"Babylon -- The Harlot of False Religion" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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take your bibles and turn to where are we revelation oh that's right revelation and we're in verse chapter 17. revelation chapter 17 and i hope that you have uh been enjoying revelation it has been one of the most sweet times for me personally that i've ever had in preaching through the word of god i just thank god for this book and what it it means to us during this time of pandemic all of us uh i think we're all kind of in this together and that we've never been through this before and yet god is faithfully bringing us through revelation 17 uh is talking about some really heavy stuff you're talking about the destruction of all false religion in the world false religion by definition is any religion other than the gospel of jesus christ if any religion is not centered exclusively not just does it include a little bit of jesus but if it's not focused exclusively on jesus christ it is false religion there is only one way to god and that is through our lord and savior jesus christ and in revelation 17 we see literally the eradication of all false religion in the world false religion is compared in the book of revelation to an idolatrous harlot that seduces sinful mankind and the book of revelation has it goes back into the old testament and picks out a word for false religion and it's not hard to pick it out that word is babylon and the reason they chose babylon under the inspiration of the holy spirit is because babylon really is where all false religion began if you go back to the tower of babel which is where babylon came from that's where false religion came when these people came they wanted to build a ziggurat a tower to heaven and they wanted to worship god on their own terms how many of you know somebody that doesn't want to worship the god of the bible they want to worship god on their own terms does anybody know anybody like that i've got my hands i know a lot of them they don't want to worship the bible way they don't want to worship jesus christ they just want to come up with their own religion well that's what happened at babylon and god came down destroyed that uh that tower and they spread out everywhere all over the world and when they did they took their false religion with them and so idolatry is everywhere god then goes to abraham and through him and through isaac his son and through jacob his son and through the twelve sons of jacob israel you have a new monotheistic religion called judaism and from that would come the messiah the lord jesus christ who established obviously christianity he is the rock upon which christianity is built and now we have the true religion if that's what you want to call it i like to call it a relationship but every other religion is still vying to try to get people to pull in and by the way even if you're an atheist you have a belief system and that's exactly what religion is a belief system even if you're an atheist you are religious you are religious about not being religious all right and i'm not talking about both sides of my mouth so everybody has a belief system you believe something and whatever that is that's your religion if it's not focused on jesus it is a false religion and god is going to allow it to be destroyed during the great tribulation that's in chapter 17. next week we will look at the other side of babylon that is the economic side the commercial side the business side this week we're looking at the religious side babylon is a a system that tries to run the whole world it is the worldly way of life not living for god but the worldly wail that paul talked about it in the most theological all the his all of his letters are theological but by far the most theological of his letters the book of romans and he opens right out of the gate talking about idolatry or false religion and why it's so bad look at me whatever you believe is going to determine what you do so if you believe wrong guess what you're going to do wrong that's why you have to believe in the gospel of jesus now look here's what paul says in romans 1 beginning in verse 18 but god shows his anger from heaven against all sinful wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness how many of you know that some things are true and some things are lie anymore we don't you don't even hear about truth anymore but god talks about it they know the truth about god verse 19 because he has made it obvious to them for ever since the world was created people have seen the earth and the sky through everything god made they can clearly see his invisible qualities and he gives two of them his eternal power and his divine nature so that they have no excuse for not knowing god i want to stop here and just say look at me everybody deep in their heart they know there's a god because you can't explain creation apart from a creator you look around and you see all this stuff you say there's no way this was just some big explosion and by the way who exploded it who timed the detonator on that thing and what's go what exploded who created something to explode it just all happened i don't have enough faith to believe that gobbledygook i believe god created the heavens and the earth i believe god the creator so that's what paul's saying verse 21 yes they knew god but they wouldn't worship him as god or even give him thanks and they began to think up foolish ideas of what god was like now he's about to talk about idolatry which is the point i'm making as a result their minds became dark and confused claiming to be wise they instead became utter fools and instead of worshiping the glorious ever living god they worshipped idols ah there's the false religion made to look like mere people or birds animals reptiles how'd you like to worship a reptile so god abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desire some of you think that god's wrath is when he gives some cataclysmic bowl of judgment well that's one form but i want to tell you another form of god wrath is when he gives you over to your sinful self and you destroy yourself through your own sin that's what he's talking about there it says so god abandoned them to do whatever the shameful things their hearts desired as a result they did vile and degrading things with each other's bodies now what's he talking about specifically ah we're going to get to it you'll never hear this talked about on television they traded the truth about god for a lie they worshiped and served the things god created instead of the creator himself who is worthy of eternal praise amen that is why god abandoned them to their shameful desires even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other lesbianism and the men instead of having normal sexual relations with women burned with less lust for each other men did shameful things with other men and as a result of this sin they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved homosexuality so they thought it foolish to acknowledge god since they thought it foolish to acknowledge god he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do the things that should never be done their lives became full of every kind of wickedness sin greed hate envy murder quarreling deception militia malicious behavior and gossip they are backstabbers haters of god insolent proud and boastful they invent new ways of sinning and they disobey their parents they refuse to understand they break their promises they are heartless they have no mercy they know god's justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die yet they do them anyway worse yet they encourage others to do them too does that not sound like american culture today you know it does sure it does now for the next two sundays we're going to study this sinful evil world system that will dominate after the church is raptured out man is incurably religious they're going to have to have some kind of religion and this is what is going to be pushed on the world this false religion and the bible says it's going to be like a harlot it is going to be so enticing it's going to be like a harlot pulling people in to commit spiritual adultery which is idolatry worshipping an untrue god we're going to look at that today we're going to look at the economic side of it next week babylon today the harlot of false religion number one the harlot of false religion babylon is degenerate degenerate it is wicked look at verse 1. then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me saying come here i will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters once again in this book an angel comes to john angle angelos is messenger an angel is a messenger he comes with a message from god an important message and he beckons john to come and see something and then he speaks he shows john the great harlot who sits on the waters the great harlot is babylon the evil world system now i've reminded you of this before but you know not everybody shows up in the same service every time so i want to remind you again today that the word world is used in at least three ways in the bible number one in genesis 1 god created the heavens and the earth the world so the world is this blue planet upon which we live okay if you get on the moon it looks blue because most of it is about 60 or 70 of his water so it's blue and it's it's beautiful and all that that's the world that's the terra firma god created the world so that's one way to use the word world the second one is in john 3 16. for god so loved the what say hello world that's people people the people on the planet and the planet two ways to look at the world but there's a third way and that is this evil alluring tempting world system that is anti-jesus anti-god anti-bible you would think there's so much of it it's so prevalent in the world you would think they're having some kind of annual conference to get all their talking points together but the bottom line is the bible says that the devil is the ruler of the world in the sense of this evil world system that is going to manifest itself unashamedly and openly during the great tribulation right now it's kind of hiding but it's always there it's always there it's always luring you in it's like a harlot just luring you in and pulling on your emotions pulling on your desires pulling on you that's what the devil wants he's constantly trying to suck you in and the bible says don't you love it don't love it christian don't love the world don't love that evil world system listen to john he wrote the book of revelation he also wrote 1st john and he wrote chapter 2 verses 5 15-17 don't love the world nor the things in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him for all that's in the world the lust of the flesh here's the three categories of sin there is no sin that doesn't fit in at least one of these categories the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life boastful pride of life it's not from the father it's from the world and this world is what say it out loud passing away how many of you know that's true world's passed away look you go buy a new car set it in your garage and leave it there for 20 years it'll be a bucket of bolts in in two decades everything tears up if you don't believe that just go look at some of the stuff you bought way back in the day and why is it wearing out your clothes don't last your pots and pans don't last go look in the mirror you don't look the same all right you just don't and that's just the way it is things wear out they just wear out we're about to get all new seats in here you know why because they're wearing out everything we look around everything where'd that come from it came from the fall look god originally created it to be a paradise forever there was no death but now where death comes there is also this death to the the permanency that we were supposed to have and so god says don't you love this world it's passing away james 1 27 says pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our god and father is this to visit orphans and visit means to take care of orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world the evil world system babylon james four verse four he says you adulteresses he's not talking about people that commit they're unfaithful to their spouse he's talking about spiritual adultery which is idolatry you spiritual adulteresses you idolaters do you not know that friendship with this world this evil world system is hostility toward god therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of god look at me you can't have it both ways you can't come in here and live for jesus on sunday and then live like the devil all week long choose you this day whom you will serve either serve jesus or serve the devil because you can't do both can't do both either serve the world or serve the one who created the heavens and the earth there's your choice and then paul said in romans 12 2 don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove or discern what the will of god is that which is good acceptable and perfect if you're a friend of the world you're an enemy of god if you love babylon you're not going to live in new jerusalem all right you're just not you're either a citizen of babylon and you love this world and the things of this world or you're a citizen of heaven and you love the lord jesus christ you can't have it both ways can't do it and so he says in verse 1. he said come here i'm going to show you this harlot she's sitting on many waters that's many people and she's influencing these people now look at verse two with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of immorality that's again not sexual immorality but it's idolatry which is spiritual uh immorality and those who dwell on the earth were made drunk with the wine of her immorality so you have the kings the influencers and then you have the regular folks those who dwell on the earth the common people they're all drunk on the wine if you will of this spiritual immorality this spiritual idolatry this false religion called babylon and the bible says that by the way you can't serve two masters i was just talking about that i got that from jesus okay it's good to get your theology from the bible especially jesus jesus said in the sermon on the mount matthew 6 24 no one can serve how many masters two no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one or love the other he will be devoted to one and despise the other you cannot serve god and wealth it's the greek word mammonos memenos and it means wealth it means money literally it means property what it means is you can't love the stuff you've got to love jesus you can't love the stuff you use the stuff but you love jesus and people you don't use people and you don't use god you just use the stuff the things out there that god gives you to make it through but you don't seek that you seek the lord you don't seek wealth you don't get drunk with the wine of babylon's immorality look at verse 3 and he carried me away in the spirit into a wilderness and i saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast this is this false religion this harlot sitting on the antichrist antichrist is carrying her along because he's using her that's what you do with the harlot you don't love them you use them and so he carries them along and she is being carried by who she thinks is faithful to her but he's going to dump her down the road and we're going to see that in a moment full of blasphemous names having seven heads and ten horns the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet she's dressed like a harlot a woman of the street and she was adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality and on her forehead a name was written she's not ashamed of it it's right there for you to see babylon the great the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth again john sees this vision and he sees this worldly religion and this worldly economy being carried by the antichrist and she was dressed to allure and to bring you in isn't that what the world does you're going along pretty good you're in your house love your house grateful for your house and all of a sudden you look at your neighbor's house and they've got this and you don't have one of those maybe it's a pool maybe it's a bigger garage maybe it's an add-on den in the back i don't know maybe it's a porch maybe it's a nice new tree or a garden or maybe you didn't look at the house maybe you saw the new car that they've got and they've got a brand new red chimera and you look at your old beat up piece of junk and you say man i gotta have one of those i gotta have one of those oh i need one of those or you go out and you look at your clothes and you look at somebody wearing nicer clothes oh i i can't keep these clothes they cover me well they look good they fit but oh you know i've had them two months it's time to get some more and so you go get and what are you doing you're falling into babylon the things of this world are luring you in like a harlot and they think you think i've got to have more i've got to have different you're married everything's going great and then you see some other person and oh you see them at work you see them when they're all dressed up you don't see them when they have the stomach bug and they're throwing up you see them when they're all dressed up oh they look so good and you start having wrong thoughts and you don't take your thoughts captive to the obedience of christ and all of a sudden now you're in a compromising situation what happened the lure of babylon is pulling you in at all times and you have to walk with jesus you have to seek first the kingdom of god or you'll give into it and i'm telling you don't give in to babylon don't love the world don't don't love the world where did it start it actually started all the way back in the garden of eden when eve was having a conversation with the devil look at me don't converse with the devil if you tell him anything quote a scripture at him and move on like jesus did but don't party with him he's smarter than you and he will trick you whether you believe he can or not and eve gets into this discussion he says ah god's holding out on you you're not going to die if you eat that forbidden fruit he's holding out on you he knows that you're going to be come like him if you eat that fruit go ahead eat it what is that babylon the world luring you in it started with eve and the bible says in genesis 3 6 when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes and the tree was desirable to make one wise what is that lust of the flesh lust of the eyes pride of life the three categories of sin right there just like we saw in first john 2. and here it is she took from its fruit and ate and she gave ulcer to her husband because we like other people to sin with us and he ate what is that giving in to the world and the minute they did they knew that they were unclean they knew that they were naked and they were ashamed and they wanted to try to cover themselves babylon tainted everything in god's beautiful paradise called eden and today it allures us as well this sinful wicked anti-jesus anti-by anti-truth anti-church anti-god system is prevalent in our day it is all over our media it is all over our entertainment it is all over our schools it is all over our world it is everywhere we look and we have got to keep our eyes riveted on jesus christ and his word or we're going to give in to babylon babylon is degenerate i can't tell you enough and let me tell you something else it is also number two deadly it's deadly it will kill a christian in a heartbeat and i mean kill i'm not just talking about hercules i'm talking about take you down look at verse six and i saw this woman drunk she's a harlot and she's drunk what's she drunk with with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses of jesus when i saw her i wondered greatly he was saying i i couldn't believe what i was seeing let me ask you this can you believe some of the things you see nowadays in our culture if you'd have told me 40 years ago some of the things that were going to be on i got married 40 years ago if you had told me what was going to be going on in our culture i said there's no way in 40 years in just four decades there's no way that could happen in america it's not just happening in america it's all over the world and it's going to get worse before it gets better it's going to get worse before jesus comes in chapter 19. the bible says she was drunk with the blood of the saints the blood of the witnesses of jesus i want to say this to you this harlot of false religion has killed more christians than any army ever has false religions all over the world right now are killing christians in martyrdom left and right go to china they're being killed by the masses go to other places and christians have been pulled out and pointed out and killed and look at me during the great tribulation many christians are going to get people are going to become christians but many are going to be killed by this harlot of false religion false religion doesn't want you and me to say the words of jesus which he said in john 14 6 jesus said i am the way the truth the life no one comes to god through me false religion doesn't want you saying that false religion will eventually kill you if you say that and they'll also kill you if you say what peter said in acts 4 12. neither is there is salvation in no one else for there's no other name under heaven talking about the name of jesus that has been given among men by which we must be saved and it's sure going to kill you if you say what paul said in first timothy chapter 2 verse 5 timothy there's only one god okay but let me tell you this there's only one mediator only one go between between god and men the man christ jesus and what that's saying is the only way to god is through jesus christ and that's why in the tribulation the devil devil's going to take down christians through this evil world system of false religion babylon is going to be drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses of jesus it is deadly thirdly babylon is deceived it will be deceived now this is very interesting if i've learned anything in the book of revelation is god is in ultimate control god doesn't cause everybody to do what they do but god can take anything that anybody does and still come out with his will ultimately being done and he is even going to allow this harlot this spiritual harlot of false religion to allure people in and then he's going to put it in the heart of the antichrist once antichrist has used that harlot all he wants he's going to throw her down and kill that religion if you will and then he's going to have the abomination of desolation he's going to tell everybody you don't worship like babylon told you to you don't worship the falsehood you worship me he will say now and i'm the only one you can worship and by the way i'm also in charge of the economy you have to take my brand you have to take the mark of the beast or you can't buy or sell or trade he's going to take over the whole thing and the bible says god is behind all of it not that god is causing anybody to sin but god is maneuvering all of it he's putting it on telling this one what to do that one what to do so they can get them all to the valley of armageddon and guess what then jesus is coming out he's wiping out the whole bunch amen so just stick with me i'm going to give you a little bit of this minutiae here and explain some of it look at verse 7 the angel said to me why do you wonder i will tell you the mystery of the woman and the beast that carries her which has the seven heads and the ten horns you say what are the seven heads and the ten horns i'm going to tell you in a minute the beast that you saw was and is not and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction what does that mean i'm going to tell you in a minute and those who dwell on the earth whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will wonder when they see the beast that he was and is not and will come what does that mean here we see the connection of babylon the false religion harlot with the beast the angel said the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her the woman is being supported by the antichrist during the first half of the great tribulation but then the beast will turn against that religion that false religion and make the real religion the only religion that is is something he allows is worshiping him he's going to be against worship of jesus christ also false religion only you can worship the beast the antichrist verse 8 and those who dwell on the earth whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will wonder when they see the beast that he was and is not and will come antichrist is going to pretend to die and pretend to rise from the dead he's going to pretend to die he was he's going to pretend to rise he was and is not and he will come means exactly that he will deceive the world with the trick of death and the trick of resurrection and then he's going to garner everybody's allegiance verse nine here is the mind which has wisdom the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits and there are seven kings five have fallen one is the other has not yet come and when he comes he must remain a little while now if you'll follow me i'm going to explain every word that is in that very difficult two verses the angel speaks of seven mountains they represent seven kingdoms and he breaks them down in three categories first category five have fallen five kingdoms have already passed by the time john writes this right at the turn of the first century going into the second century a.d what are those five kingdoms the five kingdoms we read about in the bible were egypt back in the old testament assyria babylon medo-persian and greece those are the five that he's referring to and then he says one is what was the kingdom that was existing when john was alive on that island the people who imprisoned him the kingdom of rome and so he says okay that's number six well now who is number seven and eight i'm not trying to confuse you but it's actually antichrist kingdom okay both of them are antichrist seven is the antichrist before he fakes his death and his alleged resurrection and then the eighth is when he comes back to life and he lives it out the rest the short time of the rest of the tribulation so what you've got is the first five egypt assyria babylon medo-persia greece number six rome number seven and eight antichrist before his fake resurrection and after his fake resurrection now if you didn't understand all that call drew he knows all about it all right verse 11 the beast which was not and is not is himself also an eighth and is one of the seven and he goes to destruction verse 12. the ten horns now who are they i'm going to tell you which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour they have one purpose and they give their power and authority to the beast they're going to be 10 rulers of 10 kingdoms who are totally subjected and subservient to the antichrist and they're going to help him overthrow false religion and they're going to give they're going to help him reign the earth they're going to help him spread the mark of the beast along with the false prophet they're going to help him in all of his doings they're going to be the underlings if you will they're going to be the assistants and the associates to the antichrist and they're going to spread the religion of the beast if you will all over the world and they're going to spread the fact that you can't do anything economically we'll talk about this next week unless you have the mark of the beast so these 10 guys they have one reason of being on this earth and they think it's going to be forever but it's going to be a relatively short time of giving the beast the platform that he desires the false religion harlot of babylon is going to be deceived she thinks that antichrist loves her he's just using her for the harlot that she is and when he gets through with her he's going to throw her to the curb and he's going to demand everybody worship him more about that right now babylon is degenerate babylon the heart of the false religion is not only degenerate but it's deadly it's going to kill christians even in the great tribulation and babylon the false harlot religion is also going to be deceived by the antichrist and finally the harlot of false religion babylon will be doomed it's going down look at verse 14. these will wage war against the lamb these is all inclusive it includes all the people involved in babylonian religion false religion it also includes antichrist it also includes all of the ten rulers under antichrist these will wage war against the lamb who is the lamb say his name jesus look at me don't wage war against jesus bad idea because he's already won the victory amen don't wage war with jesus he's not only a lamb he's a lion and the lamb will overcome them because he is lord of lords and king of kings and those who are with him are the called and the chosen and the faithful i want you to say that about yourself right now some of you think that god doesn't really like you well i know he forgave my sins but i i just know he doesn't really like me i'm the worst of the worst and all that stuff i hear you out there thinking i want to say this to you here's what god says about you god says that you are called that you are chosen and you are faithful amen so i want you to say it out loud i want you to say these words repeat what i say i am called by god i am chosen by god i will be faithful to god let's give god praise amen that's how he sees you that is how he sees you and this beast is going to demand that everybody worship him so he kicks the false religion of babylon to the curb it's the abomination of desolation jesus talks about it in matthew 24 which is eschatological it talks about the end of time the whole chapter does therefore he said when you see the abomination of desolation this is in verse 15 of matthew 24 which was spoken up through daniel the prophet standing in the holy place let the reader understand then those who are in judea must flee to the mountains what he's saying there is the people who have been saved during the great tribulation when they see midway through the tribulation when they see the antichrist shutting down the false religions and setting himself up to be worshiped it's time to head for the hills you know what that means hide as fast as you can get away and then jesus said later on in verse 21 for then there will be a great tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will verse 15 now in chapter 17 of revelation and he said to me the waters which you saw where the harlot sits are peoples multitudes nations and tongues and at the end of the great tribulation most of the world is going to be worshiping antichrist some christians who have not been martyred are going to eke out some kind of living i don't know how but those 10 leaders are going to support antichrist they're going to make all of this happen and they're going to destroy again babylon the heart of the false religion verse 16 and the ten horns which you saw and the beast these will hate the harlot they will make her desolate and naked that's the false religion and they will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire i'm telling you babylon is doomed i've talked a lot i've talked a lot about the sovereignty of god this verse verses 17 and 18 especially verse 17 is one of the most encouraging verses in the book of revelation and before i read it i just want to say this to you you may think this world is out of control but look at me it's not god is on his throne god never panics god doesn't panic over pandemics god doesn't panic ever he doesn't panic about the antichrist he doesn't panic about the devil he doesn't panic about these ten kings he doesn't panic about babylon the spiritual financial harlot of the end of time he doesn't panic you know why he's large and in charge you can't impeach him he's not going to resign amen you can't get rid of god you're not going to vote him out on november november the 3rd he's already on his throne you didn't put him there he didn't ask you to put him there he put himself there he is there and you are not going to get him off that throne he is god he is god listen to verse 17. for god has put it in their hearts this whole thing god is using them like pawns to execute his purpose what is that jesus is coming back to take back his rightful reigns by having a common purpose and by giving their kingdom to the beast until the words of god will be fulfilled filled full that's what that means the woman whom you saw in the great city which is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth god is on his throne i want you to read four verses with me i want you to write these verses down and the next time you think that your life's out of control if you know jesus your life is not out of control god has you look at me god is holding you in his hand god has you in his grip and the devil can't get you out of his grip nothing can happen in your life the devil can't even do anything to you unless god allows it look at me you write these references down the first one's out of job chapter 42 verse 2. job has gone through all this stuff and he was wondering about god and everything and but when god got through communicating to it he gives this beautiful faith promise he said i know he's talking to god he's praying all right let's read it with me come on here we go i know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted how many of you know that whatever god wants to happen is going to happen amen how many of you believe that no purpose of god can be thwarted now listen to what the psalmist said in psalm 115 verse 3 read this with me here we go psalm 115 verse 3 but our god is in the heavens he does whatever he pleases has god ever called you up to ask permission to do something i don't think so please don't raise your hand he's never called me up and say hey gaines is it okay if i do this in your life he does whatever he pleases you know why he's a good god and he knows everything from the beginning and the end he is the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end he knows it all he knows the future better than you know the past you can't even remember what happened two weeks ago you sure don't know what's going to happen two weeks from now you don't know what's going to happen two hours from now but god knows god's in charge here's another verse write it down isaiah 14 24 read it with me here we go let's read it the lord of hosts has sworn saying read it with me now i'm not going to read this by myself here we go i'm going to start over here we go the lord of hosts has sworn saying surely just as i have intended so it has happened and just as i have planned so it will stand i'll give you one more they're all over the bible these are called promises promises isaiah 43 13. read it with me now even from eternity i am he and there is none who can deliver out of my hand here it is now i act and who can reverse it let's give our glorious god praise amen amen babylon you're going down it may be through the whipping boy of the antichrist but antichrist you're going down jesus is going to come back and you're going down and devil you're going down jesus is going to throw you in the lake of fire forever and ever devil you're going down you're not in charge it'd be good for you to say that because some of y'all think you are i got the checkbook big deal everybody say i am not in charge one two three i am not in charge everybody say god you are in charge god you are in charge he is in charge he is in charge can you hear the world trying to lure you in can you hear this false religion trying to pull you in oh oh you you you you need another house oh you you need some more clothes ah oh you need another car yours is a year old you've got 12 000 miles on your car oh you've got you you just can't do that oh you need one of those oh you need one of those oh you don't need your spouse you need that person i will tell you always luring always pulling if you're not careful if you're not listening to the lord if you're not reading his word i mean i'm not just talking about i'm talking about digesting his word if you're not in the word if you're not praying if you're not with other christians if you're not hearing the bible taught if you're not living in the lord if you're not walking in the power of the holy spirit if you're not confessing your faults to the lord and confessing your sins to the lord and getting clean before god if you're not really i'm talking about i'm not talking about just coming to church one hour out 168. you think this hour is going to do you you think this is all you need all week long look at me this is just a little appetizer man the steak is when you get in the word by yourself just you and god you shut the door and you get with god and you get on your knees and you cry out for your family some of you men need to cry for your family god has put you there some of you women god has put you there you need to cry for your family cry for future generations fight for your family on your knees fight for this country fight for this world thank god for the kingdom of god thank god for prayer warriors thank god for people that will win souls and get involved in the kingdom of god and turn your back on the world and say i will seek first the kingdom of god and if i need something all these things he will add to me if i will seek first the kingdom of the living god amen
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 7,964
Rating: 4.6686392 out of 5
Keywords: Babylon, The Harlot, False Religion, The Book of Revelation, Pastor Steve Gaines, Bellevue Baptist Church, Bellevue Memphis, Bellevue Church, Steve Gains, Steve Gaines sermons
Id: vUq5esTAal4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 55sec (2875 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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