The Mystery of the Blindness | Romans 11:25 | Amir Tsarfati

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] today's message is the mystery of the blindness and it's from romans 11 verses 25 to 27 i'm gonna read that portion of scripture and then uh we'll pray and start so romans 11 25-27 for i do not desire brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own opinion that blindness in part has happened to israel until the fullness of the gentiles has come in and so all israel will be saved as it is written the deliverer will come out of zion and he will turn away ungodliness from jacob for this is my covenant with them when i take away their sins father we thank you for your word your word is true and we ask now that you will sanctify us by this truth we bless your name and we ask this in jesus name amen amen so what an amazing portion of scriptures from one of my favorite chapters of one of my favorite epistles the epistle to the romans it's it's a very very unique book you have to understand that when paul wrote that book he wasn't in rome he has not been to rome yet he wrote a book to a church that he heard of longed to be there and visit them but couldn't for many reasons and it's interesting because the church in rome may have been started by the way by romans who returned from jerusalem after witnessing the events of pentecost the bible says in acts chapter 2 verse 10 when it describes who was in jerusalem during that time there were from different places and there were also jews and gentiles from rome and they returned back to rome and they started a church we're not even sure if the church was started in a synagogue or a different place but we know that there were about three synagogues in rome during that time across the tiber where the vatican is today it's called in the la in the um italian language threstevere beyond the tiber and over there there was a jewish population the jewish people i don't know if you know that in the roman era they were religia um religion that was uh let's say not really uh loved or appreciated but at least it was a religion that they could deal with why because judaism let's face it is not calling for for anyone else to become a jew okay you're a jew you're a jew you're not a jew don't become a jew then comes christianity and what is christianity all about can somebody be born a christian no there is no such thing no person on planet earth ever in the history of planet earth was born a christian wait a minute it says christian on my birth certificate it's wrong you're not a christian until you become a christian be a christian is the follower of christ when you're two days old when you follow her christ of course not what i'm trying to say is christianity is all about making disciples and that was the religion that the romans persecuted and it was known as religia perverted religion because you're causing the romans to abandon the roman gods and to worship another god well the jews they don't call anyone to worship the god of israel they are the jews and they worship the god of that's it and so the church in rome started from gentiles who became now followers of jesus and now believe in the god of israel and jews who already believed in the god of israel but now they turn around jews in the first century were not called to convert let's make it very clear a converter is something that takes one system and convert it to another system for many gods into one god you need a converter jews already believed in one god but they went the wrong way they needed to turn around they needed to repent them you understand that nowhere in the scriptures it says to a jew convert it says repent that's the message of jesus in the cities of the jews in capernaum and others and so jews who repented and gentiles who converted form together now a new church in rome and paul in chapter 15 he says i've made in my in it my aim to preach the gospel not where christ was named lest i should build on another man's foundation but as it is written in isaiah 52 by the way to whom he was not announced they shall see and those who have not heard shall understand and he says for this reason i also have been much hindered from coming to you paul realized maybe the reason why he couldn't go there is because the gospel had been preached already there and he needed to be elsewhere when it had not been preached yet but he really wanted to go there and eventually he made it to rome he was a roman citizen after all if you remember and he made it to rome but not to the trump hotel he was under arrest twice in rome it's a house arrest twice and during that lockdown that he experienced he did not write posts against the lockdown he wrote the letter to the ephesians colossians philippian philemon and then in the second time he was there he actually wrote the last epistle before he died and that's second timothy where he knew he already completed the race he ran the race he fought the fight and that's it he's coming to the end of his road but he never sat there and murmured and cried in fact in the last chapter of the book of acts he invites all the jewish leaders to the house arrest and he is in chains and they're all sit around him and he says look i called you because i wanted to talk to you you look you know our nation i have nothing against our nation i i'm part of us you know i'm one of the nation but what you have to understand it is for the hope of israel that i am bound in chains so the hope of israel is jesus and that's why i'm in chains it's not anything else the book of romans was written while he was where in corinth corinth was amsterdam and steroid corinth was a very bad city it had a big shrine for aphrodite's on the top of the hill above the city called acro corinth upper corinth and it was a shrine there and the shrine had hundreds of female prophetesses that were actually prostitutes and and suddenly all the men in the region were spiritual they all flocked to corinth to worship you know the goddess over there and to really participate in that worship and all the women said wow my husband is very spiritual lately listen people really thought that they are spiritual by doing that some of them even went to that temple did what they did and came to the church to hear the good news and they would you know do that back and forth and paul said you can't do that this is not how it works ladies and gentlemen he was there in corinth he wanted to run away from corinth and he's god who said to him in a vision at night stay here because i have many more people in this city and he stayed and while he stayed he was not angry he wrote the epistle to the romans and unlike the letters to the corinthians where he wrote from other places he knew the corinthian church very well he's been there enough time this one hates this one this one hates this one this one doesn't like this one so every time he wrote something to the corinthians he would address those issues however he doesn't know anyone in rome so the epistle to the romans is pure doctrine it's the longest and it's in a way that it's without any situational issues and straight from the very beginning we're being introduced to a concept and a principle that was only known in the old testament then and yet was unknown to the gentiles and that's the special role that israel has in the plan of god gentiles didn't know that hardly israel understood that themselves but the prophets of israel kept writing that and in romans chapter 1 verse 16 paul says beginning the first chapter for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god to what salvation for everyone say everyone everyone who believes but then he says to for the jew first and also for the greek now comes all the insecurity of the gentiles welcome the jews first wait a minute i thought we were i thought he said everyone i thought yes everyone but to the jew first wait a minute am i second class no you're not but to the jew first so is god favoring the jews over the jedi no not at all but to the jew first i don't understand you're contradicting yourself no i'm not not at all to the jew first i didn't say that he said that in acts chapter 13 verse 46 when paul and barnabas were ministering to the jews in antioch and they were not welcomed by the jersey antioch what did they say it was necessary that the word of god should be spoken to you what first they didn't say unfortunately we have to say that we have to come to euphoria no it was necessary that was the way god is doing things the way the gospel was actually communicated to the whole world was so that you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in what jerusalem and judea and samaria and to the end of the earth god is having an order in which he advances and he's not asking for your opinion and it's interesting because if you say how come the jews get all the things first well let me tell you how come let's go to romans chapter two tribulation and anguish on every soul of man who does evil of the jew first how about that you see that's how god deals to the jew first whether it's good things or bad things they always got it first and and you should say thank you for that why because you learn what to do and what not to do hello but glory honor and peace to everyone who works what is good to the jew first and also to the greek and now comes the point for there is no partiality with god god does not favor someone over others the jew first is just the way he advances when you drive a car on your way to uh your favorite cafe and there's three stoplights you go through the first one first oh how come the first stop is first because it's first it's not better it's not nicer it's not higher it's not lower it's just first on the way to the third you go through the first that's all amos chapter 3 verse 1 to 2. hear this word that the lord has spoken against you o children of israel against the whole family which i brought up from the land of egypt saying you only have i known of all the families of the earth therefore i will punish you for all your iniquities how about that see to whom much is given now we understand sometimes to be first is not only for the good things but we know god has no partiality in galatians 3 for as many as you were baptized into christ have put on christ there is neither jew nor greek there is neither slave nor free there is neither male nor female for you are all one in christ jesus if you check things the way how god loves appreciate and and and and and you know wants to save we're all the same there is no difference there is no i mean obviously there is a female in the fame and a male and there's only female and a male hello but but what i'm trying to say is that as far as god is concerned he's not favoring male over female all he's not favoring a slave over a master or a jew over a greek no so why is paul giving the jewish people such an important role in his epistle to the romans why it's because this doctrine because this is pure doctrine and you have to understand if you want to understand god his name is the god of israel and if you want to understand jesus he is the lion of the tribe of judah and if you want to understand the heart of god and the plan of god you cannot ignore israel they play a significant role in the way god is approaching our planet here and i want you to understand the first thing paul is writing is brethren i do not want you to be ignorant why would he say that because people are ignorant why would you say do not murder because people murdered hello so i guess believers can be ignorant very ignorant ignorance can be the result of lack of education lack of security but ignorance is ignorance is when you don't allow yourself to know the full plan of god when you don't allow yourself to read and understand what god said before what he's saying now and what he's going to do even in the future the way god is dealing with israel indeed i agree is a mystery the word in greek mr yon it appears several times new testament it's something that is there but we cannot understand until it is revealed to us ladies and gentlemen in genesis 17 abraham it was said i will make you exceedingly fruitful i will make nations of you i will establish my establishment covenant between me and you and for an everlasting covenant i will give you and your descendants after you the land as an everlasting position i will be their god god it's all about god it's not about them it's not about israel it's about the god of israel don't ever ever try to be like israel he's not asking you to be a jew exodus 33 moses in the desert the children of israel just sinned with a golden calf if you remember god says i do not want to be in the midst of their camp take me out of there to take the tent of meeting outside and moses is so so so perplexed but this whole thing and and and god says this is not going to work like that and moses says to the lord i pray that if i have found grace in your sight show me now your way that i may know you and that i may find grace in your sight and then he says don't leave me alone here with them consider that this nation is your people i don't want to get stuck with them you lead me you lead me and i will go if your spirit if your presence is not leading i'm not moving out of here that was an italian strike i guess ii samuel who is like your people like israel this the one nation on the earth whom god went to redeem for himself as a people to make for himself a name it's not about them it's about his name he is choosing them to make for himself a name and to do for yourself great and awesome deeds and for your land before your people whom yo you redeem for yourself from egypt the nations and their god for you have made your people israel your very own people forever and you lord have become their god the emphasis is not on them the emphasis is on him and every time you idolize israel you take the glory from the god of israel and when you hate israel you hurt the heart of god of israel psalm 121 he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps israel shall neither slumber nor sleep psalm 135 verse 4 for the lord has chosen jacob for himself israel for his special treasure there's nowhere a single verse that says in the whole bible they were so good and they were so perfect that that's why god chose them nowhere find me one verse where israel is so good because it's not about them show me a verse that says that you are perfect that you are so good and that's why god chose you hello isaiah 44 remember these o jacob and israel for you are my servant i have formed you you are my servant o israel you will not be forgotten by me god says that before i traveled 25 years ago i i went on my first ministry tour and i almost got killed in this tragic car since then i have back issues just you know and [Music] they pulled me out of what used to be a car and i thought i'm dead and that was the time that i remember the lord showed me that whenever i travel first of all i realize he i guess he wants me alive i survived i don't know if you know that but i i was on the twin towers the night before 9 11 also and i was supposed to be there the next day and i didn't well it was impossible anyway but my point is god really had his hand on preserving me but i remember when he when he told me that i i will go and talk about israel and and explain to people that they need to look at israel and then believe in the god of israel he said that wherever i go when they teach wrong about israel they get the entire rest of the bible wrong as well you cannot take one of the most important pieces in the entire word of god out and think that you will ever understand god who he is and what he's going to do joel chapter 3 is telling us that at the end of the tribulation behold in those days in that time when i will bring back the captives of judah and jerusalem i will also gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of jehoshaphat and i will enter into judgment with them there on what account on account of my people my heritage israel whom they have scattered among the nations they've also divided up my land zechariah 2 verse 8 for thus is the lord of hosts he sent me after glory to the nations which plunder you for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye romans chapter 9 i tell the truth in christ paul is so sincere he says look i'm telling you the truth in christ i'm not lying to you my conscience also bearing me witness in the holy spirit he cannot be more sincere than this he's giving you i mean three different ways to persuade you that what he's about to say is super important and it's not from him it's from god he says i have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart for i wish that i myself were accursed from christ for my brethren my countrymen according to the flesh who are israelites to whom pertain the adoption the glory the covenant the giving of the lord the service of god and the promises of whom are the fathers and from whom according to the flesh christ came who is over all the eternally blessed god amen paul says if it was possible that israel will be saved by me being accursed i would have done that but you cannot believe for someone else israel's unfaithfulness does not change god's faithfulness this is where a lot of teachers are wrong they think that the unfaithfulness of israel causes god to change his mind absolutely not romans 3 what advantage then has the jew or what is the prophet of circumcision much in every way chiefly because to them were committed the oracles of god for what if some did not believe will their unbelief make the faithfulness of god without effect can you answer certainly not indeed let god be true in every man liar romans 11 i say then has god cast away his people can you answer certainly not for i also am an israelite of the seed of abraham of the tribe of benjamin god has not cast away his people whom he foreknew jeremiah 31 thus says the lord who gives the sun for a light by day the ordinances of the moon and the stars foreign light by night who disturbs the sea and his ways roared the lord of hosts is his name if those ordinances depart from before me says the lord then the seed of israel shall also cease from being a nation before him if you want to bring an end to israel i'm telling that to the ayatollahs if you want to bring an end to israel take all your weapons all your missiles and aim them towards the sun the moon and the stars and try to destroy them first because only when the sun the moon and the stars will be gone then israel will no longer be a nation before god and by the way there will come a day when that's going to happen when when god will make all things new new heavens new earth in new jerusalem the bible says there is no more sun moon or stars and then guess what there is no more jew and there is no more gentile that's it only believers will be there the italian prophet malachy in chapter 3 verses 6 to 7 for i am the lord i do not change therefore you are not consumed o sons of jacob god says i cannot change i'm the lord and because i cannot change and i will not change israel is not consumed they'll never be consumed yet from the day of your fathers you have gone away from my disorder and says and i'm not kept them return to me he says and i will return to you says the lord of hosts hosea 5 i will return again to my place until they acknowledge their offense then they will seek my face in their affliction they will earnestly seek me during the tribulation seven years tribulation the nation of israel will understand that the rabbinical law the oral law all the tradition all their religion is not going to help them at all and it's only when they see the one whom they pierce coming all the way down from the cloud and they looked at him whom they appears in zechariah chapter 12 and they will mourn and they will cry and they will repent they will see jesus and they will understand all those years and we thought he is not our messiah now we get it isaiah 45 israel shall be saved by the lord with an everlasting salvation salvation in hebrew you know what salvation is in hebrew yeshua they named him yeshua because he is salvation that's the name well i thought his name is jesus yes in english maybe in hebrew is yeshua and it means salvation with an everlasting salvation you shall not be ashamed or disgraced forever and ever for thus is the lord who creates the heaven who is god who formed the earth and made it who has established it who did not create it in vain who formed it to be inhabited i am the lord and there is no other isaiah 45 have not spoken in secret in a dark place on the earth i did not say to the seed of jacob seek me in vain god is not playing with israel seek me you will not find me sick no seek me and you will find me and you seek me and you find me and you will see i will not run away i the lord speak righteousness i declare things that are right concerning the gospel they may be our enemies for your sake but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers for the gifts and the callings of god are e revocable please don't be wise in your own opinion why is he saying that because christians tend to be what wise in their own opinion ladies and gentlemen it's not good ii timothy if we are faithless he remains faithful because he cannot deny himself and so i guess believers can be wise in their own opinion and that is how the diabolic replacement theology was born the notion that god was so disappointed with israel that he is now rejecting them and now the church has replaced israel the church is the new israel and now that's it israel is no longer god's people that's what listen most people on planet earth that call themselves christians that's what they believe do you know that so i'm saying don't be wise in your own opinion proverbs 19 there are many plans in man's heart nevertheless the lord's counsel that will stand isaiah 55 for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are you your ways from my ways he says as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways late gentlemen i want to run i just want you to know james acknowledge the fact that there are two different wisdoms and people think that they are wise there is the earthly wisdom and there is the spirit wisdom who is wise and understanding among you let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom but if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your heart do not boast and lie against the truth the wisdom does not descend from above it is earthly sensual demonic for where envy and self-seeking exist confusion and every evil there are a thing are there but the wisdom that is from above is first pure peaceable gentle willing to yield full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy and yes blindness in part has happened to israel because of the hardening of their heart they were trying to establish their own righteousness they thought that they don't need jesus they thought that their good deeds would lead them to god but they kept failing and failing and failing the hardening of the heart the ignorance it was a terrible thing but then of course it was for a reason and it was for a season god used even that hardening of the heart as a good thing because when they hardened their heart then god turned to the gentiles look at you you are the fruit of their blindness because they the bible says because they uh uh blindness all of their blindness salvation was given to the gentiles wow thank you god you should say i understand now the mystery of the blindness you cared about the gentiles as well you used that to reach out to the rest of the world but look now you have a job it's not over yet the bible says the following thing in romans 11 chapter verse 28 to 32 concerning the gospel there are enemies for your sake but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers for the gifts and the calling of god are irrevocable now listen to this for as you were once disobedient to god when i say you i want you to raise up your hand okay okay watch this for when you were once disobedient to god can i see your hands yes yes keep them hi you were disobedient okay even so these also have now been disobedient that through the mercy shown you hands up they also may obtain mercy see that's the mystery they hardened their hearts god opened his arms the gentiles are believers and now the jews are looking at you and now you show them that there is one way one truth one life and his name is yeshua he is their salvation and they need to believe in him in order to be saved for god has committed them all to disobedience that he might have mercy on all all the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of god not of man mans are foolish god is wise he says how unsearchable are his judgment and his ways past finding out for who has known the mind of the lord or who has become his counselor or who has first given to him and it shall be repaid to him for of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be the glory forever and all of god's people say amen father i thank you for your wonderful plan of salvation that even though blindness in part indeed has happened to israel it is only for a reason and for a season until the fullness of the gentiles has come and shortly father once they accept you and the millennial kingdom will begin earthly kingdom will move back to the land of israel to the city of jerusalem to the people of israel and jesus christ will be the king of kings and lord of lord from that place but until then father remind us all that you have a heart for that nation and that we have a role in their salvation we ask that you will remind all of us to pray for the salvation of the jewish people to understand that you are not done with them to understand that today is the day of salvation if any can be saved now they can actually even escape the great tribulation that eventually will lead for their salvation i thank you that you open your arms for the gentiles two thousand years ago and those who were not your people lo ami are now your people ami we thank you and we bless you and we ask that in the matchless name of the holy one of israel the lamb of god the line of the tribe of judah the king of kings in manuel the prince of peace in the name of yeshua our salvation we pray and all of god's people say amen amen
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 38,099
Rating: 4.9143538 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Biblical sermons, leesburg va, cornerstone chapel leesburg virginia, great sermons by great preachers
Id: GTJ4DpEDees
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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