"The Throne Room of God" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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aren't you grateful today that God is on his throne as we go through all that we're going through with this pandemic I thank God that Jesus Christ is on the throne I thank God that God the Father is on the throne I thank God that God the Holy Spirit is still moving in our midst we continue in our study of the book of Revelation and it always amazes me how God knows exactly what we need to hear and exactly when we need to hear it as I'm preaching through the book of Revelation in God's providence he has brought us to the throne room of God in chapters 4 and 5 in chapter 4 of Revelation which we'll be looking at in just a moment we will see God the Father lofty and exalted on his throne and then in chapter 5 of Revelation we will see the son of God Jesus Christ coming to the Father to open the scroll to open up the rest of the book of Revelation to us and to show us that history is God's story it is literally his story this world will not end with some virus this world will not end with some pandemic this world will in with the parousia the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and he will be and is right now king of kings and Lord of all Lords if you and I could look into heaven right now we would be like Isaiah who said in Isaiah 6 verse 5 woe is me for I am ruined because I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts today we look in Revelation everything that we've seen in Revelation thus far in chapters 1 through 3 had already taken place in John's life but as john steps into Revelation chapter 4 he's caught up into heaven and he's given a vision of the prophetic future has not even taken place not only in his time but in our time but I believe it could happen at any moment he sees the rapture he sees the Great Tribulation he sees the coming of our Lord he sees the millennial reign of Christ he sees the judgment of God he sees the New Jerusalem he sees it all in chapters 4 through 22 and that's what I want to share with you today not all of that but I want you to see what it was like for him to receive that revelation at the very feet of the throne room of God now the text is not that long but it's long enough that I don't want to read the whole text and then go through the points I want to share with you three things today about the throne room of God and we'll just walk through the text every verse as we look at the throne room of God the first thing I would say to you and I hope you'll take some notes and I hope that you'll encourage others hope that you'll share this on your media website and let other people know about it so that they'll be able to participate the first thing I would share with you is this God sovereignly rules from his throne room I want to say that again God God Almighty sovereignly rules from his throne room look at chapter 4 verse 1 after these things John says I looked and behold a door standing open in heaven and the first voice which I had heard that's the voice of Jesus back in Revelation 1 like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me saying come up here Jesus says to John come up here and I will show you what must take place after these things immediately I was in the spirit John was on an island called Patmos I've been there twice he was in a cave he was in prison but God catches him up in his spirit don't you know that that was a wonderful relief of that elderly man who was a prisoner on that island and the Bible says he said I was caught up in the spirit and behold a throne was standing in heaven and one was sitting on the throne and he who was sitting was like a Jasper stone and a sardius in appearance and there was a rainbow around that thrown like an emerald in appearance again this is seeing events that will take place immediately after Jesus comes for his church in the rapture Revelation sees God the Father on the throne verse 1 again after these things I looked and behold a door standing open and the Bible says it was in heaven and the first voice which I had heard the voice of Jesus like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me said come up here and I will show you what must take place after these things John was caught up he was called up and caught up into heaven heaven is mentioned 50 times in the book of Revelation and he went through an open door and he was ushered into the very presence of God and John would be shown the Bible says here what must take place after these things after what things well the book of Revelation is given it gives its own outline in Revelation 119 in Revelation 119 we read these words therefore write the things which you have seen that's talking about what he saw in Chapter 1 the glorious resurrected Christ and then also it says the things which are that's what he had seen in the seven churches of Asia in chapters 2 and 3 and then notice and the things which will take place after these things the very phrase we read about in Revelation chapter 4 these things are the things yet to come the prophetic future starting with the the rapture of the church when Jesus comes and takes his people out of this world and that's followed immediately by the Great Tribulation which has fallen at the end of the second coming of Christ Jesus in the rapture comes for his church and then it's a second coming he comes with his church and he will reign then in the 1,000 year of the millennial reign of Christ on this earth there will be peace on this earth there will be peace all over this earth because the Prince of Peace will be ruling and then Jesus Christ will judge everyone and all the nations and then the Bible says this earth is going to be destroyed by fire and then God will give us the New Jerusalem the new and the new earth and that's what God is going to tell us in chapters 4 through 22 of Revelation those were the things which must take place after these things and the Bible says that we as Christians need to be ready we need to be ready Christ could come at any moment in the rapture jesus said in Luke 17 I tell you on that night there will be two in one bit one will be taken and the other will be left there will be two women grinding at the same place one will be taken and the other will be left two men will be in the field one will be taken and the other we left Paul wrote about it to the church at Thessalonica he says in chapter four of first Thessalonians 4 the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain will be caught up that's the word for rapture the Latin word rapido caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we shall always be with the Lord so in Revelation chapter 4 verse 1 John is caught up now that's not the rapture it's him being caught up in this beautiful vision of the third heaven just like the Apostle Paul had in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 and he saw God on his throne look at verse 2 in Revelation chapter 4 immediately I was in the spirit and behold a throne was standing in heaven and one sitting on the throne there's this exalted throne it is standing it is strong no one can ever take over that throne it is exalted and the one on it is exalted and he is sitting on that throne he's not in a panic God is not in a panic nothing that has happened in our world in the last few weeks has God or heaven in a panic dr. Adrian Rogers who was the pastor of this church before me said there has never been nor will there ever be an emergency session of the Trinity in heaven God does not panic because God has a providential sovereign plan this world is coming to the plans of God through his son the Lord Jesus Christ the psalmist said in Psalm 91 9 verse 1 the Lord reigns let the peoples tremble he is enthroned above the cherubim let the earth shake people are trembling but God is not this earth is shaking but God is not the Lord reigns he's on his throne he's above all the angels the cherubim and there is a providential peace and a sovereign serenity in heaven right now that we need to tap into we need the calmness of God we need the assurance of God that he has on that throne the psalmist said in Psalm 47 verse 8 God reigns over the nation's God sits on his holy throne I made a mention just a moment ago about Isaiah seeing God in heaven here's what he saw the Bible says in Isaiah 6 verse 1 in the year of king uzziah's death the king had died the political leader had died we don't trust in political leaders the king had died he said I saw the Lord though he was on his throne sitting on his throne he was lofty he was exalted the Train of his robe was filling the temple different our world is not out of control we're on a ship if you will we're sailing across turbulent waters right now but our divine captain God Almighty is safe and he is sovereignly seated on his throne he is guiding this world according to his good pleasure now look at verse 3 and he who was sitting was like a Jasper stone and a sardius in appearance and there was a rainbow around the throne like an emerald in appearance he sees a vision much like Ezekiel saw God in Ezekiel chapter 1 he sees God on his throne in all of his celestial glory surrounded by this beautiful rainbow and all these beautiful colors that are beyond description he's not in a panic he's in charge of the universe and the Bible says in the latter times God is going to shake this world we read in Hebrews 12 verse 26 and following when God spoke from Mount Sinai his voice shook the earth but now he makes another promise the Bible says once again God says I will shake not only the earth but the heavens also this means that all of creation will be shaken and removed so that only unshakable things will remain since we are receiving a kingdom that is unshakeable that's the kingdom of God let us be thankful and please God by worshipping Him with holy fear and awe for our God is a devouring fire I believe that God may be shaking us today I believe he is shaking us I believe with all of my heart that it was providential that I preached just last week about the Church of Laodicea do you remember that revelation 3 god says jesus said I know your deeds to the Christians at Laodicea I know your deeds that you're neither cold nor hot I wish that you were cold or hot so because you're lukewarm and neither hot nor cold I will spit you out of my mouth because you say now listen I am rich I haven't become wealthy I have need of nothing and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked just a few weeks ago our world economy was booming stock markets at an all-time high people buying and selling homes buying cars buying boats buying this buying that going out to eat participating in sports events like the Bible says in Luke 17 they were eating drinking marrying and being given in marriage no cares business as usual but where are we now just a few weeks later people are sick some are dying we're hiding in our homes we're seeing our schools closed restaurants closed hotels closed flights canceled hospitals limiting services dental office is closing no more madness no athletics entire states and cities closing virtually everything could it be that our God is shaking us like the writer of Hebrews says is he's shaking America is he shaking others around the world is he saying to us you say I am rich I have become wealthy I have need of nothing but you don't know that your wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked our sovereign God is on his throne and I believe he is saying to us all once again I will shake not only earth but the heavens also so that all of creation will be shaken and removed so that all unshakable things will remain God is not shaking in fear people all over the world are even some Christians our God is not shaking he's on his throne and he will shake us until only unshakable things remain brethren take heart there is an occupied throne in heaven God is still in control this world will not end in a pandemic this world will end in Jesus Christ coming as king of kings and Lord of lords God Almighty his on his throne that's what John saw God sovereignly rules from his throne room but secondly not only does God sovereignly rule from his throne room but we as believers sacredly worship at God's throne room believers sacredly worship at God's throne room look at chapter 4 beginning at verse 4 around the throne were twenty-four Thrones and upon the Thrones I saw 24 elders sitting clothed in white garments and golden crowns on their heads if you heard the song right before this message they sang about the elders singing and worshiping unto God that's where they get this from who were these 24 elders sitting on these 24 Thrones we know that they were people they were not angels because they were clothed in white garments whenever you hear that term in Revelation is talking about people who are in heaven people who have been given the white garments the righteousness of Jesus Christ and they've been they've also had said they had golden crowns on their heads the Bible says we're going to receive a crown we're going to receive a the Greek word stefanos we're going to receive a crown which one today we will lay at the feet of Jesus when we worship Him like these people they had golden crowns on their heads and then the Bible says in verse 5 out from the throne came flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God now those twenty-four elders I believe represent the Old Covenant people that were looking forward to the Messiah they represent the twelve tribes of Israel and the leaders thereof and they were looking for the coming of Christ and they were saved just like you and I are today but they were looking forward to Christ and they were saved by grace through faith as they looked toward Christ so twelve of the twenty-four elders I believe were the leaders and the heads of the tribes of Israel the other twelve I believe were the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ and they have the New Covenant so you have the Old Covenant looking forward to Christ you have the New Covenant who knows Christ and they're proclaiming the Covenant of Christ and you have all the people of God represented in those 24 elders and now there are these flashings of lightening and these lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God the Bible says in Exodus 19 when God came down and gave the Ten Commandments in chapter 20 of Exodus to the people of God on Mount Sinai this kind of burning this kind of flashings flashes of lightning took place the Bible says on the day of Pentecost there was a fire that came down we read in Acts chapter 2 verse 3 and there appeared to them tongues as a fire distributing themselves and they rested on each one of them the Bible says plainly in Deuteronomy 4 24 for the Lord your God is a consuming fire a jealous God believers in heaven worship God in the midst of that holy fire the holy spirit is the fire of God and it's burning in heaven and he wants to burn in your heart in Salvation he wants to warm you he wants to cleanse you he wants to purify you today through his fire but not only did the 24 elders worship God so do the Angels look at verse 6 in chapter 4 of Revelation and before the throne there was something like a sea of glass like crystal and in this center and around the throne four living creatures full of eyes in front and behind not only did John see people worshipping God but he saw angels worshiping God these four living creatures were angelic beings and they're described in verses 7 and 8 the Bible says the first creature was like a lion the second creature like a calf the third creature had a face like that of a man the fourth creature like that of a flying eagle and the four living creatures each one of them having six wings and they're full of eyes around and within they are majestic angelic beings and they perpetually day after day night after night they worship Almighty God and the Bible says and day and night they do not cease to say holy holy holy is the Lord God the Almighty who was who is and who is to come 24/7 they shout unto our God who is on the throne our God is surrounded by perpetual worship by people and by angels and as they worship so do the twenty-four elders who represent all the redeemed of all the ages verse 9 says and when the living creatures give glory that is the four living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne to him who lives forever and ever the 24 elders will fall down before him who sits on the throne and will worship Him who lives forever and forever and will cast their crowns before the throne that's what happens when someone enters into the presence of God he sits on his throne he rules in majesty he's exalted and the Bible says they fall down on their face in humility and submission and any crown they might have anything they might have they cast it before the Lord they acknowledge that he alone is king of kings and Lord of lords you can't wear a crown in the presence of Almighty God he's too exalted and note what they are all saying as they worship it says in verse 11 worthy are you our Lord and our God to receive glory and honor and power for you have created all things and because of you they will because of your will they existed and were created they worshipped God as the Creator they know that we did not come man did not come creation did not come from some random accident like evolution teaches evolution doesn't know where material came from evident evolution doesn't know how it changed from inorganic material to organic living material but God says God created everything in the heavens and the earth and the Angels have enough sense and the redeemed in heaven have enough sense to worship Almighty God as the creator and as the king of kings aren't you glad today that in heaven people are worshiping Almighty God aren't you glad today that in heaven angels are worshiping all-mighty God aren't you glad today that there are millions of people and millions of angels bowing before God worshipping Him in spirit and in truth bowing at his throne casting their crowns at his feet and aren't you glad today that because of Jesus because Jesus has come into your life and changed you because Jesus is your Lord and Savior because Jesus you have given your heart to him you've repented of your sins you've believed savingly in Jesus you have been washed in the blood of Christ the Spirit of God lives in you and you're worshiping God now and one day you're seeing him just barely right now but one day you'll see him face to face and when you do you will fall with the cherubim you will fall with the Seraphim you will fall with the elders and say you are worthy to receive glory and power and honor and riches and might that's what we're going to do one day if we're Christians and God is in charge believers will sacredly worship in God's throne room all hail the power of Jesus name let angels prostrate fall bring forth the royal diadem and crown him Lord of all oh he is worthy of our praise today all hail his name God sovereignly rules from his throne room believers sacredly worship in God's throne room but let's go quickly to chapter 5 and we'll see that Jesus savingly mediates in God's throne room he is our mediator between God the Father and us Jesus mediates he brings us to God he reconciles us to God Jesus savingly mediates in God's throne room look at chapter 5 verse 1 I saw in the right hand of him that's the father who set on the throne a book written inside and on the back sealed up with seven seals John is looking at God the Father sitting on his throne he notices a book literally a scroll God was holding that book in his right hand the hand of prominence and power it was a scroll it had writing on the inside and on the backside and that book that scroll contained all the information of the impending prophetic events yet to be revealed in chapters 4 all the way through chapter 22 that scroll sealed up it was sealed up with seven seals that is it was sealed perfectly and securely verse 2 and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud boys literally a mega voice who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals who was this strong angel well we don't know for sure but I believe it was Gabriel Gabriel who had spoken to Daniel when he prayed and fasted he spoke about the end of time to Daniel Dan Gabriel who spoke with Mary regarding the virgin birth of her son the Lord Jesus Christ I believe Gabriel was putting forth this question to which no doubt he knew the answer who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals is there anyone in heaven besides God the Father besides God the Holy Spirit who is worthy to open this sacred skull scroll John looked around and it all seemed hopeless we see in verse 3 and verse 4 no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the book or to look into it and John says then I began to weep greatly because no one was found worthy to open the book or to look into the two the scroll he said I wanted to know what it was that God had to say to his mankind I wanted to know the prophecy of the things that are yet to come I wanted to know that but nobody could open that book it was sealed shut by Almighty God not even an angel could open it up abraham couldn't do it Isaac Jacob Joseph they're not worthy Moses Joshua Deborah Samuel not worthy David Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel not worthy John the Baptist Mary Peter Paul John not worthy Archangels Michael Gabriel not worthy 24 elders not worthy for living creatures not worthy no angelic being on earth or under the earth or above no one is worthy but one of the 24 elders stands up and gives perhaps the most encouraging words spoken in this text verse 5 and one of the elders said to me stop weeping behold whenever you see that word God is about to give you a revelation behold the lion that is from the tribe of Judah the root of David who is he is rooted in David he is David's son he is David's descendant has overcome so as to open the book and it's seven seals that word overcome is the little word Nike it means to conquer it means to win stop weeping there's a lion he's the Lion of the tribe of Judah the Messiah will come from the tribe of Judah he is the root of David he has overcome he can open this book he can break those seals Jesus Christ was the one and all of a sudden as if out of nowhere Jesus walks into the room at the throne room and the Bible says in verse 6 and I saw between the throne with the four living creatures and the elders a lamb the lion who is also a lamb standing as if slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth Jesus walks in he walks in with nail-pierced hands he walks in with nail-pierced feet he walks in with a side that has been riveted he walks in with a brow that had had thorns upon it he walks in and everyone knows he is the sacrificial lamb of God and he is also the Lion of Judah he is also rooted in David in the prophecy and he is the Messiah and all of heaven knows that Jesus is the one who is worthy he had seven horns he had perfect and absolute power he had seven eyes he had perfect vision and knowledge he was anointed by the seven spirits of God the perfect holy spirit was upon him the exalted lion and lamb of God approached the throne of God and look at verse seven and he came and he took the book praise God he took the book out of the right hand of God nobody else could try that you try that you die anybody else try that they'd be destroyed but Jesus came and he took the book out of the right hand of him that is the father who set upon his throne this is a direct prophetic fulfillment of Daniel chapter 7 13 and 14 where the Bible's says Daniel looked into heaven he saw the same thing he said I kept looking in the night visions and behold with the clouds of heaven one like the Son of Man was coming he came up to the Ancient of Days that's God the Father and was presented before him and to him was given Dominion glory and a kingdom that all the peoples and nations and men of every language might serve in his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which will not pass away and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed when Jesus Christ took that book he was saying I'm in charge of history I'm in charge of the future I am on my throne just like my father is on his throne and I am in charge I am worthy because I am the eternal son of God I am worthy because I'm the virgin born son of God I am worthy because I lived a sinless life I am worthy because I went to the cross and I died as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of mankind I am worthy because I was buried but I came out of the grave I rose from the dead bodily victoriously and eternally and I have the keys to death hell and the grave in my hand I appeared to my disciples I am worthy and I ascended to heaven and I gave my blood on the mercy seat in heaven and then I sat down at the right hand of the Father I am worthy to open this scroll I am worthy to tell you what the future will be the future is in my hands Jesus said I am worthy verse 8 and when he had taken the book the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the lamb each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the saints and they sang a new song saying worthy are you to take the book and to break its seals for you were slain and you purchased for God with your own blood men from every tribe every tongue every people every nation I want to tell you American will just have Americans in it it will just have white people in it or black people in it it won't just have Democrats or Republicans it won't just have Americans it's gonna have people from all over the world people all over the world who have followed Jesus who have repented of their sins believe that Jesus are going to be there at that throne room he says you have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God and they will reign upon the earth we're going to reign with Jesus during the millennial reign and we're going to worship Almighty God and we're going to be priests the Bible says in verse 11 then I looked and I heard the voice of many angels it comes another worship service around the throne and the living creatures and the elders and the number of them was Myriad's of Myriad's and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might now people can't give God power and riches and wisdom and might only God can do that but the Bible says that we can give him honor and glory and blessing only God the Father could give Jesus riches and power and wisdom and might but you and I can give him honor and glory and blessing verse 13 and every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea and all things in them I heard them saying to him who sits on the throne that is God the Father and to the lamb that's Jesus Christ be blessing and honor and glory and Dominion forever and ever and the four living creatures kept saying amen and the elders fell down and they worshiped God all hail the power of Jesus name let angels prostrate fall bring forth the royal diadem and crown him Lord of all oh that was yonder sacred throng we had his feet may fall we'll join the everlasting song and one day crown him crown Jesus Lord of all Jesus as at the right hand of God he is God's only mediator the only way you can get to God is through Jesus Christ Paul said in first Timothy chapter 2 verse 5 there is one God there is only one mediator also between God and men the man Christ Jesus jesus said himself in John 14:6 the night before he was crucified he said I am the way the way the truth the life no man cometh unto the father but by me Bible says in acts 4:12 as Peter and John were standing before the Jewish Sanhedrin on trial they said there is salvation in no one else for there is no other name talking about the name of Jesus under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved you can't get saved in any other way except through the Lord Jesus Christ he is Jesus savingly Jesus alone savingly mediates in God's throne we're living in unprecedented days my wife and I were talking about this even today it's just so different how do we go forward as my good friend Danny akin president of southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary says and I quote this world is not out of control rushing headlong toward destruction and annihilation all things are under the sovereign control of our great God because in heaven there is a lion who is also a lamb and he has the whole world on his heart and in his hands amen friend have no fear God is on the throne man is not in control God is in control pray for our leaders but I want to tell you our political leaders we don't put our faith in them we put our faith in Almighty God the coronavirus is not in control science is not in control politicians are not in control China the US sa Russia Iran North Korea they are not in control you and I are not in control God Almighty is I saw a video this week that was from a clip a 50-second clip from the precious late preacher and evangelist Billy Graham I want you to see what he has to say and I believe it's very appropriate for this time in which we live watch this how back I said Lord please tell me what you're doing and God said no I'm not gonna tell you how back up because if I told you what I was doing you wouldn't believe if God today told us what he's doing in the world we would believe it don't you think God's given up and gods abdicated and God's left the throne he hasn't he's still on the throne and those of us should know him trust in him and him alone I don't put my trust in Washington I don't put my trust in the United Nations I don't put my trust in myself I don't put trust in my money I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ when all the rest of it fails and crumbles and shatters he'll be there aren't you thankful that God is in his throne room aren't you glad that Jesus is in the throne room aren't you glad that God is in control I want to ask you do you know Jesus is he your mediator is he your Savior the Bible says that God loves you but the Bible also says that you and all of us were sinners we have broken the laws of God and the just penalty of our sin is spiritual death but God loved us too much to leave us in that state of sin the Bible says that Jesus came to this earth he existed in eternity past as God the Son in heaven at the throne room but he left his throne room and he came to this earth and he was born of a virgin somehow and that he was free from a sinful nature and he was tempted and always like we are but then he never once yielded to temptation he never sinned and he went to the cross not to die as a martyr not to die as a criminal but to die as an atoning lamb the lion died as a lamb as a sacrifice for you and for me and he stayed on the cross until he could say a word to tell us die it is finished paid in full he drank the wrath of God's cup for all of our sin for your sin and for mine he drank that hearted cup until he could turn over the chalice and say it is finished paid in full to tell us die victory victory and then he died and he was buried to prove that he was dead but three days later Jesus rose from the dead I want to say this to you every other hero of every other holy book is dead but our hero Jesus is alive Jesus Christ rose from the dead he rose bodily not just his teaching but the teacher rose himself Jesus rose bodily victoriously with the keys of death hell and the grave in his hand and the Bible says he ascended back to the Father he's at the right throne at the right hand of the Father there on his throne the father is on his throne the Spirit is there with them God Almighty the triune God enthroned in heaven and the Bible says that he offers you the gift of eternal life how do you receive it how do you receive this gift first of all you have to repent a u-turn is what you think about when you think about repentance you do an about-face you do a 180 a spiritual turnaround you say God I am tired of living this way I'm tired of not having purpose in my life I'm tired of not knowing one day from the next what's going to happen I'm tired of not knowing how things are gonna turn out as I live and one day when I die god I want you I repent I turn from my sins I turn from my selfishness I turn to you I want to be saved the Bible says if you don't repent you perish jesus said that twice in Luke 13 you have to repent you have to turn and the Lord will help you and then secondly you have to believe you have to believe that Jesus died on the cross for you and that he rose from the dead to give you eternal life you have to believe and then you have to receive you have to repent you have to believe in Christ and you have to receive him you have to invite him to come into your life just like a young couple at their wedding they receive one another as husband and wife you have to receive the Lord as many as receive him John 1:12 says as many as received him to them he gives the right to become children of God to those who believe in his name would you trust in Christ today would you repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ not in this world not in a political party not in something man can do not in science but put your faith in your hope and your trust in Jesus Christ alone and he will save you and one day you'll be there at his throne in the throne room worshipping God the Father in the power of the whole spirit you'll be kneeling at the nail start feet of Jesus casting your crown your stefanos at his blessed feet and saying thou art worthy thou art worthy thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and to receive honor glory and honor and power for thou has created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created you'll be there if you'll receive Christ and I want to ask you if that's what you want to do to pray this with me I'd like to lead you in a prayer where you can receive Christ just like I lead a young couple in their wedding vows and they can receive one another in marriage I want to lead you in a prayer to receive Christ I've done this with thousands of people and I want to do it with you right now pray and receive Christ even where you are pray and call upon the name of Lord whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved pray something like this dear Lord Jesus I thank you that you love me I am a sinner I cannot save myself with your help I repent of my sin I turn from my selfishness I turn to you I believe that you died on the cross for me I believe you rose from the dead and you're alive and I receive you right now come into my life save me Lord Jesus Christ I call upon your name save me wash me cleanse me fill me take me Lord and use me for your glory wear me like a glove Oh God have your hand upon me be my Lord and my Savior in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 5,445
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: throne room of god, book of revelation, end times sermon, pastor Steve gaines, Bellevue Baptist Church, bellevue memphis, bellevue church, bellvue, bellview, Steve gains
Id: WtPruUtMRvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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