Back Porch Fabrics

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] good afternoon roadies thanks for joining us on the road we have been having a enjoyable time uh there's nothing like traveling in penny and as g calls it my rolling outhouse it's like awesome it's our favorite thing that's our favorite thing this week every week and every year so i wanted to share with you what we've been doing this trip was a combination of a walk down memory lane and a celebration of our anniversary it's kind of interesting how life is it's um it's been a lot of times of reflection uh we both uh grew up predominantly in this area so it's quite interesting that our lives came together in the way that it did both our fathers are from new york and somehow they ended up out on the west coast and unbeknownst to us in our childhood our paths crossed probably many times without us even knowing it and g spent some time out in a canyon where my mother ultimately lived after my father had passed away so it is quite interesting how your paths cross and you never really even know it and then one day after college working that you would meet this other person that in fact your parents both knew both of my parents knew of g and um and that's that's all she wrote and so now we're together and 44 years this year we did come down here um to celebrate our parents both of my parents are buried here on the bay and it was so awesome to be able to walk around on the beach where i grew up sleeping when my dad was fishing for you know supplementing our food income and and uh it just puts well it's so relaxing here the air the sounds even the sound of the mainsail rope hitting the mast bang bang bang with the wind is so hypnotic to me that i just sleep so well here i wish i could bottle this up and take it back with me but now we know where we're going to be coming regularly because we found a sweet campground right in our stomping ground and it's worked out perfect i was really lucky too because one of my high school classmates lives in the area and was able to come out to the campground and meet up and she brought me some awesome little goodies she is um a thrift store expert let me just say that because the things that she's finding are incredible so she she brought these uh two patterns and i she said i could use them as giveaways i'm going to sit on them for just a little bit to think about it but i have done these embroideries by this person before and they are adorable this is redwork by laxa daisies and this totally cracks me up penguin parade i somehow i can see making a whole bunch of these and using them as bowling pins and then look at this look at this bee fabric isn't that neat i've not seen this one before i had i i'm i'm not sure what i'm gonna do with this i'm thinking a needle roll or i don't know i you kind of have to spend some time with it because you don't want to waste it you want it to be perfect and then she found this kit and it's from keepsake quilting and it's a it has the batting and the two pieces of fabric that are uh to make this a coffee themed it's a coffee themed uh panel or you could make a quilt out of it you could cut it up and make a quilt out of it but as soon as i saw the fabric that came with it all i could think about was hexy's coffee hexies isn't that wonderful thank you so much danielle i am going to have a great time with that i at the towards the middle of this video we'll start up the segment about back porch in pacific grove it's one of my favorite quilt shops in this area in fact it might be the only one left who knows but i love that shop and i wasn't a quilter when i was growing up here um but having since become a quilter i love coming down to a cilamar which is a empty spools seminar location and i picked up the catalog they're keeping their fingers crossed that this can be uh that this can happen this next um year in 2022 but you're talking about they have susan carlson sue brenner becky goldsmith kathy dowdy sandra mullen yeah it's just filled and i know that with wonderful choices and they have um five sessions for classes and i do know that two of the fabric stalkers are already signed up for classes so i'm gonna i'm gonna keep i'm gonna drool over this catalog but of course i had to go shop at back porch and you will see the video of the shop it's absolutely gorgeous and what i really loved was that in their gallery section of the shop they had beautiful beautiful quilts that you will see and i will talk about mary ellen parsonage who owns or is co-owner with her husband and children the parsonage winery in carmel valley and she just she is a fabulous applicator and i've watched her applique and i that's where i learned about silk thread which is i just love silk thread because it makes you look even better than you are as far as an applique an appliquer but i did some shopping and come to find out i've torn the van apart penny has not coughed up my light g said to buy a new light i didn't want to just buy a light just to buy a light but in back porch they had this awesome little lamp and i know some of you have had this this led lamp and it folds up really tiny um i mean it fits in this tiny little box so i'm going to keep that here in penny so i am never without a light because it has been somewhat of an issue as my aging eyes um as i get older it's harder to see so also while i was shopping i was looking for hexis in hexi fabrics and i found some i did find some this beautiful um butterfly print it's kind of upside down there there the right side up butterflies little owls chickens chickens all kinds of chickens and then i succumb to tula's coffee cups our teacups i'm hoping that they'll fit in the hexi but i think i can make it work they had a whole variety of pre-printed sashiko uh prints and i know some of you have asked me about those well back porch and pacific grove has a variety of designs and so i chose this one tamari and it makes those four little designs there i'm gonna make a pillow out of that i saw a bowl of pillows they had a lot of halloween stuff going on there you know it's that time of year but this panel i just loved and i am going to do exactly what they did with it and that is to make a bunch of pillows that were stuffed with um polyfill and there's duplicates so i can make my grandchildren some pillows isn't that fun because halloween isn't like it was i mean you you can't um trick-or-treating in covid was not near as fun and so you know try to make try to make that holiday a good one i saw a pattern and i've seen it there before i probably own it i don't know but you'll see it on the video it was go fish by gail the owner of the shop and it's these different bowls fish bowls filled with fish fabrics and so i started my collection of fishbowl fabrics you know i have turtles dolphins i can't wait to start this one sea otters and some tropical fish so that is going to be a fun little quilt to make if if the shop itself wasn't the highlight of um today it was my visit to jean it was it's a throwback it's a throwback i met jean in back porch she was working in the shop and i got to talking with her and it turned out that she organized textile tours to france and i was all about it i was all about it and in fact i scooped up two of my fabric stalker friends and the three of us went to travel with jane through france and a part of germany the black forest uh we had an extraordinary time it was an extraordinary experience and we were traveling with a bunch of other quilters we went to the largest quilt show in europe and it was held in four different villages which was so charming it was so inspiring too and jean spoke fluent french because she and her husband had been he had been stationed there uh in the military and so they actually owned a home there and lived there for a while so she has a lot of connections to that area so i stomped on over to her house i knew where her house was in pacific grove she lives in a historic painted lady is what they're called their beautiful old homes in pacific grove and i stomped over there and her doorbell isn't like it's like an old-fashioned doorbell so it's this handle that you twirl and it rings and you know it's not electronic it's mechanical and so she came to the door and it was it was like no time had passed at all it was like no time had passed at all and i'll have some photographs on my woolly blog probably sooner than this video will go out but but if you haven't been to the woolly blog you know i'll put it in the the link in the description box but i couldn't wait to get in her house because the thing about is i had this deep-seated memory that she did a lot of cross stitch but back when we were going to france and i was into quilting i was not doing cross stitch like i am now so i was desperate to see the cross stitch on the wall because i i just had this memory that she had beautiful cross stitch and her house is like a museum to the iconic quilt royalty if i could say that it there's she's been curating and collecting quilts by all manner of textile artists and so it's wonderful to go into her house and we had a cup of tea and we talked and she gave me some ideas and so i told her she had to give me a piece of fabric out of her stash because i was going to make a hexi because today is my hexy day um out of a piece of fabric she gave me to um just memory just a reminder and so she had this lovely print it reminds me of french i cut off a chunk of it i didn't take the whole thing even though i wanted to and so this is going to be part of my jean hexie and um i'm going to work on that because you know i brought my yazzy hexy bag and i have my yazzy bag that's carrying my iron the thing about it is that i'm going to have to do it the old-fashioned way i didn't bring a rotary cutter so but i have this my little template and i'm going to draw around and then i'm going to cut it out with scissors just like they used to do like they used to do it before the whole rotary cutter thing i'm very excited about my hexis again it's been um this last couple weeks has been really inspirational for it so i will be working on that today other than that it has been um a perfect a perfect week for gni an absolute perfect week and we are going to be heading home and then hit the road again in a little while being able to go into back porch and video you know it's that like we used to when we were hitting the road look for that quilt shop and there's a lot that have closed so when i stumble upon one that still is is bringing beautiful fabrics uh to anybody who is interested it's a gift it's a gift so go support your local quilt shop we want as many of them to keep on keeping on so stay tuned and take a look inside back porch and as a reminder i still have not heard from the winner of the octopus garden pattern and fabrics so be sure you check and email me okay take care and enjoy the video [Music] well here we are at back porch press in pacific grove oh let's go in and do some shopping what do you say huh [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] now [Music] don't [Music] [Music] so [Music] an australian artist and she goes out in the outback and thinks we have a whole series of them last year this has always got left from that i mean you know and it's like oh my gosh but but and then you know and so she paints these things and then they turn them into fabric you just got that one involved but i mean they were just oh my you know all these lots of australian flora you know let's see so she she paints these well she paints them and then they turn the paintings isn't this pretty oh man jean wells would be going crazy wow wow that's something isn't it it is really yeah stillness in nature [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] the exhibit here in the gallery part of back porch is by mary ellen who i first learned some applique techniques and she is also her family owns the parsonage winery out in carmel valley that we absolutely loved and in one of the old quilt roadies videos i actually did a tour of her sewing room but right now the back porch has her quilts on display here and they are gorgeous if you ever get a chance to go to carmel valley uh parsonage winery the labels on as i was saying the labels on her family wine bottles are her applique pieces and some of the reserve wines were named after her grandchildren but look at this piece right here she is a master at applique and she is the one that taught me about silk thread which is what i use on my hexis and my own applique ah there's this is the quilt but i have um i have the print of this particular one [Music] you
Channel: Quilt Roadies
Views: 7,261
Rating: 4.9829545 out of 5
Id: AjocKxRY3Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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