Baby in Yellow: The Black Cat

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hello everybody my name is Markiplier the baby in your in your black cat this got enough right into it across the shore in distant lands I saw a cat this isn't okay uh oh hi this shake is nauseating are you oh okay oh yeah [Music] hi oh hi hi in their absence I'm not sure if I've listened to that before but I don't have time for that ah I have vague Recollections of this and if you have vague Recollections of this that means you watch the Black and Yellow the baby in yellow but this is the Black Cat which is an evolution of that for the next DLC or whatever you want to call these days hi Kitty well you're a doll hi baby bye baby so we're going into some kind of a void with a kitty cat and I have vague Recollections of this too but I don't know why maybe this just looks like The Stanley Parable hi Kitty uh yeah interesting oh I hope there wasn't something happening in that Moon because I looked away at exactly the wrong time okay hi again man I've been on a jerk okay did I pass that I'm awake now sure wish I knew what the hell was going on book why do I have a book foreign baby they can't do a zoom in jump scare thank you June 2nd uh look 940 painting travel continues to be the best way to Journey Between Worlds I must stay hidden from the child I risk the same fate as the others it's hard not to worry about being doctor that's not to dwell on it hi Kitty hi hello all right so we got a three oh that goes there obviously grab some nuts and bolts why oh not Unlimited cool don't know what that's for foreign seems like I'm gonna have to craft something eventually oh but not now possibly do it now um far too busy solving whatever the hell this is hmm far too busy uh this doesn't make any sense wait that's not right that's not right at all so am I supposed to do something with these Newt missing shutdown okay all right hey all right never mind research heavily impacted yeah [Music] wow good log grade log buddy grade log okay so if I can't do anything there and I can't Jam this in the plug and I can't zap myself then what do I do I don't have the right book to be able to do the thing and none of these tools seem to be able to help me operate the computer and you're not helping me you piece of crap hammer hammer hammer oh what is that there's only one other book and it doesn't work unless it does work and I'm just stupid oh it was a different book oh it was another book I'm taking an oil can I can't see what a different book thou uh-huh Cole oh God I really goofed that right at the end there all right let's try it one more time full shove cold shove cold shove cold shove and then twist oh nice all right so that's open now not sure what this is for oh great fantastic I love sewers [Music] that was a classic jump scare sound and I don't appreciate it that was just a plain old jump scare how in the world does a cat make a sound like that it's not diegetic appreciate anything that's not diabetic that sounds pretty diegetic to me who's diegetically fashioned on that door oh foreign well that looks deadly or peen-like it was up kitty oh it's horrible it's horrible durable is horrible oh your heart is broke oh well I don't care all right Flora of carcosa Light reading will take my mind off of this ink cartridge oh oh battery well that's just too convenient huh 334. it's proving to be one of my most valuable Creations is how Harvest although I do best keeps some spares on hand am I right it's not really a battery design flaw when it just runs out of batteries that seems like actually how normal things function when they run out of batteries here you go oh oh no he's brain damaged oh well that's a shame uh can you stop staring at me I know you're probably supposed to be adorable but in reality you are very horrible and I don't like looking at you and I don't like your eyes I think this is the problem that Scott gothan ran into when he tried to make uh wholesome religious games and he ended up making horrible nightmares yeah yeah I'm saying good I like the way your arms slop though okay what do we got here oh okay uh if weird ah of course right oh that's even worse tap what do you mean oh okay oops well the new doesn't like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] wow that was a fun mini game that was great Hi how are you my name is I don't want to hug you oh God okay um oh yeah I know where those are I'll be right back perfect uh here you go why did you need oh that's so cute that's how you talk oh your ass oh okay ah you're helpless and trembling with fear eel deal it's like a baby oh no baby alone never mind you're not what the [ __ ] what the frick what kind of drug trip you having oh horrible okay I don't trust you I don't trust any of this we're on a random switch because I can got a book I need a socket something goes in here oh interesting oh well it's a trap hmm ah booster unit almost handy huh dd1 can't be attached by hand well Frick you too man eat a dick all right got a booster aha terrible terrible ah terrible oh terrible no baby sight egotistical that I made the dolls look like myself login well I mean how can you really say that they look like you when they're wearing a full costume that covers your face so not really hello oh wow the holy doors [Music] oh yeah wow that was really something all right whatever this is gonna do missed go [Music] uh-huh yep uh goodbye what the hell man I fixed you I saved you you should at least give me like some money or something or maybe some subscribers or Shares are a little low this month I'm gonna go after I'm having to go fight a baby oh wow oh wow oh wow hey what's up all right okay hey did you know that it was a baby helping to repair the elevator I you know this really doesn't give as much cluage as you think if I didn't have these other words up in the top left of my brain I wouldn't know what the hell you were talking about okay see I don't know how but I'm guessing you need a wrench that's what I know you need is close enough right here okay hair okay here ah here oh if you can whistle why can't you just talk to me oil I know that one my boo to you too whatever yeah okay next time you want something like that you can just ask I thought that was to fix the whatever or you can go get it yourself no you did ask me what I'm telling you is that I don't want to help you anymore I knew there were hammers around here somewhere I saw hammers hammers you're gonna bash yourself in the head with us bye so baby are you getting closer should I be worried about this oh well that's nice well done Newt um I guess I'm out of here oh that's good that's probably fine hi baby hey you know I know I'm your babysitter and all that but uh what can you do [Music] baby oh baby man oh no baby fine baby baby fine baby okay oh hi hello explore huh oh wow okay don't look at me like that okay I don't know why I'm supposed yellow really such a fun word to say the yellow yellow this is the yellow yellow yellow yellow log ND okie dokie then that's yeah a good exploration over there I'll be right with you well that was fun I get on there cool wow [Music] what kind of baby experiments do you want me to perform so there's a flower and then noodle make uh it blew it's just Out Of Reach I I can't jump I couldn't possibly down here grab that get that no no no please no it's right there dude all right fine okay two reagents need blue then red and then everything else do I have long grabby arms um out of the Unspeakable should I be driven Madden and I leave this recording ass never opened the door and never allow the gyrosphere to stop spinning if the Rings ever so much as waiver he will find you um yeah I think there are I don't think that qualifies as spinning and also what door are you talking about because uh I don't know what door you mean uh bottle um that's unhelpful okay we need reagents for that something okay flower nude please I don't know what you're doing dude but that's Oh weird all right it looks dead now it does okay am I supposed to feel bad about that because I really don't heat it up this feels like animated the Dark Descent fun all right oh I don't know why that was necessary I don't know Brew uh-huh oh okay fine [Music] oh my God what was that supposed to be oh hi oh there you are hey you want a bottle there you go here oh you're gonna be magnetized oh look at you look at you you're magnetic and magnificent oh you're done hi baby hi baby yellow oh it's okay it's not like I threw you or anything like that can I send you through the tube all right oh no oh no I don't know if that was good whatever all right what do we got oh not an emergency okay open the oven no I'm not thinking about it that's not what I'm thinking at all I would never put the baby in the oven in oven who would do that there'd be monstrous it doesn't matter how much of a demon baby it is you would never do that who could do that that'd be so mean oh man turkey whoa my God damn [Music] God what happened to my turkey all right that's uh there's a turkey all right hey Bobby are you still over there you want turkey maybe got a turkey for you you want turkey here you go baby wow all right you have fun with that don't worry I didn't have any weird thoughts oh baby mad all right I didn't have any concerning ideas why wouldn't I have April 4th log 566. right people back from carquette could just be the reagent that I can trick with my Quest to the chess pyramids no salvation yeah this seems good I am a babysitter that wants to feed a myriad of concoctions would you like a concoction oh oh oh oh oh oh well that wasn't that wasn't bad all right you set up right there got a pickle you know pickle there you go [Music] why does that happen why does that happen there you go yeah cheese there you go that's good okay what was I doing I know that there was a uh uh it was like a uh there was like um a valve here somewhere half the building ceiling 's parties the bathroom was in that house nah that sucks man that's rough uh where'd that Vel go there it is okay so this is supposed to go somewhere I just got to figure oh oh if I send the baby through that specific spot then it's gonna get us somewhere no hey wait a minute wait baby you didn't oh I know what needs to be done all right we're going to time this up perfectly you're gonna get that and I'm gonna turn this and you're gonna go in there and you're gonna grab it whoosh that's how we do even though you might stick to the walls what a silly game what a silly game what a silly silly game what what is that supposed to be yeah I got a I got a candle purple candle oh okay uh uh is that supposed to do something oh ah get on there Wham hey get on there oh all right it's not that oh oh see hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] wait wait hey Bravo right there ah oh interesting may I baby baby it's okay oh it's okay don't worry you're pretty high up and that's pretty scary but if you fall down you're gonna survive oh no poor baby oh no poor baby fell down no maybe you not feeling so good wee who's a fun baby please you wanna go through the tube that'll make you feel better go through the tube whoo there you go that was fun okay good baby all right so I just got uh there you go you're happy again Newt Newt Newt thank you I am using you for your battery yes and it's very cruel but I don't care no no no all right descent okay Newt get back here would you go Newt there you are foreign so I don't really know the order of this but I got a square I've got some bow looking thing I've got um you coming with me and you're going over there right there okay so I got some kind of diamond bow yada yada no yep no oops yep okay so this makes it easier I think square one right oh [Music] baby baby well she's a particularly curious creature uh whether she has motives or a master sword no here's intelligent I really hope she stays oh my God oh I hate that oh my God ravaged by into the abyss adrift ravaged by mental Tempest fell off a ladder uh-huh [Music] terrible horrible horrible I don't like it oh good sure that's fine oh hi ah that was fun remember when I threw you off of a ladder yeah oh oh discover the secrets of Photography okay to be open at the front all right differences in perspective all right baby you wait right there I'll get your picture don't worry it's not a very entertaining backdrop but it's okay we'll have to do oh baby all right camera film oh look at this wow [Music] I wonder if that's going to be helpful room isn't dark enough what is it what is it oh my God oh what what the frick what was that baby what the hell was that God damn oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay cool love that all right baby let's do this again oh wow Wham all right [Music] that's pretty cool oh look at that look at that what else can I do [Music] all right baby come here we're gonna take a picture okay we're gonna take a picture you got a book you're looking very professional okay that's very good oh Wham got it all right baby privacy please no [Music] I'll cherish that memory forever wow look at what you did you did it what did you do I don't know anyway here's a switch whoa region flower give it looks dead well I know how to fix that don't I baby don't die baby don't die whoa luscious I know right I know anyway go away baby hmm all right oh well that looks mean [Music] Oh I thought you were pink yeah whatever okay what is this gonna do to the baby hi baby keep a close eye this is gonna be probably horrifying so we've got a couple combinations we could do red and green that's fun oh there we go all right we've got some kind of cyan is that right is that what red and green make oh you wanna be happy hey baby oh no baby no baby ah ah but I know how you can help though okay good God are you oh brick all right okay but that's gonna be kind of helpful that's kind of nice if I have a bunch of the oh nope it's one one use only ow but okay hold on all right baby oh hold on hold on hold on is this even gonna be able to work for you oh wow it did strong demands ah hold ah shoot oh but it's fine I'm free wow I'm free in memory of the Fallen The Seekers of the jaundice Court Eternal watch yellows Bane hey baby I think they didn't like here but um I think you're welcome oh can I shoot the baby with a cannon I don't know if this is a good idea but I'm ideating ganoush all right well um it's not really aimed properly uh baby if you could just sit right here okay there's got to be a way that I can aim it over to the gate because I'm assuming that's what I'm supposed to do March 12th the view from the garden and the and the Black Star I've had is a mesmerizing sight I hope and find myself wondering when my time will come I must persevere that is pretty cool also your logs are really short but that is really cool that's nice I like that it's not the traditional just a chromatic aberration what is it it's like just has a red Hue around it it's really nice that's cool oh flower well I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to get you inside hi oh oh new dude wait newt's on a rampage I knew you keep this up don't worry I got it I got him here we go all right I'll keep it ready as soon as he's there oh I'm blasting him okay it doesn't seem to be working okay clearly there's something else going on here new uh uh you bloodthirsty robot come here oh you look mad [Music] what if I load you in here can I load you in here I don't know what's gonna happen but this is what's happening hold wait a minute I know what to do come here you [Music] wait I don't know what's gonna get him and new really wants them put baby on nuke oh what and now what ah of course oh so we are blasting the baby into Oblivion fascinating oh my God bye baby uh uh that seems like a sane thing for a robot to suggest that was very good all right beautiful oh Woody man you mad oh you're mad uh oh thanks dude oh maybe the baby shouldn't have been such a bad baby ah a baby you okay Newt also you are right oh no oh oh okay uh oh um oh that's normal oh oh you're fine oh you're not you're fine oh you're fine are you fine seem fine oh you had me thinking that everything was horrible but everything is fine yes hi it's been literally one minute how did you make all these things okay purple Plus I don't know probably blue or something let's go Blue yeah hello I'm the best hey baby hey baby [Music] there you go baby oh I stabilize the gyrosphere I did not you wow is this an emergency is this one of those emergencies not an emergency all right you way right there baby so oh I need to stabilize the gyrosphere ah Newt is scared but why though all right so what if I feed you another one of those bottles do you get all fiery because you burned up all the stuff so I'll give you another one of these pop that in there you're on fire and then send you upstairs so oh wait did the baby just drop it whoa okay oops are you take that um was there another one around here somewhere anybody seen anything uh to burn maybe if I just bring him over maybe that would do it burn oh that's all it takes fascinating it's okay baby don't be sad it's fine everything's good oh oh baby gone oh hi baby [Music] ow ow why baby baby hey you're gonna be such a douche right baby [Music] you're being a real pain in the butt oh the past it's an emergency right it's an emergency no wow okay geez hey baby if you could just behave for a little bit um like uh there you go oh nap time okay arrival arrive ah sure that'll do something uh yep okay keep the Rings spinning okidokey then uh um then one of these okay uh it hides us from the King it protects us from the baby okay so there's gotta be like an order that you do it in right let's try this oh [Music] mmm there we go easy peasy it's almost like these puzzles are for babies oh wait that's not stable that's not spinning either hey hey [ __ ] do not open do not open keep the door sealed okay whatever you say even though I'm pretty sure that orb that just fell down there is a perfect sigh or a basketball I can't pick it up I think it's the perfect size oh really baby oh really baby oh oh that's not good oh that uh wow [Music] dokie dokie then um uh oh well oh I can what I uh it wasn't working before what brace the door with what oh the door stop perfect get a boost up oh hello retrieve the core head outside never mind oh you fell not with me oh that's a problem maybe I shouldn't be there but apparently he's fine that's probably fine come with me buddy we're gonna get out of here not safe to pick up oh dude go find the missing pieces all right Newt don't do anything I guess thanks Newt really appreciate you contributing to the cause am I doing that with my mind or something whoa okay all right well let's get out of here here give the new your new ticket oh God oh wait a minute oh wait oh that's a problem well you see how I didn't know which way to go take a note I'm coming no way you think the baby can't fly upstairs or else we'd be doomed oh man that was a close one thank goodness we're safe and sound forever oh that's fair I got this one don't you worry about a thing uh uh I I whoa uh should I do this thing is this what I'm doing it's too big oh I see you got this buddy uh-huh Wham ah thank you [Music] no no no no no no no no dude you can fit in this report [Music] oh [Music] no how dare you make me care about this character what is happening nude look where you at right there newt okay all right Newt note note oh wait I need nude [Music] why did you bring him here I don't know I don't know walk somehow I cared about a newt and I don't know I made some bad decisions I see now that it said very much not to do all that stuff um so yeah I see I see how that's my fault and I am sorry okay but pretty good obviously some Polish went into that so the developers are really sticking up their game anyway thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below if you want to see more the baby in yellow I played it before thank you and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,945,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, baby in yellow, update, the black cat, scary games, horror games, indie horror
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 13sec (3073 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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