Baby Sellers | Starring Kirstie Alley | Full Movie | Lifetime

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[baby crying] Stop the car. Let's go. Faster. Move, move, move. [labored breathing] [non-english speech]? Let's keep going. [non-english speech]. NIC (RADIO): They're heading for the 101. Catch them in the act this time. I thought we were doing that. KYLE: He means well. I counted 15 girls. [groaning] She needs help. Give her some water. Why are you here? I-- I'm with my baby. They're heading for the city. She's about due. Stop the truck. Shut up. [inaudible] Sun's coming up. No, no, no, no, no. Dammit. NIC: Call dispatch. What is he doing here? [siren] Freeze, or I'll shoot. Homeland Security Investigations. Stand down. Final warning. Stop. [siren] We got this. Check the inside. If Rafael Ochoa was in there, he's long gone. Dammit. Hands. Let me see some hands. Manos. Manos. OK, OK. It's OK. We're here to help you, OK? What about-- grand slam. She one of you? Is she? Who's gonna talk to me? [groaning] We need an ambulance here. They're gonna take good care of you, OK? OK. [baby crying] Oh my god. Oh my god. Eva's not talking until she sees a lawyer. If Rafael Ochoa was there, the SFPD spooked him. HOLMES: If he was there? Can we ever get the right intel on this guy. Those babies on the truck, six plus the one that died, they must have been for sale. Trafficking in babies. NIC: We can run with this. Babies don't make very good witnesses. But they're big money. And you always say, follow the money. We don't have the manpower. Stick to sex trafficking find me a witness who can nail Ochoa. HOLMES: You know how much a newborn sells for? $20,000. That's at the low end. Blond and blue-eyed, we're talking $80,000 minimum. Holmes is right though. Can't put a baby on the stand. Your suspect, Eva Rivera, life's been good. Recently had a little downtime at a five-star resort in Puerto Vallarta. Found it hidden inside the truck. Last call she made was to an untraceable number, disposable phone. What about calls before she left the warehouse? Just one to a Carla Huxley. Runs Road to Love, adoption agency. Forget about it Nic. You want to ask him again? He's not seeing the big picture. Yeah. You make sure you mention that. Kyle, come on. How long have we been banging our heads against a wall? Ochoa was a master at staying under the radar. We don't even have a recent photo. This is a lead. CARLA (VOICEOVER): And when I finally met my baby, I was terrified. I was worried out of my mind that I wouldn't feel right about her or, even worse, I would feel nothing at all. But then, the moment came and they put her in my arms and she opened her tiny little eyes and she looked up at me with this look that was just complete trust. I knew my life was changed forever. And I was right, for every day since then has been blessed with the presence of my daughter. Alyssa, come up here, darling. This is that little baby girl. Can you believe it? And Alyssa is the reason that we're all here tonight, because Rode to Love began at that very moment, 14 years ago, when our eyes connected. She's the inspiration of my life's work. I just want to say that I can't imagine what my life would have been like if my mom hadn't rescued me. She's awesome. Carla is amazing, all the good work she does in so many countries. She has a baby girl for me in India. Beautiful, isn't it? Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen one before. Blue orchids represent strength and hope. They're very rare. I don't think we've met. I'm Nicole. Carla. So are you checking us out? I guess I am. By yourself? Yes. I'm single. Is that a problem? - No, no. Not at all. Many single women are adopting these tags. I know there's a lot of other agencies that would disagree with that. But we just want what's best for the child. So what do you do? I'm a lawyer. Excellent. That will definitely expedite the paperwork. OK. Could you excuse me? - Of course. Thank you. Oh, and just schedule an appointment and we'll talk more. - OK. OK. 9:22 on Tuesday? - Yeah. - OK. Here it is. It was a cold call. And I was on for 15 seconds. I didn't know who the woman was. But as soon as she said that she had babies for adoption, I said, no thank you and good night. Are-- are you investigating child trafficking? No. It's just preliminary. Well, you know, I think most adoption agencies get these calls from time to time. But for me personally, if it doesn't sound right, I just hang up. I mean, I think that the buying and selling of babies is just-- I don't think there's any worse crime. She says it was a cold call. But why Ochoa send babies off to San Francisco Bay without having presold them? You buy that? No. And I'm sure Eva will back her up. You OK? I just kept thinking about six babies in plastic crates. [phone ringing] [inaudible] Yeah. Eva Rivera's just been granted bail. Oh, I have to make a phone call. Now? Yeah. Ginny. Ginny. Can you take her out and get her something to eat? A salad. Thanks a lot. You're welcome. Ginny, no desserts. There. It's Carla. Carlita, welcome to my humble home. This really belongs to you? For today. I have some people coming by later I need to impress. We need to talk. Yes. You are angry. I understand it was an unfortunate situation. I was questioned by HSI. Eva decided to call my office cell phone. It will not happen again. If even a hint of this gets out, you do realize it will ruin me, right? Of course I understand. Remember who it was who got you started in this business, Carla, when you had nowhere else to turn. Who found your babies for you from Mexico, brought them to you at a big personal risk, to himself. That was in our past. I'm mostly in India now, not so much Mexico. RAFAEL: A peace offering. I know how much you like them. We are still partners, Carla. We make money together. And I have a new system that I think you'll enjoy very much. Don't you ever call me again. [phone ringing] [inaudible]. It's Carla. I need another six newborns. My, my. That is much more than you indicated, my dear. I am going to have to charge you a premium. CARLA (PHONE): Of course you will. And I need them right away. Well? I will have them. Don't worry. Yo, Eva's on the move. Who's on her? Reese. OK. We got a location, Seacliff. Owner is away. House is registered as rental. There was no takers for three months. So technically, it's unoccupied. Nice neighborhood. He knew. Out. Now. Everyone, out, now. Wait. Reese. Everyone out? Where's Kyle? [explosion] Kyle? Kyle. Kyle. Oh. Oh god. Reese, he's not breathing. Oh god. I think he's gone. I think he's gone. [sirens] Blue orchid? Yeah. Very rare. Aren't you supposed to be taking a break, Nic? This is me taking a break. Ochoa was way ahead of us. The only thing tying Carla Huxley to Ochoa is one cold call from Eva Rivera and a common interest in rare flowers. He bought it for her. You don't know that, Nic. Last year, Road to Love arranged 43 adoptions in India, 33 in Brazil, and 18 in Mexico. All the immigration documents are clean, of course, backed up by almost identical documents in the countries of origin, which is, in itself, suspicious. And you think that's enough to go after Huxley? Smuggling and sex trafficking haven't gotten us Ochoa. Maybe baby trafficking will. Look, I've been to a Road to Love meeting undercover. I'm a known quantity there, a lady looking to adopt. Carla Huxley's expecting me to come back. This is the perfect setup. I mean, who knows where it'll take me, maybe all the way to Ochoa. OK. You observe, gather evidence, that's it. He thought he could go through with it, but now he's saying that he can't. You know, men bond in a different way. Some of them need to see themselves within the child. He's not racist. That's not why he doesn't want a baby from India. Of course not. I-- I understand. I've been at this a long time. I know what he needs. [inaudible] Carla, you only call when you need me, huh? CARLA (PHONE): And I need you now, darling. Something special? Newborn, or close to it, blond, blue-eyed, product of Brazil's rich genetic history, specifically its German heritage and male. My clients are very well off. A blank check. That's my favorite. [spanish speech] English? Yes. He is English. She's a single mother. No visitors. The boyfriend has gone to the jungle for work. And anyway, they aren't together anymore. And he doesn't even know about the pregnancy. The first one. Her? Not her. Him, the boyfriend. I saw the picture. Blond hair, blue eyes, could be a model for Ralph Lauren. If the baby looks anything like the father-- Well, there will a little something extra for you if he does. [screaming] [baby crying] [spanish speech]. Doctor, remember that little something you promised me? Carla, it's a boy. CARLA (PHONE): Cigars on me. Javed. What if it's another girl? What is the use of one more? Your wife is very beautiful. Foreigners will pay more for her child. You'd earn more than six months on that stinking boat. Go, now. [screaming] [inaudible]. [baby crying] Now, I see here that the issue is infertility. Yeah. I just recently found out. I'm sorry. You know, the good news is that, generally speaking, we give preference to women who have trouble conceiving. Oh. As a matter of fact, I can probably get you a newborn fairly soon, if you're ready to move quickly. Yes, I am. We had a couple who had to drop out of our trip to India, for personal reasons. India? We're almost there. Now, some of you already know, but for those of you who don't, I'm afraid you're not gonna be seeing your babies today. I know. I know. But your babies will all be brought to the hotel by the end of the week. And that's a promise. So for now, we're gonna visit the orphanage that Road to Love sponsors on an ongoing basis. And it will give you an opportunity to help some other abandoned children, which is why your donation is so appreciated. $3,500 will go a long way here. Guess that's why they need it in cash. Yeah. I was wondering about that. I wish I could adopt them all. Parents, hello. You are most welcome here. And we must give a very big thank you to our American fairy godmother, Carla Huxley, for all of us support with are children who are so very, very deserving. Welcome. Come right this way. Nicole, are you OK? Yeah, just a stomach thing. My meds are in my bag on the bus. - Do you want me to go with you? - Oh, no. Thank you. Just stay. OK. [babies crying] VIKRAM: I hope you appreciate the risks I've taken in acquiring these babies, Mrs. Huxley. I think you'll be very happy. They're all in excellent health. Oh. Auntie Carla will make sure you have a wonderful. This one is underweight. VIKRAM: But very beautiful, no? They're all gorgeous. But one is missing. She'll arrive. Don't worry. She'll arrive as expected. But the product is first class, Carla. Beautiful baby Indian girls, no marks, no scars. Spare the commercial. I wrote it. [spanish speech] Dolorita. My baby, wh-- where is he? He's gone, Dolorita. What? We did everything we could-- DOLORITA: No. But-- DOLORITA: No. No. I don't believe you. No. No. My baby. No. Not my baby. Mira? Mira. Is it a tear? No, it's not a tear. Was she born with sadness? Is it a sign? It is just a birthmark. And if it is a sign, it is a good one. We will always know her by this. DEEPA: Mira? Mira? I'm sorry, Carla, but I have been throwing up for an hour. I don't know. Something I ate probably. Yeah. I'm just gonna take a pill and try to sleep it off. OK. Bye. I'm heading back to the orphanage to take another look. Come on. Move. How you liking our Mumbai traffic? Just like visiting Grandma in Queens. Have you hooked up with our Indian friends on the ground? No. I couldn't get through to them. OK. I'll raise some hell. They know you need armed backup, no matter how tame your mission is. NIC (PHONE): OK. NOUREEN: Excuse me. Excuse me, doctor. Would you mind helping a sick baby? You go with her. She'll know what to do. She's with the clinic. I don't think she's breathing properly. I don't know what's happening. I-- Who are you? This baby needs medical attention. Come. Wait. You too, doctor. Well, there could be a number of reasons for this, respiratory distress syndrome, GBS, transient tachypnea. Anything else, doctor? I think you have it covered. Listen, rapid breathing is quite common in newborns. It's usually no cause for concern, unless there are other symptoms. Take it to the orphanage. Tell them to give her a new crib. Take her home. The orphanage is too crowded. Take her to the orphanage. I need her close by to monitor her symptoms. Thank you, doctor. [baby crying] Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the police. I am the police, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. You're a long way from home. There's a man connected to the orphanage, well-dressed, chauffeur-driven Mercedes. Vikram Kumar. And he is? Rich. Is something wrong at the orphanage? Keep a close eye on that baby. And keep our conversation to yourself. [phone ringing] [chanting] Listen, I have to go to my home. Can you watch my daughter for two minutes? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. A beautiful, healthy baby boy, born last night. He's beautiful. Talk to your husband and then get back to me when you decide. Jack, just look at him. You'll love him. Jack, you will. [phone ringing] Is there anything I can do? Vikram Kumar, no criminal record. Quite the opposite. Pillar of the community. What's his connection to the orphanage? HOLMES (PHONE): He's a big donor. Claims it's his most important charity. Dilip's baby, she's gone. - The parents have taken her. - No. They would've told me. But she's not here. So they must have taken her. She didn't climb out of her crib on her own. NOUREEN: Look, this is not my problem. I was here an hour ago. I examined her. You find her or I will make it your problem. She is gone and that is that. There's no need to threaten me. I'm doing my best. We're all overworked here. So much fuss for a female child. My child is missing? Dilip, I know who took her. You endangered that child for your investigation. You didn't tell me she was at risk. Keep your voice down. You used her as bait to see if she'd be taken. That is absolutely untrue. Trafficking in babies. Who creates this market? People from your country coming here and buying our children. That's what I'm trying to stop. Dilip. Dilip. Dilip. Get in. I'll take you where you need to go. Come on. Don't you say a single word against my nephew. Everyone knows he buys and sells baby, Uncle. Lies and false accusations. When will Javed be back? JAVED'S UNCLE: I don't know. He's a very busy man. OK? No. Uncle, please. Uncle, ple-- Javed, I-- I wouldn't sell him my baby. So he stole her. Is Javed connected to the orphanage? Does he work for Vikram Kumar? You said not to leave my baby at the orphanage, why? Do you know something? Dilip, I'm sorry. I thought she'd be safe if she was with you. Who are you? You're not a doctor. Look, you need to talk to the police. DILIP: The police? The police, they will laugh at me and say that I'm well rid of a female child. But you, you're American police. I'm sorry. I can't involve you in this. - No. I can help you. - No. You-- you need me. You're a foreign woman. No one will speak with you. It's too risky. I'm the father. I will take any risk for my child. Javed. Oh, no, no. What are you doing? You're not coming with me. - It is my baby. - Absolutely not. It's too dangerous. He's getting away. [inaudible]. [honking] There he is. You have children? No. I'm only 30. OK, 32. You could be grandmother. Thank you, for making fuss about a female child. Do you have a cell phone? DILIP: Of course. Put in your number. I'll call you as soon as I find something. What? I'm dropping you off, OK? Hey, he's pulling off. [babies crying] Stay calm, Dilip. [spanish speech] Dolorita? [spanish speech]. Here. What is this? It's your baby's ashes. I'm sorry. It's hospital policy. If we don't hear within 24 hours-- here. Sign your name here. [spanish speech]. Road to Love Adoption Agency? What's going on? My baby. How did you get in here? My baby, he's alive. You stole my baby. He's alive, isn't he? Call security. Dolorita. [inaudible]. You stole my baby. You stole my baby. DILIP: Mira's here. She's in there. We don't know that. I'm gonna follow them. OK, we need proof who they are, who they sell the babies to. Dilip, this is as far as you go. What? You think I can leave her? No. If they find out who you are, they'll kill you. Look, they have guns. I have armed backup on the way. I just need you to be patient. [phone ringing] That's them. Hold it. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello. Dilip. [babies crying] [engine struggling] Come on. Are you having trouble? Yeah. What do you know? I know trucks. But if you don't want my help, there is a-- a another mechanic about 10 kilometers ahead. See what is the problem. Oh oh. No, no charge. Nothing is for free. [inaudible],, how about a ride to Mumbai? What makes you think I'm going to Mumbai? I am only wishing it. If you're journey is taking you elsewhere, I'll go. Mechanic. [babies crying] DILIP: Wow. You must have many wives. NOUREEN (PHONE): Humble couple missing a girl. The father's not come back. This will soon be forgotten. This woman doctor, you say she followed him and was there with him when he went to Javed's uncle and accused him of stealing babies? Yes. VIKRAM (PHONE): And you have not seen her before this day? No. [phone ringing] This is Akshay. It's me. Has someone approached you, a woman? I would be so fortunate. You listen to me, you idiot. Has someone approached you? If not a woman, a man posing as someone? Why? VIKRAM (PHONE): He's with you right now, isn't he? Yes. Don't let him out of your sight. Come on. Move. What is happening? Where'd you go? Where'd you go, Dilip? Where'd you go? [babies crying] This one is not well. She's not breathing. DILIP: I have children. I can help. I know what to do. It's too late. She's gone. I can help. Let me help. Leave it there. Go. Thank god, Dilip. There you are. I'm told the two IPS officers are on their way to you now. Don't do anything until they get there. Why haven't they called me? Our liaison is coming to see me now. I'm-- I'm sorry, Morrison. This should not be happening. An American doctor asking questions? So Noureen says. She says she had never seen her before. Carla, is there something you haven't told me? No. You are the man with the contacts. Use them. Look into this. After all, it is why I pay you. I'll see what I can do. Ginny, look, something's come up and I need to leave for San Francisco. Should I be worried? CARLA (PHONE): No, no, no. Just follow the drill and you'll do fine. [babies crying] What are you doing? You need to stay away. It's not safe for you in there. - I'm taking it from here. You've done enough. I've done nothing until I find my daughter. Dilip. Wait. What do you think? Babies for sale. A worthless girl that some foreigner's foolish enough to pay money for. You're a very clever man. I need back up, now. I'm on it. I'm told there our officers have your agents position and will be there shortly. Why is it taking them so long? Believe me, I will find out. You want to rig the warehouse? Yes, to gather evidence. And simultaneously, police at the hotel where the Road to Love adoptions are taking place. Adoptive parents should not be allowed to leave this country with their infants until their adoption papers and birth certificates have been reviewed. Yes, of course. [babies crying] Shh, baby, shh. OK. It's all right. It's OK. Papa here. No, please. Please, this-- Take the baby. No, no. This is my daughter. No. Please. This is my child. No. Please. Akshay, please, this is my baby. - Give me the child. - No. A-- no. Akshay, no. Please. That's my daughter. That's my Mira. Mira. Please, my daughter. [phone vibrating] No. No, no, no. Oh god. Moms and dads, meet your new babies. INDIAN POLICE: Remain where you are. Police. [interposing voices] Yes. Yes, of course, your clients were distressed by the police action. But it's been resolved now. And this doctor, she was an HSI agent named Morrison, who I'm told was traveling with your group. What? Nicole? I'm told she's working alone. She's been hugely discredited. I can't imagine what my life would have been like if she hadn't rescued me. Now, it's your turn to save an abandoned baby. Oh, I just wanted to say that I was just thinking about the terrible things going on in the world right now and all of the heartbreaking abuse that babies are subjected to, and not just abandonment, but in some cases, in some countries, murder, especially of baby girls. And I-- I am proud to say that Road to Love battles against these abuses and we win. And if sometimes we have to fight a little harder, then so be it, because we do what's necessary. And we don't apologize for that, because what we do is right and what we do is important. All the documents checked out. Every single infant is a legitimate orphan. No, no, no. These adoption papers and birth certificates must be bogus. Carla Huxley paid off the appropriate authorities. Road to Love has been cleared of all allegations and the parents have been given full permission to leave this country with their infants. We even had to apologize, to them, to Carla Huxley, and to the Indian government. What about Dilip Patel? The IPS report says that he died from injuries sustained in a fall. He was murdered. I'm sorry, Morrison. We have to work with local law enforcement the best way we can. Even task forces we handpick aren't always free from corruption. He died? Dilip? I'm so sorry. Any my child? Deepa, I don't know. I don't know if he found her. There's a chance she was taken to America. I promise you, I will do everything in my power to find her. Why'd you come here? You come all the way from America to steal my child, to steal her from her f-- father, her mother? She belongs here. But you can take her away, because-- because you have money. You took my husband. Now, who will take care of us, his parents, his children? We've lost everything. We've lost everything. I promise you, I will find her and I will bring her back. [spanish speech]? Mrs. Huxley. Raphael, do not call me. I don't want to talk to you. You're poison. But you will want to hear this because, this time the product they have for you is All-American, born in the USA. 100% legal. The girls are here. Now, tell me again you are not interested. CARLA (PHONE): Listen carefully. I'm not interested. Dilip Patel, his daughter Mira disappeared from this orphanage. She has a birthmark on her cheek, like a teardrop. The fact is I-- I failed to protect him, sir. I take full responsibility. Yes. I read your report. It's pretty clear to me now that Carla Huxley is at the center of a major trafficking organization in India and Brazil and, of course, in Mexico, where Rafael Ochoa is her agent, not the other way around. Do you think she had anything to do with Kyle's murder? NIC: No. No, I don't. She-- she knew we were watching her. That's the last thing she would've done. I'm sure it was Ochoa on his own. And frankly, he may be her Achilles heel. Great. Carla Huxley is supposed to help us nail him. Instead, she's nailed us. Do we have anything at all to show for India? I have DNA samples from Dilip Patel's widow and children. If we can find the baby with a teardrop birthmark and get her tested-- We prove that it was trafficked by Carla Huxley. How does it get us Ochoa. Carla's out in the open. If we can put enough pressure on her, she'll give up Ochoa. And then, if we put enough pressure on him, he'll bite her back. So one stolen baby girl from India? Yes, sir. Who leads us to Carla Huxley-- Yes, sir. --and Rafael Ochoa. Yes, sir. Good. Thank you, sir. [doorbell] ERIN: Nicole. Oh my God. What are you doing here? Come in. Thanks. We wondered what had happened to you. Were you there for the police raid? Ugh. Erin, there's something you need to know. ERIN: It was so horrible. And then, all of a sudden, it was over. And the consulate was saying the whole thing was a mistake. I could not wait to get out of there with my baby. Oh my God. You didn't get your baby. Oh, and here I am going on and on about Catherine. Agent Nic Morrison, Homeland Security investigations. I'm investigating baby trafficking. That's why I was in Mumbai. And I've been talking to the American parents who were there. You're fourth on my list. I'm trying to track down one of the babies who might've been adopted. Why? They're illegal. The consulate said so. All the babies are legal. She has a distinct birthmark under her eye, like a tear. [baby crying] Her name is Mira. She was stolen. I want you to leave, now. Look, I know how hard this is for you. But she was never given up. She was taken. Her father died trying to get her back. She's mine. Everything is legal. And I'm never going to give her up. You'll have to when the DNA proves she's Mira. Her name is Catherine. And I asked you to leave. Erin [inaudible] fighting the court order for the DNA tests. Legal;s telling me she could delay for months. I mean, without it, we've got nothing on Carla Huxley. And meanwhile, she's in Rio, business as usual. And you want to go there and rattle her cage. We need to keep the pressure on, sir. Right now, she's feeling confident, overconfident. You say your baby was stolen from the hospital? By Dr. Azevedo, yes. I'm very sorry. But what does this have to do with the United States? He will be at the Copacabana Hotel next week to give Brazil babies to Americans, the Road to Love Adoption Agency. Maybe my baby will be there. Have you told this to the police? The real police, they don't care. I have no one to help me, except for you, the American Embassy. Oh. We're the US Consulate. I-- I'm not sure how we can help, but I can take a report. A report? So you can forget about me? I will find my baby without you. So I understand there were some problems in Mumbai. Oh, they were cleared up immediately. In fact, it actually ended up working to our benefit. So how's my special order coming? Oh, blonder by the day. Excuse me. [inaudible]? [spanish speech]. Another drink? Some loose ends, David? Don't tell me. Just fix it. [spanish speech] Dolorita de Silva, [spanish] Harold Steig. [spanish speech] TRACEY: Agent Morrison. Yes. I'm Tracey, the attache assigned to your case. Hi. We don't have much on Road to Love, I'm afraid, except for a report filed by a young Brazilian woman last week. She believed her baby was stolen from a hospital. OK. I'd like to speak with her. That can be arranged by your liaison here in Rio, Detective Cardoza, the man in charge of their child trafficking division. He'll take good care of you. Excuse me. Can you please tell me Carla Huxley's room number? I believe that's Mrs. Huxley over there. So we'll begin the handovers tonight on an individual basis. I want to make sure there are no disappointments. Yeah. Oh, get back to me. Agent Morrison, what brings you to Rio, a vacation? Or are you job hunting after your fiasco in India? May I? Please. Let's get you a drink. No thanks. Actually, we learned a lot from India. Did you? We learned you wont stop short of murder. Oh my. Is that supposed to upset me? You have to forgive me. But I find it hard to take you seriously, Nicole. That is your name, isn't it? Mhm. You and your people seem to be conducting some war against me. God knows why. Road to Love has brought thousands of orphans into the arms of loving parents. Yeah. I've heard your patch. Remember? Well, whatever it is you think I'm up to Nicole, I'm not. And you have nothing to prove otherwise. You know what I find interesting? I've done some research on you. That's a good start. And I know part of your story is actually true. You did find your daughter in El Salvador-- Actually, we don't need to bring my daughter-- You went through the proper channels. You adopted her through a reputable agency, which almost all of them are. And you brought her back to LA. I mean, you did everything right. And yet somehow, through this very positive experience, you concluded there was something in it you could exploit. This is absurd. There's money to be made in babies. You know, Road to Love could have been a highly successful, legitimate agency. With your talents, you would've seen to that. But you got greedy. Babies became commodities for you, right? Volume and turnover and if enough weren't available, you'd steal them. How dare you sit here and talk to me like this? The thing is it's something I take kind of personally. I was adopted. How wonderful for you. Yeah, it was. I had great parents. I've had a good life. You know, you don't know what you're talking about. And frankly, I don't want to hear you anymore. Why don't you go back and do your little reports or whatever it is you do? I've got work to do. We're gonna get you, Mrs. Huxley. David, we have a problem. She followed you to Rio? And she will be investigating me. CARLA (PHONE): You'll make sure she doesn't. You'll make sure that absolutely nothing interferes with the wonderful work we do, right? Yes. Yes. Here he is. Oh my gosh. Hi. Hi. Hello. Hello. Oh my gosh. Your tickets home. Thank you, Ginny. See you in San Francisco. She's late. I called her, but she's not answering her phone. Did she tell you anything about her baby? She absolutely believes that he was stolen. She thinks that Dr. Azevedo at the maternity hospital is involved with the Road to Love. But no one believes her. She's never late. Agent Morrison? Yes. Detective Harold Steig. I'm assigned as your liaison with Rio de Janeiro Police. I think you are expecting me? No. I was expecting a detective Cardoza. Unfortunately, he is in San Paolo. But do not worry. He has briefed me on the case. Please. Dolorita de Silva didn't come home last night. She thinks maybe she has a new boyfriend or maybe she went to her village. Let's go talk to Dr. David Azevedo. [knocking] Si. Bonjour, doctor. Agent Morrison, David Azevedo. Hi. I have all the documents ready for you. Oh, I asked Dr. Azevedo to prepare the birth and death certificates of the de Silva baby, to save time. Where are my manners? Would you like some coffee? No. I'm fine. Thanks. And this is your signature on the baby's death certificate? I was on duty that night. Oh, this is Patricia Costa, our head nurse. She knows Dolorita de Silva. Oh, Dolorita de S-- yes, yes. I was at the delivery. Dolorita wants to believe her baby is stolen, because she can't accept the death of her child. It's very sad. Thank you for your time. It's my pleasure. Standard procedure, detective? Give the suspect advanced notice about the questions they'll be facing? You consider him a suspect? Dr. Azevedo is a man of impeccable reputation. Let's find out. We'll get Dolorita's DNA from the hairs on her brush, compare it to the babies being adopted through Road to Love. So let's start by getting the authorities to prevent any of those babies from leaving the country until we can get them tested. I'm sure we will find Dolorita de Silva in her village. How far is it? Not much further. We are pulling on a thread, a poor young woman who can't accept her baby's death. You really don't think child trafficking goes on here? The mothers are poor. That's why no one pays attention. Ah, tire. I think it has gone flat. These roads. Is that you a tire out? This is a misunderstanding. You're my thread [inaudible]. And I'm gonna pull it hard. Talk to me or my aim improves. You didn't count on Dolorita de Silva, did you? She refused to believe your lies. And when she didn't back down, you had her killed. This is a confession of a corrupt detective trying to save her skin. Do you know who I am? Do you know the reputation that I have earned in this country? Give up Carla Huxley, doctor. And what your country chooses to believe is none of my business. But then, the moment came and they put her in my arms. And she opened her tiny little eyes and looked up at me, with such complete trust. How can I begin to describe that feeling? All my fears vanished. Carla Huxley, show's over. I'm sorry. What's this about? Baby trafficking. What? Selling illegally obtained children. That isn't true. That's a lie. That is a lie. Dolorita de Silva, you paid to buy her baby. But when she complained a little too publicly, she was killed. Dilip Patel was murdered trying to save his baby, a baby you bought from Vikram Kumar. If these crimes are real, I know nothing about them. I act in good faith with foreign officials and local agents. I cannot be held accountable for their actions, nor can I be blamed if I accept documents in good faith that prove to be fraudulent. David Azevedo is willing to testify that you paid for stolen babies. Again, I can't control foreign agents. I have cooperated with you, despite your provocations and without my attorney present, I'd like that noted. So either charge me or let me go. A DNA match is gonna prove that Dilip Patel's baby, whose adoption you brokered, was stolen. This campaign of harassment against me and my agency has, from the start, been a personal vendetta conducted by you, Agent Morrison, for reasons very much your own. You admitted as much to me in Rio. I did no such thing. Are we done here? You're done, or you will be when Rafael Ochoa finds out you've been talking to Homeland Security about him, cooperating with our investigation. That's a lie? NIC: So? The appearance of cooperation is just as dangerous to as actual cooperation. Either way, Carla, you walk out the door, you're a marked woman, unless Rafael Ochoa no longer poses a threat. Why would you do that? Ochoa's responsible for the death of one of our agents. So if you can be of service to us, REESE: I hope you know what you're doing. You have a better idea? She's right. We don't have enough direct evidence to put her away. But if we can get Rafael Ochoa to talk, we can nail both of them. She must know that. Yeah, sure she does. And she's more afraid of him than she is of us. Reese, you read me? Am I clear? Oh, OK. I want it understood that whatever I say to Rafael is an attempt to entrap him. It's not an admission of my guilt. Once we get what we need, I'll give you the signal and we're out of there. Then, the team goes in and arrests him. Understood? Are you carrying a gun? No. CARLA: I should carry a gun. He's not gonna search me. NIC: No guns. Let's go. Hello. Hola, Carla. This is my associate, Nikki Keene, the one I spoke to you about. [spanish speech]. CARLA: I thought this was your maternity hospital. Where's your delivery room? It is here. Everything is here. I will show you. So tell me about this setup you've got going on here. You will see for yourself. You bring the women from Mexico to give birth? Si. We have a doctor, nurses, everything. The births are registered as they happen. Born in the USA, total officiales Rafael. I know you. Sorry? Yes. It is you. Rafael, she's an agent. She was there when Jose was killed. No. No, we've never met. - No, no, no. That's crazy. What-- what are you talking about? Carla, you wish to show me to the HSI? No. Of course not. You too? Hm? [inaudible] a wire. I didn't know about that. I didn't-- It's gone bad. We're going in. [spanish speech]. Rafael, OK, I didn't know. I didn't know. I didn't know. I didn't know. Get on your knees. Por favor, senora. Carla, you wished to save yourself by giving them me? It won't happen. Rafael, you've got to believe me. I didn't know. She fooled me too. I trust-- I trusted you. How could you do this? - You think I am stupid? - No. I don't think you're stupid. I don't think you're stupid. And this, I'm going to enjoy. [gunshots] It's over, Ochoa. Why? I had him. He was done. I saved your life. You killed him to shut him up. I saved your life. Nic, you OK? What the hell happened? Ochoa's dead. She shot him. I saved her life. Ask her. I saved her life. So what really happened in there? She outsmarted us. We don't have enough to prosecute Carla Huxley. Not even for the murder of Rafael Ochoa? She was acting as her agent. Says she was trying to save her life. Can we prove otherwise? In any case, she's out of the baby business for good. And you should be proud of that. And you Dilip Patel's baby. You did good work. Dilip Patel is dead and Vikram Kumar is never gonna pay the price. We do what we can, Nic. [bittersweet music] Mira? Yeah. Mira. Mira. [uplifting music]
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 105,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, Lifetime, Full Movie, full movies on lifetime, lifetime full movies, full movies on lifetime network, film, Baby Sellers, Starring Kirstie Alley, Jennifer Finnigan, work undercover, capture a ruthless woman, Kirstie Alley, stream Baby Sellers, lifetime movie, Kirstie Alley best movies, lifetime movie network, lifetime movies full movie, Kirstie Alley movies, Kirstie Alley full movies, lifetime movies, lifetime movies on youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 46sec (5206 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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