Boeing 737 cockpit explained by Pilot Blog

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hello my friends and welcome my name is Dennis and today I'm going to show you the shore review about this wonderful copy that they have on a Boeing 737 so our journey starts here where you usually interesting this door and you see the cockpit from this position from the distance side I would say and from the distance you can you can find some rubbish you can make a security check everywhere and you can support maybe some switches are not in a proper position then I first look inside the cockpit you can see there are lots of switches and lights here especially if I put the light test you'll see lots of amber blue lights and some red lights green lights quite confusing I would say if you are not familiar with this cockpit has an every modern aircraft the cockpit on a Boeing 737 is divided into several groups and several areas and panels and each panel in area and I corresponds to some specific system it may look quite confusing to see all the switches but it's quite simple guys but to understand this a cockpit you need to have the type rating for example I was flying the ATR 72 600 and if you put me in a boring cockpit by that time I would not probably understand most of the systems so to get into it we need to have the deep type rating you need to study micro operational manual and systems the purpose of this video is to give you quick formalization with a Boeing 707 cockpit I would give the brief brief of these systems and in what areas are they located we will not tell you detail information about all those switches maybe I will tell you in separate videos about for example IRS system or something I'll describe you in more particular wave otherwise it will take me all the day to describe you all those switches so I think I'll make it a separate video about all the systems for now just to make a brief for you for you and now guys let's start I'll tell you about this panels okay this is aft overhead panel or here and here we have forward or her head panel here we have a glare shield and here we have forward left panel word right panel over central panel I'll stand control stand and of electronic panel two seats captain first officer circuit breakers here and behind the captain's back as well some circuit breakers like he did down here observer seat is here you can just put the might and then smoke out I will just put the seat that I want to show you so it just pops up and I'll put it down okay we're in comfortable seat for observer in this oxygen mask for observer so let's continue with our panel okay after ahead panel is here and the main system on this after were head panel extra there are two main very important systems first is inertial reference system here so this panel this mode selector this alignment control let's put the system to online I'll switch off the light test let's put the system on on a line on DC on DC it's a self-test and now it should turn to a line a line a line they have to our systems on the points energy seven just as a backup this just how do station I'll tell you later about it and the second important system on after our head panel is electronic engine control DC's reversers everything this is electronic engine control you can switch the chronic engine control off by this button they both should be on or off if one fails you should switch over the next one they have oxygen masks here they connected to the shoulder liver oxygen cylinder here we have the pressure this graphic you can see the minimum pressure as the passenger oxygen supply activates the oxygen supply in the cabin for the passengers flight recorder we mainly not use it and here we use it every time this mug here speed warning test so if you have over speed her this stop worrying as you can see control poem starts to shake because every control column has a special water here and also on the first officer side separate motor so then the airplane approach to the stool limit for the speed stick stick shaker activates and this control column starts to vibrate so there's a stone warning test what I also have here landing gear secondary indication so just as safe purpose on the ng they put the secondary indication so if your main indication fails or some light would fail they have the second ring chance to identify your gear position here we have leading-edge device position for every slide and every flap so these are flaps big ones those are small for the slides good to understand that leading edge device current position and if it's extended or not I'll just forget about it LT we have here emergency locator transmitter it's always in arm and you can select it down as well this is satellite system if your aircraft would hit the ground very hard if you crash or something it will automatically send that signal transmission to the satellite system cospas-sarsat and emergency rescue will shoot actually arrive to your crash place and rescue ever this don't want sweet activates this and this bulb over here we are now in a line position for the inertial reference system and four minutes left for alignment process to finish and I'm doing this guy's just to show you indication on a problem far display and navigation displays you see now it's unreadable because the aircraft cannot find its position because we don't have any Chara in gyroscopes to put the position go to our current location so I need to put very small airport we are now with very spoiler here it goes to the next and we put the GPS very precise position in iris position that's all this and we are waiting now for Ireland's to be on line and you have some kind of indication of prime for display and navigations now continue with the forward overhead panel that we have here a very large panel on the 77 and all systems from most systems located here I'll take my usual seat to show you guys everything so guys this is why controls operation mainly in normal flight we use only this just on a per flight your them for wrong that's all we need as you can see it's now all and nothing else really guys it's alternate flips extension operation flight control suspicious if you have some kind of probably the hydraulic system is switched on a standby spoiler we don't use maintenance usually use it for tests some other theaters and that's all very simple system actually the next step is navigation and display control switches so for example if you're one of your RSS file you can set what's on the left if you are displaying control panel this panel for example one panel files you can put boss on the left and control those screens mostly use from the same panel the next system is for fuel so we have lost operation we have fuel temperature we have filter bypass as usual cross feed here pumps selectors central pumps and central tank left wing tank right wing tank very easy let's go on an upper side here we have electrical system indications were battering axillary battery transfer rectifiers etc here we can see the ground power is naki frequency voltage everything here we have an integrated generated drive and disconnect switches standby power switch mainly we don't use it in a normal flight ground power is available in its running we have electrical system on operation right now if you have engines run you can put the engines on your electrical system and disconnect the ground power you can put the APU as well on line with those switches but APU is off right now and the bottom here we have APU and in theaters if something will go you're the leader of our unit here we have indi a GT indication exhaust gas temperature for AP I don't know why Ong we have this instrument there are no any limitations and flight crew operations manual for NG airplane jets for classic it was some limits for APU start and operation here and they just left it at a while so we started B with this switch here are the wipers like you have on your car probably there is wiper so separate indication and some different space you can select the left switch and as well as in the right switch here circuit breaker lights lights equipping cooling fans merge 6 it light and fast inverse usually palm and you see the fasten well sign over the cabin compartment and yeah this we call for a 5-10 and dum-dum but this button will called the ground stuff hey guys I'm changing my position because we are going on another site here ok so here we have a window heat because we have a heated windows on the airplane I'll tell you later why we have heated windows or well probes heat and you can just put it on and before takes you just check that everything is extinguish over here I'll just put it off when you see it's now out of service being anti system and engine anti-ice system hydraulic system we have different pumps electrical driven and engine driven hydraulic pumps doors open education they have now forward entry door open and observers door open here we have cockpit voice recorder let's actually mic here and it records audio inside the cockpit and here is the most difficult in a major system on a voyage cemetery seminar safety the ear system it goes from here all round here so it's a huge air system this instrument shows the cabin altitude and differential pressure indications it's a cabin rate a vertical speed indicator here's the air condition and temperature control where you control the temperature of the cockpit compartment and Kevin compares to all those sweet switches I'll explain you guys later in a separate videos about all those systems here we have bleed and packs controls so the bleeds are on right now and facts should be on here with those switches and isolation while some indications sexually we're very simple the dark pressure that we need for engine start check before the interest are here we have pressurization system here you put your expected flight level and your destination Airport elevation you relieve this switch in Auto and aircraft will do the pressurization process by itself it will compute and pressurize the cockpit to this flight level according to this table probably you'll see and also it have a manual slider here put a manual have a green manual new control this valve the menu main out for a while using this toggle switch you can see it is now closed and if you put a note again the craft will feel that it's on the ground and it would start to open the walls as you can see little by little it is opening right now this vicious and a bottom forward to help and are all for whites except these days and this and those are start switches and we use it for any story putting in ground you wait for rotation you put the fuel on and that's how you start the engine on a Boeing 737 the so from now later I'll explain more about this system this is glacial my friends and very important systems located on this virtual here we have Anna cedar if you have system filler this slide pumps out here we have a detailed information where to go where to look so for example something is wrong with your fuel we go oh we have low pressure wide so we have a low pressure and we go to particular checklist in our pure rage so basically that's what you have in your car then you have a engine check for example you have engine check in the theater and you go to maintenance and they all tell you what exactly do you have on airplane they have for example engine check and you understand now exactly what happened to your system so here you don't need to go to the maintenance to understand what is happening to your airplane this is very nice panel I like it on ng much more useful compared to the 77 classic where we have the this control panel the surface control panel and basically control those to display units with this control for example here we have borrow burn means your minimum of six thirty with this knob I can put for example more I can put up to let's say one thousand and I can change it very very easily I can change altimeter setting here Prussia it's a very very useful I can have many modes I can for example have a map displayed over here so it's my airplane triangle and I can food in a very basic mode for example for approach I can put like this also have where'd you go for files etc and yeah I really enjoy working with if this control panel on Angie I really like it the first officer has exactly the same F is control panel as a captain has and we have a common we're interesting panel here it told mCP mainly used to control your airplane during the flight so you control the flight director system that how to pilot over here several modes you controlling the auto throttle here by selecting its own so it is used for automatic flight control let's go to white instruments gases of forward left panel and here we have some clock airplane watches so it's a nozzle steering switch and the most interesting thing is energy you and outer D you which is also primary flight display and navigation display I also like the primary flight display LNG because it's very big when viewing air compared to the Airbus or ETR it's actually huge has nice indication speed tape all exactly alike on the Airbus actually speak tape altitude tape vertical speed indication malls here now we have magnetic heading preset heading radio team meter selected altitude altimeter setting everything actually and also we have some other theaters here look through this corner there's nothing here but if I will display source on one here have display source to indication it's also used as Allen theater navigation display is very simple also to use I already show you some different notes but maybe in future videos I'll be more precise and I'll show you exactly what it does if one of those panels would fail for example this panel fails but you still able to fly because you have many displays so you may put this one [Applause] here we have a primer displayed or here and an important one you don't need this hydraulic information during the flight it's used just for pre-flight so you may put with this which navigation display over here and it will fly like this very very easy so we have a primary display and navigation display and you may return everything as it was before summon in theatres were out the pilot of the throttle and flight management computer warnings separate warnings and also we have a more feature ng integrated standby wide display which is integrated right here and it looks exactly like primary flight display just a little bit smaller and it is supplied by RS number one it doesn't have any separate gyroscope etc so it mainly supplied with the same gyroscope SPF P over here it's air my and you can find it on every airplane actually eat shows related bedding to do our station or to ADF station very easy to use on a central panel here we have manual selectors for engine and speed tapes and for weights but mainly normal flight we don't use these switches and selectors we use auto break for example before takeoff you put it in our keel goes with the self-test and now it's English it means it is in operation and up disk it should be always on its like abs or my car well position indicator we have many flats position on a weighing seven three seven as you can see unlike on air boss they have many positions but for example we rarely use position to where arrow use position ten and twenty five sometimes we use it for deceleration purpose but mainly we use zero one five fifteen servo forty so almost like an Airbus for normal these are emergent I shall display control so you control this slower deal with engine parameters you can see the in Japan is from here or you can see hydraulic system parameters sometimes it have a flight airfoil deflection or here on some airplanes can be installed on an upper tier engine instruments which is n1 rotation so it's basically the fan rotation speed and percentage in GT exhaust gas temperature and feel though sometimes we don't have feel for depends on aircraft modifications sometimes we have just here also feel flow here we have some engine parameters indication lights as well here we have feel quantity so totally now it's 3,700 kilos central tank is empty left tank on the left mean and right hang on the right wing and also we have a field occasion over here in our MCD you learning gear position indication three greens and then it's now down look on the lower part we have I'll stand and we have to control display units basically we use it to communicate with an aircraft so we set all the data here for example this performance in ich init page we put all the data zero fuel weight callisthenics the flat level will wanna fly in this page we put the uniform kilo Bravo Brown for example our barista airport and wanna go to for example Amsterdam yes here anybody around for departure you put your points for the flight route and it's very nice to have this feature because you can communicate with the aircraft and you can engage many automatic systems which can help you during the flight there we have some airflow on this side here is the controls for a brightness for example please display etc bank background lights this light controls located and where proper position so you can adjust very quickly you're wise depends on whether you fly it during Dave during the night time nice to have it control stand gas it goes with the trailer trimmer activates usually with this switch you want to activate it many you just fill this hello here and you rotated manually the speed brake lever activates the interceptors on your wing and has several positions down arm why the tent quiet operation and half it's mainly used on the ground upon landing there we have the thrust levers that control the engine thrust they have reverses we have some buttons here here for auto so to disconnect and these buttons are for go around everything of the parking brake and if you want to set it it's now released as you can see you need to put the brakes on we need to put text parking brake and this red light shows that your parking brake is set release it engine start livers basically used to supply fuel to combustion chamber into the engines use for engine start flips as a satyr have many flames position this is a flood selector and dream indication on this side germination in this side stop dream cattle switches are located here included a cutout and you can tell the input for example main electric train you come out and you cannot control the dream with this toggle switch anymore so you see the wheel is not rotating if I put it on it will starts to rotate and all all we have fire plan you can have the fire warning I'll just show you so I have a red light here and all those ready what do you need to do is you need to pull this out and rotate and you extinguish your fire hopefully I'll just make it a little bit brighter here you see we have a V chip stations here and here so it just tells you to contact one to zero this among fire for example you could run to zero that's among five and put it and exit you see active over here standby is over here so one two zero five it's an operation and you can go with for example Ukraine international one two five good morning this is also for indication and extinguishing panel for the forward cargo and aft target so you can have the fire indication there the fire warning bow and you can also extinguish the fire inside those compartments here we have a navigation panels here and here exactly the same there we use the VR freakness change the mode to ILS and put in active and you'll have island syndication so localizer here and lights low and this also called MCD you multi partial control display unit but it is used to communicate with the ground with this page and this air traffic control my text me so if you are sipping on seafood you can send and receive the messages to and from the air traffic control this is weather radar panel where a city to do so tell you later about it this is first corner and you put the school here and so for example the nurse book is selling the South Jersey takes a million Cisco a men on the ground and ground complete zeros life here if you or some aircraft it's not even installed because it's quite old system there we have dream indication and rudder trim you can see arrow goes right little below it's a true diamond occation it's a little tree and the irrigation is here on that control called here we have the camera installed here before anything in the air to the cockpit door I just want to show you it's like here so on the door is open etc sometimes we have the screen on the lower do you hear sometimes we have it lower here or there it depends on aircraft modification it's a looking device for cockpit door they'd stopped Remo alright I'll tell you some more about it later this summer lights control like here brighter dinner floodlight over here guys for the panel's I think it's all because I'm trying to be more brief and later I'll tell you more you tell the information about every system we'll have the separate videos about it one of the best things I like about the Boeing centrosome cockpit compared to my previous aircraft type ATR 72 is that you can open the side window mmm fresh air on ATR aircraft you cannot do it you just have this airflow over here and also on ATR we have it on a top and you just open it all the time but it's very very hot inside the cockpit especially then I was flying in Indonesia near to equator it's very very hot and we also use side window to escape from the cockpit if you have some kind of emergency and you are unable to use this door everything is broken down there for example you can they will create from this window because it's quite huge and you just open this hatch throw there they escape rope and you go down by it's quite part of this cockpit but you can do it with the rope no problem but usually captain goes to the cabin compartment to ensure that no passengers left inside the airplane well of course if there's some kind of wreckage working the way I cannot create through this window here we also have Mike vanish and gentlemen this is your captain we can help you enjoy your flight also here we have oxygen mask how to use it you mainly push these red levers pull it out and put it on yourself and just breeze it put on your nose and mouth and breathe very easy to use make sure that before flight we have this flavour put it down to 100% of oxygen in case of rapid decompression this is a nozzle steering located only on the left side on this airplane there are some going centrosome modifications where we have the same steering wheel on the right but here we so only captain can take see on this airplane so you just afraid that nose will through this steering exactly like on a car here we have the control column very classic one and the knowing fly-by-wire like an Airbus here have direct linkage through the cables to the boosters to hydraulic boosters I was twice on Airbus simulator with this side stick fiber one and I also like it so for me I don't feel any huge difference with the classic control Kong and side stick and you can find Airbus manually as well through computers fly-by-wire by Desmond it can have almost the same pleasure of many of flight on the Airbus as you can have on a point so for me it's really doesn't matter so guys it was a brief review about this point 77 ng cockpit and I was trying to get this video as short as possible for better understanding hope you enjoy this video like it if you like subscribe to my channel for the new videos and hope they have a good time
Channel: Pilot Blog
Views: 79,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pilot Blog, Boeing, Airbus, ATR, Dash, Embraer, Antonov, Cockpit, review, explained, Trip, Pilot, Blog, Why, Mentour, Captain Joe, Garuda-Indonesia, UIA, FlyUia, МАУ, Пилот, Авиакатастрофы, Air crash, investigation, Dreamliner, become a pilot, landing, crash, crosswind, sex, cockpit video, POV, girl, travel, low cost, airline, hotel, accomodation, money, ticket, buy, service, resort, spa, pool, beach, view, how to, best of, vacation, interiour, door, welcome, what, pilot job, win, fail, hard landing, pewdiepie, cadet, inside, job, joe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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