"The Glory of Our Great God" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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take your bibles and turn with me to revelation chapter 15 and we're going to look at two chapters today chapter 15 and chapter 16. let me just tell you a little bit about the lay of the land here chapters 15 and 16 are all about the seven bowls of wrath which is the final outpouring of the wrath of god in the book of revelation now we'll come to chapter 17 and 18 but they the chronology of revelation is not in sync okay chapter 17 and 18 will have already happened by the time chapter 16 happens but what he'll do in chapter 17 and 18 he'll go back and show you how the religious and then also the economic babylon will be destroyed we're going to see one reference to babylon at the end of the sermon but this city is going to be rebuilt it's going to be the capital for antichrist yes he will be worshipped in jerusalem but he's going to build a very notorious ungodly city he's going to resurrect babylon and it'll be there exactly where the tower of babel was raised and god pushed it down and knocked it down and god's going to do the same thing with this new city called babylon and it's going again to be the center the epicenter for the antichrist and in chapters 17 and 18 they will be destroyed so when you have 16 as soon as 16 is over the wrath of god is over and jesus comes back that is in chapter 19. now this is confusing you look at me i'm going to talk to you just like my hebrew professor told me that the for all of us the first day he stepped in we were reading this hebrew and i couldn't i couldn't fathom what it was because we were reading first of all right to left that weird that was weird enough all right but he said don't you guys get afraid until you see me get afraid all right so i'm saying to you don't get confused and i'm not going to get confused chapter 19 is when jesus comes back and what happens immediately after these six seven plagues of the bowls is jesus is coming back and when he comes back all heaven is going to break loose on earth amen and so it's going to be really good but i'm just trying to give you a little lay of the land let me say this to you before i read start preaching out of verse chapter 15 verse 1 if we could see the glory of god if we could see the face of god if we could see our exalted lord jesus christ right now i know because i see it throughout the bible when people just saw a glimpse of god there's only one thing to do it's not even to raise your hands it's not even to bow your head it's not even to get on your knees but when people see god they literally lie down and get on their face before god and worship him if jesus christ walked in this room in all of his glory we would hit the deck and we would worship the lord and when you see him that's just what happens that's what happens to people who have been seeing him for all eternity he never gets old seeing the face of our resurrected lord will never get old it will never cease to be glorious and filled with wonder i don't even know how to comprehend something like that but that's what we're going to talk about today the glory of our great god and it's displayed in our text today chapter 15 and 16 in three distinct ways first of all the great glory of our god is displayed in god's royal wonder chapter 15 is the shortest chapter in the book of revelation but it is one of the deepest what it lacks in length it makes up for in depth and the first thing we see is god's royal wonder his celestial wonder in heaven look at verse one then i saw another sign in heaven great and marvelous seven angels who had seven plagues which are the last because in them the wrath of god is finished now god's wrath has already been demonstrated many times in revelation back in revelation chapter 6 jesus was the only one worthy in the universe to unlock the scroll and to give out the seven seals of wrath we saw that devastation back in chapter 6. and then in chapters 8 and 9 we saw the seven trumpets of wrath and now we come to the conclusion of god's wrath and that is the seven bowls of wrath they come out of heaven because god is their source they start with god they come to a sinful wicked world according to the bible god is a god of mercy god is a god of grace god is a god of forgiveness and we're all grateful but when people refuse to repent god is a god of wrath god loves sinners he loves it when we repent god hates it when we don't repent god blesses sinners who repent god punishes sinners who don't repent god gives mercy to us when we turn from our sins god gives wrath to all who rebel and hold on to their sin and john sees an awesome sight in verse 2. he said i saw something like a sea of glass look at this now mixed with fire john looked he saw the throne of god and right in front of the throne of god was a crystal platform if you will a sea of glass it was shining moses had seen the exact same thing in the old testament when he was receiving the ten commandments of god on mount sinai the bible says in exodus 24 verses 9 and 10 moses went up with aaron that's his brother and then nadab and abyhu and 70 of the elders of israel and they saw the god of israel they didn't see his face because the bible says you can't see his face and live but they saw his glory and under his feet watch this now there appeared to be a pavement same thing a sea of crystal a pavement of sapphire as clear as the sky itself john sees it like an ocean and he says it's mixed with fire that's impending judgment verse 2 goes on to say and those who had been victorious over the beast that is the antichrist and his image and the number of his name standing on the sea of glass were holding harps of god john saw these christians they had overcome antichrist anti-christ thought that he had overcome them when he killed them as martyrs but they overcame him because they were washed in the blood of the lamb they had defied and they had defeated the beast on earth the antichrist they had refused to bow down and worship his blasphemous image there in jerusalem in the temple and they refused the number of his name the mark of the beast they said we'd rather starve than to in any way acquiesce to the antichrist we worship christ they died for jesus on earth now they are living in his presence in heaven they stood before god and his throne on the glassy sea and they were holding harps of god obviously worshipping him on earth they had been battered but now in heaven they are being blessed and i got news for you i'd rather the world beat me up and then go to heaven then the world to pack me on the back and then go to hell they sang two songs and made it one they brought the old testament out with the song of moses they brought the new testament out with the song of the lamb the song of moses comes from exodus 15. the song of the lamb comes from revelation 5. we'll look at excerpts of those in a moment but notice the summary he gives in verses 3 and 4 they sang the song of moses the bond servant of god and the song of the lamb saying great and marvelous these are the themes of the two songs not the exact songs great and marvelous are your works o lord god the almighty righteous and true are your ways king of the nations who will not fear o lord and glorify your name for you alone are holy for all the nations will come and worship before you for your your righteousness your righteous acts have been revealed you'll remember what happened with the song of moses moses had gone under the leadership of god he had seen god in a burning bush and the bush didn't burn up and he said i want you to go and lead my people out of egyptian bondage 400 years is long enough they had gone there under jacob israel and his 12 sons they got there and and they went to egypt and joseph had gone ahead of them to prepare the way he was the vice president after 13 years and years in jail he became the vice president if you will of all of egypt second only to pharaoh and the bible says though that there are rows of pharaoh that didn't know the lord and he threw them all into prison and made them slaves for 400 years and finally moses comes and he leads them all out it's called the exodus x out of odas way the way out of imprisonment the way out of egyptian bondage and they walk out and the bible says god sent plagues upon them the laughter last of which was killing their only son and the passover came out of that because the bible says that all the jewish people took the blood of lambs and put it over their doors symbolic of the blood of jesus that protects us from the wrath of god and the bible says that god sent and killed all the firstborn of egypt but if you had the blood when god saw the blood he passed over you and the bible says they all came out free at last after 400 years of bondage and they're walking out and they're singing and they're praising god but then they get to the red sea and they stop and they turn around and who is on their heels pharaoh he's changed his mind but god almighty can protect his children and the bible says that god the shekinah glory came behind them there's a verse of scripture in the old testament says god says i am going ahead of you and i am also your rear guard i can handle anything in your past and i'm going to take care of your future and i am with you in the present god is a good god amen and so he's the rear guard and the shekinah glory goes behind the people of god sets up a fire a wall of fire and pharaoh stops dead in his tracks and while that fire is burning all night god sends a supernatural wind and it blows on the reds the red sea and it opens it up and it dries it out listen to me they didn't walk through mud they walked on dry land on that seabed let me tell you god when he does something he does it right they walked all the way through and then as soon as they got on the other side of the red sea the bible says the fire stopped and pharaoh says well i'll just come in after you and he went in and you know what presumption comes sometimes can get you in a mess amen he walks in and god shuts the whole thing on his whole army and kills them all and the bible says on the other side they are seeing the remnant of their persecutors for the last 40 years floating around there and they start to sing and praise god you say well that's a very morbid thing i got news for you if you'd been in prison for 400 years and you'd never know anybody that even knew anything about freedom guess what when you got free you'd be singing too amen so i'm just going to read you there's 27 verses i'll just read seven of them you'll get the gist of it out of exodus 15 then moses and the sons of israel sang this song to the lord and said i will sing to the lord for he is highly exalted the horse and the rider he has hurled into the sea the lord is my strength in my song he has become my salvation this is my god and i will praise him my father's god and i will extol him the lord is a warrior the lord is his name pharaoh's chariots and his army he is cast into the sea and the choices of his officers are drowned in the red sea the deeps cover them they went down into the pits like a stone your right hand o lord is majestic in power your right hand o lord shatters your enemies and in the greatness of your excellence you overthrow those who rise up against you you send forth your burning anger and it consumes them as chaff now why in the world would these people that are being have been saved they've martyrs during the tribulation why would they sing this because just like pharaoh antichrist had persecuted them and just like the horrible times of those 400 years of imprisonment in egypt they had gone through the great tribulation and they knew what it was like to be in a hard place but god had set them free even though they died they were immediately in the presence of god and so they start singing the song of moses but that's not enough aren't you glad that we've got a better song than the old testament aren't you glad that we've got the song of the lamb as well amen jesus christ has set us free and so they start singing that one as well i'll read it to you out of revelation chapter five beginning in verse eight when he had taken the book john the four living creatures and jesus rather and the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the lamb that's jesus each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of all the saints and they sang here it is now a new song saying worthy are you to take the book and to break its seals for you were slain and purchased for god with your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation you've made them to be a key to to be a kingdom and priest to our god and they will reign upon the earth then i looked and i heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders and the numbers of them were myriads that's ten thousands of ten thousands myriads of myriads and thousands upon thousands saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing and every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea and all the things in them i heard saying to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb that's god the father and god the son jesus be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever and the four living creatures kept saying amen you can just hear them amen amen amen and the elders fell down and worshiped god that's what heaven's going to be like that's what it's going to be like if you don't loud like loud shouting and praising god you're not going to like heaven if you've got to have a quiet corner there ain't one all right everybody's praising god everybody's excited about jesus and they're singing the song of the lamb in heaven and so these people these martyrs are singing both the old and the new covenant the old in moses and the new in jesus verse five after these things i looked and the temple of the tabernacle this is the real temple of the tabernacle the one in heaven was opened the one in the old testament the tabernacle and the temple they were similar but they were just a model of the one in heaven the one in the new testament was just a model of the one in heaven and so here john sees seven angels and what are they carrying they're carrying the seven bowls of wrath and they're about to come down and cast them across the earth look at verse six and the seven angels who had the seven plagues came out of the temple clothed in linen clean and bright and girded around their chest with golden sashes they are dressed in royalty because they serve the royal king of kings and lord of lords forever and the bible says in verse seven the one then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of god who lives forever and ever now the word bowl when we think about bowl we think about uh you know a big deep pit or a bowl like this that's not what it is it's a little it's a little short saucer is what it is just a the word in the greek is just for a shallow saucer the reason being god is on these last bowls of bread he's not going to pour them out you know like this out of a pitcher no he's going to take that little shallow saucer be filled with the wrath of god in seven times he's going to sling it all at once like that and it covers the whole world automatically so you get the picture there god is giving imminent wrath he's giving he's pouring it out slashing it slushing it out over the whole world at the same time revelation 15 again look at verse 8 the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of god and from his power and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished there are times we see in the bible in the old and now in the new testament when the glory of god is so brilliant and it so fills the places in heaven that everybody there has to just stop and shut down for a while because god's glory is so thick and let me tell you something there were times in the tabernacle and in the temple also in the bible when god's glory would be so great that people just had to shut down and be quiet because god's presence was so thick i want to say this to you i'm grateful for every person here but we don't at bellevue we don't want to build a worship service just to attract people don't get mad at me all right we want to attract the manifest presence of god what does it matter if people come and god's not here i'm not talking about god's omnipresence that's everywhere okay that's in every alley and every street and everything else i'm talking about the manifest presence of god where jesus said if two or three have gathered together in my name that is to worship me to be before me and to bow before me to really engage with me there i am in their midst and i want to have a church when people walk out of here they say god was in that house they're not talking about the sermon they're not talking about the songs they're not talking about the pretty uh seats and all that stuff they're saying god is in that place god is in that place god is in that place that's what we need in our churches we look we need god in our government we need god in our schools we need god in our homes but we need god back in our churches all right in the church the house of the living god it is not our house it's his house well i'll preach more about that some other time god's royal wonder oh praise god it sets up chapter 15 sets up the whole thing we're about to read now in chapter 16 and that is the glory of god is displayed not only in royal wonder but in god's righteous wrath it's a hard thing but it's true god's glory is also seen not just in his mercy but in his wrath he's going to pour out his wrath on unrepentant hardened sinners and show and manifest his glory as holy god how's that going to happen first of all there's going to be a category called extreme earthly judgments that's what i call it extreme earthly judgments that are going to be just upon the land it's going to start off with disease look at verses one and two you'll see the first bowl then i heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of god so the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth and it became a loathsome and malignant sore underline that word it's really we would call it an ulcer but it's a malignant ulcer it's a deadly ulcer on the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshipped his image it's the word sore is the greek word here is the equivalent of the latin word from which we get our word ulcer now i can't be i can't overstate how gross it is all right it is ulcerous it is oozing it is swollen it is infectious yea it is loathsome that means it's indescribably bad and it is malignant it is deadly they wanted a mark they took the mark of the beast now they're going to get the mark of god's deadly sores that boils these malignant sores all over their body god is going to send it because they took of the mark of the beast they also get the boils of the lord disease and then god is going to pour out bowls two and three and they will produce wrath of pollution look at verses three and following the second angel poured out his bowl into the sea and it became blood like that of a dead man now there's different there's a difference in the way blood looks when you cut your hand or something you see that red blood coming that's totally different than somebody who has died and there's blood that is exposed it's all coagulated and it is thick that's what he's talking about here it's like the blood of a dead man and every living thing in the sea died why why it all thickened up the whole sea became it just became coagulated and the fish couldn't breathe there's nothing to breathe there's no water anymore there's no salt water then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers that is the fresh water and the springs of water and they became blood i mean every sea animal every fish everything in the rivers ponds and everything look at me no more water now you say now how brother steve how can you get up there and call a god like that good look at me god knew you were going to be thinking that and that's why he gives a little parenthetical statement here g the the bible says here that uh an angel steps in just to give you guys an understanding of why it's the right thing for god to do this you ready for this look at verse 5 i heard the angel the water saying righteous are you he's talking to god righteous are you who are and who were oh holy one because you judge these things you judge this way for they these people on the earth that won't repent they poured out the blood of saints that is christians and prophets that's preachers who have and they have given you have given them blood to drink they deserve it you reap what you sow they had shed the blood of millions of christians and now god says you want to shed their blood you drink blood you want to sow blood you're going to reap blood you're going to have exactly what you give out in life the bible says they deserve it and i heard the altar saying oh yes oh lord god the almighty true and righteous are your judgments the lord is the judge of all the earth and i'm telling you the judge of all the earth will do right these people are going to be so hardened so sinful they are going to torture and slaughter the people of god they're going to pour out the blood of the saints and the prophets and god will give them blood to drink because they deserve it extreme earthly judgments well god will also pour out his wrath using extreme atmospheric judgments that's a long word i'll give you a moment to write that one down atmospheric use that five times this week and everybody will think you're smart amen just go around and say uh i've been thinking about something atmospheric and everybody just think you're brilliant all right well look at these these uh plagues first of all sunburn look at verses eight and nine the fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun and it was given to it to scorch men with fire men were scorched with fierce heat somehow the sun's rays will turn lethal and deadly the old testament prophet isaiah saw this he saw this before it ever happened hundreds of years thousands of years before it ever happened he says isaiah 24 4 and 6 the earth mourns and withers the world fades and withers the exalted of the people of the land earth fade away the earth is also polluted by its inhabitants now he's not talking about pollution like we talk about today he's talking about spiritual pollution because he goes on to say it's polluted by its inhabitants for they transgress laws they violate statutes they break the everlasting covenant therefore a curse devours the earth what is that curse those who live in it are held guilty what are they guilty of and what's going to happen what's the curse therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left isaiah saw this coming you'd think after four bowls of wrath are going to be poured out upon them that everybody would be repenting but not so up to this point the only one who is in the bible or in the book of revelation who is blasphemed his antichrist but now all of his followers are going to join in his blasphemies look at verse 9 the latter part they blaspheme the name of god who has the power over those plagues and they did not repent so as to give him glory rather than bl bless god they blaspheme god rather than repenting they rebelled and reviled god then god sends another bowl of wrath bowl five and that's darkness notice the contrast bowl four was light it was extreme heat and now god goes to the exact opposite and he pours out darkness now i want to say this to you this is this let me just read the text it's very interesting verse 10 the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast and his kingdom became darkened he poured out the darkness first upon the antichrist let me tell you why that's important look at me real quick antichrist wants he he is so proud and arrogant and cocky he wants everybody looking at him rather than at christ and so he's sitting on a throne most of the time he's there in jerusalem he's expecting everybody to worship him and to worship his image and to do what the false prophet says and through that he glorifies satan but all of a sudden he's sitting up here to see him on his throne and god says oh yeah by the way and he god flips off the light and he's in darkness nobody's going going to see you big boy no you're not going to get any praise i share my glory with nobody and god turns the light out you may not think that's funny i think it's hilarious god's got the power to turn the lights on and off whenever he is ready and he's going to shut the light and you know what it's not just physical darkness it is a spiritual darkness somehow it's going to be painful it goes on to say in verse 10 and they gnawed their tongues because of pain they chew their tongues and while they're chewing their tongue they're chewing god out if you will they're reviling god verse 11. they blasphemed the god of heaven because of their pains and their sores and they did not repent the fifth bowl of wrath will be darkness and then the sixth bowl will be drought drought obviously there's no water that's all that can happen and there's a reason for the drought god is going to use some demons god even uses demons to accomplish his work not that god is demonic but god is over everything he is sovereign and the bible says these demons are going to draw some people to the battle of armageddon the bible says in verse 12 the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river the euphrates and its water was dried up again i'm not talking about mud i'm talking about dusty riverbeds so that the way would be prepared for the kings from the east they're coming he's luring them in that's what god's doing he's using we're going to see in a minute demonic spirits to lure them in so that they will be destroyed in the battle of armageddon verse 13 and i saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon the dragon is satan and out of the mouth of the beast the beast is antichrist and out of the mouth the false prophet there's the unholy trinity three unclean spirits like frogs they're demonized and they said they are spirits of demons performing signs the devil can perform certain miracles just because somebody performs a miracle doesn't in and of itself mean that they walk with god sometimes miracle workers have demonic powers which go out of the kings of the whole to the kings of the whole earth to gather them together for the war of the great day of god the almighty they're going to be kings all over the world that don't love christ that have persecuted the people of christ and god says i'm going to lure them all in i'm going to take the unholy trinity and through those demonic spirits i'm going to call to them the enemy the devil and the antichrist and the false prophet think it's going to be calling them into a great victory but what they don't know is when jesus comes back it will not be a great victory for the devil it will be the end of the devil it will be the end of satan's throne it will be the end of antichrist it will be the end of the false prophet so god is just luring them in and he's pulling them in and the bible says that god all of a sudden jesus wants to encourage his christians in a parenthetical statement it says in verse 15 behold i'm coming like a thief i want to stop right there god is not a thief god doesn't steal anything the imagery means i'm coming quickly and one of the reasons i believe in the rapture of the church people who believe that we've got to preach the gospel to the whole world and before jesus ever comes back jesus was talking about the second coming he was not talking about the rapture there is a a constant theme throughout the new testament that jesus can come back at any moment jesus himself said he says it here i'm coming like a thief i'm coming at a time when you don't expect me you'd be watching you'd be waiting the apostle said the coming of the lord is at hand keep your eyes toward the lord be waiting be watching nothing has to happen before jesus comes to snatch us away like he talks about in in luke chapter 17 two in the field one taking one left two in the bed one taking one left jesus could come back at any moment so when he says here i'm coming like a thief look at me he can come back before i finish this sermon and it's not just because i preach a long time jesus can come back anytime nothing has to happen before jesus comes back in the rapture blessed is the one who stays awake stay awake keep your clothes on stay clothed in the righteousness of jesus and the whole armor of god so that he will not walk about naked and men will not see his shame don't you fall don't you fall in the hard days that are ahead christians of bellevue don't you fall into sin you walk with god i don't care what anybody else does it does what your family does when anybody you walk with god and you keep the whole armor of god on and you stay dressed in the lord jesus christ every day walk with him and don't be found naked and shameful when he comes back he's reassuring these christians who got saved during the great tribulation that they did good and now they need to stay awake spiritually look look forward to the coming of the lord and then he says in verse 16 they gathered them together to the place which in hebrew is called har mageddon now i've got to just look at the screens all you folks online i don't know what to tell you what to do but you can't see the screens all right so here you go here's the tail of megiddo the hill of megiddo and the way they do this you might see layers in here really some of that is just the where the sheep walk but there are layers under here what they do in this area is whenever they build a new city like when they wipe out a city they'll build a new one right on top of it so that's why these tails these hills are just generations of cities that have been here at megiddo megiddo right here is right above the valley of megiddo and we call it armageddon we also call it the jezreel valley and it is huge there there have been over 200 battles that have taken place on these planes out here every time we go to israel i've been there about a dozen times to this tale i've been to israel 15 times but i've been up on this tale and and when we look out across here it is breathtaking to look at this valley i want to just show it to you on a map very quickly this is megiddo right here there's mount carmel that's where elijah was when the fire came down this is the valley right here this is the valley of jezreel all through here it goes down through here and then it splits it goes down through here and the bible says that the blood is going to flow for 200 miles when jesus comes back and destroys antichrist and his forces and all these kings that have been gathered together under false pretense thinking they're going to defeat the lamb i've got news for you the lamb has already won the battle amen he's already won the battle so that's the sixth bowl of drought and then the last bowl is devastation devastating i don't know what else think of the worst word you can think of put that word there because this devastation that's going to happen is going to an earthquake is going to reform the world like it was geographically during the garden of eden look at verse 17. then the seventh angel poured out his bowl upon the air and a loud voice came out of the temple from the throne saying it is done notice verse 18 and there were flashes of lightning sounds and peals of thunder those are marks of god's judgment on the earth and then an unprecedented unprecedented earthquake there came an earthquake a great earthquake such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth so great an earthquake was it and so mighty the the lord says it is done thunder lightning earthquake what happened when jesus died it is finished thunder lightning darkness and an earthquake god repeats himself does he not to give clarity to know that it's god and this earthquake is going to move mount it's going to move out islands what is an island it's just a mountain in the ocean and it's going to be leveled that's why the mount the there won't be any islands and then the mountains are all going to be leveled it's going to be rolling hills it's going to be beautiful just like it was when god created adam and eve and put them in the garden of eden verse 19 the great city was split into three parts this is jerusalem being divided and guess what the old testament prophets saw it coming listen to zechariah chapter 14 verse 4 and following in that day his feet whose feet messiah's feet will stand on the mount of olives where did jesus ascend from from the mount of olives where is he coming back to the mount of olives which is in front of jerusalem on the east and the mount of olives will be split in the middle from east to west by a very large valley so that half of the mountain will be moved toward the north and the other half toward the south you will flee by the valley of my mountains for the valley of the mountains will reach to isle yes you will flee just as you fled before the earthquake in the days of uzziah king of judah now watch look at the end of verse 5 then the lord my god will come and all the holy ones with him we're going to come back with the lord jesus i'll preach about that in a few weeks in revelation chapter 19 verse 6. now in that day there will be no light the luminaries will dwindle that is all the stars won't need them anymore not going to have to have any light because the lord will be the light verse 7 for it will be a unique day which is known to the lord neither day nor light but it will come about that at evening time there will be light and in that day living waters will flow out of jerusalem that's because jesus christ gives the living water it's going to flow out of jerusalem half of them toward the eastern sea which sea is that the dead sea it's going to come to life the bible says there's going to be fish in that i've been in that thing many times there's not a fish in the whole thing but hear me it's going to come back to life the one that rose from the dead can even he can even make the dead sea the real living sea amen they're going to have to rename it and the bible says that it's going to flow also toward the western sea what is that that's the mediterranean it will be a summer in summer as well as in winter and the lord will be king over all the earth king jesus will be king over all the earth in that day the lord will be the only one in his name the only one and and all the land here it is will be changed into a plane from gaba to ramon south of jerusalem but jerusalem will rise and remain on its site from benjamin gate as far as the place of the first gate to the corner gate and from the tower of hanonel to the king's wine presses people will live in it and there will be no longer be a curse for jerusalem will dwell in security jerusalem is going to be the capital of the world and jesus will be king of kings and lord of lords for a thousand years there will be peace on this planet and living water is going to flow all around because jesus christ is going to be on his throne let's praise god for that can we do that right now let's go back now real quickly to revelation 16 look at verse 19 and the cities of the nation fell babylon that's the city that anti-christ is going to build close to where the old tower of babel was babylon the great was remembered before god and we'll study about the fall of babylon in the next two chapters to give her the cup of the wine of his fierce wrath and every island fled away in the mountains were not found and huge hailstones verse 21 about a hundred pounds each the heaviest piece of hail that's ever been measured didn't even weigh two pounds and now something 50 pound 50 times more is going to come and destroy so many homes and so many people came down from heaven above and upon men and men blasphemed god because of the plague of the hail because its plague was extremely severe oh the glory of god is going to be displayed in extreme earthly and atmospheric judgments god's righteous wrath the glory of god is going to be displayed in god's royal wonder the glory of god is going to be displayed in god's righteous wrath and just i just have just a minute or two to show you the last thing the glory of god is going to be displayed in mankind's relentless wickedness god is saving those people who harden their hearts those wicked people to experience the wrath of his glory look at verses 9 11 and 21 very quickly verse 9 men were scorched with fierce heat they blasphemed they cursed the name of god who has the power over these plagues they did not repent so as to give him glory verse 11 and they blasphemed the god of heaven because of their pains and their sores that is their ulcers and they did not repent of their deeds verse 21 huge hailstones about 100 pounds each came down from heaven upon men and men blasphemed god because of the plague of the hail because of its plague was extremely severe they are going to love anti-christ they're going to love the false prophet they're going to love satan so much they're going to love their sins so much that even during all of this all of this retribution all of this wrath they're going to look god in the eye and curse their creator and curse jesus their potential redeemer and curse the holy spirit and god will rightfully pour out his wrath and in that he will be glorified he will be glorified you don't mock god you don't blaspheme the name of god the third of the ten commandments says it this way you shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain for the lord will not leave him unpunished who takes his name in vain they're going to blaspheme the name of jesus and jesus is going to pour out wrath upon them i want to say this to you if we could see heaven right now we would do what isaiah did we would hit the deck and say woe is me i am unclean and i live among unclean people god is a holy glorious god and he's going to show that through the seven bowls of wrath and then he's going to show it completely when his son jesus who is the glory of god comes back to earth the whole future is planned you know what i just said the world is not out of control everything is coming to a planned end we are like little specks of dust if you will but when you get to know jesus he loves every speck amen and he's blowing everything exactly toward his conclusion and everything we read in the bible will take place regardless of men blaspheming regardless of people teaching blasphemous things in our schools regardless of anything that happens look at me regardless of people saying well it's okay for a casino to be open but now you churches you shut down i thank god that we've got some pastors across america who've said enough is enough if the casinos can be open we can be open amen you pray you pray for our friend john macarthur thank god for that man amen thank god for him and others like him but i want to say in the end god will have the final say and in a way god's already had the final say it's going to be exactly the way he said and he is a glorious god all week i've been thinking about an old hymn that's kind of where my mind goes to god be the glory great things he has done so loved he the world that he gave us his son who yielded his life and atonement for sin and opened the life gate that all may go in praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his voice praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice oh come to the father through jesus the son and give him the glory great things he has done let's give him praise right now amen hallelujah praise you lord
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 2,852
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: the glory of our great god, book of revelation, Pastor Steve Gaines, Bellevue Baptist Church, Bellvue, Bellview, end times sermons, great tribulation, Bellevue Memphis, Bellevue Church
Id: 34W1_t5H35k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 3sec (2823 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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