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good morning my name is my name is rebecca but everybody tells me what's your name my name is where are you from people well um i was born in liverpool and that's where i grew up but i flew the next when i was about 20 years and you i was born and raised a coastal city located in the southeast of spain however in order to improve my english and finish my studies i lived and walked abroad for a period of time but then i came back and settled thank you first we'd like to know something about you becca how much exercise do you do every day well um i'm having my couch potato to be honest so i don't walk out very often maybe once in the moon i paddle with my friends to keep in shape but i would rather hang out with my friends at home will you help with the housework at home of course i make my bed every morning and i always clean the dishes however i'm not too keen on doing laundry in fact i can't stand it it's the worst household show ever and if i could i would totally pay someone else to do it for me [Music] becca how did you celebrate the new year um well this year it was a little bit difficult with the pandemic but normally i go out with my friends and paint the town red but this year we'll probably just stay at home maybe watch a film or play a board game together jordina is eating healthy food important for you of course it is yeah i try to keep track of the amount of calories i consume and eat as many fruits and that stores as possible every day however i probably should cut down on the amount of doubtful that i ate thank you in this part of the test i'm going to give each of you two photographs i'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute and also to answer a question about your partner's photographs because it's your turn first here are the photographs they show people spending time in quiet places i'd like you to compare the photographs and say what you think the people have decided to spend time in these quiet places all right okay um so in both of these photographs they show people spending time in quiet places which is the most obvious similarity between the two and the most striking difference is that in the first photograph i would say that they seem to be in a library while in the other photograph it looks like a man who is alone on top of a mountain who might be taking in the breathtaking views in response to the question i would say that the people in the first photograph have decided to spend time in a library probably because they have to cram for an exam or they have to hit the books while in the second photograph the man might be trekking alone in the mountains to disconnect from his daily routine or maybe to recharge his batteries and think about your time which of these places would you prefer to spend time in well if i had to choose i would rather spend time outdoors as a result of my job i spend long hours surrounding my books and looking at screens so i try to take advantage of any opportunity i have to get a change of scenery and going trekking seems to be the perfect way to do so now lorena here are the photographs they show people doing different things at night i'd like you to compare the photographs and say what you think the people might be enjoying about doing these things at night all right okay so first of all although both pictures show people doing different things at night they're actually quite different in the first one we've shown some people who look like they are in a city watching some fireworks whereas in the second one it seems to be a street market and getting by the lights i would say it must be in chinatown regarding the question the people in the first photo might be celebrating a robot festival or perhaps new year's eve so they are probably enjoying hanging out with their friends family watching the firework display while the people in the second one are probably enjoying their friends company or maybe just the experience of trying some new food from a different country which of these things would you prefer to do um well that's a tricky question because i love both of these things but if i had to choose i'm probably saying the first one i'm crazy about fireworks they're so beautiful and exciting you know when you watch fireworks it's a special occasion so i'd love to share that feeling with the people around me thank you thank you now i'd like you to talk about something together for about two minutes many people say that it's important to learn about other cultures and their costumes here are some reasons for this and a question for you to discuss first you have some time to look at the task now talk to each other about whether it's important to learn about other cultures and their costumes now shall i stand sure go ahead i'm audience okay so let's start by talking about work opportunities from my point of view learning about other cultures is essential as we currently live in a globalized world for example a certain degree of international understanding is required for most jobs especially those in which you have to deal with foreigners and you think so yeah we are totally on the same page here not only language but you know uh knowledge about other different cultures among customs to improve your job prospects in this day and age it's important we move on to traveling to other countries i feel as if diving into a country's culture and heritage improves your experience when you travel don't you think so yeah it helps visitors broaden their minds and open their eyes to new ways of life much better than traveling abroad yeah may i also suggest that learning about other cultures is vital to make new friends as you mentioned before thanks to the internet the entire world is at our fingertips you can keep in touch with people from all over the world but it will be difficult if we don't really understand each other's future well um i'm going to differ with you about that because i believe the most important thing is to to have interest in in common and you get to know someone i learn about the culture and the customs there are many people who like couples like me for example um my husband is spanish and english and you know this is know what now you have another minute to decide which is the most important reason for learning about other cultures okay so we need to make a decision um personally i'd probably start by ruling out um making new friends because we didn't seem to agree with each other on that one right sure it's a difficult decision to make but i'm trying between work opportunities and travelling to other countries what do you back on yeah i'm into minds about it as well um but i think the most important one if i had to choose i'd probably go for work opportunities maybe um you know as i said before we live in a globalized world and knowing about other cultures and customs is vital yeah we totally see eye to eye and that if we want to work abroad or even for an international company we we need to get a tune to customs and traditions in other countries so some of the opportunities yeah exactly thank you um are you interested in the cultures of all countries for example the music or foot absolutely i consider myself a foodie am i always jump about the chance to taste local delicacies when i travel i'm also really picky when it comes to choosing a restaurant and i can spend hours reading reviews before i make up my mind [Music] uh yeah i'm really into tasting food from other cultures my favorite fruit is sushi so whenever i go to a japanese restaurant i tend to eat like a whole house in my opinion you can learn a lot from the culture of a country by tasting the food and also listening to the music in fact i actually learned spanish by listening to spanish music my favorite musician used to be and i even met him once after a concert becca should students spend more time learning about all the cultures with the art school um that's a difficult question i suppose it's it's really difficult to learn about the cultures of all countries because you know how would they how would schools choose which cultures to learn about and which cultures not to learn about as far as i'm concerned as far as i'm concerned um students coming up on their plates already with all of the subjects and all of their exams the best way in my opinion is to actually go to that country to learn about the culture do you agree yeah i do agree that students are snow dander with work already however one thing that she didn't consider is how this would help students in other areas from my point of view it would be beneficial for students if they could because they would get a gain insight into many other subjects from history to do languages think it's true that the internet has helped us understand people in other countries i couldn't agree more and the internet allows us to reach a large number of people with this and that helps us become more aware of each other's tradition traditions ideas and even daily lives for example i recently discovered a youtube channel in which you can just watch the life of and then people from different walks of life from a wealthy businessman from new york to a japanese postman is fascinating and educational at the same time yeah i think i know what we're talking about i think i might have seen some of those videos too um they're really really interesting personally speaking though um there's nothing like visiting the country yourself you know so you're fully able to understand the people and the the culture of that place however obviously that's not always possible so especially you know nowadays with the pandemic but with the internet becomes a nami thank you
Channel: English with Becca
Views: 58,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yEhSBodZfPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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