"The Last Gospel Call" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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take your bibles and turn with me please to revelation chapter 14 and in just a moment we'll look at verse 6 through 11. revelation chapter 14 uh beginning at verse 6. one of the things that has been kind of tough over the years as a pastor is to preach to people that need to be saved and to watch them fight that to fight the conviction of the holy spirit and to really say no to the lord i have seen that for 43 years i started preaching when i was in college and in 1977 was licensed to preach and so 43 years and over the years i have seen especially some men i don't know guys sometimes just struggle with pride or or whatever but i've just seen people when i would extend an invitation at the end of my message which i always do i've seen people say no knowing that the holy spirit was touching their hearts and yet they would say no to the holy spirit and after a while i would see something happen in their lives they would say no so many times it seemed like the more they said no the more services they set through and said no it seemed like their heart was getting a little bit harder every time until they got to the point where it didn't bother them anymore not knowing jesus was not that big of a deal and then they just quit coming to church i want to tell you something that that will not only break a preacher's heart that should break anybody's heart nobody should live to the point where they harden their heart toward god but some people do today we're talking about a very sobering subject in revelation chapter 14. i told my wife i said baby i looked at chapter 14 i was going to try to do the whole chapter in one sermon and it would have been a four-hour sermon amen and it would have just been me and jesus at the end of it i'll tell you that there's about four sermons in chapter 14. the second one is one of the most sobering i've ever preached in my life i've preached this now twice last night once and once this morning and i'm just telling you these verses i'm about to read to you are some of the most solemn sobering verses in the bible they go against so much of what our society believes today about eternity our society believes either everybody goes to heaven or when you die there's no more existence that's what our society believes but i got news for you when you die look at me you don't die when you die your spirit lives on and your soul lives on and in time your body will be resurrected reunited with your soul and spirit either in hell or in heaven look at me there is no purgatory that is not in the bible and whoever teaches that is teaching a false doctrine so i'm just saying to you you don't get another chance after you die it's all based on what you do with jesus christ on this side of death on this side of jesus rapture so i want to talk to you today about the last gospel call the last time god is going to give a gospel invitation look in revelation 14 verse 6 and i saw another angel flying in mid heaven having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people and he said with a loud voice fear god and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come worship him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of water and another angel a second one followed saying fallen fallen is babylon the great she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality then another angel a third one followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the beast that's the antichrist or his image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is mixed in full strength in the cup of his anger and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb that's jesus and the smoke of their torment goes up before forever and ever they have no rest day and night those who worship the beast and his image and whoever receives the mark of his name this is the word of the lord the last gospel call the last time in scripture that the gospel is shared it is shared not by a human being but by an angel and as far as i can tell i stand to be corrected but as far as i can tell this is the last time people in the book of revelation in the great tribulation will hear a clear gospel message and be given the opportunity to receive jesus as they repent of their sins so let's see what happens number one at the last gospel call the gospel will be preached god's gospel is to be proclaimed look at verses six and seven and i saw another angel flying in mid heaven i'll explain to you what that is in a moment having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people and he said with a loud voice fear god and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come worship him who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and the springs of water verse six i saw another angel flying in mid heaven we know that as christians god has commanded all of us to share the gospel the last thing jesus said before he went to heaven is he he said i i'm going back now and you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses so we know that we're supposed to be witnesses we're to tell lost people about jesus but the last gospel call will not be given by a human being it will be given by an angel and as far as i can tell this is the only time in the bible that an angel shares the gospel the only time we see it and he's doing it he's flying in mid heaven that is a reference to the highest part of the sky the most visible part of the sky and the reason that is the highest everybody on earth needs to hear the gospel one last time everybody on earth needs to hear the preaching of the gospel that's why he's proclaiming it from mid heaven and what is he proclaiming he is proclaiming the bible says an eternal gospel why is that there's only one gospel there's only one there's only one good news on how to be saved and it's about the lord jesus christ in the old testament the old testament saints got saved by grace through faith in christ you say how christ wasn't here yet they were looking forward to the coming of the messiah and they put their faith in him not knowing his name and then when jesus was born after that people and he was crucified he was raised and he ascended to heaven from then on people believed on the lord jesus christ while he was on this earth they believed that he was the christ they repented of their sins they believed in jesus they received him as lord and savior and then after he ascended back to heaven we are still repenting of our sins believing in jesus and receiving him as our savior that is the eternal gospel only jesus is able to save us he is the only one who is god from eternity past he is the only one who was born of a virgin free from a sinful nature he is the only one who lived a sinless life jesus is the only one who was crucified as an atoning sacrifice for our sins he is the only one who was raised from the dead listen never to die again other people rose from the dead but they never they also died again but jesus never died again he is the only one who ascended back to heaven in the clouds he's the only one who went into the real holy of holies in heaven with his own blood as the real high priest and put his blood on the mercy seat as a propitiation or atonement for our sins he is the only one who then set down because his job for redemption was over with set down at the right hand of god until all of his enemies are made a footstool for his feet he is the only one who is praying for you right now and the reason your salvation is secure is because jesus intercedes for you all the time he is the only one pardoning the lost he is the only one preparing heaven and he is the only one who's getting ready to come back in the rapture of the church he's the only savior he is the only one that can give you eternal life muhammad did none of that allah did none of that buddha did none of that jesus did all of that the eternal gospel is about him and verse 6 says he will preach it this angel is to those who live on the earth it's a reference to lost people in this context people who have followed antichrist and received his mark and if they stay that way they'll be they're his slaves they'll end up going to hell these earth dwellers are receiving one final opportunity to receive the gospel of jesus christ to every nation tribe tongue and people everyone on earth will hear the gospel do you know why because god wants everyone to be saved some people say no no god only wants this group to be saved well here you got to deal with these scriptures and many others like them i'll just give you two first timothy 2 3 through 4 says this is good and acceptable in the sight of god our savior who desires all men everybody say all men and you know that means mankind all mankind to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth god wants everybody to save be saved even though everybody won't be saved but all people god wants them to be saved same thing in ii peter 3 9 the lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you and not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance now when you talk like that some people say you're taking it out of context i am not i've checked the context and what it means is all all means all right there and that's all all means and by the way jesus is going to use this angel to preach to the whole world because god wants anybody and everybody to be saved and this is going to fulfill a promise that jesus gave in matthew 24 matthew 24 14 the gospel of the kingdom jesus said shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end will come now sometimes i've even got some friends that have said oh brother steve don't don't go around telling people jesus could come back at any minute because the bible says the gospel has to be preached before jesus comes back i said it does not they said it does too i said it does not they said it does too and you can imagine how that goes on for a while and so then i said go let's go read the verse you're saying that the bible says that jesus said he has to that that he has to cut that he has to preach the gospel's got to preach the whole world until he comes back that's what you're saying right that's right that's what the bible says all right listen to it again matthew 24 14 the god this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations and then what the end will come it doesn't say jesus will come it says the end will come now i want to give you i've done this probably two dozen times but i'm going to keep driving it in until you get it the reason i believe in verses that say look up your redemption draweth nigh the reaching reason i believe what jesus said keep your eyes toward the skies i can come at any moment paul said that peter said that the writer of hebrews said he talked about the imminent immediate return of christ the rapture two taken two in the field one taking one left all of that luke 17. the reason i believe that and the reason i i believe believe that that the gospel does not have to be preached to the whole world before christ comes back is because i believe that jesus is coming once for his church in the rapture and that could happen before this sermon is over with i've heard i've said that before somebody said yeah as long as you preach it sure could amen anyway but anyway he could come back at any moment and then the bible says the great tribulation starts but that's not the end the end is at the end of the great tribulation when jesus comes back with his church the gospel is going to be preached throughout the whole world during the great tribulation that's what i'm trying to tell you remember 144 000 people that are going to get saved those jews that get saved and they go preaching everywhere and and the antichrist himself the devil himself can't kill them they're going to live throughout the great tribulation we saw last week them on mount sinai or or mount zion with the lord well they're going to be preaching those two witnesses in jerusalem that are like moses and elijah are going to be preaching and then a lot of christians are going to get saved or people are going to get saved and become christians during the great they're going to be preaching and then at the end god is going to clean the whole thing up and say okay now i've given the gospel all throughout the great tribulation even though a lot of them have been martyred i get that god says but one more time i'm gonna put an angel up in mid heaven i'm gonna circle the earth and i'm gonna make sure that everybody hears in their language the last gospel call and he will give that to them and give them one final opportunity to be saved i want to ask you this what if today were your final opportunity to hear the gospel do you hear what i just said you don't know how long you're going to live oh well i'm only 46 so what i've done funerals for people in their 30s in their 20s you listen to me this may be the last time you get to hear the gospel if you don't know the lord and i'm not trying to frighten you but i want to say this to you if you're about to die and i'm telling you that you need to give your heart to jesus if that makes you a little bit afraid you know what i'd rather you get afraid a little bit and get saved today than not to get afraid and walk out here and die and go to hell so i'm just telling you this is a serious business this is not a game and god says i'm going to give them one more shot and he's going to fulfill the great tribulation and make sure that everybody that stands before him got to hear the gospel verse 7 says he said with a loud voice fear god and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come worship him who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and the springs of water that's what this angel is sharing he's saying you need to know the creator now when i share the gospel most of the time i don't start with god as creator i start with jesus christ the savior the son of god why because most of the people with whom i share the gospel have some biblical knowledge but jesus is saying here this angel is going to be speaking to the people during the great tribulation and they're going to be primarily biblically illiterate you take the apostle paul when the apostle paul was out preaching to people when he was preaching to jewish people he would start with the messiah because they had a biblical background but when he was preaching to the gentiles he would start with creation why because they didn't even know there's a god go look in chapter 17 of acts when he's in athens he's preaching he said there's a god out there you don't know about him but i'm going to tell you and he created the whole world and then he would move to the messiah and then he would share the gospel about jesus christ and that's exactly what this angel when he starts out with the creation we know that he's talking to biblically people who are illiterate of the bible and of the gospel the whole gospel is about jesus but sometimes you have to start back with creation to go down into the words about christ in our day many people preach but they fail to share the gospel i just want to say this to you if you haven't shared the gospel you really haven't preached all right if you haven't told people about jesus you've just had some kind of little bible study or anything i'm talking about preaching the gospel yes i believe in the bible but i believe the whole book points to jesus christ and if you don't wrap up every teaching about jesus then it's just some academic event we don't need an academic event alone i want to love god with my mind and i want to study the word but i want people to know jesus christ that is the goal and that's why at the last gospel call god's going to make sure that he has an angelic voice that will speak the true eternal gospel to everyone on this planet and it'll be the last time they get the chance to be saved now secondly at the last gospel call the gospel primarily will be rejected rejected how sad verse 8 is and another angel a second one followed saying fallen fallen is babylon the great she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality now what in the world is babylon and what does it mean that it is fallen babylon here is a word that refers to the kingdom the ungodly anti-jesus one world kingdom of the antichrist babylon when you go back in the old testament you say okay pull out of there the most ungodly nation you can pull out of the old testament that came against the people of god it would be babylon it would be nebuchadnezzar and all those guys they're the ones that burned the temple of jerusalem and so john under the leadership of the holy spirit calls this whole this whole group that is bought into antichrist lies he said they are like babylon and they're going to be fallen regrettably most people are going to reject this angel's gospel call you know why there here's what they're going to they're going to be followers of antichrist and they're going to say why should we follow jesus christ he is the one that has sent the four horsemen he is the one who has sent all these plagues all these pandemics jesus is the one that's the reason so many people are killed we're not going to follow the christ we're going to follow antichrist because he's promising that he's going to get us out of all this mess that jesus has created that's going to be their attitude and it's going to be a faithful decision they'll be so intoxicated with antichrist they're going to reject christ and when their hearts harden god says that is it write them off they refused my last gospel call they crossed the line of no return they send away their day of grace and here's the dismal message another angel a second one followed saying fallen fallen is babylon the great she who has made all the nations of the wine of the passion of her immorality babylon the great again john macarthur says it is the worldwide political economic religious empire of the antichrist now let me just give you a little bible history where did babylon in the old testament come from if you trace it all the way back on the taproot you come to a man named nimrod in genesis chapter 10 and he was one proud arrogant dude he was a big hunter and i'm not knocking him for that okay i'm not saying if you're a hunter you're proud and arrogant but i'm telling you this guy was genesis 10 verse 6 and following just watch on the screen the descendant of ham were cush then you go to verse 8 cush was also the ancestor of nimrod who was the first heroic warrior on earth since he was the greatest hunter in the world his name became proverbial that is he was famous people would say this man is like nimrod the greatest hunter in the world and now look at verse 10 he built his kingdom in the land of babylonia verse 11. from there he expanded his kingdom his territory to assyria very wicked place building the cities of nineveh rehoboth ear and kalah so he's responsible for babylon he's responsible for assyria he's responsible for nineveh and they were all opponents of the people of god they came from noah's son ham and the godly people came from his other son named shem and that's where you get the word semitic that's where the jews came from that's where abraham came from and so you've got these warring races going on we think that racism and racial battles are a new thing look at me that's been going on a long time all right people mad at each other and so you've got babylon and nineveh but let me tell you something else his descendants his great-grandchildren and on down they came together in genesis 11 and they built the tower of babel how many of you ever ever heard the tower of battle anybody heard that listen to it genesis 11. at one time all the people of the world spoke the same language used the same words as the people migrated to the east they found a plane in the land of babylonia there it is and settled there they began saying to one another let's make bricks let's harden them with fire in this region bricks were used instead of stone and tar was used for mortar then they said now listen how selfish they are verse 4 come let's build a great city for ourselves no mention of god no honoring god let's build this great city for ourselves with a tower that reaches into the sky this will make us famous and keep us from being scattered all over the world they were all about them have you ever met somebody like that all about them let's build a great big tower all the way to the sky and then look at verse 5. but the lord had to come down to look at it i love that we think we're such big shots we build all these big things we got all this stuff going and god has to look down and say i think they're doing something down there what are they doing let me let me look here let me look real quick let me look yeah i think i see it right there right there yeah yeah that's it that's them they're doing it again a bunch of knuckleheads don't you know that's got to be sometimes what god thinks lord came down to look at the city and the tower of the people were building look he said the people are united they all speak the same language after this nothing they set up out to do will be impossible them so come let's go down he's talking to the jesus and the holy spirit let's go down and confuse the people with different languages then they won't be able to understand each other so in that way the lord scattered them all over the world and they stopped building the city that is why the city was called babel because it was is where the lord confused the people with different languages in the this way he scattered them all over the world so all this came from nimrod and all of it led to babylon and when we went over to war and we fought against iraq we were there where the tower of babel was built we were there where babylon will be the endtime events and all that and the babylonians again in the bible they burned the temple that king solomon's built in 587 bc they burned it so it's fitting that god says the antichrist kingdom is going to be the new babylon and fallen fallen that is for sure it will fall babylon is going down we read about the actual destruction of it later on in revelation 18 verses 1-3 after these things i saw another angel coming down from heaven having great authority and the earth was illumined with his glory and he cried out with a mighty voice saying fallen fallen is babylon the great she has become a dwelling place for demons and a prison of every unclean spirit and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird for all the nations have drunk of the wine to the passions of her immorality and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality this means that babylon satan's earthly kingdom is doomed it is going down fallen fallen fallen fallen the gospel will be rejected now we live in a day when the gospel is being rejected there have been some preachers out in the streets when they're having some of these protests and what and they've been preaching the gospel and they've got the tar beat out of them because a lot of people don't want to hear the gospel i'm all for freedom of speech all for freedom of being able to march and all i am against violence i am against people tearing things up i'm not saying that all the statutes and all that i tell you one thing though if they are replaced it needs to be done legally and it needs it done peacefully even if they do need to be replaced some of them do some of them don't i guess i don't know i'm not calling all that but what i'm saying is you don't do things like that to have a civil nation and in this day in which we live i want to tell you more and more people object to the gospel of jesus christ perhaps than ever before in america's history and a lot of it is because of what is being taught in our schools not just our colleges but our high schools junior highs and now even in our elementary schools our children are hearing hearing this children the lgbtq movement is normal it's okay look at me it's not normal and it's not okay listen to this they're hearing this gender is not decided at conception or in the womb gender is a choice look at me gender is not a choice god made them male and female in his image he made a male to be a male and to be attracted to a female and he made a female to be a female attracted to a male that's the way god created it that is not the way our students are being taught and then they say a woman has rights and has rights over the fetus they won't call it a baby in her womb and if she wants to take that ba that fetus is life right up until birth and some say even after birth for whatever reason if if they want a boy and they know she's pregnant with a girl have an abortion if you don't want a child just have an abortion and they said that's not really killing anybody because it's not really a human being until the mother wants the baby well i've got news for you that's a lie the minute of conception is when that is a baby now where does all that weird stuff come from i'll tell you there is no god there is no creator this whole creation just happened now think about the faith that it takes to believe that everything you see at one time didn't exist because everything came from nothing there was no god there's just somehow there's some explosion we don't even know where all that came from let's don't bother with that that was billions and trillions of years ago i always say that and somehow inorganic matter was just it just showed up i started to say it was created they don't believe that just showed up and somehow this rock or this inorganic material became organic you hear what i just said it would be like this podium over the next 100 years becoming a human being you see that's the cray you've lost your mind no i haven't lost my mind i don't teach this stuff all right it's like inorganic stuff can become organic it can become living stones can come alive over billions of years and then in this little primitive form of organic material it starts evolving and after a while it's out in the water and after a while it wants to go up to the beach and so it just kind of steps out on the beach and it realizes you can't step because it doesn't have any legs so billions of years later it grows them some legs so it can it's ants it's descendants can go to the beach and so they get out on the beach this is light this is nice but i'm dragging my my tummy on the sand i want to stand up and so it can't stand up so billions of years later after it decides to stand up one of its descendants stands up and they start walking on the beach and they say i don't need that tail anymore and billions of years later the tail falls off and then they stand up and then they go get a phd and teach this stuff at our universities we have lost our minds we have lost our minds i'll tell you how it was in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and he created them in his image male and female he created them we've lost our minds and you tell me i've got to have faith i don't have enough faith to believe that gobbledygook all right i believe there's a god i've seen 15 little babies plus my four babies born and when i looked into their little face that is not the result of billions of years of random mutation that is the result of an almighty god creating in his image that's what that is well i used up all my time on that this last part is tough tough stuff so put your whole armor on and let's deal with it okay if this doesn't break your heart a little bit or a lot something's wrong at the last gospel call the gospel will be preached it will be rejected and then the lost will be tormented afterwards we're going to talk about hell and i'm telling you hardly anybody preaches about hell i'm not bragging but one of the good things about going through a book in the bible when you get to something like this nobody can say well he's just preaching because he wanted to look i'm just going through the book i believe the bible is the word of god so here comes first of all hell awaits all non-christians boy that's not politically correct or any correct really religiously correct even look at verses 9 but it's biblically correct i'll tell you that look at verse 9 then another angel a third one followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the beast and his image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of god here's what he's saying if you take the mark of the beast if you turn away from christ and you accept antichrist if you sign up and get on the devil's side you're going to go to hell that's what he says there's only two options heaven or hell purgatory not in the bible anywhere god's wrath is often pictured in scripture as a cup of wine and everybody in hell is drinking from that cup everyone who gets the mark of the beast will drink of the cup of the wrath of god jesus taught that there's only one way to god and was through him jesus by the way gave an invitation and and the greatest sermon ever preached the sermon on the mount ah it's matthew 5 6 and 7 when you get to chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 at the end of the sermon he starts his invitation i'm so grateful to god he did that and here's how he starts it enter there's the invitation enter through the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction that's hell and there are many who enter by it are through it for the gate is small and the way is narrow that's jesus christ he is the way he is the gate it's small and it's narrow that leads to life and there are a few who find it sometimes people say you're so narrow-minded let me tell you something that's because i'm walking on a narrow road with my savior because if i walk on the broad road i'm going to go to destruction if i do what most people are going to do i'm going to reject jesus but if i get on if i enter at the gate if i enter at jesus and i walk with him i may not have as many friends but i'll have some real brothers and sisters along the way that will really love me and tell me the truth i'd rather have that than have all those drinking buddies and partying buddies and all the people you just keep on living in sin like them being immoral whatever you know and that's what they want but they all go to destruction see i don't want to be on the broad road i want to walk that narrow road with my savior that's what i want that's what i hope that you want and jesus said himself i am the way john 14 6 the truth and the life no one comes to the father but through me there's only one way to god hell awaits all non-christians and then hell is rooted in in god's wrath and anger yes god is loving yes god is merciful but he is also a god of wrath and anger he hates sin look at verse 10 he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is mixed in full strength in the cup of his anchor let's talk just a minute about the wrath of god god's wrath pervades the old testaments all over the old testament let me just give you one verse god was speaking about his people israel who had turned against him and he said in ii chronicles 36 verse 16 but they the inhabitants of jerusalem continually mocked the messengers of god that's what's going on nowadays if you're a bible preacher nowadays people in the world will mock you they despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the lord arose against the people until there was no remedy god's wrath is when he gives you over to your choice of rejecting him and there's no remedy anymore pervades the old testament god's wrath will punish antichrist's kingdom just give you one verse again about babylon suffering the wrath of god that is the kingdom of antichrist and all who are in it if we go forward a couple of chapters in revelation 16 verse 19 the great city was split into three parts the cities of the nation fell babylon the great was remembered before god now watch to give her the cup of the wine of his fierce wrath antichrist and his kingdom they're going to drink from the wrath of almighty god by going to hell god god's wrath will punish antichrist kingdom and then god's wrath will be prominent at the coming of jesus when he comes back in his second coming we're going to read in a few weeks i tell you i'm looking forward to revelation 19 it's when jesus comes back at his second coming and we'll we're going to be with him by the way on white horses you say i don't like white horses you will that day all right you're going to get to ride a free ride with jesus revelation 19 15 but listen to this from his mouth comes a sharp sword so that with it he may strike down the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron and he treads the winepress of the fierce wrath of god the almighty jesus is going to be walking out he's going to be making those cups of wrath that the people that reject him are going to have to drink and and they're going to be drinking the literal wrath of god while they're suffering in hell hell is rooted in god's wrath and anger and then hell is humiliating agony i learned something this week i hope that you'll stay teachable and stay in the word i've been studying the word for 44 years i learned something this week and i stand to be corrected any time the lord wants to correct me verse 10 and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the so what say it out loud the lamb i have said for years hell is the absence of god's presence hell is the absence of god's presence but this verse proves me wrong on that so i repent i turn to what the lord says the torments of hell will actually be in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb you say how's that going to work is hell going to be in heaven no but hell will be viewed by heaven and heaven or hell will be able to look up into heaven and see it you say i don't believe that it says so in luke chapter 16. have you ever read about the rich man and lazarus the poor men that went to eternity how many of you have read read about that okay listen the rich man lifted up his eyes in hell and he could look across the divide he couldn't go there but he could look across the divide and he could see father abraham and he could see lazarus over in heaven while he's burning in hell and he even asks he talks to father abram they talk they communicate he said would you send lazarus over with a a just a touch of water on my tongue i'm in agony in these flames he said no way he can't come over you can see us now can you imagine now listen what it says again it says that they're going to be in the presence they're going to be suffering in the presence in fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and the presence of the lamb can you imagine suffering in hell and looking up and jesus looking i believe with compassion and with a tear in his eye he wanted to save you but you said no and he gave you up to your own will and the angels are looking at you they probably protected you a lot of times when you didn't deserve protection and they wanted you to go to heaven but you chose not to go to heaven do you realize this is some of the most sobering things in the bible just imagine suffering in hell and looking at jesus who could have saved you from it and wanted to save you from it it's going to be humiliating agony and it's going to be severe punishment it's going to be severe in that it's going to be divine punishment look at verse 10 he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of what set out god the wrath of god which is mixed in the full strength in the cup of his anger and he will be he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb there's no way around it hell comes from god hell was created jesus said in matthew 25 41 for the devil and his angels but people who are lost go to hell as well it is severe divine punishment it is also severe agonizing punishment verse 11 says the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever and they have no rest day and night that word torment is the same word you remember back in revelation 9 when those demons are going to come up out of the abyss and for five months they're going to be like scorpions and they're going to sting people with their stingers and they're going to torment them not kill them but torment them that's the same word vansanzemos which is mentioned here in verse 11 that the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever and then it says they have no rest day and night no sleeping in hell everybody in hell is wide awake you are fully conscious while you're going through this agonizing punishment and then it will be perpetual punishment some people say oh no when people die and they don't go to heaven their souls are eliminated and they cessation they cease to exist that's not what the bible teaches oh well they just go to hell for a little while purgatory and then they come out it's not what the bible teaches when you die without jesus you go to hell and you're there forever verse 11 and the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever added emphasis they have no rest day and night the last thing i'm going to say to you is this justifiable punishment verse 11 those who worship the beast in his image whoever receives the mark of the beast they rejected the gospel from that angel in the air on their own they gave their lives to the antichrist you say well brother steve what about these people that have never heard about god romans 1 20. look at me everybody in the world knows there's a god revelation 1 or romans 1 20 says so now look at it on the screen for ever since the world was created people have seen the earth and sky through everything god made they can clearly see his invisible qualities his eternal power his divine nature so they have no excuse for not knowing god that is they see a creation they know there has to be create creator i talked with dr rogers about this one time and i believe exactly what he said he said steve he said i believe that if somebody looks up in the heavens and they believe there's a creator and they want to know about the savior they want to be saved they want to know god i believe if god has to drop a missionary out of a plane with a parachute and a bible god will get them the gospel of jesus christ if he has to do it through a dream or a vision or whatever he has to do he will get the gospel them but the first thing is if they acknowledge that there's a creator then god will tell them about the savior and everybody knows there is a god because they can look up in the sky and see that there is a creator so yes it will be justifiable punishment i'm going to tell you something this is a strong text it's a hard text to preach i don't enjoy talking about hell if you talk about hell and you laugh about it you shouldn't be preaching about it amen people are going to hell most people are going to hell broad is the way that leads my wife and i i've had several people say what what are y'all doing to stay up during the i start to say the great tribulation during the the pandemic what are you doing one of the things we're doing is we're singing we got a 1957 hymnal i grew up on it and i'm playing the guitar at night we're singing together we came across a song that i remember when i was a boy singing it it put the fear of god in me it's called why not tonight now listen oh do not let the word depart this last thing i got do not let the word depart that's the word of the gospel and close your eyes against the light poor sinner harden not your heart be saved o tonight tomorrow's sun may never come in other words this may be the final gospel call for you tomorrow's sun may never rise to bless your long deluded sight this is the time oh then be wise be saved oh tonight our blessed lord refuses none who would to him their souls unite believe on jesus the works already done be saved oh tonight then we'd sing it i can remember standing by my mother singing this oh why tonight oh why not tonight what's thou be saying then why not tonight why not this morning why not right now stop going your way trust jesus why not right now give up that sinful relationship give up that sinful habit give up your stubborn will repent of your sin turn from it with the help of jesus and turn to him believe that he died for you he's already paid your sin debt believe that he rose from the dead and he's alive and he's in this room right now he is the one touching your heart not me you him and he wants you to be saved and this we don't know this may be you so i'm 36 years old so what i have done funerals for 20 years old i've done funerals for children you don't know how much longer you've got this could be the last time you get the opportunity to hear the gospel i'm going to tell you what the holy spirit says constantly throughout revelation he who has ears to hear let him hear what the spirit of god would say would you bow your heads with me just for a moment would you receive jesus as your lord and savior if you would pray and receive him right now say something like this dear lord jesus i want to be saved i want to be born again i repent of my sin i turn to you i believe you died for me i believe you rose from the dead i receive you come into my life save me lord jesus i call upon your name and i thank you that i'm saved in jesus name amen
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 3,934
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: the last gospel call, book of revelation, Pastor Steve Gaines, Steve gains, Bellevue Baptist Church, Bellvue, Bellview, Steve Gaines sermons, end times sermons
Id: wBKH-gF4mtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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