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I think this is the first time I've ever done a full revieww with the microphone being handheld this kind of cool rarely do I get as much time with a product as such a great testing experience I had at NAB with this mic the interview Pro by Road and honestly if you're wondering what it is well it's literally just that a microphone that is meant for interviewing people or EG field recording field interviewing and it's meant to do it in the easiest possible way so let's get started on what this thing brings to the table and the experience you can expect when you buy one starting out with the build quality now this thing is decently light but at the same time feels extremely well built you see the body is all anodized aluminum but it doesn't necessarily feel like it it's actually really hard to tell just by touch but when you look under the hood or at least as much as you can well you see this which means this is an impressive build especially when you consider everything the barrel separates just like this to offer up a very simple interface it's just a single USB plug that lets you communicate with Road Central now there are three buttons total on the unit starting at the bottom you have the power button that also works as a pairing button and then up the handle you have the record button as well as a mute button by the way I should tell you that mute button only works on the transmission to the receiver if you're using one of the wireless series from Road it does not work to mute your recording that is local on the device now the grill is nice and firm no give whatsoever and this little tail down here is basically the signal antenna now something to be aware of here is that you cannot cover up or block this antenna while you're recording to the wireless receiver or you will run into drops and other issues so make sure your hand is halfway up the handle when using it this is something I struggle with and I'm not exactly sure why but you can actually see me doing it in my video with Ryan from road now when you buy this you also get a clown nose for the wind though I would have loved a dead cat or as the Australians call it a dead wombat but you also get this mic clip for when you're setting this up at lecturn that's actually quite handy as for what makes this mic stand out from using a laugh system or something similar it's in the specs of course at the top of the list you get the 32-bit float an absolute Lifesaver when you're doing news Gathering of any sort or really just anything out in the field this is again along with the wireless Pro Series the absolute best integration of 32-bit float in the prosumer industry that I've seen next up you have the onboard recording the 32 gigs of recording space can give you up to 40 hours of 32-bit recording easily enough to cover you before you have to start dumping audio now this thing also has the same 2.4 GHz Tech that the wireless Pro Series has and if you use it with the wireless Pro Series you also get the benefit of time code you can also pair it to the roadter Pro 2 or Duo as well and of course this thing also has the gain assist Tech which I find to be a bit redundant when you have 32-bit float but I mean who is going to complain about a feature and of course you have the capsule and this one is Omni now this might confuse some people but I'm going to be touching in on that in a bit it's not a bad thing again give me a few and we'll dive back into that so the first test we're testing the road interview Pro up against the wireless Pro and the wireless Pro is going to be on my chest for this kind of in its normal position so you can kind of hear the difference as I go in between the two of them now I'm going to bring this up kind of more in a position of an interview where it might be so now we have the interview Pro up against the wireless Pro and this is the sound as I go between them they're about equal distant give or take you don't really want to get these too close to your mouth a wireless series because they're they're not intended to be used right up close so this is the sound as I go between them what do you think so we're going to start out our testing with the off-axis rejection which means this is going to be a little bit different because this is an omni capsule so what you're going to notice is as I move to the side you'll notice very little tonal differences and the mark of a good Omni capsule is that where the tonal differences don't show up so you can be capturing sound from many different angles and you won't have as much of a difficulty even from the rear the tonal differences should be minimal now this also kind of leads us into the proximity effect test as well and you'll notice the closer you get to the microphone yes you will get louder but the tone of your voice shouldn't change and that's because the techn te ology to create cardioid capsules actually is what introduces proximity effect to your microphone so as you get closer as you get further away the tone of your voice should not be changing As you move the mic closer and further away and that is the benefit of omni now let's do a plosive rejection test and actually I really like this on this microphone Peter Piper picked a peka pickle peppers now with the road knows it's already got hair on it damn it Peter Piper picked a peka pickle peppers that actually doesn't make much of a difference with this on or off this is a nice wind screen though now for the handling noise of the road interview Pro now I'm told a lot by people that I I OV exaggerate the handling noise and I do that for a reason because sometimes handling noise has to happen when you have to change hands with your microphone and sometimes it's not a clean transfer especially when you're mid interview and sometimes sounds might happen so minimizing that handling noise is actually really important so why Omni uh this has been a bit of a debate on the channel since I dropped the video introducing this at the show now what Ryan said was all true the biggest selling feature of omni is that it doesn't suffer from proximity effect which works in both directions by the way as you get closer you get boier as you back off your voice becomes thinner with Omni it's not an issue but the background noise Aiden well interestingly enough in a loud environment Omni will not sound worse than a cardioid yes this thing captures sound in all directions but it doesn't do it evenly meaning further away sounds are still going to be further away they're not going to be picked up more by an omni capsule just set your gain for the source you're grabbing like I did with Ryan from Road and it's going to sound just fine remember in a really loud environment like a trade show a cardioid is still going to capture all the noise because you still have to point the mic somewhere and there probably isn't going to be a quiet direction to point it in in that scenario now Omni can be a problem in a small untreated room for sure but I don't think I've ever been in a news Gathering situation and found myself in a small untreated room also I must add a lot of EG includes ambient capture now I used to run with the XY capsules on the H5 and that thing picked up all kinds of ambiance during interviews and the CBC who I was working for at the time loved it because that's what a lot of news companies are looking for Ambiance you see the sound of the restaurant makes you feel like you are in the restaurant as long as your mic isn't too far away from your subject it does make for good audio I'm not saying cardioid doesn't have its place or XY for that matter but what I am saying is there are multiple ways to do a job and you don't just paint a picture with a single brush so try these things out and don't be so quick to Discount something get the sound of the lack room or the restaurant or the hustle and bustle of a crowd trust me it adds texture to your capture so the things I would love to see you know Road likes to Tinker and they like to improve upon their Gear with new iterations and they listen to the audience to that in mind I have a couple ideas of things I would love to see in the future now like I mentioned earlier can benefit from multiple forms of capture and something like swappable capsules on this that would be awesome yes the Omni has a lot of positives to it but it isn't the only type of capsule that can come in handy I would love a stereo capsule for really immersive audio a cardioid capsule is also quite handy sometimes just a little more versatility would be awesome and secondly this thing has a rechargeable battery in it and it would be awesome to have swappable batteries now this is for a couple reasons battery running out during an interview just swap it out and keep going and of course the longevity of the product is a concern as well now I'm not really digging into this for not having replaceable batteries at this point and that's mainly because I don't know how long this is going to last but it's not going to last forever and at some point this microphone will become e-w now perhaps by that point there will be the next in the series and I won't care but some people will care some people like to run their gear for decades so Road maybe some proprietary batteries M anyways for now only time's going to tell how long this battery is going to last so then with all of that can I recommend this the interview Pro this one is actually kind of super easy for me the onboard recording the sound quality compared to the wireless Pro the performance of the capsule in actual interviews not to mention the handling noise being virtually non-existent probably the biggest positive from this unit is is that that is the biggest plague of news Gathering equipment in something that not enough companies are doing to combat so if you're planning on doing in-person interviewing this microphone is a fantastic buy and a very very easy recommendation what do you think about the interview Pro though let me know down below cheers guys and thanks for watching [Applause]
Channel: Dark Corner Studios
Views: 6,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Corner Studios, Aiden Wolf, Rode Interview Pro, Rode Interview Mic, Interview mic, interview pro, interview pro vs wireless pro, rode interview pro vs rode wireless pro, wireless mic
Id: CwuMn818WaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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