Molly Makes Scallops with Corn and Chorizo | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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his jam Oh what he's jamming to this is the September issue of O&F team magazine there are a lot of restaurant driven recipes in here but there also happens to be pan-seared scallops the chorizo and corn which is what we're gonna make today you'll probably encounter scallops that look like this but they actually start in a shell and there's a lot of other little body parts in there there's mussels and row sacks that's all cleaned by the time they arrive at the grocery store or the seafood department it oftentimes will still have a little tough muscle on the side of them so this is super easy it just peels right off but it's a little bit tough so it's a good idea to just check and see if they're on there and peel those off before you start cooking I once worked in a restaurant and there was a line cook who was like I'm obsessed with the mussels save them for me so like he would just have like a plastic bag of scallop mussels and he would eat them so an important distinction to make with scallops is that they calm eyes are dry packed or wet packed these are dry packed scallops which means they haven't been treated in any way since they were removed from the ocean which means that when you go to cook them and you're looking for that golden-brown crust a lot of water will come out flooding the pan and they'll steam and you won't get that same effect so always look for dry pack scallops so these are all aligned and now we're gonna do the prep work involved in the corn ragout if three ears of corn and an upturned Bowl inside a larger bowl to catch the kernels I'm just gonna cut them all off of the cob here clean corn job at the corner I knew all of the kernels are off the cob now but there's a lot of corn milk left on these cobs so what you can do is use the back the dull side of the knife and drag it down the cob to release all of that milk don't leave any flavor behind we are using dry cured Spanish trees oh it looks like this in the package sometimes it comes in a u-shape you'll see it um it's a Spanish tree so that is not fresh but cured it doesn't really go bad and there's a lot of spices already in this chorizo so that brings a lot of flavor to whatever you're cooking I'm just dicing this up pretty finely we're gonna chop up these scallions I listen to just like weird moody music without any lyrics lyrics are kind of distracting or classical I love some classical clair de lune such an epic song epic cooking song really epic anything song Pro scallions all chip-chop Jets I have four garlic cloves which I'm going to slice just thinly sliced alright one serrano pepper these can be kind of spicy I like to taste before I throw the whole thing in and just see how spicy we're really talking and wait for it they can grow not that spicy so we'll put the whole serrano in a line here that'll squeeze over the scallops when they're done so I'll keep that at the ready so the dish comes together pretty quickly once we head over the stove so important to get all of your meson cloth which is your prep work done in advance just patting dry these chop the cilantro and this will get folded into the ragu out towards the end so that doesn't wilt and turn brown I'm putting a paper towel on these scallops to soak up any surface moisture before they hit the pan so that they can nice golden brown crust okay let me get a tray and then we'll go clip there I go come on over here so have a medium saucepan I'm gonna heat one tablespoon of oil over medium heat here so this saucepan is what we're gonna build this little corn buttermilk chorizo ragout okay party meatball over here oh man I hope for your sake that gets headed out but I feel like I'm not going to you are you know such a dork I think it's like some dude who like I mean maybe he's older now but it's like somebody who just does it on their own like in their apartment in like Copenhagen or whatever you know it's so good Wow all right back to the cooking hot oil we're adding Trevizo that basically just made my day and I'm just looking to render out some of the fat that's in the strees oh and leave it nice and crispy so you'll see it immediately turns this beautiful rust color and that's from all the paprika in the chorizo and what's cool about this recipe is that we're gonna save all of that red oil and we're going to use it for searing our scallops smell that you don't burn the chozo so as soon as you see it start to really smoke then you know it's time so we're looking Kristina Chris person so we're going to strain off that oil leave the chorizo behind and we'll use that later on I'm going to add one more tablespoon of olive oil and all of the aromatics a little bit of salt and just cook this for a couple of minutes until they begin to soften this is nicely softened smells good time to add the corn I'll cook this for another five to seven minutes okay let's take a little taste see how our corn is doing this delicious feed seasoned pork you guys are in for a real treat today I feel like this corn is in a good place and the next part of this ragout is adding buttermilk which is just gonna give a creamy sauce to bind it all together however if you add buttermilk to something that's this hot it will split and it will look like curdled milk so I'm gonna turn this off the heat and let it cool for about five minutes it's time to cook the scallops important to season them right before you cook because if you do it in advance they'll draw out moisture theme of this video is dried scallops golden brown crust a bit of olive oil so this is where the reserve bright red trees oil comes into play we're gonna add it to the olive oil cook the scallops in that I think people are really intimidated by cooking scallops but the most important thing is that your oil be super super hot see the smoke billowing I don't want it to get too much harder than that so I'm gonna go in with the scallops seasoned side down this is the hard part but we're not going to move them until they naturally release from the pan the side of the scallop that has the largest surface area is the side that I'm going to fear because it's going to give us the most press this looks nice I'm gonna put from the final moments here and this happened quickly because valves can overcook in an instant so once you have established a distrust you don't want to cook them that much longer on the second side you keep off and add in a couple tablespoons of butter fill it and I'm just gonna base them giving it some love buttery love so that they don't overcook drizzle some of these yummy pan juices over so they can kind of sit and mingle in it I'm gonna set these aside and then we'll finish our corn ragout with buttermilk and cilantro so it's cool enough that I can now add one cup of buttermilk sort of like a light frothy almost powdery ragout and then the chopped cilantro we'll taste an address for seasoning before really delicious go back we go a little bit of lime just to squeeze over these scallops because there's a lot of butter and fat going on right now so this will help break that up and then into the famous Bowl is the ragout to was there's beautiful great a lime wedge for serving I mean is that not the spitting image Chris don't hate me you want to come over and taste but you have to bring your headphones and we're gonna taste while we listen same artist oh yeah yeah we're what's it called again time hop all day time no time cop 1983 so this is seared scallops with a chorizo corn on that yeah I'm feeling that drop in it's like it's building it's a slow that's a slow build okay uh Tremezzo corn buttermilk ragout chorizo corn butter moco I feel like so buttermilk is like my crutch these days yeah you put it in your pasta - right yeah good for you to use this first are you tasting thanks waiting for the music to really like ya have to drop in milk green chili in there Serrano it wasn't a very spicy one no doesn't see how much more fun is it sometimes it's naked here or two you totally converted me I was such a hater at the beginning this episode guys I'm sorry you're not in our headphones right now you're really missing out really good been approved cool delicious try to eat these with you you alright my god cool alright later bring out your inner cop put on tiny cop buy some scallops go to the farmers market and get some corn because it's peak right now and put this on the table for dinner tonight yes are you with me Oh and all the juices yeah we have all the buttery limey juices we have lunch lined up
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 1,704,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chorizo, scallops, test kitchen, molly baz, from the test kitchen, scallop recipe, how to cook scallops, how to make scallops, easy scallops, best scallops, molly makes, molly makes scallops, scallop with chorizo, make scallops, making scallops, chorizo recipe, how to cook chorizo, how to make chorizo, molly, making chorizo, make chorizo, molly test kitchen, molly bon appetit, corn, scallops with corn and chorizo, food, bon appetit
Id: uyFOhoIWt78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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