6 Pro Chefs Make Their Go-To Egg Recipe | Test Kitchen Talks | Bon Appétit

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today we're in the test kitchen making our favorite egg dishes eggs are life I will eat eggs any time of day and be happy good for breakfast lunch or dinner you're able to achieve just this incredibly diverse range of textures you can fry an egg you can poach an egg can be rolled into an omelette what can you not do with a good egg that's awesome I would pretty much be lost without eggs one of my favorite egg dishes is a French omelette it's just eggs and butter and you finish with some salt maybe some herbs if you want at the end the technique of the French omelette it's it's delicate and it takes some finesse and it's something I've made 100 times you know a thousand I mean my God I mean more than 100 times something I've made a ton of and it should be nice and custardy and silky on the inside and the outside shouldn't have much color if at all I shouldn't have any color to be honest so before I start whisking the eggs I like to just portion out a little bit of butter I'll put it in the pan I use a non-stick pan it's probably the only time I do use one I only take it out when I make fancy French omelets like today and then when it comes to mixing your eggs into a nice pale uniform consistency I use a fork the Whisk tends to aerate a bit and whip in bubbles into your egg which will give you a much different consistency take you away from that smooth velvety custardiness and more of like you know Aunt Susie's scrambled eggs you do want to incorporate them really well I don't want it to be marbled you want just a really consistent uniform color then we'll go check on our butter our I don't want it too hot you know if I was on a higher temperature I'd have walked away we'd have brown butter we'd be wasting butter we'd be doing this again oh here we go add it right in scrape your bowl nice what I like to do when you make an omelet is you kind of we can even start right now you can start to swirl the center you know start to cook that Mass not gonna lie is a little bit of a challenge and we're going to be able to hide that or call that the Philly flip in the Oyster world where you can hide your mistake but now watch we can just get a little flip on this and we'll try to do a final flip on it as well just to kiss that that side there all right all right not bad for the first Pancake second one would be better guaranteed it's not the prettiest but it's gonna be delicious it'll put a little chive on top I like to do a nice little pull cup all right I'm not mad at it let's uh let's give it a nice little cross section like that's just nice glad I didn't pick up any color so that's all right great flavor though you really get the butter at home if you're gonna go making a French omelet I'd like to put some of the chives before you start to fold it on the inside sometimes I even microplane raw garlic that's just me getting a little crazy with the French omelet but the traditional one can't go wrong with this the more you do it the better you're gonna get just like anything so make some omelets today I'm gonna make a sort of like chorizo stew what I love most about baking eggs is that it's such a slow cook I chose to go the shishuka-esque route just because I really appreciate that sort of like tomatoey onion peppery stew that you're cooking your egg in I think that imparts such flavor so I have my cast iron skillet here we're going to start with sauteing our onions you want to saute them until fragrant this is Mexican chorizo it's made with vinegar and chilies rather than the Spanish style which is more spice with like garlic paprika giving it that distinct brick color we're getting back in shishuka land we're going to add our freshly chopped tomatoes not that there's anything wrong with canned tomatoes but if I have these around I'm always going to use fresh I'm adding garlic powder and cumin a little bit of salt so it's looking Stewie I think we're ready to add our chicken stock I want the eggs to really try to absorb some of that moisture rather than just be sitting on something it has come to the point where I'm feeling the consistency see we're getting that shishuka likeness that's hot and now I'm ready to crack my eggs there's no need to make a well with these eggs what we're looking for is to keep that white intact so I don't really want to create a situation where there's room for it to seep into the stew I have my oven on at 4 25 this is going to be done relatively quickly it's looking exactly the way that we want it to you have that sort of like set white but you can clearly see that the yolk is so very much intact the Cotija is going to lend more of that milky salty flavor where the cilantro is going to give us a little bit of a fresh moment so this is my shishuka inspired chorizo baked egg dish it's looking really decadent you have these other elements that really bring out our star which is the egg the egg is tender the egg is still runny but it really works here with all of those other like really big flavors it's awesome there's nothing else I can say about this so today I will be showing you how to make my version of kirantim which is a Korean souffle you have probably seen it at Korean restaurants it often comes in a little earthenware vessel this is called kiranjim is one of those basic Elementary panchan everyone loves including kids I'm gonna actually make mine in the microwave today and frankly that's how a lot of Koreans make it at home I think three eggs is a good amount for you know one to two people for a side dish we're going to add a little bit of the potato jet or salted fermented shrimp it just brings a nice seafoody saltiness to your dish not unlike a fish sauce I also add a pinch of salt it's a different salty it's kind of like with salt versus soy sauce is if you have Chopsticks you can fish out the little Chalice of the egg that's just the part that connects the white to the yolk and I really really like to make sure that the egg white is broken up because you know sometimes they like to stay together and then you see a ribbon of white and I'm not really down with that heating the water first really kind of preserves the texture of the egg in a nice way just slowly add the egg in get all your little shrimpies in there this would be a great time to just reiterate how much I love my microwave I know there's so many haters out there but it's such a great tool in the kitchen keep an open mind it can really unlock a lot of steps for you in the kitchen if used correctly so the first minute and a half is done so what I'm doing is just gently folding any egg that sticks to the side of the bowl just gently with your fork or Chopsticks push it down and then it will go in for another minute and a half what's up it really puffed so here is our kid and gym still like a touch jiggly we're just going to garnish it with a little scallion toast the sesame oil and then toasted sesame seeds so here is our finished kiranjim mild eggy a little salty like the sea almost like a souffle and there's a little bit of the the broth down here which is it's almost kind of cloud-like you see the little toe jut in there as well humble but bold Little Egg dish play around with your eggs they can really handle it so I am making a spiced egg crepe today and this is a dish that I make all the time at home we're calling it a crepe because of its like visual format it is kind of like that folded over Lacy edged look it's like a hard cooked omelette basically is it traditionally a crepe no would like the people of France be furious it's possible but it is essentially a glorified omelette so we're going to start with prep which is just finely chopping our aromatics that are going to be sauteed as the base of our crepe the technical title of this recipe is spiced egg crepe for one and so what I'm really envisioning when I am slicing is how much do I want to eat and then jalapeno I am not going to do seeds and that's not from a spice reason it's because they like it weird in The Omelette and then I'm using like mustard seeds too and then it's just like so many seeds to me two eggs is like a normal serving it's enough to create a thin layer of the egg all the way cross we're going to do a big pinch of salt here like you're making scrambled eggs you just don't want like any streaky bits you want it to be totally homogeneous so what you need for this is a pretty wide non-stick pan with a lid we really want it to slide right out of the pan afterwards we're going in and we're going to season with just a pinch here oh this is smelling very delightful we're gonna take the raw edge off your shallot working pretty quickly I'm going to add in my mustard seeds and you'll see I'm like picking pockets for it I'm going to do that with the spices too that was cumin and this is turmeric you can see the mustard seeds are beginning to pop just a little bit and that's our sign that we're good to go on egg and we're gonna pour our egg mixture in and then tip your pan around so that every bit is covered and you want to get all all the egg out and this is going to happen pretty quickly but you can see that it's still a little loose on top and that is what our lid is for it's just going to help set that with the steam oh you see that happen quick you want to be like Bam Bam Bam so this is totally set now you can see oh and it's sliding around so we're done totally exciting and like all set no goopiness which is great all right so now I'm just going to take a little bit of lime and squeeze her on my herbs and I can do a little bit more squeeze on my crepe as well oh hear that Sizzle love and then I put my herbs and then I fold the other half over the top and then she gets a nice big dollop of ketchup I came to ketchup as an egg thing as an adult and this ketchup in particular which is not just like sweet plain tomatoiness there's a lot happening in here chili mustard seeds turmeric this is my spiced egg crepe for one this is it this is a dream egg meal to me you can see just how thin that is and it's just enough to hold all of those spices the egg is holding everybody together um and I also love it because it feels big if you were here for subtlety like this is not it we're Punchy we're vibrant we're bright we're a little bit spicy we're earthy there's the lime and the herbs on the inside and this ketchup is bringing the sweetness um so I'm making a soy Ginger scramble which is basically just scrambled eggs but flavored with a little bit of mirin a little bit of soy sauce and a little bit of grated Ginger I like to do three eggs this and rice together really feel like they're enough food I'm just looking for like a teaspoon of grated Ginger here we're just trying to kind of perfume the eggs I'm gonna do about a teaspoon of soy at a certain point it starts to really like darken the eggs a couple teaspoons of mirin I don't want all of the salt to come from soy so I'm using ghee and I love the flavor of just like super kind of like buttery ghee with my eggs all of our seasonings in there I'm agitating the eggs constantly this is like a fast soft scramble I'm working the eggs pulling in the edges moving the pan this is going to go real fast I do not want Browning I don't want anything happening other than those eggs to be set and there we go it's a nice folded Kerdi shreds of egg I've got some cooked jasmine rice here I could have used slightly less soy sauce and fairness different brands of soy sauce have different levels of kind of a color concentration a little bit of pickled cucumber are part of what really transforms this a little bit of scallion something with a little bit of extra punch to it it just cuts right through that richness and then lastly a little toasted sesame seeds if you didn't have this you could use something like furukake you know we could do a little pinch on there I'm so psyched to tear into that in a second um God I love this I was eating the rest of the scrambled eggs just like right out of the pan over there honestly I don't know that I do that anymore with just regular straight up scrambled eggs like the flavor of egg on its own is nice and it's worth highlighting but adding to it kind of just like extending it one way or the other even richer brighter more aromatic is just so nice and such a solid plate I'm super happy with this I would eat this any time of day this dish is inspired by a spanish-style tortilla Which is essentially one of my favorites because it's so simple it's only three ingredients my version I'm calling it a tortilla Jamaica so inspired by Jamaican root vegetables crunchy outside you've got like a nice runny custardy inside and it doesn't take a long time for it to come together which makes it all the better for someone who maybe is a little intimidated by going on an egg Adventure so most important thing is that you know what vessel you're using I'm choosing a non-stick skillet that has high sides because once I add my potato my onions and My Egg it's going to rise and we want to make sure that it can set and flip properly I want to create a little bit of a scallion oil and I also want to add some crispy texture to the top of my tortilla once it's finished we've got these like really nice Brown chunky bits all right and so I'm going to just take my little slotted spoon so I'm just going to take the extra step to drain this through a fine mesh sieve we're reusing the oil and then I'm just gonna drop in my white onion we're gonna need more oil to make sure that the Yucca and the yellow M are also properly coated I'm going to add a couple generous pinches of salt to the dish we want to make sure that when we add it to the eggs it's cooked enough so that when we actually go to serve it you get like a nice tender bite of that veg so I'm gonna do now is prepare my eggs we have eight eggs and what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to get them all into one little bowl I'm just going to show you that I can do the one-handed crack with this egg here see a pro it only took me seven eggs before this one to get this one perfect should be nice and homogeneous and consistent but I'm gonna drop my potato and onion mixture into my egg I'm going to take my slotted spoon because I don't want to transfer oil into my egg I'm going to add salt so that my egg is salted and not just my veg and then let's throw a little bit of black pepper in there too why not and I'm gonna actually cover the bowl and so what I want is for the ambient heat from the potato and the onions to actually start to get that egg going I'm just gonna pour this all into and what I want to do once it forms a nice sort of like crust around the edge is I'm going to take my spatula and I'm just going to make sure that it kind of has some gives from the edges of the pan it's important to also make sure that your your heat is even so that you can control the color and the texture as it happens I can also use this plate to kind of get the inside going too a Plate's a really good friend if you want to kind of capture that heat inside you can kind of also see if I shake it the whole tortilla is actually moving in the pan Which is a good sign that means that nothing is stuck I think that we're in a good place to do our little slide moment and what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to guide this onto this plate and then just flip the pan over the plate so this can get a little messy but it's fine just don't wear your favorite shirt like I did today and we're just going to very quickly and then this goes back over the Heat and so you can kind of repeat that method over again to kind of get that rounded tortilla shape that's pretty classic up with some tortilla I can already tell from the color and the texture that it's pretty much as set as I want it to be and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn the heat off I like to combine the textures of the same vegetables at once so we also have the fresh green onion and then of course I'm going to finish a little bit of salt as well this is the tortilla Jamaica Oh Billy wow take it in because I really am so emotional about this every family has huge debates about what type of hot sauce they like I'm using shaquanda's ooh mommy hot sauce it's got blueberry it's got Scotch bonnets smells like fruit four but also spicy see when you manifest anything is possible crunching outside you've got like a nice runny custardy inside the two different types of starch the Yucca and the yellow yam add for like a really nice sort of like starchy deck of cards this dish is nice because you do it all in one pot it's three ingredients and when you get that flipping technique down you'll be really proud of yourself because I'm proud of you
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 649,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ba test kitchen, ba test kitchen talks, best egg recipe, best egg recipes, bon app, bon app test kitchen, bon appetit, bon appetit test kitchen, bon appetit test kitchen talks, chorizo baked eggs, chorizo eggs, easy egg recipe, egg recipe, egg recipes, eggs dinner recipe, eggs for dinner, eggs lunch, food, french omelet, french omelette, gyeranjjim, how to make an omelet, how to make an omelette, korean eggs, quick egg recipe, test kitchen talks
Id: hBjjbzeJ78Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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