Avoid These 3 Mistakes for Professional Audio

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one of the biggest challenges I faced when I first started shooting video is how to get clean audio because I didn't know how to get clean audio I don't know what gear to use and I did not know what it was supposed to sound like in this video I'm going to give you some tips on how to start getting clean audio today and what gear I use to do [Music] so what's going on guys my name is Eric videographer and editor for inceptions media and films by inceptions and I feel audio's always been one of those really daunting tasks because not everybody knows a lot about it it's always just like that one like weird thing in the corner that everybody knows it's important but nobody really knows like how to start getting good clean audio for me audio is one of those things that just took me a while to get the hang of but once you kind of get the hang of it it's a lot simpler than you might think it is I learned how to use a camera fairly quickly lighting was kind of next to it I saw those too kind of going hand in hand but audio was one of those things that always just slipped my mind I was like yeah I'll learn about it and I never really did until like the time came for me to actually get down to it and I mean at some point in your film making career you're GNA have to learn whether you want to or not it's always better as a filmmaker whether you actually want to be doing the physical like actual recording and stuff or you want to be more like director stuff like that it's always better if you actually know how to use everything because if people have questions on set they're always going to come back to the director or someone higher up than them to really answer those questions for them so it's always good for you to know everything that's going on on set including audio before you go go out and buying like all kinds of gear and stuff first you have to figure out what you're shooting because once you figure out what you're shooting it's going to be a lot easier to actually be able to figure out what gear you might need so for example you might be shooting sit down interviews which you know recording for that stuff might be a little different than for weddings for example and that might be different than things like films and movies you know it all kind of they all kind of have their own little niche that uh you might not need certain types of equipment for others and others will work across the Spectrum like no matter what so here on the table I have just different pieces of equ that I use for my shoots personally but they each kind of have their own use I don't take them all to one shoe but I do know how to like pick and choose which ones I'm going to need for which so let me just start by kind of going through them and kind of explaining to you guys like what they are and what kind of I use them for let's start with the uh the shock mic these are very common this is the the Road video mic Pro and this one just goes on top of the uh camera onto the hot shoe Mount so I don't know if you can see there um kind of block out my face uh it just attaches here on the bottom on your hot zoom out and then on the side of the camera has like a mic input that you just kind of just plug this one into and this I would say is a great beginner mic to start out with uh no matter what you're shooting really cuz it's going to give you better sounding audio than straight out the camera so right then right off the bat you're already stepping your your game up uh quite a bit than just having that straight out of camera audio cuz we've all been there we've all try to use that straight out of camera audio and it's not good trust me you might think it's good you might think you can just fix it and post you know right but uh don't do that this will automatically start getting you to step up your your audio game quite a bit next up I have the lab mic right here uh let me see if you guys can see that a little bit yeah this is the Tascam v10l um this is a lavalier microphone but the cool thing about these is that um like any other laar microphone you can just get it you can just clip it onto your your subject or whoever you're shooting this one has like a little clip so you can just literally clip it right here to the inside of their shirt or whatever um this just for example so you guys can kind of see it um and these will actually record to itself so you don't need to have like a receiver transmitter on here you just flip it on um you just flip it back up to start recording and that's pretty much it like you can just put this on your subject tuck it away put in their in their pockets or whatever you could actually like sip it under their shirt um I have these uh little stickies that you can actually just take this clip off of it and actually just stick this mic to just like the person's chest and it'll like really help it hide it uh quite a bit but these are good when you want to start stepping up your your audio game for sure because you can literally just put these on your subject and uh your subject can walk around so as opposed to the uh on camera uh shotgun mic that I showed you guys previously here it's not going to be as good because your subject is going to have to be very close for you to be able to hear it and with a lavali your microphone like this one you can literally just stick it on your subject and your subject can walk around freely in the uh in the frames the only downside to this is that you can't monitor monitor the audio so you're really just going to have to uh Flip It Up start recording then it's kind of like cross your fingers you know hopeful it works but other than that it's a really good mic to kind of start stepping up your your audio game so up next I have this uh the small Sony recorder you guys can see it there you go this is very small as you can tell it's like way smaller than my hand um but this is good as a a backup mic I don't want to just uh start advertising this as a primary microphone just in case so like one of my other things start failing if someone's wearing like a jacket you can slip it onto their jacket up here or down here you can very easily hide these away um the cool thing about these though is that when you turn it on you start recording they actually have a button on the side that you can flip up and it'll actually hold and what that means is like once you flip that up um you're going to be able to really push any button on the screen here I'll show you guys you can literally start pushing any button and it's going to say hold is on it's a little safer than this cuz this on the Tas cam y 10l you can't really put like a a hold on it to like make sure it doesn't stop recording but on something like this you can the next mic I have is the boom mic which I'm actually currently using you can kind of see it dip into frame there just kind of like how the name is it's a boom so you can stick it on the end of a boom pole but yeah these are good depending on the type of camera you have you might be able to plug it in directly to the camera or you can uh either plug it into a fuel recorder which I have right here that I'll talk about in in a little bit um it allows you to to monitor your audio get the mic really close to your subject the only downside I guess you could say is that you need someone to hold it or you need a stand to hold it like I have here I have a c stand kind of just armed out um and holding the mic for me um but you'll see blue mics a lot like on film and movie sets that you'll have a boom operator that's literally holding the boom pole up here and kind of just stretching it out over the over the actors and stuff like that but like I said before it depends on what you're shooting so it's like you might need it or you might not here I have the uh the Wireless lab mics you can see those these are basically does everything that this Tascam dr10l does um but this will actually let you monitor your audio so this um like I have the fx3 the top handle and stuff so I can literally put this on connect it to the fx3 and be able to monitor audio through my camera um you can plug them into a field recorder like I have here the reason that I really love these mics and the reason we invested into them is because when we do bigger event coverage type stuff um I love to stick one of these on the speaker um or if I have two speakers I have the other one uh back there in the case um but I'll stick these on and uh it allows me to monitor the audio throughout the whole like event so if by chance the batteries run out cuz these do run on the ablea batteries if by chance they do run out I'll be able to hear it right away and be able to fix it instead of as opposed to this one you kind of just leave it there and hopefully it's recording um but this way I can monitor to see if there's anything going wrong with the audio if it stops recording or if there's too much muffling cuz their shirts stripping on it too much I can go in quickly adjust it um and these don't record to itself so unlike the the Tas cam dr10l these ones will send the signal to your recorder which is either your camera or your your film recorder like this one and then that will record the Audio I haven't had a problem with any of the the wireless capabilities so you'll be able to easily uh kind of get high quality audio with these which is super super cool and the final piece of the audio equipment that I was telling you guys about is these this Tas cam X8 recorder you can kind of see it I kind of talked about this in the uh unboxing video that you guys uh saw before this one records in 32-bit float audio which some of you guys might be fairly new to audio one of the biggest challenges you kind of face sometimes is when your audio is peeking so that means when you have the mic too close and uh your levels just start getting into the red um and area and it just starts to sound really distorted with something like this you will really never see that happen um because the 32-bit float it allows the the the recorder to kind of just float up to that frequency that it's recording or to that decibel level that it's recording and kind of preserve it so you can record it peing all you want but when you take it into the editing room you'll be able to pull that down and you really won't have any peeking after that another reason we went with this one is because it has just different uh input channels you can literally put one two on this side three four on this side you could use these top uh mics you can pull them out stick aux in there so these are really versatile um and they'll really be able to handle anything that you throw at them it's all touchcreen so makes it very easy to use these uh inputs on the side is XLR and quarter so you can so it's a dual input you can stick XLR you can pull it back out stick quarter inch in there or you can just fill all the inputs up it does come with like a little a little bit of a heier price tack so once you actually start needing stuff like that is when I really suggest to start investing into stuff like that but just because it's cheaper doesn't mean it's going to be bad audio a lot of times you have to do your own research to make sure um that piece of equipment is going to be good because I ran into some too cheap of equipment like I'm pretty sure a lot of you guys have it's too cheap that the sound is just not even worth it it's not even worth it throwing your money at it um it's always better to invest in better uh quality stuff even though it's going to be a little bit more expensive as you start building out your your kit and everything it's better to invest into it a little bit so you can have uh gear that actually going to be able to last you one or two or however many years down the road and after you guys try some of this stuff and you guys like it or if you guys don't like it please just come back leave me a comment down below kind of just sharing your experiences or if you have any questions you can also just leave that in the comments as well thank you guys so much for tuning in and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace oh
Channel: Inceptions Media
Views: 89
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio recorder, audio gear for weddings, audio gear for filmmaking, best microphone, audio for beginners, better audio for youtube videos, audio tips premiere pro, audio tips, audio tips for filmmaking, audio tips for youtube, audio tips for video, audio editing tutorial, Improve your audio, improve sound quality of audio in youtube videos, rode, lapel microphone, tascam, audio tutorial, lav mic, best shotgun microphone, how to get better audio, video marketing
Id: Y6Ls1j4CjBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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