Flosstube #82 September Update (Cross stitch, Knitting, and all the the things this month)

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hello my lovely flosstube friends welcome back to  the channel a very warm welcomes to you all can   you believe it is october already i'm like what  happened to the summer where did it go i have to   say it does feel like the year has just literally  shot past and i blinked and it's all over   wait that's how it feels um huge thank you to all  those lovely new subscribers that have come joined   the channel um welcome back to all of my regular  subscribers if you're new to the channel and you   like what you see and you rather like the idea  of coming and hanging out with me monthly please   don't forget to hit the little subscribe button  tick the little notification bell and that way   you won't miss anything that i upload well  people what can i say september was a blast   but it was super busy i felt like it was super  busy super productive super exciting it was just   super super everything so what can i say  um lots of stitching happened in september   i've recently uh last weekend come back from my  first stitching retreat since before lockdown   which was the uh uk Chatelaine retreat which i'll  talk about that along the way it had an absolute   blast so there's likely to be quite a lot in this  video today there's just there's just a lot of   stuff lots of stuff so for those of you that  only like to watch certain parts of the video   i'm going to put timestamps in the description  box below and also when you scroll along on the   actual timeline of the video it will title  actually what is going on in the video so   that way if you're not interested in all of it  you're not a haul person you don't really want   life update or anything like that it does give  you the opportunity to sort of like flip around   to the bits that you are interested so as i'm  mindful with the fact that not everyone wants   to know about my whole life story i think the  first things first let's start with the WIPS and what i've managed to achieve this month  WIPS wise i'm feeling rather smugly productive   she says i don't know it looks like a lot i mean  i i've done you know my spreadsheet my spreadsheet   is done um for the month and to me it looks like  i've stitched a lot because i've stitched on a lot   of different projects this this month in september  um so yeah so i'm feeling rather accomplished so   so for the WIPS i'm going to show you these in  no particular order of when they were stitched   this month because there's quite a lot of  them for once which is which is always a   nice thing so first up we have alternative  reality which is a heaven and earth design where i've got pictures of where you last saw it  you will see those alternative reality got two   days worth of stitching this month although  that was because at the time i was off work   it it got two almost full days of  stitching and here is where we've got to so i'm very impressed with the progress this month  on alternative reality so it's stitched on a 25   count magic guides ecru and i'm stitching it one  over one full cross and i've changed the way that   i'm doing these so because i always used to work  with good notes for all of my projects everything   i used to put on electronically onto good notes  and i would work page by page on my full coverage   i've now switched over to pattern keeper and have  been with pattern keeper now for some time if you   haven't already gone and checked out patent keeper  if you're a full coverage stitcher and you have an   android because at the moment i think it's still  only available on android and not on apple devices   it's a game changer i have to say so how i  would normally stitch one of these would be   because good notes you it you upload the pdf  as page by page you would stitch i would always   stitch in my 10 by 10 blocks until i got  a page finish i'd finish the page and then   start the next page which does give you the page  finish satisfaction buzz i i must say however   the problem with that is you can end  up getting stuck in the same place   and stitching the same color endlessly which for  me it puts me off wanting to stitch on it so i   decided that now that i'm on pattern keeper and  pattern keeper sort of instead of it does show the   dividers of page by page but it actually does the  whole design so instead of doing page by page in   full blocks in my 10 by 10 blocks in a diagonal  i've now decided that i'm going to do it across   the whole project which for me changes things up  because i don't get so bored of stitching the same   area in the same colors to have to finish the  page before i can move on to something else   so you can see here that about there was where  where a page finish was because i'm now changing   up how i do this and i'm going to do this in 10  by 10 block diagonals across the whole design   so that it changes all the colors up and that i  don't feel like i'm stuck stitching the same thing   or the same area all the time i'm now working my  way across and the idea is that i'll get a full   diagonal going across here but like i say i don't  stitch diagonally not like people like blit stitch   or karen the needle bug who are what  i call true diagonal stitchers i still   block i still do my blocks in 10 by 10  blocks so that i don't get lost um i also   end my threads on the front so i  don't have to keep flipping my work   and what i'll do is if i've stitched something  and i'm going to end the thread rather than   carry the threads because of the parking method  i will bring it down probably 200 200 stitches   park it somewhere down here and then  when i stitch this next block here   anything underneath there i will cut the ends  off because it would have been stitched in   in the block below so that's how there  is a method to the madness people but as you can see you can see where my page  finish was where i'm still trying to get the   diagonal so i'm now working across here  to get this diagonal to meet this point   then i'll straighten this bit out  and then from that point onwards   it will be diagonal stitching in 10 by 10  blocks and i'm loving that because it's   just keeping me interested i'm not stitching the  same area and the same thing over and over again   so like i say that only got two days worth of  stitching but because i was not working at the   time it got almost two full days of stitching  which makes a big difference on these projects   on pattern keeper i believe that  i'm around twenty percent done   because on pattern keeper it actually tells  you a percentage completed so i think this   is about 20 done i really do need to get a  spurt on with this, this is one of my oldest   WIPS so yeah it's in the mix for being one that i  need to try and focus on as best i can so my whole   new way of working on the full coverage and using  the pattern keeper i think is gonna help with that   so next so you'll remember that i was waiting  on some fabric for my elizabeth weston   because i'd already started it and i started it  for my birthday i think last year or the year   before can't quite remember here it is elizabeth  weston it's a hands across the sea design   and when i was stitching on it i originally went  with she says check the notes it was originally i   i ordered a 32 count linen tudor rose in the third  like i said 32 count tudor rose by polestitches   and that was the start that i made on it  she says there we go and at the time that   i was stitching on it i wasn't 100 sure what  it was that i didn't like about it but there   was something that i didn't like then it's become  apparent that actually i don't like the fact that   because i did it on a 32 count instead of a 36  count i had to use two strands instead of one over   two which then for me made that look very blocky  it looked it wasn't delicate it just looked really   really blocky so i couldn't get the same color  and the same fabric from polstitches at the time   when i looked on their site they only had 32 count  was the highest count that they had available   so i had to improvise and i went and done a little  bit of research and you'll remember from the last   from last month i was waiting for the fabric to  come in from xjudesigns for a custom piece so   it came i absolutely love it in fact arguably  i think i like the color more than i liked the   original color and i went with a 36 count Edinburgh linen now because it's a custom die it doesn't   have a name or or anything along that lines so  elizabeth weston got two days worth of stitching   and let me just flex this out so you can see and now i'm stitching this two over no one over  two in a full cross and i absolutely love it   absolutely am loving the difference  it just looks so much more delicate   so much more delicate i love the fabric and just  as an example of the difference between the 32   can and the 36 count which arguably at first i  think you know that's not going to make that much   of a difference it really does i think it does  you can see the difference in the border there   one is very very blocky and one  is very very delicate so yeah definitely made the right call to   put it onto a higher count and stitch it over  one uh sorry stitch over two with one strand it's it's a much nicer it's a much nicer  stitch now so that is elizabeth western   so next up we have oh there's projects  everywhere people there's not even enough   space for everything let's put those over there  so next we have the Cricket collection winter and about now you should be seeing where you last  saw it this one was being stitched on a  28 count chromatic alchemy fabric lugana uh in the  colorway tempest and this is where i've got to so   not amazing amounts of progress people but  i've done the little snowflakey thing here   i've done the little bird at the top there's a  little bit of backstitch that needs to be done   the arms of the snowman still need to be done but  yeah a little bit of love was happening with him um and winter got one two it got three days  but it was literally token gesture like   pick up a needle do sort of ten  minutes and then put it down it was   it was it was that type of  project so that is that one next up we have wow so much next up we have peacocks lagoon  again a full coverage a heaven and earth design   so this one got a little love  so peacock lagoon got one day   but like i say it's one day this one is  being stitched on a 25 count magic guides um and it's two over one half cross it's a huge big bit of fabric i have to say so   this is going to take me forever to stitch  and again i'm trying to do the same thing on   this one where i'm trying to get it so  that it's a diagonal across the design and this is where i've got to so you can see   oh she says so we got this  bit down here all completed and then i've come up the top and i've started  across the top so again she says make this   so again the plan is that i'm gonna get  this bit to come over and meet to this   and then bring all of this in  line so that it all goes diagonal but absolutely loving that look at that  moon i'm so impressed with the moon   i just need more moon so like i say  this this is a very very big project   and in all honesty i'm too scared to look at  the percentage of how much i've stitched on   that because it's it's almost negligible i think  but yeah we we've got quite a way i mean i did get   quite a lot done down here and the fact that i'm  moving over there just so that i can bring it all   into a diagonal and work diagonally again not  diagonal stitching it's 10 by 10 blocks for me   because i need the help of the  counting so that is peacock's lagoon what's next next next next next we have little house needleworks uh abc summer if i've got a picture i'll put it  in here and this one i am stitching on 32 count 32 count linen by polstitches in colourway tudor rose i haven't got that far if if i'm  totally honest with you oh hold on   needle minders are on up on a moment so  this is where i've got to on this one and this one are basically almost  completely subbed out every single every single one of the called  four colors for something else   which when i've completed it i will  put it all in the description box   but when i've completed it and i've been using  this one really for more from my live streams   originally i thought it was because it was going  to make it easier to just do little bits and   pieces so that there wasn't too much counting  but i'll be completely honest with you i don't   think i've done any any live stream yet on this  project where i haven't had to rip something out   because i went wrong but hey it's all the  fun of stitching right so that one got two   two touches in this month so  two days i stitched on that one and look well we're in autumn now so i  don't need to worry about having this   done anytime soon seems as it's for  summer but it would be nice to have   it done and finished in a really flashy  little way so that it's ready for the summer so next up we have she says what do we  have next let's have a look what we've got   down here on the scrolls okay so next we have a heaven and  earth design mini red queen red dragon   this one is being stitched i think trying to  remember for the life of me if this is a 25 count   or a 28 count i have a sneaky  suspicion it's a 28 count magic guide and again i'm very happy with the progress on this  one this one got how many days did this get mini   red queen this got five days worth of stitching  this month and that's where i got to so again   i'm doing the same thing is happening again  on this one so i'm doing my 10 by 10 blocks   bringing it into the diagonal i've got it to here   so if i got it yeah so there's a there's a page  finished just here that's the page finish there   so i'm still working my way in these blocks  to bring this down to this corner here   and then i can bring this corner down to there and  then i will work diagonally across this one but   look i'm a little draggling got a little dragon  and i think this this here is the top of her head   so yeah i'm starting to get to a bit of detail  on this one instead of just lots of background   but i love the colors it's very pink it's very  me and like i say this one is being stitched two over one half cross two  over one half cross for that one see this is what happens when i don't go to work  when i don't go to work and i'm told that i have   to sit down and spend a bit of time sitting down  i will actually go and sit down with my stitching   and actually get some stuff done but as soon  as i go back to work and there's you know   housework and everything else that needs to  happen it's just like the stitching goes on a   well i get stuff done but nowhere i don't  feel that i've accomplished all that i wanted   to accomplish just life gets in the way right  but i'm not the only one that that happens to okay so what do we have next what's on this one okay so next we have so it's again a heaven and earth design   this one's a story keep and it's life is an open  book in paris this one has been stitched on a 25   count magic guide and this one is being stitched  one over one full cross let me get my threads where i want them and again we're going across the whole design on  this piece and again made great great progress loving the progress i think there's  there's not much more and that's   the end of it and then literally it  will just go across in the diagonals   across there absolutely love the colors in it  love the detail it's a lovely little stitch yeah i'm feeling totally accomplished again on  another HAED it's almost as if i went like on a   on a mission this month because it was just i  felt like i'd been neglecting them so so much   because with the HAEDS they're not really  something that i particularly pick up and   think to stitch on in the evenings although  they would be perfect because i could just sit   there and say to myself just do a hundred stitches  treasure in one ten by ten block and that's that's   your night of stitching if that's all you can  do but i always think oh well you know it seems   pointless to sort of even get it out and start  stitching on it but i really should change my   my approach with how i do it because  any stitch is progress so story keep   so this one actually got two days two days  worth of stitching but again they were two   two good amounts of hours stitching on  those two days so absolutely love that so that is that one and it was quite nice to  just sit and keep switching out my HAEDS like   my full coverage my sorry about the chair  squeaking it's probably the wrong chair   that i could have sat on it does help if i  actually sit on it straight so next we have   something that isn't a HAED so this is my oh i  just threw things on the floor let me retrieve   so next up we have the drawn thread welcome  christmas absolutely loving stitching on this   i have to say pleasantly pleasantly surprised and  i'm not going to take it right at the q snap i've   just undone one side so you can see where it's  got to let me see if i can put something behind it that is where i've got to absolutely  love the colors i love working on the   the threads the dinky dies love it absolutely love  it and i actually spent a bit of the time at my   retreat last weekend stitching on this so  yeah lovely lovely lovely really hoping to get   sort of time on this so that i can i'll  have something to put up at christmas   because yeah it's getting close although i  know we're not talking about christmas people   don't worry we're not talking about  christmas so this one is stitched on this fabric is a 28 count fabric by polstitches   it's a 28 can brittany lugana in  the colorway pearl so there we go love that one and would you believe that the  chart actually calls for mother of pearl star   buttons and burgandy i think it was burgundy  buttons it needed well curse can you   imagine do you think that i could find  anything so i went on a bit of a mission these i have to say are probably the most  expensive mother-of-pearl stars of which i   probably only need about one for this project  and i had to have them brought all the way   from the us because they didn't i couldn't find  it at them in the size that i needed anywhere   in the uk so let's just take a look there's way  more than i needed i think considering i only   need one of these i think they set me back about  35 to 40 pounds to get the percent from the u.s   i know it's craziness the things the lengths  that we will go to to get the appropriate things   so yeah so they were very expensive and  i'm hoping that i will find plenty of other   projects that i can use these little star buttons  on because otherwise that was a very expensive one   mother of pearl star for that project and  then i was on a hunt for some burgundy buttons   which i think is for the holly or something  like that in the design i couldn't find   burgundy buttons but i did find micro round  red buttons here we go that's what i found   so that's what i'm going gonna have to use  not sure that it works perfectly i don't know   color wise i think they're a little brighter than  i would have liked i would have liked something a   little bit more sort of the same color as as this  but i can't find little four millimeter burgundy   buttons because it appears that the only place  you can buy these little burgundy buttons is   anything to do with doll houses which in the uk  that's that's that's not a big thing over here so   it's very hard to get your fingers on anything  that's you know that small per buttons i can find   lots of burgundy buttons if i want giant buttons  but do you see what i mean the color's just not   quite right it really could do with  being a little darker i mean if   anyone knows where i can get little four  millimeter she says hang on let me check yeah four millimeter burgundy buttons   please point me in the right direction because  that's the best i can come up with so far   but if that's all that i end up with then that's  that's what i end up with and i'm fine with that   because yeah i love the project anyway so that  is the drawn thread and like i say that got that got three days of stitching on it love that one um what next so then we have the one that everyone loves to see my   chatelaine and considering that i went to  a chatelaine retreat last weekend and did   chatelaine stitch in i personally  didn't do very much chatelaine stitching   but then it wasn't like everyone had to  stitch on the chatelaine you could stitch   on what you wanted it wasn't the idea was  that you turned up with your chatelaines   but that doesn't mean that you have to sit  there and just stitch on the chatelaines   so i did a little bit a token gesture on this  purely because i knew i wasn't concentrating and   the last thing i wanted to do was do something  wrong on it because yeah that's that's that's   rather an expensive mistake to make if i'd have  gone wrong so i was like no i don't want to go   wrong so i'm better to just do what i can when  i know i'm actually concentrating and then when   i when i start veering off as you do when you're  at these retreats i'm allowed for my brain to just   you know switch off so yeah this one  is always the biggest one to show you so this is where we have got to there we go   now let me see if i can roll let me  see if i can roll this one this way so all of that was pretty much there anyway   i haven't really touched much of that apart  from doing a bit of beading which i've been   trying to do um so the bit that i actually  worked on she says over here is this gate so where are we yeah there's some more snowflakes and  bits that need to be put into these sections here   and here but i thought well rather than  go and do yet again another tree because   you know how much i love these trees not i  thought i would go and try and do this bit   right here and get some more of the gate done but that was my token gesture so  i did i did all of the outside   and this middle section and then filled  in with the blue on the gate so yeah i might actually if i can try to have  a little play with this through the   course of this coming months and get some  more done because it's taking too long   i mean whenever i've said it looks like it's sort  of getting there it is sort of getting there but   there's still so much so so much that needs  to happen on this one before that's the finish oh hold on i need to put my my padding  in there so that i don't crush anything there there we go but there were so many people that was  just stitching some gorgeous gorgeous chatelaines   at the retreat it just makes your eyes boggle  and of course that i was like oh i like that one   oh i like that one because how they look in the  on the website is absolutely nothing like what   they look like when they're stitched up i have  to say and there were so many gorgeous designs   that i was like oh so the Chatelaine evening  in the park this one's been stitched on a 25 count evenweave fabric by stephanie's in the colorway  abyss and this got one day one day at the   stitching retreat that's all it's had this month  because i've been all about the haeds this month   it's just been a thing it's just  been a thing people what can i say you watch this is all just going to come falling  off the table in a minute so that is it for the   WIPS i do feel really quite accomplished this  month with the amount of stuff that i've got done   but then obviously because i was going  to the chatelaine retreat and i'd sort of   decided in my head that i wanted a new style with  the new chatelaine i did have sleeping beauty   all kitted up with the fabric and all of the the  threads and the pack but i was i don't really want   to start a monster i mean sleeping beauty is a bit  like evening in the park it is one of the giant   the giant ones um and lots and lots of it and i  was like i didn't really want to do that i sort of   set my heart on the fact that i wanted to start on  the frosty knot garden um the lovely you remember   i can't remember what year it was was it  last year last february just before covid hit   me and mary went out to visit uh deborah out in  arizona and she had that hanging on her wall and   it looked divine it looked gorgeous and she was  the one that said to me all the chatelaines that   she stitched she found that one to be the easiest  and she said it wasn't too testing so curse i was   like well that's sort of what i'm looking for  because i really do need to get evening in the   park finished but i also wanted something new so  curse i fell down the rabbit hole of deciding that   if i could get my hands on the fabric i would  start my new chatelaine whilst i was at the retreat and i was i had everything crossed so i had  fabric that was ordered from Jodyri designs   of which i sent her a little chaser email and she  said oh i did say him and i was like no it's fine   i just wanted to know whether it might get to me  in time because you know it's done no pressure   um and then because i wasn't 100 sure it  was gonna get here i put an order in for   one two three stitch because debra  actually let me know what fabric   she used for her one and i was thinking well if  i've got two bits of fabric winging its way to me   hopefully one will make it before i  go to the retreat would you believe it the day that i actually went so on the friday  morning i left here at about six or seven o'clock   in the morning and then my husband rang me at  about half past nine to say was you expecting   some delivery so i was like yeah they soft  and squishy and he was like yeah two of them   and i was like can you open them for me and  he opened both of them and would you believe   that both the Jodyri designs fabric and the one two  three stitch fabric both turned up on the same day   after i'd already been left for the retreat  so i couldn't turn around and come back for it   so i didn't start my new my new  chatelaine whilst at the retreat however   the day that i got back i did because i was just  like but i wanted to start it so i decided i   was going to start it anyway so you all know  that i was hinging on the frosty knot garden   and after doing a bit of a a toss with the colors  and the fabric i'll put some pictures in here so   that you can see the dilemma that i was in so the  the blueir grayier one was the jodyri designs fabric   and the greenier one was the one two three stitch  fabric and in the end with a bit of with a toss of   all the fab all the all the threads i decided to  go with the one two three stitch fabric of which   i have to say the jodyri fabric i'll show you  that momentarily that will come into use because   it's just such a lovely looking fabric so the  chatelaine so it was a new start on the 27th of   this month so it's had three days of stitching but  i say three days it's been three days since i've   been back to work so literally these have been  like an hour in the evening that's all it's had and this is where i've got to so the fabric so  first of all the fabric now you know that i'm a   bit of a sucker for a hand-dyed fabric and  you can see from this fabric this is not a   hand-dyed fabric this is a plain bit of fabric  i'm going to let the design do all the talking   it is on a 28 cant jobelan in the colorway star  sapphire and it's almost like a mint green type   color i love the color i really in fact that's  that's the sort of color i was thinking for   my bedroom upstairs i was thinking of like a  like a sagey green minty green color with grey   there you go so a little bit of decor  idea as well of what of what i'm thinking   more about that coming up so this is where  i've got to let me put something behind it   she says what we got there we go let's put that  behind it like i say very little progress on this that is where i've got to but it started it's already  started and i couldn't help myself and i love the fabric i love the color of the  fabric so at the moment this this hopefully is   going to be the project that i'm going to stitch  on this weekend at least for today um and then   maybe i should bring my chatelaine out my evening  in the park out on sunday i'm not sure but like i   say i'm back to work now so the problem with being  back to work although i'm although i'm saying i'm   back to work i'm back working from home so there's  there's a bit of news about all of that a little   bit later in the video because i know that not  everyone wants to know the dramas of teresa's life   so yeah so that is the new  star and that is the WIPS feeling really accomplished this  month so also it was my birthday   it was my birthday literally the day before i  went to the retreat hence the reason why instead   of traveling up to retreat on thursday so that i  could settle myself in and be ready for the friday   i actually traveled up on the friday  because my birthday was on the thursday   and i got some goodies for my birthday and you  know you know when it's just that you get some   good like you get some things that you think were  like the best presents ever and then some that   you like actually that wasn't the best present  ever well the one that was the best present ever is my new sewing box you wait do you see this   i saw this and i said to my husband i  love that and you know what at first   the fact that he didn't really seem to be paying  any attention i was thinking he's never going to   get it for me because he's not actually paying  attention he obviously did because he bought me   my little beehive sewing box and it's it's lovely  look it's got like a like a thatched top top and it's got bees all over it and then  it's got a drawer at the front she says it's got a little draw at the front and then in the top i've already filled it out  with stuff look you can tell it's got it's got   all things in there people absolutely love this  in fact i love this so much that then when i've i   can't even remember how i fell across it but since  i got this and loaded it up and i was like oh   oh it's just so pretty and so lovely and  then all of a sudden i managed to see   some other bits and pieces that matching that go  with the set so i'll put some pictures in here one   is like a wall needles and applique bag and the  other one is like a drawstring bag so of course i   had to have those so i can have the matching  set because i love it absolutely love that so that was like the yay moment i was like oh  got something and then there was this other   deal breaker which i specifically said to lauren  this is what i want i want it for my retreat and   i want it for my birthday so lauren's like  yeah it's fine mum i can get that for you   so cause she did well it was a daylight lamp but  it wasn't supposed to be just a day daylight lamp   it was supposed to be an all-singing all-dancing  usb daylight lamp stroke magnifier of which   didn't turn up being a usb magnifying daylight  lamp it turned out to be one that you plugged in   but what i did like about it was that it folded  up so i was like that's perfect for my retreats   and then i can put it on the table  i can use it as the magnifier   let me explain it so you put it up like  that up like that and then this bit   sort of goes down and angles whichever  way you want it and then inside there   is the magnifier and the light is really  bright let me just show you let me plug it in   so the fact that it wasn't a usb chargeable well  i don't quite know what happened now i must have   given her the wrong link and then it's it's a very  bright light look you can see how bright it is and   then obviously you can use this thing on the top  however when i've took it to the retreat and i've   tried this it's got three settings so you can  have like a subdued light there you guys have   some mood lighting um when i've actually tried it  at the retreat as far as a light is concerned so   if you flap that down and you've got that sort of  this this bit moves so you can angle the light out   this bit moves so you can angle it  down and it sits on a table like that   because it's nice and lightweight you can have it  so that it hangs off the table over your stitching   like that if you want to yeah there we go see um so as far as the lights consent   it's good for the magnifier in the top i'm  going to turn the light off so don't blind you   for the magnifier in the top total waste of time  total it's so small you can't see anything in it   and it's got this little spot eye thing which  just i don't know if you can see it there you   go which just got in the way of everything um and  for the magnifier like you know normally when you   look in a magnifier it's sort of like there's  a way of adjusting the magnification so that   you can angle it where you need it so you can  actually see i can't see anything in there   so yeah so basically it was just  a really good desk light really see so i did use it at the retreat as my light as  my light it was perfect but as a magnifier which   was sort of what i was thinking i really wanted to  have because obviously we're going to the retreat   so don't want to keep taking my massive great big  floor stand one because it blinds everybody else   and two it would be nice now that i've got my  table clamp that i use on the side of the table   when i'm not using my floor stand to have like  a magnifier that sits over the top with the big   light in it and i saw there was a few people at  the retreat that had that like they had like a   nice substantial sized um magnifying light that  was on like a cordy thing that they attached to   the desk or they attached to something and it sat  over the top so they could see their stitching   and it would light up i don't know which one is  the best one to go with or where to find them so   if anyone's got any suggestions for me that would  work for a desk setup because the magnification   and the magnifying light really i mean i could  use it on my lowery stand i could use it on my lowery desk stand for when i'm at retreats that i could  possibly clip to my needle needs stand and put that   over the top as well but like i say at the moment  i've not been able to find anything and given that   i thought this would be a deal breaker  and it actually is just a very glorified   very very good light but just a light in my  opinion um i would have preferred something that   could have covered both things for the cost  i think this this sets back about 45 pounds   but the beauty of this is for a traveling  light is perfect because it folds up to to that   so if you're traveling abroad or  you need to put it in a suitcase   yeah great little light just as far as a light  magnifier no no it's not it's not one of those   so there you go so that was the birthday treat  so i felt really quite privileged lauren bought   me some nice new earrings and um a new charm for  my bracelet my mum has paid for the framing of   andromeda and autumn promise which is with the  framers and i'm now on my little four week wait   until they're ready to be picked up so i  will share those with you when they come back   oh what else to tell you people so i had a comment  in my comments of last month a couple of them   which i thought i would answer on the  video and the only reason i'm doing that   is because one of the comments was about  giving back information that i've got so   lovely lady sent me a really really lovely  message um basically saying just a suggestion   if you ask a question such as one about  stitching or silk threads or something   that i'm asking the question of and the  community then come back with brilliant   ideas she said it would be brilliant if you  could share the response that you're given   she's basically said she's a very experienced  teacher but still has many things to learn   and working with silks is one of them  she really appreciate discovering what's   what she's learned now lovely lovely message thank  you so so much i'm not sure i've actually had   the chance to answer the messages on my youtube  channel as yet however the one thing i will say is   with the amount of times that i ask a question and  i get lots and lots of information back if i was   then to try and put that in a video and talk about  it on the video of all the answers that i got   my videos would probably be about three hours long  so what i've always relied on is the fact that   whoever is watching the video and is interested in  something that i've said that they scroll through   the comments because any comments or any any  feedback that i get with regards to a question   or something that i've said or i've reached out to  the community to say does anyone got any idea of   or how you nine times out of ten it will be  something that is answered in the comments   below the video so for those of you that are  thinking i would like to know the answer to   that question if i've asked a question out  to this wonderful community of stitches i can't sit here and input the information into a video vocally  because yeah well you know how long my   videos are i could ramble till the cows  come home and to actually remember all   of the comments because sometimes you get so  many answers back and so many responses back   from different people giving you different  information it would be very difficult for me to   to then share it back in a video so my suggestion  is if i ever ask a question of the community   about something you're interested in or something  that you would like to learn or something you   would like to know please make sure to check  all the comments in the video because most and   i say most almost all of the responses that  i get go into the comments of that video so   yeah just a heads up people if you're looking for  the answers to anything that i've asked where you   know that it's likely someone knew the answer  or someone has got a suggestion or someone has   an idea definitely check the comments in the  videos below because that is where you will   find all of that good good information that the  community share with me and that way not only are   they sharing it with me but they're sharing  it all with you as well which is fabulous   and then another one that really sort of like  tugged on my heartstrings and i thought i really   do need to bring it up in my videos is that when  i said i was going on a stitching retreat there   was a lovely lady that said she'd love to go to a  stitching retreat but in all truthfulness i don't   think my stitching is good enough well i have  to say don't ever feel that way please don't   ever feel that way when we go to the stitching  retreats no one is sitting there scrutinizing   your stitching no one is looking at your stitching  to see what you're doing well they they might have   a little look if it's something they're actually  really you know wowed by people will look at your   stitching but no one sits in judgment of anybody  else's stitching i've known people that have just   sat there literally for our whole retreat and  just stitched on those little mill hill kits and that's that's what i mean it's more about  the socialization and you getting to see what   everyone else is teaching but please don't  ever feel if there's anyone out there that   is choosing not to go to retreats because they  don't feel that their stitching is good enough or   they're not an experienced enough  stitcher please don't think that   i mean yeah i don't even know how to express  that because the thought of having someone that   considers that their their stitching  isn't very good or that they're new   to stitching so therefore they can't go  to a retreat these retreats are not for   professionals they're not for professional  stitches they're not even for people that have   you know long season stitches that's not what the  retreats are for the retreats are for everybody   people that have never picked up a needle and  thread right the way through to the ones that have   you know can do just about anything standing  on their head you know they can stitch in in   hoop they can stitch on a scroll they can  stitch in hand they can stitch with their   eyes shut yeah there's people like that but that  doesn't mean that they're the only ones that can   go to a retreat retreats are open to everyone  and no one no one sits in judgment of anybody   else's stitching that's the beauty of it so  please please don't think you can't go to a   retreat because you don't think your stitching  is good enough or you're not experienced enough   or yeah well any reason any reason at all  because that is not the case i just thought   i'd share that because the fact i've had the  comment i was just like oh wow do she honestly   think she can't go to a retreat because she  doesn't think her stitching's good enough   no that's not the case not the case at all and  i'm sure that everyone in this community would   agree with me that these retreats that are  set up regardless of where in the world they   are they offer anyone that wants to use a needle  and thread they are for anyone that wants to do a   bit of stitching they are for anyone that wants to  connect with the community and spend a bit of time   with like-minded people talking about like-minded  things and talking about the hobby that we love   and it doesn't matter whether it's your new hobby  and that you've only done it for a week or so   and you've got the tiniest little project in the  world that really doesn't matter you can still go   to the retreats you will still be welcomed with  open arms no one is sitting in judgment of you   okay so i just thought i would share that  because it came into my comments of my last video next so on last month's video  i done a giveaway yes i did   where i said that i was you know i looked at this  i looked at it with magnification and i couldn't   see it and i said i would give away this 1 16 fat  qual yeah 1 16 fat not quite sure what that means   weeks die works at 46 count in the colorway  tin roof here it is in its little bag so i said in the last video in your  comments somewhere mention the word tin roof   and this can be yours so i run the drawer offline and about now  you should be seeing who the winner is so   she sent me the message saying i've  recently moved to 36 can so i could   only use one three one thread i'd love  to try tin roof and that was susan Albaugh   so susan Albaugh i think that's how you say your  name um congratulations please reach out to me   um you will find my instagram my email  address in the comments below contact me   let me find out what your address is and i  will get this in the post to you pronto so   congratulations susan this month i received some  very very heartwarming love felt super exciting loveliness from the community so i had two  very very lovely ladies who reached out to me and wanted to do a random act of kindness and  they did and wow did it make me swell i have   to say i was yeah it's the best feeling ever  so both of them wanted to make me some socks   i've always loved handmade socks i've never had a  set of handmade socks and you know when you just   i would love to have handmade socks these lovely  ladies in question obviously our sock knitters and i was totally wowed by by the  knitting i have to say and it's it's   it's made me sit there thinking trees you really  should try this you really should because oh i   could sit and make these all day long if mine  looked like this but these are amazing socks   so let me share with you my socks so  first of all the lovely lady susan Susan Bachan is it Bachen i think it's bachan   she reached out to me asking for the details of  my feet which is all really quite fresh and new   to me she stitched me oh sorry she didn't stitch  me she knitted me these lovely lovely socks and   her i think it's her grandchildren sent me these  lovely little gift tags that come with my socks look at that and they were learning to put  something in the post so there was a little video   on susan's instagram where she was shown where the  children were were learning to do gift tags and   wrap up the parcel to put it in the post  so i feel totally honored i have to say and she even done like a little a little tag  for me where she told me how she made the socks and she said that both socks were knitted two  at a time on circular needles and it's a drops   fabel drops fabel sock yarn machine wash no  tumble dry see she even told me everything that   i need to know i was just like how cool is that  so here are my lovely socks that she knitted me   there we go look at them look at my  socks my knitted socks i love my socks so as a demonstration on one's foot i can  only i can only lift one leg so leftover   it'll have to be the good leg so just to prove  to you susan that your socks fit me perfectly look at that look at my socks i'm  so excited about what i thought   do you know what i've been waiting to wear  these socks for like almost a whole month   so that i could wear them but i might  i can't wear them before i go on to   floss tube and show it to everyone now i've  got to show them before i start wearing them   so yeah so that is my first pair of socks handmade  socks from susan so thank you so much susan   and thank you for the children for their lovely  little gift tags that was lovely thank you so much   and then there was a gorgeous gorgeous lady by  the name of anne baxter and if you're interested   wow i mean she's called the sock tart on  facebook so i'll put her information below   and when her socks turned up to  me you know when you're like wow   i'm blown away so they turned up in  this beautiful little box look at that and it was all lovely lovely gift wrapping she gave me a couple of sneak peeks on  instagram just to show me the pictures   of them before they turned up and you know  when you're like oh wow they're just so me   would you look at these sparkly little numbers  look at them are they not divine i love those   and it's like a sparkly i don't know if i can get  it to capture the sparkles people don't know can   you see the sparkles you see the sparkles i don't  think you can but i absolutely love these so ann   thank you so so much i have to demonstrate again   i love i love in these socks i've been waiting so  off honestly it took all my willpower in the world   to wait before i actually wear these look at them  socks would you look at them i love those oh do   you know what i think i'm gonna be really quite  reluctant to to wear any socks that are like shot   bought now after trying these on so thank you  so so much i love my socks my socks are lovely   now i just need to learn how to knit my own damp  socks so that i can have a whole draw of socks   and maybe make some for you know hubby and lauren  and yeah no i don't think that's going to happen   is it well you'll see what i mean upcoming  when i show you my knitting yeah it's not good   so if you're interested in seeing i mean  the beauty of well these socks specifically are on a hand-dyed wall from what i can  remember let me see if i've got the information   i'm sure she said yes she didn't know she didn't  i'm sure she said they're on a a hand-dyed wall which is a bit more expensive than a non-dyed  wall so i don't she said like she used i think she   does do socks for custom people so if like people  want some socks made she does she can do sort of   made socks i mean i went on to her facebook  page like i say sock tart on facebook   and i was blown away by the number of socks and  the different types of socks that she's knitted   um and i'm pretty sure that if anyone wanted  some socks knitted up and you was prepared   to pay for the for the lovely yarn and the  hand-dyed yarn then definitely go give her   a little look i mean she's  love her she's even sent me   look she's even sent me some little twirled up  balls of the wall see that look at that oh it's   just like oh oh and i love it and you can see  where this is hand-dyed it's a hand-dyed wall but yeah i must admit i was i was blown away   i was blown away so i've got these  little these little bits with my socks   see and she also lover sent me a very very  lovely needle minder from denkai designs i love that look at that and  it even matches my nails look   it's almost like she was in sync with me   so a very very very huge thank you to anne baxter  the sock tart on facebook for my gorgeous socks   so a huge huge heartfelt thank you thank  you so so much ladies for the lovely socks   so thank you so much susan and anne for  my socks and now i can actually wear them   and i need to learn to knit some socks because i  love them absolutely love them i'm blown away by   socks okay so what's next this is the point where  for those of you that have listened to me waffle   have seen all these good things and you like the  trees i'm done that's fine thank you so much for   coming and hanging out with me but for those of  you that are into a bit of haul a bit of life   update and to see my really quite poor effort of  knitting hang about because that's coming up next   so we're at the hall section people so  for those of you that want to see what   i've been spending my money on i wouldn't say  i've gone crazy i don't think i've gone crazy   but there is a little bit there is a little bit i  i'll confess so you'll remember back from my last   video i mentioned to you that there was a lovely  lady by the name of tina on etsy called bbz bags   that does the sleeves for the scroll bars but she  also does does other stuff as well so i couldn't   help myself after looking around in the uk and  couldn't find anywhere for the things that i   wanted i decided that i would throw caution to the  wind because it was my birthday and treat myself   to some of her goodies and because i did that  she also gifted me well she's done a nice little   sort of extra thing for me so she sent me a lovely little bag with a scissor key oh there  it is inside it's got a little brand thing on   the top look be busy bags so thank you so so  much tina that's lovely and i asked for some   scroll bar covers or scroll bars for my you  know my big projects and also a grime guard   for an 11 by nine q snap so here's my 11 by nine  q snap and again it's got a brandon on the inside   little bbz beautiful grime guards matches my  bag my little project bag and also i ordered the bar sleeves so here they are so this is the sleeves it's got a little tie up so that i can time  up it's got a little handle and just inside   just inside it's got it's got her little tag but  that is how i store my scroll bars and i love it   because i can just hang i just hang everything up  all on its scrolls i don't ever take anything off   but i got a few bags so i got  one for my really big bars i got another one that is from  my i think my 24 inch scroll bars   and again exactly the same beautifully  made little tag on the handle   lovely little project bag or scroll bar bag  i think they're called scroll bar sleeves oh   everything's falling off the table and  then one more i think this was for my 36. my 36 inch buzz so yeah and i said to her i i hadn't i didn't  really have in mind any type of fabric   color or design but she asked me what i would like   i said to her you know give me some ideas so  she she sent me a little picture of all the   ideas and i was like yep i'll go with whatever  your suggestion is so tina thank you so so much   the shipping wasn't massively expensive in  in the grand scheme of things in the end um   and it didn't take as long as i thought they would  to get here so they did sort of make it within   i think within two well within about three weeks  i think they got here so yeah so i was i'm truly   grateful so if you're looking for either project  bags or grime guards or project sleeves like these   like i say tina healy be busybags on etsy because  she does a wonderful job and if there's something   that you're looking for that isn't on our site  of course reach out to her i'm pretty sure that   you know if there's not something on there that  you're looking for she can normally help you   and it was such a lovely service and she was very  quick with her responses which is fabulous so then what else turned up i might have fell down  a bit of a rabbit hole people you know   because it would be rude naughty and that  is i was looking for some more needleminders   and i fell across this lovely lovely lady of  which i have to say i'm like you know you know   when you get something and you like first oh  wait and see what it's like but when it says   oh wow that's so cool so you'll know that there's  quite a lot of people that love the clay by kim's   yes they are dragons yes they're full of detail  i don't think she does them in the uk they're   not they're not easy to get your hands on now  here in the uk or anywhere else by the sounds   of it because they're so sought after but there  is a lady on etsy called pedro's pedro's plaques   so she's got a website and she's on etsy  here's the card pedro's plaits plaques even and she does these needle minders and  when i saw the mods i have to have them   so these are the ones that i've got and i've took  them off projects just so that i could show them   because i was frightened that i'd forget to  show them so here's the first one it says a   little bumblebee on a flower of course it goes  with my um it goes with my new my new sewing box and here's another one with bumblebees look at  that and the fact that they're as big as they   are i like them because they're nice and big  rather than little that they're nice and big   for my needles to sit on and then finally when  i saw this one and this one's this one was a   hat to have especially since now i've took up  a little bit of knitting although well you'll   see what i mean shortly i got this one which is  a little knitted ball with some flowers on it and each one on the back is like a button  so a matching a matching colored button   like buttons on the backs so if you're  looking for some 3d type needle minders   that i think are made of clay or something  along that lines then definitely check out   her site she does other needle minders  as well and other beats and pieces but   as soon as i saw these i was i have to have these  and i have a sneaky suspicion that you're going   to see a lot more of these from me because i  absolutely adore these absolutely adore them   i think i might have to get some fall  type ones so you know some pumpkins and   halloweeny type things just because i haven't  got any of those but yeah absolutely love those   so that is my little my little spend on some  needle minders because i don't really have that   many needle minders i'm not like a needle-minded  mad person sorry about the rough i've also now   signed up for a new threads of the month club with  lakeside needlecrafts because you know it's rude   not to so i decided that it's about time i started  getting a little collection of classic color works   so i think i've got two months now so i think  i've got august ones which turned up in september   and then this other lot i think turned up  at the end of september into october so here's what i've got so far   she says these are the ones that have turned up  so there's just a bit of everything in there and   i think the idea is that by the end of it i'll  have the full set of classic color work colors so   i'm going to give those a go and see what i think  of stitching with those and whether i actually use   in them lot of because there are a lot of projects  that i've got waiting in the wings to be honest   the smaller stuff that actually calls for  classic color works so i was thinking well   you know maybe i should just try and  get them and and see how i like them and it gives me the option to change stuff up  a little bit instead of just going with dmc so there was that where i decided that i was  missing out on a on a thread of the month   club like i said i ordered some fabric from  jodryi designs for my frosty knot garden and i ordered a 25 count lugana in pixie  potion obviously i've not used it because   i went with the star sapphire from one  two three stitch but here is the fabric   now it is a little mottled but the whole  point of this is that it's supposed to be   it's supposed to be so so subtly done that  it's not an obvious it's not an obvious blend   and i think she's done a  very good job of that because   there are certain areas of it that are slightly  lighter than others but it is more of a bluey   a bluey color and obviously i needed the greeny  color when i done my floss toss well you saw in   the picture but in in the camera you can see  the difference one is one is much more bluey and one is much more on the green spectrum so  yeah so hence the reason why i decided to go   with that but because this is such a good color  and i think it would work with a lot of things   yeah couldn't help myself on that so i was  like that's that's still going to be a great   bit of fabric to use because there's lots of  projects that i could use for this because   it's almost although it's like it's a bluey  color it's actually really quite a good neutral it is quite a good neutral color so yeah it won't  go to waste but then i don't think any fabric that   we get goes to waste does it and can you there's  usually something you can find to put on something   and then finally for the hole we're  getting there people we're nearly there   finally for the whole i fell down the rabbit  hole and it might have something to do with   the owl forest embroidery rabbit hole i  know i know like i needed anything else but when i saw some other people's and i was  like you know what i've never actually gone on   their website and had a little look when i did  oh wow oh well well i fell down a rather big   rabbit hole because i ended up ordering this one  our forest embroidery cherry orchard so there it is and when it turned up i didn't  really know what to expect it   i didn't well ah the goodies you get in  here people what can i say would you look   at those threads would you look  at them i'm like oh my gosh i'm loving that little combination of stuff there so cute and then i've got some fabric  for it would you believe it you know i   always say why is it always stitch on blue always  stitching on blue and then below me i'm starting   my chatelaine on a green and this is a green  it's a slightly different green see yeah see it's ever so slightly different green but  this is green as well so i'm like oh fancy that   let's see that whatever those two projects are  they'll go in the same in the same room we think and what else came in here we also got the needles   and the needle minder and the needleminder  is the needleminder that matches the design   i mean i don't know where i've been all my life  how comes i didn't know about the owl forest   embroidery stuff and that it was all matching  like this because you know i'm a sucker for   things that match there we go look let me take the  needles off so i can show it to you look at that i love that look and it's the little house so it  totally matches totally matches the design love   although i'm sitting there going i  love it but then when i saw the charts   because it's all paper format i have to say  i was a bit like oh i was a bit overwhelmed   you know like when you guys say to me  you know you get a bit overwhelmed at   the thought of the shatterling which to me  i'm like i don't understand why anyone's   overwhelmed with one of those they've got  such good instructions in them that you know they're easy to work out when  i saw the instructions for this um yeah even i was like i'm a little confused  it might just be i'm confused because   well it's just like well so the chart i mean  i didn't realize this had loads of specialty   stitches in it i didn't realize that i'm not going  to show you the top half because that's the chart   or part of the chart but just the specialty  stitches alone are on like and then you've   got diagrams and then but yeah yeah so  there's a whole lot of that going on yeah i mean they're very big so at least you never  not have to worry about not being able to read it but i think i think i'm gonna have to spend a bit  of time sort of really looking through this as to   as to what is what and how i  work my way through the chart   so but that's another bit of excitement so i might  actually start that this month if i get you know   i'm at the moment i'm all about starting  all the things i could end up with   i don't know hundreds of projects at  this rate but i absolutely love this   absolutely love it look at that look at that i  love it i love that little house in the middle   and the fact that this says cherry  orchard and i live down an orchard well the road name that i live in is orchard  so i was just like it's like an omen to   me it's an omen i have to i have to have it so  that's another one for starting but it's a kit   it is a true kit so i don't need to worry about  going and getting anything because it's all here   so there we go there's all the rabbit holes  that i fell down there's all the things   that i've done because i'm crazy like  that or i seem to be a bit crazy like that what else to tell you wow it's a whole lot  of video today what else to tell you so   knitting knitting this in i i know you all  want to know about the knitting so let's   let's show you the knitting the knitting i have  to say i thought was going good guns and slowly   but surely every single time i've done something  on it something else has gone wrong that's how   badly this is going but i'm determined i will  not give up i am not giving up i will persevere   so you'll remember that i had decided i want to do  the shrug because worst case scenario if it wasn't   good enough to be a shrug i could just turn it  into a lap blanket for when i'm laying on the sofa   and it was the decisiveness of bulky scoop  shrug knitting pattern that i got off etsy   uh broomfields here it is  so that will be the shrug there we go and after a little bit of research on the wall   all the walls turned up for what i  wanted and the wall that i went with was she says malabrigo malabrigoyan yeah malabrigo yarn in the  colorway perusian blue so there it is and then the name of the of the yarn  that i'm using is there that one melabrico yarn   here it is it's gorgeous isn't it love that  and because there's so much of it and it's   all in skeins she says i've actually got a um  what do they call it a yarn winder and ball   maker thing the two things together so that i can  just whistle it around and it will turn it into a   pretty ball because all the time that they're in  these skeins i can't put them in a bag because   they're just too big if if they were a ball it  would be easier to work with so i have this wall   for this project of which i made the start  and we started off good guns people we did   it was it was all going so so well  and then all of a sudden it wasn't   and yeah even to this day i still can't  quite work out what i did wrong um so we've it looks like a giant  railroad skirt now i love the color   you can already spot some of the problems right  so this bit this bit seems to be going okay so   where i've got like the the edge and then it goes  into i think you call that a stockinette stitch and it all seems to be going fairly well um apart  from i went wrong down here and i still for the   life of me can't work out what i did there it  is look so i've got a couple of holes in there   but they're not unraveling or undoing i think i've  done like a yarn over or i've done something but   yeah there's there's something  not quite right there and then where else we've got some more holes i think we've  got some holes here we've got some holes in the   bottom in the bottom rib which i'm hoping  that i can just tie up you won't see that   other than that it's okay but you know when you  just start why why is this so hard why do i end up   with holes in it because there's there's there's  like the odd hole there's not like all holes but   then when i do make a boo-boo i make it so that  it's it's a really big boo-boo like that one there   which i now think i think the only thing  i can do is just try and put some wool   over it and tie it in a knot so yeah so as  you can see yeah the dilemmas of knitting   and i honestly thought how on earth can  this be this difficult when this is just   knit a row purler nero perlero do you know what  i had less holes in my other shrug that had yarn   overs and knit togethers in it than this has got  and i've only just started this i mean this is   only like up to up to my waist from my bottom  i mean i've got a little ways to go yeah we've   got at least another three lots of that to go so  god knows what's going to happen and then because   i had to add the the yarn together as well because  i run out of yarn i needed to start a new ball   that was a whole new thing for me  because i've never done that a bit like   i've never added a color um so yeah so i've got  i've got these strands hanging at the back here   and i think i'm supposed to knit those into  the back but how the hell would you do that   i don't know but yeah so welcome  to the world of trees as knitting   the more the more this goes on the more i'm  seeing this this could end up just being a   a blanket on my lap at this rate but i'm  gonna persevere and the fact that it's   such a gorgeous wall and it wasn't cheap i need  to try and make the best of this as best i can   but it is big and there's lots of it so you  know just to stick just to knit a row i need   to have enough time to finish the whole row you  can't so it's the only thing with knitting you   can't finish halfway through across the row  you have to finish the rows so that is that so that is the knitting but like i say as you  can see it's it's not going terribly well again but i'm determined i'm very determined we have  to get we have to get trees and knitting because   it's coming up winter and teresa wants to be  able to knit socks so i need to learn to knit as well as i think i mentioned that there was   my enablers my nitty friend  enablers so orietta and mj and um trisha you all know who you are even mary yeah  you all know who you are you're all on that   little messenger group and think that i don't see  you but i stalk you i'm i i look i lurk and watch   and then whenever i reach out to my old treasure  just try this but they're the ones that decided   that it would be a good thing for me to try this  this different thing so it was their idea that   i should have a go at this other shawl type  thing as a practice because it had different   stitches in it and it would help but here's a  picture i think i've shown this already well   i downloaded the tutorial thing that's  like a it says like a lesson in thing so   you like do the lesson and you do  it haven't started it yet however   the wall turns out oh my god if nothing  else i think i just want to collect wall   just so i can hang it on the wall because  it's so pretty so the wall that i went with is for these for these particular shoes  and i can't remember what one i went with   in the end i think it was the i don't  know but anyway so here's one of them and then the combination pack that  goes with it is here look at that i love that i thought that i went with the dusk is  what i thought i went with but then when   the lady ran me from the shop and was  saying what wall was it that you wanted   because she had other options there even though  the website wasn't showing that she had options   this is what i actually went with in the  end so i love those look at that combination   so now all i need to do is get my shrug sorted out  so that i can start on my scarf with my knitting   because yeah i need to knit all the things so i  think that just about wraps everything up people   i've told you everything that i have everything  that i know everything that you need to know   everything that i need to know is what it is  right so yeah i'm sure that october will be   yet again another month of whirlwind  action i just need to try and do all   the things or something or anything or whatever  i manage and until next time bye bye for now you
Channel: Teresa Little Stitcher
Views: 15,742
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Keywords: flosstube, cross stitch, full coverage, WIPS, stitch with me, drawn thread, cross stitch full coverage for beginners, teresa little stitcher, teresalittlestitcher, floss tubers cross stitch uk, flosstube uk, flosstube channels, flosstube full coverage, flosstube cross stitch, teresa little stitcher youtube, knitting, owl forest embroidery, heaven and earth designs cross stitch, heaven and earth designs, chatelaine cross stitch, chatelaine evening in the park, chatelaine designs
Id: CjknqmNGHXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 34sec (5074 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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