B-Fast Tacos With Charred Scallion Salsa & Fried Pepitas

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can I offer you guys a taco are you guys spicy people yeah yeah okay I'm gonna heat you up [Music] so I've been noticing something and that is that people are for whatever reason very nervous about scrambling eggs I think that everyone thinks in order to get a really nice Supple soft scramble you have to belabor a pot and stir and stir for eight ten minutes no I'm gonna teach you how to make fast and dirty very soft large curd scrambled eggs in 30 seconds and we're gonna put them into tortillas we're gonna top them with a charred scallion salsa and we're gonna have ourselves some breakfast tacos so this is the breakfast tacos with charred scallion salsa and fried pepitas from the book for this recipe you will need a nice bunch of scallions eight eggs or as many eggs as you want to scramble one bunch of cilantro corn or flour tortillas small ones these are tacos pepitas for a little crunch hot sauce of your choice butter for scrambling salt and some limes and olive oil and we're going to use this to fry the pepitas and we're going to use it for the salsa we're actually going to use one pan for this whole thing it's a large nonstick pan we're gonna make the salsa in it we're gonna try to put pizzas in it we're gonna scramble the eggs in it and then we're gonna try the tortillas right on the burners all right so frying pepitas you could totally just throw these in the oven and toast them but instead because why not we're going to fry them in a little bit of olive oil and they're going to sort of puff in the olive oil and get super crispy and crunchy and we're gonna wait till we hear them Sizzle and pop oh boy here comes clumsy again okay while these Sizzle I'm going to cut the scallions in half because I can see right now that they are big and long and they're not going to fit in this skillet people don't use scissors enough in the kitchen look at this you hear them popping did you hear that that's why we fry them in olive oil instead of just throwing them in the oven it's a puff Pepita versus a toasted Pepita and I just think they're more special and then the cool thing is that the olive oil that's left over is going to be flavored with pepitas and that's what we're gonna make the salsa out of so we're kind of doubling down on the pizza flavor in this recipe we don't want them to burn so I'm using a slotted spoon transfer them and leave behind the oil I'm going to season them with a little bit of salt just give them a toss and then we're going to let them cool and then we're going to return this Skillet to high heat okay so we're sizzling scallions cook pretty quickly and we're going to cook them over high heat so that they get really well charred look at that it's already charred season your scallions with salt as they cook I'm doing a little Tossy toss but here's the cool thing you can eat an entire scallion raw so if we cook them all at the same time and the greens get really wilty and sweet and soft but the whites retain a little bit of their Crunch and their onioniness that's a good thing because they get a little bit of raw scallion add a little bit of cooked scallion all in the salsa a little Crispies over here and don't be afraid of like a good Char you kind of want to burn them to be honest that's like delicious deep flavor we're here for that all right so while these cool on The Cutting Board over here and remove the ends of the cilantro and then I'm finally chopping the stems the stems of cilantro has just as much flavor if not more than the leaves themselves we want it to kind of like meld into this salsa a bit so that's going in the bowl and then you're also going to finely chop these okay chopped scallions going in with the salons I'm going to brighten it up with lime juice and hot sauce and then add olive oil until it's really saucy it's kind of somewhere between like a salsa verde and a Mexican salsa it's a little neither here nor there but that's okay so there's a lot going on in the salsa and when you're adding a lot of olive oil you want to make sure it's an olive oil that you really like the flavor of but also one that's not going to overpower everything else so I'm using California Olive Branch this is the smooth and balanced medium one which I think is great because it lets the cilantro and the lime and the scallions all shine and it's kind of a great like really medium note to tie it all together so when you make this as spicy as you want I don't want it spicy I'm adding more hot sauce so now it's kind of like a drizzle Bowl chunky salsa this is where we learned how to scramble eggs in a efficient and respectful way to the eggs these are going to be very soft large curd eggs and they're going to cook in the blink of an eye so we're beating them in a bowl until they're really really homogeneous and well combined season them here okay so what you're looking for is a stream of eggs that falls right off your whisk like in a very quick stream without there being like clumps of whites and yellows that have not yet been combined so this is these are well combined eggs right here we must charge the tortillas first because the eggs cook so fast that by the time they're done in 30 seconds then you're running around trying to charge your tortillas and then your eggs get cold so before you do anything else turn your burners on medium and throw your tortillas on the flame right onto the burner on the grate above it so that they're making direct contact this is how we're going to actually Char the tortillas and we're just going to move them around sometimes they light on fire like this no problem you're kind of flipping them every like 15 seconds or so and moving around so they make contact with the flame so that they don't dry out and get cold we'll throw them in a towel and just keep them warm while we scramble our eggs so a general rule of thumb is that you need one tablespoon of butter for two eggs so I just cracked eight eggs which means I'm gonna use four tablespoons of butter in the skillet but I'm gonna wait till the skillet gets ripping hot before I add it that's hot that's a hot pond okay we're melting and now we're going straight in with the eggs immediately you see they start to Bubble up here and set and we start making these like figure eight kind of bringing the sides of the pan in and allowing the egg to refill where it was left you can tilt swirl you can shimmy Shake and look at all those beautiful big Folds and that's it that's where we're going to pull them off so there they are the hot fast dirty soft December scrambled eggs so we have our warm torts and we're just gonna lay them all out this one's beautiful look at that look at those little fluffers fluffer Nutters and then we just salsa on each one limes and then you just top each one with some crispy fried pepitas [Music] hungry the juicy there's crunchy and they're soft and that's like one of the great texture combinations of food and something that we seek a lot but you often don't find in breakfast tacos which is why we added the fried pepitas to the top So Soft so moist so Supple so quick [Music] this is a recipe from the book it is called breakfast tacos with chard this is the wrong version of the butter
Channel: Molly Baz
Views: 124,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FmLAx3jE7F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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