'd love to I haven't had time to sort anything like that goes very far away they built all those fortifications there no one on the lowest to the face no medics Rhonda you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna check on the overview and see if we've managed to back up any of those points because that's really how you win this map when you're playing as the attackers I'm gonna go for something with a bit more range and one yeah and one's very good spawn here on this side off track hey are you really just gonna stand there yeah I'm gonna jump on try and get him [Applause] difficult in that sort of situation though Jurgen yes I'll definitely be doing more live streams I mean I I did one last week on the practice range that was earlier this week actually and I really enjoy doing it it's cool probably just be a couple of hours at a time you know I'm not gonna be like a hardcore twitch streamer I'm streaming for eight hours on YouTube that's not neighbor definitely a couple hours at time most people on this point still someone over there still dead points clear yeah okay right we've got a capture that's the first step is now Jordan thank you for the donation man yeah article 13 it could be really really bad for European content creators I just shot me underneath Fair Play thank you for the five books Alan have a good Christmas - yeah article 13 is is something that the the EU want to push for basically copyright on YouTube and twitch and all sorts of anything on the internet really and from my understanding of it it's mainly people that are in music that don't want their music any of their music uploaded on platforms like YouTube and twitch and stuff like that okay but it's um it's quite scary because it means that a lot of European content creators videos could be banned completely and you'll only be able to watch them if you if you live in the US there's a really good video on it that I watched I mean I've done a terrible job of explaining it there really but it could be very bad I want to go kill that and it really would affect most of the content craze in Europe if brexit happens I don't think it would affect me but a lot of my viewers are in Europe so that would have a big impact on me it's kind of scary anyway I'm gonna focus on the game a little bit now because I really don't like this matter I think it would be way better if it was normal conquest and conquest assault heaven said am i excited for Firestone yeah totally I mean you know me like I I've wanted a battle royale in the Frostbite engine for ages and I actually made a video right at the start of it was either at the start of this year or the end of last year I think it was the end of last year called battlefield battle royale and it was kind of a concept or the idea of how good a battle royale game on the Frostbite engine could be now I think what we gain with firestorm with it being wrapped in br5 isn't perfect but we don't really know much about it yet I think it would have been better if it was a standalone game that was separate to be f5 and they focused on making a frostbite engine battle royale rather than than a battlefield 5 if you get what I'm saying because with it being wrapped in BF 5 it means that you know it's gonna be World War 2 and they're gonna be limited on the weapons that they're using in the environments and the vehicles but we'll see I'm sure we'll actually get to see some real gameplay of it soon I'm sure killed my gun maybe just like he's got me zeroed in there this is what I want a long-range sniper rifle start picking people off there's a tank over there somewhere down here too they heard me I'm not sure there was someone right here on the mini-map another guy see they've got the same idea as layout you know never really been down here now thanks again Jordan I think it's an important issue I'm glad that you brought it up I've got a big push on the D here by myself flank that sounded like a German go to the D point let's go it's definitely still someone here hiding in a crack somewhere down there come on there's got to be a medic around yeah I got the cancer skill as well I think I didn't 97 damn Eastern have you guys seen the weather on this map where there's a big Sun storm and it kind of turns completely orange I'll take it looks like Blade Runner 2049 such a cool weather effect I got four bullets left be careful here explosive set go be a nice a three-pointer isn't it keep that gun give me the ammo at least 12 bullets not good time oh thank you isn't that cool Brandon thank you in the sandbox your channel made me a better player that's good to hear man you know I want my channel to be somewhere that people can watch and and have fun but also you know hopefully learn some cool strategies tips and tricks like good stuff I think there's more enemies up there [Music] I'll be good sector clear sector clear boys good job grateful mate give me a thumbs up oh he's be shot in the back it's a tank sounds like a time why is he doing up there how good is this gun de right oh come on I know it's not reloaded the longest range pistol kill ever look at this guy you know I should have just reloaded this shouldn't I it's Nic Cage of Superman apparently Nic Cage was gonna play Superman at one point like he did the costume test and everything yeah Moe again can you imagine Nicolas Cage is Superman I mean that's crazy right come on dude ranch it Oh can I hit this shot can is he stuck again not sure what's going on there it's a bit weird i on the point now can hear the tank down there here he comes there's a sniper back there as well I'm screwed where are these guys coming from follow us an enemy that hello dice finally cut down k-7 eric says where he's Bob the Builder to fix the tax he's too busy running his own TV show isn't it you can't be everywhere at once he's got a build on TV he's your building the game shame ding-ding-ding shame thing gaming or a plane Oh spitfire let's go let's go kill some German bombers here we go he's dropping bombs everywhere I bailed roadkill I'll lie alive what are we got to kill in the end that was crazy how am i alive it doesn't make any sense what just happened I just wanted that kill so bad you want to go you want to go don't shoot me please give me a nice TJ oh no I mean that wasn't only involved field moments but it didn't make any sense whatsoever right that should have completely killed me sample yeah that was definitely a crash landing ctrl-f gaming thank you very much for the donation 2018 has been good for me man I've traveled a lot I've made a lot of interesting personal changes I've spent a lot of time with friends and you choose been going great man thank you always trying to stay positive and keep moving now where someone on this point capture the objective soldiers I mean there is some serious spawn protection thank you monster I mean the team holding onto this point yeah several DS and Ernie thing yeah they dead this one there there was someone in that smoke that's how good smoke is in this game I love it by the way that it's that good I think it's great the smokes that good in this game it should be because smoking bf1 and really bf4 bf3 it was terrible like you could see through it you could spot people through it it was really buggy but in this game it actually works really well and you can use it in a tactical sense I love it it's great it just opens up a whole world of possibilities really and I think a lot of that stems from the fact that they've changed the sorting system now oh my games crushed dice please well you know it is live it does happen I'm gonna load it up again I was having fun in that game as well that's unfortunate I was about to go on a sick kill streak there guys it was gonna be so good and I had my Ida JB to as well didn't I I had a rocket ready I was just about to call in the rocket dice just did me like that one unbelievable sense fifty-five thousand squad points unforgivable pre-recorded crash Lee hey James what's up I did install new Nvidia drivers recently so maybe that's why yeah just plays medic say if I get you are we gonna get bombed there wasn't many tickets left either all right baffled playing sergeant Philippe yeah she does look a bit like Emily Blunt I'd agree with you watch out over there you know never looks at that thing before even is that I'm always on the German side is it piece of a cannon or something the game crashed instead of the plane Thunder lost I see what you did there so that was my punishment wasn't it that was my punishment for flying the plane into the ground you said how are the medic guns now after the update they're okay I still think they need a little bit of love being honest with you get away 109 first inform he was a lot of people right up there might jump up here is it not gonna let me what is cool nope dice dice let's go dice yes [Music] there's a lot of people around here unfortunately kill assist I'll take it now [Applause] trying to jump out the window dice oh that's something that's really annoying with the game sometimes it just doesn't let you jump out I'd love for them to rework that whole vaulting system because frustrating sometimes yeah the dual surgery went really well I managed to recover fine thank you watch out here they're gonna push cannot wait to plays the Americans by the way you see Thompson trying to get across here sometimes nope he's got a bag under my off please cover me please cover me thank you boy said am I the only one who changes camo for the map to be fair I know a couple of people that do it but because it's so convoluted and difficult to do not many people do it so I kind of wish that dice would add an adaptive come on what's your out there so basically you select your camo for your soldier and it adapts them to the level that you're playing love that can get over that rock again he's gonna be okay because not many people can be bothered can they really every time the map loads to go into their company customize how their soldier looks change it to snow I'll change it to desert whatever map you're on see I don't really want to push up here when I brought on the gun but oh that was a nice thick shot yes watch out flying cos all behind us yet trying to buy these days it's a dead end it's a dead end guys we need to move I'm just getting stuck on stuff again juventus thank you for the two books he said is it possible to intercept to jbt or a v1 I've never seen it happen Juventus I I've heard that it's possible at this position and I haven't done it myself but I don't know how you would do it I suppose you could try and shoot it down with a plane or if you were to hit it with a rocket but otherwise no I've never seen it happen there were rumors that dyes were gonna let you if you were in a plane you could tip the v1 over like they actually did he was just ready for me I wonder if I was five done I've never seen it madman said what are your thoughts on the phone's Easter eggs and what will they lead to to be honest with you I don't know why is this so if you don't know on each of the max there are five black rotary phones that are old-school telephones just come from there beyond the tank and if you go to the phone and interact with it it plays a audio file which is like a minute long and you just hear a German guy going hello hello bike and and then just like audio static there's no Morse code in it or anything so the easter-egg guys haven't really managed to decipher anything from it without Nathan was lucky but I imagine it's gonna lead to some massive easter egg right you would think so they went crazy with the easter eggs in bf4 Madonna hello dirty ray super sharpshooter says I wish they would make a bar filled say in modern times well I think a lot of people want an updated modern battlefield game but I mean bf4 is still quite nude still a really good game not some cover place I'm stuck dice I want to push that position now I know Khan [Applause] although I'll smoke [Applause] oh god this is hot I do wonder what a modern Barfield game would look like now you know now they've put fortifications in they've got rid of suppression or at least suppression that affects the way your gun handles and all the modern graphics like what would they do because as developers do they really just want to remake bf4 do you know I mean I think you have to put yourself in there in the shoes of the developers sometimes because they made so many modern military games Sinde and then they went you know what let's do World War one and then we'll do World War two we'll see it'll be really interesting to see what happens because I know a lot of people didn't want a another historical shooter in in battlefield 5 they weren't even one in game right [Music] but this is what we got liking in terms of gameplay this game is brilliant [Music] [Music] not good [Applause] [Music] but I do wonder why a new modern battlefield game would be like there's rumors that it's gonna be bad company 3 but you know it's always just come from leaks and rumors on the internet I've never seen anything solid confirming anything I know a lot of people want and another bad company game well we get it though who knows I mean they kind of teased it didn't they in the in the practice range as a big bad company to smiley in the practice range I quite like for if occations now though when I first heard about them and I played with them I thought they were going to be really gimmicky but the flame this game for a while I quite liked them now I think they're a good addition to the game and I reckon that there'll be a a pillar of battlefield games going forward I know just how like destruction isn't like technical games I think we'll now have just I'll just get deeper and deeper more interesting more modular you know at the moment obviously you can only build in inset positions but perhaps in future battlefield games it might end up like in squad right where you can just build anywhere that you please to go close to use a tommy gun you really went down dar dania cold war should be dlc for be alpha beer 5 you know what I think the Cold War like the 1970s to 1980s period I think that would make for an absolutely cracking Barfield game waiting order sergeant because this they can still have like modern weaponry right like the m16 in the a K they can still have modern tanks and some lock-on weapons well it's it's gonna feel a bit retro isn't it you know so it could come out feeling really different to how be afforded what was that jet that they had was it the Blackbird you know the jet that they used in the x-men comics I think it was like a stealth jet from the 1980s so cool imagine flying that around in a bar field down a Cold War period could be really nice what was he doing feel bad friend it could be a nice flank here if I don't get shot from look down on the right he's anyone watching this that's the question got it Wow so you just cleared him out Fair Play sr-71 that's it yeah so if it was you know you remembered the black ops one story with Mason and the numbers and in that time period and the way that game felt if they could make a bow field game that feels like the black ops one single player I would be so down for that I think that would be wicked I heard you down there buddy well yeah we haven't seen the Civic front you're right but I tell you in the in the battlefield five-part book which is brilliant by the way they have concept art for the Pacific so the Pacific is definitely going to come to this game sure and the Americans and the Russians I hope how much such jumps after the first shot really is terrible tucking up on unless you were at close range still watching it you know I want I want to pick up an assault weapon if I can kill him the sole player great I've got you chum run here we go Vito now she could push whoa holy bombs Batman nice with Life Points Amir I've got you soldier purgin thank you for the donation I'm doing good someone asked earlier like how was the recovery from surgery it was fine the first couple of weeks were quite difficult because I couldn't eat anything just on the liquid diet but I mean most of the swelling went down after a couple of months and my teeth worked properly now I had an operation to fix the way my my bypass my jaw they were in the wrong position this is what I wanted I've seen a medical a decent gun I don't like the iron sights let me tell you wall history I've unlocked the video dardanius says why can't you revive while crawling so you're not exposed that would be interesting book but you can do that in blackout can you if a teammate goes down in blackout you can revive them on your own but would it work in Barfield maybe maybe not it feels like they've done it in this game to be a risky thing to do right like if you want to revive someone you've got to commit to it where am i man this is a terrible it's my interview time pushing a bus I don't know if it would work maybe if you did a prom reviving this game it would take like 10 seconds or something oh no my majors got stabbed to death Wow that was horrible they added in some new animations in this punch stabbings in the open I do like playing as medic on this man that's fun let's go fly any plans I could sneak up on here see anyone can see friendly planes [Music] our teammates are doing a great job against the planes to be honest with you [Music] nope no one behind me really it's a bummer yeah why upside down like a boss you jump down that's an enemy isn't it we need to Jake me to s truck right away dislocation Cory just call him JB too you say girl than that so cool yeah don't be you can cheat them down yet it's Ju 88 try not to fly into the side of the nine Jack I'll be good hey got him I do mean joint flying in this game it's lots of fun oh here it is is that friendly your enemy I don't know Oh fly through the cloud awesome yeah the Pacific Theatre will be cool cuz if you think about you know the old school maps like Midway Wake Island how good were they back in the day [Music] I think I'm done for yep oh he had a cool skin not sure what skinny hug look good we're losing gay people over here towards our deployment I know that's their deployment isn't it mystery little boy says Jack what is your accent well Midlands I suppose I don't really have that much of a thick accent though I'm from Wolverhampton originally but I don't typically sound like a person cheeky doublekill with an 8 there I like that a lot I gotta land on my head is it yep I think it is well it's been nice knowing you boys Thank You Fitz friendly it's bad news there AP mine you cannot set that off let's look hip firing listening it's so much fun here's someone up there very strong hit by I've definitely been spied now here I reckon Oh impact grenade I hate those things why are they in the game why don't I use a site on this gun I don't use a slide on the Thompson because I think it's blasphemy just like I won't use the extended mags it's a Thompson man it's supposed to look like a Thompson but the extended mag put puts that big drum magazine on it and it ends up looking like a 1950s gangster weapon I'm not down with that banana don't know if I can push this any orders could use a smoke oh so you may kill me cause like crazy about distance [Music] someone over there oh no no no no no no no no oh no no no no nein oh my god just got loads of kills got some smokers ass check it out that's a good use of smoke as well whew most people when they put smokes down what they tend to do is smoke themselves but if you smoke towards your target you can completely block up their vision it just pays to think for a second where would this smoke be better builder sorry Bob k7 been on apparently we have an issue over there I want to go up there that's two words at the point isn't it it's got a medium scope on it cool GG that's a fun game feels a bit of hit and miss for me sometimes I like it sometimes I really done Harry if you can join the server sure [Music] quite a bit of XP then in the overture [Music] I wish you coulda quick assignments in there in this screen though Manny I don't I really don't understand why you can't do that doesn't make any sense to me [Music] try using the new gun although it's not it's okay it's no I'm g42 I like most of the mops canal the only ones who don't really like if you like we just played like I said it's a mess or sometime I'm in Hamada I don't think is a very good mark I just don't like it I do not like it one bit just get the end field out you know I don't use the N field for ages welcome Daytona Fire thank you for coming along hello Andy Fisher hello Patrick there isn't a br mode yet that's coming soon that's coming in March it's called firestorm Oh Ghalib yeah the soundtrack in this game is phenomenal absolutely phenomenal I can't believe that it wasn't nominated for the game there's best soundtrack maybe it just released a bit too late on the cutoff point is like November October or something but yeah soundtrack in this game is beautiful [Music] a lot of shots insane lots of misses as well Joe oh I know he's put him up it's gone behind me what killed him learn what killed this guy I've got you chum it's probably gonna kill me any second oh that good model was broken it's just me and you here okay without easing I know nine damage yes suicide and nine damage get in it's precisely what I wanted to happen z-ray yeah I think I think dies we'll both be smg's a bit more a guy in this building that's an AP mine all right how about where there wasn't going there how did that grenade not kill it unless he threw it across the room I'm so confused thank you revenge is sweet he must have thrown it across the room this used to kill me you as well oh no if it had they fixed this if you jump over this fence see it used to kill you now they fixed it Tom Bradley I would definitely enjoy her model more if it was normal conquest yeah certainly I just think it would be way better see people's heads up there sometimes watch out over there in the other building Damien can they fix ammo crates falling through the world I hope so I mean it's annoyingly sad isn't it because people try and do that assignment at the moment sir but it's just not it's not working great because the crates keep falling through the ground first shock should have been a headshot I don't like a job unless I hit him through the bridge just something I don't like this someone ping me then as well what's your way from where is that guy is he under the tank let's have a look at the overview here luzhin hey that's Ronnie displays nightmare sometimes back of the skull burnt face thank you for becoming a new member I appreciate that it's pretty Conde same guy you just revive someone didn't they lose they could easily get shot from the bridge here Oh find us squad mates all dead now as well what's the blue tenant y'all how's it going man hey Grayson a football banquet well that sounds delicious Marcy what is a football banquet I mean is it what it says on the tin don't stand still right Lenin thank you for the five books what do you call a cow with no legs mg's very boy just talk about oh my god I can't believe he's resume I just want to go I want to leave now just let me go no I just want please I'm done I'm done with the war let me go home I'm injured Purple Heart come on look how many people are there what the hell there's so many people on air right now watch out there of all the places you shake a leg so piglet hey Lucas just gonna pick up the ammo like to read a bullet through here usually people up there without that viewpoint not today this coordinator once asked OB sir keep moving at the bridge probably get bombed or die place that on long-range scope though it's not great is it for these kind of situate snipers are not equipped to deal with tanks did you may know [Music] aidan thank you so much for the two books Harry Jaco hope they'll be a Pacific Theater don't you watch out for the crocodile Megalodon 2.0 lives inside him [Applause] beginning the nineteen forties yeah actually no one on this point anymore what the hell as a medic that gonna go across as me missed that shot I'll lead you now reviving reviving try jump kick it was on them like I was played sign fall now I'm not using throwing knives today gaming with grizzle hey Dan Jones thank you do I like the new time-to-kill it's not really that different in this patch to be honest with you there it is so we needed I mean the medic weapons are a bit better but it's about it really anyone down there yeah I hate it come on let's go to a them lots of people down here put assault rifle if I can it's got a nice blue come on now look at that sexy I wonder if they should add an inspect weapon function in this game I don't like the looks of that are you firing out thank you for the donation to Sonic I don't want to get into it and bond at Rick 71 thank you for becoming a new member say I should have kept my sniper rifles tonight be way more useful right now can we head to F squad leader if you'd like to become a new member there's a link in the description below completely optional but it's the best way of supporting me as a content creator and you will get access to a lot of cool emotes that you can use if you're into that kind of thing okay anymore anymore for anymore down here mate right down here come on follow me I'll get you some action action there it is holy crap there's so many enemies here and push [Music] trying to flank I don't know if I can revive you there but yeah and the sniper got me oh that was cool there's so many people down there Rohan thank you dude that's very kind you I appreciate that no absolutely no let's working out okay with the snipers I'd like to a few more kills in this book over comm for saying got a move now as well I'm on my own Hunter Thank You Francisco thank you so much guys I don't know if they'll do the Chinese stuff maybe I don't really know much about it to be honest with you how many times did I hit that guy then kind of wanting to push me not that close what's up little Bobo hey Asad Ghalib yeah I tried out there fortnight plays hey there interesting there I wonder how they're going to change the matter but to be honest they don't handle very well and you can't really aim aim them with the mouse it's weird my bomber get wrecked do we have any more planes around that I can take out some look he's not a bomber there I think I might be Obama I'm gonna go underneath and then around behind him very hard for him to get an angle on me that he can now though I think I've got him yeah hey see you later bud good night how about these guys down there they've really zoomed that in as well I don't know if you guys notice that zooms in way more than it used to see so you can actually kind of see ground targets now [Music] it's a lot easier to engage people on the ground it's still hard to spot them now thanks so much Josh host the video in cooking an English breakfast I don't know how well that would go down interesting idea Oh oh I think they got a it's marijuana legal in the UK I don't know it's not living in the UK the change thank you so much for the 20 quid dude appreciate it man thank you shake these guys the bridge [Music] don't kill me don't work kill me London no way no way look at this guy that is unbelievable I can't believe it was just a dude there I'm gonna hold on I reckon so piglet could get to me come on so pigley I believe in you go go go go go yes stand up revive me oh my god that was the last second thank you so much so piglet is the real MVP what is gone so God parachuting got something under the bridge again you know what just gonna go for it I know there's gonna be left no one here no okay one appear oh my god there's a whole squad right up here it was a whole squad now they're dead on the other side of the bridge again if I climb up here I might be able to now I should be flanking really I should go in the it's gonna take a bit too long though let's go let's go get on this point as soon as we can right here are there another guy that nice oh no it's a tiger tank not a great tank unfortunately I can't pick up a Panzer fast anybody this is a cool push man I'll hold it they can take about tank do it someone take it out no oh he's just driving over my body no not like this skip I could play as assault maybe see people take him out David Warner thank you for becoming a new member that's very very kind of you to do that I appreciate the love did he's the tiger tank still there I swear to god the amount of times you have to hear vehicles there's a guy right there it's a bad place to go bro let's go around here stuck door stuck a Gumby sub piglet you need to use your rocket there a GN gaming thank you so much the sniper right there like bipod on this the bipod system just needs to be working man there you go sir piglet that's what we wanted to say good job buddy you just murdered everyone I'm gonna keep pushing go right just peppering that guy in the legs Dimitri thank you for the ten books black phantom I don't know the leaf cosmetics are really cool right the guns would like the leaves and then the bush on kind of making them camouflage their kid I don't know why they're not in the game to be honest with you it was a JB to pin it wasn't a v1 but that's it guys that is it we've got that round in the bag I like playing with those guys they're a bit squad good good squad leading sub piglet anyway guys that's about two hours so I am gonna leave it there and this will become a more regular thing on YouTube just playing the game chilling commentary talking to you guys and then it's nice vard a nice piece of content afterwards that will stay on youtube so I hope you all enjoyed this and thank you so much for coming along to the chat and watching the stream guys I really appreciate that if you liked it do leave a like thank you so much that would be amazing if you didn't like it dislike it no worries I'm not gonna hold a grudge against you but I really enjoyed it guys thank you so much and yeah look forward to more video content tomorrow starting a new week we're gonna be looking at the new Poggi map and a couple of other special battlefield videos will be coming up too but it was a lot of fun and we'll probably do this more often as well because it's it's a good time anyways I'm gonna go I hope you all enjoy your evening whatever you do have a nice week next week and I'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: jackfrags
Views: 569,586
Rating: 4.8156223 out of 5
Keywords: battlefield 5, battlefield v
Id: SBbG4I4_YzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 6sec (7566 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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