Flosstube #93

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good morning flosstube i am helen d today is tuesday october 12th it's the tuesday that feels like the monday because people were home yesterday um we actually had a four-day weekend they had a teacher's workshop on friday so we're getting back into the swing of things today um and it's tuesday every other week so it was time to make my video i thought i didn't have a ton of stitching to share and then i pulled stuff out and i'm like well i have stuff um i've been working on christmas gifts you know christmas gifts for friends and then also i'm doing some swaps so i've been stitching but it's stuff i can't share quite yet um but i'll share it later and it will be like look at all these ffos that i did two months ago i think i think i'm about halfway done i'm hoping to get everything done this month and then i can have november you know to work on whatever i feel like so that's kind of what we've been up to the leaves are starting to turn um they're a little late this year i think because we had such a warm summer but it's starting to look pretty the cats emmy especially loves when they fall they're indoor cats but they do go out on the back deck it's on the i guess it's a daylight basement i don't know there's stairs up to the deck and we have a big screen from the window when we took the air we put the air conditioning in that window and the screen's just been in the garage and we tipped it down to block the door like a baby gate and she hasn't realized she could probably just jump over it so until she realizes that she gets deck privilege so she likes to be out there um when the leaves fall she'll bring them in this probably leaves oh you can't see the floor i'm sure there's leaves on the floor behind me so what have i been up to um stitching on christmas things i do have a couple of fully finished things to show a teeny tiny finish and a bunch of lips and some haul and some giveaways yeah so um this one actually both of my fully finished i've already shared on instagram so i did fully finish uh it's called house guests by satsuma street into an ornament so this is stitched on perforated paper so what i did was i cut i cut all around it and then i laid the perforated paper onto um freezer paper and it's reynolds freezer paper i had some people ask where i got it as by the tin foil in my store um reynolds freezer paper it has like a waxy side and then a non-waxy side so i traced it on the non-waxy side and then put that waxy side down on just this is just cheap craft store felt um ironed it on and then i can i could cut around it and when you iron it down what it does is it holds everything right in place it's not like when you pin something to fabric and then you know it moves and it's not quite tight when you iron the freezer paper down it stays right there and you can really cut around it nice and tight and then it just peels off and it doesn't leave any waxiness or anything then i used a little piece of stitching tape double sided tape to i put it on this back of the stitch piece i glue stuck this on it this is just a piece of rick rack um and then i put a bunch of glue on it that the aleene's glue which i hate but i i used it it's just so messy that's the only reason and i smear it all around my finger and then i just put the back on now it's done this is sold as a kit with the perforated paper and all the beads and their eyeballs are little sequins or just the chart um i had perforated paper so i bought it as just the chart and then i just used leftover beads and i had a few random sequins so it's not exactly as hers is but looks good to me and then the other one i finished um i saw my sister this weekend and she had stitched spring this is just nan's spring mouse scissor roll but she stitched the mouse which i think they said is dilly mouse but you can only get it in this chart they don't sell just dilly mouse um so it calls to be stitched on a 32 count um and in case you're wondering if you can stitch it just nan mouse on ada why yes you can so i don't know how this is gonna focus so donna stitched this on a 16 count so that all the little parts would be the same size so i finished her up i'd never finished one of these um there's full instructions in the chart and it was pretty easy so it has like a backstitched outline um that you just kind of go in between like you were stitching up like a biscornu or one of those hands-on design blocks so you kind of connect it all the way down and then you sew on you cinch it kind of like a strawberry and then you secure the little tail and sew this button which is not overly neat but it's on the bottom so you put that on and then she has a little charm and her little whiskers you just literally pull thread through and cut it and her little hat is um stuck in with a pin so she's done so that i have to not lose it this week and give that back to donna so those were my two fully finished and then the other finish is also a new start um i asked my son if he wanted to do christmas ornaments again for his teachers and he did so he has four main teachers um so that's what we're gonna do and he wanted to do these sled ornaments again i've done these i did some lizzie kate ones so this is what we chose it's foxwood crossing and i like these because they're non they're they're winter right if you don't celebrate christmas if you celebrate hanukkah i can't think of the word non-denominational snowmen are good for everyone so i think almost i think i'll do two of this one and two of this one so here's the first one so he's done again on the perforated paper i did use three strands of the dmc just so it's a little fuller that's funny i could see a piece of fuzz on there in the camera so that one is done i found the little sleds they they can be a little tricky to find um i got mine on etsy from hollis hands creates she had some so i bought six and that way if i want to do these you know two and two and then i want to do one for myself or another one later i have more slits so there's that so then whips like i said i kind of worked on mainly secret stuff but i pulled some other stuff out this one got satin again this is winter wonderland by blackbird which is that that's an out-of-print chart that hopefully they will it will get re-released um this is the one emmy thinks is just the right size so she keeps sitting on my q snap and i have to keep tightening it up i didn't get too much done i think i put in i might have just put in that alphabet and a little more of the border since you saw it last so that didn't get a lot of love but a little a little bit this is my car project which is autumn rules by primrose cottage stitches i'm doing winter wonderland is on 32 count vintage stormy night lugana this one is on 14 count legacy by picture this plus this one got all loose too so that's where i'm at i'll finish you know go apple picking and i might do give thanks down there with it and then this one might get put up a bit to make sure i get some of my christmas and holiday stuff done because you know it's not going to get done for this year but that one's been really fun to stitch it's all dmc it's easy because it's on the 14 count it's great for the car there's a lot of words which are nice in the car because i mess up less um and then i had two new starts just because i felt like it two things that i've been wanting to do and thought well i might as well start it or i'll never you know once it started then i feel the pressure to get it done so i started two things um the first one is the tree of magic by barbara anna this is a kit i'm sure you've seen it it's been around for a while it is a full kit that you get from nitka moscow in russia it comes with the fabric but it is something i couldn't stitch on i don't know if it's a linen it wasn't gonna happen so i put it off put it off put it off because i just couldn't find a fabric it has like these white mushrooms i don't know how well it is showing up but like some of the something to show you later that's right in my way some of like the little stumps of these mushrooms are white and i just wanted things to pop and i couldn't find fabric couldn't find it couldn't find it i went i finally found something i went with i don't even know what it is because it was unmarked i believe showing you my epic start here i believe this is picture this plus valor but i'm not sure so that's all i got like i said just just enough to finally get it started uh this is a 16 count i do know that so that one here's all the colors they're so pretty so i think they'll lark look i think they'll look okay on this and i think hopefully it's dark enough for that white i looked at some picture this plus oaken that i had but that was actually too dark for the other colors so i went with that and then the last one i started was plum pudding from with the needle and thread and this one this is another one that i couldn't i couldn't really find the fabric that i was looking for so i went with this this is springfield sage 28 count in ghana and it looks like my mouse arm is toasting marshmallows so again that's just a tiny start that one theoretically could get done for this christmas it's not that big we'll see so that's what i've been stitching um i have some i have a gift and i have some purchases but before i do that i wanted to talk about charms um last video we were talking about those loop pins that i've the the bulb pins um i got mine on etsy and they're perfect for like i saw made by michelle mcgraw use them to hang some charms so i've been using them on finishes to hang some charms and a lot of people ask where do i get my charms um i get a lot of mine on etsy or in joann's or whatever if i see them and then carla messaged me from cobweb corner and i hadn't even thought carly used to make jewelry for a long time she made and sold her own jewelry and she said she actually has an etsy store it's called so many beads and it's all beans um she has a ton of beads and charms so i will link that below um i should have shut the door i left it for the cat so now i hear weed whacking so she has like all kinds you know of different like this so squirrel yep and they're like you know sold in multiples like a four or five um she has some really nice ones so i will link that below if you're interested and and a source for some beads um gifts i got a thank you gift in the mail from barbie of petal pusher barbie just released this chart i don't i stitched this ages ago and i don't think i even showed you because it was right when my mother-in-law was here my brain was not fully intact so barbie designed this chart for expo it's called fall monograms and she finished them as on these pumpkins that she found i think at the dollar store or the dollar tree and when she was showing them to misty and i uh when she was first designing them i said oh that's she said you know what's going to be a whole alphabet and i thought you could do like little words how fun would that be and i messaged her and i said can i can i stitch you one i'm going to stitch a little halloween word which is actually on the back of the chart um so i stitched her little letters and i stitched eek this one it looks better here than it does sometimes this fabric is fabric i had that i had dyed ages ago and that one in particular is not quite dark enough so i used her halloween border and i did e e and k and i just finished them as circles so she sent them back to me i found this thing on amazon i need a little piece of tape to kind of hold it together so what i think i'm going to do i have a shelf that i'm going to i'm gonna hang these on so that they spell eek um and put them on my shelf so get that off there now this thing's been in my way the whole time so barbie sent me these back and then she also sent me a copy of the chart um one for me one for you guys and a copy of her new chart that she released for expo um not expo galleria needle or galleria it's called um heaven and nature sing i've already started pulling floss this one i love i love the moose and the trees and the colors and then she made me my own pumpkin so this is kind of how she's finishing them she found these it doesn't really say where it is but she found these at like i said at one of the dollar stores she glued it on there she glued some felt on the back i think she stained it because it's like i think she's standing a little darker she cut a little leaf so it's my own little my little pumpkin which has been behind me i just grabbed it to show you guys so that was really cute so thank you barbie i love my pumpkin now i'm going to hang these up too that was my gift now to purchases there were some purchases um when i put the order in for the sleds from hollis hands creates i also threw in this uh erica michaels leafy sidewalks chart this was an expo release so i threw that in um i was also i'm eating cat hair i'm eating cat hair um i was fortunate enough to get one of the pumpkins so this is the philanthropic pumpkin kit that hands-on design cafe hands-on design and lois of lady dot creates put together i haven't even opened it this is how it came so it has a chart and all the finishing directions and all the stuff so it has the fat i think it has both fabrics for stitching and for the bottom um the pins all the stuff to make the stem um the only thing you'll need is floss and it's dmc though i just saw someone on facebook i think that did a overdied conversion which was really pretty so i ordered that and i know there was a lot you know everyone wanted one and their limited edition um kathy was selling them on her site and lois was selling them through etsy and i thought well i know i need some other trims i'm gonna get mine from lady dot and i also kind of thought kathy's website might not be able to handle the traffic lois's website is through etsy and they're used like etsy is used to having a big rush on something so i had her website up i already had the other stuff i needed in my cart 9 30 came they came online i threw it in the car i checked out i had already had all my stuff like all my credit card information and everything so it was it i thought it was pretty easy um so i also picked up just a couple trims and then sometimes in her etsy store she has things in her only on etsy section and she had this fun ribbon and then she had my all-time favorite thing ever the bag of bits i love this is like christmas and a bag so lois doesn't have these often but whenever she does and i see them i think there's a limit you can buy two i always buy two um when she's doing her dyeing right she might have a piece that you know the color is not quite right it doesn't quite match and this batch is a little off she throws all that stuff in a pile and then every once in a while she'll go through and put together a bag of bits here's why i love them so when you normally buy from lady dot you get three yards of one color right i love her pom poms they're my favorite so three yards continuous yards of one color which is great um these are six dollars this whole bag was 750 and it has all kinds of things all kinds of bits um all of the bits are honestly large enough to finish smalls with so you don't need to worry about things being teeny tiny now i'm gonna have bits all over the place like here's a piece of here's a piece of pom pom right that's probably it's long it's big enough for a small um like you can tell right here like this is probably why it was in there right like one pom pom has kind of not quite got the die i can work around that no problem um big old pieces of rickrack and all the stuff it's all the stuff she normally sells and then sometimes there's like stuff that she uses in finishing like this one has some baker's twine like just different things as i unceremoniously shove the bits back in the bag so if you're thinking of trying finishing you're like oh it'd be nice to have a bunch of just different trims to to try and you happen to see one of these bag of bits you will not be disappointed i actually bought two but i thought i already picked one apart yesterday and put it away because i needed something in it um that's it is that it oh i bought some flosses from penny at the daily stitcher um but i didn't bring their floss you've seen them and that is it so giveaways last video uh we did two giveaways from carla at cobweb corner um and i did i bring them down i didn't bring those down um one was the sunflower chart by annie bees that one to elizabeth setzler and then there was the bird the i wish you lived next door bird which carla finished on her video on that fun lime green fabric that went to mari keenan i've actually already heard from both of them so i will pack those up while this is uploading so this week we have five giveaways so we're gonna go with a number system because when it's more than two that that just works better for my brain so um oh actually these first two are not the giveaways when carla since giveaways for you guys she lets me pick out a couple charts so this is just what i picked um bump in the night i love those bats and jenny beans halloween sampler so she does have those charts on her website if you're interested so number one the first two are from carla carbo corner um betty button this is a whole series called a most suitable name series we've done one of these before so it's all these different little ones this is betty button and carla has them all she just actually restocked the series so she has the whole series uh and then i also picked out so number one just put one number two winter row by bent creek honestly you could stitch this one up in time it's quick um the snowmen are kind of plump but they're little so number two winter rum the third one we have was from penny at the daily stitcher i saw her this weekend and she dropped this off and it is um one of the santas so 97.98 in 2013. so this will be number three and then four and five are from barbie at petal pressure like i said she had sent an extra for you guys so number four is the fall monograms and number five having a nature's thing so one two three four five um please be a subscriber be over 18 so you can legally give me your address and please don't say giveaway in your comment that's that the only other thing the only other thing i have to talk about is the new hampshire retreat that is happening the first weekend of new hampshire of new hampshire of november the 5th and 6th i think um i was signed up to go i'm super excited but i did decide that i'm going to skip it this year um there ended up being there was like 84 people signed up i didn't know it would be that many people um i'm not quite ready for that big of a group that was just oh it was a lot past my comfort zone um i understand that you know coming out of pandemic and shut down in covid everyone's kind of at a different place right like some people if you worked the whole time you're used to being right in an office in in a store with the public that's you're used to that um for us my son just barely turned 12. so when everything kind of opened up over the summer we did not because he wasn't able to get vaccinated he wasn't old enough so we expanded our group a little but we were still very bubbled we were still very bubbled we still are very bubbled um we're still not eating in restaurants people were taking their masks off in stores we never did so 84 people even though masks are required inside that was just a little more that i was ready for i'm like i need baby steps i know i need to re-enter society at some point but i need baby steps um when my stitching ladies come over they came over this weekend and we're still in the garage right but there's only eight of us eight i can handle um so i did decide that you know we were we were going to cancel hopefully i can sign up if they do one the next year um it wasn't on their books yet so i couldn't just transfer them when i called so i'm sorry if you were going i was really looking forward to stitching with people and meeting new people but i just knew that i would be uncomfortable the whole time so uh my son did get he got his first vaccine his second one should be this week um so that's a weight off our shoulders um we'll see see what the winter brings so that's it that's all i had uh i should be back in a couple weeks we'll see what i have to show you it might be more of the same if i'm still stitching on my secret stuff so all right thank you guys so much bye
Channel: Helen D.
Views: 5,243
Rating: 4.9830985 out of 5
Id: TIvyYRotYkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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