Boeing 737 Cockpit secrets!

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hi everybody very vocal Dementors it other video podcast that's always hope you're doing absolutely fantastic today on the podcast I am going to show you all the little nooks and crannies all of the things that you probably have not seen inside of the 737 cockpit so stay with me and there let's see what we can find [Music] right guys so as we start here from the beginning from the back of the flight tech if you look in under the jump seat here here this little room and this is where you can put for example your flight baggage you're sitting on the jump seat and this is also where we put our jackets so jackets hanging here with a hanger and this is a PBE which is portable breathing equipment so this is used in case of for example firefighting or so on you can open that up and you can get a portable breathing equipment that will give you oxygen if it's needed up here we have our refueling headsets so this headset is used every time we were refuelling with passengers on board the polyp monitoring has to have that connected and then establish contact make sure that there's nothing happening to the refueler that not few leaks or any fires or anything going on and if that happens he will or she will contact the pilot flying and we can initiate an emergency evacuation you want to see how an emergency evacuation is done you can just get that say collect that collection the emergency should reject the takeoff and emergency evacuation collection in the mentor aviation app so if we continue here in floor level down here there's also a little opening and here is where we keep our documents so all of the certificates the insurance certificates a or C certificates all of that is contained inside of this folder which is something that we have to check as well before a flight in the first flight of the day so this year this is our jump seat and I'm gonna show you how to open up if you just stay tuned for a little bit longer these are gear lockout pins you insert them to to look out the movement of for example the the nosewheel so on we have to make sure that these are stalled here because if not one of them might actually be inserted into landing gear and we might not be able to retract the landing gear once we take it off so this part of the checklist to make sure that they are in their correct place this is the PA Mike so it's from here that would do our pas and the reason we're using this Mike and we're not using the out of your control panel which we could use as well is because we don't want to make the mistake we don't want to for example start making a at ATC call over the PA so in order to to kind of avoid that from happening we use this PA Mike and only for PAS that way we know we're not gonna make any embarrassing calls out into the cabin where it's going to attract control down here is the emergency with a manual gear extension access door okay I did a video about how to manually extend the gear I highly recommend you to check that out and in order to do that you need to open this hatch and you need to pull out the handles inside this hatch needs to be make sure that it is fully fully closed because if not you won't be able to retract the gears right because it disengages that mechanism so see go here here you can see how you can move the seats forth and back so this is used obviously we need to make sure that you can get in so you move it forward first of all to get your flight bag in if you're a first officer here and you can move it out and to the side in order to get in it's very very tight here in the 77 cockpit so we have to make full use out of all all the little space we have now here this is something I get a lot of questions about this is the p6 circuit breaker panel so here we've got all of the different circuit breakers for some of the systems on board that needs to be checked make sure that they are in and the way to know if it's in your notice this actually has a little white part when it's pulled you get a little white part in so the best way of checking this is just what looking from the side and see if there's anything that has been pooled now circuit breakers that should be permanently polled here you can see the difference between a full circuit breaker not the ones that should be pulled they have these little red marks on them all right the little colors on them too for us to know that yes the circuit effects are actually supposed to be full but here you can clearly see the difference between a pooled and a non pulled circuit breaker so that's how we check that there are also some more circuit breakers down here for example we very rarely use them that metal thing is to make sure that we don't accidentally kick it and open it there's also some circuit breakers this is not something that normally people know there's some circuit breaker for the light - here under the brother pedal adjustment crank here so now we're getting into some stuff that people probably have never seen so here behind the first officer on the right side you have another little opening and there we have some excess leads that's our kind of load sheet paperwork in case we would need it and you can also store some other stuff here if needed just be sure that it's properly latched here guys this is something I have done a video about but very very it was quite a while ago now so these are the spare bulbs when we do our set up in the morning and if you want once again if you want to see how a full set up is done I have a collection inside of the mentor aviation app it's called a full set up from cold and dark to ready to taxi part of that is doing a light tests and when we do a light test here you can actually show it put the light test then you see that all of the lights comes on in the cockpit okay looks like this and we have to go through all of the different panels to make sure that there is no bulbs that are missing so each one of these little lights have two bulbs in it and if one of them is not working it will come up as half bright okay so it's fully bright now and then you will see half of it being illuminated if one of the bulbs are missing now if we find that the bulb is missing we're missing redundancy so we have to make sure that we have replacement bulbs and they are in here so here are the replacement bulbs from all the different this is where you can see that this is a kind of 1960s technology because they have the old good old bulbs here but basically we have a spare bulb for every occasion here if we need to otherwise we will have to call engineering and make sure that they fix it I was very important that you make sure that this is correctly latched into place it doesn't fall down because I could pull out a circuit breaker that's not good so on the side here next to each pilot you have the Sun Visor stowed now that should be stored in its little pocket here like that and also fire gloves need it in case a fighting fire for example you have the fire gloves here on the side here coffee cup holder very important this is the oxygen masks that we hopefully will never use but it's there in case we lose pressurization or if there is contamination in the air so smoke for example put that on and there will be a video specifically about that and this is the captain side this is where I sit so remember I've been telling you guys that you that the captain is the one that is controlling the aircraft on the ground that's because you have the tiller here so this is a little steering wheel okay that we use in order to move the nose wheel you can use the rudder pedals as well that will also move the nose wheel but only to a certain extent only to a limited amount of degrees this one will move it to its full extent okay but as you can see on the first officer side there's nothing all right there is the fit for it but it is not installed so there it is and that's why the captain is the one that's controlling the aircraft on the ground here it's a spare mic so from here we can actually call air traffic control for example if we are not using our headsets if you're sitting in the crew Sun headset on it not needed well then we can switch over to speaker like that and use this one instead so a lot of questions about this basically these are the transmission buttons up here okay so that one if I select that it means that I'm transmission I'm transmitting now so if I select that I'm transmitting on VHF to normal a primary collection is transmitting here on VHF one and these ones they control the volume okay so if you press in let's say that you have this one this one is illuminated it means that we were both listening and transmitting on the HF one but you can also push this one down change volume now you're also listening to VHF - okay I'll probably make a little bit more of a detailed video on that later on so this aircraft is Captree so if it's not if there's some kind of technical malfunction with it or something they change this little placard to a red and white one which is then showing that it is cat one only this is company specific so it might be different in other companies what else is there to show well this is my flight back with my coffee and everything that I want so here that's the Sun Visor okay so as you can see there is a release and a lock in order to put it up you put it to release because that releases two little patches here and you put it up here this is the little railing it goes onto so they're not get in position and out sitting and you can just move it into whatever position you want do not lock it onto this this is only a handle this is just for moving around do not put the Sun Visor on that release it you just open it up you put back in here where it came from cool that's it now guys if you have more questions I mean you mean that you're fairly familiar with rest of the cockpit here I might do a full video on that sometime these are more just kind of stuff that I know that you probably don't know about oh I forgot I promised to show you the jump seat so when I do line checks this is the the seat that I'm sitting on so everyone gets in and basically when the paperwork has been received and everything that I puts the jump seat down like that open up the lectures that lock it into position like that and the headrest it's that way you now have a fully functioning crew seat seatbelts and here is where we put the headset and there's my coffee holder little bit dirty at the moment needs to be cleaned and the oxygen mask so each crew position here has an oxygen mask this one here is one there if someone is sitting on this jump seat and then obviously one for each flight crew member as well so that's how that is done store it in position make sure that there's no nothing sticking out like that put it back in and it's working here okay cool now guys if you have any questions about this anything else that you would like me to show you alone please send me a message below and I'm gonna resume my YouTube vacation here now guys so guys I hope you enjoyed that little tour of the cockpit if you have more questions about this like I said then please put it in below in the comments make sure that you share this and that you have subscribed to the channel because if you don't you'll never get these cool little little tours in the cockpit and I am going to be in Manchester on the 6th of July on the pilot careers live event I hope to see as many of you as possible there and if you want free tickets then go into the mentor aviation app I have a forum called meetup in there there is a discount code you just use that discount code you put it in before you buy your ticket and the ticket is gonna be completely free I want to see as many as possible in there and I'm gonna do a 25 minutes talk as well that's the event so see you there [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mentour Pilot
Views: 594,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boeing 737, flight school, how to become a pilot, boeing 737 max, flight training, fear of flying, pilot life, mentour pilot, boeing 737ng, aviation facts, where do pilots sleep, how do aircraft work, commercial aviation, pilot secrets, fear of flight, boeing 737 max 8, cockpit view, cockpit movie, Cockpit secrets, Boaing 747, Boeing 777X, Airbus 320, Airbus380, Airbus 350, Boeing 787, pilot training, mentour pilot 737, Boeing cockpit, PBE
Id: 5-Y1F3Vpy0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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