The Center Diamond Quilt Shop

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so here i am center diamond cannon beach oregon so let's go inside and do some damage [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon quilt roadies well it has been a wonderful birthday week uh the rest of the month is going to be fabulous i just know it but being on the ocean and camping in penny there just is nothing better but i wanted to wrap up our little trip with some information and show you what i got as far as haul goes um you know it didn't turn out like i had originally envisioned it which was that my whole family would be together but life is what life is it it just you have to roll with the punches my younger son changed jobs so he didn't have the time off my um older daughter-in-law had i bet you she hates to be called older but my older daughter-in-law had some family um concerns with her sister and so couldn't make uh the trip and so it ended up being g and i and my older son and my oldest grandson and we made the best of it which was awesome i mean our time on the beach uh was just rejuvenating being able to kind of fill our wells was just what we needed what we all needed and we stayed in this beautiful airbnb i'll put the link to it in my description box because i'm here to tell you this is a friend that i know who owns this airbnb and it was over the top i mean over the top every attention to detail was taken in when she remodeled it for airbnb and then um it turned out that that week was also the week that my former co-workers in the first half of my career i was a labor and delivery nurse and i worked with a fabulous group of women and they have started we kind of stay connected on facebook and then they have started kind of trying to get together a couple times a year and so one of the nurses had moved to this particular beach town that i was going to be staying in with my family and the rest of the girls were rented at airbnb right across the street from the the friend who lives in that town so we got all together they played all weekend but i was there with family so i just went over for one afternoon and i have to tell you there was something extraordinary about being with women who you have gone through so much with there there's just something it can't compare to anything else and i had a really soul-filling time i really had a great time and now i am going on i'm planning to go on their next trip next year where they're going to meet where one of the other nurses had moved out of state so that was just one of the highlights of many highlights this weekend now you saw how wonderful that quote shop i just love the center diamond it um and it was fun to see lots of people in there i mean it wasn't it's not a big shop so there wasn't you didn't feel uncomfortable like you were in a one of those um what do they call those events where there's too many people no but there was a constant traffic going in and out and it it made me feel um ever hopeful because so many shops have closed and the shop that was in wheeler had closed we knew that was going to happen way before covid but the center diamond is she has such and as you saw in the video she has such an eclectic selection of fabrics and if you're a batik person wow is that a gold mine is that a gold mine but i had fun shopping there and bringing it to you i'm gonna show you what i got and um but first i wanted to tell you about one of my birthday presents uh the power of bad it was a book that was given to me by my younger son and daughter-in-law and i cannot recommend it more i mean i think everyone needs to read this how the effect negativity effect rules us and how it can we can rule it so i'm just going to read one paragraph before we go into the hall the negativity effect this power of bad goes by several names in the academic literature the negativity bias negativity dominance or simply the negativity effect by any name it means the universal tendency for negative events and emotions to affect us more strongly than positive we're devastated by a word of criticism but unmoved by a shower of praise we see the hostile face in the crowd and miss all the friendly smiles the negativity effect sounds depressing and it often is but it doesn't have to be the end of the story bad is stronger but good can prevail if we know what we're up against so i'm thinking everyone needs to read this book because it is very easy especially in this world where social media is so pervasive in everything we do i know many people are taking vacations from social media which i think is a great choice if you're affected by all that is going on there i i kind of limit my social media um i i don't take in any negative stuff and i'm very selective so um i only want to put out the good and i only want to receive the good or the positive i should say because life isn't all about the good but when we all have challenges or losses in our life and there have been many we want to be uplifted we do not want to have people talk about all the awfulness it's it's like we can only take so much isn't that the truth don't you feel the same way so here it is from my friend becca be the change be the change yes i received a an absolute awesome present i just opened it um of course i didn't bring it upstairs i'll have to save it for the next video maybe when i find out who it's from because there was no card and there was no return address so it was like this wonderful little surprise gift and so i'm thinking i'm thanking all of you whoever you are it was a gorgeous mug rug with the eiffel tower and a cup with a bee on it it was absolutely gorgeous and it's i forgot to bring it up it's downstairs so i'll share it the next time but let's get on to haul so what did i do well you know at retreat i um lost my silk mic silk thread that was a a beige color and it was a yly um beige colored and this of course i don't have glasses let's see oh kimono silk thread it's the same weight and it's silk thread and it's that nice beige color or kind of like an off-white that is perfect for hexis and applique um because it kind of when you use silk thread and you tug it just a little bit it it like melts into the fabric and so one color can work for a lot a lot of applique so i picked up a spool of that i also the thing that back porch not back porch center diamond oh the two awesome shops though um the thing about center diamond is they have they are like a little hub of sashico sashico thread sashico fabrics um they're they're just awesome and i really wanted to try this sashico thread that was a verigraded it's like a blue and green variegated um because i wanted to see how it looked on that indigo indigo fabric and i think it's going to be fabulous i'm going to probably regret having only got one skin but i know where they're at i know where they're at well i um cannon beach oregon if you've never been there is a fabulous beach town it is comparable i actually you know people have called it the carmel of the oregon coast but i actually like it a little better because it's not so big as carmel and the the way the traffic flows i guess the landscape around it is amazing haystack rock sitting out there um in the ocean is just that's the thing about the oregon coast the air feels and smells different and the terrain is just different and you can walk for miles on a beach so naturally the center diamond has um a lot of ocean or beach themed fabric and you know that i got this pattern at back porch this was designed by gail the owner and it is um fishbowls uh fishbowls um you know where you use um motif fabrics in the in the bowls and so i had bought several fabrics to go in the fishbowls and i picked up some more so i picked up some puffins and some turtles and then i was thinking about the background because um the background you know is naturally you're going to have a planar background because all the bowls are filled with these wonderful motifs and so i found the perfect fabric for it and it's kind of a seagull just a plain gray on gray seagull so it's not going to take away from the bowls it actually will probably add an element to that quilt so i cannot wait to start that quilt but let me tell you i can't start it now because i finally my one of my cousins finally received the baby quilt that i made i i mailed it off i still have another baby quilt to make that and i need to make it before that baby turns a year old and um i can't decide what fabrics i want to get but this this uh i bought some panels there because i just love them and this one totally cracked me up because it says it says see you on the next wave i mean look at that isn't that a crack up i mean it's such a cute panel i couldn't pass it up and i couldn't pass this one up either um it is so cute it's all these little elephants they're all different colors and their ears have a little pattern and have something written and i really like this guy here that you know some of them have an other animal sitting on top it's an adorable panel that's by benner tex and this one is a michael miller and then this next one was you know it's october it's october it's all about the halloween and all of that and this one i don't even know who this is by but i recognize this type of um it's got to be a wrecker a wrecker um yeah it's got to be a record print because it is too funny and i just thought how fun it would be to i don't know make pin cushions or make make uh this is a this print i think is called old maid it's a hoot and a half it's a hoot and a half i mean look at this this one right here sun bonnet sioux oh it's such a crack up it is such a crack up well it's nice to be home it's nice to be home and i hope that you are all doing well and um we'll keep you updated on our next little adventure but in the meantime i am going to be cranking out a baby quilt because i've got it before the end of the year that baby that baby was born in 2021 and has to have a quilt before the end of 2021 that's all there is to it and i hope i know all of my cousins are younger than me they're much younger than me and so they're going to have more children but such a good such a good life isn't it i mean we do have to look for the silver lining in our world right now that is our goal so you take care and don't worry carol i'll have your package out tomorrow and let's get some sewing done love you guys [Music] go [Music] you
Channel: Quilt Roadies
Views: 6,040
Rating: 4.9748821 out of 5
Id: gkgxA8MFSg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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